Lillian Kaplan 2007-134077539-048af66a-9-2

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Fem 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Under section 501(¢) 527, or 494701) othe Internal Revenue Code “escepi tacking Benett iret or prvte foundation) enaTRlshat’sececth]|_» The organization may have to use a copy of this retuin to satisfy state reporting requirements 2007 ‘Open to Public “inspection SCANNED DEC 29 1A Forthe 2007 calendar yuo tx year begining = 2007, and ening 8 cantante G inowe [epi orrzons Bars ACHTEZER NC 077538 —— Po Box 402 amor eae fein HONSEY, “RY 10952 HTermnaton F emer? ET JCesh Ul Accrual a ee semen sre * SMe ake mu eck ecompetad eheale A” (Hq) cursounuuniratues | eee reeareeae Hi (b) 11-¥es enter ruber of aftaates 6 tC msnuncase Cm Ome 7 Pricitoret gna 3 sete) []oowne: 1106) seat an FT CheckPae [ [The oganzaton spol 0Z0SGHC) supporinaevganzlon ands | —--wemnntenenenttr open na? [Joo lve tress events. oemarnaiy wat more han $25,000 Artur fat vequed tthe [Group Exemption amber > See eee sce Te See be tt tea conte ese fe Ea ow es enpis Addins B.S ad bio nw 12> 7, 991, 315] _teatansoniie (um a 07 (Pant —[ Revenue, Expenses, and Changes in Nel Assels or Fund Balances (See the mnstuchons.) 1 Conroutens. fs grams, and sar arouns reeves, a Contnbtns to doneragnsed funds, 1] B Dvect pb support (ok ude on ne 18) Tl —7, 302, 575 € ined puble suppor (rl nud on ie 1) Td 4 Goverment contrbuton (ans) (nla on he 12) rr OTS $7,922,575. ween § : rel 7,922,575 2 Progrom sence fevenoa rein doversrent fees ard convacs (rom Pan re 93) 2 2 Membersnp des and assessments 3 4 tees on sawngs ad emporayeash vestments 4 5. Drndends and nivel om secures A 1a, fa Grose rents a b Less rental expenses e € het renal eam oF C68) Subtract ine 6b fom ine 69 «| | 7. Otter investment came (dserbe fl terse ae eas wate: i than inventory Bal 3] Les costo oer basis and soles expenses a € Gane) (ich et) re {iNet gam or Goss. Combo ine 8, columns () and @) ad 2 Speci eons and ads (atach sched) any amount som gaming, check here *(] a Gross even (at ncuding St contours, iolind reported on line 1b) al b Lar eel expenses ole han lundasing expenses 33] € Nel neome Cost) tom seca events, Suc ne 9 om be 98 sq 10s Gross sles of ventory less rel en allowances 10a Los’ cost of goods sold banal € oe tf) tn sso eye ey SMES of iad 10 ter evene (om Pat Vi ne 103) 2 1 ty alco Aint ta 287.8498 0 oy I ee {12 Prosram sernces (ram Ine 8, column (8) 3 13 [ 7,702,063. £] 1a Manager and genet! (rom ine 88 ohn (> i 113,051 E] 1s. ronersng tom inet, clu (©) 18 72.750. $] 16. Povments to fle tach send) 76 | tr Tetalexpenses. Aa toes 16 and 4, column () WT, 07, Bes 8 Excess or (eh forthe yeor Subtle 17 from ie 72 7 93,455 #9] 19 Net assets or fund balances at beanning of year (Irom line 73, oluma (AY) 19 516,938. FHI za. Omer changes nel asso und balances (tach explanation) 0 3] 21 Nerassets or ung balances st end of year Combine ies 18 19, nd 20 a T0333 7A. For Privacy Act nd Paperwork Reduction Act otc, se the separate Insane, Tara ame Form 290 007) GIT 13 Form 990;2007) HORIZONS BAIS ACHIEZER INC 13-4077539 page? Functional B organggigns myatcomplee column (A) Commins (), ), ang ©) arg requre Part _TStatemeny esau 0h aero ane schon SATU UN noswcemyt Cauableruske BU ang 2 oars Coe dace Da nal cvs amounts reperied on tne Program anagerent ‘crs "36,50 96, Tob, oF 16-oF Bar| a= hence One pekerat (©) Funcraising 22a Grants pad fiom donor advised funds aitacn seh) (sn $ noncash § its amount todos {oretgngranis, check here za 22b ober gots ad susie (att) SEE. STH T ash $ 3217832 non-cash $ > 1 tis amount niodes fowrgngrants check here > ([} | zo] 3,217,832.| 3,217,832. 23 Specie assistance to mdduals Gatsch seheaie) 2 24 Benetis paid oot for members Gatach sthede) 2 254 Compensation of xen otces, rectors key employees, ee ek meen van ny 25a 90, 670. 