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n March 28-30, 2014, AUP held

its 130
University graduation
exercises in Philippine Interna-
tonal Church. The graduatng class had
Emissarius a latn word for emissaries as
its class philosophy. For the consecraton
and baccalaureate services, Dr. Christaian
Dumetrisco, the program director for the
Doctor of Philosophy of the Adventst
Internatonal Insttute of Advance Stud-
ies [AIIAS] and Dr. Timothy Standish, a
research scientst from the Geoscience
Research Insttute of the General Con-
ference of Seventh-day Adventsts gave
powerful sermons to the graduatng class.
Dr. Dumetrisco encouraged the graduates
to change their paradigm of life from be-
ing self-focused to service focused while
Dr. Standish told them that they have a
distnct message to the world as Gods
emissaries, which is the first of the 3
angels message in Revelaton 14.
During the commencement exer-
cises, Dr. Ruperto S. Sangalang, a Com-
misioner of the Commission on Higher
Educaton of the Philippines asked the
graduates the queston where are you
going? He pointed out that compet-
ton in the world is really intense as there
are thousands of graduates but jobless.
Nevertheless, he believes that AUP has
equipped them to face the challenges
and realites of life.
Batch Emissarius is composed of 593
graduates, 521 of which are undergradu-
ates, 68 fnished their masters, and 4
finished their Doctoral program. The
graduates come from 26 countries.
Of the graduates, 10 received the
highest academic award of summa cum-
laude, 38 are magna cumlaude, and 71
cumlaudes. The following are the number
of graduates from each College:
CollegeofArtsandHumanites......... 60
CollegeofHealth................................ 87
CollegeofBusiness........................... 136
CollegeofNursing............................ 135
CollegeofDentstry............................ 13
CollegeofScience&Technology........ 81
CollegeofEducaton.......................... 61
CollegeofTheology............................ 20
AUP Holds 130
Graduation Exercises
Passing Rate for AUP
Medical Technologist
On March 30 & 31, 2014, thirty-seven graduates of AUP
together with more than 1200 graduates all over the country took
the licensure examinaton for Medical Technologists given by the
Professional Regulaton Commission of the Philippines. As a result,
100% of the AUP graduates passed the board exam. This years ex-
aminees from AUP are so far the highest number of MedTechs the
university has ever produced since it ofered the course.
AUP is one of the only two schools in the Philippines with 25
graduates and more who got 100% passing rate from the recent
Medical Technologist board examinaton.
March 2014
Department Shines
The Voice of Youth family of AUP
consistng of 56 teams of more or less
than 500 students went to 56 places in
Luzon to prepare people for eternity last
October and December 2013. This num-
ber is so far the largest of VOY teams that
went out for evangelistc eforts in the
history of AUP. As a result of this evan-
gelistc endeavor more than 300 persons
responded to the invitaton of the gospel
and were baptized and added to the
Adventst family. Occidental Mindoro, Ori-
ental Mindoro, Cavite, Laguna, Bulacan,
Batangas, Pangasinan, Taguig, Quezon
Province, Aurora, Cainta, to name a few
were the provinces and cites reached by
the students of the Adventst University
of the Philippines.
This year, the AUP Voice of Youth of-
fcers with the supervision of the COT
AUP is gifed with intelligent
Adventist Christian teachers.
One of these is Mr. Redentor A.
Feliciano, a CPA and a teacher
in the Accountng Department.
He is one of the eight De La Salle
University Manila Law students
who represented the Philippines
in the 11
Annual Wellen C. Vis
(East) Internatonal Commercial
Meet, a worldwide annual gath-
ering of law students, in Hong
Kong, Peoples Republic of China
on Mar. 31 Apr. 6, 2014.
Christian Service
AUP is a school that prepares stu-
dents for service. And to recognize stu-
dents who excelled in service, AUP began
to give a special award named Christan
Service Award to deserving graduatng
students. The criteria for this award are
based on the number of hours performed
by a student during a 4-year stay in the
university in doing voluntary work such as
partcipatng in student ministries inside
the campus and outreach ministries as
well. Hours spent on course requirements
are not counted. For a student to receive
the award, he/she must have at least 86%
out of 100% grade similar to the require-
ment for academic awardees.
