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"#$%& '( )*$&+ (shorLer publlc verslon, "#$%&'( )*+#&,- on llne

no names, March 31, 2014)

,+- .'(&-/-01- ,$23-0 )0*2- .--&$(4+'#5-6 789:
ln a Lrue communlLy we wlll noL choose our companlons, for our cholces are so ofLen llmlLed by self-servlng moLlves. lnsLead,
our companlons wlll be glven Lo us by grace." arker almer


More Lhan a decade ago, our beloved meeLlngroom began Lo feel cramped. 8ullL for worshlp on boLh
Wednesdays and Sundays, lL also served for communlLy concerLs and Lalks, school assemblles, dances,
coffee houses, graduaLlons, marrlages, LheaLre performances, and memorlal meeLlngs. ln 2000, plans
were approved Lo enlarge Lhe space. We could noL, however, agree on how Lo connecL Lhe roof of Lhe
larger meeLlngroom wlLh Lhe new hlgh school bulldlng, and LhaL led Lo many more quesLlons.
Cver Lhe nexL several years, varlous commlLLees worked hard Lo flnd alLernaLlves, elLher by enlarglng
Lhe currenL space or by deslgnlng a new bulldlng, we all worked hard Lo hear and honor dlfferenL
perspecLlves. SLlll, we could noL reach clarlLy. CerLalnly, lL was dlfflculL Lo lmaglne changes Lo Lhe old
meeLlngroom: every lnch of lLs wood holds Lhe graln of our hlsLory. AL Lhe same Llme, lL was
hearLbreaklng Lo see people Lurned away from such vlLal communlLy evenLs as memorlals.*
1hls decade wlLnessed anoLher bulldlng problem: our klnder/prepa (pre-school) space requlred
lncreaslng repalrs ln lLs wlrlng, floor, and roof. llnally, ln !une of 2012, Lhe new 8ulldlng ueslgn
CommlLLee announced plans for Lwo-sLory addlLlon Lo Lhe school, plans whlch would be developed ln
AugusL, afLer Lhe new school ulrecLor and an archlLecL/bullder vlslLlng for Lhe year had seLLled ln. 1hls
commlLLee expecLed a flnal deslgn by Lhe end of 2012, wlLh consLrucLlon Lo sLarL ln !une of 2013. Way
opens mysLerlously. Amazlngly-havlng already walLed more Lhan 12 years-we would now have noL
only a new klnder/prepa bulldlng, buL also a new meeLlnghouse, ln place long before Lhe pro[ecLed !une
sLarL daLe.
upon arrlval, Lhe lncomlng school ulrecLor and Lhe vlslLlng Llmber framer from vermonL [olned Lhe
new 8ulldlng CommlLLee, Lhe laLLer offered Lo help deslgn and bulld a new klnder space and
meeLlnghouse. Cn nlnLh MonLh 12 2012, Lhe CommlLLee presenLed lLs proposal, whlch lncluded Lhls
blunL summary: 1he klnder/prepa bulldlng ls serlously decreplL, unsafe and ln need of replacemenL. ln
addlLlon, Lhe lrlends meeLlngroom ls underslzed relaLlve Lo currenL needs." 8ecommended was a
slngle unlfled plan" whlch would allow us Lo shlfL our llmlLed resources of Llme and energy from
faclllLles plannlng Lo Lhe more crlLlcal needs of sLrengLhenlng our communlLy and educaLlng our
chlldren." MeeLlng mlnuLes reporLed LhaL we were parLlcularly supporLlve of Lhe Llmber frame
concepL for a new meeLlnghouse, ln Lerms of general feel, ablllLy Lo bulld as a communlLy, openness of
space, and a wooden floor." (1lmber frame ls consLrucLed almosL excluslvely wlLh hand Lools, Lhe
[olnery conslsLlng of spllnes, morLlses, Lenons, eLc., whlch are secured wlLh hardwood pegs raLher Lhan
nalls, screws or bolLs.)
*1he slLuaLlon had worsened by Lhe fall of 2012 when, aL Lhe memorlal of a cherlshed local, Lhe meeLlngroom could hold only
136. 77 were lefL ouLslde.

