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Origins of the 'Malays' - Final Conclusion (Pt 1) 2/26/09 2:49 AM



Welcome SEAN ANG Expiry date: 30-Sep-2009 Renew/Upgrade Edit Profile

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Origins - the Malay
Australia unites in
Origins of the 'Malays' - Final Conclusion (Pt
aftermath of bushfires 1)
Change is coming to Michael Chick | Feb 2, 09 12:44pm
What can M'sian liberals Let us begin this with a simple analogy. We start with one cup of
learn from the Aussies? pure black coffee. And we have a cup of pure white milk. Add the
'One and one is two, I two of equal amounts, and we have a nice brown concoction.
am all over you!'
Custodial death revives If we continue to add milk, this coffee will turn lighter and lighter.
calls for police reforms However, if we continue to add coffee, this cup will become darker
A battle of wills in Perak and darker.
The problems with
Obama (Pt 2) But regardless of how much milk we keep adding, this cup will
The problems with always smell of coffee. And even with a thousand cups of milk
Obama (Pt 1) added, we will always continue to detect a whiff of the wonderful
'Stop the train, I want to aroma of this coffee.
get off'
So too with people. Let's take a negroid, and a
caucasoid. Let's assume these two individuals mate.
You will end up with someone who looks pretty much
Nizar vs Zambry: Judge
recuses himself
like Mariah Carey. Now, the look of her offspring
would be determined by whom she mates with. And
Pakatan Perak reps: We
were offered millions to so too, will her offsprings’ offspring, and so on.
Nude photos: Sultan If Mariah Carey's future descendants skew towards marrying
throws ball back into caucasoids, then they will continue to look fairer and fairer, while if
MB's court
they skew towards marrying negroids, then they will begin to look
Sodomy trial: darker and darker.
Prosecution's 3 grounds
for transfer
Lingam tape scandal: But no matter how many generations down, we will always be able
'No further action' on 3 to trace their ancestral genetic makeup back to Mariah Carey. This
files would be known as the mitochondrial genetic trail. It is conclusive.
Batang Ai by-election: It is wonderful. Just like the graceful hint of the aromatic coffee.
EC to decide on March
Hold those happy thoughts of Mariah and step back into history.
Unting's death opens
the way for NCR
Actually, pre-history. In fact, let's take a huge step, all the way
redress back in time, until the days of Pangaea. This is the time of the
PM's advice to Zambry: dinosaurs.
It's hilarious, says Dr M
PAS backs Guan Eng, There was no mankind. No homo sapien-sapien. No homo sapiens,
lodges report against No homo hablis, No homo neanderthalis, and not even the homo
erectus. The entire homo family tree simply did not exist. Yet. This
Better for gov't to take is 65 million years into the past. Way before even whales existed.
over Plus
When dinosaurs roam the earth
Africa and America were
Royalty and loyalty
joined together, and
Civic governance dinosaurs roamed the
When voyeurism and earth. As the world
mediocrity rule the day started to split up, these
State minding our dinosaurs were left
bedroom business
stranded on tiny bits of
Elizabeth Wong resigns floating land continents.
- right or wrong?
One of the ways, to know
From 'daulat' to
'derhaka': A Malay if the land was fertile or
Darwinist moment otherwise, would be to
Persons of zero integrity see if there were dinosaur
fossils in the area.
No street protest, police
report lodged instead
US crime and Remember that the earth was still pretty unstable, and entire
punishment dinosaur clans were wiped out by often violent volcanic eruptions.
Bad news burn-out Some of these dinosaurs roamed in Asia.. Their fossils are still
actively excavated in China, Korea and Thailand. This simply tells us Page 1 of 4
Origins of the 'Malays' - Final Conclusion (Pt 1) 2/26/09 2:49 AM

