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Agency Consumer Product Safety Commissionfor National and Corporation Community Corporation Service for National and Community

Service Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of Commerce Department of Commerce Department of Commerce Department of Commerce Department of Commerce Department of Commerce Department of Commerce Department of Commerce Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense

Title of Plan or Report Inspector General's Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) Annual Report to Congress Report on Reports Provided by Other Federal Agencies Service-learning Impact Study Administrative Expenses on Programs Established Under Commodity Promotion Laws Annual Attach' Report on Unfair Trade Practices Annual Report - Farmland Protection Policy Act Beginning Farmer and Rancher Individual Development Accounts Pilot Program Broadband Access and Farm Bill Regulations Commodity Credit Corporation Export Credit Guarantees to Emerging Markets Commodity Credit Corporation Quarterly Report to Congress Evaluation of the Rural Development, Business and Industry Guaranteed Loan Program Financing of Locally or Regionally Produced Food Products Evaluations Conducted by Early Childhood Nutrition Education Grantees Federal Grain Inspection Service Annual Report Listing of Areas Rural in Character Notification that a Freedom of Information Act Request for a List of Growers Operating Under a Marketing Order Will Be Provided Plant Pest and Disease Management and Disaster Prevention Progress on New or Specialty Crop Insurance Coverage Quarterly Export Assistance Rural Collaborative Investment Program State Statistics on Enrollments in Conservation Programs, as well as Waivers Granted by the Secretary to Protect Environmentally Sensitive Landfor of Food Specific Status Report for Significance Progress Program Status Report for Foreign Market Development Status Report for Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops Timber Supply and Demand in Southeastern Alaska Tongass National Forest (TNF) Atlantic Tunas Convention Authorization Act of 1995 Report on Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Becoming Designated as Sea Grant Colleges and Institutes Coordination of Oceans and Coastal Research Activities between NOAA, including Coastal Ocean Program Educationally Useful Federal Equipment Report Enterprise Integration Standardization and Implementation Activities Report Sea Grant Fellowship Ensuring Equal Access TIP Activities Program TIP Advisory Board Annual Report West Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Activities Administration and Oversight of the Armed Forces Retirement Home Annual Report on Adequacy of Budget for Operational Energy Plans Annual Report on Combatant Command Activities Annual Report on Combating Terrorism Annual Report on Public-Private Competition Page 1 of 9

Agency Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense

Title of Plan or Report Arms Export Control Act Section 36(a) Report AT/FP Reports on Protection of Certain Individuals Audits of Undefinitized Contractual Actions Award of Certain Contracts to Entities Controlled by a Foreign Government Commercialization Pilot Program Congressional Notification - Leasing of Vessels Consideration of Proposals for Decorations Not Previously Submitted in Timely Fashion: Procedures for Review and Recommendation Consideration of Proposals for Posthumous and Honorary Promotions and Appointments: Committee Report Contingency Construction Conveyance of Damaged or Deteriorated Military Family Housing; Use of Proceeds Defense Economic Adjustment Planning Defense Housing Investment Account Included in FY12 NDAA Department of Defense Housing Funds Department of Defense Technology and Industrial Base Policy Guidance Display of Annual Budget Requirements for Air Sovereignty Alert Mission Emergency and Extraordinary Expenses Enhancement of Activities of Defense Threat Reduction Agency Experimental Personnel Management Program for Scientific and Technical Personnel Federal Agency Data Mining Grants of Exception to Costs or Pricing Data Certification of Requirements and Waivers of Cost Accounting Standards Inclusion of Net Square Footage Comparisons in Requests to Congress to Build Military Family Housing Information to Accompany Funding Request for Contingency Operation Investments Joint Readiness Reviews Limited Partnerships with Private Developers of Housing - Selection of Investment Opportunities Military Family Readiness Multi-Year Aircraft Lease Pilot Program National Guard; Reserve Equipment Report Negotiations for Payment-In-Kind with Host Countries Notice of Deficiency Notice of Long-Term Leasing of Military Family Housing to be Constructed Notification of Burden Sharing Contributions by Designated Countries and Regional Organizations Notification of Prime Contract Awards to Comply with Cooperative Agreements; Notification of Waivers Granted to Prime Contractors in Conjunction with Cooperative Agreements Notification: Equipment Scheduled for Retirement/Disposal: Limitations on Expenditures for Modifications Oversight of Procurement, Test, and Operational Plans for BMD Programs Price Trend Analysis for Supplies and Equipment Purchased by the Department of Defense Prohibition of Certain Civilian Personnel Management Constraints Prohibition on Contracting with Entities That Comply with the Secondary Arab Boycott of Israel Relocation of Military Family Housing Units Page 2 of 9