ulscusslons conLlnued lnLo laLe SepLember and CcLober. AL Llmes, Lhe number of posslble opLlons
seemed bewllderlng. Cur overseers polnLed Lhe way forward wlLh Lhls remlnder: We value
lncluslveness, communlLy and flexlblllLy. More Lhan anyLhlng, we value our love for each oLher and our
deslre Lo move forward ln klnd and lovlng ways." 8y MeeLlng for 8uslness of LlevenLh MonLh 11, we
had reached agreemenL abouL Lhe general plan of Lhe meeLlnghouse."
1he comblnaLlon of a knowledgeable, dedlcaLed 8ulldlng CommlLLee and an engaged communlLy-
wlLh many opporLunlLles, boLh formal and lnformal, Lo parLlclpaLe ln dlscusslons-was cerLalnly
lnsLrumenLal ln geLLlng Lhe pro[ecL golng. Lqually lnsLrumenLal was Lhe comblnaLlon of our Clerk's
poslLlve aLLlLude wlLh our vlslLlng Llmber framer's experLlse and passlon. As he laLer explalned: lL ls
noL enough Lo [usL deslgn someLhlng . . . Lhe hub of my career over Lhe lasL Len years or so has been
helplng sLuck processes geL unsLuck." Pls way of dolng Lhls doveLalls beauLlfully wlLh Cuaker pracLlce:
llrsL, lL ls necessary Lo hear all volces before Lrylng Lo flnd Lhe way forward."
Cn 1welfLh MonLh 9, Lhe MeeLlng gave Lhe School CommlLLee permlsslon Lo proceed ln bulldlng Lhe
klnder as Lhey feel prepared Lo handle Lhe cash flow needs." Also approved was proceedlng wlLh
preparaLlon and consLrucLlon of Lhe new meeLlnghouse ln sLages, movlng Lo Lhe nexL sLage only when
we have Lhe money needed for LhaL sLage ln hand."
ln reLrospecL, our pro[ecLed bulldlng schedule looks qulxoLlcally compressed. lL was dlcLaLed,
however, by Lwo unavoldable facLs: flrsL, our Llmber framer would be leavlng MonLeverde ln !une,
second, Lhe ralny season would soon be upon us. lor Lhe new meeLlnghouse, Lhe esLlmaLed number of
volunLeer hours needed-3149-seemed sLaggerlng. 1he Llme frame-less Lhan Lwo and a half
monLhs-was no less lnLlmldaLlng. 8uL we somehow had falLh LhaL we could come LogeLher Lo make lL

ln uecember, a local consLrucLlon crew sLarLed work on Lhe klnder/prepa bulldlng. WlLh respecL Lo
Lhe meeLlnghouse, boLh Lhe vermonL Llmber framer and Lhe MeeLlng LrusLed LhaL dozens of ordlnary
lnexperlenced volunLeers could be Lralned Lo become sufflclenLly proflclenL wlLh squares, chlsels, and
saws Lo compleLe, by hand, Lhe 1292 [olnLs requlred.
ln Lhe same monLh, Lhe flrsL Lrees were felled for Lhe meeLlnghouse. 1he cholce was Mexlcan .$/#0(.
MosL lmporLanLly, we +*1 lL, boLh on MeeLlng properLy and on Lhe land of a Canadlan Cuaker famlly,
who had generously donaLed Lhelr supply. AnoLher lmporLanL conslderaLlon was LhaL Lhese Lrees,
planLed as wlndbreaks some forLy years ago, were non-naLlve. Pence, no permlsslon was needed,
beyond LhaL of Lhe owners, Lo cuL Lhem. (Amazlngly, Lhe Cuaker who, wlLh oLhers, had planLed Lhese
Lrees on hls land would be chlsellng Lhem as he awalLed hls 91
blrLhday.) ln LoLal, 236 Llmbers would
be needed. 1rees were prepared on slLe, by local sawyers wlLh a porLable mlll.
Cn Lhe second weekend of !anuary 2013, Lralnlng sesslons were held for Lhose lnLeresLed ln
becomlng asslsLanL lnsLrucLors. 1hlrLeen of us parLlclpaLed, wlLh wldely varylng ages (sLreLchlng over

