Supreme Court Judgement On Hate Speech

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157 OF 2013 Pravasi Bhalai Sangathan VERSUS Union of India & Ors. ..Respondents ..Petitioner

JUDGMENT D . !.S. CHAUHAN" J. 1. The instant writ petition has een preferred! " an organisation

dedi#ated to the welfare of inter$state %igrants! in the nat&re of p& li# interest see'ing e(er#ise of this #o&rt)s e(traordinar" *&risdi#tion &nder +rti#le ,- of the .onstit&tion of India! 1/01 2hereinafter referred to as the 3.onstit&tion)4 to re%ed" the #on#erns that have arisen e#a&se of 5hate spee#hes6! thro&gh the following pra"ers7 a. Iss&e appropriate writ! order! de#ree in the nat&re of %anda%&s de#laring hate8derogator" spee#hes %ade " people representatives8politi#al8religio&s leaders on religion! #aste! region and ethni# lines are violative of +rti#les 19 2E:&alit" efore ;aw4! 10 2Prohi ition of

Page 1

dis#ri%ination on gro&nds of religion! ra#e! #aste or pla#e of irth4! 1< 2E:&alit" in %atters of p& li# e%plo"%ent4! 1/ 2Prote#tion of #ertain rights regarding freedo% of spee#h et#.4! -1 2Prote#tion of ;ife and Personal ;i ert"4 of =&nda%ental Rights read with +rti#le ,> of the ?ire#tive Prin#iples of State Poli#" and =&nda%ental ?&ties &nder +rti#le 01$+2a4! 2 4! 2#4! 2e4! 2f4! 2i4 & 2*4 of the .onstit&tion and %erits stringent pre$e%ptor" a#tion on part of the .entral and State govern%ents@ . Iss&e appropriate writ! order! de#ree in the nat&re of %anda%&s de#laring hate8derogator" spee#hes %ade on the lines of religion! #aste! ra#e and pla#e of irth 2region4 to e an a#t against the Union of India whi#h &nder%ines the &nit" and integrit" of the #o&ntr" and %ilitates against non$dis#ri%ination and fraternit"@ #. Iss&e appropriate writ! order! de#ree in the nat&re of %anda%&s de#laring that 5=raternit"6 for%s part of 5Basi# Str&#t&re6 of the .onstit&tion@ d. Iss&e appropriate writ! order! de#ree in the nat&re of %anda%&s dire#ting %andator" suo motu registration of =IR against a&thors of hate8derogator" spee#hes %ade on the lines of religion! #aste! ra#e and pla#e of irth 2region4 " the Union and State Aovern%ents! in the alternative! #onstit&tion of a #o%%ittee " the Union of India in #ons&ltation with this .o&rt for ta'ing #ogniBan#e of hate8derogator" spee#hes delivered within the territor" of India with the power to re#o%%end initiation of #ri%inal pro#eeding against the a&thors@ e. Iss&e appropriate writ! order! de#ree in the nat&re of %anda%&s dire#ting %andator" i%position of 5gag order6 restraining the a&thor of hate8derogator" spee#hes %ade on the lines of religion! #aste! ra#e and pla#e of irth 2region4 fro% addressing the p& li# an"where within the territor" of India till the disposal
Page 2