that Asia was already fertile land from 65 million years ago.
The perfect storm on Ice ages came, and ice ages went. Global warming came, and
March 8 global warming went. Pleistocene, holocene, paleolithic, neolithic.
Don't expect BN to lose Yes, we all watched Jurrasic Park. Fast forward till the homo
big erectus. The date? 120,000 years ago. The location? Laetoli, East
Sex, lies and videotape Africa. Here, descendants of Lucy, and the Taung Girl, left distinct
An incompetent, not-so- footprints in rock.
nice guy
'King of Tennis': PAC The Africa of today looks different from the Africa of before. It had
finds shortcomings in scores of volcanoes, and spewed hot gases and ash into the air.
This ash landed on the ground and man stepped on it. The high
calcium carbonate content of this ash quickly hardened, thus
preserving those footprints in rock, forever.
Red lights, Ong Tee
Keat and seat belts We also find such footprints in rock at Lake Mungo, West Australia.
But these footprints would be of a different time period. They are
Question Gan, suspend
Najib from 50,000 years ago. So, sometime, between 120,000 years and
For Sarawak, only a 50,000 years ago, the Australo Melanesians (Africans) walked out of
regime change will do East Africa, through the Middle East, India, Bangladesh, Burma,
Perak living up to its Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and into Australia. CLASSIFIEDS
pre-Pangkor Treaty
days Today, these Africans are known as the aboriginals in Australia. EVENTS
There are two or Their close cousins would be the Papuans, Fijians and the Negritos
possibly more Khairys Bengkel Penulis Bebas Majalah & Akhbar 2009
of Malaysia. Were there any other people living in the area at that
Coal-powered plant time? Probably not. Not of the Homo Sapien-Sapien stock anyway.
means don't vote for BN CLASSIFIEDS

Astro's gunshots that salon for sales

killed Harvey Milk We do know that these Australo Melanesians (orang asli’s) made
their way into the Malayan peninsula circa 60,000 years ago. Proof DIY Magnetic Insect screens
Please come back Eli,
nation needs you of which is in Niah Caves. That skull of an Australo Melanesian Sec 27, Shah Alam
Other Christian woman is 40,000 years old. PHP Programmer
denominations not using Rawang Country Homes
'Allah' No South China Sea then
Rethink needed on our Submit your classifieds here
house designs And how did they “swim” across the South China Sea from the
Malayan peninsula? They didn't. Because there was no sea back
Diy Day Banner
then. At 60,000 years ago, there was no South China Sea. It was
simply just one huge land mass called the Sunda Lands. Advertise here ( RM15/day )

You could in fact walk from Hanoi till Kuching over land. And it
It Was a Dark and would have been very easy walking too. Because this land would
Stormy Night...
have been pure savannah grassland. So you see, these “Africans”
Oscar Bloopers
never realised that they left Africa. The entire Asia, had a climate,
This TIMES Waits For flora, and fauna exactly identical to their motherland. Volcanoes and
No One Advertise here ( RM15/day )
all too.
Fiescanto Cafe Diy Day Banner
Getcha Freak On!!! These orang asli’s then lived
Gerry will be Here for quietly, and alone, in Malaysia, and
the rest of Southeast Asia, for at
HELP Answers Blood least 54,000 years. Slowly, they
migrated their way into Borneo, Hotel in Melaka - $69
KrazySexyKool with The Great Asia Sale ends 2/27. Book
Rithan from Deja
Australia, Papua, New Zealand,
Voodoo Spells & and the entire Oceanic regions, Holiday Inn Melaka for only $69.
husband and wife, right through Tahiti, Hawaii, and
Fara and Sangeet
eastward all the way until Easter
Girls Hit KRAFT, But Island. They might even have
They Don't Hit On
Him reached America and became “re-labeled” as the Olmecs of the
AVIMA 2009 full
south. Malaysia Hotel - $99
nominee list. Are you The Great Asia Sale ends 2/27. Book
ready for the biggest The trip from Indonesia till Australia would also have been relatively Crowne Plaza Malaysia $99 Rate!
indie music awards in
the world?
easy, as they only had to raft from Bali, till Lombok. You see,
Lombok used to be joined with Australia, on another tectonic plate
called the Sahul Lands.

The pointed eastern tip of Bali (just across from Java) is still full of
such archaeological evidence of this early migrational Australo
Even Madder About
Malaysia Melanesians (orang asli/aboriginals) from the period. Yes. The
The Memoirs of
Negrito in Malaysia are the ancestors of all of the Oceanic tribes
Abdullah C.D. (Part (known as the Polynesian or Oceanic Islands today).
One) The Movement
until 1948
About 60,000 years ago, the first waves of the Dravidic race of
Hamas: A Beginner's India started moving eastward. Along the southern ridge of the
Himalayas today, through the northern belt of Burma, into the
Critical States:
golden triangle, into Thailand, past Laos, Hanoi, and skirted around
Challenges to the northern Hainanese peninsula, and managed to reach as far as
Development in the Amoy coast in China, across the channel from Formosa, today
Monsoon Southeast
known as Taiwan. There is no further archaeological evidence of
them moving further north.
Lost Times and Untold Page 2 of 4
Origins of the 'Malays' - Final Conclusion (Pt 1) 2/26/09 2:49 AM

Lost Times and Untold

Tales From the Malay
World This is the parallel journey also made by their African cousins, who
made the journey from Africa on the other side of the Himalayas,
on the northern ridge, via the Khyber Pass. These Africans settled
in a place today known as southern Mongolia.

