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Am- iii

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Magazine May

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to" ugust l'~ 26

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H~, L Mencken

ny. 'i'..1''F.ifiI' iif!I'~i1J;"if' . .11 !l!'-U"UD 'V ,,LiI',, ~&l'llb .fiiJ., . ..l'Ii.,.it

" '~ ~ r I h

D0Y..'IZRS_ ;S,t.'t¢C. t ,1~ _a, _iUO~O,OC,:. I~~~_e t - !IJ.-:r.~'

'O~,~K dlm;r; ruD5l£Wi$nlil~Jy!, 11.11" . '. . . b~U ~Dd, ~VIJJ, from CL1~lham

~~ to Pell 8[r:ce:t', :t'iJtlJJd,w,ith F'dl ilI:t1IdJ M:o[,t ;SU'it~Ui f~r,lliI~ N(iw'Y'Qrk."5 OllitIJJ;lIJ!:lQll,i-v,ll., 11], it d:u:kened, 'b~tef:!l]lii~t: ~t ~'@., 3~ in 'ditc: hous~ tbil.t ,i;5; kp~'l'cd ¢Q be >the Qft~ '~~;i},'~'/~'t~oo,y

'H- - :If!i.-;-,: r~' 'b. ••• "11.. .'R; 'i" iti''':t''.i ",'I.J/:""'!':1 i'V(l'~J' '~-""<:"

, " iJkI'!U) C.. J1'!JI1l"~ iU~, ... 0\.;1;;.<" ... IJL~"" Yo UI!.H,

--- -:' ,'- ,-- '. '-!I:I! -'n'~ '~' '(hilnam . __ Mr.

:maJl(Y ,yc~rs ,i1~:O ::1_ - ,;Lc_e~,_, . ---- -- .til:JI "'"1_

:miillB' All Qu,o-ng, a;n, h;!jry' :m~mb::t o.f d~~ Four Eir.i;;i'tht:f,S, 'mng'", Al[h~iI,l:8h l'lc \',i,[)= b,'~~d Itb' Jaw,s: of 'ttnc' 'W nite devils b:r ,~ti a~~ilonid diclmr ill, op!iwn, ,Ah lQL1al1g ",r,1J,'S 31, ~c~~olt~' ~ ~, nU13:u~f;J,'n;, by ,~lay]lle quot'C'dJ, ~l')1'I!o:rol!]:dr from t!:h~ ,AIliIl~~~~5i of ICQillrulChlfi:!~ :aJ~,di lill OO!]$,aJdO:lJi of :ai, (1I;i""" 'C£:n:ts n')l tr(l~' Jj~e~ii$b; _ a:i~, :r.i~' bowl, :pb,.Y~~5jfi }Hi:s_ 'O(ll~ .. , $a'i~,g,ed fidd.J~ t~ soog m · 'i,be n1b1b~mg' Dro~k ;1J,;t: S'i..uui'S~,~ ;~d 'die S~n'~ of' ~b~ :Lo~u:s, floMI'.,'· To 'Ck.ciden'¢ai ~~U''Si the b~b:lh]io.g 01 'til.e br.'OO'k w~ ;d]sOOfd~t1 'but; eo '~'he~

- -"'"', hr' .JJ. i.. Q' ......... ,,; 'i:: """'''I'' """ U.,., .... m""'lI' - 'm ...... C.[llL~ u, ,iInLI.Jl .... UoI,~l..!Iifj! til _ 'J'!'l ~!II' 1!~4 _~~, _, 1!.I't_ C ~IH~.

J:,"JI~ ....... 1 '-, ehe ;tu!lJLes. ,0{ ~!1)h:lj!!l1il11, SrfllllSs," lJ!JlI~ 1O.!,Jii:iUJI, 1~1,I)C: - -- - -- ,J! - ----- -' - -- -- .-

ntU ~y ,D],gb.~ tJhe~ iddl.e' W~ sHr:ot: anll

, .. 'L, - : --" ~ J1: ~ If"" - 4'";if ,e. ·· .... n'~u .... if\1l!"', remained ,,-,;.

w,u;!: W,h;UD"UI, Uc~ ,_IU!' __ ~ ._'lre O!' ~,"" , __ ",;Y, '!;I,'[I!

,5:pckm~ tor JiJt Q!JQ[i! ~e~flc.hed ror. tte:J1S'" ~, dJja~ :tat:. m.ig'li~ ttiiUfR n~ CittnOO a.rldl ,i.iI.omm,p1is;b iii. fitti[i,g' de,ub. :iti'id ib~d amid, d1~' ~n~ oJ ruGl :I[JJwti[U'~. N'igbt: mttr JI~gh.~ h~' d~' ,m. tilLt: e;t~~he.fii, floof' of hi;s, dli, .;1[\)([ w'!:IiIl {[ 'wd] to 'W0it~] '~!tP:p]f1.G: ~'h~ b~'fd:s. 'With ill h,~C':!. S~air<dl]~g: f'O[ '~he $'3 ~ ~-lJOl,)' in. gQld wEI ~b gJ, frepls~ '~!Si ,Icg,end 0'£ DGy'ers :s:tr,e~~' h~s j~ W,fUI: 'bmcd by' O~ lof '[lie ear],. [)o.r~, jilJ t:~,e: w,olib ,oj'1)Js hO!Jise;, T!I,¢, 'V,~.s:tnesS! m t:he· S'~nl

b ,I,~ 11- '1- Llii 'I!.Q J"d) ...1' b

. i!J:i!C$, 'fll'c tate, lI'ut rut ...• il.loo.g'I_~_ ~:U:U:,.yiOU : I~:

its 'fi'l.tEb; he 'h3(j .i t f[',o'm :a gdnRwg wi:dt:c: devil, in, ~C.b.l"iIIlg.e ['or eneeeel ~ @pitil[t'jj;, i'ut d.esph:e bis in,diustry he died 'bd'Orc: ,hx:.


Thtj;t o~oj;Oit'iJ 1:s 'probably ,romei[, 'DO'ycli~ s;tr.ccit,~, 'fogc:m.c_tt' w,ith mos:t or '~he. Cll!ii!.t]a,am

~- d"· _.. - - . r- - h ~d

. I' " " - .' ',.', I . 1_. "r" ," ",

, IIl,DC ,. J,5. UIC I" W2S Ci~, 3, pilX't, '0 " 11:' ,e 0 -

R[IIi"~ctS, ;[-:a1'm,~ :i-~ ibi:~mc k rn. OW iii: as: ,UE,!::W&ry FbIts:. 1he: 5:tfi~~'~ Wits. prob-lIhly DOj'(r's, [alll~ Qr. Do,'yG(I""~ woad, i~ m~' '~gbl,;l1d~:8". ~nd then W,~8, ]is,¢e!d! as D~y~"S! :s'~t.

:Fo'" 1~ ] . _-t' •

,],'!l.n;:!! 'l."r ,;a. ~~..:~~ 'p,amttl:" IIiN _ ~tooe:f!, !Si~gni~

:~mined '~be ,~,~:u~oph!C ,and! ,i E :beame Daycr:s, sereee, as ;I,'t; ;15 tMtL'y.

lit ,IS; ;ii, C[;l!JZY ,5Wt:c::~' all1ld, ehere htl~ ne\'tt' 'been ilJ:tly ,CjjC,ltS!e. £-01" :it'~ ';i~ t1:to'L-1.,g,lil :i,~' may

ha ..... L; :--., if'Iil!' or"""""I'" ',""'"" "',"'.. -I"'''''' ... nl!' '" "" ... 1-1!"'Li'" , .:a rJl ~ ~_li_£ v.jl. "~\lJJ.I~'" !'t!I...n.". ".-:::1] I~ ,lU.:-.LIII~ !I.I.Ii. li:ILJJ..l. Ilia. 3 ~:.I

jill, d~c C1i;d'l1' dal.';:S, Q~" ,the "i~'It,. l't: is t~ that

~ ,~r ,l-

it; :U~ ::1:, 00 11 tlJiec 1]1iI;g' l'uiIJ.'k. beltW:~ Cb,;;itll,ltitn.

Sq~!U',~ ,a,nd PeU s,~~e~1' ~IU:~ 11.eU ~tree~ ~~df' is emly t'!I.YO, ~~oc_ks! JOelB' ~ad, ]:iU~$, ~~~Q Itbe Bowery' ,~ f'~~1I" 'r~jrd~ ,~iorm 'of d~~ Sql1,;\f,e:. l)0}!"(~, Str't:ct IS :1]0 ,:g,ood, fur ,tt~flicj it, ,o!iCf'S

'11 - - (]. - • .-

, - "."". :! I" ,- . i I. .. .." ,-, ,- , I :- .. 11 .. _ .• -:. -- ~ 'I I ."':al

]]0 s; on: Ollie :an. ,I ~ ~$ ~iJ,!J nmow, ,I ~ re

--d'Q~h;; (rji'!J -- .0£ th -- - f;[j - ,-- 'b.:. ". -, ~ -, -.vh - 'I::

is ,'!: .. _ c ,", .. _- QSC, .em, . yvr,ap m '!I_ ii

the ,A"B.F., used ItO call rhe • ''(ore,ign sec-

. i. {'in" -11 .,', ,~,,~. ~

'UOOS 0. rtiCf.i!c': Cati!cs. JLiI: 15: .uJ:tt~.'c' mo're

tb;/]i1Jli 'mro 1uilTImd {ee~' 10!lLB:':~ and, it Cgr,fC',S. and f!.\V]S;~S So ,llilJidl dUlt to git~ [~L1'Qm. o-llilc Cfl.od. of h~ 'm tbe ot'h~' Qtb~' 'QlJuJd dmoolt fuUow 'ilie Jifi~t;;tlolUi, for :~acbin.,g: ¢he .hou;s~ of :K:a-ssim B;abl,~,I!"', ~O; [h,~: ,!:',igih~' a"d t:h~n. to tne ,i!tfi:' ,<1IiIJ.·a, ,1Ig~Jru. '[Q ,w.e :r,j,ght and :illgiil!:n. to dl~ ]d':t",;" llihut .in~~'e~,d of ~b~ 'bh:li;i 'cr.o~ Gn th~ ~tOI]~ iPiUM' of: K as:dmt,~ .hO:I;I~ ~b~ :18 a:~ dJie l~']] $~r,eet, ,~d, of D<1.ytJ.\s, $Ui'C'~t tbe

side ''!ifVs:~m ~-( ~,1.'-.~ U"II"I"!l?",,..,:-: ... o· ... ,-fi}" ~1~1L!;f\~', iI"i~"" .. ,... y,e _ .. __ ~l!. W WIt: .!I~~~',l~ ;.1~Hg.I.' .~\tF I "'" ._.Joe ~ !f:"~-

- . -. _;i w!', It '-. ~I.jI . ,b' i'- ,~ .;:' ---: "'-_!" h ,f"''Il.,! .. 1iete~, . _ ,I ~IJI, ,reY, ,allYl. 'Y!. ,uU-c: ,pas lets J\'l ~~,I! II •• ·,!,I,I

tli!SC: (harKto.i:':$ .in on~11re :a.n,d, bl~c.t .. Thi.:s: \VitI] ;~$ dle COU'lIU!IUl.i,ty bi,! lbo:a:rd of Ch1n3- t.()WiJ:~ .i~ (lii::w:s:PiPef. ,~'I:: 'W~s tb:ctie~ d!~l1Ig ,the: oM DCUlg 'i:on£l!icts:~ tb;:)j:~ 'th~ d(~:cti:r.'li,dons, of ·war w~m' po5~d dl.t],¢, ~'d1 itUi~iI. b,~lI.E: n;..;lfli. el(~pi, th smllM, whit(: d'Iil"!.fHs.

:R;~.hlt ~J1i,i1J. ,d¢s!lb,ci!lD, ~W] I'1dfg,aon. haV(l:

CQ~ 'upoo nory,ell:'S ~trt-el; :fl'0'W'! bll:t ~'n, bY"·' ,- ., - ,d I -, ,~- ',.~' I' : 'f-'-, "'-0" ~'-['C wt~,t.-",-.l

,gone __ ,aJ,ys lilt l'!!,lJJ$ ,a, ,a;s(,~itl:l!j~Li'-Y 1;..l!"r;:Q.

~l]dJ ~;tn.gcmIl.1S phtoe~ ,i:~; wa~ i :S,U'ett of dJ:\'r/!s, ~ ~idQcms am~iJ, ~~iiliD::: b.:t~]fj; lit ~jjj$ b~,nq"· ,000m1bc:d], w'j ~h lu]d~rgr-(:lljlJ:1.dJ :P.'tS5:rtgCl,iV"i1I}ttj, l;;:lldi'ng iQ t~lfll: rAa~~.5, of the; all L::o:ngs, in, Mott: ;S;i:roeii; and dl)€ ,m,p S']llgs ,in [),~,]J" It \~ flu;!' ~ta:rn.'pilig' ground or ,(1]001 Co,m;;; fIIO:r-5~ th,~' Kin.g of. t:HH~ ,LobhygulW5 ~Uil,dJ the

's.e]j'~s:t.rl~d, 'M~J?o!t' of CbJin~.'oo-wj],~ in(1] of 'M~ k D· k n a· m '1l.l- jl '.- ,-.-,- .jl --'~ , oc_ -' uc. ~~ ,jl_, ii:ii_._"Y'" : _J)(L Ji,acc,y, ~U:J1y.r~.Ii

~!':h.o 'rro~b~,r ~,titfed i!JJ~ mrn;-e it,ootUlbk: ill Clti,nalCO'?iTI '1n,[ljfii ;1~y cnUla ,m .till, l:~':h)iJ ~"Ct'

-I' jl'~ d ' ';';1

,]'Vi~u. ,:tal1l, lM 3itli·, pt .gow' glillneS :U.l:1itll w.i!J~.e

Q~1'l: .£r-,Qifii, Cham,:ufJ, Sqlla~ W P~,]~ ~:trei:t:'~ :!Ilnd on q,Uliliii:: :11I_ig~ts! !i:'tDI~ fll[E:n~, ,of f)~:um~, sm.(lik!ed ImL the 1o~ments ~d. irli ithe dlli1gv Jj ~lt~'e :r-oo~s ~~i:~ ehe d:i vt'S. aOlil:~ed ,d;o,wo

'I!-. -t ,", I_~,.JI ' ~:h..:L d

'~I!l hilt 'Sili:iI:',ee:t ,;t~~~ ml,~,g,~iN, 'wi;~i: tJl~e 0 ·'10[;5:

,'7il' ~I~~ I beer ,1'!I1fjI Jil ~,,-m."V~~iL.:-..J "'=I!- :,",~,",., "iFL .........

w ~ ar:W ~_ &..Ii1.1;Jl '!m1i.~11 _ [t1~lLlj1QUJ ~l;1Jl~t'(iJI'I ,lL,I:I~=L ~

\","';1:5, t:I,O, !OXII!!iU,,'lI] ,S,pnmdDir' ,ilI;[I(.l: v-o]u:pn]ouS!. tD!~SS jill DD}'iJ1:1" 5; .slr~ct~ b1llt ~hC1lC' 'W.a8 'pJ.entr of wjck,~dD~S!ii. N'Q!w It ls llus~ ,~, dirty Plitt

""If ~"""iTln ~~' '~~.~ Uti

Sootl:Y L,Vl;lU!!i'S pl~c:e w!t~ ,at l'4 Do~e:~ strttf i,n, dw~~ ,da.y.s, ~fJd Ca[b,'h.~I1·',S; :SiIliOOn. ~[ld, dji,~.ce .h!~dl ,,,,,,~, t1il'llfi!,h~,g' :(Y]l 'tilt, at '~~c

.....-- .. - - -~-t""'~'!i!'- .... :.,:", .. ;o·,~, ..... jIFL -~,'b""""~--- -

corner w uy i'C~'''''~W''''C~,,,,,,~~Yi 'li,..,1~a!.lL~,o:u.~"" ;.;;qu::uc.

