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Construction Update and Focus on Noise, Vibration, and Air Monitoring / Controls

First Street Tunnel Forum / Community Group



Tunnel Forum

Representatives and Alternates

First Street NW Bryant / Channing Streets Flagler Place Adams Street W Street First and V Streets U Street Thomas St / Rhode Island Ave Local Blogs Government-ANC Civic Associations Special Interest Groups

Dr. Marilyn Lashley Renee Peres Victoria Leonard Shelly Parker Joe Levesque Angela Ray Serita Sanders Chris Von Ferro Scott Roberts Mark Mueller Sherry Howard

Tomas Encaracion TBD Pia Brown TBD TBD Theodore Bush John Salatti Harvey Hartfield Betsy McDaniel Teri Janine Quinn

All meetings are open to the public.

Presentation Agenda
Construction Update Six-Week Look-Ahead and Street Activity Tunnel Forum Consensus Topics Noise and Vibration Control, and Air Quality Trees Protection of Structures Parking Next Steps


Construction Update
Main mining shaft activities/demo Schedule for freeze trench and Construction Staging Areas (CSAs) Rodent control Utility work Site office Instrumentation and monitoring Hotline testing and roll-out Special Needs Survey Noise, vibration, and air monitoring





Project Activity Over the Next Six Weeks

Install ground freezing utility trench: late April mid May Establish Construction Staging Areas:

Channing St, late April mid May: Conduct surveys, perform rodent control applications, prepare site for slurry wall construction Adams St, mid May: Locate utilities V St: mid May: Locate and relocate utilities Bryant St, April mid May: Removed street light at Bryant and Second Streets, demo sidewalk along W St, paving and striping, install signs and curbs McMillan, early May: Utility coordination, install perimeter fence, site prep, paving and striping W St, late May: Lot demo and site prep; install temporary lighting, perimeter fencing, curb, and retaining walls 143 W St, mid May: Relocate and install fence, relocate parking bumpers, install signs

Alternative Parking Areas

Upcoming Street Closures

Continued street closure at First and Channing Streets for:

McMillan Stormwater Storage Project (MSSP) SKJD work at the main mining shaft

Starting in mid May, portions of the West Street alley will be closed for construction of the freeze trench at:

Channing Street mining shaft West side alley at Bryant Street south to Thomas Street

First and V Streets will be closed for construction (see next two pages for details)

Tree Box Removal at First and V Streets to Maintain Two-Way Traffic


Construction Staging Area: Site Prep and Construction Remove tree boxes on First Street at First and V Streets intersection Pave First Street up to existing sidewalks To maintain two-way traffic on First Street as required by DDOT
Construction Staging Area

Streetscaping at First and V Streets


Streetscaping in affected area will follow project construction

New tree boxes New sidewalks


Rodent Report: Thomas Street NW Alley

DC Waters Rodent and Pest Control Program is underway, ahead of construction We are working with the DC Department of Health in the project area to respond to community concerns about rodents

Thomas Street NW alley.




Resident Parking Permits Extend 2-Hour Parking Restriction

Proposal to extend 2-hour parking restriction was discussed on March 20 at an ANC meeting, and again on March 27 at our Tunnel Forum meeting Approved by neighbors at March 20 meeting Need approval from DDOT If approved, DC Water/SKJD will implement change

McMillan Reservoir

Extended parking area is shown in the shaded area.


Response to Eliminate No Turn on Red Street Sign at Bryant and First Streets NW
DC Water and DDOT considered the proposal to eliminate the No Turn on Red sign at the intersection of Bryant and First Streets NW DDOT determined:
There is no confusion between the existing No Turn on Red sign and the First Street Detour sign Northbound motorists making a right turn on Bryant St cannot see cars coming from the eastbound direction The No Turn on Red sign must remain for motorists benefit and safety

Existing traffic signs at Bryant and First Streets NW to remain in place.


