Desert Magazine 1949 June

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Desert Wheels ...

Everywhere in the desert land, weathering wheels are re-

minders of a historic past. Upper left, a 10-foot diameter plank
wheel at Goler, once used on a booster pump for Randsburg's
water supply, photographed by William F. Sprinkle, Jr., Te-
hachapi, California. Upper right, the hub of a 20-mule team
borax wagon, taken at Furnace Creek ranch, Death Valley, by
Ben Pope, Dinuba, California. Lower left, ore wagons from
silver boom days, at Tombstone, Arizona, pictured by Carl H.
Schaettler, Pasadena, California. Lower right, pioneer wagon
wheels have been built into this fence at Brigham City, Utah,
photographed by Willard Luce, Provo, Utah.
May 18-June 8—Exhibit Guatemalan
Textiles, costumes of the Indians
of Guatemala, Museum of North-
ern Arizona, Flagstaff, Arizona.
June 10-12 — Thirty-second annual
Cherry festival, parade—Saturday,
11 a.m., Beaumont, California.
June 11-12—Sixth annual show of the
San Fernando Valley Mineral and
Gem society, Sat.—1-10 p.m.; Sun.
—10 a.m.-9 p.m. North Holly-
wood Recreation center, Califor- Volume 12 JUNE, 1949 Number 8
nia. Admission free.
June 11-12—Sierra club hike. Climb COVER DESERT SPARROW HAWK. Photograph taken
Winnedumali, ancient landmark in east of Banning, California, b y Robert Leath-
Inyos east of Independence. Over- erman, San Bernardino, California.
night camp.
FEATURE Desert Wheels 2
June 11-26—First International exhi-
bition of Latin American photog- CALENDAR June events on the desert . 3
raphy, Museum of Northern Ari- Why Tree Yucca Wears a Hat
zona, Flagstaff, Arizona. NATURE
June 13—San Antonio day, Corn He Planned to Change the Desert Climate
dance, Taos Pueblo, New Mexico. HISTORY
June 13—San Antonio day, Green There's Placer Gold in the Desert Bajadas
Corn dance, Sandia Pueblo, New MINING
June 16-19—De Anza days, annual I Got My Five-Acre Title
festival combined this year with HOMESTEADING
Gem and Mineral exhibit. Chuck HUMOR Hard Rock Shorty of Death Valley 12
wagon breakfast, parade, street
dances, Riverside, California. EXPLORATION Ancient Artists Lived on Rattlesnake Peak
June 19—Corpus Christi Sunday, out- By THERON MARCOS TRUMBO 13
door religious procession from St. DESERT QUIZ Test your desert knowledge 16
Francis Cathedral, Santa Fe, New
Mexico. PERSONALITY Cowgirl of Brown's Hole
June 23-25—Grand assembly, Rain- By CHARLES KELLY 17
bow Girls, Gallup, New Mexico. FIELD TRIP Rocks b y the Roadside
June 24—San Juan day, afternoon By HAROLD O. WEIGHT 20
corn dance, Taos Pueblo, New PHOTOGRAPHY Contest winners in April 25
Mexico. POETRY Billy the Burro, and other poems 26
June 24—San Juan day, annual fiesta BOTANY Emigrant Flowers that Never Fade
and corn dance, San Juan Pueblo,
New Mexico. By MARY BEAL , . . . . 27
MINING Current news of desert mines 28
June 24-26—Convention of American
and California State Federations SURVEY
of Mineralogical societies. Exhib- Who reads Desert 29
its, field trips, bus tours, Sacra- LETTERS Comments a n d views of Desert's readers . . . 30
mento, California.
CLOSE-UPS About those who write for Desert 32
June 24-26 — State F.F.A. Rodeo, CONTEST
(Future Farmers of America), Prizes to photographers, a n n u a l cover contest . 32
Santa Rosa, New Mexico. NEWS From here a n d there on the desert 33
June 26 — DeVargas memorial pro- LAPIDARY Amateur Gem Cutter, b y Lelande Quick . . . 40
cession commemorating recon- HOBBY Gems a n d minerals 41
quest of Santa Fe in 1692 and
held annually since that date, COMMENT Just Between You a n d Me, by the Editor . . . 46
from St. Francis cathedral to Ro- BOOKS Reviews of Southwestern literature 47
sario chapel, Santa Fe, New Mex-
The Desert Magazine is published monthly by the Desert Press, Inc., Palm Desert,
June 29-30 — Lehi roundup, Lehi, California. Re-entered as second class matter July 17, 1948, at the post office at Palm Desert,
Utah. California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Title registered No. 358865 in U. S. Patent Office,
and contents copyrighted 1949 by the Desert Press, Inc. Permission to reproduce contents
June 30—Fishing contest, awards, must be secured from the editor in writing.
Parker, Arizona. AL HAWORTH and MARION HEWES, Associate Editors
June—Fred K. Hinchman exhibit of BESS STACY, Business Manager MARTIN MORAN, Circulation Manager
Southwestern arts and crafts, in- Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs submitted cannot be returned or acknowledged
cluding jewelry, blankets, costumes, unless full return postage is enclosed. Desert Magazine assumes no responsibility for
damage or loss of manuscripts or photographs although due care will be exercised. Sub-
pottery, baskets and Plains Indian scribers should send notice of change of address by the first of the month preceding issue.
beadwork. Southwest Museum, SUBSCRIPTION BATES
Highland Park, Los Angeles, One Year . . . $3.50 Two Years . . . $6.00
California. Canadian Subscriptions 25c Extra, Foreign 50c Extra
Subscription to Army Personnel Outside U. S. A. Must Be Mailed in Conformity With
P. O. D. Order No. 19687
Address Correspondence to Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, California
JUNE, 1949
Why Tree Yucca Wears a 'Hat'
HAT is it, you ask, that some- By EDMUND C. JAEGER these pupal cases in numbers, some-
times causes yucca trees to die times whole handfuls of them, each
off at the stem-tip and look as about the size of the last joint of the
if they had some strange sort of "hat" little finger. They are very hard and
pushed down over the apex of the tough to tear apart, the coarse fibers
stem. having been tightly cemented together
Personal investigation revealed to by the maturing grub. If you are for-
me some years ago that this was due tunate to find the skillfully constructed
to the work of a beetle (Psyphophorus cases just at the right time, you may
yuccae), close relation of the small find the fat pupae inside.
snout weevil that is such a vexatious Naturally the killing of the stem-
pest of our granaries and kitchen pan- terminus ends further upward growth
tries. The adult insects are large, hand- of the tree's branch. Not discouraged,
some black fellows almost an inch and, perhaps even stimulated by this
long with a long, curved, slender, injury, the yucca plant soon sends out
moveable beak, set marvelously like a one or two new side shoots. Thus, we
swivel into a cup-like socket at the see that this work of the weevils is
front of the head. really a very useful aid in causing these
In late spring these insects may be yuccas to have beautiful branching
seen in numbers crawling over and crowns instead of consisting of mere
among the long saw-edged yucca straight stems. Of course there are
needles. The mother beetles lay their other causes of branching such as wind
eggs in the soft tissues at the base of or fire injury or the forming of a pan-
the narrow, bayonet-like leaves of the icle of blossoms at the stem-tip; but
stem-tip and when these eggs hatch, the weevils play a very important role
the young grubs immediately begin to nevertheless.
feed, bringing severe injury to the Yuccas, other than the tree yuccas,
plant tissues. This causes the topmost are visited by similar weevils. Perhaps
leaves to turn yellow, wither at the because the stemless, Whipple's yucca,
base and turn downward, making the sometimes called Candle of the Lord,
top of bristling needles look like the of the coastal mountain slopes, has
proverbial Chinese coolie's hat. more tender tissues, it is most fre-
When the young grubs have fed, quently attacked; much more so than
they utilize the fiberous plant tissues the more hardy, slow growing species
which had previously entered and of desert yuccas. I have seen many a
passed through their bodies, to make fine old plant of the wide-spread Mo-
their queer pupal cases; cases which, jave yucca (Yucca schidigera) with its
at least in shape, resemble the cocoon long yellow-green bayonet-like leaves
of the silk worm moth. In these, they brought to an inglorious end by the
spend a short period of seeming rest activities of yucca weevils. Curiously
before coming forth as restive black enough, there is in Hawaii a nearly re-
adult weevils. lated beetle that causes great damage
If you will tear into one of the in- to sugar plantations by boring in the
fested yucca stem-tips, you will find stalks of cane.

The cases or cocoons from which This is Psyphophorus yuccae

the young grubs emerge as full Mojave tree yucca, showing what which lays the eggs and eventu-
grown yucca beetles happens when the yucca beetle ally reverses the growth of the
selects it as a nesting place. yucca


Drawing by Norton Allen shows
the area proposed to be inundated
It seems quite fantastic to- under the Widney scheme. Pres-
day, but in 1873 Dr. J. P. Wid- ent day place names are imposed
ney started a nation-wide con- to identify that area.
troversy by proposing that the
Southern California desert be
converted to a great inland
sea by diverting the entire
flow of the Colorado river into
the basin now known as Im-
perial and Coachella valleys.
Newspaper editors endorsed
the idea, and the territorial
governor of Arizona actually
went to Washington to urge
the appropriation of money
for the project. Here is the
story of one of the strangest
episodes in Southern Cali-
fornia history.

He Planned
to Change the
Desert Climate

STRIDE his sweat-flecked horse Above that line

the hot bowels of the Colo- and jagged."
rado Desert, Dr. J. P. Widney, Along the littoral zone of
U.S.A. paused again to search the dis- cient sea, the young army surgeon an-
tant cliffs. Little did he dream that the found the sand white with countless dered. "Not possibly more than a few
great, scorched basin would soon be sea-shells, some minute, some fragile, centuries, probably not more than two
nailed as "the Widney Sea," or that his "such as are found in sheltered arms or three."
theories would form the storm-center of the sea." A man of medicine, Dr. Widney in-
of a violent coast-to-coast controversy. tuitively reasoned from effect to cause.
"I found numbers of them," he re-
His sun-weary eyes narrowed to slits ported, "fragile bivalves, about an inch Fingering the fragile fragments, the
as he scanned the red rock bluffs. wide and an inch and a half long, the surgeon told himself that he stood on
What he saw prompted him to write, in shells scarcely thicker than half a doz- the bed of a long-dead sea. He reflect-
the Overland Monthly for January, en sheets of ordinary note paper, ed that the land once must have blos-
1873: somed and bloomed where now only
closely pressed. These shells drift
"For miles and miles I traced with about in the restless winds, beaten up- the "lone whirlwind rears its stately
the eye a strange, well-defined line on by the raging sandstorms, scoured column of sand hundreds of feet in the
along the mountain sides, always at and worn by the constant attrition of heated air, and travels slowly on for
the same level, as undeviating as the the sharp grains." hours."
chalk-line of a carpenter's marking At least twice Dr. Widney explored
twine. That they were paper-thin did not this thermal waste, which seemed to
"Riding out to it, I found it to be surprise the doctor. He was amazed him "the scorched, blasted bed of
the beach of an old sea. The rocks that they had not been pulverized some old cyclopean furnace." Further
were worn and rounded up to that completely by the ravages of wind and study convinced him that the Colorado
level, as by the constant washing of sand. river, emptying into the Gulf of Cali-
water, with coarse coral formations in "How long could these shells with- fornia, had for centuries deposited the
their crevices and upon their sides. stand such constant wear," he pon- red mud of Arizona's northern plateaus
JUNE, 1949
at its mouth, piling up a huge delta. Be- covery's" news value. Trumpeted the ground seems paved with them—these
fore this barrier was created, the desert Los Angeles Star: evidences support my theory.
basin must have formed the upper wat- "If Congress would take the matter
ers of the Gulf. As the delta grew, it "Would it be money wasted," he
up and appoint a scientific commission challenged, "if the government were to
choked off this inland portion, which to visit that region and make a report send a commission of scientific men,
then slowly evaporated. as to the practicability, c«st and effect, of-engineers, carefully to examine the
Dr. Widney expounded these the- and should that report corroborate the subject, to run levels and report the
ories to the people of Los Angeles. view of Dr. Widney, a great country, result?"
He argued that great climatic changes almost a nation in itself, might be re-
had occurred in regions touching the claimed from a desert, and rains be in- Dr. Widney's proposal instantly
desert, owing to the drying up of this duced to fall where now a bleak and swept the land. The "Widney Sea" be-
inland sea. If this ocean were restored, parched country is wasting away for came a favored conversation topic in
he contended, beneficent climatic con- want of moisture." parlor, barber shop and bar. At least
ditions would return to these stricken one college conferred a master's degree
areas. Even California, already bounti- The Star praised the doctor's views on the doctor for this remarkable con-
fully blessed, would be affected favor- as "sound in every particular," and ex- tribution to science and the nation.
ably by the restoration of this great sea. pressed the hope that "delegations in Savants learnedly argued the issue pro
Rainfall, too, would be increased. Congress from California, Arizona, and con.
He estimated that evaporation from Nevada and Utah will take up this sub-
ject and demand of the government pions Some of the plan's stronger cham-
this body of water "would be enough, advocated immediate formation
if all recondensed and precipitated, to the appointment of such a commis- of a company to cut a ditch from the
supply twelve inches of rain to 86,400 sion . . . " Colorado to the basin, to begin the job
square miles—more than double the Further investigation strengthened of filling this great natural bathtub
area of the state of Ohio." Dr. Widney's conviction that the land without delay. Others contended that
Critics were quick to rise to the bait. all maps should be changed. "Colorado
once had been rich, supporting dense Desert"
How, they jeered, could mere men now would be a misnomer.
populations. He talked with explor- The basin henceforth should be known
"make" a sea? The very idea was blas- ers who had seen the vestiges of great to the world as "the Widney Sea."
phemous! Dr. Widney's answer was in- forests, "still in a passable state of
stant: divert the Colorado river into preservation, where all is now parched But of skeptics, there were many.
the basin. and dry." Would not the increase in moisture
"It is admitted," he confessed, "that content of the air encourage the dread
the flow of water from the Colorado "In western Arizona," he reported, disease of malaria? Such a damp cli-
probably is not great enough to fill the "are traces of an ancient population mate would produce an unnatural and
basin entirely. But it would, in all much more dense, much more highly fearsome animal and vegetable growth
probability, fill the northern portion. civilized than that now inhabiting the in a land already so fertile. Perhaps
This accomplishment in itself would country. Ruins of cities, once large California's vaunted orange trees
help destroy the desiccating winds and populous, canals for extensive would shoot skyward to the height of
which find birth in this furnace." systems of irrigation, fragments of pot- the sequoia gigantea, bearing pumpkin-
Newspapers quickly sensed the "dis- tery so numerous that in places the sized fruit! Harmless garter snakes

In 1905 the Colorado river actually did break through and jor over two years poured
its entire flow into the "Widney Sea" basin, forming the present Salton Sea. This is
a picture of the old Liverpool salt works which was inundated in the 1905-6 flood.
Photo, C. C. Pierce collection.
The Salton sea of today occupies only a fraction of the area that would have been
submerged had the Widney scheme been carried out.
might swell into boa constrictors, while "The governor, during his checkered knocked the bottom out of the "Wid-
frogs could easily evolve into alligators! life, has been engaged in some grand ney Sea." That the general's measure-
Endlessly the argument raged, some of and conspicuous enterprises, but in ments and calculations are somewhat
it sheer whimsy, much of it grim seri- this case he has evidently laid his plans less than accurate may be true. But
ousness. before he consulted his figures. Let us they were sufficiently potent to dampen
Then Arizona entered the fray. None make the calculation for him. the ardor of the sea-builders.
other than General John C. Fremont, "To fill such a pond in one year, Years later, irrigation was to come
then governing the territory of Ari- supposing the bottom to be water- to the vast wasteland. Farms, and
zona, probed into the matter. The tight and evaporation entirely checked, ranches today dot the desert floor in
"Pathfinder" found the territory worthy would require a small stream 20 miles all save the bleakest and most inac-
of federal consideration, and straight- wide, 20 feet deep, with a current of cessible areas. Cities like Coachella,
way embarked for Washington to lay three miles an hour. To fill such a lake Indio, Brawley, El Centro and Calex-
the subject before his superiors. by a stream 1000 feet wide, 10 feet ico have brought man's civilizing
Meanwhile, no one had thought to deep, and running at the rate of three touch to a land where before was
consider the problem mathematically— miles an hour, would take two hundred "only the glare of the never-ending
a disastrous and embarrassing over- years!"
sand, and the silence of death."
sight. General George Stoneman, one General Stoneman then estimated Dr. Widney's contention that the in-
of the more practical residents of the that "after this lake was filled it would land sea once was part of the gulf has
Gity of the Angels, decided the time require a river 250 feet wide, 10 feet been variously supported and dis-
had come to shine the light of reason deep, and running at the rate of five claimed by opposing teams of scien-
on the issue. Said he to a shocked Los miles per hour—about the size of the tists. Opponents of his theory claim
Angeles audience: Colorado river at ordinary stages— that the countless bivalves which litter
"Much has been said of late regard- to compensate for evaporation at the the desert floor were of freshwater ori-
ing a great geological basin lying be- rate of eighteen inches each year.
tween the coast range of mountains in "Archimedes, you know, said that gin. Who really knows?
California and the Colorado river on he could move the world, only give him Today, at the site where Dr. Widney
the east. a fulcrum. Fremont says he can make sat astride his sweat-flecked horse scan-
"This basin is represented as being a sea, only give him plenty of green- ning the red rock cliffs, the silence of
three hundred miles long, fifty miles backs. When he makes his estimates death still reigns. It is unlikely that
wide, and three hundred feet deep— he will come to the conclusion that the silence will ever be broken by the
about the size of Lake Erie. We are long ere he can fill his basin with water, wash of waves on a shoreline. In the
told that Governor Fremont of Ari- the great Engineer of the universe will apt words of General Stoneman, the
zona has just returned from Washing- have filled it with the sands of the des- desert probably will remain devoted
ton, where he has been for the purpose ert, driven down by the ever-prevailing eternally to "the purposes intended by
of inducing Congress to lend the aid winds of the north." the Almighty — for occupation by
of the treasury to enable some one to Thus, with one well-aimed blow of horned toads, rattlesnakes, and the
fill this basin with water. his slide rule, General Stoneman Southern Pacific railroad!"
JUNE, 1 949
Panoramic view across the Leonard creek, Nevada, bajada placer deposit in north
Humboldt county, where water is available to extensive operations.

There's Placer Gold in

the Desert Bajadas
Many of the bajadas — those under the noses of uncounted thou-
alluvial slopes which lie at the sands of old-time rule-of-thumb desert
base of desert mountains—con- prospectors throughout the arid South-
west, for countless decades. Only in
tain more or less gold, and offer By ADDISON N. CLARK recent years has the bajada type of
the amateur gold-seeker the op- gold placer deposit, which is strictly
portunity to cash in on the ex- NE need not be an experienced indigenous to the arid regions of the
isting — and lawful — domestic placer mining operator to locate Southwest, come to be recognized by
bajada placer gold deposits in geologists and engineers. And it is still
market for unprocessed gold. the Southwest deserts, if some of the virtually virgin soil, a terra incognita
This is the opinion of the writer simple precautions suggested in these to almost all save the geologists.
of this article, a consulting min- pages are followed. In a recent publication of the Cali-
ing engineer and geologist. And "But," you ask, "what is a bajada fornia State Division of Mines ( Bulle-
if you want to know how to go placer deposit?" tin No. 135, "Placer Mining for Gold
about locating this virtually un- It is a type that has lain untouched in California") Doctor Olaf P. Jenkins,
touched store of precious metal,
here are some suggestions.