,;\'t :No,. ;6 was dtt, Cliu~dtam rCi]~ .. whel'C! ~,1Jd: Co~~fj!t5; moad;',~i5 h-cad~q,!I'iil.f~m W:~illt '[UIti:: b.e, wu IIl.OC ,gtL!Ld.llil,g, parnC$, of:' ifjOUIl.'l,s,~ :i1i 0 Olil it' the qlLiliinc-t;~, ~IiIJ - whiCr~' :h!i.'!' ph])~d ;a,way 'tiD dl,e: iO'r a 'bi[lobn. ~art ,UI[(if h,1!:' .had ~c;~n :fo:rmd, :Ir!o aib,Ucatc: 'b,:r ,a yO'Qn.g' '~raU~~ ~OO!l:b];ad:: wJ1Q';G~Uml:y !CJ]leJ,b1m~'.~f Y ~Ull~ ,Chuck Connors." mrv,in,g l~fHn u~d to ~i~g 3!ndc waitt a~, i4l,'b]~ 10000~~iQ!]~Uy at: t'he Ch~:br $ld at $oo;u:Y' L;tv'eI.I,e",s,! ClomjfJJg 'by ,~,pec'i:.1!] :p:imissio~. 'Oil" Nigger ,b:Utc Saruti!:t' j[ll P,!:]] $~re~lt,. ~ot" 'Wh~m he w~rked, ~.s ,iI, :s<i~S~:~g lV.1]-te~ i:o, me' ,tlo'!!.ys, ~eft)re ,he ,dI5(iQi¥~,

- -~ _. '~' - • - 'r ~r-~ -:11'11-" ,. - ~. - ~ d' 'b:r01,~ume. ,iIi,t, U' ~~"C]JjC ~' 'h]'!U ,1:5, :-~~I,' iC~ nave

WitfiC$$Cd. tlle ,bi:rt~, of '~lJe' l:ll:m:d i,al:" pbn~e ..

• "Ul rt.. h ~IL...!II • "j;"" 1 -\'Ir !r1jlJl '\V':!Jtliit~ it, -.e irLi.tllu5io:mc W3l'tc: f'i:; - - ,n

CUiE'io s,mre nOw' oOCCll:p-jeg the fffliJlt; m;,OOm oJ dJJC oM, Oh.:u±mm C]llI,b! bu,t '~!h,e iliixtC.fJot (It '~~e Lnai]dill,g' mmai.:rI!s '~h~ SaJi]]}il'l'i .l't is, :ai, ctui= QIJ1S,~ .miil1l'f'~g,a,'b~cd ~;[ruCi:lI1rn' trll,';:kodi ,O'u:~ in Oh:in~e ilr-ihlooc'~ur~d JooJad:s ,and 'u:n~ ]jev)lljb.~,:y d~:!1Igr :!Il11d dir~y",


MI~ch of m.g' :~hi'¢Q:ry' 101 [)ayers :S'~f.e~t aod, of C.lruill:u~'~n~ io:r- :Do]{C]'s, :s:~ooeit b.1S, a~w,a:ys ~i'i the m:rve «~ibe~ 01 che dis,t1'k~, hiil'S beel1 iC~~!lctt:d ,aroy:gd! ~he (lid Chitilc:se Tbeur-,c: ,and dl~, n]oody Angle, 'I'nt:' latter. a :s~b,~;rp be~d, jill -cliO;: :sn,c,:~ oppo-s:he :the oid

A;Ka.~ei wll1eb Qn~ ]~, 'to ~fot:~ lS~~t u~d,

el ~!'\i., ... 'L ]"

W,!i,S, Qs.e~, '~.f ~jHi s= :lJce many } iL,S-O'

because £ti:: of;;;l',ed [:00' ei!l$,),,::lII! ii."i!iCape :for dJ~' ,1iiJ:urilCI!: ~oo_ of d!~ On. L:~:ulg~:"Th~ poJi'c~' 'be:L~t1!ei :imd can, prove' it so ,(~r' ~ ~udiJ. piioof i~ possible, tb,ili:~ more meil .b~,,~ been 'm'Uircdar;:dl a:t 'thc~ '[5,loody Atllf,ie' du"~ i~l ~flY o ilia" pliiOLi: of I:ikc a~ ,i:o, dlt ~vodd,; ['iI:

WJ:;s.~ ,~;li1d ls, an id:cat ,p]acc ['Or ,;iD :ilm'bliSh; th~, tum ~s .. <cry ;:lI1Jirn:pt' ;mnd, noitt c~e~, a $]i.t~:~,-,

,,",VAl ,if"'t,"I""'"''''',,,,n, , .... "' ... """" "', ...... u"'d ~I .,...-.i' ... ....",., ~,;.' ~l.!l. ~1il~1I1.LIlI-'Jt._II~_IIIi;ll ~ r-.;IJiIp.'b 11iiI!.Ii,VI _!L:!., . liIi' ~1i,LIi!!!.""!II

.A'r.'mm W]'~'l:1! :5nkklCl"SllIC!; !I;nil h~ud]!i:t ,sJ!:U1.tlP"' ened to ~ ,ir,i1'2iOC"~, edg,ill',j the tong kind" l:1l.Y - . f' ~". . - - '" , d 'In.' h . -- -

; I'. '.' -: '.""",_' "I "'iL' .' '-, I -r· "

,lII! \NaIl:, or. us "Ii fGli:l.mj, ,it'll "~" i\ v:nm,g C!lIIt, im

daw~, ,illS t~, c.~Jrn¢ !lI'CIil1Did, the' bend, ¢sc~~ thr,ou8~. t~.e' A~Je~ ,or 'pl,un,g:ed intQ d~c d]!e~tre alnd~ ¢h~Jl{J~ iu¢o :~r.o;t:1' 'Or' ':P'~1I. ;5~r.;::c;ffi

"11,.' .. ,,,n!lll''h. ....... ' .. ,,-.~' !ij:h'''' ~",~"li ... i"'!iIi'l"iit! .. ,.!II f'j'" ~"''''~'~

~Ul~IIJ·Ui~j1I. ~.LJ.!~ .UJj. Ilia .~ '1..;JJIill~iI;~,... """":LII,u~1Jl r"'i:!


-";11 •

t~~~ t~~!l'~rc is !l'OW a ~dS1s.i~Jn, of ~'h~ N'~'I.!f Y(')!f.,k ,irtes~e.s~i.ety" '!,\\dr]], ,in.y,nlns: ,~j]d 8<lIiJlJid, .. 'Wich~, EO,f' tile ~ms; £r.llS:~'I;lil),d of d-.e w~ltd·, cbIM of dlC: oon!;i~di3Jtl Kh. Hoor~ ilrld dliG: ,dranl:i!!,tlc ,goings;..orn. of lhe ~min.ent tta~ecdJrM'll ffum :Lifi~i' wbQ m.illdi~ s-~dii '~U,~im.'

,t: t"" 'b i"'~1. " ,

ages; ~rom 1~~_nmfJ! 00 IJ~Ye t:!~ ~1J!.Ht~ tn

'~'II' y ",. _,j it" lIE:' " ... 1.. 'I!- ;0;; J!'

~'!!le\v " 1()f!l!!;,;aJf;l!~ :;;~n ,ilf-f,~nCl!~C'Q j:ne: lii!e!mie~t~ oi

b~5 itt" lit l¥iS, Oip~f.ii;d, t!:l IS9'~ il~, bec~:t:I;~,

.. 1!.-, fiN1Iiflj,jIor.~* I~ ;.'J:...", 'It!:~iN"l'M' 1[!:",,~,I' ... 'm '-nilu.ILJ;I);:: J~"~jf--~ ~l WL ~;!,! .... ~'!;i!;""""""",, ~~I'" ~.1' ~_ ,~;t_,

~l.~ :~ 9rn;CJ~, ,~i¢er R~r,moiid Hhchoocki '~b!e

".: "" '-;rr;.'i J,;,';- 'H'i\l!!lIlrF';'JJ;,Iffi"o1ii,if' '\,V'b,~ .... 'b~ .... rti!I_

'i!I!lid, r I' iiiullJl ,!DC , _, .,.....-.' .... .1 .. n "U~ iJ!,Jh;nu

"-:-1- '":. ~ ~ ,'; '~ ird i3!I' , ~ ~ ,-:-$ t'l.. -' i\b.~ 'i1"~ , ,n],~ lji'([U:C: J$ .Il!Ii!!!L _ , ,a~~, I;,M _~C ili.Lg IlL _:~e

~'I'r'1io ~.,., '~-d ,It !~~ .. "'!: ~'ii1 .. '- :1i1.J (1',' - d' ,It""r:m 1""'0;; iIii~rI'iL~~, ,~!!,l;!i .. iii!';,il;R!!o oil _ Ie!! , 'Cf a_YI- , Ie ,,"'U '" _ .... '!"!'

'mcrulri,$ 10 :su'b jec~ Ch~f;j,a~O'W~, I~-O it:ru:: d-vJ]:i;tiit'i!Ii:l" :' n£lue - a;' ,of mOll !iJll:tr ii"I:iCi!li'~~L lit was,

. -- ,~iL __ - D_ - - . ,1! .fij' ir- -~, -, - -, ,

'1'1'6 - ~,-'""~: r~ =,.,-- - ,~II.,,,. .. ...,.,: - "liO-lt-'C S,.,;" ,!Ff, -,'- ~ ",uc ,I![t.,.~ YliLIU~1: ~1!JI.."..,!IoiJo e e~ _ w; """"~ ,,:all]

ds:co1 iiifldl dl,c ]~~~ ,exce,pt ('Of o«~s;io~<'1] pedornHll~C'CS :by ~'V1eJH!lg tr.ouPf'.5'

""I ' ,-, "',- .. -:-- _,t ~Jb, - .. i\·i ~'''''' - - ], ~ " - : Ii.lll ji "

it"",~y ln, illlJC UJi, YU~ (Ly, ,IL",.iI"iVery' JLO'I;I!s;e s; ~t:f;'

r£hic: p;ln':Ollil!J,~ m 'tllic' ,oom.pttmes o,~~,'~~~g' ~he 6;ighit'~stti[ljg bu~s,.

Thoe, R.~ilJe .sodety' ~lt.tde '~O ',h!:am:agt:s :im dl~' o~, 'the,.1;~ 1C"l'!ce:prt to ~i V'¢ h ;:l 1Di@dl~, :remove: the: opi!U!lm 'bttD.k~, foo~ '~he 'bii5emCDJt

'" .. )il v.;i'-'~:I. i~'ii'li ~Ib, ... ,"""'''",,,,n;~ """" 1"1;., ... ~";Iifi m.~;I'"

:i;Y ofik7~.I;'r.i~'~;sci·~; ;:t;~~ ;[iih~t;";~;

tumn'~,/l:ww~ uk; tht1f th~ ,ceU.ilT of: ~he 1Jg'i]d,~ rag' 'h~d. bctn 'u~d fur' Y:C;al1;:S as ;1- '~~,i,ng ,~rouJ]d, fur. tong' Wolf' '1,f]ctim:s,~ ;atlid, 'd~c hoo~~ fmID, whi'l;;b, tliL'i:i bunks 5.WUIl,g'

2r-(!' :5;~H1 ~mm:dded in, the <cell:u; w,:dls,,,

i'" •• ,.." ''b, ,..1

..:lQ,m.cli::1!mes ;DilLe c. a :il :I;ma g:illiliC' 'ttLl~:t 'liLiAli' o iJI,O it"

of Qpi,um" :i1i!l1d, ihe miln.Y' 'qJUe'!L'if smells '[[.,i!i:[: ~ro1t~ 111:1' JO ~Udl ~,p]~cc~ ,ar.::' $riU [be-fC" The' ,rmintin!$ on me 'W~~iS, of thr:l: 'tilim,il;lirJe',~ £Ni'5!~' coes d.e,p1cd~g' scenes of d:~~go[J] hiiX[ldng

~:' ~' "ii.,,- ,~. m', ii..i I € v' "U"'- ::i! "i''Ii,.", ,,- lse, __ OlQ; EuC: CIJ,lL __ pu all; _ ~i!:'! _i;." ,_ore, ~~re .:1_:5_.,

Ji' • d ..