90, 670 0 0. Compensation of ormer oces, ‘Sractors, key empoyees, et hted iar a 0 0 ee saree aN hn Sones a 0 0 0 * sousimtanastomer [ae| a1,2s0. 21,250 22 Popslins = a 25 3 kcontgiee 3 0. red B scutes a Zz] 7a 3 tocmer sea TS 3 Cen, = 2B Pongo ptaore sc aso 3 ow as-| eee“ an:| eae 2% Sumas semio tontgn [ag 816905: | 818 328. {2 orci teoeteiy [e ToS. THE ‘5 Seg SEE SInroMET 2 sol ,710,s02.| 3,128,258.| en.sre.| 0,750, -- 439) 44 To cg em 22, erp acme amie | a | 7,037,068.| 7,702,063. 113,051 22,150. Tank Costs. Check *[_] 1 you ae folowing SOP 982 ie ay jon cost om combned educational cameagh anéfndasng coktaton eprted i (8) Pa sew? Uae ener @ the aggregate amount of hese nt cont § (i) te amount allocated lo Progam seve $ iii) the amount allocated to Management and general $ and (iv) the amount allocated so Fonaoeng & eee Baa Teoma? Fa BOTH "Form 990 (2007) _HORTZONS BAIS ACHIEZER INC. 13-4077539 Page 3 [Partill_[Statement of Program Service Accomplishments (See the instructions.) Form 990; available fo gublic nspecton and or some people, serves a tne armory ot sole sowce of formation about 2 paula frganizaton Mow the public organization in such eases may be determined by the information presented on ts return Therefore, lease make sure the return Ie complete and accurate and fully describes, n Part I, the organizabon's programs and accomplishments. hal the organzabon's porary exempt purpose? > 5 van nee eT Alloroamzauons, must describe,thew exempt purpose achievements 2 ‘clear and concise, ani State the r camber Fo) eae ste ae Bene aR RS Satan oasis hase mae sas ant aanT aM Su AcsGAe Bios) | SNE THE STAN COMMENTARIES, val. AC 1,102, 063. ‘Gian ad ance“ 7h snide Togs an tee ¢ Otrer program serwces (Grants and alocatons _$ > Wns aman elutes org gran, chick hae 1 Total of Program Service Expenses Ghodd eqal ine 4 column @), Progam series = 7702, 063 BAA Form 990 (2007) Form 990 (2007) HORIZONS BAIS ACHIEZER INC. 13-4077539 mea [Part IV_ [Balance Sheets (See the instructions.) Met rete ed is sr tin me Sesron seal ya ena Poe 5 ath pvt 235,077 | — 3 405.7 » azevatls ona dace prs edd ude aston 88040) | Sasso na dearest met a $1 st omer notes and loans recerable 3] b Less allowance for doubtful accounts S10 Ste ‘see 2 ie st. veneer shee SEE SHEA 75000.| 8 | 107 2 ise srarevent s [enol saarn.|sessen.fsie| aa. 9s. cove SEE STATEMENT 6 7 aravofes| 27,401 a_i intl ne Atos WE sre-s3e-fe | S57 07 51 Girt nn [2,300,000 «| deneteene a 8 | 63 Loans from others, directors, trustees, and key | {| ea Tovecon! nn totes tah sede) 23 1] 5 tenses menu wn es stato tes 2 aE ote | 2 si ToT 1] tough 69 and nes 73 and 74 $68. temporaniyresticted 8 3 lovoncatos nt dona foow Fas 17, ceckve» (Elan evo nes 2 | 71 or capttal surplus, or land, building, and equipment fund n z 72 Retained earings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds 576,938. [72 670, 393 1/7 westerspaurdiyisee pommeeune em | sie sacle | 670,393 24 Tal iniis sda asunder 2 as 37 sre-a38-[m | —3,571-087 waa Fama Fom 990 2007) HORIZONS BATS ACHIEZER INC. 13-4077539 Pages [Part V.A|Current Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees (continued) Yes] Wo 75a Gere al noe of fiers, deo, an ates permed vl on quate utes a Dad metige > 3 Ale any officers, declors,trsloes, of key employees isted in Form 990, Pat V-A or tghest compensaied employees teted th Schedule hy Part, or nghest compensated protessonal and ofer mdepengent contractors ited m Schedule A Bar ica ori, flat to eash eter through fem or busmess relationships’ Wes ltach a statement tal , tones the maa ond expla re reonshpe) ro) | x | € Do any officers, directors, trustees, or key employees listed in form 990, Part V-A, ot highest compensated employees: 1 Feta hn Seneca A, Par co ghost compensated professional and oer independent contracts ited m Schade Pat