Scott Hoffman, Skanska-Jay Dee (SKJD)

PhilipJo, KronerEnvironmental GabrielIllingworth, KronerEnvironmental


Addressing Community Concerns About Construction

Construction Noise, Vibration, & Air Quality Issue Contact Hotline (844) FST-INFO (844-378-4636) SKJD Notified

Evaluation of Work (Existing Conditions)

Evaluation of Issue at the Noise & Vibration Source Monitor Complaint Response

Evaluation of Noise & Vibration Controls

Compliance Data Sent to DC Water

Further Mitigation to be Considered 16

Implemented Noise and Vibration Mitigation Measures

DC Water FST contract requirements

Noise reduction measures

Dedicated noise and vibration specialist Detailed monitoring and control plans Restrictions on work hours near sensitive receptors Limits based on DCMR and DC Waters baseline readings Period real-time monitoring DDOT-approved haul routes

Best available control technologies Noise barriers Equipment alternatives Consolidated generators, compressors, and gas-powered looped freeze trench system Equipment maintenance and inspections

Hotline 844-FST-INFO (844-378-4636) Consolidate equipment at Channing Street CSA

TBM support area Freeze plant location Fewer sensitive receptors South and east berms as noise barriers Power generators and compressors sited here Use utility trench to bring power, air, and freeze to CSAs


Sound Basics
Sound vs. noise

Sound is a mechanical wave that is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gas Noise is an unwanted sound; its intensity (loudness) is measured in decibels (dB) Sound Pressure Level (SPL) is the force of sound on a surface area SPL depends on the environment in which the source is located and the listeners distance from the source We hear or perceive sound pressure as loudness SPL is measured in decibels by a sound level meter

Sound Source

How is sound level measured?

Sound pressure level is measured in decibels by a sound level meter.


Sound Basics
Typical range of construction sound at 50 feet

Auger: 8083 dB(A) Concrete mixer: 85 dB(A) Air compressor: 8083 dB(A) Diesel generator: 8085 dB(A) Backhoe: 80 dB(A) Excavator: 85 dB(A) Crane: 83 dB(A) Pneumatic tools: 85 dB(A) Jackhammer: 110 dB(A)


Sound Basics
Various sound descriptors (not all noise is created equal)
Instantaneous noise level (Lp): Receivers noise at any moment in time; also known as instantaneous sound level Maximum/minimum noise level (Lmax/Lmin): Highest/lowest instantaneous noise level during a specified time period Equivalent noise level (Leq): Average acoustical energy over a given period of time

The sound pressure level fluctuates from about 60 dB(A) to almost 80 dB(A).

With every strike of the hammer, the noise level rises rapidly and then falls off equally rapidly.


Sound Basics
Noise math

Addition: Adding two equal noise sources results in a 3 dB increase 80 + 80 = 160 dBA 80 + 80 = 83 dBA Subtraction: Subtracting one noise source from two equal noise sources results in a 3 dB decrease 80 77 = 3 dBA 80 77 = 77 dBA

Microphone recording sound data during construction activities.


Vibration Basics
What is vibration?


Vibration is an oscillatory motion which can be described in terms of displacement, velocity, or acceleration In most cases, the response of humans, buildings, and equipment to vibration is more accurately and commonly described using velocity (inches/second) Expressed in in/sec or VdB Three vibration wave types: P, S, and R waves R wave (surface wave) is most difficult to control




Vibration Basics
Typical vibration levels of construction equipment at 25 feet

Hydromill: 0.017 in/sec Vibratory roller: 0.21 in/sec Dozer: 0.089 in/sec Auger: 0.090.1 in/sec Truck: 0.08 in/sec Crane: 0.1 in/sec Jackhammer: 0.035 in/sec

Sand filter demolition at McMillan site.