,a:n'4 ,aR [pO'Ji:1J':¢.. Oy:t 'to; ,Sil:P!~g 'mU;tJiSits as:

'OOe. ,cxarni,p.]cs ,of' Chinese, 3J.ft. l ,[tQJCC hc,~it'd a, g:lJbby' ~I,de (tcS!!:tibe tb~~l1 as ,Ming' 'Dy~, :1i1,i1JSty '',V~)fk had bcioo, :t.-.t:movcd! {rom an al1l!;:tcm'l' (-.h.lnest:: 1t(:lInplc: ::lind btOll.,g~'~: '!liO

t, - ~ l' ; - d ii:' . ~ - ii... 11 ]'1 . - " , "" - f . it-. -

(uc:' lulllI:rc . ,.,.U,m ,['ar me 1ilL~ cc t',ll,lm: H11J, C! me

- ' :.' '-I;'" "::0,,:1 'c: 1', ,': , ,C ,-' ;': 'I -..'1;-, '!ii.1I' , , Y", "~'ok,

!IC~,ar!ls[l aIL lEU, ,a!llLIQ,( m, 1tJiLi,"l, nlbW .nr

~oton;y". ,M, ~ maUIGr' @,f fJ(;i;~ [[;10,4;: :p:i'CWt-.ts 'were ~Iat¢d, by Lh..!n. y'~[JJ~ whQ r[ i<ed f\)aC door and w'as]f,grap'h~ri brJlWs,-lii :~in~r"

: ,-;' ,t ' _.;I: , I .'-" 'H' '- ", ,~.:Ii .;t,,' ,1: .. , "ii.. ,-,

,.u.I;S·. ~!W ,1;aJI1I·HQ:r. ,_,-,~ ,~ce!,V~ "f'j;) ,i!CJil me

j:oh~ ~d. .hl one ~ruern be depi(;:r~d' ,ii p~jn~' of the 'Mood weiu"]~i' a ,robe of ~'h.'c: b,.1':Uog dlynas;~y~, ,~ b.e:tdd~~ lof '~he ,8(1118' periGd,~ ~d l\;fi~(h~ ,foo~~~'"

1b,'eorig1md,pi:'OrnO[~fS af:tllt: tbea.t'rieWfI¥'

L, ~ • I. ,'\!.." "

Q~irg, ,pille '001 11:' eo ma",;.e' iJ.!Cj;r. ,e;n,terpnse :~,y'.

1'1.,.,...-V' :""ib"~I!F'iil1-':"'~!, 'L_,,.. f'!',,"';;;"I','iL"~.r:;v'" ,~:r~ admf:l!"

~JlTJ ~IUIf:!iI!!~:cg L'-Ytir. [!r.·I!,'p! .. !!~ ~J1 UJ IiIr ~~ •. ••

so!on, -[I,d "~u:lired -I'liTIl'ked heese ~It ,~lm,oiSt'

I " a _. ,1''-'1, ' ~ !'_~ "I _, __ _ _ __ , 'pt.afgrnt~c:e to :mo:it tbeir f'aynlrh.. 1'hC'~~ -000, ~,y ~ '~ou'b~edJ ~y' ~be; f~.ct that 3£i~i!:' the tOi'i,g wars set: i!] dl>i!. ~ ~R85~ di,t H~iP Sw,gs a~l~l dl'c Fou'll" :B.ruttb".

u, J1' = .~' 'b, lb,

,ct,S ueildiimc: '!:1iJJ m: 't,IJie '~lLie.a:~e: ~~ ;J

. ~ :a" -' ' , .. ;';.t' . iL..-,' '- ,~ ... ,~. ·'-If"d 1::i II itl s;

~L,.oC 00 S L,ge luC'.IT ,~J,g,~~it1 t;!!J:, ~L 8 .

Ft't:qilJeII:dr t;he ,gf.e~:t: Hom ,Li~,! h~h to abamdC!@ ]),i:s, riDti:iJJ.g1 ,anodJ :Ooe 1;~,c~tlse ,an ;~rr,ef.' Hi-: Si!fJ!iil' ,h' ,d d'''if'ilV!d, ttl -: Sh!:iI!f.ifi b~.ildllili

I:;i],itio .~ - p . -'-oEO . ii ,.l[~rr . if:. -~-, JL~ ---

m his h;a;tc'hct, ,~ros-s; the: th£,rna,'l: o£ J!)Q On ,Leong ,&5, '~ht~l'~ w~rtl1y ;Si~ enjoying :D'b~

.. b, ';~, ,..,.- -iij - "-]1, ,- ,..;Ij-. -,' J.',-, Diill'

&u;OW., ,r,fCq ,lI:!H ,Y" tOO" we ,pe_,_~ __ 00

d" ,_,~I ''-. 'I 'IL L

w,~, :p;::f,i1lL1iDl~ .y j:nt>crmpl,r;;.y, ,ut,f' :t ~e ,u;l!!r,1Pi.,

,0£ 'r.,cya~yc[S., bCiCiJ;~5'C' cvcn;maU.1 d~e 'eb'!·,

• i: .. '~,_ L· "

,n~ wrot In ~gt ~''W,ull1i!ii: :m .• ui $, WC~:~[J:!l.~

e\'e,U], j~' rrJn,c),' dId, ~Ol; ,gQ' ,~f.iJ 'I",;r:-ry [i!Jjl;C,~ tor' hJ:s, law. Bilt' !t'ltcy wem' :D9\r,f good 5~Ots,~ d]eir piiOCCQ'Il!re' W~'ll5 't:'Q' POI]IIl~ th~ilr' gU[]j5 ~[JJ th~ g¢n,~ dj~e~ioo, ,oi' th,~ ]i!:!lt~"J~, yl(:ti.mL!, dm~' th~i-r. ~ye8, ,a'~, pIllU 'me: O'l,gger unrt~] there W"",fi:: 1l!~ ~ ... - - -'!o',~,~I"'~'='"loF!l" •• "T"i';':is, mEthod

_ , " __ ,,,,,~, .... ~.."..r.;:e ... F1, ..... ~JIWI~~, ... , ,"';!J! '____"

W.illS _ b1'O'l!Jk~ to we~;t pedecdof,!j by !);r~Jl::

Duck" w'hlO 'llI!!S;(:d t\j,rO giU'[i$.. onc:' :I~, enoo, band.-;roJ 'W']., .... , ':-:-~ -,~, ,l- if' .:'1'''''''''''.'' :;.".,.. 'ill irll V'-,

_" _! ii..n _ ,~"'.... wa~ y,au,!!:;1,,4 v,""", !.IV "",' i}

I~' !.:rf.J" d.own,Dd :s:h~C'W'.itrs, V-i"hbJ!i!i t'a!n,g~.

~ 1.. H-:I - .- -. h - - - c - - li 'b' Ir1'. ". " ~.'

,dU, " oen, '"",r, . '01 :18 5:JUu y '6J;I,lllCS-e CfU',liCS,

oJ ,the ,dr,lma, ~o ]Uq;v:e bee~ iiiJ, ~lI.'y' ,gf¢i]I,t ,omflloobn.1 'W,alI, k.m~-d because :biC bC!,i;lIJm,c cll,c' 'wm Ro J;re1'~ ,oJ [l'OJ~~' S:1i'Cle~', In 'IiIJ;s; '[p¢f~ formOliIiL<:di :ii.!~ dte: 'me;l~[IXi' ~li' hiltd :1;, 'WI,il,Y' oJ ,~[ltt.rpo,:laitiIil,g oo~nm.e~'~ om rtb,r;: ~c~U:vi:riC"S of tile ~!J:ilirt~]i and, !5ilnGe he W::l;S: 9, m~m~bt!lr of .,'\..,-,~ L- " ,,", -,,-;a jr!i'm" l,,- ~~U!Il ~.uC YU mml,G (;'Ong ,i1J]!I;J, :Ii .. , _~~e_ y ~ .-- .. _;10, i.i'b~, and quips: were '!!!J~liu]Jy' at the:

,~-Ii.. 'Ie:' . D' _. 'I!... ·..11 h!" U·

'C1;;pe~S~ 'Or. '1:1Ui!;: C'l0'1lf' ,.FOt~~ers, ;:i.U1;I! iLl':. nlp

,S~ng$. 1'k'I;S(: thi, '~k[td~ ,and, ehe R:ev," HJIl~i: ,KIm, • .he;i!jd, of t~' :M'Otf:Li[lg' S'.:if ,MisiSicm ,w DOy'efS! Sit«et ,iUlJd fa,.clilIl1w:lmoo, A'iu flooR' du~: be W-iU gOti[1g I'Q!) lat ~ uu;ll,

• .!Ii .t.., d " 'L d '1':I.A 'j.

S~,I.'iJi t';u'c' co'me:.· 1m, W~, ,;a. Ill'ii', En;ilD" ,J)'u:t ,ail

Uoon: ~~]$fJ:!d! and, ~V~~l Ith.~ FOL!l.!r .Hrocl1J.= "., ,', ,-.,!II ,,,iL-,' ':t.'i,~ -: C'~ri"i,fje,:l""'l·"r.;o;d l-Y3Jt" ,3j,!l!''2IHSt ~s anliJi lOiLi: n rp .,}]''''-Ei'''' YI,,",,"~_'Iir _ ... _ _ .~__ _ __

ih~' On Lcioil:,g~ folE" mh~r Ci2fuses,! be :puc _tllO Hmi,t on, jClStiS ,abolilt tbte 'e-rJ;efPj~, of l~~;~ OOIJ8'" So, t'hti' Hip S:ungs ,.Hld '~be :F!i.'UI!r Brooo~ dlecided, to kill ~im,~ and dHir,illg' iC' be :fidr ,!ibmre J'~'1' 'th~y ~~.rrt an ¢mi:S$~ry' ee hh~

.jl 'I. ' '. j. 'u .;m 'I. u . h

,~."", gii1!,,*i'e nun if]jO'n!re~: !t:liCY' ml!!i.4 J!i,~:ID '~_._e'

exacr ~lDur' ,:ttld d1i~ min:uk he woill.M , lituadJ .f~'rEh'i:!:mor,c ~~JQfmed hi.llil d:li~Jt sleee be bd been so j~uhj[JJa: -i-jJ his; 'rcm->i;v~b~ be wutdd be: :k'iUed .oR ~he: $1t'.18t;:: ~~bcr~ he: had :m;a:d!e' them.,

,00 ,on, ~ilitiibtt ]1O:r. :P: St09!, ;~'i:er 'Tom Lee,

t. - . ~ !'f'''' ",.]"',- n-. 'iii 7":: fili/liil" 'Il~d 'hlf~' '~own..for. :3.

,u,I::;3I;], !DiE !lllle VlJI ~!J'"\b~1< ' _ _ . _ _ _ . _

..-,i!... __ rt ",_" -.:1 ~ - " e ,.;..,~ m,p 'i;:ln:i'l' billUcts.

iZ>JiiiO_l"iIo' if: !oo<l!1b ,ilillillll, !IoO C:"",,"iI'I;l~- _ __ ~ ,j!l; _ _

and b;:ncbe:ts~ 'C]ii1'ta, '~O'Jl,s:~, tbe \-Yldow of il, 5.1n F~llIcisOOi 1ctor \i-\fbo ]~vtd, O~ d~~ ,noor bdow Ah Heen, wool: t'Q the ,po.]]ce and

'd ' . -j '~I ~;~

to.! . d:!:~, dut '~ih(i: iCOll'iOCiy!~:;U!! 'Wa:5 Qi.Oo:mtxll .•

S«,~a:L1~ CO't18Min, And] m,O ,poljoemeflJ W~' Se,1".i;~: 00 pwt.ect hbn! ~~d Ali HO!o~ .... :P"" [?eared {)or me' pef!Qr,~lIl'ee. The :poHIOl!ll'L'CiOi s~t Oil!, the: 's.~~,g-e'; CUr.,IOIi1S[Y CI,\'iit of !Rlb,(lC' !iD &bdl: b['iJC 'tudfM~;, al1J .A.b, Boon wtr.u:: tilu:,ough hl~ p:r.{orm'~"o;', ruUIDI1,g ,h.i~, rufn.d ,~:oo~idru'bJt <lind tr~ddH,g r:iII~~ j oIkes whu;.~"'C.r: ,al)[:m;t' 'the; IiJp- S;it1i&s, and, r-hilii Fioul" B:~tbm. nlC' pbce 'W15, ,cr~dJ¢d,! w(ltil, of dle :im,pmdl'ng: m' h~'V'~if],S: ~~1iL sP,r-t:IJd, ,aT:x:nil!t! ':sind. 'i)u,t:sidt in, die s~rOct:: ~u.rg·ed '~hCli ~rQwd, du,'~' had. Qo:mc [iO :See t~lde :flllg, -t'Ild ;c'Q'ua]d. iClO~ '~"i:ren und, sitandi~,g -room"

f'~~rirn,g' ~h~ '(JQ~,ioc'! ,the: Hip 'silDg' ,'dUe~,

lve[(!'~, 'b~t'k Oil 'tbdw ~, wof/d, i3lnd did, n!ot' kH~ Abo Hioonl during tbe p:rf~m~e. ~D"d, '~'h.t, poUoLimoo ,(:$oor.ted thr: ioom~iil'n duvugn, the und.1:irgmuDd pa.s5ag'C\W,1),' t'0:~ is ,l]tK~, ill 'C~a:~bam squ~~" He' WiCn~' w' :bed~ h~s d!~r lo,k.ed~, ,;tDi! h$ ~rnJ.y'windO'W radng

. u ,'\~ 'W:a~I~1 .Ii.,~ .. -,~iI '. 1_ -- .. i; 'I s.; - - -

,a, Uiban,['ii". __ !!iii:, ,1.u,.ffiI:Y ,m-.emlJ!i;Jl,~ 0\1: ,11]5: tlOIll,g

S,tiOO~ gu;a.'rdj, ip: i!!ke iM1!: doo~,a:~f", and,

h ~ Kfuth-

.;-:, --:-~. ,---- .- 1':--- '1 :-",:- I, -,.... "1 I~ ~!.:.; ::-:. --'1'" ,....::( .

o~ c:1":5i ,vcre OJ] ~ C reo " :J; C S~t5 ~r~

~II" 'v:i:- " .&!...

:p!)WlGCimcn,;Ji:c:t wlLic:n; mo:muilg' came ri~1

!Wan W~$ di~d.l mOil: 'Ihrrougbi, ,ilic heart by a Hip Sing kiU~L ~r'h.o h'EIJ,d, b~cn, low Ct',QiI, in. ~ bO;U;5WjLI,n,'s, C:h,~b' from dUll' ro;Qf~ ~fld, dlliri(, :got at:.An. HoonJ !tb;r.oilt,~l. i-b,~ wjf.IJd;ow' w.~,¢' ],ookcd o~.t '~;pOin a w~U," 'TJl!C: ~O\meiIi::HiL 's pody 'W~ :foun.dJ, ~:r Mocrlbc'by.' K:oott::h. \I" Maf"V - W'~() Hv,ed Oil di-e floox'

" - ,~. -~.I ~I .' -~~. _.