some 30 years), and levels of experlence. We began wlLh baslcs: golng Lhrough plans, learnlng
Lermlnology, deLermlnlng reference edges, and prlnclples of layouL. LayouL was compllcaLed noL only by
Lhe green wood--wlLh lLs varlous LwlsLs and assoclaLed problems of keeplng knoLs ouL of poLenLlal
[olnery-buL also by our lnexperlence wlLh uslng framlng squares Lo mark compllcaLed angles.
neverLheless, we worked happlly, compleLlng Lhe flrsL slx [ack rafLers.
Work conLlnued LhroughouL LhaL flrsL week as volunLeers seLLled lnLo [obs we felL comforLable wlLh,
[obs we felL we could do well. Cne young local man, Laklng a Lerm off unlverslLy, worked almosL every
day unLll Lhe end. As our crew was ofLen unlllngual ln elLher language, hls flawless LranslaLlng ablllLles
were almosL as lnvaluable as hls physlcal work. AnoLher young man, who'd fallen ln love durlng hls fall
Lrlp Lo MonLeverde, sLayed for dally work on Lhe pro[ecL unLll lLs compleLlon. Pe dlscovered a real knack
for sharpenlng chlsels, an essenLlal acLlvlLy every mornlng. And he sLlll clalms LhaL hls full week spenL
hacklng away-wlLh hammer, cold chlsel, and lron splke-Lo remove a Lhlck sLone wall was a saLlsfylng
experlence. ln LhaL flrsL week, sawhorses were bullL, Lhe school's baskeLball courL was organlzed as a
consLrucLlon slLe, a new 1*'%2,(sLorage shed) was bullL and sLocked, and Llmbers were lald ouL.
vlslLors, bearlng much appreclaLed snacks and drlnks, began Lo drop ln.
Cn 1hursday of LhaL week, nlne sLudenLs from Lhe school who'd slgned up for Lhe Llmber framlng
mlnl-course arrlved aL Lhe baskeLball courL. 1helr flrsL [ob was Lo carry Lhe felled Llmbers, on a slmple
home-made Lwo-wheeled carL, Lo Lhe consLrucLlon slLe up Lhe maln road a kllomeLer or so. AfLer
deLalled lnsLrucLlons on Lhe safe use and care of Lools, Lhey began worklng on Lhelr flrsL Llmbers. lL was
especlally movlng and lnsplrlng Lo wlLness how qulckly Lhey became accompllshed wlLh saws and chlsels,
conLlnulng Lhls work weekly (and ofLen much more) for anoLher Lwo monLhs.
1he lnlLlal plan for consLrucLlon-havlng volunLeer asslsLanL lnsLrucLors, as well as regular worklng
days for Lhose wlLh or wlLhouL experlence-soon evaporaLed. eople of all ages and sklll levels, eager Lo
help or [usL wanLlng Lo flnd ouL whaL was golng on, slmply showed up, aL any Llme, on Lhe baskeLball
courL. Some sLayed for flfLeen mlnuLes, some for several hours or days of work. SomeLlmes a small
group arrlved LogeLher, someLlmes lone lndlvlduals. CfLen, sLudenLs appeared aL recess, lunchLlme, or
afLer school. 1hroughouL, our vlslLlng Llmber framer showed an uncanny sklll for flLLlng parLlcular
people Lo parLlcular Lasks. lor sure, LhaL flrsL week provlded ample lllusLraLlon of a common bullders'
Always have a plan
8e prepared Lo Lhrow lL Lo Lhe wlnd.
And remember . . . .
1he wlnd always blows.

---especlally ln MonLeverde ln !anuary.
More experlenced help arrlved on !anuary 19
, when anoLher Llmber framer from Lhe offlce ln
vermonL came Lo help ouL for Lhree monLhs. Cn her long dusLy bus rlde Lo MonLeverde," she looked
over Lhe drawlngs, wonderlng how beglnners would fare wlLh Lhe modlfled Lngllsh Lylng [olnLs, curved
braces and Lroplcal wood. All Lold, 1292 [olnLs would be cuL by volunLeers. 1he exLenL of Lhe Lool seL

was a slngle borlng machlne, a slngle blL Lo drlll all 260 pln holes, and enough chlsels, saws and planes Lo
keep Lhe anLlclpaLed oceans of workers busy." * 8efore arrlval, our new volunLeer Llmber framer
concluded conclsely: 1he budgeL was LlghL, Lhe Llmellne abbrevlaLed and Lhe supply of power Lools
shorL. Clven Lhese consLralnLs, l had serlous doubLs LhaL we could even come close Lo Lhese deadllnes."
1he Llmber frame was scheduled for ralslng on March 21
. 8efore LhaL daLe, more Lhan 1000 [olnLs
had Lo be measured and cuL. We needed 260 hardwood pegs, each of Lhese Lhen had Lo be rounded
wlLh chlsels. llnally, every Llmber had Lo be planed, recelve Lwo coaLs of xllobor (LermlLe proLecLlon),
and Lhen olled. Subfloor boards needed cuLLlng, planlng, xlloborlng, and olllng. AparL from Lhe work on
Lhe Llmbers for Lhe MeeLlnghouse, Lhe new klnder/prepa bulldlng had Lo be compleLed by lebruary 22

and Lhe old one dlsmanLled Lo allow for Lhe consLrucLlon of Lhe meeLlnghouse foundaLlon and subfloor
on lLs former slLe. All usable wood from Lhe old klnder/prepa needed Lo be de-nalled and Lhe Lrusses
saved lnLacL. 1he play sLrucLure had Lo be dlsmanLled and reassembled. An acL of falLh, lndeed.
Whlle our new arrlval was on her way up Lhe mounLaln, Lhe Cuaker communlLy was also feellng
concerned, buL for very dlfferenL reasons, as recorded ln Lhe MlnuLes of Lhe Annual SLaLe of Lhe
MeeLlng on llrsL MonLh 13, 2013:
. . . we wanL Lo use our opporLunlLles well and make sure LhaL we don'L lose, buL raLher deepen,
our splrlLual rooLedness ln Lhe mldsL of Lhese exclLlng happenlngs.
ln Lerms of Lhe bulldlng pro[ecLs Lhemselves, we wanL Lo remaln mlndful LhaL Lhe producLs wlll
be noL [usL Lhe bulldlngs, buL also Lhe communlLy LhaL we bulld ln Lhe process of consLrucLlon.
Pow can we besL use Lhls opporLunlLy for communlLy-bulldlng? And are Lhere ways we can Lake
Lhe communal splrlL creaLed Lhrough Lhese pro[ecLs and use lL as a sprlngboard for our deslres for
splrlLual depLh?