It doesn't require ex-

pensive equipment to
prospect for placer
gold — just a shovel,
perhaps a pick, a pan
and water.
Inexpensive placer operation in the Leonard creek field.
now Chief of the Division of Mines stretches of eroded detritus from up In the accompanying panoramic photo-
and then Chief Geologist, in the chap- the mountain—not water-worn gravel graphs, taken by the writer in 1947
ter on "Geology of .Placer Deposits'' and pebbles such as you'll find in the for his report on a large Leonard
says: "Recent study of the geologic arroyos, but just plain dirt. Unimpeded Creek placer property, those bajadas
processes at worK in the desert has led by timber or anything more stable can be seen plainly between the steep
to a better understanding of the desert than sagebrush roots, the dirt has slid rock-slopes and the more level abut-
placers, which otter a practically virgin down the steep slopes of ranges for ting ground. The captions of those
field for exploration, holding a poten- uncounted seasons — perhaps thou- pictures explain them in more detail.
tial wealth not yet known." sands of years—and carried with it the I have found bajada gold in quartz
However, with placer mining oper- gold eroded from apexes of quartz matrices in sizes from mere granules to
ators who for years have dredged and veins up in the range. pieces as big as pencil erasers. That
draglined the gold gravel deposits of And the gold is utterly unlike any makes it hard to recover gold by ordi-
California now actively scouting for preconceived idea you may have of nary washing-plant sluice-riffles, be-
new fields to work—and more and placer gold, such as is recovered from cause the lighter quartz too often car-
more of them turning from well-wat- river or ancient beach gravels, or ries it along over the riffle-lips and on
ered California mining regions to the from the lava-buried Neocene Age down to the tailpile; especially where
arid and semi-arid desert regions, with river channels of the Sierra Nevada heavy black sand is present in quantity,
increasing success in the latter—the which for decades have been mined by as it often is. In design of any washing
bajada type of auriferous deposit in- drifting and "breasting." That placer plant for such recovery, means eventu-
evitably will come into its own as an gold usually has been transported a ally must be provided for grinding or
added source of gold production. considerable distance by fast-running roll-crushing of such frozen matrix,
The word is of Spanish parentage water, and hammered and worn else too high a percentage of gold will
(bah-HAH-dah) and is the Spanish smooth by pebble and boulder impact be lost. That, of course, is where we
term for slope, locally used in the and abrasion. The gold found in ba- engineers come in—when a discovered
Southwest to indicate the lower or foot jada deposits along the feet of desert and tested bajada deposit has proved
slope of a mountain range—the part ranges is what in engineering reports that it warrants commercial-scale de-
consisting of rock debris, standing at and published technical articles I have velopment and operation, and requisite
a much lower angle than the rock slope christened "short-haul gold"—a term capital has been enlisted.
of the range proper. The term was first that appears to have caught on with But this article is for readers of
used by C. F. Tolman for confluent professional associates. It is sharp and Desert who are mine-minded and like
alluvial fans along the base of a moun- angular, and bright yellow instead of to comb the Southwest's most fascinat-
tain range, in an article on erosion and rusty, or in some cases blackened by ing regions for sign of history's most
deposition in the southern Arizona bol- iron and manganese solutions as is the stable legal tender—for the amateur
son region, in the Journal of Geology. "long-haul gold" of California's pres- prospector who isn't hidebound by
In my field work I have likened the ent-era or Neocene Age placers. hoary traditions, who can read plain
bajadas to ruffles of a formal gown Another characteristic of some ba- signs, and who has some knowledge of
around the feet of a range, between jada deposit gold I have studied is that the procedure of filing placer mining
the alluvial fans at the mouths of ar- much of it remains "frozen" to the bits locations under federal and state min-
royos and canyons. of the quartz matrix from veins whence ing laws. The commercial phases will
In the clear desert air you can spot erosion wore it and washed it to the come along later, after he's found such
them for miles. They merely are base of the granite-back-boned range. a deposit, filed on it, and worked out

JUNE, 1949
ways and means for testing its gold and instructions for lawful disposal of
content. Pamphlets covering claim lo- "unprocessed" gold (i.e., in its native
cation and recording procedure can be raw state, never having been cyanide-
obtained from the California State Di- dissolved, smelted, melted, amalgamat-
vision of Mines at San Francisco; the ed or retorted) and its marketing and
Nevada State Bureau of Mines at Reno, transportation within the Continental
or the Arizona Bureau of Mines at United States through negotiable ware-
Phoenix, depending on which desert house receipts. Such unprocessed gold
region is involved. has been disposed of and traded in,
As for Nevada's bajadas, a couple of during recent months, at prices well
paragraphs from my article published above the treasury-pegged $35 per
in the Mining World for July, 1947 ounce.
("Nevada Desert Placer Mining") Many economists believe a raise in
bear directly on this: the U. S. mint price inevitable. I my-
"You need only drive up and down and
self can see no way it can be arbi-
across Nevada to see a thousand bajadas— trarily held down, in the face of the
hundreds of them from her arterial high- well known law of supply and demand,
ways alone. If they abut against the right much longer. Gold is selling in open
kinds of ranges, and the geology and topog- markets abroad (Argentina, India,
raphy below them are right, every such ba-
jada can be a potential source of short-haul Egypt, the Philippines with their fa-
placer gold. However, as to its degree of mous and rich gold mines, etc.) up to
concentration or distribution, certain simple $100 and more per ounce. That Con-
facts govern, and only a proper test sam- gress will sooner or later create an
pling, and a wash test with water, will dis-
close whether values be commercially recov- Addison N. Clark, mining consult- American free market for gold is the
erable or too disseminated to warrant
ant and author of the accompany- reasonable hope, even conviction, of
acquisition and development. So few of the
old-time, or even recent, prospectors have ing article on bajada placer mining. long-handicapped western mining in-
recognized these bajadas as possible sources terests, and of forward-looking sena-
of revenue, and they are mostly far from tors and congressmen who have been
available water or else well above, that today ing tests. And if the "plain dirt" tenta- continuously working to that end.
they are almost a completely virgin field for tively tests up to your hopes and ex-
pectations—well, I'll quote a letter re-
"The keys to whether they offer possibili- ceived from Jay A. Carpenter, director QUARTERLY MINE JOURNAL'S
ties or not are simple: One, the uplift against
which they lie must be an amply-mineralized of the Nevada State Bureau of Mines NEW ISSUE PUBLISHED . . .
range, built of the right brand of rocks— and head of the Mackay School of
rocks that make gold (batholithic granite is Mines of the State University: Full text of the "Atomic Energy Act
ideal). Two, the eroded detritus must neces-
sarily have been estopped from transporta- "Introduction of new mechanical of 1946" and a chapter on Mineral
tion to and dissemination in the great open equipment has expedited sampling of Resources of Kern County are of par-
spaces of flat desert country, and burial placer ground. Thus, the modern jeep ticular public interest in most recent
there under prohibitive depths of alluvium." can travel off the highways to placer issue of California Journal of Mines
The property shown in the accom- ground, and with an auger attachment and Geology, just published by the
panying photographs has an almost (as used for post-hole work) can sam- State of California department of natu-
ideal detritus catchment condition. But ple shallow ground rapidly for fine ral resources.
that is only one spot in the Nevada material. Likewise, heavier truck equip- The Journal is a quarterly publica-
desert. Offhand I can name half a ment for modern well-drilling can rap-
dozen other spots, within a few hours' idly put down holes up to 30 inches tion printed and distributed by the
drive from there, where definitely fa- in diameter to 30 feet depth, allowing division of mines, Olaf P. Jenkins,
vorable conditions exist for bajada lowering of men for removal of large chief. Copies may be purchased from
placer gold deposition. In his article rocks and for inspection of gravel lay- division headquarters, Third Floor,
which I have cited Dr. Olaf Jenkins ers." Those factors, Prof. Carpenter Ferry Building, San Francisco 11,
says: "There are probably many ex- adds, plus available modernized gold- California.
amples of typical bajada placers in the saving apparatus and dirt-moving cost Other topics treated in latest issue
Mojave desert and the Great Basin re- figures, take much of the former uncer- of the Journal are:
gions of California, but recognition of tainty and risk out of placer mining Water-Flooding as a Method of In-
them as such has not yet reached publi- and put its operation more on a cal- creasing California Oil Production;
cation." In my Arizona engineering culated business basis.
safaris I've spotted likely ranges along State Geological Surveys; Industrial
the feet of which I'd be willing to put So—now that you know you don't Uses of Limestone and Dolomite. A
down a bet, at reasonable odds, I'd have to hunt for and find old-school list of new division of mines publica-
find bajada placer gold. placer-gravel, characterized by water- tions is also included.
worn pebbles and "long-haul gold"— The mineral resources of Kern
True, the water problem in the des- and know how to spot and recognize a county are covered in a report by
ert regions can be a hard nut to crack. bajada deposit with its characteristic
But it is far from insurmountable. I "lag-line"—perhaps you may be lured W. B. Tucker, R. J. Sampson and G.
can name two Nevada mining areas to prowl your favorite desert region Oakeshott. It is a comprehensive re-
whither water has been.piped a dozen for such likely-looking spots. port, technical for the scientist, under-
miles merely for use in commercially- standable for the amateur.
Especially since, although the U. S.
successful mining—in one case a large mint price of gold has been stubbornly Letters of inquiry addressed to the
scale bucket-line gold dredging opera- pegged down by the secretary of the California division of mines, depart-
tion. For any early-stage ground-test- treasury at its pre-war level of $35 per ment of natural resources, will be an-
ing, samples of dirt can always be troy ounce while about everything else swered by technical staff members fa-
taken by light truck or jeep to where has doubled in price, recently the direc- miliar with the particular field in-
there's plenty of water for simple wash- tor of the mint issued official sanction volved.
This is the author's original cabin on her Morongo valley jackrabbit homestead.

vember 1941, and I applied for pur-

IGotMyFive-AcreTitle chase in 1942. My application was de-
nied at that time because appraisals
and inspections had not been com-
pleted. The excuse the inspector from
It took a long time—10 years to be exact—for Uncle Sam to get around the San Francisco land office made was
to the detail of issuing titles to those entrymen who have been leasing that his men could not make desert in-
their 5-acre homesites under the Small Tract Homestead Act of 1939. spections during the hot weather.
But now those who have qualified by erecting cabins on their sites are The slowness with which the small
being given the opportunity to acquire deeds—at a cost of from $10 to tract homestead act was put into oper-
$20 an acre in most cases. Melissa Stedman was one of the first to file ation is not strange when we realize
on a "jackrabbit homestead" and the accompanying story is a sequel that the law passed in 1938, permit-
to one she wrote for Desert Magazine readers in December 1945 in which ting employed persons to lease five-
she related her experience in locating the homestead. acre tracts for health and recreation,
was a radical departure from any previ-
By MELISSA BRANSON STEDMAN ous plan for disposing of public lands.
Every move had to be worked out step
by step without precedents.
JACKRABBIT homesteading has $95, which was $20 an acre less the From the first I did everything the
H* finally come of age. I got a gov- 1948 rental. Acreages in Morongo hard way. When I started in 1940, de-
^ ernment deed to my desert para- Valley and in the Coachella and termined to own a desert cabin, deter-
dise, but it came only after eight years Joshua Tree areas sell at $20 an acre. mination was about the only resource
of working, worrying, and wondering. Those east of Twenty-nine Palms are I had. However, I supplemented my
I never really doubted that eventu- appraised at $10 an acre. determination with a very fair credit
ally my government would carry out The U.S. office of land management rating, and the bank loaned me the
its part of the contract—and issue a began issuing certificates of sale to money for necessary labor and materi-
patent to my homestead. But it re- qualified homesteaders several months als to complete the cabin.
quired much time and many letters. 1 ago, but it was only recently that grant Ray Finlay, a friend, took week-
wrote to the secretary of the interior, deeds actually were received by those ends off from his business to build a
to my congressman, and to my senator. homesteaders who have made the re- sturdy 12 by 14-foot cabin. We had
No tangible results were forthcoming. quired improvements on their prop- our Thanksgiving dinner and family re-
Finally as a last resort in May, 1948, erty. Only a few of the 12,000 entry- union at the cabin in 1941.
I wrote to President Harry Truman, men have qualified for deeds so far. During Christmas vacation, 1941,
little dreaming that so busy a man Eight years seemed a long time when my sister Nancy Beitzer went with me
would have time to bother about an I was anxiously awaiting action from to the cabin for a few days. Water was
unimportant school teacher's five-acre the government, but now that it is our big problem, so while Nancy did
homestead. But I was wrong. He did over, it seems only yesterday that I the house work I dug a hole in the
bother. I got a reply from the depart- started homesteading. ground for a rain water cistern. When
ment of interior in quick order. Ap- I first filed on a five-acre tract near I started plastering to make it water
praisals were made, a price was set, Twenty-nine Palms in 1940, but in the tight my troubles began. I finished
and now the five acres are mine. spring of 1941 I had the claim trans- the bottom first, and it was soon
My memorandum permitting pur- ferred to a tract near the foothills in hard enough to stand on while plaster-
chase came through early in October, Morongo valley. ing the walls. Then it rained and
1948. I lost no time in remitting the My present cabin was built in No- snowed, and sleet came down in hard
JUNE, 1949 11
With her own hands, Melissa Stedman is now spending her weekends building a
permanent cabin, with glass coffee jars set in cement.
little pellets. My feet were icy, but still beer bottles?" To that I say, "I don't of my lot has enough rocks on it to
I worked. Nancy is resourceful. She drink that much beer." build a skyscraper.
gathered rocks and heated them in the The coffee jar house is now almost My land is now my own, and I have
oven and kept me supplied with hot half finished. One wall with window reached that stage where I realize that
rocks to stand on while I worked. The and door is complete, and another wall anticipation was almost more fun than
job finally was completed, and it did has one window frame in, and the wall the realization, but I am building other
hold water. From that day to this the is about half finished. If I run out of hopes and anticipating the completion
cistern has never been empty. jars before the walls are finished I will of the coffee jar house and looking
use window glass or rocks, for of rocks forward to the time when I will have
The installation of a six-volt battery I have plenty, since about one acre more leisure to enjoy it.
and a Wincharger to keep it charged
for lights and radio was the next pro-
I wanted a larger cabin, but materials
were too scarce until the summer of HardRock Shorty
1946. While spending my vacation
working in a glass factory, I got the
idea of a house made of cement and
of Death Valley
discarded glass coffee jars. In Septem-
ber of that year I started the coffee jar
house. I laid out the base line for a "Sure it gets hot here," Hard lot o' the jackrabbits died from
20 by 20 cabin and started the wall. I Rock Shorty was telling the sales- sunstroke.
laid jars neck to neck making a wall man who had arrived for his semi- "That was the summer Pisgah
the thickness of two one-pound jars, annual call on the proprietor of Bill whittled hisself a pair o'
with the bottoms forming the two sides Inferno store. Shorty continued: chopsticks and learned to eat
of the wall, and cemented them to- "Last summer it melted the an- like a Chinaman. Yep, burned
gether, being careful to get no cement vil over in the blacksmith shop, his tongue eatin' beans with his
into the necks to block out the light. and that sheet-iron roof on Pis- knife—an' made him so disgust-
The direct rays of the sun come gah Bill's cabin all melted and ed he threw all his metal eatin'
through only two or three minutes at ran down the sides o' the house." tools out the window an' he's
sunrise and sunset in March and Sep- "But how do you live when it been eating with mesquite chop-
tember when the sun is due east or gets that warm?" the salesman sticks ever since.
west. asked. "Got so hot he had to keep a
People ask strange questions about "We all wear asbestos clothes," wet blanket on the cookstove to
the bottle house. One stock query is: Shorty answered. keep it from meltin' and runnin'
"Suppose someone should throw a rock "What an awful place to spend through the cracks in the floor.
at the house, or shoot holes in it?" To the summer," exclaimed the visi- "Then one day a big storm
that I say, "It's easier to repair one tor. blew in over the Panamints and
small bottle hole than a whole plate "Aw that's nothin'," said the temperature dropped down to
glass window." Shorty. "Summer 'fore last we had 100. An' if we hadn't had a big
one day so warm the lizards all pile o' wood and kept stokin' the
Another question that men think got blisters on their feet, an' a fire we'd all froze to death."
very funny is: "Why don't you use


One of the glyph rocks on Rattlesnake peak. These ancient Indian pictures were
chalked with limestone for photographic purposes. Keith Dewey, who accompanied
the writer, is a soldier at White Sands Proving Grounds.

Ancient Artists Lived

on Rattlesnake Peak

No one today knows from

whence they came or where they
7 HE ancient ones bundled up their the pestles of stone in them. Here in
belongings in their blankets, the desert, time had stood still. I might
pulled them wearily upon their have stepped suddenly out of the twen-
went, but hundreds of years ago backs and walked down the dim, sandy tieth century back into the fourteenth!
a tribe of prehistoric Indians trail leading away from the Rattlesnake On many occasions, Rattlesnake
dwelt around a desert playa at peak campground. They left the corn- peak had drawn my attention, for it is
the base of New Mexico's Rattle- grinding pestles still in their mortars. plainly visible from U. S. Highway 80
Others came and went. And finally, at Cambray, New Mexico. The fact
snake peak where mesquite after long desperate years, there were that it rises sharply from the level des-
beans probably were their prin- no travelers on these desert trails. The ert floor, with no mountains other than
cipal item of food. The story of vermilion sands drifted over the camp- rounded cinder cones within many
these ancient dwellers is partly site, covering the dead ashes of their miles of it, makes it a conspicuous
revealed in the tools and the fires, the broken cooking pots, and the landmark. A local photographer stirred
glyphs found here by the writer rock with the grinding holes . . . my interest by telling me that Indian
of this story* Several centuries later, I stood on artifacts could be found around its
this same spot. The mortars still had base.

JUNE, 1949 13



/Vo/ To Scale- —from trjmbo

Keith Dewey was easily persuaded took a bit of limestone and began By 8:30 we were ascending the bold
to accompany me on my first trip to tracing the old marks. The instant my south facade of the peak. Our goal was
the peak. He is a soldier from Pennsyl- piece of stone touched the rock, a a cairn of rocks, erected by surveyors,
vania, stationed at the White Sands strange melodious sound echoed about on the top of the mountain. From this
Proving Grounds, and has often been me. At first I thought it was the wind, point we got a splendid view of this
my companion on such jaunts. yet it sounded more as if someone part of New Mexico and across the Rio
When we finally reached the trail were gently stroking a huge bell. Both Grande to Chihuahua, Old Mexico.
leading directly to the mountain, we of us were a trifle awed. I tried tapping At the east base of the mountain is
found it blocked with fine blow sand, gently, and at the merest touch, the a playa or dry lake. Possibly the ex-
passable to a car only after a hard monolith rang out. Investigation istence of this once-permanent lake ac-
rain. It was July, and the sun blazed in showed that the glyphs were inscribed counts for the popularity of Rattle-
characteristic desert fury. Our enthusi- on a rock slab no more than a foot snake peak as a campground for the
asm waned somewhat, yet neither of us thick. This was leaning against the prehistoric Indians. This big desert
wanted to quit, after getting this close. solid side of the mountain, making a waterhole may have been the conver-
So, with canteens and camera, we sort of crude sounding board. Nearby gence of several old trails, connecting
struck out across the hot sand to cover were other boulders that spoke strange- the many pueblos of southern New
ly when we stepped upon them. Mexico. A sentinel on top would pro-
the remaining two miles to the base of
the mountain on foot. That discovery ended our adventure vide protection against ambush. The
for the day. By the time we pulled our entire area for miles around is covered
We did not find much on that first feet through the two miles of sand with mesquites, assuring a generous
trip. More time was spent covering the back to the car, we were nearly ex- supply of food.
land and trying to locate the interesting hausted. We both felt that there was
points. But we did discover one ex- From the top we surveyed the desert
much more to see in the area. immediately at the foot of the moun-
quisite petroglyph on the side of the The opportunity to return came tain and located several sites to explore
mountain, and consequently, the "Sing- sooner than we expected. I became ac- for artifacts.
ing rocks." quainted with Howard Rankin, the Since Rankin, Harold and the stu-
Keith had gone up to explore a shal- owner of a jeep. Recently from the east, dent had only leather-soled shoes, they
low cavern in the south face of the he wanted to see something of the took an easy way down. This left Keith
mountain. I stayed at the foot because desert, but did not know exactly where and me to explore the face of the cliffs
I was unwilling to tote my camera up to go. I was eager to show him Rattle- for further petroglyphs. We found
over the rocks. But when he shouted, snake peak. many, but some were almost obliterat-
"Petroglyphs!" I scrambled up to see Our companions were Keith Dewey, ed by time, being recognizable only at
them. They were beautifully carved in his 12-year-old son Harold, and a a distance. Most of them were pictures
the side of the cliff. Nearby were others Turkish student at New Mexico A. & of snakes, turtles, mountain-goats or
less discernible. In an effort to make M. We started from, Las Cruces at deer—not crude sketches, but graceful,
them more distinct to photograph, I 7:00 a.m. almost modern-looking designs.


