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Senator Joseph L.


From: ~y~
Date: 4/11/ll5

Rc: Follow-up

I) John (Kati e's friend ) gave me an estimate 0 1"11.1 SO for a new roof un your main house. This
price includes architectural shingles with a ~o year warranty, and John includes <'1 4 year
gunrantcc on his workman ship . On Thursday of this week (4/ 14 ), l.o l' orto & Adams Ro()l i ng
wi ll be going ou t to g ive us another estima te. J will update yo u again then. ~

") Dori Evans called today with the ",lIowing qu estions: -iJ6 ~~ - "'( po-
- do you want her to go to the mee ting with John Th~1 this ThurSda~ ~l!C'.J 0/('
Yes No ----
- Do you want Dori to sec if she can set up a mcctinu between K evi n Rnmp c (Lower
Manhattan Development Corporation). Russ Ball & Ed Seamen? She ment ioned that im
Steinhilber also wants to be a pan of this meeting. -f:-
Yes No ~~
,/cL~ - ;U~ ~
~~~ --



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