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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT U.S, OS TRC COURT OF NH. DISTRICT OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Bist OF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MOTION To Distibsi8 22. P St NO JURISDICTION v TITLE 18 IS NOT LAW DANIEL RILEY, Et al, 1:07-cr-189-GZS, COMES NOW, making a special appearance, Daniel Riley, acting in a sovereign capacity, Sui Juris, not Pro Se repeat not Pro Se representing the fiction DANIEL, RILEY, and files this motion. In no way can this notice be construed to grant jurisdiction over the defendant, because the defendant’s counsel still contends no jurisdiction exist. In no way should this notice be construed to be considered a contract, and all rights are reserved at the common law UCC 1-308 and 1-103.6 without prejudice. 1 The defendant's counsel makes this motion in accordance to F.R.Cr.P. 12(6)@) 2. The defendant's counsel still contends that the plaintiff and the Court have no territorial jurisdiction in this case and now further contends Title 18, also known as Public Law 80-772, was never passed by both Houses of Congress as required by the USS. Constitution, therefore Title 18 is null and void and Un-Constitutional, therefore the plaintiff and the Court have no jurisdiction, whatsoever. 3. The defendant contends a conflict of interests exists for Administrator Singal to decide this motion because if decided on the facts and the law Administrator Singal can be held civilly liable because of the unlawful acts he has committed. administrator acting with no jurisdiction can be held liable. There is no way Administrator Singal can be impartial when deciding this motion and must recuse himself from doing so as per 28 U.S.C. 455. 4, Now that the defendant has proven the Court has no jurisdiction beyond any reasonable doubt, any furtherance of this case is criminal in nature, not that is wasn't criminal already. Title 18 is not law! It is law by the tyrant using force of arms to make it Jaw, but if an honest Court were to go by the truth, that honest Court would find, through its own due diligent research, that in fact the defendant is right that Title 18 never passed with a quorum in the House of Representatives. 5. This is supposed to be a nation of laws, not men. But the international bankers have bought up so many souls of men, that they have created a nation under tyranny. Passing bills into law unlawfully is a sign of tyranny. A tyranny that is designed to reduce the American People to slaves in a sea of despotism, in the very nation their forefathers conquered for them. 6. The defendant longs for an honest American Administrator who loves his country and believes in the rule of law and will do what is righteous when called upon to protect his fellow countrymen. Instead we have administrators that are on team tyranny and do what the government tells them, when really they should be putting the ‘government in its place. These administrators are some of the many foot soilders for the international bankers, who act with total disregard for the rule of law. 7. Think about what you are doing! Mr. Prosecutor and Mr. Administrator, you are enforcing laws outside your territorial jurisdiction, and enforcing laws that do not exist, in your soul how can you live with yourselves, knowing your own seed is going to be affected by your unlawful acts. Are you aot people on conscience. Can't you see the hypocrisy in what you are doing? 8. This so called court of law is really an abomination, a farce, a living lie, and a disgrace to the American People. Administrator Singal is a criminal of the highest maghatude in a criminal racket, designed by the international banksters with their masonic brotherhood, to control and enslave America. 9. Daniel Riley has no hope for a "fair" trial at all. How can you have a “fair trial when the whole thing is a dog and pony show. The court is an outright criminal racket. There is no justice. Criminals do not deal in justice, they deal in lies, deceit and chicanery, which are Satan’s tools of the trade. 10. For now Administrator Singal may be an administrator, but some day Administrator Singal will be judged by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel). God Almighty will have the final say in this case. May God have mercy on your souls. NOTE: ‘This motion contains a memorandum of law WHEREFORE the defendant's counsel requests the following relief from this Court; A. Not to rule on this motion for the obvious conflict of interest, B. To file an injunction/stay to have the Supreme Court rule on this motion expedited, C. Orin the alternative dismiss the case because this Court has no jurisdiction, at all. ‘| DATED: February 27, 2008 266 County Farm Rd Dover, N.H. 03820 All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice

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