"There are so many snake patterns,"
Keith remarked, "they must have called
it Rattlesnake peak, even then."
The most unusual picture of all was
scrawled over about six feet of solid
rock at the base of the mountain. It
represented some sort of prehistoric
animal, long and reptilian with fins
rising from its back. It may have been
only a gila monster, a horned toad, or
a lizard. But the thought occurred to us
that, in that ancient day, some prehis-
toric survival might have inhabited the
rocky crevices of Rattlesnake peak!
The petroglyph lay at such an awk-
ward angle I was unable to photograph
it satisfactorily.
In several places on the mountain-
side we found hand-worked cavities in
the rock filled with rainwater. The an-
cient people must have tired of drink-
ing alkali water from the playa, and en-
larged the natural tanks available.
At noon, in earth already blackened
with numerous ancient fires, we built
our own campfire to make coffee. Keith Dewey and Harold Rankin puzzling over some of the
While it boiled, we strolled around, glyphs left by ancient tribesmen.
looking for relics. The sand here was
strewn with pottery shards, mostly have been used for?" Rankin wanted have seen these broken metates. Ar-
plain undecorated cooking ware. Oc- to know. We could only guess. It may cheologists have offered various theo-
casionally we would find a bit of poly- have been used for sharpening stone ries to explain these broken metates.
chrome vessel, indicating commerce axes, or for straightening arrows. Generally they weigh from 18 to 50
from the lake region of Chihuahua, a Stone metates were strewn over a pounds. Indians leaving a site could
hundred miles to the south. considerable area nearby. They were not take them along. Possibly an an-
made of separate stones about 18 by cient version of the scorched earth
A bit of Mimbres black-on-white 24 inches in size, with a long hollow policy! More likely a superstition! We
ware showed that the trail from the in the center. Every one of them was do not know for certain.
Mimbres mountain pueblos must also broken! At several old campsites, I At four o'clock, we headed the jeep
have crossed here. And scattered over
the whole area were dozens of shards Three ancient Indian grinding holes, probably used for making meal of
worked into rough discs. These, identi- mesquite beans, were found here with the pestles in them.
fied as gaming chips, have been found
in almost every excavated pueblo or
campground site in the Southwest.
Authorities say that the ancient Indians
must have had a checker game similar
to that played at Zuni today, in which
rounded stones or bits of pottery are
used as "men." From the numbers of
discs found, we concluded that the
travelers at Rattlesnake peak must
have spent much of their spare time
around gaming boards outlined in the
We spent the afternoon scouting
the desert in the jeep and discovered
three grinding holes with the pestles
still in them. Usually such loose objects
have been carted away by enterprising,
if not conscientious, relic hunters. This
one rock, nearly level with the sur-
rounding sand, contained about a doz-
en of such mortar holes. It may have
been covered with sand, only recently
blown away to reveal the prehistoric
home equipment. As a matter of rec-
ord, we, too, left the relics intact. We
found a huge boulder covered with
shallow grooves.
"What do you suppose that could
JUNE, 1949 15

• # | k i ^ ^ ^ '"Ilr-1"" •"" • • I *•* '" ' ^ ' MI

Rattlesnake peak, with the surveyor's marker visible at the top.

along the return trail. We were five
weary sunburned humans, with a 40- Here are 20 more of those
mile ride home. But it wasn't our
weariness alone that made us silent on
the way. It was something else. We
TRUE OR FALSE brain-teasers for the folks who
think they know a great deal
about the Southwest desert country—or for those who would like to learn
had just been in close contact with
those long-gone people who once lived more about this fascinating region. The questions include geography,
in this desert land of ours. We had had history, botany, mineralogy and the general lore of the desert. Twelve to 15
a glimpse of ancient American history. is a fair score. Sixteen to 18 is excellent. Any score above 18 is exceptional.
Not enough to satisfy us, but just Answers are on page 24.
enough to lure us on to other trips, in 1—The Colorado desert is located in the State of Colorado. True
a vain effort to solve the enigma of False
Rattlesnake peak. 2—Several species of hummingbirds live on the desert. True False
3—Yucca is a member of the cactus family. True False
4—If your hostess served piki bread you probably would be at a Navajo
ANOTHER HUGE LAKE hogan. True False
CREATED IN DESERT . . . 5—The tarantula is more poisonous than the sidewinder. True..... False
Davis dam on the Colorado river, 6—Flagstaff was once the state capital of Arizona. True False
7—Monticello is located in the southeastern part of Utah. True False
which will create a lake extending 8—The White Sands Proving Grounds are in New Mexico. True
miles upstream to the tailrace of False
Hoover dam, is virtually complete only 9—The Virgin river of Nevada empties into Lake Mead. True False
10 months after the river was diverted 10—An arrastre was used in connection with the mining of placer gold.
at the dam site, Regional Director E. A. True False
Moritz of the reclamation bureau at 11—Azurite is found in copper ores. True False
Boulder City, Nevada, has announced. 12—Color of the agave or wild century plant flower is yellow. True
The earth and rock-fill embankment False
across the old stream bed has been 13—Moro Rock, sometimes known as Inscription rock, in New Mexico,
brought to its maximum elevation of is under the custody of the National Park service. True False
655 feet, approximately 138 feet above 14—Father Escalante accompanied Juan Bautista de Anza on the trek
the original river bed level. A power- that brought the first white settlers to California. True False
house and installation of power gen- 15—Brigham Young's Beehive House may still be seen in Salt Lake City.
eration equipment will not be com- True False
pleted until next year. First energy is 16—The Humboldt river of Nevada is a tributary of the Colorado.
expected to be generated in the late True False
summer of 1950. 17—A Mescal Pit was used by prehistoric Indians for burying their dead.
True False
18—Juniper trees are seldom found below the 2000-foot level. True
The house appropriations committee False
has granted $28,056,000 for the Na- 19—The door of a Navajo hogan always faces north. True False
tional Park service of the interior de- 20—Pisgah is the name of an extinct volcanic crater in Southern California.
partment. This was near the $29,485,- True False
600 figure requested.


Cowgirl of
Brown's Hole
The cattle business in the West was a rough and
tumble game a half century ago when big outfits
were extending their domains and sheep men were
edging onto the range. But Ann Bassett was able to
hold her own with the roughest of them—in a region
where six-shooters were more potent than laws.

day in the spring of 1882, J-
Slippery Jim, handyman on Bas-
sett's ranch in Brown's Hole, was
busy mending fence. Ann Bassett, 7 Nl
years old, had been tagging his heels
all day. She was dressed in a buckskin
suit given her by a friendly Indian
and wore a fancy headdress which sat
on her head like a crown. Because of
this, cowboys on the ranch nicknamed
her "Queen Ann."
"Listen, Ann," Slippery Jim said,
"how come you foller me around all
day wearin' that Injun suit? Why'nt
you wear dresses like a gal should, and
stay in th' house? You're gettin' big
enough to learn to act like a lady."
"I don't want to stay in the house,"
replied Ann, who already had a mind Ann Bassett Willis. She was "Queen Ann" of Brown's Hole.
of her own. "I don't want to wear
dresses and I don't want to be a lady. costume gives her priority to the title 1852, and wrote his brother, Herbert,
I want to be a cowboy." of "first cowgirl." describing the place as a wonderful
Ann never outgrew that ambition To appreciate the story of Queen location for a cattle ranch. Herbert
and never allowed anyone to call her Ann, one should know something of Bassett came west, worked for a time
"Miss." She spent most of her time on the early history of Brown's Hole, as bookkeeper for A. C. Beckwith &
a horse, learning to ride, rope and which lies in the extreme northeast Co., in Evanston, then went to the
shoot. When she found a stray calf corner of Utah, where the Utah-Colo- Hole to become one of its first set-
she roped and branded it herself and rado line joins Wyoming's southern tlers. Queen Ann was born there in
was started in the cattle business. By boundary. Parts of it lie in all three 1875.
the time she was 16 she had a fine states. It actually is a deep hole or After the railroad came to Wyoming
saddle horse and a herd of her own, valley almost completely surrounded in 1868 this hidden valley became the
was rated the best cowhand and best by high mountains, through which runs hideout for a number of desperate
shot in Brown's Hole, and already had Green river. Being protected from se- characters. Because it was so well
become, through force of personality, vere winds, it was an ideal wintering hidden and difficult of access, it re-
recognized leader of the stockmen in ground for cattle. mained an outlaw rendezvous until
that wild section. She held her own Between 1825 and 1840 Brown's 1900. The McCarty brothers, Matt
against some of the roughest characters Hole became a favorite winter camping Warner, Butch Cassidy, Elza Lay and
the west ever produced, maintaining place for the old Fur Brigade and their many others were well known there,
the dignity of her title, Queen Ann. Indian friends, boasting a trading post even after the place had been occupied
known as Fort Davy Crockett. Queen by several pioneer families.
When she was about 15 an Indian Ann remembers old trappers like Jim Since the law never ventured into
woman she had befriended gave her Baker, his brother John, and Uncle Brown's Hole, settlers had to get along
a beautifully beaded buckskin riding Louie Simmons, Kit Carson's son-in- with the outlaws as best they could.
habit consisting of fringed jacket, di- law, who remained there even after it These bad men usually behaved them-
vided skirt and laced leggings. After- was settled. Soon after the Civil War selves while living in the Hole and were
ward she had others made on the same great herds of cattle were driven into tolerated, but their presence gave the
pattern and believes she set the style Wyoming from Texas and the Hole place a bad name and outsiders con-
for cowgirl costumes. While she may was their favorite wintering ground. sidered everyone living there to be an
not have been the first girl to own cat- Queen Ann's uncle, Sam Bassett, an outlaw or cattle thief.
tle, the introduction of this distinctive army scout, first saw Brown's Hole in Before many years all of Wyoming's
JUNE, 1 949 17
range land had been occupied and the these activities a cowman once had her night, just before the Indians burned
homesteaders in Brown's Hole found arrested for cattle stealing, but failed it to the ground.
themselves surrounded by big oper- to prove his charge. During the 90's Butch Cassidy, no-
ators owning up to 100,000 head of Finally, to stop such trespassing, torious Utah outlaw, and his Wild
cattle. These cattle barons wanted the Ann Conceived the idea of herding Bunch were frequent visitors in
Hole for a wintering ground, and tried sheep over a wide strip entirely sur- Brown's Hole. They attended all local
in every possible way to squeeze out rounding the Hole. Cattle would not dances and were well liked personally.
the original settlers. Some left, but voluntarily cross ground on which Elza Lay, Cassidy's partner, was a tall
Queen Ann and a few others decided sheep had grazed. When driven over it dark dashing young man, originally
to stay and fight it out. they were shot. Such activities made from Boston. Queen Ann met him at
Since every kid in the valley was an her very unpopular with the big outfits. one of the dances and they struck up a
expert rider and roper, a miniature The following incident will illustrate lasting friendship. When Cassidy and
rodeo was in progress every day. the kind of fool-hardy courage Ann Lay held up a train at Wilcox, Wyo-
Queen Ann was always the leader in possessed. When she was 17 years old ming, and took $30,000 from the ex-
these activities. One fall, when she was she started with two cowboys to de- press car, they rode straight to Brown's
14 years old, a herd of 50 strange liver a herd of cattle on Little Snake Hole, knowing they would not be fol-
cows was found grazing in the valley. river, a dry drive of 45 miles. Arriving lowed. Making camp in a hidden side
They had been run in by one of the at Thompson's ranch she learned that canyon, Elza Lay went to the Bassett
big outfits just to see what would hap- two overzealous game wardens had ranch after dark, called to Ann, and
pen. If they were not molested thou- tried to arrest a young Indian for kill- asked for food. She fixed him a big
sands more would be brought in. ing game. The boy's mother had tried basket which he took back to camp.
Without notifying any of the parents, to resist the officers, whereupon they He told her he had buried his share of
Queen Ann and other young buckaroos shot both mother and son. the loot in a certain spot, gave her a
in the valley rounded up the cows, Ann knew trouble would follow. map of the place, and asked her to
drove them across Green river and When the wardens tried to leave she send it to his mother if he failed to
scattered them on Diamond mountain forced them at gunpoint to remain and return within a year. He later retrieved
so effectively some of them haven't help defend the ranch, after telling the money, but in another train holdup
been found yet. When these animals them exactly what she thought of their at Folsom, New Mexico, was caught
could not be found, Ann was accused action. Then, although she had been and sentenced to the pen. After being
of rustling cattle. Newspapers began in the saddle for 18 hours, she rode pardoned he went straight and Queen
calling her Queen of the Rustlers, a directly to the Indian camp, hoping to Ann kept in touch with him until his
name that stuck for many years. But explain to her Shoshoni friends that death in Los Angeles in 1933. Butch
it served notice on the owners to keep she did not approve of the killings. Cassidy avoided entanglements with
off her range. When she got there, long after dark, women. While Ann knew him well,
no Indians were in sight, but smoke she never liked him. She also knew
After a few years other big operators Matt Warner, another well known out-
tried similar tactics. When this hap- signals were rising among the hills.
Recognizing her horse, the Indians did law, who was good company when
pened Ann would organize a drive and sober but a terror when drunk. He
push the cattle off her range, scattering not molest her. After an all night ride
she reached Brown's Hole at sunrise later became a peace officer in Price,
them in the hills. This was illegal on Utah.
public domain, but it was the only way to give the alarm. Those left at Thomp-
to keep from being overrun. Because of son's ranch abandoned it during the In 1897 Harry Tracy, a desperate
Grave of Jack Bennett, outlaw who was hanged on Bassett's corral gate in 1898.

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Brown's Hole was a hidden valley 30 miles long, watered from the Green river.
killer, escaped from the pen in Salt had refused a $500 bribe to manufac- CHARGES WILL BE MADE
Lake City, hiding out in Brown's Hole. ture evidence against her. FOR USE OF CAMPGROUNDS . . .
There he joined Pat Johnson, a minor By that time the days of great cattle National Forest officials at Flagstaff,
outlaw who had just shot a young boy ranches were about over. Sheep had Arizona, have announced that charges
living in the Hole. Settlers following ruined the range. Eventually Queen will be made this season for camping
Johnson unexpectedly ran into Tracy, Ann sold out and left Brown's Hole. facilities at Camp Townsend forest
who shot Val Hoy, a rancher. It was Her husband became a mining engi- camp and the four forest camps in Oak
then decided to invite the law to take neer and now they travel from place Creek canyon. The new plan is expect-
a hand, so sheriffs from Utah, Colo- to place wherever his work calls him. ed to go into effect early in June, in
rado and Wyoming were sent for. Af- While writing the book "Outlaw accordance with instructions from re-
ter a long chase the killers were cap- Trail" I heard many stories of Queen gional headquarters of the forest serv-
tured and taken to Bassett's ranch, Ann, some true and others fabricated. ice.
headquarters for the posse. Here they I had formed a mental picture of her This policy is being carried out part-
found Jack Bennett, an accomplice, as a hard-bitten, leather-faced old ly on an experimental basis, it is ex-
hanging from Bassett's high gatepost. woman. When we finally met in 1943 plained. Theory is that proceeds will
He was later buried behind the ranch she proved to be a handsome, poised, be used to maintain the areas, keep
house. well-read and charming woman of 68. them clean, provide improvements.
By 1898 cattle stealing had become Even as I listened to her it was diffi- Forest service headquarters has in-
so common that stockmen had to or- cult to believe she had ever been a structed each regional office to apply
ganize for protection. When legal ac- part of the wild frontier life of old charges in two recreational areas. In
tion failed, the association hired Tom Brown's Hole, that she had been the the Arizona-New Mexico region, both
Horn, an ex-Indian scout, to pick off sweetheart of a celebrated bandit, and areas where charges will be made are
the thieves one by one. After he had that almost single handed she had de- in Coconino National forest.
"dry-gulched" two minor outlaws in fied and beaten some of the biggest
western cattle barons at their own Under one system to be tried, con-
Brown's Hole, the others left between cessionaires will collect the charges,
days and it has been a law abiding tough game.
will in turn be responsible for main-
place ever since. But it was evident that behind those taining the camp. A second plan calls
When the forest service was organ- gray eyes and calm exterior lay the un- for forest service personnel to handle
ized, Queen Ann took an active part conquerable will and flashing spirit collections and maintain camps. Tenta-
in her district, and was appointed for- which had made her, even at the age tive basic charge is 50 cents per day
est ranger. This appointment was later of 16, a recognized leader of men in per car for camping, 25c per day per
cancelled because the service would one of the west's roughest pioneer car for picnic parties.
not accept women rangers. communities. Her nickname of A forest service explanation states
Queen Ann's worst battles had al- "Queen" had not been bestowed with- that in recent years, since the recre-
ways been with the Haley Cattle Co., out reason. She left her mark as one ational areas have become so popular,
but she was able to hold her own. Hi woman who could not be intimidated, the maintenance and sanitation level
Bernard was foreman for Haley dur- held her ground against ruthless an- has dropped because of lack of appro-
ing most of the trouble. In time he ac- tagonists, and finally gained their ad- priations.
quired a great admiration for the miration and respect.
spunky Ann and quit his job and mar- Western fiction is full of cowgirl Before charges become effective in
ried her. For eight years they operated heroines, but so far as my research any area, the area will be posted and
together; but when Ann found that extends, Queen Ann of Brown's Hole arrangements made for tickets and
her husband had been instrumental in is the original of all those fictional other details.
bringing Tom Horn to that section, she characters, the only woman who actu- Charging at campgrounds was in-
left him. Later she married her present ally performed those imaginary ex- augurated in some California areas last
husband, Frank Willis, who had also ploits, and the first genuine western season, but there has been no definite
worked for Haley, and at one time cowgirl. conclusion announced as to whether the
system is financially practical.
JUNE, 1 949 19
The jasper in Bear hills, near Brenda, is scattered over the lava-strewn slopes,
washing down from a ledge in the hill in the background.

Rocks By the Roadside

By HAROLD O. WEIGHT that, when they petitioned for a post-
Thanks to the guidance of an office, established in 1893, they asked
rockhounds—and I am old-timer in Quartzsite, Harold that it be named Quartz Valley. As
one of those—just naturally Weight this month has been able there was another Quartz Valley in
seem to figure that the rougher to map a mineral field where col- Arizona, the postoffice department
the road and the deeper the sand, the lectors may find good cutting cooked up Quartzsite which, accord-
better the rocks at the trail's end. material close by one of the ing to their definition, meant the site
But it isn't always true. Take the main transcontinental highways. of quartz. Since another member of
Bear hills near Brenda, Arizona, for The Quartzsite area not only is the quartz family, which is not com-
instance. I have passed through those rich in minerals, but also in his- mon in the area, is spelled quartzite,
hills on Highway 60-70 many times on tory and legend — as you will confusion was bound to result.
rock collecting trips without giving discover in the reading of this
much thought to the rash of dark lava story. When Pauline Weaver discovered
boulders in that area. Probably I never placer gold near the Colorado river in
would have stopped to investigate if 1862, the booming town of La Paz
Bill Keiser of Quartzsite hadn't shown resulted. La Paz became Yuma county
me some colorful material he found besides its camel driver. I learned some- seat. But, Keiser and Hart declare, it
there. thing of its history the night before the was the gold from La Cholla, Middle-
Brenda field trip while I sat beside a camp, Plomosa and other back-coun-
Quartzsite, where Bill Keiser has hot ironwood fire in Bill Keiser's home.
his mineral specimens in his rock and try placers which kept La Paz going.
Bill and his wife Mary and Bert Hart, The diggings close to the river were too
relic museum, is another example of old-timer of Quartzsite and Cibola
the deception of outward appearances. poor to satisfy many of the old-time
valley, interrupted the playoffs of a placer miners. If they couldn't average
It isn't much of a town as numbers go. pinochle tournament to act as local
Motorists generally stop there only historians. a pound of gold per day they moved
when they are in trouble, or need sup- on. Charles V. Genung, pioneer ArT-
There was a settlement here long zonan now dead, once declared that
plies. Nevertheless, the little commun- before it was named Quartzsite. The
ity, like all desert towns both large and only those who were too timid to go
U. S. postal authorities must accept out among the roughnecks of the
small, has an interesting record. responsibility for that name, according
Most of those interested in western to Bill Keiser. You will find it spelled Quartzsite area, where the real gold
history catalog Quartzsite as the place Quartzsite, Quartzite and Quartsite, was being dug, remained in La Paz.
where Hadji Ali, the Greek-Arab but the citizens of the community The settlement which eventually be-
camel driver, is buried. But the little didn't pick any of the three. There came Quartzsite was first located two
community has many things of interest was so much white quartz in the area miles south of the present town at a




