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The Ten Basic Stops That Victims of Racism Should Practice In Speech and/or Action -- by Neely Fuller, r!

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1. Stop Snitching 2. Stop Name-Calling 3. Stop Cursing 4. Stop Gossiping 5. Stop Being Discourteous 6. Stop Stealing

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. Stop !o""ing #. Stop $ighting %. Stop &illing 1'. Stop S(ua""ling Summar) o* 1' Basic Stops !eturn +)perlin,s

1. Stop -Snitching!eason.s/012planation.s/3 To "snitch" is to 4ill*ull) and 5eli"eratel) "#olunteer" information about a person, or persons $ith the specific intention of %ainin% direct or indirect "personal" fa#ors, and/or praise, from !acists! &hen Victims of Racism 'non-$hite people( carry messa%es about, and/or $itness a%ainst, any person or persons, in a manner that %i#es aid and comfort to Racists, such actions only help to promote in6ustice! It is )ust and correct for all persons, to the best of their $ill and ability, to a#oid situations $herein they belie#e they may be tempted to, and/or e*pected to, "snitch"! Snitching does not mean spea+in% to protect yourself from false accusations, or from other un)ust acts! Snitching does mean to say somethin% to try to "%et ahead" of someone else by ta+in% un)ust a57antage of his or her lac+ of correct )ud%ement! Top of Pa%e 2. Stop -Name-Calling!eason.s/12planations.s/3 To "name-call" is to call a person by any name other than the name 'title, etc!( that that person chooses to be called, and/or chooses to call him or her sel*! "Name-callin%" is a simple but ma6or act that promotes serious conflict bet$een one person and another! Amon% ,lac+ people, it oftentimes leads #ery -uic+ly to fi%htin% and +illin%! The result of "name-callin%" is ne#er $orth the %rief that such practices promote! To a#oid name calling a person, it is better to practice 5escri"ing $hat it is that a person 5oes or sa)s!

12ample.s/3 Instead of callin% a person a "liar", repeat $hat it $as that the person said, and say that $hat $as said $as "not true"! Then e*plain 4h)! 8l4a)s e2plain 4h). Instead of callin% a person a "Racist", 5escri"e $hat it is that that person says or does that is characteristic of a Racist! Say that it is the t)pe of thin% that a Racist says or does! .o not, ho$e#er, call the person a "Racist"! It is also important to +no$ and understand $hat to not do $hen a person calls you a "name"/

.o not sa) an)thing! .o not *ight! .o not ,ill! Top of Pa%e

3. Stop -Cursing!eason.s/012planation.s/3 To "curse" people is to use "profanity" to$ard them in a manner that is li+ely to be thou%ht of as insultin% or demeanin%! This often results in the promotion of hostility! The hostility promoted oftentimes ser#es no constructi#e purpose! The use of "curse" $ords oftentimes promote "name-callin%", discourtesy, and unnecessary fi%htin% and/or +illin%! Top of Pa%e 4. Stop Gossiping !eason.s/012planation.s/3 To "%ossip" about a person is to say somethin% about that person, to someone other than that person, that you $ould not be $illin% to say 5irectl) to that person, at the same time and place, $ith those other persons listenin%!

Gossip promotes in)ustice! 0ftentimes it leads to hostility, $hich, in turn, often leads to snitchin%, name-callin%, cursin%, fi%htin%, and/or +illin%! !!

Gossip promotes confusion and unnecessary suspicion! It ser#es no constructi#e purpose! Top of Pa%e

5. Stop Being Discourteous !eason.s/012planation.s/3

To be "discourteous" is to say or do somethin% that sho$s a lac+ of consideration for $hat a person is doin% or sayin%, or tryin% to do, or say, to promote +no$led%e or understandin% of his or her thou%ht, speech, or actions1s2! !! To be "discourteous" means to not allo$ a person to re#eal, and/or to e*plain, his or her intentions! It means for a person to spea+ and/or act as he or she chooses, $ith little or no re%ard as to ho$ others $ill be affected! !! .iscourtesy often breeds hostility and/or confusion! !! .iscourteous speech and/or action often promotes name-callin%, cursin%, fi%htin% and/or +illin%!

Note3 If someone is discourteous to you, 5o not help to promote it ") spea,ing an50or acting 4ith 5iscourtes) to4ar5 him or her. Try to a#oid contact $ith such persons! Say only to them that $hich is absolutely necessary! Top of Pa%e 6. Stop Stealing !eason.s/012planation.s/3

To steal, from any person, for any reason is to promote in)ustice! To steal - e#en to sur#i#e - is to promote in)ustice! !! To steal - e#en from one $ho has stolen from you - is to promote in)ustice! !! To steal - e#en from an enemy - is to promote in)ustice! !! To steal - e#en from a Racist - is to promote in)ustice!