Project Construction Noise Limits

Noise Limits (25 ft from the outermost limits of the construction site).
Construction Staging Area Location Channing St (CS-CSA) Adams St (AS-CSA) V St (VS-CSA) Pump Station (PS-CSA) (on Thomas St) Weekday Leq Limits (dBA) 7:00 AM 7:00 PM 801 801 801 Weekend Leq Limits (dBA) 7:00 AM 7:00 PM 622 Nighttime Leq Limits (dBA) 7:00 PM 7:00 AM 612


Source: 1) DC Municipal Regulations 2802, Construction 2) EDR noise limit accounts for 3 dBA + ambient 24

Site-Specific Noise and Vibration Mitigation Measures


Mitigation Measures
Existing berm will remain Additional sound barrier 6 feet above berm Consideration of construction methods Portable sound barriers for specific equipment on-site 1 drill rig in operation at a time 1 loader operating in support of drilling Limited choice of heavy equipment during drill rig operations 2 cranes used during operations; additional heavy equipment use prohibited Limited work hours Case-by-case basis Limited heavy equipment use Use monitoring to determine extent of noise and vibration Limited work hours


Freeze Trench, APAs, CWZ

Sample of noise-reduction panel.


Predicted Noise Levels at Adams Street-CSA




Predicted Noise Levels at V Street-CSA



Predicted Noise Levels Thomas Street-CSA



Air Monitoring
Dust suppression required on-site Based on erosion and sediment plan, no visible dust to leave site Real-time dust monitoring Periodic monitoring especially during heavy earth-moving Real-time monitoring upwind and downwind


Addressing Community Concerns About Construction

Construction Noise, Vibration, & Air Quality Issue Contact Hotline (844) FST-INFO (844-378-4636) SKJD Notified

Evaluation of Work (Existing Conditions)

Evaluation of Issue at the Noise & Vibration Source Monitor Complaint Response

Evaluation of Noise & Vibration Controls

Compliance Data Sent to DC Water

Further Mitigation to be Considered 30



Tree Removal and Replanting

65 trees of varying diameter were removed in February 2014 in the Bloomingdale area

11 at McMillan APA 4 at W Street APA 9 at Bryant Street APA

4 at Channing Street CSA 16 at Adams Street CSA 15 at First and V Streets CSA 6 on Thomas Street

DC Water and SKJD will work with DDOT and the Tunnel Forum Group prior to re-constructing each disturbed area Potential collaboration between DC Water and DDOT to plant trees in public right-of-way in the Bloomingdale area during construction DC Waters tree giveaway program can provide small trees to neighborhood residents
65 trees of varying diameter were removed from the Bloomingdale neighborhood earlier this year.


Landscaping Planting Plan Adams and Flagler Streets

Adams St NW

New Tree New Planter Box Existing Tree

TREES ACNI Black Maple ACRU Red Maple ACSA Sugar Maple MAVI Sweetbay Magnolia PLHY London Planetree QUPH Willow Oak SHRUBS AZGP Pink Azalea GAJA Dwarf Gardenia GRASSES LIMJ Big Blue Lilyturf

Flagler Pl NW


Landscaping Planting Plan Adams and First Streets

Adams St NW

TREES ACNI Black Maple ACRU Red Maple ACSA Sugar Maple MAVI Sweetbay Magnolia PLHY London Planetree QUPH Willow Oak SHRUBS AZGP Pink Azalea GAJA Dwarf Gardenia GRASSES LIMJ Big Blue Lilyturf

New Tree New Planter Box

First St NW


Landscaping Planting Plan First and V Streets (Sheet 1)

TREES ACSA Sugar Maple PLHY London Planetree SHRUBS AZGP Pink Azalea GAJA Dwarf Gardenia First St NW

V St NW New Tree New Planter Box Existing Tree Grass Lirope Muscari Big Blue 35

Landscaping Planting Plan First and V Streets (Sheet 2)

TREES ACNI Black Maple ACRU Red Maple ACSA Sugar Maple LAIN Crape Myrte PLHY London Planetree SHRUBS AZGW White Gumpo Azalea GAJA Dwarf Gardenia HOPA Patriot Hosta HYQU Oak Leaf Hydrangea GRASSES HEMI Purple Palace Coral Bells IRVE Blueflag Iris SEAJ Autumn Joy Stonecrop