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spot on the pioneer wagon road known the merchant returned to the old town- of Quartzsite were not content to see
as Picture Rock and Point of Rocks. site and prospected for his lost safe. their principal historical monument
At Picture Rock a big natural tank— Since then, many others have searched, melt back into the soil. After much ef-
a gravel-filled depression in the arroyo but no one has reported finding it. fort, in which Bill Keiser was a leader,
bed—furnished a semi-permanent wat- Down in the valley, in the meantime, the state reconstructed Fort Tyson.
er supply for settlers and travelers. Charley Tyson found shallow water at Then, apparently, there were no funds
Half-obliterated petroglyphs on the the spot which became known as Ty- to furnish accommodations for a care-
rock show this spot to have been a son Wells. The washed-out villagers taker, and fires and vandals wrecked
desert watering place in ancient times. set up their new community at the it again. More reconstruction has been
Exact date of the first white settlement wells. Today only a tumbled rock wall done, and Bill and other Quartzsite
at the tank is uncertain, but a man and holes dug into the hillside to act residents are not going to give up until
named Valenzuela ran cattle there in as crude ore-reducing furnaces, mark the work is completed and old Fort
the early '60s. the old camp at Picture Rock. Tyson Tyson preserved.
The end of the settlement at Picture Wells became a stage station on the Quartzsite had a boom during the
Rock came abruptly in 1870 when a Ehrenberg-Prescott road, and not a mining excitement which swept the
cloudburst obliterated the community. particularly attractive one, according to Western states in the first decade of
Just before the flood, the storekeeper Martha Summerhayes, army wife, who this century. Between 1900 and 1906,
at Picture Rock and his wife visited passed through it in the '70s. In Van- a man named Beamer built a road from
the home of Mrs. Joe Martinez, half ished Arizona, she reported it as reek- the area to the Congress mill, and
way between the old town and the ing "of everything unclean, morally planned to run gold placer through a
present one, to return some borrowed and physically." huge stamp mill to be located west of
sad-irons. When the waters subsided Not far west of the Yuma road in- Quartzsite. Foundations for a 65-
so that they could return, it was im- tersection and on the south side of stamp mill were put in before experts
possible to locate even the spot where Highway 60-70 stand the partially re- told him the "cement" placer he
their store once stood. Before the constructed adobe ruins of old Fort planned to work was not amenable to
storm, the wash had been only 200 Tyson. Soldiers never were stationed that method of recovery. Beamer in-
feet wide arid the store was on its east there and, so far as I know, it never stalled three stamps and proved the
bank. After the torrent, the merchant underwent siege. It was built by the experts were right, then abandoned the
could not determine where the bank settlers around Tyson Wells as a pro- enterprise.
had been. tective measure when trouble with the Miners were scratching about all
And there Quartzsite's lost treasure Aoache-Mo'fve Indians loomed. When over the area, and some were making
story started. The storekeeper asserted the threat of Indian warfare passed, it wages and better. Promoters were even
there was $50,000 and his wife's became the Oasis hotel—the town's more successful than the miners. They
jewelry in the store safe when it washed finest. Finally it was abandoned, and would "beg, borrow or steal" speci-
away. For 15 years, according to Bill, has weathered away. But the citizens mens, go to the coast or back east and
JUNE, 1949 21
sell stock on the strength of the try. And whenever, over here, the found near Lavic, although we did not
samples. camels saw mules, burros or freight locate any of the beautiful moss in
"O. A. Pease bought up all the nug- outfits, they insisted upon joining the chalcedony which sometimes is found
gets he could get," Bill told me. "He party and could not be held back. in the California field.
gave a big dinner in San Francisco for Their intentions were friendly, not Incidentally, I wish someone would
stock prospects. When they lifted their vicious, but the results were disastrous. establish a Board of Mineralogical
plates, there was a gold nugget under The mules stampeded in all directions Names, patterned after the Board of
each one." It was effective promotion, as the weird and monstrous animals Geographic Names, to name and de-
but not much help in actual develop- bore down , upon them. Desperate fine minerals and gem stones. It would
ment of Quartzsite properties. The freighters even resorted to shooting the save much confusion. Few stones mean
boom passed and the 11 saloons which camels. so many things to so many people as
once dominated the town's main street It was late and cold when I went to jasper, jasp-agate, jasp-opal, moss jas-
vanished. Mining has continued spo- my cabin, and during the night the per, flower jasper, paisley—and all the
radically. Bill and his partner have temperature dropped below freezing. other official and unofficial names for
shipped eight carloads of ore from their But a bright morning sun promised a this group. When I say moss jasper, I
Humdinger lead mine. Most of the perfect December desert day. I had mean a rock at least slightly translucent
residents hold claims and prospect the come to Quartzsite more or less as an with a tangle of what looks like moss
hills and wait for the price of gold to advance scout, to locate an accessible in it. Some collectors insist that if it is
go up or the cost of labor and equip- rock field. My wife, Lucile, and Marion at all translucent it isn't a jasper.
ment to go down. Hewes and Martha Berry drove over Others say that a moss jasper is one
from Desert Magazine's Palm Desert which has tendrils of moss in clear
For most tourists, the item of princi- chalcedony, but to my mind that is the
pal interest at Quartzsite is the monu- pueblo Saturday afternoon and we set
out for the Brenda field. Bill, who was stone called flower agate, but which I
ment to Hi Jolly, over his grave in the believe should be called flower chal-
town cemetery. There is a fascination chopping energetically at a pile of iron-
wood snags he had dynamited and cedony.
in the history of our army's experiment
with camels and native drivers in the hauled in for wood, stopped his exer- Perhaps we should look at some
western deserts. With the gold discov- tions to wave. basic definitions. Dana identifies jasper
ery and opening of the port at La Paz, Bill's directions to the field were as impure opaque colored quartz, and
the camels were used to carry supplies simple and direct. We zeroed the Quartz Family Minerals further de-
between La Paz and Fort Whipple for speedometer at the intersection of the scribes it as being essentially fibrous
several years, while the road was be- Yuma road with Highway 60-70, and under the microscope, which sets it
ing built. Some time after the gold dis- followed the highway along the long apart from other quartz minerals.
covery, Hi Jolly quit cameling and valley slope toward the rugged Plo- There are many varieties. Usually jas-
started mining. He was not a prospec- mosa mountains. The great washes per forms from a jelly-like solution of
tor, according to Bill, but he would along the highway were crowded with silica and it frequently is found in
follow the strikes and wash out enough palo verde trees and ironwoods, or places where there are recent lava flows,
gold for his needs, which were chiefly palo fierro, and spotted with grotesque- which fits both the Brenda and Lavic
of a liquid nature. ly posing saguaro. At 8.3 miles we fields.
Hi Jolly is Americanese for Hadji passed the dirt road, right, which Two quartz rocks similar to jasper
Ali, the driver's Mohammedan name. eventually winds to Bill's lead mine on are flint and chert, the principal dif-
He also was known as Philip Tedro, the slopes of Dos Picachos, and to the ference being in the manner in which
probably the name his mother gave old Apache mine. they originated. Flint occurs as lumps
him. He reportedly was a Syrian, half- or concretions in chalk and limestone
Greek and half-Arab. The Arabs raid- The highway reached its highest ele- and is composed of a mixture of quartz
ed Greek settlements and carried off vation in the Plomosas nine miles from and opal. It may have formed from
women, and Hi Jolly and his brother the Yuma junction, and curved down silica in the muds at the bottom of the
were said to be the result of such a toward the Ranegras plain. We passed ocean. Chert, once classified as an im-
union, and were raised as Arabs. Brenda service station at 16.3 miles pure form of flint, now is believed to
and started looking for the Indian on be beds of limestone replaced by silica.
It was a surprise to me that Hi Jolly the hill. The Indian was one of Bill's
had a brother, but Bill Keiser knew chief points of identification—a white- Personally, I'll go along with Dake,
them both. The brother, whom they painted figure with outstretched point- Fleener and Wilson, writers of Quartz
called Blackie, was a barber at Ehren- ing arm—on the north side of the road. Family Minerals, that material well
berg. Blackie told Bill some interesting I don't know why the Indian was colored and suitable for gem purposes
things about the camels. They could, placed there, but he is handy for rock- can be termed jasper, although actu-
he said, carry 600 pounds 60 miles a hounds. His hand points a little to the ally a chert. Moss jasper, according to
day and go three days without water. east of the jasper field, but he did not the same authorities, shows a mixture
But they never were loaded that heav- miss it far.% of colored jasper and chalcedony. Of
ily and were watered every day. They course, it isn't really a moss in the
performed well in the desert, but their Our two-car caravan pulled off the stone, no matter how much it looks
pads became sore on terrain different road 17.2 miles from Quartzsite. I like it. The black ferns or moss in the
than that to which they were accus- opened the pickup door and there, on familiar moss agates of Montana and
tomed. the scraped shoulder of the highway, Wyoming are due to the presence of
was a bit of red moss jasper. We scat- manganese. The colors in moss jasper
And if Blackie was correct, he has are believed to be due to impurities in
explained something which always puz- tered over the slope and wash, south of
the highway—and soon dropped the the percolating silica from which the
zled me—the difficulties mule drivers stone was formed. Similar moss has
and freighters had with camels stam- first small specimens we had picked up
as bigger chunks came into view. been made in laboratory experiments
peding their animals. Why couldn't the where artificial silica jel was mixed
outfits be kept apart? According to There seems to be a great deal of ma-
terial here, and many colorful varieties. with various substances.
Blackie, camels, mules and burros went
together in caravans in the old coun- The jasper most closely resembles that The collecting at Brenda is almost
too easy, but there is always the possi-
bility that other and more varied rocks
can be obtained by searching farther
into the hills. The jasper is weathering
down from a big dike, but there is
float enough to last a long time. Much
of the material has the common fault
of many jaspers—the iron which fur-
nishes some of the brilliant coloring
also occurs as red and yellow ochre
in tiny holes which ruin the piece for
cutting and polishing. However, it is
possible to find much solid jasper with
lines and patterns, and there is red
and yellow moss.
We collected the specimens we want-
ed within a short distance of the road
and in less time than we expected to
use. There was a chill in the air that
warned us temperatures might again
fall to freezing when night came, and
a protected camping spot would be
necessary. Many places in washes near
Brenda would have been excellent for
camping, but for scenic attractions and
rugged country to hike over in the
morning, Bill Keiser had recommended
one back in the Plomosas near his lead
mine, so we headed back west along
the highway and turned south along
the dirt mine road, into a maze of
jagged hills and volcanic buttes.
As we followed a wash into the
mountains, we stopped from time to
time to pick up pieces of ironwood and
dead palo verde branches for use at
the campfire. We reached the camping
place just before dark—a spot which
evidently was a long-time favorite with
prospectors. It was a protected little
flat, almost at the base of Dos Pica-
chos. We found a pile of rocks in the
clearing, with flat slabs on top to form
a table. And there was a small rock
fireplace which, after minor repairs
and the addition of a grill, we used to
cook our evening meal over ironwood
When supper was cleared away and

Above—Old Fort Tyson was never

a regular army post, having been
built near the middle of the last
century by settlers who feared at-
tacks from the Mojave-Apache
Center—Picture Rock, original lo-
cation of the little mining camp
which became Quartzsite. A natu-
ral tank in the wash here has made
this a rendezvous since men first
roamed the desert, as is indicated
by the half obliterated petroglyphs
on the rock.
Below—William G. Keiser at one
of the old mining camp ruins in
the Plomosa mountains. This was
used as a crude ore smelter.
JUNE, 1949
Dead ironwood logs provided a warm campfire in the Plomosas. Left to right:
Marion Hewes, Martha Berry and Lucile Weight.
a campfire blazing, we gathered at its sas lost their mechanical note and iden- Indian Village Exhibit . . .
warmth to talk and watch the flames. tity. They became natural noises—the Visitors at the Chicago Railroad
Sound carries clearly on a cold night. roar of the wind in a canyon, perhaps, fair which opens June 25 will have an
We could hear the engines of cars and or the far mutter of thunder. opportunity to see an authentic South-
trucks on the highway, more than four To S l t b y a west Indian village. More than 100 In-
miles to the north. From that road, all . . a campfire and watch the dians from Arizona, New Mexico,
this desert land looks barren and dancing flames now disclose, now mask Oklahoma and other parts of the
empty. People racing by on the oiled the work of vanished hands is a re- Southwest will live in the village, work-
ribbon see what they think is a raw, vealing experience. It is one of the in- ing at native arts and crafts, perform-
new naked land. Human beings will calculable benefits which reward those ing ceremonial dances. Living quarters
never be able to exist here, they who come to the desert to hunt rocks will consist of pueblos, wikiups, hogans
believe. or flowers or a silence in which they and other exact duplicates of homes the
But this brooding desert has been may seek themselves. It is something Indians occupy on their reservations.
inhabited a long, long time. Petro- that the people who live on highways
glyphs and painted rocks abound should know. We all like smooth ANSWERS TO TRUE OR FALSE
wherever there is a permanent or semi- straight ways—like the one to the Questions Are on Page 16
permanent water supply. Mining has Brenda field—but we miss so much 1—False. The Colorado desert is in
been carried on for a century at least— when we cling to them alone. It is good California.
lead, silver and gold. Isolated canyons, to turn, now and again, onto the nar- 2—True.
3—False. Yucca belongs to the lily
which look as if they had never been row rutted sidepaths which have family.
entered since erosion commenced their known the feet of pioneers, into a 4—False. Piki bread is made by the
making, unexpectedly reveal ancient simpler world where roads curved and Hopi Indians.
prospect holes and shrub-grown dumps. twisted from spring to well to natural 5—False. The bite of the so-called
tarantula is less venomous than
Tumbled stone walls, worn arrastres tank, to waterhole, driven by the sim- a bee sting.
and deep-rutted trails tell their silent ple reality of thirst. 6—False. State capital of Arizona
story of man's ferment. once was at Prescott.
I think some of the highway travel- 7—True. 8—True. 9—True.
As we sat in the light and warmth ers are trying to outrun themselves 10—False. The arrastre was used for
crushing ore.
created by the simple yet profound and the lack of satisfaction in their 11—True. 12—True. 13—True.
miracle of burning wood, with the pun- lives—like clouds racing their shadows. 14—False. Father Escalante sought a
gent perfume of ironwood heavy about new route to Monterey through
us, we were in a world entirely our own If they would only slacken speed and what is now the State of Utah.
in which time had no meaning and turn aside on a rutted trail, to meet 16—False. The Humboldt river flows
space expanded and contracted with themselves face to face and sit quietly into Humboldt Sink.
the varying light of the fire. The camps for a while beside a desert campfire, 17—False. A Mescal Pit was used for
of the pioneer prospectors we talked they might find in the world and in roasting Mescal buds.
about were there—just outside the their lives an underlying unity which 19—False. A Navajo puts the door on
warm circle of light. The sounds of has been obscured by the shambles of the east side of his hogan.
cars where the highway cut the Plomo- modern living. 20—True.


Navajo Sheep . . .
To Martha Burleigh of Glendale,
California, goes first prize in Desert's
April photograph contest for her un-
usual picture, NAVAJO SHEEP. The
photograph was taken at 2:00 o'clock
in the afternoon with a Medalist II
using Plenachrome (Ansco) film. Ex-
posure i l l , 1/ipO second.

Second prize in the April contest was won by
Nell Murbarger, Costa Mesa, California, with her
picture, OLD LEATHER BELLOWS. The photo-
graph was taken in May, 1948, at 2:30 p.m. with
an Argoflex. She used Eastman Verichrome film,
a K-2 filter, set the camera at 1/50 second, f. 16.

JUST A REMINDER that Desert's June contest

will be the annual Cover Contest. For details
please see announcement in this issue.
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\ Billy the Burro
• ^

Upland, California
Billy the Burro has long been dead;
Or passed away, it is better said.
A sandy grave now holds his bones,
Under a pile of desert stones.
He had followed me for many a day,
^>- Over a hard and rocky way.
* Always he patiently plodded along
Though never honored by verse or song.
When water was gone and feed was rare
He would shrink a little—but did not care.
Sometimes at night he would stand by my
And waggle his ears and nod his head.
For looks he never would take a prize,
Except for his gentle trusting eyes.
His faded coat had a dingy hue.
There were saddle sores where the white
hair grew.
It seemed that his overgrown head would
To balance the weight of his flimsy tail.
* — ~ "
" He had his faults, I regret to say
He would rifle the camp while I was away.
r He would scatter the loot that he could find
Then leisurely chew on a bacon rind.
In spite of his faults when all is said
0 He was a faithful and loveable quadruped.
• • •
By E. M. BARTLETT There's a covered wagoh' train traveling
By NITA R. ENGLISH the sand,
Pioche, Nevada Angels Camp, California
Slightly south and east of Needles, going
Brothers of mine, who share with me ever westward and
Have you ever seen the sunset The land, the sea, and the sky, The wagons creak and grumble and the
As the day drew to a close, Choose a place to call your home oxen strain and bawl,
Evening skies ablaze with brilliant To live, and toil, and die. But the men who drive the wagons never
Orange, purple, rose? And leave it a name, with honor and fame— speak at all, at all.
Give it the best you've got.
Have you ever smelled the tang of cedars But don't let them tell you the desert land Oh, you drivers going westward, listen to
And the stunted mountain pine? Is the place that God forgot. my long hello,
Have you stood entranced, and gazed with You'll never find the gold you seek, you
awe Live in the cities and towns if you will died too long ago,
At the far horizon line? And hobble your soul in a street; For I found a rotting wheel and a bit of
Or find you a piece of land to till chain and bone,
Have you searched for Yucca blossoms And plow the sod with your feet. Slightly south and east of Needles, so there's
Or the fragrant juniper? But give me the land of the cedar and sage, no use going on.
Have you seen the waxen cactus blooms The cactus, the sun and the sand.
And desert lilies rare? Let me dream in the peace of a still desert The cities you would build are already fall-
night ing down,
Have you seen the old deserted mines, And commune with the Great Master- Eldorado came and went leaving ghost town
With buildings gaunt and bare, Hand. after town.
And sensed the hopes and efforts So rest beside your whitened bones, forget
Of those who labored there? your westward vow,
This is the West I know and love The desert loves and holds its own, you'll
With its peace and majesty.
And its mighty silence throbbing 06,, never leave it now.
• • •
With the pulse of centuries. DUSK ON CAT CREEK
You may walk in mighty forests, San Diego 10, California Mack, Colorado
And hills in foliage dressed
But the peace of all the ages Oh dawn, oh dawn, come swiftly, The moon rides high in the twilight sky
Lies in the Desert West. while the night O'er the rim of the canyon wall,
Is softly shedding moonlight o'er the Its silver beams through the gray dusk
plains. streams
Within the inky shadows terror strains, And the night birds softly call.
DESERT IN BLOOM And all the world is clamoring for Coyotes croon to that shining moon,
light. And a chord within me rings;
By GRACE PARSONS HARMON As the rhythmic beat of my pony's feet
Los Angeles, California Too well we sense the dangers that Re-echoes the song it sings.
are near.
The desert in bloom 'neath a high, white sun, Where can we turn away from death The soft winds sigh as they pass me by;
Is gaudy and gay, with colors o'errun; and grief? And they carry a perfume sweet—
The desert in bloom when the sun is low, Oh help us, Lord, through love and Of the mesquite bush and the painted cup
Is rich with the warmth of the twilight glow: true belief That is bruised by my pony's feet.
To gain that light where is no longer The trail leads on and I lope along
But the desert in bloom, when a great moon fear. Unmindful of fret or care;
gleams, The moon climbs up to meet the dawn
Is a shrine for the desert-lover's dreams! And a new day, bright and fair.
Emigrant Flowers
That Never Fade
everyone knows the vivid-hued garden
Cockscomb of the Amaranth family and its culti-
vated relatives Love-lies-bleeding and Prince's
Feather. In addition to these tropical, introduced species
of old-fashioned gardens, many of their kinfolk became
emigrants, and some of the most aggressive are now black-
listed as obnoxious weeds. In desert regions they have
colonized chiefly in cultivated areas, especially along
roadsides, garden borders and in waste places. The flowers
have the fadeless quality which their name Amaranth
means in Greek, and the herbage quite often is red-tinged.
Some of them are known as Pigweed, Chinaman's Greens,
Careless Weed, Red Root, or Beet Root. The typical
desert species is the Fringed Amaranth.
Amaranthus fimbriatus
The whole plant is colorful, the smooth herbage with
a purplish hue and the flower spikes lavender or rose-
colored. Several sparingly-branched or simple stems rise
from the base a foot or two high, the linear leaves
alternate, an inch or two long. The rather loose clusters
of tiny flowers are scattered along the stem, crowding
closer as they ascend to form a long terminal spike. The
fan-shaped sepals of the pistillate flowers are thick at the
base, the margin conspicuously fringed, while those of the
staminate flowers are oblong and acute. There is no cor- This commonest of the Amaranths lias the inelegant
olla, a family trait. This species grows in sandy and name of Rough Pigweed, but its fruit is welcome food
gravelly soils, particularly in washes of the Colorado and for birds and rodents. Beat photo.
Mojave deserts, Arizona, north into southern Nevada and
Utah, and south into Mexico, blooming from August to
December. seeds, food for birds and rodents, and grist for Indian
grinding stones. The plant was used medicinally by the
Amaranthus palmeri Indians as well as for food, especially to check hemor-
Another strictly desert species is Palmer's Amaranth, rhage.
a stout, erect, usually branched annual, 2 to 4 feet high, Tidestromia oblongifolia
entirely hairless or only slightly so. The broadly ovate Another genus of the family that follows different
leaves are 1 to 4 inches long, the petioles equal or twice habits of growth is Honey Sweet, also called Arizona
as long. The spreading, awl-shaped bracts of the pistillate Honey Sweet.
flowers are rigid and awn-tipped, much longer than the A white-wooly perennial with stems widely branching
flowers. Under the common names Quelite and Bledo it into low broad bushes 9 to 18 inches high and up to twice
is valued highly as greens in the young, tender stage of as broad. The roundish-ovate leaves are less than an
growth, especially by Mexicans and Indians. I've eaten inch long, the sweet-scented yellow flowers minute but
Quelite greens many times and agree with the explorers' often very profuse, crowded in axillary clusters, blooming
endorsement of its asparagus-like flavor, much tastier than in late summer and early fall. After the flowers are gone
many an ordinary dish of greens. It also makes good feed the plant is still attractive, the leaves and stems turning
for livestock, both for fresh grazing and dried for hay. lavender or red late in fall, a pleasing adornment to the
It ranges from the Mojave and Colorado deserts through sandy washes and flats they frequent in the Colorado and
southern Arizona to western Texas and central Mexico. Mojave deserts, Arizona and southern Nevada.
• • •
Amaranthus retroflexus Smoke Tree Will Blossom in June . . .
The most widespread Amaranth is commonly known While most of the annual flowers on desert levels below
as Rough Pigweed, found in all kinds of cultivated crops, 3000 feet will have completed their blooming season be-
gardens, orchards, waste places and roadsides. From the fore June, many of the perennials, especially on the higher
characteristic red or pink tap-root it sends up one to elevations, will be in color throughout the month.
several stout branching stems, 1 to 4 feet high. The herb- Smoke tree is the most conspicuous among the June
age is rough and more or less hairy, the oval, wavy- flowering shrubs on the lower levels. Its leafless branches
margined leaves 1 to 3 inches long, the veins prominent will be carrying heavy clusters of deep purple blossom
on the underside. The green papery flowers, subtended for two weeks in the early part of the month.
by 3 to 5 rigid, spiny-tipped bracts, are crowded into On the south rim of Grand canyon and on higher
spikes 1 to 4 inches long, these often disposed in stiff elevations around Death valley a wide variety of blossoms
erect panicles. The wrinkled, bladder-like fruit when ripe will greet those who have the opportunity to visit these
splits around the middle to scatter countless shiny black areas during the month.
JUNE, 1949 27
Las Cruces, New Mexico . . .
An extensive deposit of euxenite,
valuable element used in the atomic
bomb, is claimed by Bill Houser to
have been discovered eight miles north-
DeKa, Utah . . . Tonopah, Nevada . . . east of Las Cruces. Houser has been
Alta, Utah's first mining district and for 13 years a prospector operating
What many claim will be the greatest from the village of Organ. Houser says
for years one of the most active, may boon to Nevada mining and general
come back to life. In recent years a he found the mineral with a Geiger-
prosperity in many years is expected Mueller counter. He has samples of
rendezvous for ski enthusiasts, Alta at to follow discovery of a satisfactory
one time had all the romance and vio- the ore that back his claims. Houser
and economical method of treating said the deposit is in the White Sands
lence of an early-day mining camp. Nevada's immense deposits of zinc ox-
After the rich, near-the-surface de- Proving Grounds area, and that the ore
ide ore. At Henderson now the Basic contains uranium oxide and other rare
posits had been mined—with a report- Reduction company is preparing to
ed production record of $37,000,000 minerals.—Las Cruces Citizen.
treat 200 tons daily of zinc oxide ore, • • •
—Alta slipped into virtual oblivion. using facilities of the big state-owned
Recent renewed interest is the result of Basic-Magnesium plant. Since mining Tonopah, Nevada . . .
discovery of a new ore body near the began in the early boom days of the The Nevada Uranium Production
line of the famous old Cardiff and Comstock lode, a profitable method of company, first company in the state to
Columbus Rexall properties. From this treating zinc oxide ore has eluded launch a real development campaign
ore body 20 shipments have already chemists and metalurgists. After years on radium-bearing ore, has started a
been made, ore of a grade reminiscent of intensive work by the U.S. bureau winze from the tunnel level on the
of the boom days of Alta. The ore of mines at Henderson and men from Rainbow group of seven claims, op-
was reportedly found by the second the University of Nevada, a satisfactory tioned from the Henneberg brothers,
generation of a pioneer Alta family process for treating the oxide form of Round Mountain. The winze is located
after driving only about 10 feet of new zinc ore has been evolved, it is claimed. on ore at a point 225 feet from the
tunnel. The old tunnel had missed pay —Tonopah Times-Bonanza. tunnel portal. Inclination of the winze
dirt by this close margin.—Millard is 70 degrees, it is 8Vi by 5 feet in size,
County Chronicle. • • • outside the timbers. Manager W. J.
Goldfield. Nevada . . . Loring recently reported that 11 sam-
ples cut the entire length of the 352-
Nevada's lead production increased foot tunnel about 30 feet apart and
Morongo Valley, California . . . 32 percent in 1948, second highest in- cut from wall to wall, all showed
Reopening Joshua Tree Monument crease in the United States, according uranium. Five general grab samples
to active prospecting, on the same basis to Senator Pat McCarran. The senator taken from muck also showed uranium
that mining is permitted in Death Val- quoted from a report compiled by the in satisfactory amounts, he said. There
ley, a similarly classified National U. S. bureau of mines, said Nevada's was not a blank in the lot. This despite
Monument, is being supported by the total production was 9480 tons, ap- the fact the average underground
Western Mining Council, Inc., which proximately half of which came from depth is not more than 40 feet.—
held its annual desert area meeting re- mines in the Pioche district.—Gold- Tonopah Times-Bonanza.
cently. Those who argue that the field News.
Monument should be reopened for • • • • • •
mining say mines now operating are Round Mountain, Nevada . . .
producing tonnage quantities of good Esmeralda County, Nevada . . . Originally located and held for their
gold, lead and silver ore, even under W. B. Naismith of Tonopah has possible gold content, an option has
present difficult limitations and restric- been granted a permit by the .Esmer- been taken on the Zuzzalo gold claims
tions. It is claimed that if mining is alda board of county commissioners to at Round Mountain following discov-
resumed on the basis permitted in prospect four claims in the Divide dis- ery of a vein carrying good percent-
Death Valley, results will be favorable trict known as the Belcher 1, 2, 3 and ages in uranium. The Zuzzalo prop-
so far as tourist interest and conserva- Fraction. The same property was in the erty is located not far from the Henne-
tion of scenic qualities are concerned. news a few months ago when the Bent- berg ground, where the Nevada Ra-
—Banning Record. Peatman company of San Francisco dium Production company is actively
made overtures to purchase it, no deal developing a group of seven claims.
was closed.—Goldfield News. Both these properties were originally
White Canyon, Utah . . . • • • tied up for their gold, establishment
Construction of a pilot mill in White Pioche, Nevada . . . of the uranium vein came largely
canyon, across the Colorado river from Installation of complete mining through accident years after the origi-
Hite, is being rushed by Vanadium equipment is in progress at the Gold nal notices had been posted. Claims
Corporation of America with the aim Seam mine located in the Divide dis- are being staked all over the Round
of processing ores having as little as trict, Esmeralda county, where work Mountain area, all based on a potential
one-twentieth of one per cent uranium, was halted last December by unusually uranium value. — Tonopah Times-
and especially designed to handle ore severe winter weather. Exploratory Bonanza.
having a copper content. Most of the work was resumed earlier this spring. • • •
carnotite ores of the White canyon The company has uncovered several Discovery of one of the richest lead-
area contain copper as well as uranium "good showings," according to Charles ore deposits on the continent on the
and vanadium. Prospectors are now Mayer, Las Vegas, manager, plans lonely shores of an arctic harbor has
working some 50 claims in the area. now to sink to the 200-foot level from been reported by the Edmonton, Alas-
Initial operations at the mill call for where lateral operations will be started. ka, Bulletin. In a copyright article the
processing 40 tons of ore dailv. Ca- Optimistic about possibilities of the Bulletin said the Gateway Gold Lim-
pacity will be expanded to 200 tons property, Mayer said he hopes ship- ited reported staking out a multi-mil-
daily if operations prove successful.— ments of ore can be made by early lion dollar claim at Detention harbor,
Moab Times-Independent. summer.—Pioche Record- Coronation gulf.