iso's, reco compensation fem any offer cxanzators, wheter ox exept of orble, fa re este {5 the organization? See the mstuctons for the deirton of elees organaton >| it'¥es,atoch a stalement that inches the nformation described inthe mnstuctions 44 Does the organization have a writen conc! of meres pokey? wd x |_| Part V-B Former Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees That Received Compensation or Other Benefits (i ary former officer, drector, trustee, or key employee recewed compensation or other benefis (described below) during the year, Uist that person below and enter the amountof Compensation or other Benelits inthe appropriate column See Te x) the mtructons ) (© Compensation ] (D) Contributions 10 | © Expense Py Loans and iinot pad, ‘employee benefit” | account and other (A) Nome and adel svances ‘ener 0) pions and deferred | "allowances ommpensation plans [Part Vi [Other Information (See the instructions.) Yes] No. 7 Bes Gilacia delaiee sinement of eachrcnange "nee © Contig actos w| |x 77 Were any changes mage the organizing or governing documents but nt reported to the IRS? 7 | [x iF Yes allach a conformed copy ofthe changes 78a Did the orgaztion have unrelated business gross wncome of $1,000 or mare dung the year covered by ths return? | 7aal__| x bt"¥es, has Hed a tax return on Form 990-7 fr ths year? ap NIA 79. Was here a tauidaion, dissolution, termination, or substantial contraction éuzng the year? I¥esattach a statement 79 x} 80a Is the organation related (other than by assoctation with a statewide or nationwide organization) trough common membership, governing bobtes, trustees, oficors, elt, to any olher exempt or nonexempt organization”, goal | x | bit'Yes, enter the name of the organization © N, = im ard hack wheher 1 Laat or” Dronaxorst sta vier diel and nied oil expendres, Ges ine i vstcons) aia 0. Ou the erganaton fle Form 1120POL for hs yo? aol x J aaa Foim 39907) Form 990 2007) HORIZONS BAIS ACHIEZER INC. 13-4077539 Page? [Part Vi [Other Information (continued) Yes] Wo 82 aid the organzation receive donated services oF the use of materals, equement, or facies at no charge or at ‘ubstantaly less than fa renal valve? wal | x bites, you may indicate the value ofthese slems here Do not include ths amount as ‘ovenue'm Pail or as an expense Part i (See instructions m Part il) 52) wal 3a Dic the organization comply wih the public inspection requrements for reluens and exemption apphicalons? 3a x ‘BD the organization comply wth the disclosure requirements relating to quid pro quo contributions? ab] X {84a Did the organization sobet any contributions o gifs that were not tex deductible? ‘eal | X Dit-Yes,’ dd the organization include vith every soletation an express statement that such contributions or gifts were : rol ta deeuctbe? = " - exo fa 85a 501/014), (©), oF (6) Were substantial all dues nondeductible by members? 85a] NTA 'bDid the organization make only n-house lobbying expenditures of $2,000 or less? 5b] NYA I1-Yes'_ was answered to exer 85a or B5b, do not complete 85c through 85h below unless the organvzation receved @ ‘wanver for peony tax owed for the prior yea Dues, assessments, and similar amounts from members 85 N/a Section 162(e) lobbying and poltical expenditures 85d N/a| fe Aggregate nondeductible amount of section 6033(€){1X(A) dues notices B5e N/a| { Taxable amount of lobbying and potical expenditures (ine 85d less 85¢) 851 N/a {9Does the organization elect to pay the section 6033(e) tax on the amount on tne 851? aq NLA If secon 1801) des noens wee Sn, oes he ranaaten ares tad the arm on ne to ts easarabl estat of us socal onendedvtte obo an patel expences fre folly tx ear” ash]_nhA 8 501(017) organizations Enter a Iniiation fees end captalcontnbutons included on live 12 86a N/al b Gross recenpts, cluded on line 12, for public use of cub facies 