First St NW New Tree New Planter Box Existing Tree

Grass Kentucky Bluegrass, Fescue, Red Top 36 Grass Lirope Muscari Big Blue

Landscaping Plan Thomas Street

Thomas St NW

New Tree New Planter Box Existing Tree

First St NW TREES CABE European Hornbeam GIBI Ginkgo Princeton Sentry (fruitless male version) LIST Gum PICH Chinese Pistache GRASSES LIMJ Big Blue Lilyturf 37



Offer for Free Survey Ends Thursday, May 1, 2014

Structures shown in green are eligible to receive a free pre-construction survey Surveys, video, and photos provide a snapshot of structure condition prior to construction A survey is voluntary, but you must participate to receive documentation Risk of potential damage to property is very slight, but possible Having a survey may strengthen a property owners claim of damage caused by construction

Hurry! Time is running out to get your free survey!


Stephen Njoloma,DCCleanRiversProject


Parking Summary and Update

Extend 2-hour parking restrictions in neighborhood First DC Water project to provide Alternative Parking Areas (APAs) Implement APAs Summer 2014 Continually monitor APA operations and improve as necessary


Resident Parking Permits Existing Residential Parking Areas Zones 1 & 5

Posted Zone 5 Parking Only Area is shaded in blue ( ) Posted Zone 1 Parking Only Area is shown in orange ( ) Existing Shared Zone 1 and 5 Parking Area is shaded in green ( )
N McMillan Reservoir

rking on Metered pa of W St de the north si


Resident Parking Permits Proposed Residential Parking Areas Zones 1 & 5

Posted Zone 5 Parking Only Area is shaded in blue ( ) Posted Zone 1 Parking Only Area is shown in orange ( ) Existing Shared Zone 1 and 5 Parking Area is shaded in green ( ) Proposed Zone 5 Parking Only Area is shaded in pink ( ) to better accommodate those who are directly impacted by construction Steps for revising parking zone signs

rking on Metered pa of W St de the north si

McMillan Reservoir

ANC support DDOT approval DC Water/SKJD to implement changes


Alternative Parking Areas Location Map

Alternative Parking Areas for eligible residents are shown as


McMillan Reservoir Entrance

Channing St NW

Bryant St NW

Bryant St (BS-APA) 56 spaces W St (WS-APA) 21 spaces 143 W St (143W-APA) 21 spaces For a total of 98 alternative parking spaces

BS-APA (56)

nt S Brya

t NW

Flagler St NW


First St NW

WS-APA (21) 143W-APA (21)


Adams St NW


2nd St NW

Construction Staging Areas are shown as ; these areas are closed to the public Contractor / private parking areas are shown as


Elm St NW

First St NW


Thomas St NW
de Rho
Old Maple St NW


nd A



Alternative Parking Areas Who is Eligible to Park at an APA?

To get an APA tag number you need:
Current DC registration Zone 5 Residential Parking Permit Reside between North Capitol and 2nd Streets NW and Channing and Thomas Streets NW; shown in pink on the map

McMillan Reservoir

Alternative Parking Areas for eligible residents are shown as

Each resident is assigned a specific APA tag number APA information package is being prepared for mailing


APA Priority Areas

Priority Area 1 ( ) assign parking to those directly fronting construction and without available off-street parking Priority Area 2 ( ) roll out APA tags to this area first, monitor, and expand if necessary Priority Area 3 ( ) Fourth priority issue guest passes; this phase will be revisited following delivery of parking passes for Priorities 1 through 3

McMillan Reservoir


From March 27 Tunnel Forum Meeting Street Cleaning: Continue or Suspend?

DCCR traffic and permit staff have investigated this suggestion

McMillan Reservoir

Loss of parking due to construction activities should be mitigated with APA implementation

Continue alternate side of street parking with DPW street sweeping at this time (streets shown as ) Revisit the issue after APAs are implemented


Next Steps
DC Water and SKJD to coordinate with DDOT regarding 2-hour parking extension signage Possible new hours for our meetings: suggest changing from 6:308 PM to 78:30 PM to better accommodate your schedule Schedule next Tunnel Forum Meeting Thursday, May 22 or Thursday, May 29 (Memorial Day is Monday, May 26.) Topics:
APA roll-out Status of Construction Staging Areas Suggested topics


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