Report from desert's Readers...
Late in 1948 the staff of Desert By occupation, Desert's readers are with Palm Springs second, Palm Desert
Magazine mailed out 1000 question- classified as follows: third and Tucson fourth. Then came
naires to readers selected at random MANAGEMENT, including own- the Mojave desert, Las Vegas and
from the subscription list. These ques- ers and executives in business, Wickenburg.
tionnaires were planned (1) as a guide industry, farming and mining 28 % Answering a query as to whether
to the editors in the selection of edi- PROFESSIONAL, including teach- or not they planned eventually to build
torial subjects, and (2) as a guide to ers, engineers, doctors, artists and live on the desert, 87 of the 237
the buying habits of Desert's readers and writers 23% who replied to this question stated that
for the benefit of advertisers. TECHNICIANS, including skilled they planned to build desert homes,
The response to this reader poll was craftsmen and mechanics 16% and 46 expressed their intention to
most gratifying, and the staff wishes to CLERICAL, including salesmen, build income property.
express its appreciation to the 341 general office and public serv- In reply to the question of vacation
subscribers who took the time to fill ice work 14% pastimes the following preferences
out the questionnaire and return it. RETIRED 9% were indicated:
The figures have all been tabulated HOUSEWIVES 7%
MISCELLANEOUS 3% Visit scenic places 21%
now, and the staff believes they will be Explore out of the way
no less interesting to members of Des- While Desert readers do much of
their travel by automobile, they also places 19%
ert's reader family than to the editorial Collect rocks and minerals....l7%
and business offices of the magazine. use other means of transportation and
the comparative popularity among the Camp 12%
Desert's readers like to travel, and Fish 10%
94.7% of them own cars. They average common carriers is as follows:
Travel by train 43% Hike 9%
13,750 miles annually and spent Prospect 7%
$273.08 for gasoline. Their first choice Travel by air 39%
Travel by bus 18% Take photographs 3%
among the editorial features appearing Miscellaneous 2%
in Desert Magazine are the travelogs Destination—Pacific Northwest
with maps. Answering a question as to travel One of the queries was: "During the
plans for the next two years, 92.5% coming year I plan to visit the follow-
'Travel Maps Are Preferred ing desert areas:" A tabulation of the
of them expressed a desire to make ex-
To arrive at the comparative popu- tended trips, the choice of destinations places named placed Death Valley
larity of the various features and de- being as follows: first, Grand Canyon second, Borrego
partments each subscriber participating Valley third, Monument Valley and
in the poll was asked to name first, Pacific Northwest 46% Tucson tied for fourth place, and Mo-
second and third choice of editorial Mexico 21% jave desert, Barstow, Palm Springs,
subjects. The following tabulation gives Canada 19% Southern Utah, Salton Sea in the order
the comparative ratings, based on first Alaska 9% named.
choice only. The totals in this column Hawaii 3%
South America 2% Subscribers were asked to indicate
exceed the 341 replies for the reason the number of miles traveled during
that many of the readers indicate more The popularity of the various types the previous year on trips suggested
than one first choice: of accommodations available for trav- by the Desert Magazine. The average
Travelogs with maps 1st elers was indicated by the following for the 341 questionnaires tabulated
Gems and Minerals 2nd tabulation of answers received: was 545 miles for each reader-family.
Historical articles 1 3rd Prefer motor courts 48% This figure, if multiplied by the total
Indian life and lore 4th Prefer camping out 31% number of subscribers living west of
Archeology 5th Prefer hotels 17% the Rocky mountains makes the amaz-
Nature subjects 6th Prefer trailer camps 4% ing total of 11,831,435 automobile
Editorial page 7th When it came to the price range they miles.
Photography 8th were willing to pay for hotel or motor "I don't care much for the poetry
Desert Quiz and "Here and court accommodations, the answers page," wrote one subscriber, "but keep
There" were tied for 9th were as follows: it in the magazine for those who do."
Readers' Letters page 10th $3.00 or less 19% This comment was rather typical of
Mines and Mining 11th $3.00 to $6.00 68% the remarks noted on the question
Botanical features 12th Over $6.00 13% cards. While most of the readers are
Arts and Artists 13th Majority Are Non-Residents interested in special subjects, almost
Poetry page 14th One of the surprising disclosures of without exception they expressed
Each copy of Desert Magazine is read the poll was that 28% of Desert's sub- broad-minded approval of editorial
by an average of 5.2 persons. Based scribers live on the desert. The other content as a whole.
on the present paid circulation of 25,- 72% have homes from California to And so, Desert's editors will con-
157 this makes a total of 130,816 Maine—but not on the desert. In an- tinue to feature mapped travelogs, his-
readers each month. In 90.1% of the swer to the question, "What desert lo- tory, gems and minerals, archeology,
homes the magazine is kept for perma- cality would you prefer for a home- Indians, Nature subjects, mines and
nent reference. site?" the replies were distributed lost mines, personalities, life on the
Homes having an average estimated among 57 communities ranging from desert, and arts and poetry will have a
value of $13,750 are owned by 81.5% Banning to Albuquerque and from place also—as they have always had.
of the subscribers. Mr. Average Sub- Nogales to Salt Lake City. Twentynine The staff is grateful to its readers
scriber spends $22.90 for books. Palms, California, led in popularity, for their loyalty.

JUNE, 1949 29
Story of Arizona's "Wild Angoras" Relic of the Jesuit Days? . . .
Cottonwood, Arizona Willcox, Arizona
Desert: Re-reading your issue of March,
Some time ago I received your Janu- 1947, I believe John D. Mitchell's
ary issue and was much interested in story "Bells of Old Guevevi" has fur-
the picture on the cover. It touched a nished a clue to the identity of a
For the Sake of Accuracy . . . tender spot in my heart, for as a child strange artifact found by my friend
Albany, California I herded a large band of those so-called Bonnie Wiprud in 1932.
Desert: "Arizona wild goats" and in just such Bonnie is an amateur collector of
On page 7 of the April 1949 issue, a rocky country as you pictured. Indian artifacts, and the bowl shown
specimen No. 4 in the illustration is I did not do it of necessity, but be- in the picture I am enclosing, was
labeled, "(4) Aragonite (Uraniferous cause I loved the freedom of the out- found on the desert south of Tucson
calcite. . . . )". doors— the majesty of the Arizona near the Tumacacori mission.
Aragonite is related to calcite only mountains. And because Angora goats
in that they have the same chemical are interesting creatures. They were a
composition. They are distinct mineral constant challenge—and from them I
species, calcite crystallizing in the learned something of mountain climb-
rhombohedral division of the hexag- ing.
onal system and aragonite in the ortho- The purpose of this letter is to give
rhombic system. Dana states (Dana, you a little of the history of this goat
E. S., A Textbook of Mineralogy. 4th and its ancestors.
edition, 1932, p. 511): "The Anhy- Ten or 12 years ago my husband's
drous Carbonates include two distinct stepfather, J. F. Dean of Phoenix, had
isomorphous groups, the Calcite group 5000 acres of the White Tanks moun-
and the Aragonite group." tains and foothills under lease. He ac-
As the title of the illustration was quired a small band of Angoras to run
printed it would seem that aragonite this range. He established a small camp
is the uraniferous variety of calcite; near the base of the mountains, and
whereas, the title should have read: got a Mexican herder to take over.
"uraniferous aragonite" or "uranifer- The goat business was doing well
ous calcite" whichever the case may when the herder decided one evening
be. It can not be both. to go to town, and due to temptations
MORT D. TURNER stronger than his will, he failed to re- This bowl is AV* inches high, and
turn to camp on schedule. Some of the has a base 4Vi inches in diameter. It
goats took advantage of his absence, weighs 10 pounds. The thickness of
and left for higher ground. the metal is uneven. The roughness on
Botanical Freak . . . After several similar occurrences the bottom was caused by an assayer
Blythe, California most of the goats had migrated to who at first thought it was pure gold.
Desert: greener pastures. I think we ate the More careful examination proved it to
remaining few. be an alloy of gold, silver and copper.
Attached is a print of a curiosity I It is hand-turned with no markings
thought might interest your readers— The goats gradually climbed into except five little dots that may have
a young saguaro cactus growing in the the mountains, and the last we heard symbolic significance.
crotch of an ironwood tree. It was dis- of them they were located in a remote Bonnie took the bowl to the Arizona
covered recently by J. Davenport of canyon near a good spring. We never state university museum, also to sev-
Blythe, and the man in the picture is bothered to go after them, but were eral collectors,
Walter Paselk, mine owner operating told that hunters had shot a few of identified. Noneinrecognized
an effort to have it
the metal,
near the place where the freak was them for sport. nor did they have any similar objects.
found. I was very fond of these goats. They John Mitchell's story told of the
The location is in the Trigo moun- are beautiful creatures and in the sun- heavy black silver-copper ore the
tains 22 miles southeast of Blythe. light their fleece glistens like silver. Jesuits used in 1691 to make articles
R. D. BRAMAN Also, they are very intelligent animals. for the church altars. After having
The goat on the cover of the maga- supplied the needs of the mission altars
zine is a young nanny, and from the they turned their attention to the
appearance of her fleece these goats fashioning of cups, plates and bowls
have fared well in the wild, despite for household use, using the same
the drouth. heavy metal.
The bowl shows no signs of having
Who knows but that if these animals been used. It has the appearance of
are given the opportunity they may be- copper—copper that has been dulled
come one of our protected game ani- by time, and yet lacking the reddish
mals? They will survive where cattle cast that modern copper articles ac-
cannot. Surely these creatures of the quire when tarnished.
high and rocky fastnesses are entitled We believe this bowl may well have
to their freedom. They've battled storm been left by the Jesuits when they
and drouth and predator — and even were recalled by King Charles of
man's misconceived idea of sport. I Spain in 1767. It certainly is not of
say, "Long may they range!" modern origin.
Mystery of Keyhole Canyon . . .
Boulder City, Nevada
One lovely day in February, 1949,
a member of our Clark county gem
collectors' group suggested that we
take a trip to Keyhole canyon to see
the petroglyphs and look for garnets
he thought were there.
The hills here are of red rock, and
at one place an overhanging block of
stone had fallen down, leaving a cavity
in the pile of talus at the base. Out of
curiosity I crawled under the pile and
began scratching around in the sand
with my pick.
My first discovery was the feet and
legs shown in the left corner of the
accompanying picture. At first I
thought it might be a piece of obsidian,
but when I had cleaned the sand off
and saw what I had I let out a yell.
The rest of the gang came running—^
and in all my rockhounding I have
never seen sand fly so fast.
It was difficult work in the little 7x15 These are the artifacts described in Paul Mercer's letter. When and why
foot cave, and none of us could stand they were buried in Keyhole canyon in southern Nevada remains a mystery.
up, but as piece after piece was un-
earthed the excitement grew. And here
is a description of what we found— mouth and nose have holes for water mold the pieces. What do you think
the artifacts shown in the photograph: to run from, leaving the impression it of them?
The white face is carved on very was part of a fountain. PAUL MERCER
porous pumice. The two pottery jugs I never hope to make another find Dear Paul: We submitted your
are a tan clay covered with a black as exciting as this one. There is more photograph and letter to M. R.
glaze. The decorations were made mystery attached to these things due Harrington, curator at Southwest
separately and fitted on after the jug to the fact they appear both Aztec and museum. His comment was as fol-
was shaped. These decorations are Mayan. And how did they .ever get lows: "All appear to be fakes ex-
most interesting as they consist of eagle under the rocks at Keyhole canyon? cept the stone statue to the right,
heads, tiny dolls with mummy sort of Did the Spanish come up the Colorado which may well be genuine. The
wrappings, and frogs ready to hop. river bringing with them the Aztecs as other articles look to be tourist
slaves, and the slaves carried these goods made in Mexico, not recent-
The large idol is carved from basalt things as part of their worship? Are ly, but in the 1890's. Many of
—whatever the hands were holding is these things genuine—or are they fakes such had a tin base. In fact I have
missing. It is about 22 inches tall and placed there near the petroglyphs for seen statuettes of that period made
heavy as lead. The pot-belly figure at someone to find just for the fun of it? in the same technique as the two
left is a pitcher—handle missing. Right They have been there a long time, be- disks shown in the photograph,
below it is a face with elaborate head cause the sand was packed inside the and modelled on old rectangular
dress, and I think it is a part of the jars so tightly we had a time getting it tin oyster cans. I am not sure that
statue belonging to the knees and feet out. The nose on the face of the water all the fakes are of the same early
—but I never could find the stomach. jug shows that at some time a fire had vintage, but they look to be in the
The two round plaques are the silli- been built over it and the nose was picture. It certainly seems strange
est of all, as they seem to have been burned. All objects were buried in this that such things should be 'plant-
made by squirting a silica clay through protected spot beneath sand two to ed' in that remote spot."—R.H.
a cake decorator. The clay glistens. The three feet deep. Keyhole canyon is not • • •
black around the edges is obsidian as a place many people see. It is way off
the highway with practically no road The Spelling Is Optional . . .
are the eyes. But most amazing of all, El Centro, California
they were made on metal discs, parts of to it.
which resemble buck-shot welded to- Desert:
gether. The center piece is definitely an We have never had these things ap- In the May issue of Desert Maga-
Aztec calendar, as I bought one of the praised by anyone who would know zine you use the word "sherd" in re-
exact size in Mexico City last fall, whether they are genuine or not. In ferring to broken pieces of pottery. I
which was made of travertine. fact we don't care. If they were Wool- find it spelled "shard" in my books.
worth's specials it was fun to find them. O. M. CHEESEMAN
Not shown in the picture is a water I made a trip to Mexico especially to Webster's Unabridged, 1949,
jug about 30 inches tall that I dug up see the pieces in the National museum, gives three forms for the word—
out of the roots of an old mesquite and found ours are very similar. At shard, sheard and sherd, but indi-
bush. The water jug and basalt idol the pyramids is sold a lot of junk made cates a preference for shard. How-
were not under the rocks. The water for tourist trade, but the clay and ever, Southwest Museum and
jug has a human head (life size) that glaze cannot compare. Our pieces are many other authorities prefer
protrudes in its entirety from the jar. handmade as we can place our fingers sherd. Either spelling is correct.—
Part of a headdress is on it, and the in spots the makers used to hold and R. H.

