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Obstacles are for Overcoming

Gli ostacoli sono da superare

We certainly dont have to be limited by problems! Look at all the men and women throughout history who rose above seemingly insurmountable odds to become great. They had to fight harder to overcome those obstacles, but in so doing they became stronger. Sicuramente non dobbiamo essere limitati dai problemi. Guardate tutti gli uomini e le donne della storia che superarono ostacoli apparente insormontabili per diventare grandi. Dovettero lottare pi duro per superare quegli ostacoli, ma cos facendo divennero pi forti.

Thomas Edison was deaf when he invented the phonograph.

Thomas Edison era sordo quando invent il fonografo.

Beethoven was stone deaf when he composed some of the most beautiful music ever written.
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 1827) was a German composer and pianist. He is considered to be one of the greatest composers of all time.

Beethoven era sordo come una campana quando compose alcune delle sue musiche pi belle.
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 1827) stato un compositore e pianista tedesco. considerato uno dei pi grandi compositori di tutti i tempi.

Alexander the Great was a hunchback.

Alessandro Magno era gobbo.

If Helen Keller hadnt been blind and deaf from infancy, she never would have had the opportunity to become the inspiration that she was and continues to be to millions, and she never could have said, I thank God for my handicaps, for through them I have found myself, my work, and my God.

Se la poetessa Helen Keller non fosse stata cieca e sorda dalla nascita, non avrebbe mai avuto lopportunit di diventare una fonte di grande ispirazione, sia allora che adesso, per milioni di persone. E non avrebbe mai potuto dire: Ringrazio Dio per i miei handicap, perch grazie ad essi ho scoperto me stessa, il mio lavoro e il mio Dio.

Booker T. Washington was born a slave and worked in coal mines and salt mines before becoming an educator, a spokesman for African American causes, and founder of a college for young African Americans.

Booker T. Washington nacque schiavo e lavor nelle miniere di carbone e nelle saline prima di diventare un educatore, un portavoce della causa degli afroamericani e il fondatore di ununiversit per i giovani di colore.

Jerome K. Jerome lost his father when he was 12. At 14 he had to go to work to support his mother and sister. His life got even harder when his mother also died, but eventually Jerome became a writer, not of sad stories but of humor. After such a hard beginning in life, he said, It is from the struggle, not the victory, that we gain strength. Jerome K. Jerome perse il padre a 12 anni. A 14 anni dovette andare a lavorare per mantenere la madre e la sorella. La sua vita divenne ancora pi difficile quando sua madre mor, ma alla fine Jerome divenne uno scrittore, non di storie tristi, ma di racconti umoristici. Dopo una vita dagli inizi tanto difficili, disse: dalla lotta, non dalla vittoria, che guadagniamo la forza.

Sir Winston Churchill was Prime Minister of Britain from 1940 1945 and then again from 1951 1955. He was also a noted statesman, orator, strategist and historian. Churchill won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953. Even so, it took him three years to get through eighth grade because he had trouble learning English grammar and composition

Sir Winston Churchill stato primo ministro del Regno Unito dal 1940 al 1945 e successivamente dal 1951 al 1955. Noto statista, oratore, stratega e autore prolifico, vinse il Premio Nobel per la Letteratura nel 1953 per i suoi scritti storici. Tuttavia, Winston Churchill impieg tre anni a superare lultimo anno del ginnasio, perch faceva fatica a imparare la grammatica inglese e la composizione.

Wilma Rudolph was an American athlete who was known for her speed. She won three Olympic gold metals in Rome in 1960. Her story has touched the world because of the fact that she had polio as a child. For years, she was forced to wear a corrective device and had to go to the hospital twice a week for physical therapy.

Wilma Rudolph stata un'atleta statunitense, specializzata nella velocit e vincitrice di 3 medaglie d'oro olimpiche a Roma 1960. La sua storia commosse il mondo perch da bambina era stata colpita da poliomielite. Per anni fu costretta a portare un apparecchio correttivo, e ad andare due volte alla settimana all'ospedale per fare le terapie.

The only disability in life is a bad attitude. Scott Hamilton

Lunica forma di invalidit nella vita un cattivo atteggiamento. Scott Hamilton

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Art by Phillip Martin, Used under Creative Commons license. Text from Activated magazine & Wikipedia .

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