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This is the RMTs charter for London Underground train drivers.

It lists our key

demands and lines in the sand; issues which we see as crucial to defend or
achieve for those members working in the grade of train driver.
No driverless trains
to! commissioning and research work on driverless trains
"ll train stock to have a driver in a drivers cab
Drivers to remain in control of PTI with no door automation
#o system whereby train doors automatically o!en or close in the !latform without the train driver
controlling the !rocess
A clean wage with no voluntary overtime working
Trains to be physically checked before entering a siding or depot
$ully licensed and trained station sta% to ensure a train is em!ty before entering a siding or de!ot to
ensure the safety of both the driver and !assenger
No cross line working'
&stablished drivers to work only at one de!ot ' on one line.
Instructor o!erators to deliver training only on their own line
top the attendance clampdown
ickness absence to be dealt with in line with current !rocedures
#o more (Rainbow) meetings
Dignity at !ork
"de*uate gender +s!eci,c facilities
-#Rs not to be !unished
"eview the #$$% Agreement and Topra
&nsure fair treatment for all drivers and cam!aign to end a two tier driver system that disadvantages
newer drivers
Re!resenting train drivers since ./0.
LUL Train 1rivers 2harter

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