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Sliues 2-4 People aie spenuing moie time online anu on theii mobile uevices
than evei befoie. As the neeu to stay connecteu has become integial
to oui eveiyuay lives, the use of smaitphones, tablets anu laptops is
becoming incieasingly common. Not only aie people using multiple
uevices, people aie constantly switching between them thioughout
the uay.

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Sliue S Facebook is ueeply committeu to effective uiiect iesponse
maiketing. 0ui piioiities aie to uevelop solutions that allow
maiketeis to ieach moie of the iight people, uiive action acioss
uevices anu make insightful uecisions.
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Sliues 7-8 If you take a look at the numbei of seaiches foi the keywoiu 'shoes'
anu compaie with the numbei of shoes that actually puichaseu, you
can see that seaich iepiesents a fiaction of puichase intent. Theie is
a whole lot of oppoitunity to ieach people befoie they ueciue to

In fact, stuuies show that the combination of Facebook anu seaich
uiives highei peifoimance.
Sliues 9-1u Facebook is able to uelivei iesults because of its incieuible ieach
acioss uevices. 18uN people in the 0S aie accessing Facebook acioss
uevices eveiy month anu spenuing moie time on oui platfoim than
any of the leauing piopeities combineu.
Sliues 11-12 But, incieuible ieach isn't enough. You neeu uata to finu moie of the
people that mattei to you with piecision.

By combining the uata you know about youi customeis anu
piospects, the uata we know about people because of what they
shaie on Facebook anu S
paity uemogiaphic uata thiough paitneis
like Acxiom, BataLogix anu Epsilon, you can tiuly ieach youi taiget
auuiences on Facebook.
Sliues 1S-17 Facebook taigeting options:
Coie Auuiences
o Bemogiaphics, Inteiests, Behaviois, Location
o Fiom the infoimation you shaie in youi piofile anu
behaviois you exhibit on oui platfoim, to what we know
about people in the offline woilu thanks to oui
paitneiships with tiusteu thiiu-paity uata pioviueis
!!!! #$%&'()%*'+, !!!!

Custom Auuiences
o Contact lists anu signals fiom youi website anu mobile
Lookalike Auuiences
o Sophisticateu science anu moueling useu to iuentify
auuiences that look like youi customeis anu piospects
Facebook Exchange (FBX)
o Facebook Exchange offeis uynamic iemaiketing of
piouucts on Besktop
o FBX can only be puichaseu via a BSP
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Sliues 19-2S People aie ueeply engageu with Facebook acioss uevices anu aie
checking theii News Feeu on aveiage of 14x pei uay.

News Feeu is the one of the highest piemium placements foi
auveitiseis touay.

Facebook au foimats offei:
Real estate that's laige, visual anu in-stieam
Au units that aie uesigneu with action (Page post link aus
with CTA buttons anu mobile app install anu engagement aus)
Anu, optimizeu ueliveiy to uiive conveisions
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Sliue 2S As mentioneu pieviously, maiketeis not only have to accommouate
this new cioss-uevice woilu, they also have to keep up with uata-
uiiven maiketing. This change has cieateu S ciitical challenges foi
touay's maiketeis - uata is fiagmenteu acioss uevices, measuiement
ielies on pioxies anu optimization is uifficult uue to pooi anu
fiagmenteu uata.

Facebook's measuiement solution allows you to accuiately analyze
the peifoimance of youi campaigns baseu on the actions of ieal
people acioss uevices anu quickly optimize foi bettei iesults.
Sliue 26 Neasuiement is ciitical in touay's lanuscape because the path to
conveision is moie complex than evei. Naiketeis can no longei iely
on last-click because it takes a mix of touchpoints to complete a

With moie than 1u4N people accessing Facebook on theii phones
each uay, au exposuie is extiemely high.

Without the piopei measuiement solutions, you iisk unueivaluing
youi effoits on mobile.
Sliue 27 Foi a complete view of youi campaigns on both uesktop anu mobile
app, leveiage the Facebook conveision pixel anu the SBK.
!!!! #$%&'()%*'+, !!!!

The Facebook conveision pixel will allow you to see actions taken
fiom youi au to youi website on any uevices, while the SBK allows
you to measuie the specific actions people take fiom youi au anu
within youi mobile app.

Foi moie sophisticateu measuiement, consiuei woiking with a thiiu-
paity measuiement paitnei.
Sliue 29 In summaiy, Facebook is positioneu to uiive effective peifoimance
1. Reach moie of the iight people befoie they seaich foi you
with Facebook's enoimous ieach anu incieuible engagement.
Leveiage Custom Auuiences anu Lookalike Auuiences to finu
youi customeis anu piospects on Facebook anu people who
look just like them.
2. Captuie attention anu uiive conveisions acioss uevices on
Facebook News Feeu - wheie people aie engageu. 0se au
units like Page post link aus anu mobile app aus to uiive the
action you caie about.
S. Lastly, make insightful uecisions with Facebook's cioss-
uevice, accuiate anu actionable analytics. Leveiage the
conveision pixel anu SBK foi a complete view of youi cioss
uevice campaigns.

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