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Due Rane

Due rane caddero in un secchio. Nel secchio cera crema fredda e non potevano uscire.

One day, two frogs fell into a bucket of cold cream and could not get out.

Ma che sciagura sono finita di certo morir." E senza dire neanche crack la prima affog.

"What a disaster! I'm going to die!" said the first frog. He then sunk and drowned.

Ma laltra rana non si arrese e continu a nuotare, pul la crema dai suoi occhi e continu a nuotare : Finch c vita c speranza grid con gran valore. Che giova in fondo al mondo se un altra rana muore!"

The second frog, on the other hand, did not give up. He wiped the cream from his eyes and kept on swimming. "Where there is life, there is hope!" he shouted. "After all, it really wouldn't help the world if one more frog were dead."

Scalci, guazzo per un bel p finch con gran sorpresa. Disse: Guarda un p posso saltar burro e non pi crema!"

He kicked and splashed for some time, until he finally exclaimed, "Look, I can jump right out! I've turned the cream into butter!"

Morale: Non ti dar per vinto senza provare e se stai affondando prova un p a nuotare. Se a volte stai affondando un gran problema, ricorda che la rana fece il burro dalla crema!

Moral: Don't give up; keep trying even if it takes effort and hard work. And when you feel like you're sinking, remember the frog that turned the cream into butter.

Frogs rane Fell caddero Bucket secchio Cream crema Cold fredda

Drowned affog Swimming nuotare Life vita Hope speranza butter burro

Storie per bambini

Images Aurora Productions. Used with permission.

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