Agency Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Defense Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education Department of Energy Department of Energy Department of Energy Department of Energy Department of Energy Department of Energy Department of Energy Department of Energy Department of Energy Department of Energy Department of Energy Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services

Title of Plan or Report Report on Centers of Excellence Report on Congressional Notification on Decision Made to Carry out a Repair Project Report on Meritorious Security Waivers Report on Reliability of DoD Financial Statements Report to Congress Regarding Equip and Train Authority to Recover the Remains of Missing Personnel Reporting Requirements Relating to Renewable Energy Use by DoD to Meet Department's Electricity Needs Reports on Transfers from High-Priority Readiness Appropriations Requirement for Advance Notification to Congress of Transfer of Certain Excess Defense Articles Requirement for Annual Program Goals Sale of Electricity from Alternate Energy and Cogeneration Production Facilities Savings Resulting from Workforce Reductions as Part of Conversion of Functions Space Protection Strategy Timeliness Standards for Disposition of Applications Before Correction Boards Water Conservation at Military Installations Allocation and Justification of Training Program Funds by Professional Discipline and Other Program Areas Data Collection on the Distribution of Federal Funds. Report ontains 2 years of data on all State-Administered Formula Programs that Distribute Funds to Subrecipients. Report Documenting the Performance of all TRIO programs. Report on Activities Carried out under the Rehabilitation Act Report on AP Course and Test Participation and Outcomes (Incentive Grants). Report on AP Course and Test Participation and Outcomes (Test Fees). Report on Impact Aid Construction Justifying Discretionary Grant Awards. Report on the Activities and Services Undertaken with Funds Provided under the Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights Program. Report on the Rural and Low-Income School (RLIS) Program. Report Regarding the Activities Assisted under the GEAR UP Program and the Evaluations Conducted Pursuant to this Section. Annual Report on Enforcement Actions for Stripper Well and Exxon Funds. Annual Report on Study of Economic Dispatch (ESCS 3096) - - Economic Dispatch and Variable Generation Resources Annual Update Workforce Restructuring Plans for Defense Nuclear Facilities - - Annual Report on Contractor Workforce Restructuring for Fiscal Year 2010. Biennial Progress Report: Meeting Federal Government Goals for the Consumption of Renewable Energy. Biennial Report, on Advanced Concepts and Technologies to Maximize U.S. Geothermal Resource Potential. - Report to Congress, Advanced Uses of Energy Biennial Report, onGeothermal Award of H-Prize for Advancements in Hydrogen Production Storage Distribution and Utilization. Phased Reports on Evaluation of the Success of Voluntary Commitments to Reduce Industrial Energy Intensity. Quinquennial Report, on the Technical and Economic Viability of Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy Technologies, (with interim requirements) Report on DOE's Experience with the Science and Engineering Education Pilot Program under section 983, and if Determined Appropriate, a Activities Plan for it's Expansion throughout the US for a Strategic Unconventional Fuels Development Program Report on the of the Petroleum Reserves Office Semi-annual Progress Report, on Compliance with Requirements of Section 305(b) to Amend Standards for Industrial Equipment. Energy Conservation Standards Activities Annual Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Report to the Congress Annual Report on Part D Formularies' Inclusion of Drugs Commonly Used by Dual Eligibles Annual Report on Pediatric Initiative Annual Report on the C.W. Bill Young Cell Transplantation Program Page 3 of 9