Skin whitens due to lack of sunshine

Over the next 60,000 years, they would lose their epidural melanin
content and their skin would start to pale. Probably due to the
frigid cold weather and lack of tropical sunshine. Today, they are
called the Mongoloids.

As the Dravidic Indians walked towards Taiwan, only three races

existed on the globe. The Negroids, the Mongoloids, and the
Dravidics. The Caucasoids would not surface for another 30,000
years, originating from Uzbekistan.

By the time the Dravidics reached the Amoy coast, they would have
met with the Mongoloids, who were already well-camped there.
These Mongoloids would have migrated first eastward, from
Mongolia, and then southward from Beijing eventually till Hainan
and into the Indochine regions.

Some other Mongoloids however, would have made bee-lines from

Mongolia directly towards the Himalayan mountains and the China
coastal regions, and a little beyond.

The time is now 4,000 BC. As history shows time and again, the
exchange of daughters, and sons, avoided the exchange of blows,
fists, stones and wars. On the coast of Amoy in China, we would
have witnessed many cross-breeding of the Dravidics and the

The simple example we still see today, of this Dravidic-Mongoloid

early inter-breeding would be the Nepalese. Even their music
reflects this. They continue to use the Chinese “Pei Pa” stringed
instrument, and the Indian tabla drums to create the hypnotic
Nepalese music. All Nepalese look part Dravidic, and part

Abour 35,000 years ago, the Caucasoids would have moved into
Europe from Uzbekistan, the Neanderthals would have either died
out, or became fully integrated with the Caucasoids, and migrated
into the Nordic regions 30,000 years before the first Austronesian
was born on the Amoy Coast.

And 15,000 years ago, the Ainu of Japan would have traversed the
Bering Straits, become the Eskimos, and moved southward to
become the Red Indians, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Peruvians and
Bolivians. The entire world was now populated.

The Aryans invaded India

Six thousand years ago, this new Austronesian race, as a result of

the successful Dravidic-Mongoloid cross-breeding in southern China,
started migrating towards Taiwan. Today, the leftover tribe of this
earliest migration is known as the Alisan.

From Taiwan, they crossed the sea into the Philippines. They then
split into two groups. One moving into the Celebes Islands
(Sulawesi), and the other into Borneo. While this was happening,
the Austronesians who were left behind on the Amoy Coast decided
to start migrating again.

But this time, south-westward. These brown skinned Austronesians

walked right past Hanoi, and settled on the entire central
Vietnamese coast. Proof of this lies in the archaeological sites of
Hoa Binhian, Sah Hyun, and Dong Song. The artefacts will include
uni-facial and bi-facial stone tools, curved axes, pottery, and the
detail-etched copper drums of the Dong Song.

These Austronesians would be known today as the Cham people, of

the Champa Kingdom. At this same moment, their Austronesian
cousins (who travelled from Taiwan, to the Philippines, via the
Celebes, into Java, Sumatera,) would have arrived on the Malayan
peninsula on the very same day. Page 3 of 4
Origins of the 'Malays' - Final Conclusion (Pt 1) 2/26/09 2:49 AM

Before the sun set, the Aryans would have invaded India, from
Mohenjo Dara and Harrapa, bringing along with them the Sanskrit

And who exactly are the Aryans? They would have been of the
Caucasoid stock, who migrated from the Middle East circa 6,000 BC.

Around that same time, Hinduism was

born. Hinduism slightly predates the
Egyptian civilisation. The Hindu caste
system prevented the Aryan-Dravidic
inter-breeding on a large scale.

Back to the Malayan peninsula. When

these Austronesians first arrived from
Sumatera on boats and rafts circa
1,000 BC, they were greeted by the
Australo Melanesians (read Africans or
orang asli) who were already living on
this Malayan peninsula for the past
54,000 years.