~dow,' .


'The d~e~r~h of iLl1 HOOfl C:iilfli~d: :I!~e t1ash~, . ,'. ,of' ,hatthelm, ,-'~d billa:dli!l P' of fA::v.o1:-en,' ']~

log _ _. . __ _ _ a: . __ . __ ._~ . _. '10. ::Ii

djJm:gsh '~le Oliu.m'mwn dj$trict~, ,aRd ,added, '~O the 'v~ ij)f rhe d:l!i:ii:trC ;[fiWncrs:" foi" 'f~, cot(]ed,ia~ '!.~,~ :pop:!Ia]~r' and ,h:l!id a ,@';re;at :fu,l· :Iowi:n;g. 'Ib: d]m;a:t ,of dti:' 'Q"Qu:b]c' ~~ em N'e;W' Y'eil;f~Si ml:igilil" 'I"nc rheatre w~s :AJ1c:d, widl :5,p::c~:a$iJ[;5i!, ~C'a~ thi5i was th(; gra:~:

Ch~niCsc' Gc':lcbr&tign of t]),e' ~~~r :.'Ud [~ w,~, Irnd,i:irntood, dl~!i; a truce had been ,;tr~ilgod .• lh~ ~o.r.~.«' 'YI':e~t w,~,m '\IIety'e :and, fu:e~ b:~.'t: ~L1dd~l.f '~OJ~.e' 'O'[Ie m'fCW ,~ lbi!1iliiclt ,QJ.f

'I" 1 .!Ii .f.: I~ '. ~.'Ik. •

.!!l"g _ti;:el:!!, l]reCi:i!!t~~,SI ~n¢o. tne :ur 0Vt-et m or-

cllcs'~r~, ~i;;~'~., Tbey' S~ apped :and, ,-o,p,~ and t;b,¢' >CfiOwd jIliUe4 ~:OO!i!,'t. ~Il 'prink.;t; pi'S!. ooLs $~~,~,p:d and pepped aiso' d:ur'!og' ,the ~mbJe~ atld whcn ili~ ,ca;O-R h3d, qul~i!!j~d and 1cft dJe )bil;l,ildit.llg- n,ve .on kcrn,g ~e[il; d]d :mlO~ MJlJv1I:l: .frQiD, 'dlJC\itr :5~at.s; d~~y had, '~m ki]~cd! q,lli,cldy' iJ;nd ~~d~,~ill1 ~~,n:d,er IOOlfeI' ru dl,c e~plod.inig' ~J',ecracll.eci, Iidod,,: :[)ucl, anc[ ort:ll.'c;~ 'o:f dJle ,Hlp :S~q b~gll'" bin OA: r$, we:m a;r:r-e8~di' ibU'f ~o ,prom 'WiS £0'1111d. .lnd, :rmdlimg' W,~ dO[gc to 'them.,

J'bt, ptomott;r;s oJ ~_IThi:' tbeafir'c'" anI!I,oyt:d dl~t::' S1f.llCln t:n.i:~g$ d~ooM, h.'lpp;m in, dir:~r :h.'o{Us;:;: ior en,tat,a] I!hmen,t, :sC!fi[: ;QUI:' w-C!!i'd, :I.El;i'~ they 'W{)~_[d dmc' 'l'liI~ p]~ce., The[('J~' w~fC '~~'r' CQ~:e~!'.Io:s~OliIJJd nD.a1Jy ~ :I '(~,O h wu deCIded, dun: 'tbe dlCU~ :5bJolllld hi;: n:(;U~