260) Nal 87 501(2\12) organizations Enter: a Gross income from members or shareholders 874 N/al Gross income from olher sources (D0 not nel amounts due or pad to other sources pons amouns due of recaned fom ern) ® a7) nal {882 At any tne during the year, di the organization own a 50% of greater interest im a taxable corporation or partnership, ‘oan entity dsregarded as separate rom the organization under Regulahons sections 301 7701-2 and 301 7701-37 | =. es. compete Part IX wal | x At any time dunng the year, dd the organization, directly or indrecly, own a convoled entity within the meaning of Eeclion 5120013? it'¥es,' complete Pert X! 7 9° ol eau) | x £898 501(c)@) organizations. Enter Amount of tax imposed on the erganizaion dunng the year under secion 4911 =____ Os section 4912» _ + section 4955 ™, : § $01(0@) and 50169) ergarzatons Dd the organgaton eogege nary Secon 4858 excess beret Versaton during ihe year oF is become aware of an excess benelt Wansaction fom 9 phot year” Yes, altach@ Statement explaining eech transaction sop] | x Enter Amount of tax imposed on the organization managers or isqueliied persons during the year under sections #978, 4958, and 4858 sae ae 0 Enter Amount of tax on ine BSc, above, remmbursed by the organization . 0 €@ All organizations. any tine during the {ax year, was the organization a party to @ prohibited tax sheter transaction? | 89e| | X {All organizations. Did the organization acqure a director indirect interest in any applicable insurance contract? eat] | x {9 For supporting organizations and sponsoring organizations maintaing donor advised funds id the supporting ergentzation, or a fund mamlained by 9 sponsoring organization, have excess business holdings ateny time during the year” 834] 80a List the states with whch a copy of this returns fied * ‘Number of employees employed in the pay period that includes March 12, 2007 {Seermeuctons yo > mmoves i We Pay Pe 91a The books are in care of THE FOUNDATION Telephone number * Locate at » PLE SEY, - Up +a Yes [No [BAL any ume during the calendar year, did the organtzation have an interest wn or @ signature or other authonly over @ {inangel account wma foreign coun (such as 4 Dank account, Secures Bccount, OF ether hmaneil account)? sil [x Wes," ener the name ofthe forenn county ae i ‘See the instructions for exceptions and fling requirements for Form TD F 90-22.1, Report of Foreign Bank and Finanetal Accounts ° z = BAR eEso1on sna? Form 990 2007) Form 990 2007) HORIZONS BAIS ACHIEZER INC. 13-4077539 Page [Part vi [Other Information (continued) Yes] No. ‘At any time duting the calendar year, cid the organization maintain an office outse of the United States? Tail Tx Ye ener the name ofthe foreign county =. 982, Section 4947(2)() nonexempt chantable trusts ling Form 990, low of Form 707 Check here ‘and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest recewed oF accrued dung the 13x year >Ls2 | NA Part Vil [Analysis of Income-Producing Activities (See the instructions.) Unrelates business mcome [Excluded by sechon 512, 513. or S14] ©, Note: Enter gross amounts unless ® © Related exempt otherwise indiated swnetete| _anteent exc cote antount ‘uncion come 93. Program service revenue » @ | Medicare/Mediead payments ‘9 Fes & cone fram government aences 94 Membership dues and assessments 95 Interest on sags & temporary cash nents 96 Owidends & interest from secunties 14] @, 144 97 Net retlncome or (os) fom el estate 1 debt-tinancee property bbnot debt-financed property 98 Net renal income or (as) from pers prop 99 Other investment income 100 Gain oF (oss) from sales of assets siher than inventory OT Netincame or (ss) from spn events YO2 cro roto oe) tom sles a verany 103 Other evenue a 104 Sibi etd clanas (8), (0) and ©) e144, 105 Total (ad line 104, columns (8), (0), and ED e Note: Line 105 plus ine