JUNE, 1949 31
tended three high schools and four as editor and publisher of the border
colleges, finally receiving his bachelor newspaper 6V2 years, then moved to
DESERT of arts degree from Willamette Uni- El Centro, California, to become edi-
versity at Salem, Oregon. tor-publisher of the Imperial Valley
CLOSE-OPS He took a year of post-graduate Weekly and manager of El Centro
work in the school of journalism at Printing company.
the University of Southern California, For years Haworth has been recog-
Addison N. Clark who has written and then came to Calexico for his first nized as one of the most promising
about the possibilities of placer mining newspaper job on the staff of the daily young journalists of the desert country,
in the desert bajadas for this issue of Chronicle, then edited by Randall and he brings to the Desert Magazine
Desert Magazine is a consulting engi- Henderson. staff not only a thorough training in
neer and geologist of Oakland, Cali- First as reporter and later as city desert journalism, but a fine record
fornia. His work has given him an inti- editor he remained four years on the for integrity and public service, having
mate acquaintance with both the min- Chronicle, and then left to set up a served as president of the Calexico
ing properties and the geology of the public relations and advertising depart- Rotary club.
western country, and out of this ex- ment for the Imperial Irrigation dis- Dorothy, the other half of the Ha-
perience he contributes regularly to trict. worth team, has been closely associ-
mining papers. For the last 14 years In 1941 he and Tazewell H. Lamb, ated with her husband in his news-
he has written a column for the Min- another former Chronicle associate, paper enterprises. They have a 13-
ing Journal and the Mining World bought the newspaper from Henderson year-old son, and expect soon to ac-
with which it merged in 1946. And who in the meantime had launched quire a permanent home in the Palm
just to prove that a mining man doesn't Desert Magazine. Haworth remained Desert community.
necessarily have a one-track mind, he
occasionally produces very readable
Residents of the Imperial and Coa-
chella valleys in Southern California
will be amused and amazed to learn . . . Prize Contest Announcement
through this issue of Desert Magazine
that serious consideration was given June is the month of Desert Magazine's annual cover contest. This
in the 1870's to a proposal that this year, the staff hopes to obtain many of the photographs which will be
entire area be converted into a great
inland sea, by diversion of the waters used on the magazine during the ensuing 12 months. To make the
of the Colorado river. contest worthwhile for photographers, a cash prize of $15.00 is offered
David Hellyer came across this to the winner, and $10.00 for second place. For acceptable cover
strange proposal while delving through pictures which do not receive prizes, $5.00 each will be paid.
the files of newspapers of that period.
Hellyer is professor of journalism at
San Diego State college, but finds time Entries in the cover contest should be approximately 9x12 inches—
to do a great deal of free lance writing vertical shots. Photographers should keep in mind that the pictures
outside of his classroom schedule. should be so composed that the masthead to be printed across the
His feature stories have appeared in top will not block out any important feature of the photograph. Any
Saturday Evening Post, Coronet, The
Woman, American Home, National desert subject is acceptable including scenics, wildlife, rock formations,
Geographic and many smaller publica- flowers, etc.
His hobby is fishing, and he espe- HERE ARE THE RULES
cially enjoys goggle fishing at La Jolla,
California. He and Mrs. Hellyer and 1—Prints must be black and white verticals, about 9x12 or larger, printed
on glossy paper.
their three children live in "wonderful 2—All prints must be in the Desert Magazine office by June 20, 1949.
seclusion on a citrus ranch in Rancho 3—Each photograph should be labeled as to subject, time arid place.
Santa Fe, surrounded by quiet, coyotes 4—PRINTS WILL BE RETURNED ONLY WHEN RETURN POSTAGE IS
and eucalyptus trees from Australia." ENCLOSED.
5—Contest is open to both amateur and professional photographers. Desert
Magazine requires first publication rights only of pictures accepted.
Al Haworth, who became editorial 6—Time and place of picture are immaterial except that they must be from
associate on the staff of Desert Maga- the desert Southwest.
zine April 1, makes no claim to being 7—Desert Magazine's editorial staff will serve as judges, and awards will
an old-timer on the desert, and yet his be made immediately after the contest.
journalistic career dates back to the
days before air coolers were an essen- ADDRESS ALL ENTRIES TO PHOTO EDITOR, DESERT MAGAZINE
tial part of the equipment in every
desert home and office.
Al was born and raised in Cuba
where his parents were Quaker mis-
sionaries. By the time he was ready for
high school his father had been as- Palm Desert. California
signed to a pastorate in United States,
and during the ensuing years he at-
With the service and quality of goods
you will receive by ordering from the
o*t Heart of the Navajo Country.
Navajo Rugs and Saddle Blankets
Genuine Handmade Silver Jewelry
ARIZONA It's "Navaho". Not "Navajo" . . . Set With Turquoise
Petrified Wood and Agate Settings— '
Desert Protects Its Own . . . If a plea of the tribal council's ad- Made by Indians
Twenty-nine years ago Felix Buba visory committee is heeded, the Navajo Write Me for Prices and Descriptions
left the Cholla placers near Quartzsite Indians will hereafter be called "Nava- E. P. WOODS
on what he thought would be a short hos." Supt. James M. Stewart of the Navajo Blankets - Indian Handicraft
trip to the American river placers in "Navaho" Indian agency has relayed Wholesale Distributor
California. Before he left his camp in that request. "Members of the com- FARMINGTON, NEW MEXICO
the Chollas, he buried his tools, acids, mittee said they were sick of the Nava-
blasting, powder, caps, fuse, other ar- jos being called 'Joes,' and they want
ticles—and two bottles of placer gold. to be called 'Navahos'," Stewart ex-
Recently Felix returned for the first plained. "Further, they want it spelled
time since 1920, "just out of curiosity" like an American would spell it, not
went to the Chollas to see if anyone the way the Spaniards spelled it."—
had disturbed his cache. No one had, Coconino Sun.
he found everything intact, including
the two bottles of gold.—Yuma Daily
Irrigated Land for Hopis . . .
Hf Jitter- Zribal
May Get More Funds . . .
Approximately 75,000 acres of land
will be open to re-settlement by Indian
families from other reservations when
Indian Ceremonial
Total recommended in the interior August 1 1 - 1 4 , 1949
department's appropriations bill, ap- the land subjugation and irrigation
proved by the house appropriations program at the Colorado River Indian GALLUP. NEW MEXICO
committee, for the Bureau of Indian reservation in Parker valley is com-
Affairs, is $32,127,971, an increase of pleted, according to long-range plans "America's Greatest
$7,817,657 over the last appropriation. of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Al-
Besides a special Navajo-Hopi fund ready 36 Hopi Indian families have Indian Presentation"
of $8,000,000, the bill includes $12,- been relocated there and more Hopis
200,000 for education of Indians; $7,- are expected to be moved there before Write for Folder
731,000 for health work; $500,000 year's end. This is in the southern divi-
for welfare work; $1,000,000 for man- sion. In the northern region there will M. L. WOODARD, Secretary
agement of forest and range resources; be 25,000 acres reserved for present
$2,400,000 for a revolving loan fund; tribes which live on the reservation.
$3,575,851 for construction of irriga- Total acreage of the reservation is
tion systems; $4,206,600 for construc- 242,711, of which 20,621 acres are
tion and repair of buildings and utili- in California, remainder in Arizona.—
ties; $2,750,000 for roads. Yuma Daily Sun.
• • •
Old West Crime Problem . . .
Irked by frequent loss of cattle from
their herds, the Mojave Livestock asso-
ciation has decided to take steps to see
that cattle rustlers are punished to the
full extent of the law. The association
has voted to offer a $500 reward for to any or all the following Passengers may book
information leading to the arrest and flights from any of the
conviction of anyone caught stealing scenic wonders: following points:
cattle belonging to association mem-
bers.—Mohave County Miner. Chaco Canyon, New Mexico
Monument Valley, Utah
Canyon de Chelly, Arizona World's Largest Cliff Dwelling
Zuni Indian Pueblo, New Mexico
Marble Canyon, Arizona
DESERT HOfliESITES Grand Canyon, Arizona
Inscription Rock, New Mexico
Fine water, excellent drainage, surfaced
Moro National Monument
streets, electricity, natural gas, telephones, Flights pass over Rainbow Bridge, Utah; Painted Desert, Arizona, and
new school under construction—-an ideal Petrified Forest, Arizona
location where you can enjoy all today's
conveniences in the clean atmosphere of a All Flights Arranged for the Convenience of Our Passengers
well-planned desert community. Write for Rates and Free Folder
Lots range from $950. Write for informa-
tion. Thutiderbird Aviation Co.
PALM DESERT CORPORATION Municipal Airport Gallup, New Mexico
Palm Desert. California Special courtesies to amateur and professional photographers

JUNE, 1949 33
Historic Spots May Be Marked . . .
Classified Advertising in This Section Costs 8c a word, $1.00 Minimum Per Issue
Working through the California
Centennials commission, the Coa-
chella Valley Pioneers society is seek-
ing to have plaques placed at historical
spots throughout Coachella valley
INDIAN GOODS MISCELLANEOUS commemorating the days before man
and Southwestern tribes. Fine for collectors each postpaid. Greasewood Greenhouses, RFD, had partially broken the desert's hold
and anthropologists. Made in the field with Barstow, California. on this now cultivated area. On the
natural surroundings. Send three cent stamp
for complete list. Russell C. Mosby, 510 W. POCKET MAGNET with clip. Guaranteed. list of historical spots to be marked
Oklahoma Ave., Anadarko, Oklahoma. Prospectors, Engineers send dollar bill to
King's, Gallatin Gateway, Montana. are Dos Palmas stage station and
FOR SALE—Collection of old Indian things, PALM SPRINGS VILLAGER — the monthly spring, Indians Wells, Shavers Well,
some with real scalp locks. Also five hundred magazine that reflects in picture and story,
Kachina dollars, one or all. One dollar up. life in a great desert vacation land. Single first commercial date grove, first date
Daniels Indian Trading Post, 401 West Foot- copies 45c, a year, 10 issues, $3.50. Palm palm, site of the old salt works on
hill Blvd., Fontana, California. Springs Villager, Palm Springs, California.
banks of the Salton sea, Whitewater
FOUR VERY FINE ancient Indian Arrowheads, GOLD! YOU CAN PAN GOLD — It's easy! ranch and the Bradshaw stage route.—
$1.00; 4 tiny perfect bird arrowheads, $1.00; Healthy, profitable occupation or hobby. Send
1 ancient stone tomahawk, $1.00; 2 flint skin- for big, illustrated book, "Gold Panning for Coachella Desert Barnacle.
ning knives, $1.00; 1 large flint hoe, $1.00; 2 Profit"—$1.00. Want some of my genuine
spearheads, $1.00; 10 arrowheads from 10 California gold? One beautiful nugget, $1.00.
states, $1.00; 20 damaged arrowheads, $1.00; Four nuggets, $2.00. Other wonderful speci- • • •
10 fish sealers, $1.00; 10 hide scrapers, $1.00; men gold nuggets, $5 and $10 each. Desert
4 perfect saw edged arrowheads, $1.00. The Jim, 627 Lillian, Stockton, California. Kept Alive by Barrel Cactus . . .
above 11 offers $10, postpaid. List free.
Lears, Kirby, Arkansas. PALM SPRINGS Annual Pictorial. Beautiful Lost more than three days on the
desert pictures. On desert newsstands 35c, desert in the Wingate Pass country
by mail 45c. Villager Magazine, Palm Springs,
WE STILL HAVE a lot of our $8000.00 collec- California. near Trona, California, Joseph J. Mar-
tion of Indian material for sale as advertised
in March Desert Magazine. H. A. McHenry, KODACHROMES ON APPROVAL. Did it rain on
your vacation? No pictures? Try ours, keep
cure, 38, said he was kept alive by
1282 Summit Ave., Pasadena 3, California. only those you like. Yellowstone, Petrified water of barrel cacti. He was rescued
Phone Sycamore 4-3920. Forest, Grand Canyon, Olympics, Oak Creek
Canyon, Zion, Bryee, New Mexico, Lassen, following a search by men in planes,
Banff. Scenes, wild life, Indians. Just name
the area desired and we will send selection.
jeeps, on horses and on foot. With
BOOKS—MAGAZINES Douglas Whiteside, Yosemite, California. Vance D. Danford, 35, Marcure was
BOOK OF CACTI for the amateur collector. PANNING GOLD — Another hobby for Rock- stranded when the fan of the car they
Describes and classifies over 500 varieties,
over 200 photographs. Subjects on care, their
hounds and Desert Roamers. Know how to
pan gold, where to look for it and be able to
were driving broke loose and punched
culture, how to plant in rock gardens and recognize valuable quartz ledges. The places a hole in the radiator. Danford walked
pots. Sent postpaid $1.00. Discount to dealers. you go are where rich virgin ground is found. for a day and a half to reach Trona,
Published by M. Nowotny, 1401 Broadway, Two instruction booklets 25c or send your
San Antonio, Texas. name for free literature and catalogue of but Marcure became ill and could not
mining books and supplies for beginners.
1943 and earlier issues of Arizona Highways to Old Prospector, Box 21-B246, Dutch Flat, continue. When Danford returned with
trade for 1940 and earlier issues same maga-
zine. Del Gerbaz, Box 323A, Rt. 2,, Meander-
help, Marcure had wandered from the
ing Rd., Fort Worth, Texas. CACTI AND SUCCULENTS—From the deserts appointed place and it was two days
of the world. Don-Rita brand. By appointment
OUTDOOR RAMBLER—An outdoor publication only. Write us your needs and we will try to before he was located.—Trona, Cali-
help you. Michael Donnelly Cacti Gardens, 334 fornia, Argonaut.
that's different. Two years, $1.00; 60c year; Lowell St., Daly City, California.
10c copy. Outdoor Rambler, Box 884, lone,
California. • • •
LEARN the profitable jewelry and goldsmithing Anti-Tram Move Killed . . .
URANIUM PROSPECTOR'S Handbook, $1.00; trade at home. Simplified course teaches
non-technical, complete, Dept. T., Craft- jewelry designing, manufacture and repairing;
Connor Publishing Co., 601 S. Vermont, Los gemsetting, etc. Gemcrafters, Dept. F., Kalis- Killed in committee by the Cali-
Angeles 5, California. pell, Montana. fornia State Assembly committee on
BOOKFINDERS—Scarce, out of print, unusual FRED AND JESSIE PORTER welcome you to governmental efficiency and economy,
books quickly supplied. Send wants. Clifton, the "Pow-Wow" Trading Post, Yermo, 14 a bill to abolish the Mount San Ja-
Box 1377d, Beverly Hills, California. miles east of Barstow, Highway 91. Rocks!
Rocks! Rocks! Rocks in the rough, slabbed,
preforms and cabochons. Fluorescent and rare
cinto Winter Park Authority has
specimens. Caledonite, Linerite, Benitoite, failed to accomplish its purpose. The
DESERT CRAFTS Neptunite and many others. See your own
cut. Gifts and Souvenirs. measure would have repealed an act
DESERT SAND-ART: Fascinating modern ver-
KARAKULS—Producers of Persian Lamb fur
passed in 1945 authorizing a tramway
sion of. ancient Indian art. Marvelous new from Chino canyon near Palm Springs,
method enables anyone to make beautiful are easy to raise, adaptable to any climate
paintings! Desert Sand-Art kit (beautifully or altitude. For further information write to top of Mount San Jacinto. Support-
boxed, colorfully decorated in the desert Addis Kelley, 4637 E. 52nd Place, May wood,
manner) comes complete with all materials California. ers of the bill to kill the tramway act
necessary to make seven beautiful permanent said construction of the tramway will
paintings in vibrant colored sands. Famous WHOLESALE LOTS, Cactus, Resurrection
artist originated these designs for your seven Plants, Boxed Cactus. Aztec Cactus Co., P.O. destroy one of the few remaining
paintings (5y.i"x7%"). Simple and easy to do! Box 833, Presidio, Texas.
No art training necessary. Guaranteed. Com-
plete kit only $6.95 postpaid. Desert Sand-Art
primitive areas in the state. When
COLOR SLIDES—Travel, Nature, Geology, etc.
Studio, Hondo, California. Free list (with sample 30c, three for dollar). built, the tramway will take passengers
Kelly D. Choda, Box 5, Los Alamos, New from floor of the desert to 8000-foot
mountain greenery in a matter of min-
REAL ESTATE METEORITES WANTED, iron or stone, highest
prices. Stuart Perry, Adrian, Michigan. utes. The area it will reach is now vir-
FIVE ACRE DATE GARDEN. Full price $7500.
WILL SELL one half interest in good gold,
tually inaccessible.—Banning Record.
Owner will buy crop for $2000.00. 60 acres
rolling sand dunes between Palm Springs and silver and lead claims to dependable person. • • •
Indio, $3750.00. Write Ronald L. Johnson, Partly developed. Assays are good. No triflers
Realtor, Thermal, California. need apply. P.O. Box 88, El Mirage, Arizona. Apple Valley Gets Postoffice . . .
DESERT LOTS: $99.00. Magnificent view. Only PHOTOSTAMPS DOLLAR HUNDRED l"xiy 2 ", In true pony express fashion, 10
six left at this price, ten at $129.00 and twelve person, products. Send print, free samples.
at $179.00. All 50x135, water, electricity. Sold Photostamps Studios, Jonesboro 271, Tennessee riders on fast horses carried the mail
in pairs only. 1 Vz blocks off main Hiway.
Clear Title. $25.00 down, $10.00 monthly per U.S. ARMY (SCR-625) Mine Detectors, for buried from Victorville to Apple Valley, Cali-
lot. Address: Evelyn Subdivision, Superstition metals and metallic ores only. Very sensitive, fornia, to inaugurate in colorful style
Village, Mesa, Arizona. deep range, complete with case F.O.B. $52.50.
Kenneth Mayhall, Belmont, Mississippi. the first Apple Valley postomce. Rac-
SHADOW MOUNTAIN DRIVE Apartment COLOR SLIDES of Fluorescent Minerals for ing along Joshua-lined highway 18,
Homes: Single $7550—Double $8550, including your collection, study and identification. A the riders made the IV2 miles in 22
electric range, refrigerator, heaters and cool- complete set of 30 Kodachrome slides glowing
er. The last word in a Desert Home at mini-
mum expense. Carl Henderson, Box 201, Palm
with fiery brilliance including explanatory
text $15.00 postpaid. Frank Knaus, 2113 Park-
minutes, handing first bag of mail to
Desert, California. side Ave., Los Angeles 31, California. Postmaster Emaline "Dutchy" Korba.


Veteran Peace Officer Dies . . . this year, according to George Palmer
Putnam. It was opened last summer HOTEL MAYAN
A colorful character of the Califor- On U. S. Highways 80, 99 and 111
nia desert area and the first white child as an experiment, and accommodated International Four States Highway 93
Air Conditioned by Refrigeration
born in Little Morongo — Ben de a surprising number of summer motor- Rooms With or Without Bath
ists traveling that way. The high tem- FREE AUTO PARK
Crevecoeur—died March 21 at a rest Mrs. Jimmie Beronio. Proprietor
home in Banning. After a pioneer boy- perature during the summer was 119 — Telephone 965 —
hood, de Crevecoeur ran a freight line degrees. Sixth and State El Centro, California
from Banning to the Old Dale mining • • •
district east of Twentynine Palms, later Indians May Get Land . . .
became a noted peace officer, was a Investigations that may result in 37 $300 to $3,000 Income
Riverside county deputy sheriff for Indians being given full ownership of BUY AN ACRE above the village and build
your own desert home and poultry plant.
many years. Twentynine Palm resi- half a million dollars in Coachella Healthiest place for people and poultry—
dents of earlier days recall that Ben valley lands lying within the irrigation no fog, smog or smudge. All year dry cli-
led the posse which tracked down district, have been started by the U.S. mate, 3200 elevation. Pay as little as $250
Willie Boy, renegade Indian, in the interior department. Harry Gilmore, down, balance monthly (land only). Water,
hills of Morongo valley. Willie Boy Electricity, Oiled Roads, wonderful views.
district agent for the Office of Indian Write for new "Eggs Folder" and maps.
had murdered his sweetheart's father Affairs, said the decision to make the
on the Gilman ranch near Banning, BATTELLE
investigations was reached at a con- Box D.E. 105. LUCERNE VALLEY. CALIF.
kidnapped the girl, later murdered her ference with William E. Warne, assist-
while trying to make his escape in the ant secretary of interior. Warne re-
desert mountains. De Crevecoeur's cently visited California and the South-
parents homesteaded in Little Moron- west. The department of the interior Permanent Gold
go, where Ben was born.—The Desert now holds the lands in trust for the embossed binders for
Trail, Thousand Palms. Indians. The 37 parcels range from 40
• • •
Gathering Joshua Tree Data . . .
to 60 acres each. Most of the land is
not now irrigated, but some is planted
To explore the little known areas of to grapes and dates, is worth in the These easy-to-insert binders are
Joshua Tree National Monument and neighborhood of $1000 an acre.— made especially for Desert Mag-
gather botanical data, a trip to the Coachella Desert Barnacle. azine readers who want to pre-
southeastern part of the National serve the maps and other travel
Monument was made recently by Dr. • • • information for future use.
and Mrs. Phillip A. Munz, Mr. and NEW MEXICO They open flat, and each binder
Mrs. W. Egbert Schenck and Supt. National Monument Proposed . . . has space for 12 magazines.
Frank Givens. Dr. Munz is director of Establishment of a national monu-
the Santa Ana Botanical gardens. ment at Manuelito just west of Gallup Mailed postpaid for
Data gathered will be used in the fu- is being advocated by the New Mexico $1.50
ture interpretive program of the Monu- state tourist bureau. The drive from
ment and in scientific studies in educa- Albuquerque to Gallup, along high-
tional institutions.—The Desert Trail, way 66, is one of the most attractive
Thousand Palms. in the state, according to Joseph E. Palm Desert, Calif.
• • • Bursey, director of the tourist bureau,
Iron Foundry in Desert . . .
A veteran manufacturer of cast iron
products and a mining engineer have ONLY ONE WORLD FAMOUS
joined hands to develop an iron indus-
try for the production of pipe close to
the entrance to Afton canyon, about
Valerie Jean date Shop
45 miles northeast of Barstow, Cali- Our story of "QUALITY PRODUCTS ONLY" told and retold in largest
fornia. From ore to finished pipe and periodicals all over the world. Send a trial order for THE DE LUXE
fittings, the entire operation is to be ASSORTMENT of finest dates and desert delicacies.
conducted in the middle of the Mojave
desert. A virtually unlimited supply of 1 pound delivered $1.30 3 pounds delivered $3.50
ore is available from seven ore claims
located between three and five miles Order from VALERIE JEAN With Confidence
from the smelting furnaces erected on Write for Complete Folder THERMAL, CALIFORNIA
the desert, according to Frank Fawver,
owner. M. H. Vaughan, mining engi-
neer with extensive holdings which in-
clude the famous Oro Grande gold SLEEP IN Y O U R CAR
mine, is manager of both the mines and CALIFORNIA CAR BED
the mill.—Barstow Printer-Review. Transferable luxurious, air-foam inner-
spring unit converts your car to a
• • • double bed.
Stove Pipe Wells hotel in Death 1-3 Hours to Install. No Cutting
Valley will be kept open all summer Now Available . . .
Marvelous new dual front seats con-
GEOLOGIC COLOR SLIDES verting at a iingertouch to single OR
For study in class or hom« — Geologic double bed. reclining chairs, or chaise
interpretations of National scenic won- lounge. An emergency ambulance, ideal
ders in beautiful Natural Color! Send
$1 TODAY for Trial o f f e r — 3 MOUNTED for the tourist. Featured in Newsweek.
2 " x 2 " SLIDES postpaid. FREE 24-page June 21. P. 73. Write for Brochure "F."
catalog. Dept. E-S.
Heald-Robinson 2725 W. 54th St.. Los Angeles 43 AXminster 3-4700