Agency Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security

Title of Plan or Report Annual Report to Congress related to the Qualified Independent Contractors (QICs) Activities Biennial Report to Congress on Evaluation, Research and Technical Assistance Activities Supported by the Promoting Safe and Stable Families Biennial Report Program to Congress: Organ Donation, and the Recovery, Preservation, and Transportation of Organs Biennial Report to Congress: Scientific and Clinical Status of Organ Transplantation Leased Aircraft Report to Congress National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program National Coverage Determination Annual Report National Institute of Nursing Research Biennial Report PREEMIE Act Report of the Director, National Institutes of Health Report of Trans-National Institutes of Health Research Conducted Report on the Interagency Working Group on Health Care Quality Report to Congress on Autism Surveillance Activities Report to Congress Under the Lead Contamination Control Act of 1988 Report to Congress World Trade Center Medical Monitoring and Treatment Program (111-220). Report to Congress: Annual Progress Report on Understanding the Long-Term Health Effects of Living Organ Donation Report to Congress: Program Evaluation Activities of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Review of Centers of Excellence Report Submission of CFS-101 Forms to Congress Superfund -- Annual Audit and Report of HHS Expenditures. Third Party Enrollment Demonstration CBP - Antidumping and Countervailing Duties Report CBP - Dog and Cat Fur report CBP - Full-Scale Implementation of Pilot Scanning System CBP - FY12 Annual Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Enforcement Distribution Report CBP - Importation of Softwood Lumber CBP - National Land Border Security Plan CBP - Outstanding Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Enforcement Collection Reports CBP- COBRA User Fee CBP- FY12 Staffing and Hiring Monthly Report CNE - Annual Budget Review CNE - Annual Evaluation of Counternarcotics Activities CNE - Seizure Report ICE - FY12 Annual Worksite Enforcement ICE - Quarterly Secure Communities ICE - Quarterly Unobligated Balances ICE - Staffing and Hiring Monthly Report ICE - Trade Compliance Expenditure Plan OSEM-PLCY Quarterly SBI Report Page 4 of 9

Agency Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Department of Housing and Urban Development Department of Justice Department of Justice Department of Labor Department of Labor Department of State Department of State Department of State Department of State Department of State Department of State Department of State Department of State Department of State Department of State Department of State Department of State Department of State Department of State Department of State Department of State Department of State Department of State Department of State Department of State Department of the Interior Department of the Interior

Title of Plan or Report TSA - Quarterly Federal Air Marshals Report TSA - Quarterly Recovered or Deobligated Funds for Explosive Detection Systems TSA - Registered Traveler Program, Protection of Personal Information USCG - 2011 Sexual Harassment and Violence at CGA USCG - Compliance with Security Standards Pursuant to MTSP USCG - Marine Safety Long Term Strategy, Performance Report & Annual Plan USCG - Marine Safety Workforce Assessment USCG - Presidential Security Expenditures (FY12; 1st Half) USCG - Presidential Security Expenditures (FY12; 2nd Half) USCG - Rescue 21 USCG - Sexual Assaults in the Coast Guard USM-OCPO Comprehensive Acquisition Status Report Quarterly Update Prevention of Fraud in CDBG Disaster Recovery Funds Report on the Number of Individuals Served and the Number of Individuals Turned Away from Visitation Programs and Services and Safe Visitation (referred to as the Supervised Visitation Report) Transitional Housing Program Report Older Americans Act 2006 Amendments Sec. 515 Report on Service to Minority Individuals. For Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act Annual Foreign Military Training Report Annual Military Assistance Report Annual Report on Financial Contributions by the U.S. To International Organizations Arms Transfer and Regional Balance in the Middle East Democratic People's Republic of Korea International Military Education and Training (IMET) Kosovo Peacekeeping Nuclear Nonproliferation in South Asia PLO Commitments Compliance Act Report on Employment of US Citizens by International Organizations Report on Immunity for Interdiction of Aircraft Used in Illicit Drug Trafficking Report on Outstanding Expropriation Claims by U.S. Citizens Report on Terrorist Lookout Committees Report on the Conflict in Sudan Report on the Kimberly Process, Report on Countries Exporting Diamonds Outside of the Kimberly Process Report on Visa Issuance to Inadmissible Aliens Resolution of the Cyprus Dispute Sudan Peace Act War Crimes Report Tibet Negotiations Workforce Planning for Foreign Service Personnel Annual Report to Congress including Annual Financial Report CALFED Annual Report Page 5 of 9