of the #ri%inal pro#eeding initiated against hi% as a ne#essar" pre$#ondition for grant of ail " the Cagistrate@ f. Iss&e appropriate writ! order! de#ree in the nat&re of %anda%&s dire#ting speed" disposal of #ri%inal pro#eedings against a&thors of hate8derogator" spee#hes %ade on the lines of religion! #aste! ra#e and pla#e of irth 2region4 within a period of < %onths@ g. Iss&e appropriate writ! order! de#ree in the nat&re of %anda%&s dire#ting s&spension of %e% ership of a&thors of hate8derogator" spee#hes %ade on the lines of religion! #aste! ra#e and pla#e of irth 2region4 fro% the Union8State ;egislat&re and other ele#ted odies till the final disposal of the #ri%inal pro#eedings@ h. Iss&e appropriate writ! order! de#ree in the nat&re of %anda%&s dire#ting ter%ination of %e% ership of a&thors of hate8derogator" spee#h %ade on the lines of religion! #aste! ra#e and pla#e of irth 2region4 fro% the Union8State ;egislat&re and other ele#ted odies if fo&nd g&ilt"@ i. Iss&e appropriate writ! order! de#ree in the nat&re of %anda%&s dire#ting de$re#ognition of the politi#al part" of a&thors of hate8derogator" spee#h %ade on the lines of religion! #aste! ra#e and pla#e of irth 2region4 " the Ele#tion .o%%ission of India where the a&thor is heading the politi#al part" in e(er#ise of power vested inter-alia &nder +rti#le ,-9 of the .onstit&tion read with Se#tions -/+204! 1-,2,4 of the Representation of the People +#t! 1/01 and Se#tion 1<+ of the Ele#tion S"% ols 2Reservation and +llot%ent4 Order! 1/<>@ *. Iss&e appropriate writ! order! de#ree in the nat&re of %anda%&s dire#ting the Union of India to have #on#&rrent *&risdi#tion to prose#&te a&thors of hate8derogator" spee#hes in addition to the States in ter%s of the %andate of +rti#les --D! ,00 read with
Page 3

+rti#le ,> of the .onstit&tion whi#h %erit stringent pre$e%ptor" a#tion on part of the .entral Aovern%ent@ '. Iss&e appropriate writ! order! de#ree in the nat&re of %anda%&s dire#ting the Union of India and respe#tive States to enfor#e =&nda%ental ?&ties &nder +rti#le 01$+ 2a4! 2 4! 2#4! 2e4! 2f4! 2i4 & 2*4 of the .onstit&tion " ta'ing proa#tive steps in pro%oting national integration and har%on" a%ongst the #itiBens of India@ l. Iss&e s&#h other appropriate writ or dire#tion that %a" e dee%ed to e *&st and e:&ita le in the fa#ts and #ir#&%stan#es of the #ase and in the interest of *&sti#e.6


Shri Basava Pra h& S. Patil! learned senior #o&nsel appearing

on ehalf of the petitioner! has s& %itted that the reliefs so&ght " the petitioner is in #onsonan#e with the s#he%e of o&r .onstit&tion as the 5hate spee#hes6 delivered " ele#ted representatives! politi#al and

religio&s leaders %ainl" ased on religion! #aste! region or ethni#it" %ilitate against the .onstit&tional idea of fraternit" and violates +rti#les 19! 10! 1/! -1 read with +rti#le ,> of the .onstit&tion and f&rther is in derogation of the f&nda%ental d&ties &nder +rti#le 01$+ 2a4! 2 4! 2#4! 2e4! 2f4! 2i4! 2*4 of the .onstit&tion and therefore warrant stringent pre$e%ptor" a#tion on the part of .entral and State Aovern%ents. The e(isting law dealing with the s& *e#t %atter is not

Page 4










Eate8derogator" spee#h has not een defined &nder an" penal law. +##olade is given to the a&thor of s&#h spee#hes and the" also get politi#al patronage. In s&#h fa#t$sit&ation! this .o&rt #annot re%ain %erel" a silent spe#tator! rather has to pla" an i%portant role and iss&e g&idelines8dire#tions in e(er#ise of its powers &nder +rti#le 19- of the .onstit&tion whi#h are ne#essar" for the said p&rpose as the e(isting legal fra%e wor' is not s&ffi#ient to #ontrol the %ena#e of 5hate spee#hes6. Therefore! this .o&rt sho&ld grant aforesaid reliefs. ,. Shri Sidharth ;&thra! learned +SA! Shri Ra*iv Fanda! Shri

Aa&rav Bhatia! learned ++A for the State of U.P.! Cs. +sha Aopalan Fair! Shri Aopal Singh! Cs. R&#hi Gohli! Shri ..?. Singh! and all other standing #o&nsel appearing on ehalf of the respe#tive States! have s& %itted that there are vario&s stat&tor" provisions dealing with the s& *e#t %atter and the iss&e involved herein is a :&estion of enfor#e%ent of the said stat&tor" provisions and an" person aggrieved #an p&t the law into %otion in s&#h event&alities. Shri Sidharth ;&thra! learned +SA! has f&rther s& %itted that the iss&e of de#ri%inalisation of politi#s as part of ele#toral refor%s is &nder #onsideration efore this .o&rt in Hrit Petition 2.4 Fo. 0,< of
Page 5

