Letter To-Carta A-Pres. Calderon

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November 2, 2009

H. Felipe Calderón Hinojosa

Presidente of Mexico
Los Pinos Oficial Residency
México, D.F.

Mr. President:

Please receive a most cordial and respectful greeting. I am writing regarding the
upcoming visit to Mexico by Tim Pawlenty, Governor of the US State of Minnesota,
which will include a meeting with you.1

For the last twenty years I have had the privilege to live and work with members of
Minnesota’s Mexican community. Thanks to your fellow countrymen I was able to know
the great human diversity of Mexico, from Tamaulipas to Chiapas, from Guerrero to
Puebla, without leaving Minnesota. Although I am not Mexican, Mr. President, I will
always carry your country in my heart.

This is why I think it is important for you to be aware of the anti-inmigrant measures
promoted by Governor Pawlenty, your future guest at Los Pinos, and their
disproportionate effect on Mexicans.2 I would also like to suggest that you take advantage
of his visit to let Gov. Pawlenty know that his actions in Minnesota will not pass
unnoticed in Mexico. Furthermore, please allow me to suggest that you afford Mexicans
forced to leave their families, homes and jobs in Minnesota the opportunity to address
Gov. Pawlenty in person to let him know the cost in tears and suffering caused by his
administration’s anti-immigrant measures.3

Governor Pawlenty has aspirations to the Presidency of the United States4 and, if elected,
he will set the agenda of future bilateral relations with México and migration policies
towards Mexican residing in this country. Very respectfully I ask you not to miss the
opportunity afforded by this visit to request from the Governor and presidential candidate
Pawlenty that he stop his attacks on the most humble and vulnerable members of the
Minn. governor to meet with Mexican president during business development trip to Mexico
Minnesota teams with ICE to increase enforcement; better verification for new state employees ~
Feds Criticized In Meat Plant Immigration Raid: Gov. Tim Pawlenty viewed the raids as "the type of proactive
enforcement needed to combat illegal immigration and related crimes."
Pawlenty to Raise Cash in Washington
Mexican community in Minnesota, and urge him instead to support humane immigration
reforms that keep families together and acknowledge the contributions made by all
immigrants to Minnesota’s development and prosperity.

Very truly yours

Francisco J. González
Minnesota EE UU/US
E-mail: guajataca01@yahoo.com


Versión en español

2 de noviembre del 2009

H. Felipe Calderón Hinojosa

Presidente Constitucional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Residencia Oficial de Los Pinos
México, D.F.

Señor Presidente:

Reciba un cordial y respetuoso saludo. Le dirijo esta carta con motivo de la visita a
México del Gobernado del Estado estadounidense de Minnesota, Tim Pawlenty, visita
que según los medios noticiosos locales incluye una entrevista con usted.5

Por los pasados veinte años, he tenido el privilegio de convivir y colaborar con
miembros de la comunidad mexicana establecida aquí. Gracias a estos compatriotas
suyos he podido conocer la inmensa diversidad de México, desde Tamaulipas a Chiapas,
desde Guerrero a Puebla, sin tener que salir de Minnesota. Aunque no soy mexicano,
Señor Presidente, su país esta siempre en mi corazón.

Es por esto que considero importante que usted esté al tanto de las medidas anti-
inmigrantes promovidas por su futuro huésped en Los Pinos, el Gobernador Pawlenty, y
que han impactado desproporcionalmente a mexicanos.6 Desearía también sugerirle que
Minn. governor to meet with Mexican president during business development trip to Mexico
Minnesota teams with ICE to increase enforcement; better verification for new state employees ~
aproveche ésta oportunidad para hacerle saber al Gob. Pawlenty que sus acciones en
Minnesota no pasan desapercibidas en México. Le sugiero también que, a los mexicanos
forzados a abandonar sus familias, hogares y trabajos en Minnesota, les ofrezca la
oportunidad de poder dirigirse en persona al Gob. Pawlenty y dejarle saber el costo en
lágrimas y sufrimiento causado por las políticas anti-inmigrantes de su administración.7

El Gobernador Pawlenty tiene aspiraciones a la Presidencia de los Estados Unidos8 y, de

ser elegido, establecerá el rumbo de las relaciones bilaterales con México y la política
migratoria hacia los mexicanos en éste país. Muy respetuosamente le ruego que no deje
pasar la oportunidad de ésta visita para solicitarle al Gobernador y pre-candidato
presidencial Pawlenty que cese sus ataques contra los mas humildes y vulnerables
miembros de la comunidad mexicana en Minnesota, e instarle en cambio a que apoye
reformas migratorias humanas que mantengan unidas a familias y reconozca la
contribución de todos los inmigrantes al desarrollo y prosperidad de Minnesota.

Le agradezco su atención a esta carta.

Muy respetuosamente,

Francisco J. González
Minnesota, EE UU/US
Correo electronico: guajataca01@yahoo.com

Feds Criticized In Meat Plant Immigration Raid: Gov. Tim Pawlenty viewed the raids as "the type of proactive
enforcement needed to combat illegal immigration and related crimes."
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