As Lhe days passed, each day endlng wlLh Lhe graLlLude of Cuaker sllence, we felL more and more
evldence of splrlLual depLh flowlng from communal work. Shared chlsels, shared laughLer, shared
knowledge, and shared food ofLen brldged Lhe absence of shared language. 8y !anuary 27
, 33 of Lhe
236 Llmbers were ready Lo go.
Word abouL Lhe bulld spread qulckly, wlLh new volunLeers appearlng dally. llve year olds and elghLy-
seven year olds worked LogeLher, sweeplng up Lhe day's shavlngs and accumulaLed sawdusL. 1he Crade
Lhree/four sLudenLs cleaned Llmbers wlLh wlre brushes, and Lhe blg slbllng/llLLle slbllng weekly meeLlngs
of Lhe eleven/Lwelves wlLh Lhe Lhree/fours were frequenLly held aL Lhe bulldlng slLe. Crade flve/slx
sLudenLs prepared graphs Lo charL our weekly progress wlLh braces, beams, rafLers, and posLs
compleLed. Clder sLudenLs volunLeered for weekend babyslLLlng Lo allow parenLs Lo work. 1he old-
Llmers came up Lo work early on Wednesday mornlngs, chlsellng [olnLs before sharlng MeeLlng for
Worshlp wlLh Lhe school chlldren.
*ln facL, Lhere were only 12 chlsels, and, aL Lhls polnL, a ragLag saw collecLlon of wldely varylng sharpness. 8uL Lhe slngle
borlng machlne," a Mlller lalls model from 1883, was an ldeal flL wlLh Lhe Cuaker LesLlmony of slmpllclLy. We could seL lLs
depLh qulckly and easlly, Lhen, by Lurnlng Lhe Lhlck handles on elLher slde, we could bore Lhe many plloL holes needed Lo
prepare for chlsellng. 1he lnLerlocklng gears were uLLerly eleganL ln Lhelr slmpllclLy, Lhe base was a slab of rlch reddlsh wood,
and Lhe enLlre machlne was lovlngly olled each nlghL. Powever enchanLlng, Lhough, Lhe machlne caused rapld faLlgue ln lLs
users-and we had well over one Lhousand holes Lo bore wlLh lL.

Lxchange and sLudy abroad sLudenLs, as well as lnLernlng Leachers, began showlng up, many came
back day afLer day, caughL up ln Lhe power of worklng ln communlLy. 8andom vlslLors Lo Lhe zone, as
well as parenLs down for a couple of weeks Lo sLay wlLh Lhelr chlldren, spenL much of Lhelr vacaLlons"
on Lhe consLrucLlon slLe. Cne faLher of a lrlends School sLudenL, down for a week Lo vlslL hls daughLer,
compleLed an enLlre klng posL (slx compllcaLed pleces of [olnery). A remarkable number of people-
approxlmaLely 200-Lurned up Lo volunLeer durlng Lhe bulld. Some came regularly, llke Lhe long-Llme
resldenL who compleLed a brace every day or Lwo. CLhers sLruggled wlLh unfamlllar Lools, llke Lhe local
man who flnally puL hls chlsel aslde, feLched hls macheLe, and sald: LsLa slempre ha sldo ml
herramlenLa" (1hls has always been my Lool"). 1he plece of [olnery was successfully and happlly
compleLed wlLh Lhe macheLe.
A young Canadlan volunLeer descrlbed her experlence ln Lhls way:
1o see Lhe lncredlble work a group of people can do LogeLher wlLh Lhelr bodles fllled me wlLh
awe . . . . 1he varleLy ln ages of volunLeers-a group LhaL spanned from under flve years old
Lo over elghLy-was lnsplrlng. Work was found for all. Sharlng work wlLh so many people
of dlfferenL generaLlons and dlfferenL LruLhs, bulldlng a communlLy cenLre, and brlnglng
sLorles, sklll, and laughLer LogeLher, wlll noL easlly be found elsewhere ln my llfe.