-111 and in the said %atter! this .o&rt had fra%ed #ertain iss&es and referred the %atter to the ;aw .o%%ission of India to st&d" the s& *e#t with regard to the Representation of People +#t! 1/01 2hereinafter referred to as 5R.P.+#t64 and %a" %a'e appropriate

s&ggestions 2report4 to the Aovern%ent of India vide order dated 1<.1-.-11, and! th&s! Shri ;&thra has s&ggested that in #ase there is so%e defi#ien#" in law! this .o&rt sho&ld not a#t as s&per$legislat&re! rather %a'e a re#o%%endation to the ;aw .o%%ission to &nderta'e f&rther st&d" and s& %it its report to the Aovern%ent of India for its #onsideration8a##eptan#e. 9. Cs. Ceena'shi +rora! learned senior #o&nsel appearing on

ehalf of the Ele#tion .o%%ission of India! has s& %itted that there are vario&s provisions li'e Se#tion -/+204 & 2D4 of the R.P. +#t e%powering the .o%%ission to e(a%ine the do#&%ents filed " a politi#al part" at the ti%e of its registration and the appli#ation so filed %&st e a##o%panied " its #onstit&tion8r&les whi#h sho&ld #ontain a spe#ifi# provision to the effe#t that the asso#iation8 od" wo&ld ear tr&e faith and allegian#e to the .onstit&tion of India as " law

esta lished and to the prin#iples of so#ialis%! se#&laris% and de%o#ra#" and that the" wo&ld &phold the sovereignt"! integrit" and
Page 6

&nit" of India.

Eowever! it has

een s&ggested that Ele#tion

.o%%ission does not have the power to deregister8dere#ognise a politi#al part" &nder the R.P. +#t on#e it has een registered. + registered politi#al part" is entitled to re#ognition as a State or national part" onl" &pon f&lfilling the #onditions laid down in paragraph <+ or <B of the Ele#tion S"% ols 2Reservation and +llot%ent4 Order! 1/<> 2hereinafter referred to as 5S"% ols Order64. The Ele#tion .o%%ission in e(er#ise of its powers &nder Paragraph 1<+ of S"% ols Order! #an ta'e appropriate a#tion against a politi#al part" on its fail&re to o serve %odel #ode of #ond&#t or in #ase the part" fails to o serve or follow the lawf&l dire#tions and instr&#tions of the Ele#tion .o%%ission. The %odel #ode of #ond&#t provides #ertain g&idelines inter-alia that no part" or #andidate shall ind&lge in an" a#tivit" whi#h %a" aggravate e(isting differen#es or #reate %&t&al hatred or #a&se tension etween two different #astes and

#o%%&nities! religio&s or ling&isti# and no politi#al part" shall %a'e an appeal on the asis of #aste or #o%%&nal feelings for se#&ring votes. It f&rther provides that no religio&s pla#e shall e &sed as for&% for ele#tion propaganda. Eowever! the Ele#tion .o%%ission onl" has power to #ontrol hate spee#hes d&ring the s& sisten#e of the

Page 7

#ode of #ond&#t and not otherwise. 0. The ;aw .o%%ission of India has prepared a #ons&ltation

paper and st&died the %atter f&rther on vario&s iss&es in#l&ding whether the e(isting provisions 2.onstit&tional or Stat&tor"4 relating to dis:&alifi#ation to #ontest ele#tions need to e a%endedI The ;aw .o%%ission had earlier in its 1//> re#o%%endations e%phasised on the need to strengthen the provision relating to dis:&alifi#ation and in view thereof! it has een s& %itted " Cs. +rora that it is onl" for the legislat&re to a%end the law and e%power the Ele#tion .o%%ission to perfor% a alan#ing a#t in following the %andate of the relevant .onstit&tional and stat&tor" provisions.