Agency Department of the Interior Department of the Interior Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Department of Veterans Affairs Department of Veterans Affairs Department of Veterans Affairs Department of Veterans Affairs Department of Veterans Affairs

Title of Plan or Report OST Annual Report to Congress Royalty in Kind (RIK) Program. Annual MDB Environment Report Annual Report for the NADBank Cancellation of HIPC Debt and Paris Club Debt Relief Expected Bilateral Debt Reduction Activities for the Current Fiscal Year Financial Implications of U.S. Participation in the International Monetary Fund IFI Labor Report IFI Voting Report National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies (NAC) Report New IMF Arrangements Regarding Rates and Maturities Report of Policies of the International Monetary Fund Report on AsDB Reforms Toward Seven Policy Goals Report on Clean Technology Fund Report on Significant Modifications Report on Treasury's International Technical Assistance Program Report on U.S. Supported Policies in the MDBs (IDA Graduation) Report on U.S. Supported Policies in the MDBs. 'The Corruption Report' Salmon Book on USG Foreign Credit Exposure Vacancy Report 13th Buckle Up America Report for CY 2009 Buy American Waivers Fundamental Properties of Asphalts Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Grants Report to Congress Hazardous Materials Safety Quarterly Staffing Report High Speed Corridors and Intercity Passenger Rail Service - Monthly Project Status Neighborhood Electric Vehicles Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Open Statutory Mandates Rail Safety Mandates and NTSB Recommendations Railway-Highway Crossings Report on Hazardous Materials Transportation Report on Major Projects Report to Congress on Pipeline Safety Information Grants to Communities (also known as Technical Assistance Grants, or TAGs) Technical Staffing Requirements Activities of the Office of Research Conversion of VA Functions to Contract Employees Local Procurement of Health Care Items Medical and Surgical Bed Closures Programs and Activities of the Department that Pertain to Veterans Who are Minority Group Members Page 6 of 9