Stealin% causes a person to put a %reater #alue on the things stolen, than on the #alue of )ustice! Also, once a person starts stealin%, he or she de#elops a tendency to continue to do so! In a $orld socio-material system dominated by &hite Supremacists 1Racists2, all people are encoura%ed to steal, or to condone stealin%, by some people, under some conditions! Those $hite people $ho practice &hite Supremacy 1Racism2 ha#e stolen more thin%s from people, and ha#e stolen more people "from themsel#es", than any other cate%ory of people in the +no$n uni#erse! 3nder &hite Supremacy, stealin% is particularly condoned if it is done throu%h the 7er) s,ill*ul use of deceit! If a person can steal from another, by %ainin% his or her confidence, and/or by s+illful tric+ery, it is oftentimes considered to be not "stealin%", but the so-called "%ame" of so-called "li#in%"! &hen stealin% helps to maintain, e*pand, and/or refine the practice of &hite Supremacy, it is not %enerally considered to be "stealin%"! It is oftentimes called "pro%ress"! The system of &hite Supremacy functions in such manner that non-$hite people are not only e2pecte5 to steal, but are also encourage5 to steal!

They are trained, bribed, and/or enticed from the time that they are small infants! !! They are tau%ht to $ant many thin%s that $ill 5eli"eratel) be made difficult for them to obtain! !! After bein% "encoura%ed" to $ant certain thin%s, they are then denied the means of ac-uirin% them $ithout robbin%, stealin%, and/or +illin%, in order to %et them! !! They are, in many instances, #ery decepti#ely encoura%ed to $ant many thin%s that are of no constructi#e #alue - thin%s that are of no constructi#e #alue - thin% that they do not "need", and that no person can use constructi#ely in the manner that is %enerally considered "acceptable"!

Racists oftentimes ridicule their sub)ects because they do not ha#e, or do not $ant to ha#e many thin%s that the Racists say that a sub)ect should stri#e to %et! The Racists say that their sub)ects 'non-$hite people( are "bac+$ard" if they do not $ant, and stri#e to %et, all of the thin%s that Racists then proceed to encoura%e their sub)ects to de#elop a desire for those thin%s! 0nce the sub)ects de#elop the desire, the Racists act, deliberately, to directly, or indirectly, discoura%e the sub)ects from %ettin% the thin%s desired by any means other than stealin%, robbin%, and /or +illin%!

The Racists then act to punish their sub)ects because of the "manner" that they, the sub)ects, used to ac-uire the tin%s that they $ere trained to desire! 3nder &hite Supremacy 1Racist2, non-$hite people are directly or indirectly encoura%ed to steal those thin%s that are of use or a relati#ely short period All thin%s considered, it is better that no person steal from, or rob anyone, at any time, for any reason! This is one of the best $ays to start to produce )ustice, and to sho$ ho$ nothin% is important $ithout it! Top of Pa%e . Stop !o""ing !eason.s/012planation.s/3 To ro" a person is to use 5irect bodily harm, and/or, to use the threat of 5irect bodily harm, to ta+e from a person, any one or more things, that he or she possesses, and then to use the thin%1s2 ta+en to "please" the mind, and/or to "ma+e comfortable" the body of the person doin% the tal+in%! To steal from a person is to ta+e somethin% from that person, $ithout that person +no$in% one or more of the follo$in%, at the e*act time of the ta+in%/

9hat $as ta+en! 9hen it $as ta+en! 9here it $as ta+en 9h) it $as ta+en 9ho too+ it!

A person $ho robs has the same basic intentions as a person $ho steals! Neither robbin% nor stealin% helps to promote )ustice! A person should not rob, for the same reasons that he or she should not steal! Top of Pa%e #. Stop $ighting !eason.s/012planation.s/3 People should not fi%ht as lon% as they can tal+ to each other, and they should tal+ to each other in such manner as to minimi:e con*lict, and/or to better promote 6ustice! &hen people cannot tal+ to each other $ithout tryin% to maim or do other bodily harm to each other, they should then do e#erythin% that they can to minimi:e or eliminate5

contact 4ith each other! &hen people ha#e no contact $ith each other, directly or indirectly, they cannot ha#e con*lict $ith each other! There is no 6usti*ia"le 7iolence, by persons a%ainst each other! There is only )ustifiable counter-#iolence! It is correct for all persons to do all that they can to a7oi5 bein% in#ol#ed in any form of "#iolence"! It is also correct for all persons to try to +eep circumstances from becomin% so imbalanced that counter-7iolence is re-uired in order to promote )ustice! People $ho e*ist in sub)u%ation to &hite Supremacy 1Racism2 should only use counter-#iolence, and they should only use counter-#iolence for the follo$in% purposes!