t~rr,i:[()(i:'1t! aDd, d]2~ i~ 'wQoJd not 'b¢ snorlir:t~

~~~- - ~ ~I

riO diD, ~flf mO;t',:e ltiIH[iI~' II] th,'ll:' b~,uldl~,g.

I;;JQ"'~vtt~, lI]otbfog' w;Ill,d ,abm.u: thi: 1\11000.1 A;Q,~;l.c :and, iht' r"d;[' @f: Doycrs :S-'~fe(:~~ ;ri;t'id d~~ wr£g' bill.tch~i; ,meTl, and J~;lJiJi~, w:tU) h~tJ. been $hQC;:l'~lfIlg u.p ~fie tfui;a!t~e aQW W~:Dioed, OD'D tbe' oiU~sjd~ fOil" fh~~:r ~i:{;tLm~j, SQ ili(l"t ihlt iI!i)I,i!(l!£~e~, 'WJe~ ,i,$, $!m!l1.U ,ij!:5i (::,\~Ii" on..., - n, 'V ... ~;:- .. .., Mi!'1:,. lee devils '~"'o·1k. :ii:t 0"",",", 'b-!Ilit

J. .. EilCLIJ _ a~ ,~()!I!'!;iIo 'I!" . .Io1~!.'!o. _ev ~ __ . _U' _ _ _ _ _ '!' ..... ~" .. _

.I ".!I A' ~ 'un 11... l_ .lI

a:E1ilL :nOtt :pr.OSper,. ~tl!1!;i; W!!.l!cn ,p~ teu:!!~Ci!';;; :i!!f!.tI,

H 'L.' 1: "I ~I ·~1t., • • ,

'_ 'IlImpLi.reys :tal lOti, Whl!.., ttl:!l!OV:l!il,g Fld:U~S; ,ilit

W,!lS cv:~d,cliI [ tll;ii.'t. the. CMlllies.c dli~ane was:

J.ostc, So' lit bc:Ci:!:~c' ,a, :n;ds·si-olt'!j,.

11l~ ton.g '~"'"lrr .io, whk'h the (Ottlldian All HIOQD. w~, killed ani(] wilden ~e~dlc~ .hiS!

fil;'· " t, .:i,...., ~'V" ~'- ',p ", "'0' 'nl: :Ih -.',

iC'rlllilil.::IiX rn IbJiJ.ll;: n_.c: ~~d,~ng5, ~ _ L__ r,(]C',iu:re~,

w~s ;c;uL-"S~d 'b~f' t~ _ ~:Lii'd~~ of B.o!\v K1Jm~, ,[i ~i~rt~i'ii~iy!(;i;r..g~,d G]]j'i!i;lli, S !,ili'!.fC' ,g~d ,~hg 'W';Il;5: ~o~.'d bY' her fathtr l[lJ Ca,tliliQD f~r'~, few ,(Ig1- .. lal~i ar:l!~, brO'ugJu: '1'0 the: Uohod, Stll.~es~ w:fiI(1re stole brn!/mg'ht: S:} ~ooo ,~:1Ji the: open, mail''"' ,klt:it :i!l:ll, Silit!!,iI f:aitr pril::e. ,:Low Hee 'TO'~g'. nlg['Jj in dl'C ;CQu[J;cli~ of th~ FOIlli' ,[3I'Qi~heu ~I]J 1bi:'lir allies, rb~ Hip Slng5~, b&y.s;l~~ rdi,e ,gjd, ilmi ]i,!;led w,]:th h~f' fQr. four years" 'fi'ldeD h~ .got iDJiO' trouMc: widi diC ~Jioe':~ oouJdi, :mtot show ~ :imilli:rrl,ill~ ]k,sIlislt: allld &w ,I{um, 'WiI:$, ~a.k~D, tfh:lIJ!n, :ao,d, :put ]~ ,<]; ChJnese ~nds$i('fn ~o' b:l' ,5,I!:vedj fr.-Qm i,itiJ. 'Th.e:n C"tiit!i];C' TiChi:lII, ~m1,,! ;a, eruck 8'airJ_rniilf'~, w]J,o' m;a;!l]tl¢d, ~r ind, br-OIll~Jli:, n.c.r I:Q Nll:;w

Y' - ·-b • ... . ~ . -~. .!II - -jj~,t: '[.' - • 'HI-

Ci.1'!!i;,jo ,Ignor~'o.g ~!!l!;~ iA!~m.a.lly, '1;JJi, ,0\'Il " cc

'Tpra,g dIn be 00 tr,~lmburBed the' $~ ~ooo wh:mcb, he: bid ,~m"d Em' ,~JJ~r'.

Tci1ii'li :!lc.n :h41dJ lOCI!' :mQRey ~1JJd, :h¢' ,i;iolll]d, !!'lO't :P~1~, whe;weu(ioo ,Low' !flee 'Tong '\\-'""1011:: '~o die Fou;r. Brofk~C'$ ~mid dl!(1) H;:p S:tn,g;s in, il!b.,~ tJ;i,(ttO:pol.i:s and ii~~' Lorth h~s ,~, u~,~lg' le~d~:r~ flel~ d~ait b1S: d:~Jm, W,\U, ~! •• <", ... ;,~, ... :p .;" ..... lli' ~mll':itrlidl~d lih:at thi:l' On, iT' ~iJjj'

Jlli;,ih::l!~iIjJJ~U~1 iftLli_il~ ~-- -- - •••• - ~ D'

~oll8'" of wh ich 'l'.'cbhll :un, '''!oV~~ a m~mbu~, It~kll: ,]2~ ~,~~,~, :to moab mi:; ']k, ,gl~jI:\dt;tiJCi'''p.a, ~w ~~ TOI],g ~'~',$3~~. Thc' 'On ~([],g'S, ii\d~ooj' :i'nJ me: Fhulf 'iBr'l!.ldl~rS, :aJld tlru~: HL~p' Silin.s~ ib!1'o\k'f ou:~ dl~ :!1!L~ ,of' ~b~ bi;g'D,'bi:IlI.d!iif' {!r,om, d:u;.ir' 'm[l~' !h,o'lJi~' ~J'l!il ~~ ,~.];ll'm1J. W,il!' ,in y]o1c1lt po$~f$, pil!$t~d. ,on '~hL';i' buU~dtJ bOi:lJrJ, irll iDoyet'S, :nroC'~", fl~e~ dl~ ,ld.I.I:ing' be'gl1n. TId!$; W~~ ,p~'C~;b~M.y 'the _ mOSi[

d· h . £;h- ,',

.. • I .. .• 1-- . "j. 0""· •• .1 . "f"" .. ,.. I_ . J ••

, ~sa:s,trol\U, ~1IIl:' :[ .. c: mfiiF ,e ~~r !lug _ r: m,

:NCl.V 'Yor.'kll willI ::1. ,~ua'hy U~t (!,f albf)'iJ~' :fifty dread, ;:i'od :m an]f marc 'wol!lfidClid.~ and with IcoJiI!!idiC-J"mblle' ide.sUIlC:ti .. Oill of pl"iO~ftf' ~.Y ~()m"b$" bt~111S;C' dw~ Chinese -~,¥ -1~haJt: ,t~mc::' hiu3J 'PCJf:I.la1J, rc:o (iXP-c:flttiiCllt 'Wwt'lru d.yn!it,~ mite a:~d th.~ ~U~t5 W'~~ Ee1l:r[irn[. OM, T@m Lee, ~hc~ d~~ beJd >c£" th~ ~ :uongs~, l$it!>O<w' :fo~ ~~oe~ but 'a:be Y'O!llI!n,ser :Ql-C:i~.I)~t5 of Ibol~h $'~OiJ:'le~ i[]lj,at d~lf' ,v(iiuld, :nevef' ~u£~ ~hcir t.i II,~~ unii:~ I, ~h~ ~~h"i;:~ si;dc hrilJd

l'Ih~~ .. , ,""""""""'_. : ..... , ...... ..1 t;tt;1;~"a! ~~IIrI!r-~,~._~~:.I.I~ ~~!!!

'P]fudl.y' Ca:ptaba, nUl :HjjJ~~ins of' '~~c:

E,H!2l:i1:b - cll sereer t'lol'j,G -: :~t1itl:O:t'll,. inJ· cod dl ~

----- ,c, :": _ J~,. _ .. 1:. - - --~ - __!Ji . ,e

''''-'!:'iJIi'5' ... If. .... f ..... !:n;o, 'hi; ] ''"'-'''' ....... , iIi .. "', .... ' iIf'j-ron"''''''' '~,.,

I!f!~_t:j !'Itr"!~Jl..iI}-;'_ .Ilrw ~ 11'1.;11 .Ii~~!!!.~' llA.;J. ~:--'~"'1iP It''' . lIi"""!I.o!'p;JIiIIlHlhl.fIl

He W,crU: Jlrst eo die ()il, Lccmgs." llDd t~hcr to~.d hint thin liIocilin,g' 'W,?,~]dJ p!~5e ,them

,"'"" ......... ~,t., "'''''' "'"""I'",," ~II" .. N""' ..... ,,'; ~'~ ... b""'f I\,. ...... th ......... .liU,'U ••• ..,. .. -11111iU, IWV lli_H}~J'i'ill1lf""-"~ r'I'lI' ,lLlJlI. ""~~/~" IiJ.Jj,v.. 1LI!.1,~_Ii_~:I'

b- " :fi~-'" ]]". -' -H! .. S-"- - -'d 'n' - 'fo- - . 'B:i;" - 'n"

I" -" .. I' 'I '.:' '" '., ' . - •. I 01", '._

ut ,irS,!; t Ie: .I]) ,D:I]"gs an. .t LC" OUI' " 01:_

f:~.5i: 'm'l,[,is!t gl'tt them. r.l:, C'h.:i;['Ja:se 'I~,g ~ IO~IDOt:) :pacik;ag.cs ,of ,Iir,c; tt,l\,dc.~'$ ,acnd a !rO~:S ~ pi,!!;., Th,;U' \'!:JiS ::LbOllit th,'i:"~ ~~mc as if tlri.c: En ][,I,li1I~: '!B:1i!1:riI. W~'(l: tre.qiui:mcli, :tt.0' cejm:b.r~,t'!I!: Yom. KiP"' :PL1Li:: ~ .gl \lIC' their nll:bt.g'(I!'\V,rl's, to ~bc KinI,gb es of Cti,]um,bu,ii, ::LI),J] t[s.s, the ~ig t!O~ of Ichle ,iP'o:~;, ,5;0 Ithe H:up, &i[IJ~1 'SqltiW'k,~~ with :~a,gic' ,and dJJ¢ War. '~!ytt[j:C' ,nt~fwi~y 0:11 .lur. an!mha 'Y~a:r.. :h 'W';lS IlIn::dly £e'[it~~i:id in 1:910 'by ;1 oCommit~e ,of £i:i!rty ap~ii:uoo, br ehe Q,inC'Sc IMGl1i~[~ ]11 'W;[lsb,jngIQD" ~f:ljd, ecmpos~: l;arr~:e~:y oJ' tet'ljdJJ~ _ all,d, :stU"", dmts" ~d ,m>il:l[ic~::I!:an~ 'whir) Oi~''Od, all¢~;i~tlec [-Q' 11I.c~:tb~~ tong, Th~ truoo lhu31 :pat~died I~p (lilJlntu{\!ood! unti] ]!::su::r.~ Wb,efiL :til :IIU~W' Long', ehe Kim, Lan '\V'l]l S!i W,~ appi:l~rod jn iCMllliU'O'W~ and dcc~I~~d 'IN,at" ~n, du;:' On Lii;'Q[],P iiii!ld. ehe Hip Sin,S'", l'.hs :a:n,~l~nr; t'l v,, oomb!'ne.~ ti~ cxJti:rmjill;U~ tdl~' 1l:P:Si!:iU't::s;~ ~tIld \\!~[C: doi,rtg

'-11 . h ;, 'b '11- . 'h.e n- ,

'._ ' .. ' I· - . ....:' 'J. _ .... ....:- - .' I' '1'_:· - ··-II-:-f. 1"=

\liC', ,',U t. !ili )01. ,\V,iilin If. __ ·.I.III~e !iO,oem

,m~at iil~jO, ~ii1,~rr~n:dt ,wd with idle New

~- -'I. " .11;'.-. iI"ii'" ._,':L.!II·'Il..., .. " ~ . .

,!!;, Or.K ,PO~l.'CC:; ,r""FSU~1PlJI :t~~~ lL'i",i~u,ln,g' iOOi'li,p

m slg,o :I 'PEialC'C ittUi'l:ilW' '00 May U'j :lt~I~~"

1]]" - - k . ·["HlJ··· ,', .

I . ... . .. ' ,. 'I . .. J ,~- _. " .. - - - .-

]S m;i;uy, ~p~._. Im~uuw,~, l~l. ,pea-be, Itlo

;~~e gr.~U: Fs~r,i!y ,~'~dJ l'Jr'Qfit: of :l!Jll f@c':I!I:(!ILli5!l' I\1IIn:~d itW"Q 'yeiU"S .iIl,go, w\bemJ, ilillmbc:r wa;r bi;'gan, 'ooca.usc , mem.'b~!s 0:£ '~h~ OIlJ L(1)cmg' t\H'-1I, e,l(pc]])ed, Ii-:o:m thili'~ ,or'\!~Ftirlindoo.. f.~u!i!!I,d, tdlti:~, 'l-Vlith t~ llin S(in'll!'s

I _ _ JII J. -- J - '-itj'" - " '--~' --- li!::t'.-~

t~kjng wi:th 'the'lI}" 1OC0i~d~i,ng' 'to 'tbl;: 00 ,!kiOf;JJ,~) ri ,c'On;side_f~:blc' sum of On u.on,[,;' mcu1e,". 'ThJs, 'w,n cm]:~~'L(I~, £o~' ,~v~.rat

m~'dHJ,! but 'tlh;;, New Y Qd:: po[k-t: ,iJ~~

f1k,~~~, . - ,',', r'-I'" J-'"'''_..!I,.- _. ,", ,Iil""i;..·', ,i;. ~,mJe ,grcttlL', y ,11, ;l]I'IJl-iliu, over u! iOI.h,Jii!iJ!U.g~

mn dtf~li';ln~ to dl~ y~lp~ of d~e rd'OriiIl:i;~ and ~ew~,p.tper.;s; '[f-JJ~' :~lrt ,[~;f.f:e' d~t~ll$' ,of

JI". .", '''e -., " .,g i\lJlI·,.r~r.m~·'iI m n '! H" .' it'I" . .lj .~ iUiC'tit:CWij~ ,r;Ul.,.., __ JI'll;t .. QQ,. li:' __ . .L Wi _ 1(: iI;!i~S

~rj~t" Old,~u,lm,e' poJiceme.n '~.vho rre:mc-mhfr tthe tOI[JJ,~ Goo£Li,(u oJ tw¢t:rty refitS ,ago say' th~Jt r:h,e trou:Me 'Was •• ius~ do !~W Cbir:tk~ ,g.-=tt:drlB' £i!l~h! "'; Tfu~M wa~ 'rw;\1~r. Ifl1:!!m~h ]~kdi:~ood thi'1lt, i[' 'Wo:ujJ ~'~1'ie UJp to '~&.e i~tr.y' of the 'ViU'S; m1lt: eode<1 ,\~hb the ~o: ,of :iIJSf~l' h' w~s:' dH'fe~r!!: hurll tIDQSJe 'OO~,.f~i'(:s, ,~n cltat mose ~ We ~dU!iI1lB~ to f~I' ,as 'New y,or'k: Cb:y was cO'Jilictm)od", 'W:.tS :Ilm; hll ICbiiJ]t1,tmm, bl1Ji~ amo[iJg Onililes~' ,]:tu.lXlldfy~ !!;11!~~ ;!1:1iI,'cl! r.!03iEEl,'!.Jn[l'~ keepers trii, ithili' I!;r;oux ~nd. :~~ook]Yr!" On Iy ~ (C'tv,' ~,~, \-'Ve-l"!: mJiJJ.f.. d,lered in Do:ye-~j' ~m!ti:: ~IlIJ ,p~U s.~ts",


\Vh¢;t.'i the :5cc:djon now cdlcd (:Jdn~mwn

~-" -b""'" - -- .iI," N' --, ''t:I''---k: 'C'~t' .'

iI:~!(; .ec~,m)1; ::!J. p:!ift ,1);1, __ ~~ .iIi.Of,_, • ~"y", ~

