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Music Videos demonstrate certain genre characteristics Goodwin

I cant think of a single drum n bass song where the use of high tempo/paced cuts are used in the music videos for drum n bass songs to work with the fast backbeats in these songs.

There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals Goodwin

The lyrics if you can find the time, to give your love to me and I dont have the time, and I dont have the patience, what do you take me for sum up the narrative of the song as the man beats his wife it is only a matter of time because his daughter calls the police which is what happens.

There is a relationship between the music and visuals Goodwin

The cuts get quicker/closer together when the tempo of the backbeat increases and slow down/get father apart as the tempo of the backbeat decreases.

The demands of the record label demand lots of close-ups of the artist Goodwin

We dont see any close-ups of Chase and Status however we do see close-ups of the featuring artist Delilah through the windows of a car on a rainy day.

The artist has a motif or iconography that reoccurs across their work Goodwin

Unlike in most videos there is no iconography that features in the music video. This is because the narrative of this music video is used to raise awareness for the charity refuge which is for women and children against domestic violence.

There is a frequent reference to the notion of looking and partially voyeuristic treatment of the female body Goodwin

This is not the case in this video as the only treatment of the female body that we see is abusive. There is no reference to the notion of looking in the sense that Goodwin has intended in his theory although the music video is a real eye opener.

The narrative follows Todorovs equilibrium (1)

In the first 30 seconds of the song we see the 1st equilibrium, this is before the man acts in an aggressive manor towards the woman. We then see a disruption of the equilibrium as the man attacks the woman.

The narrative follows Todorovs equilibrium (2)

We see recognition of the disruption throughout the video from the older of the two daughters. We then see an attempt to repair the equilibrium when the daughter calls the police just after 2 and a half minutes. We then see the new equilibrium when the man and women hug when she visits him in jail.

Music videos will cut between a narrative and a performance of the song Steve Archer
You could argue that in this music video that this is could or couldnt be the case. You could argue that it could be the case because we see Delilah singing in the car. You could argue that it couldnt be the case because you could say that the oldest daughter is Delilah and she has grown up is on her way to visit her mum at home or her dad in jail.

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