le, Part |, should equal the amount on ine 12, Part | Part Vill[ Relationship of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes (See the mstructions,) Line No. Explain how each actly for which income 1s reported in column (E) of Part Vil contributed mportantly tothe accomplishment [ofthe organization's exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purposes) WA 5, 144 [Part iX [Information Regarding Taxable Subsidiaries and Disregarded Entities (See the structions.) “ © © o © lame, address, and EIN of corporation scentge of we of aces otal nd. ot year Nefartnersp, oraregared erty” | ommnpimanat | __ Nate ofactutes come Engels WA 3 3 3 4 [PartX [Information Regarding Transfers Associated with Personal Benefit Contracts (See the insiructons, 2 Dic organza, cunng he er, rece ay funds, diet ode, op Bremums n= person belt carat? Yes [K|No bid the organization, during the year, pay premiums, dtecly or indrecly. on a personal benefit contract” yes []No Note: if "Yes" to (fle Form 8570 and Form 4720 (see instructions BAA Tezsaice iaave7 Fon 990 (2007) Form 990 2007) HORIZONS BATS ACHIEZER INC. Part XI | information Regarding Transfers To and From Controlled Entiti organization 1s a controlling organization as defined in section 512(b)(13). 13-4077539 Pages Complete only if the Yes] Ne 106 2x he reporting oranzaton make any transfer to contol eny as dened in section 51203) of the Cade? i "Yes. complete te senedue below for each controled ent " one x a @ Q Name, adds, of ec ployer Setieation pescSton ot attics eae coir ei moun ranstr > Totals Yes We 107 athe reperingogancaton receive ay transfer rom 9cotaed ently as defined n section 512018) ofthe Code? Pee sae ten eich tones on x “ ® ©) ame, adds ofeach Employer eatiction pescdSon of 9 ontroed entty ef aa ‘tanaior Amount ‘9t transfer Totals Yes] Ne 08. 0 the erganzaon havea bing watten contct nlc on August 17, 206, coveng he erst, rns, ols, and 108 Srnules Seserbed question 107 above? ° a x ve ram! RES sre aS EINE OPER SRA UES ES mY eos od < Brease [> VAL | ign | sao = Here | Davi Seow’ ~ erecurpe/ Dikecrok. this /o a lege S as Paid [igs > seusayrn seRGER iufod BSS, dee srer’s [ronsacew BERNATH @ ROSENBERG #/c rt se [eau “1430 BROADWAY, 7TH FUAOR ev W/A Only _[eF% " New york, wy 0018-338 mwas > (212) PoI-TLA Baa Ferm 9907 Organization Exempt Under SCHEDULE A i ene ceca romney i 010, "Sav, oF €347(axt) Nonexempl charitable Trust 2007 ‘Supplementary Information — (See separate instructions.) hemor Reverde'sewce’” | » MUST be completed by the above organizations and attached to their Form 990 or 990-EZ. PartT ‘Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Employees Other Than Officers, Directors, and Trustees (Gee instructions. List each one. If there are none, enter ‘None.’) Cae ar a Ouaaed mage [Ocmonnien) aE, Oe ‘an $60,000 devoted to position sia ares ‘allowances ‘otal numberof other employees pad 000 | ° ver $50, Part Il — A ] Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Independent Contractors for Professional Services Gee instructions. List each one (whether individuals or firms). If there are none, enter 'None.’) {@) Name and address of each independent contractor paid more than $50,000 () Type of service (© Compensation ONE __ Total number of others recewing over $350,000 for professional services | ° Part Il — B J Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Independent Contractors for Other Services (ust each contractor who performed services other than professional services, whether individuals or rms. If there are none, enter ‘None.’ See instructions.) {(@) Name and address of each independent contractor paid more than $50,000 () Type of sence (© Compensation TOME Total number of other contractors recetng | cover $50,000 for other servers. 