These orang asli's lived to see the

savannah-like Malayan peninsular
change into the lush tropical forest we
see today, but not before having
survived an Ice Age 10,000 years ago.

The Perak Man would have been of that time period. Being of
smaller stature, these Negritos (“mini Negros” in Spanish) were
easily forcefully driven, by the relatively larger Austronesians into
the forests, where they remain living till this very day.

MICHAEL CHICK is pursuing his Masters in history at the National

University of Singapore.

Origins of the 'Malays' - Final Conclusion (Pt 2)

Origins of the 'Malays' - Final Conclusion (Pt 3)

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Origins of the 'Malays' - Final Conclusion (Pt 2) 2/26/09 2:50 AM

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Welcome SEAN ANG Expiry date: 30-Sep-2009 Renew/Upgrade Edit Profile

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Origins - the Malay
Australia unites in
Origins of the 'Malays' - Final Conclusion (Pt
aftermath of bushfires 2)
Change is coming to Michael Chick | Feb 3, 09 1:33pm
What can M'sian liberals Meanwhile, the Dravidics ventured eastward again. They took the
learn from the Aussies? same path taken by their ancestors, married the local Mongoloids
'One and one is two, I and settled in the mountainous regions of Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan,
am all over you!' Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.
Custodial death revives
calls for police reforms The Tamils called these ‘medium-brown’ people ‘Malai’, which
A battle of wills in Perak translates to ‘hill people’. It is no surprise that when the Dravidics
The problems with arrived at Lembah Bujang in Malaya in the second century, they
Obama (Pt 2) would have insisted on calling the Malayan Austronesians ‘Malai’ as
The problems with well.
Obama (Pt 1)
'Stop the train, I want to You see, set against
get off' the backdrop of
Lembah Bujang is a
mountain called
Gunung Jerai, and
Nizar vs Zambry: Judge just behind it, the
recuses himself
Titiwangsa mountain
Pakatan Perak reps: We range. It is smaller
were offered millions to
quit but not unlike the
Nude photos: Sultan Great Himalayas of
throws ball back into India.
MB's court
Sodomy trial: Back to the hill
Prosecution's 3 grounds tribes of Indochine.
for transfer More familiar names would be the Karen (pronounced Kayen),
Lingam tape scandal: Karenni (pronounced Kayeni), Mon, Mon Khmer, Khmer Mon,
'No further action' on 3
files Hmong, Huong, Chin, Lat, Shan, Tai, and so on so forth. Physical
Batang Ai by-election: anthropology will immediately show that these are relatively
EC to decide on March identical people, a result of Dravidic and Mongoloid cross-breeding.
Unting's death opens It is now time to recall the coffee and milk mix illustration by which
the way for NCR I began this narrative. Whichever skew the present day tribe has,
redress their skin colour and telling facial features would immediately
PM's advice to Zambry: indicate whether the individual was more Dravidic or Mongoloid.
It's hilarious, says Dr M
PAS backs Guan Eng, Interestingly, the Mon Khmer, the Khmer Mon, the Mon and the
lodges report against Thais are identical people. Separated only by years of pledging
allegiance to different royalties and distinct languages.
Better for gov't to take
over Plus
However, their writing gives it away. All Indochine forms of writing
come from Sanskrit origins (but then again, so is Arabic). The
COLUMNS Vietnamese however, since being occupied by China for over one
thousand years, thus, were forced to use Chinese characters of the
Royalty and loyalty
Imperial Mandarin court, until the French took over in the 19th
Civic governance Century.
When voyeurism and
mediocrity rule the day Then, the Vietnamese adopted the modern day romanised form of
State minding our writing. Phonetically, however, they still sound very similar to their
bedroom business Cambodian, Thai and Burmese cousins. There is a heavy overlap of
Elizabeth Wong resigns grammatical words.
- right or wrong?
From 'daulat' to The two linguistic groups of Southeast Asia would be the Astro-
'derhaka': A Malay
Darwinist moment
Asiatic and the Austronesian. But that is simply because one group
traveled via Taiwan, and thus had a more Mongoloid linguistic
Persons of zero integrity
infusion, while the other group traveled over land via Indochine and
No street protest, police retained a different set of linguistic traits.
report lodged instead
US crime and Legend of the Khmer
Bad news burn-out Khmer legend speaks specifically that the Khmer people started
when a local princes married a tall, dark, handsome ‘stranger’ from
India. This legend has been confirmed with the benefit of DNA
The perfect storm on
March 8 Scientists today believe that the Austronesians of today are a direct
Don't expect BN to lose cross-breed of the Dravidic Indians and the Mongoloids. However, it
big is also important to note, that since the Austronesians moved into
Sex, lies and videotape the Australo Melanesian territories, they had also inter-bred with Page 1 of 3
Origins of the 'Malays' - Final Conclusion (Pt 2) 2/26/09 2:50 AM