h'lJjrul.r~d. lot :5·0 • Y-C:l1~ ~,go~ It, '1V,a;5; a ~fitt~ic~ QJ ~mck: dW1cUi t, n,gs :IIIJ~~ibHed, ,b1 sobd! J;r.~~b. ~. G~,ilD .l!tmilics. Bu'!!' lc. j[ 8 66 Qa;' d'~" a. 'Can ~QlIl~~. i\J.y ,[ij,EiLmc: 'W'ah Kciil'i"i uJ:Dc: C~£i't :from SJ:n F:r-a.nelSiDO ai:r.lid: c;SuJ:d,is.htdl ;ii, SOOtt ,nt ~3 ,Pe[~ ~illeefi :half ;il, b]o~k from ,Doye.r;s~, ~~dJ d]d, ~. ~ood 1l!\U~n~s in 'Cbi[J!i;:~' ;cur~QSt vege~~bJe~ - ~:Qd pre~rveJ {miltS,. :~~,OOI:; of. his if'imili:""", iI1-"'~iiU,"'"",,,"r - ,C'aJID"l: {r'-""m: ,1!!'~mMin,1l'

~_-[l;~~ ~v.'F!F,'!!r~ ~ .. _ Iir· --~ -. ,til _ - @

.. '., . ·~~I·,· .,~ . -' . .'i.",. d"~ - o;'i, ..... 1..

g~1l1;l1~'$ !i!llru, an O~i\lJm smo .. Hl!,g ",JiVl/;;i lJ!,!~ ~ ~I~

,o:pet.:;ued aborwc h.'~, _;~~cme. ~'\]mOts_t imme'. ,:II", -II' : '1;-:- -.'" -, . -,I tlt.:-, . "a'. --~ '. f '11-. !l;IJlU!:~y ne :artU',auteg, .lDle: nu' (./Wi (L me

'1'1;, , -e. " 'iliI..JItt. L., -, ·'I'.r .,:1," 1,lo, !Il·ilb.ll"~t .. uawr;:j[y,~ ,iL'1.I! me 'u;!!l',ac~e~ ill I, ~~IC: ~-e~.!tm.i''!.II~

hond ~~[jJ to dD,~jJgle'. ..

\Vah Koc:'~:s g'faf~ \~',its, So ,gQiOd" :il:l1ld ~he pol,~{;C' vicRd ~;t~S "l'tm'Y]f.i;e~; :in lS~,:j;C~, a 1'01=

"""''''11'"' .." .. fi' ' ...... "',., ... I!I '" 'L 'Ii ... 111,:, .... '1" r ,~L,~,,~ '1.1\_'_

~I.J,A : II.; il.liJ.JlI '_. ~,Vi.ll~'i.JI. I _tl:Ul!U lI1~,fr!"'.~m ~J1.u.i,"'; ·;p-'!I v. rl ~_~~-ill

liJ!,~r ,:tnO~~¢E' c:n.~:l'tarn~fi ::Ilpp;~;n:d aDd Sli:t 'L'lp ~, ~toflC £Ii a bJ;:nd fo~' ~ ',g:mn.'b~in8' bed] and :!lQ Qpi:!.!J:tril dh~ ~11: ,~ l'fur~~ :st~t. "fwo :f'i:'::il'S, af[~ ~h~'~j, ~Il ,[S;ro .. the~ w<t;:t-.::' ~l"",i.'l; Ohi~, 10. we dis ~r]~~'~ ,Uld 'E'OO 'f'L'lan, Ji1Jrer '~h~s; nl!1 mbeir' h;~d, ~n,'cre~, to aboll~ '700- Tl~~n tne,)!, 'be'giJn, ~ ootme :itil ,(tmv~jo ~nd jt If,v,as; ,miCiC [oo,iS' bef01't, '¢net :had illi lri'efll

... ,r,iF 'iI"'~'" l"''''~'' - ,,..,~ ';('!;.=r.mli'l'IF'io £- m~ll,,,,,", :andl

'1U!;Ij!l" ""ell"" ~,J,",III. ,:lillI!i.!I. U'!;~, ,:,J~ ILillilc.... ~,I,~!;!I -'

,t-i!JkC'J.'i. Olf'C;f ~he ten:efllen~$ ,~ ~,~ ,Motii:

and P~]], ,s!~e~s. I~ 1:9.1:0 f~ W~S: ~&dm~,'~~d 'ttut [h,e~ We1'!e bet,'W'OO[l :rn.'o~ it'od, 15 !POO

C ... ·· ;. ');.'1' Y' i_"L •

!~,;: ,!!.II ~,,'e.w '.' ()I:'~':~ ~I.u: :1ifJ! trl;'t'eot yean

,tbj$ tnUfJJ'ber hiS bee!!) oon~;idier~:b~v ir,edll!a::d

b·" 'N" J .~

J 1-- ~- -:'-,·'1 I·~-. ,- I" ":1 .:-'1 . -:.''- .' ~' 1":."':' 1.' ,:-~,I_ .:....,~.

f _n1:gf.!Ulans: iC(I . C~. et's~ iCO'Wllii5i~ C5~

!Ci:aU,Y' NCYi,f;iri:!, 'wbidI ,nOW' has ;3, h,rgC'.f Cbb~C',$.¢ 1S!C:'MliLimc;J,t d~ll;n :N'~ Y IDl'k-,,,

'Tk' oon,g: wa~ a pjJiii'ar' [:@ ha V~' 'b;,g;un ,!I:bou:~ 1899. ~iIld '~vidl. dlc ~.:Kc~p~k~ll 'w O~' Qt" m:o whkh ;iU\ilitrfe,tE, !l;li'!l~.r 'W,om.en~ ,~e' ,dl c~u~t;:d by !Oonilicdn,G' gil'llb.Ji~,g i~cef(Sts,. TJilli:l' OOf:l!,gs :!!;f.e. as: Am,e.rk4tt1. :i!.S; ehop :suey-

the U'['SiiF ........ , -, l.V ,- ~(fan,·" ..... JI ,~- ,.;O""_~'., _______ ,_,_" """-,,,I:, ~,.~ ''''''",!:!i-.--1l1llO'!o'1,Ii. I:JJ 19~ :J;JY

i""i,.' "1., W" l..:il .iil 'U' .111 ...... Jld rta.meD U~ "fcc" estern go ,\Ii ;lit;:'JliOii's-,iU1U

:fIfi"~~' . .-' 'b.r.~~'-, -, . ·c·,'IL: iL. ',', -;--.,---t· ,',.',- .-

__ a_,_y ~~m..c :notnlti,g lDut ar.IFm,lu.:-:ttmlils

[turned 00' paraJ O'L\lt g~;WiI,Mililg' o1lJld 'oo:PtilliJ], sm.ilJkhag -pttl lfl.~,~! COLI ~'!'rh~oh they ,p;:ddJ thc' polia:' ViU'y~:'OIg' sums" lh' ¢i:LIliIlOt' ~, 'pt'ov'Cid., of 001]1'81;, bLliit Jt is ,s~:ud ~h~,'~ ~~ QQ.e' time d:lierc 'Wer,~ '2.00' g::Lmb.l:in,g: ,~a~s o;~,\o, ,i:ij,t1I1J!g ~I'l! ~'be' dis.tri,;;:,t fQi!.tll~d Ibj' Do'ymJ ~~oft: and, ,~,'eJ l ,~u',eeu" :il~~ld thi'!JC ~ die t~~,gs ,PiiJ:,d, 'the' poj:itle' ~~, ;:I.veir'~'8e of $:1:1'. ~o ,a 'we~,k ,[o.r ~~cb g~me';, 111]s, Wa5 rhe pe,dodJ iii ''I,',vMch Noew YOlk: pel itt~n, beg1:iIi"lJ 00' [fi~ "foest ~n 'b:roi'~mgm[lc '{t'OOtsi, and 00' a,c:qiUlr.e feitit'ilYie.$ !otiScn',i:lin:liS,~ ::Ilf;i,'d diiaiU.Qili:l.s and Cl~ d.iilges for. dlel:r ",,'Omrn. The Cfuu;n,a:m '(Wub,! Scotty L:!J.Vrilln~t~j, Ca11::!J.n.l[li;'s:! :ill]], ~I] Dillf!il:.r.s :5~[\~C't~ ,"fidN,iJlr~~ ~i:~t: Sii~[(;:·'S.i~liP~U :~t~ef~ Il;n(lj mUIr o th er d,i,'!,I"I;S nn widli iiJlpen,:; ,C:1IiC:ry Ch~llL~ store n¥ilar.I;lQ a, :ri g~Y' ar f!tll; t~~

.:I'. 1:1 '1.._ n, d l 'I

gllm~'! iU,Q. op:~'Um! COli ~ ue ~mi/J,H;e:, U~ iii, ~

1:.. TL "

m05i1t ~err' lbi!.~s:ernn.e flLt, ",i"llIef,C' w;n:~, 'pl:'OSptil:'lW

,and pE'O.r.t £.o'!' e,\l'er,ybocliy ~, ,everyooay W,~S· l:lappy,

moo dl!~Si gamhLcr"s h,e~t'vm eame ,Mook Dw:t~ :31, Iblmd:!i liit l~~dc :llruJi1Ji \vbo 'W:LIlI,t~

I ~ .),', - E ..!I;t.

tCi! nit.; ·~U;:: !bI.1 S,tr,u:t a:s; ;.m~rGr' ;iI[Ji!JI, So tile·,

C:.lD!: '~'b.e '~C['oor of Chi[l,:II:mwD, A[~ that '~illl;e; Tom ,[0:, Wi\:S b~~d ,of It~e Dr.!, L;:ofl,grS' ,r4;r:itl ~oos iQ[ ;ilH the g!lm:b~]n!r: too Hip SJI'lJgs, ~rn mlG~'k ~llJd lowly t and 'W~ :PC'l'tIiliued to, olh.~r,:U~ ,on['LI" 3 f~~' iP'm~. FIiIi!i:'the"!fl~ '-

~ ~ ir" ~ , ,- -,~ ~ - - " ,~I,"' ,_..., c.r.: [Hi:",

'Tom. Lre mO:i:f,OUOO, '~e 01'JJ~-: QJn "'. ".'~-

-' •• -' c •• _.'. • _ J. ,esc YOliiiiS

:in N'J I/l'l\V 'v .1., . " . I' "'., . 1L_ . -.11' --

~I.'_ _ >. I,Or.,!;!;. (U,r ~ :S~::i.': ~n n:!:JmUi;i"~, ;ilIIIllL :SOl

''!.!P~ ,I!Ord, of d~!C' dismct ,iI:~d bdo'Wld, of the'

'Fu"Li' • • 'I" 'L:C .1 1L.

~lW:.!!.iI!O:S;., it ~~ WOr:tlli,Y '0'.11. ,[!:c(lru Ili.U nat

]"'!l~' ~fir'd!!" li. ,Ij' ...... iT~, 'i"h ~,11~ "I .. ~I "1if",~ ,-' 1f~ .. :., L.~., ~'!.;!--c;; -- """'~ .L¥:JI.U!uK . .IiJ!JU!!. ~ui!.l. .IIi. Q:mL M,c p;

'~m.c ~v·O'\~¢d: 'memfC$~ '~be iJjumDtt' o!To:m

T ~",,";f' 'yn.~r~ ~-Y:l1!!: '~!l!u .... ;r;:~ ~""" ~'Jrn;o"i, Ll-~'j!' ".;, fij'-In ~I!zr EiI • V~~!i!! ~. ~_~ t!l~ ~~~~!i4 "="'V l!r·~!!~ Il~J !F.I! lil~ ~!J

tbe:!OrJi i.eotm,,g' ~!:l~!llMti: ,at: Pe~l :s:~re~t~ whieh ,- - ~, :"."r: ~,t;.- n the '";"'~''' 'r-'~ ~,'Ih -: 'u.i:p. "'11l:i:\i'!f;, a:s

w;a", ~~~ _ ~,!i!e "" __ .... '" '"~ ....... '" W .. ~!!,t: ~~,!I_ .:1 __ ~I"" _

:iJ:£ 'b:came b~f" ~frC'ir dl'c 01 Le~os-~ llllid iBiiitili:1cd, .iIJlW' the. £~$tru::):sd '0:£ Meu.

,~~ook Duck 'W1'S, ;a, (:!!.u:iQ~s, ILllixtttr;¢ iQf

to. j' _..I··U ~ 1:.. •

,bi!r,1),"l.!(i!1'" ;aOtli ~W,~r!i.i.I("JIli'!, .cic w,~~: t~IC :Sulitt

@f du~jn UI:ilJil in which. all [the :fiOfIJ,g liill]('i[':S, ,of thme d3i,~ j~c~~~ th~~:r. b{ul.i~~,; nXil Ii:;at. ... ried 't,WO' 8)UiOSj' ~illIj ~t 'tl.m~~ he would, 'ilth.t ~:;--;-, ',--, I'-r --,-ti!: ":fi' ' tl ,1:1&' n.-'l!Iillic!h ss ili:l '~be

U[ilI:~'lt~,,) l- !S~ __ ~nLg 0.__ _ _$ _ ~ __ _ e_ __ _ _

:5iF - - it, - :-" th 'born ,It'!f',e-s :s]n:u - ,a;nd 'bl:.t7'jll""

.. ree t Wl '_ ." . -,,. _--- \!! ----,~

n,w,iJ.Y' ,I:lj;t: ,'l. :5!1XttO'ilJndinl{ drd~ of On .leoogs<

,', ,]. .], ' '- ,= -~ ,€;' ib. • - ,e A'

WHirl I\Jilt4:lf ui~~:QJI, O'~' l.i.lS own. 5~:ety. . .: t

- ..Ji:. • - - - 1:.. -' .. - .;t.. - - • .'1 --. - .• '1 (;I -J' U OllLi~' t:UI[[I!cs ne ,i!j,m' tUi:' Wlli1ilJl, 11:iP :::IIf.ili.J, ue~ pe __

,men W' ~n Fr.,il:nciswo 'or. Chi;~go-b'iU;' he ,ahY~y,s; C1unc 'oock~ ,liUoo w,hh ,IlC'!l.V pljjj~s;

fC' he d-' ~-" f -'n 0" L:o --

,1' .... '. _ .. 1.·- , ...•... I .' .'.. .

"or ft.' "~. ~;gCQm ,~,turi1: Q, :m;, e '.' ,[Ii_. ngs.

1'he~ ,~-~ l~'I!t:S,- :h ow ~:V!i!r' DrI4'Y' hs '!iI''(li ~Iii

.. .. .Ig , ~ _ t:: -t _ , _

• I •• " 1"lr~'11 II.. M 'Ii_

:s;u:,:};megu:al,; ,I ,: JS t]JIlH'te' , ! ~~y ~u!i~ ,-c..,O"K:

,C,y(!..; '!,\V,as :J:ra~d, of It"!!!i) Oilll.e' ~u:¢' his wi f'e: , T'd Y-u. D.iliJCC sl:le, ,lo:votdie-d, ehe!.'~ of his

. . 0··· ~ -.II I\..

'iRIS!Dl'CSS tn 'Jivtuon street. :s:m,'i!$~H:1i,!!, '~u:~1ii:

t[1D~~k=J:j' ,!t[ld fiU,:riJitu:re ~nd, ,Led Mock D~ck botmi~ by tbc smtti ,~~ die ,;k,~; :S;l1o:pp'~n,g ,at e~,' 8,t~t OOr.nCr ro kick :ind, dll,P hi.m,. ~;;{,e lla.cli '~O ,glOi,g: ar,wa:r 'lj1l,Iid'i :hi~ 'mrO tuns, for. ,~ J{l!~g' t.imi:~ j)c£crt:t: l~)e could n vi! ,dows, the' J.iIJ.u.8·n.'~e:r' tilL'S Jl5:g~cd\d ifi~ cidC'lU iI1S,:pired.

M:ock Duck w';u 01 ;rJ.olt~,b]~ ,g~mbltr ,i:n ;a 'f:~ of. il:!' H~ woul!d, bflit !OIl! ,i1'[Uy~

a ,.

, ... i!... .,-,(i!"';' he - 16,.-,- b.,~~or; 'I·'i!'!j'll,w.n ;....... ilI''almb] ... :his

!lcn.l[]b~' .);:: ,ILU:IliS l)!;'1;u, ""' __ IV . - """'" l,!;-- _ ""

li.':fJdrc' wealth. on t'b"e n'!i!lm~r @,f geeds: in :ami.

",.,1'.,_,'] d-·t f" - -

iOi',m,~' P1\~~ ,1t :tan ~m, ;rwm ,il ,~!!;'ll:!:~: (iU:t.

HI;: ~Yien, g~u11l1b~.i::d, wi (l'i I1j$ nd ~gi@\[l; '~af,if.!!g :m'L(ccll,," of thit:: 'PO~~' ,of ,,-cil.c' Chri~~~~~ (~~d, ,~nd.~ m.d,t;~, Si::eJug' e,'\i',!lJd.ena:s oJ ]'t ,In, ~lc ,pr'OS!~.dtf' (;If :poo;r;~,r pai,d, policem,en I JJJe ,embJ~zo:ned, (ll\l\f>r :th,!: bc,a,d, ,of b i~ '~ooal i!I)l.~, i~ hIS, OW:Q ]'"ou'Sc mll' mCftt:o, f:t:O:DiL tn.c

