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1. Progr m O!!i"er # Fren"$ %One Position&

The African Climate Change Fellowship Program (ACCFP) is an Africanwide donor-funded program providing experiential learning, education, research and training opportunities to young African professionals, researchers, educators and graduate students to enhance their capa ilities for advancing and applying !nowledge for climate change adaptation in Africa" A range of activities include, short-term research, advanced studies or targeted training, participation in community development and adaptation pro#ects, participation in policy and planning activities, development of communication and sta!eholder engagement efforts and$or development of course curriculum" Lo" tion' The position will e ased at %nstitute of &esource Assessment (IRA), 'niversity of (ar es )alaam, (ar es )alaam, Tan*ania" (. )o* +es"ription

&eporting to the )enior Programme +fficer, the Programme +fficer (French) shall lead the French component of ACCFP and shall e responsi le for implementing the programme,s strategy" The Programme +fficer (French) will e part of the ACCFP )ecretariat that is coordinated y the ACCFP Programme Coordinator" The following are among the activities to e performed y Programme +fficer" i" (evelop and implement procedures for receiving fellowship applicati ons

ii" -andle applications for the programme and facilitate review process iii" Facilitate and assist Fellows in the implementation of their pro#ects in host institutions

iv" Communicate with fellows, home$host programme re.uirements and activities



v" &eceive delivera les from fellows and organi*e for their reviews vi" /aintain a we site for disseminating information a out programme and share pro#ect documents with partners vii" (evelop and share programme,s newsletter viii"&epresenting ACCFP international forums" at appropriate national, regional and the

ix" Translate materials into French$0nglish as re.uired" x" 'nderta!e any other programme activities as may time to time" e re.uired from


./ li!i" tions

n+ E0perien"e

/ust e Fluent in oth written and spo!en French and 0nglish &elevant postgraduate degree in natural sciences, social sciences, programme management, or any discipline related to climate change adaptation1 /A$/)c level desira le1 A minimum of 2 years of experience in pro#ect management of donor funded pro#ects1 0xperience in writing proposals, planning, designing and implementing pro#ects, and report writing1 3nowledge of effective financial and udgetary control and grants management" Competen"ies 0xcellent spo!en and written communications, including report writing in French and 0nglish1 A ility to meet deadlines and function with little supervision, wor! in a teams, and esta lish effective wor!ing relations with persons of different national and cultural ac!grounds1 Computer s!ills, including word processing, spreadsheets, email, and internet1 0xperience in wor!ing in Africa is a must1 n+ Con+itions e employed on a two and half year,s


2.- Terms

The selected candidate will contract" 3.Ho4 to pply

%f you meet the a ove selection criteria, please send an application letter expressing your interest, enclosing detailed curriculum vitae and the names and addresses (including telephone, fax and e-mail) of three referees who are !nowledgea le a out the candidate,s professional .ualifications and wor! experience to4 5ire"tor6 %nstitute of &esource Assessment, 'niversity of (ar es )alaam, P" +" 5ox 26789, 5AR ES SALAAM. Tel4 :;66-;;-;<=7=<< Fax4 :;66-;;-;<=7282 Or *y em il to' ir 7ir ./+sm. ".t86 "opy to ""!p(7gm il."om6 4it$ t$e He +line 9ACCFP PO ppli" tion:. (eadline for receiving applications is ;7th /arch ;7=<

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