The S&pre%e .o&rt of .anada in S#$%#&'()*#+ (H,-#+

R./(&$ Co--.$$.o+) 0. W(#&'o&& -11, S.. 11! s&##eeded in ringing o&t the 5h&%an rights6 o ligations leading to #ontrol on p& li#ation of 5hate spee#hes6 for prote#tion of h&%an rights defining the e(pression 5hate spee#h6 o serving that the definition of 5hatred6 set o&t in C#+#1# (H,-#+ R./(&$ Co--.$$.o+) 0. T#23o ! 21//14 , S.R >/-! with so%e %odifi#ations! provides a wor'a le approa#h to interpreting the word 5hatred6 as is &sed in legislative provisions

Page 8

prohi iting hate spee#h. Three %ain pres#riptions %&st e followed. =irst! #o&rts %&st appl" the hate spee#h prohi ition o *e#tivel". The :&estion #o&rts %&st as' is whether a reasona le person! aware of the #onte(t and #ir#&%stan#es! wo&ld view the e(pression as e(posing the prote#ted gro&p to hatred. Se#ond! the legislative ter% 5hatred6 or 5hatred or #onte%pt6 %&st e interpreted as eing restri#ted to those e(tre%e %anifestations of the e%otion des#ri ed " the words

5detestation6 and 5vilifi#ation6. This filters o&t e(pression whi#h! while rep&gnant and offensive! does not in#ite the level of a horren#e! delegiti%isation and re*e#tion that ris's #a&sing dis#ri%ination or other har%f&l effe#ts. Third! tri &nals %&st fo#&s their anal"sis on the effe#t of the e(pression at iss&e! na%el" whether it is li'el" to e(pose the targeted person or gro&p to hatred " others. The rep&gnan#" of the ideas eing e(pressed is not s&ffi#ient to *&stif" restri#ting the e(pression! and whether or not the a&thor of the e(pression intended to in#ite hatred or dis#ri%inator" treat%ent is irrelevant. The 'e" is to deter%ine the li'el" effe#t of the e(pression on its a&dien#e! 'eeping in %ind the legislative o *e#tives to red&#e or eli%inate


Page 9


Eate spee#h is an effort to %arginalise individ&als ased on

their %e% ership in a gro&p. Using e(pression that e(poses the gro&p to hatred! hate spee#h see's to delegiti%ise gro&p %e% ers in the e"es of the %a*orit"! red&#ing their so#ial standing and a##eptan#e within so#iet". Eate spee#h! therefore! rises e"ond #a&sing distress to

individ&al gro&p %e% ers. It #an have a so#ietal i%pa#t. Eate spee#h la"s the gro&ndwor' for later! road atta#'s on v&lnera le that #an range fro% dis#ri%ination! to ostra#is%! segregation! deportation! violen#e and! in the %ost e(tre%e #ases! to geno#ide. Eate spee#h also i%pa#ts a prote#ted gro&p)s a ilit" to respond to the s& stantive ideas &nder de ate! there " pla#ing a serio&s parti#ipation in o&r de%o#ra#". arrier to their f&ll


Bla#')s ;aw ?i#tionar"! /th Edn. defines the e(pression 3hate

spee#h) as &nder7 5Spee#h that #arries no %eaning other than the e(pression of hatred for so%e gro&p! s&#h as a parti#&lar ra#e! espe#iall" in #ir#&%stan#es in whi#h the #o%%&ni#ation is li'el" to provo'e violen#e.6


In R#-)$( 0. U+.o+ o4 I+1.#! +IR 1/>> S. DD0! while dealing

with the s& *e#t! this .o&rt o served7

Page 10

5..that the effe#t of the words %&st e *&dged fro% the standards of reasona le! strong$%inded! fir% and #o&rageo&s %en! and not those of wea' and va#illating %inds! nor of those who s#ent danger in ever" hostile point of view.6 11. Aiven s&#h disastro&s #onse:&en#es of hate spee#hes! the