,,j,, iWi ...... : ......... ' ..i .... ! '1..... ' ']"-n G-:- od" W' "", If',',,,,,,,,~, ".

"~~ l~rr.-~~~ rY~~;IJ~=,-,~ 1 ... :.... '_. .~. ~ ,~,.,1l&liJ1I\1l11

Somc' y~ J:jiI'Oe!l:"~ Mite!!." In,. ,Par,ikJl:urst;',s So~ cih:t.y, ftiir thli:: P:re:v, ol" CrhnJ;:: '~r:t~ w,i,ttingly ai,dcd hIm ~I"l ~]Sl s,d'!J!t.~ ,iI-8:.1~nst .,il.. .1'\-': '~- 'h - -IF;I _~i ~II!., ... ~"",,,~, jill! d'te

~!IJ~ V,[I .!I!..JaCln.g~!'· t::: :re.I,_,/!l;"""1;il, '~u;,.. ~V .... "" ~_

Hip' Si:n,g tonf:;' hO':~S!e 'with ,a hy,ge _c!:"IlJ,ro~ 'po.~~r,.iir:: 'm Frj!J~tk N'OS$~ oo~n~eJ, {:Crr- .a;~d, ,~$ocia!J~ of d~~' oo.ehr,~,t-ed :Dt., :f.,ar,kh~H( in,

l.." "( 'i.. ..ii' "I

u!!.'S pu:r:s;mrt 0: tuc: '1iiI":~I, 'i

A Q.l~]d ;and. Iff-abLc: Cliirn,iu:Il;R'i. :1],i,'DlIc:dJ \Von~' Get ih~, tlied, :for tell 'Voi"-r;- 'ber~-;-

-- (t} - -- - - - - - - . .. ,,I< _il ~ - ou

l'M{ock 'Dl!tck came: 00' Nt;w' Y'of:,k,~ 00 '~op.:p]~ @M, 'feUD Lee from hb ,f'¢dJ~lt .. I, hut :had fa:'~ ... ·~I.]"~,1'i"'i II'" Ti..·t if'i'i' . 'i!.. 'i!.. .. il.. .. ,~ __ ~,J!!o!y! I1.IIl,<1"-~~.i\,jJ._ -1,' nOl,. H~ily ui'l,ve; ,j1Ii::e-JI !pe '

C1t!lJs.t Chifi~mwn. .l:il:ilg'htd" a~ \V(j;IlJ;' Gt:;;~~ :h~' W~~ ill. d.~dc. :Hie h!l~ (:!IIrt his hai~ ,a:~d, WQf,e wlili$e men 's CklXiJ.fiS. ]3ut ,iM'Qdl\:: .DEEd::: ad·, ntlrQd Wong' Gcf':s. p-t;:rs~~too~;; ,sndJ :fwmcd an ~IUa:nai ''!,Y1L:rh :b.lm~, by wb.kb he' e~!"UU~' aU~~ £J)il1t C-QIl!;~!rol 'o~ t~e ,Hlp SJn.{~s;. '~Ybc'IlJ he .f~'1 ~ strom!' e~ough h~' we.[Jt (:d~nl"Y to oJd 'TQm Lee iu~d denl~od a fifty--:fiifty ~;pJi.t: of d]c Chi~.3J,t,mv1i] ,g::uuJb]ing' pri y]]~,g,~. :H~: [01,,] d:lii:' ddef 0:1 ,~_~c' em, .Lrotllg8 d1t~t, hl~ m~;~: d.t~C'f div.idlc er i1i,gln., and old Tom, r....:c ,bugh.od [o~d 21l1,d ~:Orn;g. ttU of' Ch]~~~ tmm l[l,'IJI,glilti::d~~ Di:C'i;1:L1iS~' old Tom Lee :!le:¢m~J!, 'to hlil' .finn~r ~m1'[renm'il'ld,; he O\-ViIlt;d :sj~ 'VO'~C$, and, W;J!S a dlcpu l,Y ~~lcrHf ,oJ New York OOU[}'~! 'which, £:u:t ,is ,d~sti~~dY' ~]JJUmii~~'" [1 ve ..,f' tttb~' th~U~l"'''' .,.;,it' t'I'] -: ifflPf' .,.Ji _,

_ _ 'I,.;l _. _ ~:""-" __ ""'" ..... ;!l' ,~ ~I;: ["'_ ~i[X:Ii.

Hut th.e~· W~$, :[~Q ,1~'~B";b ~:e[ 3, '[it.~]e l;:!{~cr

Wnfj;l $o'1I,ut -;"-_~.....r .,...,l!ili. :r ~ ' If' 'V!,,"'~i"""", 'u"....""" iI,,"m- -: _ ,~.lI

_-. _ y_ W J.l. ~~- ~ ~ _ ~!il'ilrNl! !I=I!IIk'.JI,!Ir lIJlld., ",UI

'~o dlc'ilitb ~'l m.e: FeU s;r,recC :fire;, it, ~~~ e¥'ld.enu- '~b::!l.t, Mock Du;clk.~ ~dtUJc!UI,8;h h.,~ discbimod .iI] :bu:n~l'Cdgc of due cat~ltrQphe., was a po\vcr eo be :r«ik-onoo, W']:~", Th~ On Lmtl"gs h:ad, rtbc]i" RV~Il,ge~, of OO-~,. bur.: wbm '~b~ fU;9,'~; Hip S~~l,i: w~s kHJt:d

M,,: ..,....,'~~ 'i'i"':".,,:L tI"",.;,fiI' ~'I~'~' [-.'1,."" '1I;.~!IJ!"II;-'Ib.:jji"",..:I"'r ,,.,. ... ~ '''_ ~,"'" UIilI!mK. ~.L!I.U_lJ& y!l.lll,,!; .:r~~ JI.'~'~:1lI,IfJ_~~Y~~l "'IJ~

D1flm, {!lo,m the Hipl ,$lnB mOl,S; ho~~~ sed it w~ ,]Ittrall.y Wit.: to dl-e' blfi;, ']'n itbe micls~ Qf' ~~' :kim:ns;' M,o~k :[hICk we~t 1liO Dr. ]P:l'~':kh:u.:I!'s;i::';$ Soc-h:ty ,and g1,V!C~ ]~l!.',ii.[ik Mo~s: du; ,~d,.j~~ii:s 0:£ ~_bc' p:dnll:;i~] OJ] Leoti\!! g~mb:l.i:ng' g~mes-;;UldJ M05$; ,id id thiC' :ra:c'., He c.omp~lIed, the poll,'ue i~O r:dd d:u: ,pLruJi:5 . AI. I" r&. In - ,] - 't. . . - ;It.. : 1. -,iUliclL ,Cj:;l$",' _cL~e_~" .H'1I1i.lL 3UiQ!!a'£ ;as, ,I,;~n: ;iiI;S, hilii;:Y

'!,~'"Cre dosed Mock :Dwck ,md \-Vang 'G,~~ ope.ned them with. Hip S.uI'IJ,g:s, in, chafge'iI;n6t thc' g;iiI;rnlitS :rnnnffillg ,is, mm~:[:y a,'S, C;V~; the difD~i1!:.n(!:l: 'be.JlIi,g rba:t:clIDe' !profit'S, ''1,v-tI'iU; to :Mock :Du~:k ~nd, 't~~' :rU,p ,s~"g5 .i'D,; oJ to 'T'DmttI :Le~ iU.i.Id ['be' On Loon,,,. .

'I""!i...-_' ... il..,_ i!.. ~"~ {: M 'i~ 'n 'L"

O-.JJIJD! g L!l ru: :U1ll!.B,,g',~i. [' (I (' _<,-Q C'JIi:: .[.0JliCK .:s :p1I'@S'"

~,i,[;Y' th~~ :ag~n~ ,o.h:h~ ,~n:y Mcl~i:Y' ~'ga:m 8~~~p.i~,g~ -~;~~t a~~ho~;~ilW,,~stJi~rl~g the r..;FIi)li£ d!j~li: H~, Oi,., ~hre ,ad,o!pre~ ~~Q,gll't~' of ~b~ rt-'!Jng ~~;td~ i ,~: ,~ witl:i ~\:: ebJhi.

The ro'il£~S, -fo~@d, It'b,a'~ she W~~, '~h!; d~.'~gh~r of one L~:gie Sruj~b " .. rho af~env~rd ,mu= d~, "Vu, Ching ~fumlg' of s~ Frlilri;d~ca'. lieY.hen :L;:z~ie SOli l~ dJie,dj W'!i), Chdng Mi!JIi'g ,ma;[fioo T:a.j Yu, :ilnd wbat W'~ Chi.Dlj'MIlI:I8: diodJ T.3Jill Y~, ~lrHu[',i,'Cd, ,Mock Duek, lilld so HilIl 01. iCi]~llie to th,e bl!l(m~: ,of' Meck: :DIlc~k. T,h,e' iOOllrts Itook hee :ii;:way [fOro :Idm ,,~be!ll! ~~I]rn, ,0£ rhe Sodcit.r repereed dla~: they' h~d .found, the baby >i,deep ,~'~' t~e: IQot of o:!l,

t '~k h' h M k D k db' .

. I[ .' .•. - I ~ .' -: -'.,'. I:' (',- . , '-1", .- -I " ~ \' ,- ~--

l!U[Q .. on 'liN .uc., .. GC " .!IIe ,jJj,[JL·, ,1:£1 OOUiHIll

l~y' v;ritb n'i:i !Ci\pi:!iim 'pip=; ::anJ.l:1.yO'iti'~ 'Oe!iween me~!IJJ.

~ck DlQe~~ £':rant~:'~~ W>iilflf ;:Ji~t; tbe:$: ,of CHli~:,!!u:O"i,v,n, w:i:th '~Ifj:aiJ:1-,6,H~d, Cf:e',

L _ ru t 'B., ~ '1tJI 'i_ iI:.. 'i

1J'j;,8'giillg I'Of' r:!(:~,p, ,!r'l!.~ OOl!).rL, ¢!u.c Ct1.-'8~ to "r.!!1.~

App:U~ne 'D]\1' ]~~;Ofl ;t[QdJ ](l!~l:, :rod :tllH;:n he: rn-r,~ ;ilj~] hi$, £;1il.mb1in.g ~d Qtil ftr' ,hJJ[e,res'~~:

. '\V - - - ~ c .. II w~' i a t Ilit" £

over to>: illlilg yet: ,~;r:Ii!;~ _'t':[l,t a~, .. _ 00 '. ~ ,0,_

,~.rL . . iI., -, - - ...... ,~ ",,~~'i"'''''!i "':_ 'l.!I' e. Pi ~'m""~~d~, £"",,", liJiC n~,I!JO!:f"h •• :il(] '!..'","H'I.-_H"'H.!I.. ~'!Ii - ;t!''''~-~J.!I- ~ , ~I;,,-

wri'Sb~lf in, Cih:i(~gQ ,;ttld, San F~~n,d$CJ!)j ~M,

;L 'I- ..... ei.. • • • ~.,: 'Ii..'

~:mc: ib!lA;K h) ui.I,IIi,ll!'m,w,[Jlln ;3, yC'~l' 'W~ !;;cl JliLI:5;

shfr~ f:ro.lilt co v,c rod, 'W,i:tn: di:!J1'Iiiiof:!!l;]s; ::Hl;d $lIO'~ cash :i:IJJ his pock~;tsl' :and dazzld Qbj!D!u:o'l.~',[),:by changing lliI.i:s, iSllt;,t dtree times; ~, da:y', ~ltli; pr,os~rlo/ COllld not q~lmch ]]j~, '~a:s:oe far. [poWliil"; gun.8, Ibei,gan: to M~~!:: ~[])d, :h,:H)Cn;::~Si iQ it]~h i;d,mCtn ~lS: ~O@,Jl. as, he 'fer turned. ~le' \v"S ~:ri'es:t~ ,mar.JY lQr J!i!i~:rd:e[ allid, fOi' gam!b[ialJ,g'i ~Uf h~' "i\'a:sllll-i;~i. GotLv~cted, ~n,dl :[,9:n,,~, wIlen, he 'licV':.llS ~~ to Sing Sing :riOt" o\fXi'ating $ po!,iey. game,.

F"'1/'" .... , .... 1k. ""i,,"' I, :-~ ..... :~·,"'iP' :"'~ , .... 'ito:< ..... , ..... ,~'I', .. 'm; , ~ _ _ 1I:.ll1i!.lLIl ll.lLllh"!I1'\i!' ~.ILII, !ili1Jl~11r. !HIi!P. W !il'-!!I!-!Wf~" !P .... l11.lliIJ

'i.i:'..-...·1l, 'D.'. . ~- 'L. I ,lI... Lib. wh ~d~6.' ,1~Jl.ljIC,Iii., gC~m uut I,Idlp~te 'Le . [tIL ~ U~

ibu.U~C5; 11], 'W,hi,(;\h, b~ JJ\lIed tor Jllofle d100 feli Yi,';;ar.s; ih~ was. :ncvCf' iiij'~ttdJ b~f. once. Tb~;s 'W~1ig !i:)iill N'Gve:rnlb« 4" 'l:5IOt4!~, 'w,nu!t:fJ. it]troe an, ~fJJgs ,!i'~,p~;I:~,ed, ;stlj4c]~ly im B\:]] ,Sf:r;~eE a,!j; :~' 'licV<LS ,~~j]{ln8' ~h~ ai~ ill f1"mu' (:If' his; 'hOlme. ihey $quaJ::oed, on [he gl1iJU~d.~, do~oo, dHt1rr ~yes, ~'Qd bt;~::~d, ~,\'''i!!a.Y' md. 1\1~k ])1!Ie.k: 'W~Il:~

d· .~... 'Ik II .' L'" 'Ik" 'II]; ~I"

'_(U~.I!I WU'[u :;l, !;:!:tll ~I[ Jill ,1.iI.!IISl .liHP, ,F.Q~l!Oil'imeQ

IC~mc: ~!!l~:r!g ttt'ii)fIa Do~"e'.rs, :iUr,ee~, :J!1l'~, from iCither. end of ]?e]] ,~!t(ee'~" b!1H dwey iC~Ii!iJh~ 'li)f,iJ-' (ln~.' of ihie On leon If~' iml'nm«L HfiID

.c :J. c. .. ~~ . '-""15< ,~~' .. - -~--~

me,. proteCood, lbr JDf'tli~iiIg :1 ''{,yaH :lloomd

'iL. ~;;fo"i; "w·,· iF:b, ... t. .. ~.. 1- ;-·.1I.'L'....,' .",;"..l "'il.. ri, ~1"'Ii •• ·~·.li

,1J.~iUI.... ~~. 1 .. '-11 '"JlJ.-~IIIi, ~! "'Q!~! .u.LI fLr.U, 1d.i • .xII!wr![J ~u

;::dQw,l,y' i".QW,:u.d Ch'~ha.rnLSq!.1.:IlR~~ iSlll17OI1lIlLJ.ed by Hi.p iSi."g~ ,.~",;li.'V~'[]g llla tlI;h.i;t5 ~nd, ]?i;s,~o'l:s ~nd :s;rr.i.vins: desFra~ly' t>o find. ~n o~n,ing

[n '~l\e W,;lU of' GOps '~l1~'O~gb which dl.'C)' ,ooll.ld ,ShOiLlt O:r ~ Olck,

~{ock Duck w,:1S, :i1ili tile Htidootll HOs.llu:~a] fOf tJ.tu-t:C '''irv¢¢k5:~ all1l,(I 'C3'~fIC O'ilt't ''!w¥:ho~c ,31.'I"IIcl: ~.e~~~,r a.n.d tl1JeJ, with a, dil.~rn~ {or rr,~~ioo~:e'", He .got Jt.. DO:yt;4~!, r~l~ ~Il!iill, :M'ou. ~'l~~i;i~

'I..': -.:Ii h 'I'.. 'i. • £" • ,~.J H'"

'f:~~i~ '~o It 'e :S,!;!IO.t~ t~~,alt ,lm:1l1r.,I,iUQ:.!,', ~.p

it'~nl'i'.s; :~!t', .... 1 - r ;111. -';;:;,~' On. 11''-0' ues. - ,-;-jl, 1;. .f- 1I:

ob:'~ ~O'~ ~L,..Q. a,~ ~l«l~~o . ,lJ,.-i'i;, !:i'~ I' a!il!l.!l lllll1!J!." ~