0 'BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 and Form 990-6, ‘Schedule A (Form 980 or 990.E2) 2007 Scnedue A Form 990 oF 90.62) 2007 __HORTZONS BAIS ACHIEZER_ INC. 13-4077539 Page? [Part] Statements About Activities (See instructions.) ves] No T” Dang The year, has Te organaalon alerpled io wilvenee notional, sae, orga egsiavon_ekaiga ay alemt to mivence puble pimon ona legsiaive malter or referendum? it'Yes, enter the toll expenses paws ‘or cured n connection wih the lobbying aches > 8 N/A (ust equal amounts on ine 38, Part VIA, or ne tof Part VIB) | |x Organizations that made an election under seston S01) by tung Form 5768 must complete Pat VA Other Stganzatons chowkinge3-mua complete Pat Vid ANG attach statement ghing'#detaled descrpon the iobbyng actos 2 Dua the year, has the organization, ether drecty or nde. engages in any of he fla acts wih any Subst Gonirbutors:Suatees, rectors ome’, crestors key eraaoyees, or members of hermes, or with ary {arable organaton min wich sry sue person 1 afiatew as. an ace! declor sles, maoriy owner” or prnapa Bencheian? Ute orawer fo ary doeshonsYesatach a dtaled statement explamng the raneacbons) Sale, exchange, of leasing of property? zal | x D Lending of money a other extension of eed? aol | x Fumshing of goed, seres, or facies? ze|__| x <4Pyment of compensation (or payment or reimbursement of experses more than $1,000)? ad | x Transfer of ary part of is income or assets? ael__| x 442i the organzaton make grants for scholarships, fellowshps stent fans, etc? (Yes, attach an explanation of how the ocganzation determines thal recipients qual to receive paymenis) as aa Did the organization have a section 403°) anny plan fr ats employees? aol | x Did the ogonization rece of hod an easement or conservation purposes, incluing easements {presere open space, he envronmant, tore land oeay or ton svatures ‘est iach Stated Statement ae_| x 401 the organization provide cred counseling, debt management, crest repa, of debt negation services? ad__| x 48D th organization maintan any donor abused funds? IYes, complete les 4b tough 4 No, complete ines At and ‘sa ” 2 Aa x b 0d the organization make any taxable cstibutons under section 49667 ao]_npa id he organization make a dstabuton to 8 donor, donor advisor, o loed person? acl_Ia {Enter he toll numberof donor advised funds owned tthe eof he lx yer > W/n «Ener the aggregate value of assets hed i ll donor adused funds owned atthe end ofthe tax year . wa {Enter the ol number of separate funds or sccounts owned at he end af the tax year (excluding dana adwsed {ings neue on ing) where donors have he night te prose asics on he detibuon or meesiment of mounts such once oaecouns Q ° ‘aEnter the aggregate value of assets held mall funds or accounts included on line Af atthe end of the tax year Ban TeEAoa 122707 ‘Schedule A (Form 990 or Form S90EZ) 2007 Schedule A Form 990 or 960.£2) 2007 HORIZONS BAIS ACHIEZER INC. 13-4077539 Page 3 Part IV__] Reason for Non-Private Foundation Status (See instructions.) T cerity That the organvzation © nol a prwvate foundation because it (Please cheek only ONE applicable box ) 5 []Acturch, convention of churches, or association of churches Section T7OQO)LAND 6 (JAseroo! seeton 170°c}A049. (Aso compete Part V) A hospi or 2 cooperative hospital semee organization Section 1701) AN. 8 [JA tederal state, or lca! government or governmental unt. Secton I7O).IYANG) A medical researc organization operated in conyunction wih a hospital. Section 17003(1)(AXn) Enter the hospital's name, ety, and state © Fr — mae [An organization that normally recewves a substantal part oft support from a governmental unit or fom the general public ‘Sacton 17000 )cA)Qn) (also completa the Support Schedule w Part Wek) Sener 118 [A communty trust Secton 7003(AN0 (Also complet the Suppor Schedles Part V-A) An gaat hat neal aces () more than 3.13% of supper lom conbutors, membersho ees, and goss cools Fee eo ee ee a eee an ST a Re gst a ard ere re eer rare cg ea RA eae ly eee ag ey " Dryee 1 Crvpe Ctvpe Functional integrated [type t-o1ner memes — ema Batc] nor | ene sBemee, | anSlag documents? 