Indian legal fra%ewor' has ena#ted several stat&tor" provisions dealing with the s& *e#t whi#h are referred to as &nder7 S3.No. 1. -. ,. S&#&,&) Indian Penal .ode! 1><1 The Representation of People +#t! 1/01 Infor%ation Te#hnolog" +#t! -111 & Infor%ation Te#hnolog" 2Inter%ediaries g&idelines4 R&les! -111 .ode of .ri%inal Pro#ed&re! 1/D, Unlawf&l +#tivities 2Prevention4 +#t! 1/<D Prote#tion of .ivil Rights +#t! 1/00 Religio&s Instit&tions 2Prevention of Cis&se4 +#t! 1/>1 The .a le Television Fetwor's 2Reg&lation4 +#t! 1//0 and The .a le Television Fetwor' 2R&les4! 1//9 The .ine%atographers +#t! 1/0P o0.$.o+$ Se#tions 1-9+! 10,+! 10,B! -/0$+! -/>! 010214! 0102-4 Se#tions >! 1-, 2,+4! 1-0 Se#tions <<+! </! </+ R&le ,2-42 4! R&le ,2-42i4 Se#tions /0! 11D! 199! 101! 1<1 Se#tions -2f4! 11! 11! 1Se#tion D Se#tions , and < Se#tions 0!<!11!1-!1<! 1D! 1/! -1 & R&les < &D Se#tions 9! 0B! D

9. 0. <. D. >.

/. 11.

In addition thereto! the .entral Aovern%ent has alwa"s

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provided s&pport to the State Aovern%ents and Union Territor" ad%inistrations in several wa"s to %aintain #o%%&nal har%on" in the #o&ntr" and in #ase of need the .entral Aovern%ent also sends advisories in this regard fro% ti%e to ti%e. Eowever! in s&#h #ases! as poli#e and p& li# order eing a State s& *e#t &nder the D th S#hed&le of .onstit&tion! the responsi ilit" of registration and prose#&tion of #ri%e in#l&ding those involved in hate spee#hes! pri%aril" rests with the respe#tive State Aovern%ents. 1-. The .entral Aovern%ent has also iss&ed revised g&idelines to

pro%ote #o%%&nal har%on" to the States and Union Territories in -11> whi#h provides inter-alia that stri#t a#tion sho&ld e ta'en

against an"one infla%ing passions and stro'ing #o%%&nal tension " inte%perate and infla%%ator" spee#hes and &tteran#es. The 5A&idelines On .o%%&nal Ear%on"! -11>6 iss&ed " the Cinistr" of Eo%e +ffairs! Aovern%ent of India see' to prevent and avoid #o%%&nal dist&r an#es8riots and in the event of s&#h dist&r an#es o##&rring! a#tion to #ontrol the sa%e and %eas&res to provide assistan#e and relief to the affe#ted persons are provided therein in#l&ding reha ilitation. The detailed g&idelines have een iss&ed to ta'e preventive8re%edial %eas&res and to i%pose
Page 12

responsi ilities of the ad%inistration and to enfor#e the sa%e. Vario&s %odalities have een for%&lated to deal with the iss&e whi#h have een e%phasised on parti#ipation of the sta'e holders. 1,. So far as the stat&tor" provisions! as referred to hereina ove!

are #on#erned! Se#tion 1-9+ of Indian Penal .ode! 1><1 2hereinafter referred to as the 3IP.)4 %a'es sedition an offen#e p&nisha le! i.e.! when an" person atte%pts to ring into hatred or #onte%pt or atte%pts to e(#ite disaffe#tion towards the Aovern%ent esta lished " law. 2Vide7 5)1# N#&( S.+/( 0. S&#&) o4 !.(# ! +IR 1/<- S. /004 19. Se#tions 10,+ and 10,B IP. %a'es an" a#t whi#h pro%otes

en%it" etween the gro&ps on gro&nds of religions and ra#e et#. or whi#h are pre*&di#ial to national integration p&nisha le. The p&rpose of ena#t%ent of s&#h a provision was to 5#he#' fissiparo&s #o%%&nal and separatist tenden#ies and se#&re fraternit" so as to ens&re the dignit" of the individ&al and the &nit" of the nation6. Undo& tedl"! religio&s freedo% %a" e a##o%panied " li ert" of e(pression of religio&s opinions together with the li ert" to reasona l" #riti#ise the religio&s eliefs of others! &t as has een held " #o&rts ti%e and again! with powers #o%e responsi ilit".