Agency Department of Veterans Affairs Department of Veterans Affairs Department of Veterans Affairs Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Executive Office of the President Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission General Services Administration General Services Administration General Services Administration General Services Administration National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Title of Plan or Report Sharing of Health Care Resources Staffing for Nurses and Nurse Anesthetists Use of Authorities to Enhance Retention of Experienced Nurses Implementation of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978 Indian Environmental General Assistance Program Act of 1992 Regulation of Ocean Dumping Response to House Appropriations Committee (HAC) FY2010 Report Annual Superfund Alternative Approach (SAA): Status Update for FY 2010. Results of Investigations and Analyses of the Acid Precipitation Task Force Aeronautics and Space Report of the President Airport & Airways Act Annual Report on the WTO Baseline for Application of Reprogramming and Transfer Authorities for Fiscal Year 20XX FAIR Inventories Great Lakes Crosscut Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Scientific Assessment Report - Hypoxia Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Scientific Assessments Report - Harmful Algal Blooms Homeland Security Funding Analysis Include a List of Plans and Reports Determined to be Outdated or Duplicative by Each Agency in the Budget of the United States GovernmentOceans and Human Health Research Program Annual Report Interagency National Coordination of Research Infrastructure National Nanotechnology Advisory Panel Update National Oceanographic Partnership Program Report National Research Council Triennial Review of the National Nanotechnology Initiative National Windstorm Impact Reduction Program Biennial Report Outlays for Mandatory Programs Under Current Law (summary table in the Mid-Session Review) Program Performance Benefits from IT Investments Report on Operation of CBI Program Report to Congress on the Physicians' Comparability Allowance Program Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Report Semiannual Report on Section 301 Program Service Contract Inventory - Requirement for Individual Agency Federal Register Notice Publications Only The Waiver of Certain Sanctions Against North Korea Report Annual College Scholarship Fraud Prevention Act Report Annual Report on Ethanol Market Concentration Annual Status Report on the Contingency Contracting Corps Governmentwide Report on Agency Activities to Improve Air Quality and to Reduce Traffic Congestion by Providing for the Establishment of Programs to Encourage Federal Employees to for Commute by Means Other than Single Occupancy Vehicles Notification of Changes to the CONUS Lodging Per Diem Rates Federal Travelers Report to Congress on Activities of the Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings Enhancement of Science and Math Programs Page 7 of 9

Agency National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Science Foundation National Science Foundation National Science Foundation Office of Personnel Management Office of Personnel Management Office of Personnel Management Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence

Title of Plan or Report Federal Export and Control Laws Landsat National Security and International Obligations Consultation Reporting NASA Outreach Program No Full-Cost Recovery Policy for Use of Testing Facilities Reports on Program and Cost Assessment and Control Assessment Science Performance Assessments Space Cooperation with the Former Soviet Republics Space Shuttle Follow-on Progress Report Stratospheric Ozone Depletion Encouraging Participation Funding for Successful Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education Programs. Sense of Congress on Innovation Acceleration Research Critical Position Pay Report to Congress Physicians Comparability Allowance (PCA) Report to Congress Report to Congress on Extending Locality Pay to Non-GS Employees in Governmentwide Pay Systems Acquisition of Major Systems Activities of Privacy and Civil Liberties Officers Advisory Intelligence Committees Analytic Integrity Annual Counterterrorism Status Report Annual Personnel Level Assessments for the Intelligence Community Bandwidth Requirements for Major Defense Acquisition Programs and Major Systems Acquisition Programs Commerce with, and Assistance to, Cuba from other Foreign Countries Counterintelligence and Security Practices at the National Laboratories Customer Feedback on Department of Homeland Security Intelligence Reporting Diversion of Certain Goods, Services, and Technologies to Iranian End-Users or Iranian Intermediaries Federal Bureau of Investigation Information Sharing Intelligence Community Business System Transformation Intelligence Information Sharing Nuclear Aspirations on Non-State Entities and Related Matters Report on the Threat of Attack on the United States Using Weapons of Mass Destruction Report on Waivers of Conditions for Disqualification for Security Clearances Report Regarding Iran's Capability to Produce Nuclear Weapons Role of Analysts at Federal Bureau of Investigation Headquarters and Field Locations Security Clearances Security Clearances Security Vulnerabilities of National Laboratory Computers Steps Taken in Response to Espionage and Other Intelligence Activities by the People's Republic of China Submission and Review of Space Science and Technology Strategy Page 8 of 9

Agency Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence Securities and Exchange Commission Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Social Security Administration U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Title of Plan or Report Transformation of the Intelligence Capabilities of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Uncontrolled Treaty-Limited Equipment Implementation and Transition Provisions for Whistleblower Protection Breakout Procurement Center Representative Report (BPCR) Loss Report SBA Secondary Market Guarentee Authority Comprehensive Printing Plan Execution of Recovery Act Funds Execution of Regular Funds

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