JUNE, 1 9 4 9 35
with its rock formations, Indian pueb- More Money for Navajo-Hopi . . . Bombing Range Opposed . . .
los and Red Buttes to be seen from the Nearly $3,000,000 more than was The proposed purchase of land by
highway. "But there is no turn-off, no allowed last year has been recommend- the government for a bombing range
short detour which gets the people ed by the house appropriations com- is to be strongly opposed by New
back into the country," Bursey said. mittee for the Navajo-Hopi Indian Mexico ranchers involved, it was voted
He advocates a loop road from Manu- service. Total recommended appropri- unanimously at a special meeting in
elito into the Valley of the Great ation, $8,000,000. At the same time advance of the 35th annual convention
Ruins, to provide access to sites of the committee wrote into the interior of the New Mexico Cattle Growers
many ruins in the area and circle back department money bill a prohibition association. Big reason for the oppo-
to highway 66 in front of the red cliffs effective July 1 against use of any Na- sition is that in many instances prices
at Lupton.—Gallup Independent. vajo-Hopi welfare funds for payment paid to dispossessed ranchers are said
of social security benefits. Funds ap- to be too low. Much of the land in-
proved for the Navajo-Hopi service volved is public domain, owned by the
YOU CAM VISIT include $5,000,000 for industrial, government and leased to ranchers un-
PALM SPRINGS agricultural, educational, health, wel- der the Taylor Grazing act. Govern-
fare and employment services, $3,000,- ment appraisers are allowed to offer
— through the pages of The Villager. 000 for construction work.—Gallup only a small amount for improvements
Pictures of life in the
famous desert resort — Independent. placed on the public domain, and a
informative articles. small amount for the grazing privileges
Sample copy, 45c the rancher would lose.—Alamogordo
A Year, $3.50 Kit Carson Memorial . . . • • •
VILLAGER MAGAZINE The New Mexico state legislature Indians Want Citizenship . . .
465 No. Palm Canyon has allocated $10,000 and designated An Indian plan for his destiny as an
Palm Springs, Calif. the Kit Carson cemetery as a state American
memorial park.—Taos El Crepusculo. ment ward citizen instead of a govern-
has come out of the South-
west Indian conference recently con-
cluded at Phoenix, Arizona. Comment-
COUNTY MAPS ing on the long-range program, Robert
L. Bennett, conference chairman, said:
For Schools, Hunters, Fishermen, Public Offices, and Travelers
CALIF.: with Twnshp., Rng., Sec, Mines, Roads, Trails, Streams, Lakes, R. R., Schools,
Rngr. Sta., Elev., Nat. Forest, Pwr. Lines, Canals, Boundaries, etc.
"This is not the end of the trail, but
Sizes: 20x30 to 73x100 Inches
the dawning of a new day in which the
Alameda, Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Contra Costa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Indian people will be just plain Ameri-
Glenn, Kings, Lake, Marin, Mariposa, Merced, Napa, Nevada, Orange, Sacramento, San cans—free citizens with the blessings
Benito, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Sierra, Solano,
Sonoma, Stanislaus, Sutter, Ventura, Yolo, Yuba—each SI. of life, liberty and the pursuit of hap-
Tuolumne, Santa Barbara, Plumas, Pla- Fresno, Kern, Riverside—$2.50 - $5. piness." The plan calls for the govern-
cer, Modoc, Madera—-S1.50.
Tulare, Tehama, Imperial—each $2.
L o s Angeles—$1 and S3. ment first to bring the Indian up to
San Diego, Mendocino, Humboldt— Siskiyou—$2 and S4. comparable standards of the white
$2.50. Inyo County, $15; E or WVi $".50; San man, then to return to tribal corpora-
Trinity, Shasta, Mono, San Luis Obispo, Bernardino, 73x110, $15; No. or So. Vi tions full control of the Indian's land
Monterey, Lassen—$3. $7.50; NW., SW., NE., or SEVi, $3.75.
Also Oregon, Idaho and Washington County Maps and resources. States in which reserva-
tions are located would participate in
WORLD'S MINERALS 2417 San Pablo Avenue — TEmplebar 2-3870

HERE'S MORE HOUSE Pinon Incense...

Bring the delightful fragrance
. . . FOB YOUR MONEY of the Pinon Forest into your
home or office. The burner is a
miniature model of the outdoor
baking ovens used by prehis-
toric Indians, and still in use in
New Mexico pueblos. When
the little cones of genuine pinon
pine are burned in this tiny
oven the aroma is a breath of
the outdoor Southwest.
Kills kitchen and bathroom
HOMES of DISTINCTION odors and removes the smell of
stale tobacco. Pueblo Indians
Built With Call for Estimates — Plans Available burn pinon for nasal and bron-
Investigate now. Year 'round comfort, low chial ailments.
heating costs. Cool in summer. Low cost
maintenance. Build with "Precision Built" Burner and 15 cones....$1.50
concrete, pumice and red cinder blocks. Desert Burner and 54 cones... 2.70
cinder blocks for desert homes. Extra cones, 36 for 1.25
Postpaid to You

SYcamore 3-8133
3464 E. Foothill Blvd.. Pasadena 8, California
RYan 1-6329 ATlantic 2-5104
Palm Desert, California


planning and execution of the transi-
tion "because the Indian people want
to become part of the state citizenry—
not as problems but as self-sustaining
Costs of such a program, it is be-
lieved, could be recovered in offsets
against tribal claims pending against
the government. This is most contro-
versial feature of the plan.—Gallup
• • •
They Died for Gold . . .
Search for a legendary treasure with-
in a one-month period recently cost the
lives of two men in the rugged San
Andres mountains of New Mexico.
The search centers on the Dona Ana-
Socorro county line about 40 miles
northeast of Hatch. Mrs. Ova E. Noss
of Hot Springs is directing the search.
Mrs. Noss' former husband, M. E.
(Doc) Noss, found the treasure cave,
she claims. His story was that he found
gold bars "stacked like cordwood."
He was shot to death March 5 at
Hatch. Accused is Charley Ryan of
Alice, Texas, who worked with Noss.
The other casualty was Curtis Noble,
Jr., of Edgewood. He was killed in a
plane crash March 4 while trying to
deliver notes to the treasure hunters
in a remote El Humbrillo canyon. A
companion was seriously hurt.
Fact and legend are inextricably
mingled in the story. Mrs. Noss says
her former husband found the treasure
cave by accident while on a deer hunt
in 1937. One of the bars brought out
by Noss "showed yellow under the
black when we cut it with a knife,"
she said. Mrs. Noss was not very clear
said everybody
on what happened to the bar after-
Nothing is known of what happened in the park was -friendly"
to other bars, alleged jewels and dia-
monds that Noss is supposed to have Mobilgas Dealers increase your vacation fun
brought out of the cave before the
shaft to it was sealed by a dynamite Mobilgas Special brings you outstanding gasoline value
blast in an attempt to widen the en-
trance. Whether you're looking knock at SLOW speed . . . at
Jim Hirst of the U. S. secret service for friendly bears or a MEDIUM speed . . . and at FAST
in Albuquerque has a bar he got from quiet picnic grounds, speed, get Improved Mobilgas
Noss' belongings after the shooting. your Mobilgas Dealer Special. By far the finest premium
Hirst says it "definitely is not gold."— can help you with travelgasoline we've ever made, Improved
Gallup Independent. Mobilgas Special meets every
information . . . help your car with
Improved Mobilgas Special. demand for power, mileage and
freedom from knock... anticipates
THE MUSSELMAN 4M RANCH SOMETHING TO SING ABOUT — f o r the higher octane fuel require-
Serving Utah's colorful San Juan-Colorado sweet engine music that gives you ments of cars now rolling off the
River area power-packed mileage, without a production line.
Jeep escorted trips to—
Monument Valley "Fill 'er up" at your Helpful
Goose Necks of the San Juan
Navajo Land
Bridges National Monument
Arches National Monument
Dead Horse Point
Indian Creek Canyon
Mobilgas Dealer
Mesa Verde
Short Pack Trips — Ranch Accommodations
Monticello, Utah

JUNE, 1 949 37
NEVADA will carry the gypsum from crushing
NEW FOLDER READY plant in the quarry to processing plant
NOW it's LUCERNE VALLEY, high desert Stock Brands to be Listed . . .
community—center of interesting deposits, near at the mill. The extensive building pro-
mountains, lakes, fishing, winter sports. Here History and description of livestock
are all-year homesites, egg ranches, alfalfa
brands, an ever-fascinating topic, is to . gram, including housing for personnel,
fields with back drop of majestic peaks. WRITE
today for new folder with picture-map, free. be the subject of a book contemplated is expected to be completed, the plant
ADDRESS Chamber of Commerce in operation by year's end.—Winne-
LUCERNE VALLEY, San Bernardino Co., Calif. by Velma S. Truett, researcher now in
Ely delving into musty files of the mucca Humboldt Star.
county recorder's office. Formerly of • • •
UTAH PICTURE STONE Elko and now business manager for Archer Kills Huge Lion . . .
the firm of Gehrett-Truett-Hall, book Two arrows from a bow in the hands
publishers of Los Angeles, Miss Truett of Walter Kennison killed a huge 200-
said the book will be the first of its pound mountain lion near Pioche,
kind for the cattle industry. It will con- Eagle valley, recently. After the big cat
tain each cattle and horse brand of had been treed by Bud Hines' famous
which records can be found. These lion dogs, Kennison and Sheriff Fogli-
records go back to 1873 in county ani were summoned from Pioche to do
files, prior to that cattlemen announced two kinds of shooting—motion picture
their brands through publication in and bow and arrow.
newspapers. The book will deal only Kennison sank two arrows in the
with Nevada.—Ely Record. animal's body, angry strokes of a
lightning paw immediately broke off
The Most Beautiful Stone on Earth both shafts before the cat jumped out
— for — of the tree to make a final dash to
Fireplace Veneer and Hearths New Desert Gypsum Plant . . . safety. He was treed again by the dogs,
Conceded so by all who have seen a A new plant with capacity equal to made it to top of the tree where he
Fireplace job done with this Stone. the company's plant at Plaster City, posed against the skyline briefly before
Send dimensions for estimate. California, on the Colorado desert toppling to the ground. Before the lion
$7.20 sq. ft. Veneer or Hearths. Some Super west of El Centra, is to be built by was shot by Kennison, Sheriff Fogliani
Choice $14.40 sq. ft. Grade included in each climbed a nearby tree and got some fine
Fireplace order $100.00 or over, for center- U. S. Gypsum company at Gerlach,
pieces, etc. F.O.B. St. George, Utah. Nevada, on the Western Pacific 110 movie shots of the snarling cat and the
Send for Price List and Descriptive Folder
miles north of Reno. The new mill is bow and arrow kill.—Pioche Record.
UTAH SCENIC STONE CORP. located close to large high-grade gyp-
22 E. 1st. N. St. St. George. Utah sum deposits in the mountains only
five miles away. An aerial tramway E. MAYO & ASSOCIATES
General Contractors
Mountain and Desert Homes
Riverside, California
Telephone Riverside 8847 J-l
9870 Union Avenue Rt. 2. Box 525-B

for the desert

will gladly ^
/zi and zi-tlmatzi. on the.
fixintinq or uoux
<f^U£.i.t lanch bxockuxe.i.
dataloqi. ana hxias. Liiti.
(Dj-f-icE, and jis.Xi.onaL
c/fnnounc£.m.£.nti. and
ayitute the <zJ\l[ail oxas.x roxnu., m&nui., orrias.
IN 1949
roxnu., aaxai., anzaki.,
.. .take the thrilling trip on mule back down Rainbow Trail 'mid
colorful scenes so vivid no artist could portray . . . to the most X£.C£.ijlti..
spectacular of all national monuments . . . RAINBOW BRIDGE.
Rest at picturesque RAINBOW LODGE, backed by the breath- crrxt ivoxk ana
taking span of Navajo Mountain . . . where comfortable lodging,
excellent food and hospitality are, as before, directed by Bill and snqxavinq i.e.xuice.
Mrs. Wilson.
Open April 1 to November 15 Desert Magazine Press
Palm. Desert, California


Too Many Deer, Reported . . . Navajo School Assured . . . A 10,000-volume library valued at
Deer in the Morey district, north- Transfer of the Brigham City Bush- $50,000 and a collection of rocks and
eastern Nye county, have increased to nell hospital—a 15-million-dollar war- minerals have been presented to Brig-
such numbers that there is grave dan- time project—to the Bureau of Indian ham Young university at Provo, Utah,
ger of the browse being entirely de- Affairs for use as a school is authorized by Dr. A. C. Boyle, formerly assistant
pleted if over-grazing is not halted, in a bill signed by President Harry S. custodian of Dinosaur National Monu-
according to Nils Nilson and Tony Truman. The Indian bureau plans to ment.—Vernal Express.
Sutich, state fish and game commission convert the big hospital into a school
biologists. It is believed many of the for Navajo children and a center for GOLDEN MESA DUDE RANCH
deer are migratory, use this section for training and housing adult Indians for SUNNY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
winter range. Over-grazing of browse off-reservation employment. The new Beautiful Mojave desert location.
75 miles north of L. A. Modern
was observed over a large area. Sage- project is about one day's automobile accommodations and excellent
brush, rabbitbrush, juniper, bitter drive from the Navajo Indian reserva- food. Famous for spring wild
flowers. Finest horseback riding
brush and even pinon show evidence tion, part of which lies in southeastern In Antelope Valley. Write for
folder and rates.
of heavy over-grazing. — Tonopah Utah.—Moab Times-Independent. WILSON A ROUTE, BOX 167
• • •
Mastodon Pictograph Found Safe . . . Funds for Utah Museum . . . 'EVERYTHING FOR THE HIKER"
The famed pictograph of a masto- The state legislature has voted $30,-
don, located on the canyon cliffs down 000 for operation and devolpment of SLEEPING BAGS
the Colorado river four miles from the Utah Field House of Natural His-
tory, the money to cover the next bi- AIR MATTRESSES
Moab, is not ruined after all. Following
several weeks of nation-wide publicity ennium, and the appropriation has SMALL TENTS
which bemoaned the destruction of the been signed by Gov. J. Bracken Lee. and many other items
artifact in a rockslide, it was discovered The funds will permit the Field House
that the mastodon picture is intact just to continue its major program, accord-
as it has been for unknown centuries. ing to G. E. Untermann, director, al- VAN DEGRIFT'S HIKE HUT
Erroneous report that the pictograph though several special projects will 717 West Seventh Street
had been obliterated was made in good have to be abandoned for lack of mon- LOS ANGELES 14. CALIFORNIA
faith by Harry Reed, Moab, and Ralph ey.—Vernal Express.
A. Badger, Salt Lake City, when they
hiked down the river to photograph
the drawing. Arriving at what they be-
lieved to be the location, they found HAPPY SUMMER DAYS
the face of the cliff had been shattered For Your BOY or Girl . . .
by what they thought was a dynamite
explosion. County and federal officials Completely Organized by Competent and Experienced
visited the site and after careful investi- Camp Directors and Counsellors
Remedial School Work Optional
gation expressed the opinion that the
cliff had fallen from natural causes. Brown Military Academy, Pacific Beach
Everything was settled until Ace • GAMES Seventh Grade Through Jr. College
Turner piloted two officers to scene of • SPORTS Southern California Military Academy,
the rockslide. He had visited the picto- • CRAFTS Long Beach
graph as a boy, doubted that the cliff Pre-Kindergarten Through Sixth Grade
where the slide occurred was correct

location. To satisfy his own curiosity, The Brown School for Girls, Glendora
First -Through Ninth Grade
he made another trio down the river,
searched along the cliffs for some dis- June 13th to September 16th
tance. LOS ANGELES OFFICE MAdison 2551 643 So. Olive St., Los Angeles 14
He found the mastodon undisturbed,
about a quarter of a mile upstream
from the rockslide. — Moab Times-
• • •
River Veteran Plans Trip . . .
This summer when he will be 80
years old, Bert Loper, who has spent
56 years on the Colorado river, plans
another trip down the river. For this
trip he plans to build a new boat, his
old one having made three trips down
the Yampa, trips through Split Moun-
tain, Whirlpool and Desolation can-
yons, three trips through Cataract can-
yon and a journey all the way from the
Continental divide to Lake Mead. He
has material for his boat, is starting RESTAURANT
construction.—Moab Times-Independ- Silver Lake & Glendale Blvds., Los Angeles, California
ent. Adolph Rempp NOrmandy 2-7470

JUNE, 1949 39
Take these with you:—
The "Gemlap", small portable Lapidary
The Highland Park Trim Saw—8" blade.
Cut and polish as you go. See what you find
where you find it.
We will mount on board with your motor.
6924 Foothill Blvd. Tujunga, California

GORDON'S By LELANDE QUICK, Editor of The Lapidary Journal


We have just witnessed the conclusion pier in their collecting than they were sev-
and breaking up of another gem and mineral eral years ago when they wouldn't even tell
"Dependable Lapidary Equipment" show—one of the most pleasant and inter- one another where they got material. They
esting exhibits we have ever attended. The will even tell the out-of-stater where it
Write for Our Price List crowds gather for days; new friends are comes from now. Time was when a Cali-
made and old friendships fostered; one is fornian visiting Texas and asking for in-
thrilled by new stones and refreshed at the formation was told that "the best agate was
1850 E. PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY sight of the old ones; educated by new to be found eight miles down the road after
LONG BEACH 6, CALIFORNIA ideas. Then comes the announcement to turning right at the big cactus and proceed-
"tear down." In two hours the hall is empty ing seven miles to the little tree," etc., etc.
and the minerals and gems have been car- The Texan would then offer some fine plume
ried away by the friends who have gone. agate for a dollar a pound and the Cali-
These moments have always made us glum. fornian would argue that it was only fern
We feel much as we do when we take down agate and offer ten cents a pound for it.
the Christmas tree. Then the horse trading would begin and the
Californian would return to El Toro and
The particular convention we refer to was brag about the wonderful collecting field
fahyu/mcd that of the Texas State Mineral society held he had found.
at San Antonio. This society is an important
factor in the growth of the lapidary move- Now the ranchers welcome the tourist,
ment in America and we think you would show him where the material is, let him
A National Magazine for the Gem Cuttei be glad to hear something about it. It is dif- gather all he wants and charge a small sum
Collector and Silversmith ferent from the other societies. This society per pound for it. This scheme has resulted
should not be confused with the Texas Min- in the uncovering of new fields and types,
Some back issues available at 50c each. eral society, an older society located at for the average rancher knows nothing about
Subscription $2.00 per year (6 issues)
Dallas. Nor should it be confused with the minerals, geology and gems and he is quite
recently organized gem and mineral societies willing to let experienced people prospect
P. O. Box 1228 Hollywood 28. Calii. at Houston and San Antonio. his land for him.
LELANDE QUICK. Editor and Manager It is a state-wide organization which meets The result of all this is that more good
but once a year and is sparked by an irre- gem cutting material has been found and
pressible spirit named J. J. Brown. Brown's mined this past year than in any previous
EARLY CALIFORNIA job as state rehabilitation director takes him year anywhere.
GOLD RUSH DAYS into every nook and anthill in the state sev-
Authentic stories and experiences of a 49'er The sagenite agate offered for sale at San
as told by his daughter, eral times a year and by dint of endless Antonio was the best we have ever seen.
questioning he has uncovered every person Some of the very best from the Alpine area
in that great empire who is even remotely is being gathered by A. J. Burgard and the
Price — S1.5O interested in rocks. He visits them and in Woodward ranch abounds in the finest ma-
S-T GEM AND MINERAL SHOP periodic news letters, sent to every one on terial. It resembles a bouquet of flowers for
6924 Foothill Blvd. Tnjunga, California the list, he tells what they do and what they it has sprays in all colors in the same ca-
have. We do not know what those initials bochon. When someone wanted a name for
"J. J." stand for; he is just J. J. to everyone. it we suggested "Texas bouquet agate." The
THE ALTA GEM SANDER But we think one of them should stand for name was readily adopted and we believe it
lumbo, for Brown is a big man and he has accurately describes this very beautiful ma-
The All Purpose Sander and Polisher a memory better than any elephant we ever terial. It will be highly popular for a few
FEATURES knew. years, as the average collection already con-
Endless Belts. He has a wide reputation for seating 200 tains plenty of Oregon plume, Nipomo sa-
Eliminates bumps. people at a banquet and then introducing genite, Montana moss, etc. A new geode
Runs c o o l with them without ever making an error in any location has been discovered too in central
minimum heat. name or referring to any list. Everyone in Texas.
Resiliency w i t h the society feels he knows every other cutter
low and high We noticed that the Texans cut most of
and collector in the state and when Brown their cabochons' flat, as that enhances the
tension. lets it be known that the society is going to plumes. The best polishing is done on a
Quick change have a meeting the folks fill up the vans wood wheel covered with a layer of hard
from one belt to with their local rocks and set out for the felt, with a layer of old carpet between.
another. greatest rockfest in the country, hold a Cerium oxide is the polishing agent. Our
Frame—aluminum brief meeting and reelect the "Colonel" for informant said that a layer of sponge rubber
casting. another year. under the felt made the polishing surface
Finish — Nassau
green. The meetings are so good that several too soft and that such a polishing wheel
Price (less belts) hundred people from other states bring made it difficult to get a mirror finish. The
S18.50 their stuff too and they are generous enough bouquet type of agate comes in a flat rock
3 belts 120, 220, to let the outlanders enter in competition. that resembles a petrified oyster. The nodule
320 Grit....$1.00 Four blue ribbons in the show just con- should be cut the long way so that three
One Woven Polishing Belt $2.60 cluded went to Californians; two from the or four slabs, including the heels, are taken
Prices F.O.B. Pasadena, California Long Beach Mineral and Gem society and from each one. If they are sliced like bread
(California Purchasers Add Sales Tax) two'to members of the Los Angeles Lapi- the plumes are ruined. It is a good idea to
Other Lapidary Equipment - Alta Trim Saw Unit dary society. Dealers come from all over the "spot" the agate on both sides before saw-
New Improved Alta 18-inch power feed diamond
slabbing saw. Alta arbor. New Alta Reversible land for they know they will find many new ing it to see how the plumes are.
Drill and Hand Drill Presses. materials the Texans have uncovered during We had the pleasure of being one of the
the previous year. The situation is different two speakers at a breakfast meeting of the
ALTA INDUSTRIES from the Federation meetings in other parts Texas State Mineral society and we never
Lapidary Equipment - Manufacture and Design of the country. The feeling is different and addressed a more appreciative audience.
91S Bast Washington Street it is indefinable.
PASADENA 6, CALIFORNIA Our visit with these friendly folks will long
This is all good, for the Texans are hap- be remembered.