An incompetent, not-so- these ‘ex-Africans’.

nice guy
'King of Tennis': PAC The people of Bali look distinctly different from the Javanese, with
finds shortcomings in the new inclusion of African-like physical traits like larger lower-lips
communication and so on. So too, would the Jakun, and the Temiah tribe in
Malaysia with their African facial features and short frizzy hair.
Interestingly, the tribes of Sabah and
Red lights, Ong Tee Sarawak, continue to look remarkably
Keat and seat belts
similar to their Burmese cousins. Almost
Question Gan, suspend like identical twins, the Kayan, of the
upper Baram River near Mulu, share the
For Sarawak, only a
regime change will do exact same physical features and
identical tribal name with the Karen. CLASSIFIEDS
Perak living up to its
pre-Pangkor Treaty Coincidence? Probably not.
There are two or You see, Borneo was known to have
possibly more Khairys been visited by Cham trading vessels Bengkel Penulis Bebas Majalah & Akhbar 2009

Coal-powered plant and warships ever since the Champa

means don't vote for BN kingdom was established. Chinese ships
Astro's gunshots that were also known to have landed at the salon for sales
killed Harvey Milk Niah caves to partake in the legendary DIY Magnetic Insect screens
Please come back Eli, bird’s nest trade nearly three thousand
nation needs you Sec 27, Shah Alam
years ago.
Other Christian PHP Programmer
denominations not using This establishes the mobility possibilities Rawang Country Homes
of the Karen (Burma) and the Kayan (Sarawak). And only because
Rethink needed on our Submit your classifieds here
house designs of the numerous and continuous Indochine wars that the Kayen,
retreated into the Vietnamese and Laos jungles.
Diy Day Banner
You will still see some of them living around the Dalat highlands.
But today, the majority would have moved well into Laos and Advertise here ( RM15/day )
Cambodian territory and the mountainous regions northwest of
Hanoi because of multiple wars.
It Was a Dark and
Stormy Night...
One peculiarity of the Cham people from the Champa kingdom,
Oscar Bloopers
(from which most Kelantanese swear to originate from), is their
This TIMES Waits For distinctive looks: a mesh of the Cambodians (and people from the
No One Advertise here ( RM15/day )
Chao Doc border town in Vietnam) and the central Vietnamese
Fiescanto Cafe Diy Day Banner
Getcha Freak On!!!
Gerry will be Here for The central Cham look much more Dravidic and Austronesian,
You whereas the Chau Doc and Cambodain Cham are much fairer. The
HELP Answers Blood clue lies in the fact that the Champa kingdom was on a continuous
retreat, being viciously attacked by the northern Vietnamese. Nepal Hotel - $99
KrazySexyKool with The Great Asia Sale ends 2/27. Book
Rithan from Deja The Cham retreated southward and westward into the hills, over a
Voodoo Spells & Crowne Plaza Nepal $99 Rate!
husband and wife, duration of 1,300 years. Those retreating into the hills had, over
Fara and Sangeet time, inter-bred with the hill tribes of Laos and Burma. Thus, with
Girls Hit KRAFT, But the interjection of Tibetan blood, they tend to be fairer, and look
They Don't Hit On more Mongoloid than their darker skinned Austronesian cousins in
central Vietnam.
AVIMA 2009 full
The Great Asia Sale
nominee list. Are you These Cham-Tibetan people slowly moved southward, and ended up Book from Feb 25th to Feb 27th
ready for the biggest Fantastic savings!
indie music awards in in Kampong Cham, Kampong Chnnang and Chau Doc respectively. It
the world? is no rocket science then, to say that the Cambodian and Chau Doc
Cham have just as much affinity with the Dalai Lama as they do
with the Majapahit royalty of Java. Why?

