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Response to 7.

30 from a Joint Agency Task Force spokesperson While we do not go into detail about on-water matters, the Joint Agency Task Force Operation Sovereign Borders is aware of previous reports claiming that four people may have fallen overboard from a suspected illegal entry vessel inside Australian waters. The claimed incident allegedly occurred well before the suspected illegal entry vessel was intercepted by Australian authorities and the claims were rigorously assessed and acted on at the time they were made. The Joint Agency Task Force is confident that they were not true. Since then, no new evidence has been presented by the ABC which would warrant further action. Recycling unsubstantiated and false allegations does not make them any more true than when they were first alleged. However, the point that does need to be reiterated is that the preservation of life at sea is the highest priority for all Border Protection Command personnel. All personnel involved in Operation Sovereign Borders conduct their roles with the highest levels of professionalism, integrity and personal courage in extremely trying and unpredictable circumstances. All personnel conducting border protection operations are required to act in accordance with rules regarding use of force. This comprises force necessary and reasonable for the level of resistance displayed to establish or re-establish control of a situation. The Joint Agency Task Force is confident that any activities undertaken as part of Operation Sovereign Borders have a sound legal basis. The Joint Agency Task Force does not comment on matters associated with on-water activities undertaken as part of Operation Sovereign Borders. Additionally, in the interests of preserving operational security, and to maintain the safety of any person within Border Protection Commands care, the procedures and techniques used to effect maritime security operations will not be released.

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