To protect themsel#es, or others, from acts of 5eli"erate; imme5iate; 5irect, and functionally una#oidable #iolence, by any persons, or persons! In protectin% themsel#es, or others, only a minimum of necessary counter-#iolence should be used! !! To enact <a2imum 1mergenc) Compensator) =ustice ><1C=? ! Note/ See detailed description of "4a*imum 5mer%ency 6ompensatory ustice" in the portion of this $or+ entitled "Area 7/ &ar"! Top of Pa%e

%. Stop &illing 12ceptions3 &hen "forced" to do so in direct defense of self, others, and/or ma)or property, or, e*cept $hen "forced" to do so throu%h the enactment of 4a*imum5mer%ency 6ompensatory ustice! !eason.s/012planation.s/3 5#en in direct and immediate defense of self, of others, and/or in the direct protection of ma)or property, it is best to a7oi5 +illin% or maimin%! 8illin% an) a%%ressor should only be done $hen there is apparently no other +no$n $ay to put an immediate stop to his or her a%%ression, and/or, $hen e#ery reasonable effort has been made to escape the immediate fury of the a%%ression! It is correct for a Victim of Racism 'non-$hite person( to 4ill*ull) and 5eli"eratel) +ill and/or e*ecute no person1s2 e*cept Racists 1&hite Supremacists2, and, $hen done, that Victim of Racism should then +ill him, or her sel*!

Note/ See detailed description of "4a*imum-5mer%ency 6ompensatory ustice" in the portion of this $or+ entitled "Area 7/ &ar"! Top of Pa%e 1'. Stop S(ua""ling 8mong @oursel7es an5 8s,ing !acists .9hite Supremacists/ to Settle @our Aro"lems !eason.s/012planation.s/3 0ne of the ma)or non-)ust acts that Racists 1&hite Supremacists2 commit is to establish situations that cause, and/or encoura%e non-$hite people to s-uabble amon% themsel#es! Racists do not appro7e of an) fi%hts or ar%uments bet$een non-$hite people that non$hite people settle amon% themsel#es $ithout the so-called "help" of the Racists! Racists do not, +no$in%ly, allo$ any non-$hite person, or persons, to do an)thing that does not directly, or indirectly, help to promote Racism 1&hite Supremacy2! Racists appro#e of, and encoura%e non-$hite people to fi%ht each other, +ill each other, s-uabble $ith each other, "name-call" each other, and/or do anythin% that best helps non-$hite people to remain confused, and non-constructi#e! Racists, ho$e#er, are not in fa#or of the e2termination of all non-$hite people! They are in fa#or of man) non-$hite people bein% +illed, but not all of them! They ha#e no desire for non-$hite people to become e2tinct! If "non-$hite" people became e*tinct, there could be no $ay for "$hite" people to practice "Racism" - at least they could not practice it in the form of "&hite Supremacy"! Racists $ant non-$hite people to continue to e*ist! It is not possible to practice "&hite Supremacy" if non-$hite people do no e*ist! The Racists $ant non-$hite people to continue to be their sub)ects and #ictims! &hile usin% non-$hite people as #ictims, the Racists particularly $ant the non-$hite people to s-uabble amon% themsel#es, and they $ant the non-$hite people to be% them, the Racists, to "settle" the s-uabbles! This is one of the ma)or $ays that the Racists ha#e of maintainin% their po$er! They also do this to pro#e their po$er, feed their e%o9s and amuse themsel#es! Top of Pa%e

Summar) o* the -Ten .1'/ Basic Stops-

In order to help eliminate Racism and to produce )ustice 'balance bet$een people(, all Victims of Racism should, in all of their relationships $ith each other, thin+ spea+, and act in support of the follo$in% three-$ord su%%estion/ -<inimi:e the Con*lictTop of Pa%e


.. T:5 3NIT5. IN.5P5N.5NT 604P5NSAT0R; 60.5 / S;ST54 / 60N65PT/ A Te*tboo+ / &or+boo+ for Thou%ht, Speech and/or Action for Victims of Racism 1&hite Supremacy2 a+a "The 6ode" by Neely Fuller r! The 6ode $as $ritten to help the #ictims of racism '$hite supremacy( to sol#e the problem of racism '$hite supremacy(!

The 6ode The Purpose of The 6ode About Neely Fuller r! 0rder the The 6ode boo+ here< e-mail 6ontact/ The60.5=endar+enment!com

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"If you do not understand White Supremacy (Racism), what it is, and how it works, everything else that you understand, will only confuse you."

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