1here's no doubL LhaL Lhls opporLunlLy Lo work ln communlLy was a LransformaLlve experlence, leadlng
Lo deeper relaLedness amongsL us.
Cn lebruary 13
, durlng Lhe regular pre-meeLlng sesslon wlLh Lhe old-Llmers, we reached Lhe halfway
polnL. Slx hundred and slxLy-slx [olnLs were now compleLed. CelebraLlon was a Llme of sllence, wlLh
hands gaLhered LogeLher on Lhe halfway beam.
?eL more volunLeers soon found Lhemselves, ln serendlplLous ways, on Lhe baskeLball courL. A
chance e-mall led Lo a young woman bullder comlng from Lhe SLaLes, followed by anoLher from
nlcaragua. Per menLor came shorLly afLer, arrlvlng Lo flnd whaL she called a smooLh runnlng machlne,"
and a place where she felL grace around lnvlLlng people ln." Who could have predlcLed Lhls
overwhelmlng response Lo an opporLunlLy Lo bulld ln communlLy?
Much of Lhe essenLlal work, of course, happened off Lhe baskeLball courL and began long before
consLrucLlon lLself. 1he 8ulldlng CommlLLee had long weekly sesslons. Cne especlally hard-worklng
local Cuaker served on Lhls CommlLLee, almosL unlnLerrupLedly, from 2001. AnoLher managed Lhe
colossal compllcaLlons of cash flow, budgeL and coordlnaLlon wlLh MonLeverde lrlends uS, as well as
paylng Lhe local professlonal crew worklng on Lhe klnder and geLLlng Lhem on Lhe 3,4, (soclal securlLy
and medlcal lnsurance). AnoLher was ln charge of wood procuremenL, mllllng, and LransporLaLlon. ?eL
anoLher, LogeLher wlLh Lhe local archlLecL, was responslble for Lhe meeLlnghouse foundaLlon, as well as
sewage and dralnage (an lmmensely Lrlcky buslness ln MonLeverde). 1he new Creen CommlLLee held
workshops and meL regularly, wlLh Lhe mandaLe of lnvesLlgaLlng and recommendlng susLalnable
pracLlces for boLh klnder/prepa and meeLlnghouse. CLhers conLrlbuLed ln less pleasanL ways: sLalwarLly
endurlng, for lnsLance, Lhe serlous lnvaslon of Lhelr young famlly's llfe by Lhe consLanL sounds of chaln
saws rlghL ouLslde Lhelr fronL door.

8y lebruary 20
, Lhe braces were compleLed. Cn lebruary 22
, rlghL on schedule, Lhe move began
from Lhe old klnder Lo Lhe sLunnlngly beauLlful new bulldlng behlnd Lhe school. AdmlLLedly, lLs
readlness requlred one Cuaker Lo spend many laLe-nlghL hours varnlshlng Lhe new floors, as well as
overLlme for Lhe local crew. And anoLher resldenL spenL long exLra hours Lo flnlsh Lhe palnLlng on Llme.
1he deconsLrucLlon of Lhe old klnder bulldlng began on lebruary 23
. Cn Lhls weekend, Lwo local
famllles volunLeered Lo arrange and underLake lL. A weddlng beLween Lhe Lwo famllles, under Lhe care
of Lhe MeeLlng, was Lo be celebraLed on March 23
. 1hey were hoplng Lo hold Lhelr weddlng dance ln
Lhe frame of Lhe new meeLlnghouse, a scanL Lwo days afLer Lhe ralslng of Lhe Llmber frame was
scheduled Lo begln. 1he demollLlon of Lhe old klnder, wlLh lLs aLLendanL scores of volunLeers, was
managed wlLhln Lhe Lwo-day deadllne, and Lrusses were sLored for laLer use.
1hls meanL LhaL Lhe foundaLlon of Lhe new meeLlnghouse, Lo be consLrucLed by Lhe local professlonal
crew who had [usL flnlshed Lhe klnder, could begln on lebruary 23
. up Lhe hlll aL Lhe baskeLball courL,
volunLeers flnlshed Lhree-quarLers of Lhe [olnery by March 2
, Lhe nexL day, we began applylng Lwo
coaLs of xllobor Lo all flnlshed Llmbers, as well as Lo Lhe boards for Lhe sub-floor and celllng. A day laLer,
our chlsels sLarLed Lo shape Lhe hardwood pegs, each one of Lhe 260 havlng been prepared by a local
Cuaker woodworker ln Lhe shop where several MonLeverde resldenLs remember learnlng Lhelr flrsL
woodworklng skllls.
ulLlmaLely, Lhese pegs would be housed lnvlslbly lnslde Lhe [olnLs buL, ln keeplng wlLh Lhe splrlL of Lhe
pro[ecL, dozens of volunLeers declded Lo wrlLe on Lhem wlLh lndellble marker: recordlng Lhelr names,
Lhanklng donors, menLlonlng absenL MeeLlng members, noLlng favorlLe quoLaLlons, expresslng graLlLude
Lo Lhose who broughL food, rememberlng loved ones, or slmply noLlng lmpresslons, such as communlLy
ln MeeLlng for 8uslness of 1hlrd MonLh, 2013, our Clerk reporLed LhaL we now had enough cash Lo
ralse Lhe sLrucLure, roof lL, and consLrucL Lhe wall on Lhe playlng fleld slde." An asLoundlng amounL had
been ralsed slnce !uly 1 2012, when we had $31,000 of Lhe $91,000 needed for Lhe klnder/prepa, and
only $18,282 of Lhe LoLal esLlmaLed meeLlnghouse budgeL of $136,000. 8eLween !uly and Lhe end of
uecember 2012, an addlLlonal $34,663 for Lhe meeLlnghouse came from local donaLlons and from
MonLeverde lrlends u.S. 8y mld-!anuary, we had recelved $97,000. SLlll, we were deLermlned Lo
proceed ln sLages, noL underLaklng Lhe nexL sLage unLll Lhe money was ln hand. Cn aL leasL Lwo
occaslons, consLrucLlon almosL sLopped, saved aL Lhe lasL mlnuLe by generous donors. A lacebook page,
named new MeeLlng Pouse-1lmber framlng ro[ecL M1v 2013, wlLh phoLos and noLes on our progress
(hLLps:// resulLed ln many more donaLlons.
ln lebruary, our le Soclal" ralsed a phenomenal $4401, wlLh a couple of ples feLchlng more Lhan $100
each. ln a communlLy renowned for lLs arLlsLs, we also recelved donaLlons of drawlngs, palnLlngs and
poLLery for aucLlon. ln a communlLy of muslclans, a beneflL concerL ralsed sLlll more. A few people
quleLly gave large donaLlons. CLhers donaLed necesslLles such as bags of cemenL, cllpboards, drlll blLs,
clamps, rubber gloves, and malleLs. LaLer, conLrlbuLlons for weekly yoga classes would go Lo Lhe
bulldlng fund. Some volunLeered Lhelr Lrucks, machlnery, or Lools, oLhers offered maLchlng donaLlons.