The award is composed of a beaut-
fully crafed medal, a Bible, and a certf-
cate and is given during the graduaton
Sabbath school service. The recipients of
the award for this year are Moses Yoseph,
BenjarLagrada, Francis Gayoba who are
from the College of Theology, and Shie-
laSeco from the College of Educaton.
The Accountng Department of AUP
once again cornered the coveted award
Champion School during the Philippine
Insttute of Certfed Public Accountants
Provincial Quiz Bee in January 2014 held
at First Cavite Industrial Estate, Dasmari-
nas, Cavite. During the event, AUP took
Place and 2
Place in Business Law
and Taxaton, Management Accountng,
Auditng and Practcal Accountng II Cat-
egory and 2
Place in Practcal Account-
ing I Category.
AUP received this same award during
the 4
Goodwill Cup, a CALABARZON
Interschool Meet
sponsored by the Phil-
i ppi ne Revi ew and
Training Center (PRTC)
and the Review School
of Accountancy (ReSA)
in Sept 2013. Besides
the Champion School
award, AUP accountng
student representatves
also were champions in
the Accounting Quiz
Show and in the Clash
of the Chorales.
March 2014
AUP Doctor of
Medicine Program
Opening Delayed
The opening of the Doctor of Medi-
cine program of AUP is delayed as the
CHED denied the applicaton to ofer the
program this school year 2014-2015. This
was the decision of the joint PRC/CHED
Technical Commitee for Medical Educa-
ton who visited AUP and Adventst Medi-
cal Center-Manila, AUP based hospital on
March 20, 2014.
Based on the decision document
that the technical panel has given to
the University, AUP was evaluated in 8
areas that include curriculum, labora-
tory facilites, clerkship, base hospital,
faculty, admission and retenton, library
holdings, and physical facilites. Of the 8
areas, there were only 2 areas pointed
out by the TCME and recognize by the
administrators as major concerns. These
major concerns are the basic sciences
teaching faculty of the COM and the base
hospital charity ward requirements. For
the teaching faculty, the CHED wants phy-
sicians who have medical school teaching
experience and for the base hospital, they
want to see a bigger number of service/
charity patents, both for out-patent and
in-patent to provide the needed clinical
experience for the planned inaugural
class composed of 25 students.
The denial to offer the doctor of
medicine program for this school year
has disheartened many of alumni, stu-
dents, and Adventsts around the world
who expected a positve answer to our
prayers. However, it has not dampened
the spirit of Adventst church leaders to
move forward especially that the CHED
TCME has not closed its doors to AUP.
According to AUP administrators, the
TCME panel encouraged AUP leaders to
comply with the requirements and reap-
ply in June 2014. This means that AUPs
desire to have its Doctor of Medicine
program is stll open.
Necessary steps are being done by
the university to comply with the CHED
requirements. The university is hopeful
that the delay for the realizaton of our
individual and corporate dream of hav-
ing our College of Medicine will not last
The year 2013 was another mile-
stone for AUPs 87.8 FM Shine Radio.
On January 25, it was awarded as the
Most Development-Oriented Campus-
envisiondeploying 100
VOY teams for sum-
mer break, October
semestral break, and
Christmas break. As of
this summer break, 33
groups with 150 stu-
dents are holding voice
of youth meetings in
nearby provinces help-
ing churches in prepara-
ton for the grand cru-
sade in Metro Manila to
be conducted by Elder
Ted Wilson, GC presi-
based Radio Statonby the GANDINGAN
AWARDS 2014, at the DL Umali Audi-
torium, UP Los Banos. Another award
given to AUPs FM Shine Radio is the
Most Development-Oriented Radio Plug
for the program Lessons we live by.
The awards were received by Dr. Romeo
Barrios, chair of the DevCom department
together with Mr. Noli Catmbang, radio
technician, and Mr. Janfel Villahermosa,
Faculty of DevCom Department.
Gandingan is an award giving body
based in UP Los Banos. It recognizes out-
standing people, programs and materials
from the broadcast industry in both the
natonal and community level.
AUP FM Radio Staton is being su-
pervised by the AUP Development Com-
municaton Department.
Editor ial Staf f :
Mr. Sherwin Fiedacan
Pastor Max Cadalig
Ms. Irene Asiddao
Ron Genebago

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