14 Tan rganzation exanzed and operated to stor ube sty, Secton SOR) (Seo nstucons) BAA ‘Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 ‘Schedule A Form 990 or 990.62) 2007 _HORIZONS BAIS ACHTEZER INC. 13-4077539 Page 4 Part tV-A-]Support Schedule (Compete only it you checked a box on line 10, 11, or 12) Use cash method of accounting. Note: You may use the worksheet inthe instruchons for converting from the accrual o the cash method of accounting. Begone eee | Be Ms Me Ms 1S 5 Gis, op, ay Sp ‘cumin gion Seetne 2a) | 3,093,963.| 1,046,209.| _360,710.|__120,066.| _4, 622, 948 16 Membership foes recewed 0 17 Goss eats rom atissons, Item aldo ences prtorma, Sr frmshig ffs nary atly Uta ate toe rpoaon hanabi ee, pupose o TE Gross neo fom ler ded ams om payments on scutes Kise S148), eis, Ineome om sma sues, Uae buses lable ene (ase See ST tues) from busmesasaegued bythe xganaton ater re 3,173 o 19 Net neon tom uated buses Sets rot neudd ine 18 A 20 Tax revenues leved for the Gigerizaton’s benef ana fer pad to or expended nits Beha 0 Zhe vale of servos or ince umahes he Lint without charge: Do not Include the value of services or {Boites generaty tumshed the pubie mihout charge ° Z_ Other income. Atach 9 Schedule, Do nat ncude Sain er Goss) rom sale of SEpnat assets o. 23 Total of ines 15 through 22 3,093, 963.| 1,048,209. 360, 710, 120, 066.| 4, 622, 948. 2A_Line 23 mnus ine 17 3,093, 963.| 1,048, 209. 360, 710. 120,066.| 4,622, 948. 25 Enter 1% of ine 23, 30,940. 10, 482. 3,607. 1,201. 25 Organizations described on lines 1orll: a Enter 2% of amount m column (@), ine 24 >| 250 92, 459. Prepare ist fo yor ecards to saw he nae ofa aut cent bute by each person (ce thn a goverment publy ‘oper organcation) whos tal ps 208 trough 206 tested he amo show be 2, Uo nl fe ns with our Falun nt! he al 9 al hese ess Soon >| 2s] «Total support for section 509(a)1) test: Enter lie 24, column (e) >| ase) 4, 622, 948. Add. Amounts from column (for ines. 18 1% 2 25. 250 @ Public support (ine 26¢ minus line 264 total) >| z6e| 4, 622, 948. { Public support percentage (ine 25 (numerator) divided by li Organizations described on line 12: N/A. ‘2 For amounts included in tines 15, 16, and 17 that were recewed from a “squalited person,” prepare a ist fr your records to show the ‘ame of and total ameunts received in each year om, each aquaited person, Born le this ist with our return. Ena Sum of ‘Such amounts for each year (2006) aa 7008) _- (2004) _ (2003) _ bor any amount neuded nine 1 hat was rece om pach person (cher han ‘squalid persons), prepare als fr your eaords {eso the nome oto ameuntcecaved foreach yoo, ha wos os tan the lrg tI} earl ohne 2 ot ior se Baa lie elit Sooo ences ws twig bare a vv Do nlf et nh ere iar computing te eiferencebelwoun te amount recewed and fe larger amouri descnbed a Q).o° (ener We Sem these Giferences (he excess amounts) for exch year Ore 28¢ (denominator), »fast[ 100.00 (2006) 2005) (2001) _ 2003) _ © Ada. Amounts Kom column (@) fr ines: 18 ” 2» ze Add. Line 27 total ‘and tne 270 foal z7al 1 Public sunport (ine 27¢ tal minus line 274 toa) >[zrel {Total support for section 509(2)@) test. Enter amount from tine 23, column (e) > 274 1 Public support percentage (ine 27e (numerator) divided by ine 274 (denominator) > zn 4 h investment income percentage (ine 18, column (e) (numerator divided by tine 271 (denominator) [azn % 7% fattr you occ to enoe a tan pee Ws Name Ou cSuneatat BeOgRS Oy Urusial FAIS ure 2003 rowan 206, prepa ralue the gran Bo not eis your ars Bo lane teas gran ine, Ban TEER Tze? Sehedie A Fm S50 OED BF

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