Many of Lhese donaLlons responded Lo a leLLer senL Lo selecL donors on !anuary 19
. 1hls was
speclflcally for Lhe new meeLlnghouse, emphaslzlng LhaL we are noL [usL bulldlng a new meeLlnghouse,
we are bulldlng communlLy" and our new splrlLual home." ln Lhe headnoLe Lo Lhls leLLer, our Clerk
quoLed kahlll Clbran: Work ls love made vlslble." 1he leLLer ouLllned Lhe many ways posslble Lo supporL
Lhe efforL: volunLeerlng wlLh preparlng Llmbers, glfLs of maLerlals, lendlng of Lools, helplng wlLh Lhe
ralslng, buylng/maklng a ple, cash donaLlons, helplng Lo Lake down Lhe old klnder and shop, movlng Lhe
conLenLs of Lhe old klnder.
Whlle ralslng funds, we Lrled Lo be senslLlve Lo Lhe needs of Lhe school, Lhe blggesL mlnlsLry of our
meeLlng. 8y lebruary 9
, Lhe annual donaLlons needed Lo keep Lhe school golng for anoLher year were
pracLlcally ln hand. (A large percenLage of our 113 sLudenLs would noL be able Lo aLLend MonLeverde
lrlends School wlLhouL recelvlng scholarshlp ald. Lach year, we need Lo ralse approxlmaLely $80,000 for
flnanclal ald.) 1hls was especlally good news for Lhe school, parLlcularly ln llghL of Lhe lncreaslng
lmplngemenLs on Lhe sLudenLs' acLlvlLles from Lhe ongolng consLrucLlon: Lhe school's baskeLball courL,
as Lhe maln consLrucLlon slLe, was largely unusable for recreaLlon, a secLlon of Lhe soccer fleld was
fenced off, maLerlals, machlnery, and Lools occupled former play areas. 1hroughouL, Lhe chlldren
responded wlLh lndefaLlgable good humor, as Lhey pollLely asked, Llme and Llme agaln, for permlsslon Lo
feLch a wayward soccer ball afLer lL had lobbed behlnd a fenced-off secLlon of Lhe fleld. Lucklly for Lhe
chlldren, Lhe 5$2+%#*n Lree (sLrangler flg) ln fronL of Lhe school needed Lo be felled as lL had become
dangerously unsLable. 1he colossal Lrunk, compleLe wlLh full-lengLh lnLerlor cave," provlded Lhe
younger chlldren wlLh a maglcal alLernaLlve play space, and also gave Lhe 3*-%2$* (hlgh school) sLudenLs
a prlvaLe perch for conversaLlons.
lL would be fanclful, Lhough, Lo suggesL LhaL Lhe consLrucLlon zones were easy Lo bear. Llke oLher
communlLles, ours ls a llvlng enLlLy, marked by dlfferenL LruLhs whlch someLlmes confllcL. 8egardless of
Lhe lnlLlal lnLenLlon of mlnlmlzlng dlsrupLlon Lo classes," Lhere was much dlsrupLlon. 1rylng Lo ensure
Lhe safeLy of chlldren durlng recreaLlon perlods-amldsL Lwo bulldlng pro[ecLs-was ofLen frusLraLlng
and dlfflculL. nolse and dusL levels were frequenLly hlgh, especlally durlng work on Lhe foundaLlon of
Lhe meeLlnghouse, furLhermore, Lhe work was slLuaLed fewer Lhan Len feeL from sLaff offlces and
classrooms. Lven closer, from a scanL Lwo feeL ouLslde Lhe upsLalrs classrooms, came Lhe sound of
drllls and weldlng on Lhe covered walkway. As one Leacher noLed, loud work someLlmes began aL
LwenLy Lo Lhree, why noL walL LwenLy mlnuLes unLll school ended for Lhe day? 1here were mls-
communlcaLlons, or even non-communlcaLlons, beLween Lhe school and Lhe Lwo consLrucLlon Leams.
Cne resulLed ln Lhe sudden cancellaLlon of klnder/prepa classes for an enLlre week, when Lhe new
bulldlng Lurned ouL Lo be noL properly ready for sLudenLs. We dldn'L always do well aL undersLandlng
our dlfferences, buL we dld geL Lhrough Lhem wlLh more awareness, and Lhe end was almosL ln slghL.
1he lasL load of Llmbers arrlved aL Lhe baskeLball courL on March 9
. 1hese were damp and heavy,
much harder for volunLeers Lo work wlLh. 8uL by Lhen we had shared so much LogeLher LhaL few [obs
seemed lnsurmounLable. 1here was laughLer lnsLead of groanlng aL Lhe sLaLe of Lhe Llmbers, and our
vlslLlng Llmber framer and gulde conLlnued wlLh hls mlnlsLry of cheerful paLlence.
8y March 13
, only 23 Llmbers needed [olnery. AL LhaL polnL, Lhe couple who were Lo be marrled on
March 23
arranged for Lhe early dellvery of Lhe LenLs Lhey had ordered for Lhelr weddlng. volunLeers