Page 13


Se#tion -/0+ IP. deals with offen#es related to religion and

provides for a p&nish%ent &pto , "ears for spee#h! writings or signs whi#h are %ade with deli erate and %ali#io&s intention to ins&lt the religion or the religio&s eliefs of an" #lass of #itiBens. This .o&rt in R#-6. L#3 Mo1. 0. S&#&) o4 U.P." +IR 1/0D S. <-1! has &pheld the .onstit&tional validit" of the se#tion. 1<. ;i'ewise Se#tion -/> IP. provides that an" a#t with deli erate

and %ali#io&s intention of h&rting the religio&s feelings of an" person is p&nisha le. Eowever! Se#tion -/0+ IP. deals with far %ore serio&s offen#es. =&rther%ore! Se#tion 0102-4 IP. provides that %a'ing state%ents that #reate or pro%ote en%it"! hatred or ill$will etween different #lasses of so#iet" is a p&nisha le offen#e involving i%prison%ent &pto three "ears or fine or oth. 1D. The Prote#tion of .ivil Rights +#t 1/00! whi#h was ena#ted to

s&pple%ent the #onstit&tional %andate of a olishing 3&nto&#ha ilit") in India! #ontains provisions penaliBing hate spee#h against the histori#all" %arginalised 3dalit) #o%%&nities. Se#tion D2142#4 of the +#t prohi its the in#ite%ent or en#o&rage%ent of the pra#ti#e of

Page 14

3&nto&#ha ilit") in an" for% 2 " words! either spo'en or written! or " signs or " visi le representations or otherwise4 " an" person or #lass of persons or the p& li# generall". Si%ilarl"! intentional p& li# h&%iliation of %e% ers of the 3S#hed&led .astes) and 3S#hed&led Tri es) is penaliBed &nder the S#hed&led .astes and the S#hed&led Tri es 2Prevention of +tro#ities4 +#t! 1/>/. 1>. Se#tion 1-,2,4 of the R.P. +#t! provides inter-alia that no part"

or #andidate shall appeal for vote on the gro&nd of religion! ra#e! #aste! #o%%&nit"! lang&age et#. Se#tion 1-0 of the R.P.+#t f&rther restrains an" politi#al part" or the #andidate to #reate feelings of en%it" or hatred different #lasses of #itiBens of India p&nisha le offen#e. 1/. Article 20(2) of the International Covenant on Civil etween

" %a'ing s&#h an a#t a

& Political Ri ht!" 1966 (ICCPR) re!train! a#vocac$ of national" racial or reli io%! hatre# that &a$ re!%lt in incite&ent for #i!cri&ination" ho!tilit$ or violence cla!!if$in it a! 'rohi(ite# ($ la)* +i&ilarl$ Article! 4 an# 6 of the International

Page 15

Convention on the ,li&ination of All -or&! of Racial .i!cri&ination" 1965 (lC,R.) 'rohi(it! the ele&ent! of hate !'eech an# &an#ate! the &e&(er !tate! to &a/e a la) 'rohi(itin an$ /in# of hate !'eech thro% h a

!%ita(le fra&e)or/ of la)* -1. Th&s! it is evident that the ;egislat&re had alread" provided

s&ffi#ient and effe#tive re%ed" for prose#&tion of the a&thor! who ind&lge in s&#h a#tivities. In spite of the a ove! petitioner so&ght reliefs whi#h tanta%o&nt to legislation. This .o&rt has persistentl" held that o&r .onstit&tion #learl" provides for separation of powers and the #o&rt %erel" applies the law that it gets fro% the legislat&re. .onse:&entl"! the +nglo$Sa(on legal tradition has insisted that the *&dges sho&ld onl" refle#t the law regardless of the anti#ipated #onse:&en#es! #onsiderations of fairness or p& li# poli#" and the *&dge is si%pl" not a&thorised to legislate law. 5If there is a law! J&dges #an #ertainl" enfor#e it! &t J&dges #annot #reate a law and see' to enfor#e it.6 The #o&rt #annot re$write! re$#ast or refra%e the legislation for the ver" good reason that it has no power to legislate. The ver" power to legislate has not een #onferred on the #o&rts. Eowever! of latel"! *&di#ial a#tivis% of the s&perior #o&rts in India
Page 16

has raised p& i# e"e row ti%e and again. Tho&gh *&di#ial a#tivis% is regarded as the a#tive interpretation of an e(isting provision with the view of enhan#ing the &tilit" of legislation for so#ial etter%ent in a##ordan#e with the .onstit&tion! the #o&rts &nder its gar have

