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Makerere University, in conjunction with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) and University of Dar es Salaa (UDSM,) is undertaking a !a"acity Building #roject on $%DD&' (he "roject is su""orted )y N!"#$%&'( A%$()* +!" D$,$-!./$(0 C!!.$"'0&!( (N*$+D) under the N!"#$%&'( P"!%"'//$ +!" C'.')&0* B1&-2&(% &( H&%h$" E21)'0&!( '(2 R$3$'")h +!" D$,$-!./$(0 (N*$,%D)' (he goal of the "roject is to contri)ute to reduced greenhouse gas e issions and i "roved ecosyste health for sustaina)le livelihoods in %astern +frica' (he intended outco e is to strengthen ca"acity of !entral -overn ent, Local -overn ent, !ivil Society *rgani.ations (!S*s), and co unity institutions to "lan and i "le ent $educing % issions fro Deforestation and /orest Degradation, 0"lus1 conservation of forests, sustaina)le anage ent of forests for enhance ent of forest car)on stocks ($%DD&)' (he s"ecific o)jectives are to strengthen the ca"acity for education and research on cli ate change and $%DD& at Makerere University and University of Dar es Salaa through strengthened scientific and institutional ca"acity to deliver )etter 2uality education and research on $%DD&' (he D$.'"0/$(0 !+ E(,&"!(/$(0'- M'('%$/$(0 (DEM)4 &( 0h$ C!--$%$ !+ A%"&)1-01"'- '(2 E(,&"!(/$(0'- S)&$()$3, M'5$"$"$ U(&,$"3&0*4 U%'(2' and the C$(0"$ +!" C-&/'0$ Ch'(%$ S012&$3 (CCCS)4 U(&,$"3&0* !+ D'" $3 S'-''/4 T'(6'(&' are now acce"ting scholarshi" a""lications for #hD studies tena)le at Makerere University (Uganda) and University of Dar es Salaa (T'(6'(&')7 Seven "ositions are tena)le this year3 four (4) in D%M and three (5) at !!!S' (he fellowshi" will cover tuition, a odest sti"end and field costs'

6nterested a""licants should write a conce"t "ro"osal on any of the following the es7 1

8' :' 5' 4' =' >' ?' @' B' 8D' 88' 8:' 85' 84' 8=' 8>'

#ay ent for %cosyste Services in the conte9t of $%DD&' !ost;)enefit analysis of $%DD& ' <ey drivers of forest cover change' U"take of itigation easures towards reduction of car)on e issions' !ar)on arkets and $%DD& financing echanis ' %cosyste services, such a "ollination, under $%DD&' !ar)on se2uestration and )iodiversity in different ecosyste s in east +frica' Aegetation dyna ics in a changing cli ate' 6nternational de)atesC"olitics and their i "lications on $%DD&' LandC/orestC!ar)on tenure issues in the conte9t of $%DD&' 6 "lications of econo ic "olicy on i "le entation of $%DD&' Legal and institutional fra ework related to $%DD&' #erfor ance of "revious $%DD& and allied "rojects' +""roaches for forest onitoring, easure ent, re"orting and verification' 6 "lications of agricultural intensification on forest conservation' $ewardC"enalty syste s on )ehavioural change in relation to $%DD& "olicy i "le entation'

E-&%&8&-&0* 8' :' 5' 4' =' Staff of Makerere University and University of Dar es Salaa ' + Master degree in any one of the following disci"lines7 natural sciences, environ ental science, econo ics, social sciences and law' ,ighly otivated to develo" a scientific career' -ood scientific writing skills' -ood ethodological )ackground in relevant scientific disci"lines'

(he a""licant should )e aged no ore than 4= years at the ti e of a""lication' Note that a""licants should register at their ho e institutions' H!# 0! '..-* #otential a""licants are invited to write a 5;"age conce"t note on any one or a co )ination of the a)ove the es and forward the to P"!+7 T'810& (%; ail7 jta)utiE uienr' ak'ac'ug) and M37 N*'/151"1 (%; ail7 nya ukuruEg ail'co ) for M'5$"$"$ U(&,$"3&0*3 P"!+7 P&13 Z7 Y'(2' (%; ail7 "yandaEg ail'co ) and M"37 N$$/' G7 M3h&%$(& (%; ail7 nee a shigeniEyahoo'co ) for U(&,$"3&0* !+ D'" $3 S'-''/ )y :Bth +"ril :D84' (he conce"t note should contain an outline of the rationale for the "ro"osed study, a list of research 2uestions or hy"otheses, and outline of "ro"osed ethodological a""roach, a ti e schedule, and a list of e9"ected out"uts' /e ale candidates are encouraged to a""ly' NOTE9 +""licants should su) it a""lication letter, !A and acade ic transcri"ts'

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