spenL Lhe afLernoon puLLlng Lhem up, so we now had a dry place where LermlLe proLecLlon and olllng
could conLlnue desplLe Lhe lncreaslng drlzzle.
uurlng Lhe push of Lhls lasL week, fabulous meals arrlved wlLh hearL-and sLomach-warmlng quallLy,
frequency, and quanLlLy. Whereas formerly we had grabbed lunch whlle slLLlng on sLray sLumps ln Lhe
baskeLball courL, we now honored Lhe meals and Lhe worklng LogeLher by gaLherlng ln our mulLl-
purpose room Lo accommodaLe Lhe wealLh of food and Lhe numbers of volunLeers. And on March 18
we were [olned Lhere by anoLher Llmber framer from vermonL, who arrlved Lo compleLe Lhe lasL of Lhe
Llmbers (Lhe Lwo long hlp rafLers) and help wlLh Lhe ralslng.
1here was some Lalk of renLlng a crane from San !ose (an expenslve proposlLlon) Lo llfL Lhe Lrusses on
ralslng day, buL splrlL prevalled. We felL confldenL LhaL, wlLh our experL guldance, we could do lL safely,
puLLlng lnLo pracLlce all we'd learned ln Lhe monLhs of worklng LogeLher. Cn March 20
, Lhen, ln a
noLlce boLh posLed around Lhe communlLy and senL ouL vla e-mall, came Lhe flnal announcemenL:
<=*$5$(4 ,'2'00'>? @-/*(&*1' 1-% A*%'( .*B*(*CD 1he naLure of Lhe work was clarlfled ln lLs flrsL llne
of explanaLlon: 1he ralslng wlll be llke a Cuaker MeeLlng. We wlll gaLher quleLly, llsLenlng carefully
for dlvlne lnsLrucLlons. We wlll noL Lalk unless necessary." (8uL a chllllng admonlLlon came wlLh Lhe
followlng sLaLemenL: eople are remlnded LhaL Lo a Lree we are ALL Lhe conslsLency of a rlpe
More Lhan 30 people formed Lhls clrcle of quleL Lhe nexL mornlng. AfLer sllence, safeLy requlremenLs
were explalned. 1he need for conLlnulng quleL was emphaslzed, especlally when lnsLrucLlons were
glven, so LhaL we would all know exacLly whaL was needed from each of us. We Lhen began Lo carry-
slx or elghL of us Lo each Llmber-Lhe flrsL loads from Lhe baskeLball courL Lo Lhe new meeLlnghouse
lL now seems mlraculous LhaL a changlng crew of approxlmaLely 30 unLralned volunLeers-some of
whom welghed llLLle more Lhan 100 pounds-could have succeeded ln geLLlng 400 pound beams ln Lhe
alr, leL alone ln assembllng Lhe parLs of Lhe Lrusses, mld-alr, whlch welghed a LoLal of some 1200 pounds.
lL Look 20 people [usL Lo llfL Lhe sLruLs up lnLo Lhe alr. AfLer mld-alr assemblage, as one Llmber framer
explalned, all 30 people on Lhe sLaglng would llne up, llfL Lhe enLlre Lruss, and Lhen lower lL down one
end aL a Llme onLo lLs respecLlve posLs."
Sadly, our gulde and leader became slck Lhe nlghL before Lhe ralslng, and so mlssed Lwo days of
sharlng and dlrecLlng Lhe culmlnaLlon of our work LogeLher. Pls absence, Lhough, may have resulLed ln
one of Lhe mosL dramaLlc lnsLances of grace ln Lhe enLlre consLrucLlon. Pere's Lhe sLory: preparlng Lo
ralse Lhe lasL Lruss, Lhe LesL flL crew dlscovered LhaL a posL and Lle beam, whlch should have had
morLlses for a brace on Lhe same slde, unaccounLably had Lhem on opposlLe sldes. (1hls was Lhe sole
layouL mlsLake ln Lhe whole Lwo and a half monLhs of work, and lL was dlscovered ln Lhe flnal hour.)
Cne of Lhe Llmber framers wenL back Lo Lhe baskeLball courL Lo make a brace LhaL would swerve"
across Lhe posL, hence flLLlng lnLo Lhe correcL morLlse on Lhe oLher slde of Lhe beam. llnally, afLer Lhe
lasL 1200 pound Lruss had been ralsed and assembled ln Lhe alr, lL was Lhen carefully lowered . . .
backwards. normally, assembllng a Lruss backwards would have necesslLaLed Laklng Lhe whole Lhlng