a#tivel" strived to a#hieve the #onstit&tional aspirations of so#io$ e#ono%i# *&sti#e. In %an" #ases! this .o&rt iss&ed vario&s g&idelines8dire#tions to prevent fra&d &pon the stat&tes! or when it was fo&nd that #ertain enefi#iar" provisions were eing %is$&sed " the &ndeserving persons! depriving the legiti%ate #lai%s of eligi le persons. 2See7 S.P. G,7&# 0. U+.o+ o4 I+1.# 8 A+ . ! +IR 1/>- S. 19/@ !#+1(,# M,%&. Mo '(# 0. U+.o+ o4 I+1.# 8 O $. ! +IR 1/>9 S. >1-@ U+.o+ o4 I+1.# 8 A+ . 0. D)o%. N#+1#+ A//# *#3 ! +IR 1//- S. /<@ S,7 )-) Co, & A10o'#&)$9o+9R)'o 1 A$$o'.#&.o+ 8 O $. 0. U+.o+ o4 I+1.#! +IR 1//9 S. -<>@ V.$(#%# 8 O $. 0. S&#&) o4 R#6#$&(#+ 8 O $.! +IR 1//D S. ,111@ D.0.$.o+#3 M#+#/) " A #0#3. Go34 C3,: 8 A+ . 0. C(#+1) H#$$ 8 A+ ." 2-11>4 1 S.. <>,@ and Co--o+ C#,$) (A R)/1. So'.)&2) 0. U+.o+ o4 I+1.# 8 O $." 2-11>4 0 S.. 0114. -1. Hhile e(plaining the s#ope of +rti#le 191 of the .onstit&tion!

in N#+1 5.$(o ) 0. S&#&) o4 P,+6#:" 21//04 < S.. <19! this .o&rt
Page 17

held as &nder7 Their Lordships decisions declare the existing law but do not enact any fresh law, is not in keeping with the plenary function of the Supreme Court under Article ! of the Constitution, for the Court is not merely the interpreter of the law as existing, but much beyond that" The Court as a wing of the State is by itself a source of law" The law is what the Court says it is"# --. Be that as it %a"! this .o&rt has #onsistentl" #larified that the

dire#tions have een iss&ed " the .o&rt onl" when there has een a total va#&&% in law! i.e. #o%plete a sen#e of a#tive law to provide for the effe#tive enfor#e%ent of a asi# h&%an right. In #ase there is ina#tion on the part of the e(e#&tive for whatsoever reason! the #o&rt has stepped in! in e(er#ise of its #onstit&tional o ligations to enfor#e the law. In #ase of va#&&% of legal regi%e to deal with a parti#&lar sit&ation the #o&rt %a" iss&e g&idelines to provide a sol&tion till s&#h ti%e as the legislat&re a#ts to perfor% its role " ena#ting proper legislation to #over the field. Th&s! dire#tion #an e iss&ed onl" in a sit&ation where the will of the ele#ted legislat&re has not "et een e(pressed. -,. =&rther! the #o&rt sho&ld not grant a relief or pass

order8dire#tion whi#h is not #apa le of i%ple%entation. This .o&rt in

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S&#&) o4 U.P. 8 A+ . 0. U.P. R#62# 5(#+.6 V.%#$ N./#- S#+/# $( S#-.&. 8 O $.! 2-11>4 1- S.. <D0! has held as &nder7 !$. To us, one of the considerations in such matters is whether an order passed or direction issued is susceptible of implementation and enforcement, and if it is not implemented whether appropriate proceedings including proceedings for wilful disobedience of the order of the Court can be initiated against the opposite party" The direction issued by the %igh Court falls short of this test and on that ground also, the order is &ulnerable"# 2E%phasis added4


