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Working on a boxcar is Don Miller (standing) instructor of soldiers making the repairs, T & O.C.

Railyard, Bucyrus, OH,

Camp Millard, 1942-43

Unknown Soldier by flatbed railcar at the T & O.C. Railyard, Bucyrus, OH while at Camp Millard 1942-43
Unknown Soldier by boxcar at the T & O.C. Railyard, Bucyrus, OH while at Camp Millard 1942-43
Leo Long and unknown soldier approaching him, outside the tarpaper covered temporary barracks, Camp Millard,
Bucyrus, OH 1942-43

BUCYRUS, OH - A startling fact today is that, fewer and fewer residents of Bucyrus knew that Bucyrus had a Military
Base during World War II. Even more amazing is that, we as residents do not pay respect to their sacrifice.
Each year on Father's Day, the members of the 753rd Railroad Shop Battalions return to the Fairgrounds in Bucyrus,
for their annual reunion. It is the longest running World War II reunion of veterans, and this Father's Day will mark their
56th year.
Last year, The Crawford County POST was the only media to show up to cover this historic event. I was amazed at the
living history that is slowly passing away. Each year, fewer and fewer members are able to return to Bucyrus. Some due to
failing health, while other veterans have gone home to be with the Lord.
Camp Millard was a significant contribution to the War effort. The US Army needed to train soldiers in railroad
operation, and the repair of locomotives plus the rolling stock. This is where the Crawford County Fairgrounds and the T
& OC Railroad with their workshops, which were located right next to the Fairgrounds came into play.
The training camp was leased from the County Commissioners on April 1, 1942 until May 31, 1946. Most of the
buildings constructed by the Army have been dismantled, sold and relocated in the area. Don Malone of Galion, a 753rd
veteran, says that some of their buildings that they used are still in use, even yet today. One is the old Merchants building,
as for that was their Mess hall, plus they used the latrines just out back of the old Merchants Building. Some of the
tarpaper covered wooden barracks are now used for various other purposes, and can still be identified in and around the
Bucyrus area.
When the Army first came to town, they set up tents in the infield of the racetrack. Buildings for the headquarters,
mess hall, officers' quarters and a supply depot, were all erected by the end of 1942.
The Battalion consisted first of three Companies, A, B & C. Then each morning, the soldiers in training would get up
and march, down to the T & OC Railroad workshops. Presently, TRANSCO Railway Products, Inc. is operating their
business out of these workshops.
Most of the men were 30 to 35 years old, so they were not the younger soldiers of World War II. The United States
Armed Forces needed experienced men in this field, so they recruited men from the New York Central and Pennsylvania
railroads. These new soldiers were already working or, had been working in the railways, with locomotive and rolling
repair and shop operations experience.
These new soldiers were well behaved, and gave the City of Bucyrus an economic boost for the merchants. Local
entertainment was provided for them by the USO, which was operated by the very active YMCA.
The 753rd sent trained soldiers to North Africa starting in 1942, where most of them stayed there for approximately 12
to 13 months. Then most of the soldiers were sent to Naples, till the end of the of World War II.
Only one 753rd Railroad Battalion veteran is stilling living in Crawford County, but there are several that still come
into Bucyrus from around the State, plus Michigan and Indiana. Many of the spouses still return each year to meet their
friends of many, many years. Presently we as a nation are seeing that 1500-1600 World War II veterans a day, are going
home to meet their Lord and maker.
So why not come out to the Fairgrounds on next Father's Day, and meet these great veterans at the monument. Show
your appreciation and thank them for their service to our great nation.
Story By
Doug Foreman, Publisher
Crawford County POST
753d Railroad Batt on Big Company Road March on their way back from Camp Perry in Pt. Clinton, OH to Camp
Millard, Bucyrus, OH 1942-43
Bill Thrush and John Campbell of Company C, 753d Railroad Batt, Camp Millard, Bucyrus, OH 1942-43
Donald Miller outside Camp Millard's PX, Bucyrus, OH, in 1942-43

Donald F Miller In Battle Rattle with M1 at Camp Millard, Bucyrus, OH, during the Winter in the snow 1942-1943
Soldiers of the 753d Railroad Batt from Camp Millard, Bucyrus, OH working down at the T & O.C. Railyards, getting
their training 1942-43
Bill Thrush with his helmet and M1 Grand rifle, outside tarpaper covered temporary barracks, Camp Millard, Bucyrus,
OH 1942-43
Donald Miller with headgear on outside Camp Millard's PX, Bucyrus, OH, in 1942-43
Donald F Miller standing with his rifle, while Bill Thrush squats down behind him, outside temp barracks, Camp
Millard, Bucyrus, OH 1942-43

Officers of the 753d Railroad Batt. come out to the T & O.C. Railyard, to check on the training of the men, Camp Millard,
Bucyrus, OH 1942-43
Unknown Private inspecting another soldier outside the tarpaper covered temporary barracks at Camp Millard,
Bucyrus, OH 1942-43

Unknown soldier striking a boxing pose inside the tarpaper covered temporary barracks, Camp Millard, Bucyrus, OH

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