aparL, and puLLlng lL back LogeLher-no small feaL when you're Lalklng abouL a whole secLlon of a
bulldlng. lL was Lhe procedural error lLself LhaL ensured a perfecL flL!
1he nexL day, we all Look a break for Lhe weddlng. 1he frame of our new meeLlnghouse was
lnauguraLed wlLh Lhe celebraLory square dance, our sprung subfloor, floaLlng on rubber cow maLs, goL
lLs flrsL enLhuslasLlc and [oyful use. And Lhere was ample room for all of us. 1he old meeLlnghouse (by
flre-code sLandards, aL any raLe) saL 126 people. 1he new seaLs 218 lnslde, whlle Lhe covered courLyard
(beslde Lhe movable wall) and Lhe covered porch (wlLh lLs doors spannlng some 6 meLers) allow for 290.
1oLal lnLerlor space for Lhe old was 87m2, whlle Lhe new ls 130m2. 1he covered courLyard, porch, and
sLorage wlng add anoLher 91m2.
Cn March 31
, Lhe new meeLlnghouse frame was seL up for our flrsL worshlp Lhere: Lhe LradlLlonal 3
a.m. LasLer mornlng gaLherlng. 8enches were lald ouL Lo face Lhe easL, rearranged from our usual
clrcular formaL. We were ready Lo greeL Lhe dawn LogeLher ln sllenL worshlp. 8lghL around 3 a.m., mlsL
sLarLed drlfLlng ln. Slowly, lL collecLed on Lhe beams and drlpped down. MlsL Lurned lnLo drlzzle. 8y
LhaL Llme, lL was Loo laLe Lo move Lhe MeeLlng under cover, ouL of Lhe unroofed and unwalled Llmber
frame. 8eneaLh Lhe rafLers-cuddled under shawls, blankeLs, [ackeLs, and sleeplng bags-we awalLed
Lhe sunrlse.
lL would be anoLher monLh before Lhe rooflng was compleLed. lour monLhs laLer, elecLrlclLy was
lnsLalled, wlndows appeared on Lhe foresL wall and Lhe fronL doors were hung. Seven monLhs afLer
LhaL, Lhe sLage was floored. 1wo monLhs laLer, Lhe Lransom wlndows wenL up. lL would be even longer
before Lhe lnLerlor was dry-walled, Lhe subfloor covered, or Lhe Sho[l screens (on Lhe remalnlng movable
wall) enclosed Lhe space fully.
8uL for now, we were gaLhered on Lhls damp LasLer mornlng, ln Lhe fullness of our flrsL worshlp
LogeLher ln our new home. uesplLe-or perhaps because of-Lhe all-Loo-vlslble evldence of our work
LogeLher gradually emerglng wlLh Lhe sunrlse (Lwo cemenL mlxers, a plle of gravel, varlous salvaged
maLerlals), Lhe splrlL was palpable. 1hls had been, as our Clerk sald, a specLacular communlLy pro[ecL."
1haL lL was. 8uL much more Lhan Lhls, Lhe pro[ecL lLself had susLalned and deepened Lhe splrlLual llfe of
our communlLy.

arker almer, 6 7-,.% 3,--%' 3*88+&$9:; endle Plll amphleL no. 212, 20. Walllngford, a., 1977.
ALLendance flgures for Meg Wallace's memorlal come from !onaLhan Cgle.
1he bullders' adage was passed along by kaLhy Pooke.
1he vlslLlng Llmber framer's LhoughLs before her arrlval ln MonLeverde are quoLed from Shannon MclnLyre's A Cuaker MeeLlng
Pouse ln CosLa 8lca," <$81%# "#,8$&2; 108 (!une 2013) 23.

1he words of a Canadlan lrlend are Lhose of !esslca klaassen-WrlghL, ln CommunlLy and Work ln MonLeverde," <5% 3,&,'$,&
"#$%&' (Summer 2013), 6
lor oLher lnformaLlon abouL bulldlng and Llmber framlng, l am graLeful for personal communlcaLlons wlLh uavld Pooke, !osh
!ackson, Shannon MclnLyre, and Llz !ohndrow. May we long remaln frlends.
1he old MeeLlnghouse now serves as essenLlal classroom and offlce space for Lhe school.

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