War, interbreeding and trade

Even Madder About
Malaysia The Kingdom of Champa was also at war with Java. Not to mention
The Memoirs of
that the Cham were also at war with the kingdom of Angkor. It was
Abdullah C.D. (Part not a religious war, because all of them were either Hindu or
One) The Movement Buddhist at some point or another, but more a territorial war, which
until 1948
ended up in slavery, rape, and death.
Hamas: A Beginner's
Cross-breeding thus continuously occurred over time, all throughout
Critical States: the thousand-odd years when all these three kingdoms waged war
Challenges to against each other. So, we inevitably observe extreme similarities
Development in between this long-drawn three-cornered war.
Monsoon Southeast
Po Klong Rame (a Cham ‘God-King’) was said to have had four
Lost Times and Untold wives. One was Javanese, the second was Vietnamese, and the
Tales From the Malay
World other two were Hindu Cham and Cham Bani.

From My Son (pronounced ‘mee sern’) in Vietnam, to Borrobudor in

Java, and Angkor in Cambodia, there was literally no peace during
the one thousand years of continuos bloodshed. The end effect is,
that people from these three kingdoms started to inter-breed on a
massive scale. Thus, the relative homogeneity of the three said

The Campa kingdom was

also having trade lines
with Aceh, via Pattani.
With Kelantan just slightly
to the south, we can Page 2 of 3
Origins of the 'Malays' - Final Conclusion (Pt 2) 2/26/09 2:50 AM

easily understand how

some Cham would have
settled in present day
Kelantan, if nothing else,
to escape the continuos
wars in the Champa

In short, it would be
relatively safe to deduce that the Austronesians are a thorough mix
of Mongoloid, Dravidic and African (Australo Melanesian) blood. This
would be toward the end of the classical Angkorian period.

During the birth of Jesus Christ, came another influx of Arab and
Persian blood. Initially, the Arabs arrived as pirates, and pillaged
their way right up to Peking. They then retreated and settled in
Celebes, only to inter-breed with a band of fleeing Mongols who
were ostracised from their land. The end result are the Bugis

And from them, came the Suluks in southern Mindanao. Both the
Bugis and the Suluks were known to be ruthless pirates until recent
times. Fortunately, the later waves of Arab arrivals were much less
violent as they were mostly traders who came in peace.

The Bugis were such fearsome seamen, that Parameswara did not
hesitate to use them as the core navy of his ‘Royal Sampan

MICHAEL CHICK is pursuing his Masters in history at the National

University of Singapore.

Origins of the 'Malays' - Final Conclusion (Pt 1)

Origins of the 'Malays' - Final Conclusion (Pt 3)

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to Vox Populi, a free forum for readers to air their views on
Malaysiakini’s news reports, columns, opinions, letters and
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Tel: 03-2284 3367 (Advertising/Tech/Subscription) | 03-2283 5567 (Editorial) is not responsible for the content of external internet sites Page 3 of 3
Origins of the 'Malays' - Final Conclusion (Pt 3) 2/26/09 2:50 AM



