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ALLorney Ceneral Lrlc Polder

u.S. ueparLmenL of !usLlce

930 ennsylvanla Avenue nW
WashlngLon, u.C. 20330-0001

Chalrman 1om Wheeler
lederal CommunlcaLlons Commlsslon
443 12Lh SLreeL SW
WashlngLon, u.C. 20334

Aprll 8, 2014

uear ALLorney Ceneral Polder and Chalrman Wheeler:

1he proposed ComcasL-1lme Warner Cable merger would glve one company enormous power over our naLlon's medla
and communlcaLlons lnfrasLrucLure. 1hls masslve consolldaLlon would poslLlon ComcasL as our communlcaLlons
gaLekeeper, glvlng lL Lhe power Lo dlcLaLe Lhe fuLure of numerous lndusLrles across Lhe lnLerneL, Lelevlslon and
LelecommunlcaLlons landscape.

ln Lhe lasL four years, ComcasL has ralsed lLs baslc cable raLes ln some of lLs markeLs by nearly 70 percenL, whlle 1lme
Warner Cable has acLually cuL cosLs for consumers. 8uL Lhe hlgher prlces and reduced cholces LhaL Lhls deal would brlng
are [usL Lhe Llp of Lhe lceberg.

1hls merger ls, aL lLs core, abouL broadband, Lhe mosL proflLable and fasLesL-growlng segmenL of Lhe cable lndusLry.
ComcasL's servlce area would cover almosL Lwo-Lhlrds of Lhe u.S., and lL would be Lhe only broadband provlder LhaL
could dellver Lruly hlgh-speed lnLerneL and pay-1v servlces Lo nearly four ouL of every 10 u.S. homes. 1hls unlon would
glve ComcasL conLrol over half of Lhe naLlon's nexL-generaLlon broadband cusLomers and more Lhan half of Lhe pay-
1v/lnLerneL-bundled subscrlbers.

1he open lnLerneL brlngs Lhe promlse of meanlngful compeLlLlon as lL greaLly reduces Lhe gaLekeeper power LhaL
lncumbenL cable, broadcasLlng and sLudlo glanLs llke ComcasL-n8Cunlversal have hlsLorlcally wlelded. 8uL Lhls merger -
Laklng place ln Lhe vacuum of regulaLory overslghL of our broadband-communlcaLlons markeL - would glve ComcasL
unprecedenLed conLrol over Lhe lnLerneL. lL would also pose a grave LhreaL Lo medla dlverslLy.

ComcasL has repeaLedly flexed lLs corporaLe and pollLlcal muscles Lo geL whaL lL wanLs, even lf LhaL has meanL harmlng
compeLlLlon, consumers and communlLles. Around Lhe counLry ComcasL has foughL communlLy efforLs Lo brldge Lhe
dlglLal dlvlde wlLh munlclpal broadband neLworks. lL has lobbled sLaLehouses and local governmenLs Lo undermlne
publlc, educaLlonal and governmenL access Lelevlslon. lL has blocked lLs cusLomers' lnLerneL Lrafflc. And lL was flned for
falllng Lo fulflll Lhe commlLmenLs lL made Lo secure approval of lLs merger wlLh n8Cunlversal.

1he ComcasL-1lme Warner Cable merger would glve ComcasL unLhlnkable gaLekeeper power over our commerclal, soclal
and clvlc llves. Lveryone from Lhe blggesL buslness Lo Lhe smallesL sLarLup, from elecLed offlclals Lo everyday people,
would have Lo cross Lhrough ComcasL's gaLes.

Clven Lhese clear and presenL dangers and Lhe compleLe lack of any Langlble beneflLs, lL's clear LhaL Lhe unlon of Lhe
naLlon's no. 1 and no. 2 cable companles ls noL good for compeLlLlon or ln Lhe publlc lnLeresL. We, Lhe underslgned,
represenLlng mllllons of people from every sLaLe, urge you Lo block Lhls merger.


Access PumboldL
Alllance for CommunlcaLlons uemocracy
Appalshop, lnc.
AusLln Alrwaves
8roadband Alllance of Mendoclno CounLy
Callfornla Common Cause
Cambrldge CommunlLy 1elevlslon
CenLer for Medla !usLlce
Chlcago Medla AcLlon
ClLlzens for SanlLy, lnc.
CommlLLee for Medla Access
CommunlLy Medla vlslonlng
Consumers unlon
Courage Campalgn
ually kos
uemand rogress
llghL for Lhe luLure
lree ress
luLure of Muslc CoallLlon
Parry oLLer Alllance
Pollday ueslgn Croup
lndependenL ArLs & Medla
lnsLlLuLe for Local Self-8ellance
lnLernaLlonal Campalgn for 8esponslble 1echnology
!ournallsm 1haL MaLLers, lnc.
Medla Alllance
Medla LlLeracy ro[ecL
Medla Moblllzlng ro[ecL
Medla Worklng Croup, lnc.
naLlonal Alllance for Medla ArLs and CulLure
naLlonal PeadquarLers SLudlo
naLlonal CrganlzaLlon for Women
new Amerlca loundaLlon
arenLs 1elevlslon Councll
ersonal uemocracy Medla
romeLheus 8adlo ro[ecL
ubllc knowledge
Slnslnawa uomlnlcan SlsLers' Leadershlp Councll
SlsLers of Lhe resenLaLlon, uubuque, lowa
SporLs lans CoallLlon
SL. aul nelghborhood neLwork
1u8n - 1he uLlllLy 8eform neLwork
Women ln Medla & news
Women's lnsLlLuLe for lreedom of Lhe ress
Women's SLudles 8esearch CenLer aL 8randels unlverslLy
WrlLers Culld of Amerlca LasL
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