J&di#ial review is s& *e#t to the prin#iples of *&di#ial restraint

and %&st not e#o%e &n%anagea le in other aspe#ts. 2Vide7 5.+/ E-7) o 0. 5(*#6# N#;. A(-)1! +IR 1/90 P. 1>@ S&#&) o4 H# 2#+# 8 O $. 0. C(. !(#6#+ L#3 8 O $. 0.! +IR 1//- S. <19@ and A%(.3)$( <#1#0 E&'. 0. V.$(*#+#&( C(#&, 0)1. ! 2-11,4 S.. 14. 25* It i! #e!ira(le to '%t rea!ona(le 'rohi(ition on %n)arrante# action! (%t there &a$ ari!e #iffic%lt$ in confinin the 'rohi(ition to !o&e &ana ea(le !tan#ar#

an# in #oin !o" it &a$ enco&'a!! all !ort! of !'eeche! )hich nee#! to (e avoi#e# * -or a lon co%rt! )ere content in %'hol#in ti&e the 0+

le i!lation! c%rtailin
Page 19

1hate !'eech2 an# relate# i!!%e!* 3o)ever" of latel$" the co%rt! have !hifte# ear! there($ 'avin the )a$

for &$ria# of r%lin ! )hich !i#e )ith in#ivi#%al free#o& of !'eech an# e4're!!ion a! o''o!e# to the or#er of a &ana ea(le !ociet$* 5See7 !)#,(# +#.$ 0. I33.+o.$! ,9, U.S. -01 21/0-4@ ! #+1)+:, / 0. O(.o! ,/0 U.S. 999 R.A.V. 0. C.&2 o4 S&. P#,3! 11- S. .t. -0,> 21//-4K. 21/</4@ and


In view of the a ove! the law #an e s&%%arised to the effe#t

that if an" a#tion is ta'en " an" person whi#h is ar itrar"! &nreason$ a le or otherwise in #ontravention of an" stat&tor" provisions or penal law! the #o&rt #an grant relief 'eeping in view the eviden#e efore it and #onsidering the stat&tor" provisions involved. Eowever! the #o&rt sho&ld not pass an" *&di#iall" &n%anagea le order whi#h is in#apa le of enfor#e%ent. -D. +s referred to herein a ove! the stat&tor" provisions and the

parti#&larl" the penal law provide s&ffi#ient re%ed" to #&r

%ena#e of 5hate spee#hes6. Th&s! person aggrieved %&st resort to the re%ed" provided &nder a parti#&lar stat&te. The root of the pro le% is not the a sen#e of laws &t rather a la#' of their effe#tive e(e#&tion.

Page 20

Therefore! the e(e#&tive as well as #ivil so#iet" has to perfor% its role in enfor#ing the alread" e(isting legal regi%e. Effe#tive reg&lation of 5hate spee#hes6 at all levels is re:&ired as the a&thors of s&#h spee#hes #an e oo'ed &nder the e(isting penal law and all the law enfor#ing agen#ies %&st ens&re that the e(isting law is not rendered a dead letter. Enfor#e%ent of the aforesaid provisions is re:&ired eing in #onsonan#e with the proposition 5salus reipublicae suprema lex6 2safet" of the state is the s&pre%e law4. ->. Th&s! we sho&ld not entertain a petition #alling for iss&ing

#ertain dire#tions whi#h are in#apa le of enfor#e%ent8e(e#&tion. The Fational E&%an Rights .o%%ission wo&ld e well within its power if it de#ides to initiate s&o$%ot& pro#eedings against the alleged a&thors of hate spee#h. Eowever! in view of the fa#t that the ;aw .o%%ission has &nderta'en the st&d" as to whether the Ele#tion .o%%ission sho&ld e #onferred the power to de$re#ognise a politi#al part" dis:&alif"ing it or its %e% ers! if a part" or its %e% ers #o%%it the offen#es referred to hereina ove! we re:&est the ;aw .o%%ission to also e(a%ine the iss&es raised herein thoro&ghl" and also to #onsider! if it dee%s proper! defining the e(pression 5hate spee#h6 and %a'e
Page 21

re#o%%endations to the Parlia%ent to strengthen the Ele#tion .o%%ission to #&r the %ena#e of 5hate spee#hes6 irrespe#tive of whenever %ade.

Hith these o servations! the writ petition stands disposed of. + #op" of the *&dg%ent e sent to the Eon) le .hair%an of ;aw .o%%ission of India.

.J. (Dr. B.S. CHAUHAN) .J. (M.Y. EQBAL) .J. (A.K. SIKRI) New Delhi M!r"h #$ $%#&.

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