Welcome SEAN ANG Expiry date: 30-Sep-2009 Renew/Upgrade Edit Profile

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Origins - the Malay
Australia unites in
Origins of the 'Malays' - Final Conclusion (Pt
aftermath of bushfires 3)
Change is coming to Michael Chick | Feb 4, 09 11:46am
What can M'sian liberals Ironically, it was not the Arabs or Persians who brought Islam into
learn from the Aussies? the region. In the second century, all Arabs would have either been
'One and one is two, I Christian, Judaic, Animistic Pagans or Hindu. Prophet Muhammad
am all over you!' was only born 500 years later. And Mohenjo Daro and Harrapa were
Custodial death revives just next door.
calls for police reforms
A battle of wills in Perak However, it was the Gujerati traders (India) who brought Islam to
The problems with southeast Asia. The very same people who brought Hinduism to
Obama (Pt 2) Malaya at the location called Lembah Bujang in the second century.
The problems with
Obama (Pt 1) From then, it was the local Austronesians who brought Hinduism to
'Stop the train, I want to the Cham kingdom in the fourth century, then into Java, in the
get off' sixth century, and later to Angkor in the eight. Hinduism stayed in
southeast Asia for a full 15 centuries, and is known as the Golden
Hindu Era.
Nizar vs Zambry: Judge Prior to Hinduism, all of southeast Asia was either Animistic or
recuses himself Pagan. The Austronesians worshiped the sun, moon, stars, rocks,
Pakatan Perak reps: We trees, seas and so on.
were offered millions to
The southeast Asians are also known to be pragmatic. They are
Nude photos: Sultan known to combine religions. In Vietnam, you have CaoDai-ism,
throws ball back into
MB's court which is a combination of Buddhism, Taoism, Confusianism,
Sodomy trial: Catholism, and Islam.
Prosecution's 3 grounds
for transfer The Balinese practice a mix of
Lingam tape scandal: Animism and Hinduism. Most
'No further action' on 3 Javanese practice Kejawen,
which is a mix of Animism and
Batang Ai by-election: Islam, while the Cham practice
EC to decide on March
4 what is known as Cham Bani,
Unting's death opens which is a combination of
the way for NCR Hinduism and Islam.
PM's advice to Zambry: I guess, when in doubt, these
It's hilarious, says Dr M Austronesians decided to
PAS backs Guan Eng, choose a cocktail of religions,
lodges report against just to be on the ‘safe side’.
This is parallel to the Sai Baba
Better for gov't to take concept, whereby "all religions
over Plus
lead to the same righteous
As mentioned earlier, Islam was first brought to Asia at Pasai
Royalty and loyalty (Banda Acheh region), by the Gujeratis. Most famous religious
Civic governance schools were centered in Pasai, and the religion spread throughout
When voyeurism and the Nusantara.
mediocrity rule the day
State minding our For Malaysia, it was Parameswara's son who first converted to
bedroom business Islam, but only because he wanted to marry this Pasai lady, who
Elizabeth Wong resigns was then a Muslim. He allegedly said, "What is this strange new
- right or wrong? religion?"
From 'daulat' to
'derhaka': A Malay He then became a Muslim, and married his Pasai wife. Were there
Darwinist moment
three more wives after her? Or was she the second wife? Due to
Persons of zero integrity inaccurate local records, perhaps we will never know.
No street protest, police
report lodged instead However, we do know that Pasai was the epicentre for the spread
US crime and of Islam in southeast Asia, and with the arrival of this new religion,
punishment came the Arab traders. The Arabs had cargo that was deemed
Bad news burn-out exotic to the east, and vice-versa. Page 1 of 3
Origins of the 'Malays' - Final Conclusion (Pt 3) 2/26/09 2:50 AM

Exotic mix of spices, people

The perfect storm on With the arrival of foreigners came inter-breeding again. In fact
March 8 Aceh, is actually an acronym for Arab, Cina, Eropah, and Hindia (in
Don't expect BN to lose the local Indonesian language). A visit to Aceh will attest to the
big enticing Persian eyes which trail your every move amidst the scents
Sex, lies and videotape of foreign spices and jingle-jangle of an exotic atmosphere.
An incompetent, not-so-
nice guy When the colonial masters showed up at their doorstep, this
'King of Tennis': PAC
feverish pitch was brought to even greater heights. But always to
finds shortcomings in the financial advantage of the bigger, stronger, and well-armed
communication Dutch East India Company.

These colonial
LETTERS masters went deep
Red lights, Ong Tee into Autronesian
Keat and seat belts territory. From the
Question Gan, suspend spice islands of
Molukas, to the
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regime change will do
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husband and wife,
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Girls Hit KRAFT, But
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All this has finally been irrefutably proven by independent DNA
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My tour of southeast Asia has been extremely enlightening. Every

day was a new and fresh learning experience. Every moment, an
illuminating and exhilarating one.
Even Madder About
It is hoped that by detailing who the Austronesian race really are,
The Memoirs of the rest of the world will no longer view them as outsiders,
Abdullah C.D. (Part
One) The Movement strangers, or barbaric savages. Every race in the world has direct or
until 1948 indirect blood-lines with the Austronesians. And that the entire
Hamas: A Beginner's world is much more integrated than people think.
Critical States:
Environmental MICHAEL CHICK is pursuing his Masters in history at the National
Challenges to University of Singapore.
Development in
Monsoon Southeast
Asia Origins of the 'Malays' - Final Conclusion (Pt 1)
Lost Times and Untold Page 2 of 3
Origins of the 'Malays' - Final Conclusion (Pt 3) 2/26/09 2:50 AM

Lost Times and Untold

Tales From the Malay Origins of the 'Malays' - Final Conclusion (Pt 2)

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