Duek d~d: ilOI~ :5tl01P ~L'lie kill ins ~,!uu~] he W,~ ,a'~,e~~d 10, J, ,9 t 1.: Th~r:'~ not ,~ gtIC;l!;it;: deotl 'oE ;evidt:lDic;,~: a~:ai~:~ ~ru.m!, bue th!:,.Ol:njf,~5 ap'p~te'rlidY' dOi:;, th:u: I t 'Wit'S: ittniltl sifirn.:-, thiilg was dilllil.~ abDut :M'i%k .Dm:k!~ ISO dl'!:t ;sl:iU him :~o Si:ng' Sljjn:,g. And, "l.V',~ [~] :M'ock:

DUlCk i[IJ p:r.imn (he po,J.itll:!, ~,llId the CbJ]tI~ min,is~ Were ablet n, )"eoilJr Iarer, itIO indlu,oc ehe 1~'OiJlg~ tlO' Sfg\!l ~, ~~~. Sim:~ h i'~ :LIn,," 1P~,~sl)tlmt:fJ!t .Mcc~ DQJciIC iO.a:s, [lei ¢ been, ,~ti,vC1';; I\!..- ,\v;"""'r '.'"": :F.r. -,on~'I'ilt;r'i ,tvh ~ t<; I~"', "'i!i!"I~ released In!: .. o;.!!,~'~ ~v v[ ,f!.l!~~Ji.l ~~ .. ~~i;::::~~ ~,..... .. _ cI>... ~ ~_ ~ t

~nd, ~~S :stayod daC:1'.e. In ~9~8 he m;ade fill r- , mild :proe~,i1;iTiI~:tlO:Ii1, that ~t':, ''!;iVrii,S ,dlone with ~on,g~ ~ d],at :lll!i::', a;cqJfIj,i:r:cd, 5:UJJf~cif.:mr,(;'wern]dl and a.dl~'lCntu;re ,iHldJ that bis f~o:' 'v."'Otl)d, never .ilg~~n 'be seea ]tr.I! :DcJ}"CnJ Mou' Of' Pt::U ~O''(;t;~~" ~ So, .far h~ has 'kr:['-:t his, word.

ChlU;~ GOfiml.Q.~ w:~.'s '¢ihe: :mos,r; !Ilowr~:Il;m!iii ef tllte wh i'~,(;:' p.t1'!~i5iitC$ wnO' dJd'r:,\~, inte CI!,~ 'town, IH~ ~~,I. :n~me '!LV,ilS, P;a,tti,ck -Goorgc CoMOf,S", A, :i!i"'~~n: de~l ''':v:a!S< ,~r.,it~M, ~botlit

,0 ~ ._~

'Il. • iiji!i .:.. 'II'~',:-, ...... c,:v."'·fi'\,jI'l't"li"i~-·f: fl:... 1f"IIi'-::~; .. ..J] "'i!liu nlnw n~ !ou:c, ,lJIfIo.' .. oL!']:,"~\l,:,"-'~' (Ii, , .~H,,", ,~:,~Ir,I,,,,,'1.!!~ oI!I;_~, .

'it,,,,: -'';''~' 'l.., ... ..-:i, ... i!.ii ""1· 17 ...... 11 ... ] ehe 'U;':''I'"A'itTV' 'ii:libr-'I~I"":5:·'

:';!~~ ~~,~;" S.~~~f'~~;;;~ S;~;" '~l~e

wa:s ,~n~ oJ f:'ln,e ori.,gi,I]~i1J:'m,rn, of.the ,(ks¢'" ,~.cIDJ ;;}ilJJd. dO'S!!;! scb.Cio[ 0'£ bng,uisnc: ~,presS.UJtil~ ~d ;a.oqUl;,m;iiI, ;ii, oousi,,bl~: repl1l:eatiQ[!I. :It:s, dH~ :fo:und)~, of dl~' ]3Q¥11'~ di!i~~tti ~nd, ;ai.s a, ~:~or.y' reHe.r. .:rndl \ ... ,I,E'.., :[Il'I!, Ittru:¢h!! Cbuct, 'll.vas ;:}, '~ 'Uv' anti! ;a, 'r::r.a.m,C'ii. who ~'i;~Q~ilb'I'!L!" nle'l,]'~r

~ - - - -- -- - -r"'!!! ~-- I -- 't.J". -

;i '.J' ."1' ~.' I" 1';[' it.. ~I '.'

'I;.!!:h,.j, l Q:iII;r:s 'W'O.r.,~ Ul ,US; ,!,hie'5 !J:~!C' USey, 1)0 SlU;

, 'b~"'liti!:,,""L;" .,n ...... ~ .... :I:l!l~·c. ~ ........ ~l ..... ijj..., '.,. ~I. 'it"me a~"",~ .. '!;l!".-.:!f ,lL lV",hL_~I;:;S5; ~IV-~ _~ 'V . ~... ,lI.", ~ ~ y~ . .

in, ~, tmt~d, d'i,a,i-r, ~:il ~hc' oldlICLli.ild'. ii;fUlIj CJ~b at b iE:lo}.fC:f$, :5ittt'et,~ wbHe (i"oowdi51, lof' 'muri~¢s ,g~z.trl ;::Ii't him ill ::!loWe;.

,M'ooit :itf nQ~ aU Qf foe s~~~tt :SJY']Ilib~' ii't·' triln~;~gJ '00 !Cbu'ct: Cotli1liO~ ~1\o'b~i!b.jy' bo:ad d~~i:r.' hloe.l~¢l~~, i~ ~he 'b1'a~:rtSJ oJFnJi,k W;uiJ

"0' ·cO"Pi..;f'. lll~ ".;11 D' ........ ,L '!i;.·rI",...i""-,-·d n ~IL , •

.... ~:¥;1:!li iliC;:;Y ,a~Q ~'Ij,!IJ,! _ .• ,L"'!!.I;..'I;",;i!Ij['· Ci ~, li:1I.I~, '1I,.~n~''''

ing foOr dliG J:i!l:~ ~OIJnd, t'hc: W~rU" TBijL\iY' found COl llnQE'!l. a prolHic source of wpy'; he wORld :S,1;;lt1clJ {'Or. <l'D.ythi.ttig., and. he w:li dw,~ys ,~~~ hI 00' rtad. ine :n~p~,pilirn, and S~ e~dr w':hJt~ he W.~$· d,o,u1l(g afljd tMf]t[(~8'·. 'Whel];

.it.1;.~: 1W;",,e, . .r;· .... ~~'~'"'ii'J ,,]s;,o;, ,on w·'1l>- i,""& i:-'" 1l...:::I!iJjjiil' .'"

!IIJ~al-:.,ti '- ~ ~ ~~ fI!'Lli,I.!!l:l:Il[II~.::Ii,~l ~-_~ I;r. ~~ ~ _ ~'! Iir._~ ~¥ ~I.~_ ~ ~

f:el!:u.l,lif.e :SWirl'~, there '\V,as alw,fJl.y.i5.i CJTJ:uck

r·.... .]I - I.. 'I '" ill.. '!;;.A.;! Il!.tlQ:r5:I' ,~i:l'iJI w:abc ;:!j, :rnlitSC GQ:nt1flJUO~S [pullJ-"

,~ici:t:r he 'WOlS b~ih' ~p [m,rn 1], rtadiOrl.dJy k~.ow'.n. {~gu:re·.!. His talk, or art .~~·,ast the talk tn.~.'~ O·M·~~.~~l' il~a.ibeil. ro· :tdm ::JJf;Ml pti[iu:~d In. dl¢ Sj~J.jii' fOUnd, its· w~y Otnli::Q oo,e r;,t~~ ,!Ind.

"" ... ,~I, • , •.• ~~~~' t~= -- r~: f ,' ... ;<C;'

'I:"'; ell OO!;.!l,lI-Y .1;$· ~co;,~~ as ,n,~: :50,. " iQ~ :5·!l).I!.!~

:spO;ki:n, O~ ehe Bowery. H~:e ,l~, .l tJpJcd :5,~mpk:~1 p'fi~,~, :aJt:er. Ch~d~, ~:iWdl bi~lUdl

~ "b A' . l ,.

i: ',':",- ",~'- -,' """j J .'-, -",- -', - . --;--. '.- [: .. ."1· .- .

1:0]]5'=,[1 mC( !Co g;r~iCC ~ e IDer.,U:il!:l t ~ei!l.~re U~,

. '.,"'- '~I , .... ,. ,L, ~: " ·t· 'iI\.,f'.'lj~ ", N·,·. II! '

a :5Jlstt::r ,i:lJct wJltIJi irl!.~$ Wl:l:'C~ ,[!."tIC.!:IL:!.e ._. "OCL:in ~

In,OIlW.n. as dJJC QL'JOI:iii. of ,~be Sc,~encll 'V~rd.,;

TOI ,dli:: ~':io [lIT' ,Illj~~·., ,[ ibl~ ~~~~~I]' 4'!c: j~!' ,mfl!!f!: ,!t, t~6Yg .. !ira: he: .lLl-llrl. I: Ir.!!:,;i!,d ~,,:,~ th' I. ~1j'i8. Ii. ~i'ii7'Uw .he hi~.dl ~~ 'I nlJiI,~ :li II :fIi;ro:d :QJii:" 'me: i tii Ii ~ c:: p,i~' >i:gtl: '~iOf(: ;C'1i1er!1 ] ~!!I!$, 1i14 rQ]f.ld to' di;' 'w~g1isl :for' y'lJl:lr~ !!iy. n~· fl'f~~ ti:tl!l.~ :1 jD!i:~' W' ~ ",:-:-'Q'. l:o.r. !Il;!~ dlJ~g'lli I ,1M000r df!!lp!. &Ml,. D: p.r' Ib:·~i~.;if!: ~J.I pl;~i!i ~. il;!ut: ~. e'M\.-1I:iit.1.\: 'Y!!1idu ·S;t:~ ~liI ·it'.

~;.~r!~~k~~~~~I.~ l:'~~~~·~~~~:.~'~:I: :~~ ,dh~"

·'l)if,'iIi :~ '!;¥'~~j;.'" $~}"~ ~ ~.

CbJnOlit':O<1i,,-\'1Il. ~iIl,d tbs Iklfw~'!~ oo:n.trlolHng •. iI.~. 'j,!'d"!i'~S ~.f I" -i!:~r .1Io'bb-\!'.iZ!'0'W'8~ ''''f1t~ '''1!''"'~ ;If.,._

I,.IHI!I;; ...... ~, 'b", 1; __ , L __ , 1-0- ,~@ __ IO,!\, "', ~~ :LtC

~lUliiif] d~f ~o~~Qh~ 'b:y B~g Tittl. ,~nd L-i titJ('l'

T" c- I~'; U'_ ]' . .li • u, ..lI

~:rn !.';ilL~l·~ •. infl;. >CULl ,Q]. neuner I!J:'iIliu. ner

~u ice "n (] 1 ' -'-:i;S r.wenc'ir 1lIJi" -- -ld . dJ

, I'~ .. !!J : 1I . llC: W.'.' .,' ,> ~_:ini~ iQl . :an.:..

h~d. nl~.Hj~d Nellie: :NOQ:!tiOlltilj 'bu:t aftc(ir :she' had u:!mg'l:IJ.t hien :£0'1: .i!t. t:irn,e h,~· ''II,v,(m]d ,~i.t·"m d:l~' Ch'at~an1 and diJl,pi1:Y b£~ trQdi'~~;otl ~y ired,ting tM: ~Jpb:abet fo-nv~l'ld ,s:nd, blld~;..· w:aw.d. .He' ~Jso '['i!·,1Hr.n,ei1 th~ m!l.d.dp] t.alP~e' ilnd 'WaS 'VerrY ·~olJ.]fd . .of ehe eeeem, .... il:d~m ... ue, 'W' Eh h{s W'!:(e he tir:,·~ u~,d ' . 1'1;;;; r -- ',,,---- .1 .. ~ ,. --- -~ .. -- yair'

peared 101 1 .. • '.~1iI1f(!rl!' skfit'" .a~: various '~hJQ;;' ir' , n·1 '. ~ .ii!. r.i'~ "!In' - j. ",ll > - -- - ~. ~ .,es:!. :ol'--,-q '~''J~ibi .,.i!lIAy, oo-,,' .. p:.tiLe$., :~:t'i!1.lli O[l,\l;;~

'L iL.. IIL'~'I '111' " • V·

ne 'WiiJJ$ (iii] ·tlLiC lliih :j!j:t 'J!,am mcfst'e.I:ti. S !i.e,. ...

. B ~

':' . I' :-] i' - ,- .. - ,: --:. - - ._

to:f]:aJ.OO roo.· '!/V,ay.

The doctors: said th~;t 'Ch:lJic1:: Co.IlI:IJ,i[JIU: di~ of h~a:ri~ ,d.I~-aiSCi·,~ btl~ 1'~!lJlf' i~ w,~~ iIl~g~C;(;Jt -r:h,a,~ kiU~ him, :H~' 'b~~iTI~ Q]dJ ,~~d. ~llint~t[lIi.g';. h~ 'oo.mpJ.1liillllld. CiT' !the: :J'.hc'U-' ~ad':sm ~nd. fu,C!l"l00 d.,Y' kilJd. ~:Q stay' IJJOIDC :fo:~ ~"rer,;d. d!:ii:.y.s: ::l.t ~ ti:m.e •. 1'~~e :repJi)n:ers~

L'';;I'i,r~'Ro i7 ...... .'11.. "''ir.~ .... ,j 'Ii. hn. ,,~, ". ~..."itlJr..- ... , i"-,~ .....,.'hy· ,ll~··. iIi.l!~ ~~~L"'lli..'l~I~Yll .ilL·' .~ ~~ !Hr wv." .. ::!:l~1r. 'w ''Ir.'~,t='.:'1!

dro.p~ hi:n1., and wlthmJl(: p'y1bndq"'C~.'~ck "v:i:S~ $OOrii (orgoncm:.,. "The J],'lIIid nai] w~s driv'C]] itIJtQ bis, (lD'O,5,'S ,~:hCirl ,Frnn~ ,S·ah!,a~· lorcm, ~iln Iralian 'b{l!m-bl.acik: knGW.~, ~s :M'l:kfi' du~ D,;]i'8:Qj' began tn call :hims~U' Y'cfLt1f:t,g' CJluek GlJ(fJlniO~ a!'Qd Of,~Ia!n!Uii!:ed, ,th~ 'YQlun,g'

r·t., 1_ r._ .iIi. _ •• 'IlL]' '1.._ -

II.,; • .u:IlIIC·.1<. C1;;iil'.llf:l!(!l~. ~3oci.:I.['j;on. .n~· p:;:,gA.n 100

~llN'il\l:i:r:'E t'1(~Htic:·a1. ';:n:E1ue~,ee'.. UQ ':-:b-·il he """"'-"1' - ~. - - ... - " -,~ - . W J:,_ i:

W~j@Ii1f!1c~e(l ~h.1~ he wOilidd ,~[ft ~ ,~~~(ljd ball jn Op,p!l~~,do~. t? ,~( .;d'f~.if ol dl: 01.1 ,~h~ck, ICo~j]Oif5 ~oci.anOi:li~ me. ODe time ~ng ,of tbc lobby g,o'W:5' ,oon:selllccd m :tdx]:icr'l~CI' 01" ~at' ]e.'li!Sit .s::ha[-(; his, dlmnc W.ltb. d]:,(l; ~,~, OIlJ<.fD,C',t'"" :h was a.~d Q'.ti :the pt-{].gr,iI'mm.~

~ V' t""'il. ~'_'!' f"" 11'] L.~"" ,~;F"L ,1_

m: . .Ii <OOlJlg b·ri:UGIik 50 1L:J'OliJ. t,I.~· .Ilil;moili· ,m. ''6oJiiLUG..::

Qm:EIJQ.r.8 8j!u~u~d ~p~a1r';tS ~. p:l:~!IOn m~' db~ly r4ft~r thu oJ ,Ju:rn, l"elfr~~" th~. beavywe']gh~ ch~mpiiOW:IJ o:f d~ \v'Q,dJ ~ a[!Jd. ~UfC '~K: i'ii.ii,l,m.e. ,of,Jlm. CO'Ibett.

IC-h:~c:-k ]in;ge~r¢d on {'Of .$eYICf~] f~i!lU ~~er

~i'L'.-""'. 1.,., .. <:,' Ib.~... 'I!.'-"[~ 'W'" ". JijJ' ..... <:' ;''-;1 16.,1'" ."",,!,,,,,,,I'7.

"'~llrltl ~,}~ Ir. ,~U~ llfl.; ..... !P.. _". ~-~ . v·1r. ~!!J.Ii JIJ~~ Pin" U'JIJ ~l-

:::iDd :linaHy ht: 'WQDiI: b~me ,:i'it'id died .. He; 'W3:i, ~1!,niC'd by- mc:ml~c-;r-s o:f ~h~ ·P.rc5$ Cllil.b ~ :fI~d of' IDi1i: d:u;nl)S;IlIII ds, 'upoo m{l'llIistiJIld5 who had k:n(Jw,t] :him .fc~V!er [h11[ f.arty 1Jecf$Q.ti~ ~.t·,.

iti1ind~d1 h~;Si :fl.tlllltIl'al. -

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