Our new catalog of lapidary and Jewelers
supplies now ready ior distribution.

Lapidary equipment, Jewelers Supplies,

Cut Gems. Send 25c for your copy today.

ROCK SHOW, IMPERIAL VALLEY The Junior Rockhounds of Prescott con- 915 E. Washington Street
ATTRACTED 1400 VISITORS vened April 22. Tommy Ryan gave a talk Pasadena 6, California
on the fossils of Death Valley. Two new
Attendance during the two-day Rock members were admitted to the club, Paul
show the Imperial Valley Gem and Mineral Burkhardt and Wilson Dusho. The Rock- Visitors welcome. Open every day except
society and Imperial Lapidary Guild held hounds have received a letter from the Sunday. Hours 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
April 16-17, El Centro, was 1400. California Junior Gem and Mineral club of St. Paul,
was represented by 39 cities, and visitors Minnesota, asking for minerals from the
were registered from 17 states. Members Prescott vicinity. The club is preparing a
exhibited in new show cases built by the package hoping to start an exchange.
club. Displays included crystals, cabochons,
rough and polished material, silver work,
geodes, Indian artifacts, concretions and rock
oddities. L. G. Beleal demonstrated the use
of lapidary equipment, junior members
assisting. A fluorescent exhibit attracted RUTILE IS THE GEM OF THE HOUR — IT IS NOW A REALITY
wide attention. After years of experiments, synthetic Rutile is now available in cut gems of unbe-
• • • lievable beauty. This magnificent substance has been given the name of "TITANIA."
With the addition of six new societies, the LIKE. It is a warm, colorful, exciting, and desirable gem. This gem is far more beautiful
California Federation will be represented by than the diamond. When viewed with proper lighting every facet "will reflect all the
49 societies at its annual convention, making colors of the spectrum. Because of this, one of our customers wrote to tell us how pleased
it 49 for '49. Hotel Sacramento has been they were with their beautiful new RAINBOW DIAMOND.
chosen as convention headquarters for the
A conducted bus tour of Sacramento has We are VERY PROUD of the FINE QUALITY GEMS produced by our cutters.
been scheduled. Another feature will be a NO SALE IS FINAL unless you are perfectly satisfied with the cut gem you purchase
free swapping area in a prominent location. from GREIGER'S. We will mount TITANIA GEMS in any type mounting and GUARANTEE
Plans have also been completed for a gold A PERFECT JOB.
panning contest. Contestants must dress in
garb appropriate to the occasion. Ultra Vio- "THE STORY OF RUTILE RAINBOW DIAMONDS"
let Products Inc. will exhibit its extensive is a pamphlet which is sent free upon request. It gives all the facts about this
fluorescent mineral collection, reputed to be AMAZING NEW GEM. The colors range from almost colorless to a light canary diamond
spectacular. color. Then there are occasional blue green gems and other odd colors for the connoisseur
• • • of rarities.
$12.50 for small sizes of 3A carat or less
HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED $15.00 per stone for gems of 85/100 carats to 1 1/5 carats
First of a series of contests sponsored by $12.50 per carat for gems of 1 Vi carats to 3V4 carats
the American Federation of Mineralogical $40.00 for any stone of 3V4 carats to 4 carats
societies has been announced by President $10.00 per carat for any gem of 4 carats or larger
Richard M. Pearl. The purpose of the con- Above prices are for round brilliant cut gems
tests is to encourage further activity in the ENTIRE BOULES OF RUTILE ARE PRICED AT 75c PER CARAT
The contest is open to boys and girls in Add 20% Federal Tax to above prices. Residents of California also add
the United States and Canada under twenty, 2 Vi % State Sales Tax
who have not yet enrolled in a college or
university. Original articles will be accepted BE THE FIRST IN YOUR COMMUNITY TO OWN ONE OF THESE
on any subject connected with the earth BEAUTIFUL NEW RUTILE OR TITANIA RAINBOW DIAMONDS
A $25 Savings Bond and fine mineral DEALERS' INQUIRIES SOLICITED
specimen will be the first prize. Additional Everyone to whom you show this new gem will wish to purchase one of them. Send
prizes will include specimens, equipment for details of our discount plan that will permit you to own one of these new gems at
and books. Papers should be submitted be- no cost to you. You merely sell several to your friends and the discount you earn will
fore October 15 to Prof. Richard M. Pearl, pay for yours. We can mount these in beautiful gold earrings, rings, brooches,
Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colo. pendants, etc.
Mail, phone, and telegraphic orders will be promptly filled by our regular staff
Early day relics—scales with weights of
gold pieces, miners pans from large to a 1633 EAST WALNUT STREET
small six-inch, horn spoon, gold nuggets
valued from $25 down to 50 cents—were on PASADENA 4, CALIFORNIA.
display at the April meeting of the Pacific PHONE. 5Y6-6423
Mineral society. Members enjoyed a color- OPEN ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY 8:30AM-5:30PM-
ful evening attired in garb appropriate to MONDAY THRU THURSDAY OPEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
"49er Night." Speaker of the evening, Wm.
R. Harriman, discussed "Geology of Mother

JUNE, 1949 41
$6.00 BRINGS YOU 10 beautiful rock, mineral
and crystal specimens. All from Colorado. Ask
A D V E R T I S I N G R A T E for list and prices of other fine specimens and

GEM MflRT 8c a W o r d . . . Minimum $1.00

cutting material. Jack The Rock Hound, P.O.
Box 86, Carbondale, Colorado.
COAL—COAL—COAL! Here it is. Your oppor-
tunity to get that long sought Missing Link
in your collection. Approximately 1 lb. 0/2 lb.
Anthracite—hard coal and Vi lb. Bituminous—
GOOD CUTTING MATERIAL—Agates, jasper, TEXAS AGATES—Five pounds selected from soft coal) packed and shipped $1.00 plus post-
Agatized Wood, etc. 5 lbs. 53.50; 10 sq. in. all locations, including plume, iris, fortifica- age. Natural state, not machine carved. Be the
$2.00. Larger amounts at reduced rates. tion, scenic, opal assortment, etc., postpaid, first. Address Bob & Chuck, P.O. Box 6572,
Nevada Turquoise, good color, 20 cents carat $5.00. Visit. 20 tons to select from at 25c Chicago, Illinois.
up. Bough Turquoise to cut, SI.50 per oz. per pound. El Paso Rock and Lapidary Sup-
and up. Cutting, polishing and silver work ply, 2401 Pittsburg St., El Paso, Texas. Phone FINE CUTTING TURQUOISE—Good quality,
done. Free list cutting materials, minerals, 5-8721. $2.00: high grade, $3.00; extra quality, $4.00
specimens and supplies of all kinds. John L. to So.00 per ounce. E. P Woods, Farming-
James, Box 379, Battle Mountain, Nevada. MONTANA MOSS AGATES in the rough for ton. New Mexico.
gem cutting $1.50 per lb. plus postage. Also
MINERAL SETS—24 Colorful Minerals (identi- Slabbed Agate 25c per sq. in. (Minimum order GEIGER COUNTERS $100 — MINERALIGHTS
fied) in lxl compartments — Postage paid. $1.00). Elliott Gem Shop, 26 Jergins Arcade, $12.50. Fine mineral specimens at greatly re-
$3.50. Prospector's Set of 50 Minerals (identi- Long Beach 2, California. duced prices. Iadore Gem Company, Weiser,
fied) in l x l compartments in cloth reinforced Idaho.
sturdy cartons. Postage paid $5.75. Elliott's ATTENTION ROCK COLLECTORS. It will pay
Gem Shop, 26 Jergins Arcade, Long Beach 2, you to visit the Ken-Dor Rock Roost. We buy, PECOS RIVER DIAMONDS. No collection com-
sell, or exchange mineral specimens. Visitors plete without these fine doubly terminated
California. are always welcome. Ken-Dor Rock Roost, quartz crystals from New Mexico's storied
419 S. Franklin, Modesto, California. "River of Sin." All opaque, white to deep red.
WHEN YOU TRAVEL Sixty-Six Highway, stop Also deep-red quartz crystal rosettes, crystal
at Boodle's place, one mile west of Galena, NEW FIND—Obsidian round eggs, good colors, burrs, clusters, and "Siamese Twins." Send
Kansas. Thousands of fine minerals, Indian 5 lbs., $3.50, prepaid. Selling silver shop at 10c for photograph showing types and prices,
relics. Dealers Welcome. No mail orders, inventory price, take trailer house In pay- and credit slip for that amount. Robert Ny-
please. Boodle Lane, Box 331, Galena, Kansas. ment. Reason, rheumatism. Located on High- meyer, 811 West Greene,. Carlsbad, New Mex.
way 40. L. A. Hansen, 1505 E. Fourth St.,
MINERAL SPECIMENS, slabs or material by Reno, Nevada. PANAMINT VALLEY SPECIAL: Your choice
the pound for cutting and polishing, RX Units, 3 for $1.00. Iron ore with copper stain, Anti-
Felker Di-Met and Carborundum Saw Blades. BEAUTIFUL ARIZONA Variegated Agate, large mony, high grade. Onyx—water and wind
Carborundum wheels Cerium Oxide. Mount- slice, $1.50, three slices, $4.00. Satisfaction worn. Aragonite xls — fluorescent. Yellow
ings. Approval selection sent upon request. guaranteed. Chas. Hill, Cave Creek, Arizona. marble. Blue grey Quartz with iron Pyrite.
You are welcome. A. L. Jarvis, Route 2, Box Last two will cut and polish beautifully. Ap-
350, Watsonville, California, on Salinas High- MINERALS, GEMS. COINS, Bills, Old Glass, proximate postage please. Satisfaction guaran-
way. Books, Stamps, Fossils. Buttons, Dolls, Wea- teed. Morton Minerals & Milling, 1901 So.
pons Miniatures. Indian Silver Rings and Muscatel, Rosemead, California.
Bracelets. Also Mexico. Catalogue 5c. Cowboy BEAUTIFUL AUSTRALIAN Opal Cabs, 10x8—
Lemley, Las Cruces, New Mexico. $3.00 to $7.20. 12x10—$4.80 to $9.00. Opal
rough for cutting $1.20 and $2.00. Ace Lapi-
dary, Box 67, Jamaica, New York.
Very Hard to Secure Sand, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Zircon, Topaz,
Touramaline, Kunzite, Apatite, Garnet, E p t BRAZILIAN AGATE, Specimen pieces, also good
Carats Price dote, Sheelite, Beryl, Chrysocolla, Chryso- for coloring, $1.00 a pound. Pieces run from
Alexandrite 6.53 $720.00 beryl, Peridot, unmounted for shipping, all one to ten pounds each. Black Onyx Blanks,
for $10.00. Plume, Saganite, Moss Agates, 16x12 and 14x12 size—$2.50 dozen. Mail orders
Alexandrite 11.50 780.00 Tiger's Eye slices, mixed Agate slabs, Saga- filled promptly. JUCHEM BROTHERS, 315 W.
Alexandrite 2.47 430.00 nite nodules, 10 lbs. cabinet specimens, all Fifth St., Los Angeles 13, California.
Hiddenite 1.11 60.00 different $10.00. Address P. O. Box 1123, or
see Kizers Filling Station, 101 & F Sts., OREGON PLUME AGATE, from noted Central
Hiddenite 0.78 48.00 Eneinitas, California. Oregon gem fields. Finest quality plumes,
Russian Green Garnet 2.45 102.92 $1.50 sq. in. Assorted, vari-colored types, $1.00
GEM VILLAGE — Gems, Materials, Antiques. sq. in.; cabochon sized slabs, 50c each. Small
Finest Star Ruby 8.10 1920.00 Lots for sale. Write Frank Morse, Bayfield, rough chunks, $5.00 lb. Fair warning folks:
Rare Green Precious Topaz.. 2.30 55.00 Colorado. this Plume is in strong demand and is going,
going— Choicest Red Moss Agate $3.00 lb.
Rare Blue Precious Topaz....70.27 168.64 Other gemmy types of Moss $1.25 lb. From
Finest Cut Red Zircon 9.68 93.02 BEAUTIFUL BLUE copper Jewelry rock, 1 to 2 Plume vein, mixed moss and plume, vari-
Rich Golden Sapphire 7.50 72.00 inch pieces. 1 lb., $1.10; 2 lbs., $2.00; postpaid. colored, 2 lbs. $3.00. Include postage on rough
Four kinds gem rock same prices. San Jacinto Agate, please. Satisfaction guaranteed. C. G.
Fine Blue-Green Trading Post, San Jacinto, California. Springer, 862 Roosevelt Ave., Bend, Oregon.
Aquamarine 76.27 660.00 THE GEOLOGIST: This rock and mineral col-
Fine Pink Precious Topaz 43.50 720.00 FIRE OPAL—We are now specializing in all
lection is excellent for field use. The "Mother" grades of Australian cutting fire opal. We
Finest Sphene 5.35 513.60 or country rock familiar to many types is stock this lovely opal in all price ranges.
carefully picked. In reinforced cardboard box Also cutting material and specimens. No mail
Many Other Gems . . . 50c to $5.00 9x12x1. 50 rocks and minerals $4.00 postage orders. West Coast Mineral Co., 1400 Haci-
Orders up to $25.00 sent on approval. prepaid. Write for catalogue. Eckert Mineral enda Blvd. (State Highway 39), La Habra
Research, Dept. D., 110 East Main St., Heights, California.
Florence, Colorado.
FIFTY MINERAL SPECIMENS, 3/4-in. or over, sale. Write for price list. Agate slices 25c per
P.O. Box 302 Church Street Annex boxed, identified, described, mounted. Post- inch. C. T. Royels, Box C, Brady, Montana.
NEW YORK 8. NEW YORK paid $4.00. Old Prospector, Box 21-B247, Dutch
Flat, California. FLUORESCENT TURITELLA and other type
paperweights, $2.50 each. Exclusive pattern.
20 BEAUTIFUL Ozark Quartz, Agate, Jasper, Letter openers, $1.50 to $3.00. Book Ends,
Onyx, Fossils and Quartz Crystal clusters sent $7.50 to $15.00. Satisfaction guaranteed or
prepaid for $2.00. John Jennings, Eureka money refunded. Clay Ledbetter, Stone-Craft,
Springs, Arkansas. 2126 McKenzie, Waco, Texas.
SOMETHING NEW! Beautiful two-tone light LUMP OF COAL and Chunk of Granite for your
and dark green Serpentine, criss-crossed with rock collection, 25c. Marie L. Richie, Star
yellow and brown veinlets and spots of •Route Box 54, Hemet, California.
Magnesium and Calcium Carbonate. Hard,
takes high polish. Makes beautiful cabochons. GOLD, COPPER AND LEAD ores from new
Low price for this high quality cutting stone. field. One pound of each postpaid, $1.25. Other
A large 25 lb. piece for $4.75, guaranteed to good specimens. Kenneth Mayhall, Belmont,
please or money refunded. Sample mailed on Mississippi.
request. Shipped collect in 25 lb. lots or over.
Ralph Anhorn, Thermal, California.

3Z pages packed-full of helpful Lapidary Inst-
UTAH LABRADORITE clear facet quality
stones, 10 generous pieces, Thomas Mt. Gem-
mey Topaz, 15 specimens. Both for $1.00 plus
postage. Ed Dowse, 329 Reed Ave, Salt Lake
City, Utah.
ructions...should be inevery rock nuis library. A huge selection of BEAUTIFUL MINERALS,
ffluAcompie^e informarion on the-famous j ROCK HOUNDS! A large collection of the finest
Arizona Quartz Crystals in singles and slabs. RARE MINERALS, COMMON MINERALS
Hillquist line of Lapidary E^uipmenf" including] Slabs from 2x2 to 10x10 inches. Also cutting
material and gold specimens. H. P. Williams, and GEM MATERIALS.
Hillqu/srCOTibdcrUplAiir, Hillq,uisrl6"1?ocl< Saw, \
Quartzsite, Arizona. P. O. Box 15.
HillquisrTrimSaw, Hjll<juisr 4ufe Feed, HWlq/ih — One Price to All —
G r i / I l H l l^ i u t oH 7 l t l y FOR SALE: Large collection of rocks, cabochons,
mineral specimens. Also show cases. All goes. WE'LL WELCOME YOUR VISIT
Zanders 5 uisf Pidmond Saws Priced to sell. Chuck Hunley, 8452 Beechwood,
South Gate, California. BURMINCO
/? . t/Send HOW to
A VERY UNUSUAL Red and Golden Moss Agate 128 S. Eneinitas Monrovia, California
Jahtaa/u/ EQUIPMENT CO* from Arizona. This makes beautiful cabochons.
We've tried it and know! The supply is very
limited so HURRY! $1.25 per lb., postpaid.
(In same block with postoffice)
'ISQS H 49 ST. 'SBfiTTU 7, WASH. Tucson Thompson, 10016 N. Seventh Place,


Completely polished lumps of very fine
ROCK HUNTERS Riverside County Chamber of Mines
•piaas to stage a Gem and'Tvlineral show
during the De Anza Days celebration, June
16-19, at Riverside, California. According
specimen grade turquoise from several lo-
calities over the world.
Write for Price List and Approval Selection
to present arrangements the show will be HAROLD D. MARYOTT & CO.
Object of the Dona Ana County Rock- held in the basement of the municipal audi- Miami. ArUona
hound club's April trek was Bridal Chamber torium. Amateur collectors will be granted
Silver mine. Failing to locate it they wound free space, dealers will be charged according
up in the manganese mining area where to floor space needed. Contact Mrs. Retta E.
manganese ores and specimens of pyrolu- Ewers, 3961 Third St., Riverside, California. Ring Mountings and Findings
site were collected. One member exclaimed De Anza Days are celebrated each year in RING MOUNTINGS: Sterling Silver, finished,
over a pinkish crystalline material he found, memory of Juan Bautista De Anza, the first ready to set. Men's from $8.65 to $15.00 per
doz. Ladies from $5.65 to $13.80 per doz.
"ruby silver I hope!" The material turned explorer reputed to have crossed the River- Ladies 10K Solid Gold $3 and $4 each.
out to be common pink calcite. His re- side valley. NECK CHAINS: Sterling Silver $3.50 doz.
mark, "It's an awful let-down to find out • • • 1/20 12K Gold Filled $4.50 doz.
BEZEL OR GALLERY: Sterling Silver $2.00
that anything is calcite." "Resources of California" sound and oz. 1/20 10K Gold Filled $2.90 oz.
• • • color film was presented by A. W. Doig at CLEVICES: For Pendants, Gold Filled $1.25
doz. For Ear Rings, GF or SS $1.20 doz.
the April meeting of the Sequoia Mineral
April meeting of the Searles Lake Gem society. PENDANT FRAMES W/CHAIN: Sterling or
A trek
and Mineral society was held at the Trona planned for April 24. to Parkfield for jasper was GF $12.00 doz.
Club ballroom. Featured speaker of the eve- oz. 50c; $1.90 per oz.
ning, Marcia Winn Rittenhouse, author of • • • LOW KARAT GOLD SOLDER: 50c per DWT.
Desert Bonanza, talked on "The Early His- Dr. George H. Otto was guest speaker at JOINTS, CATCHES AND PINSTEMS: $1.00
per dozen sets.
tory of Randsburg." For the third year the March meeting of the Chicago Rocks CUFF LINKS: For large oval stone $8.25
Searles Lake Gem and Mineral society spon- and Mineral society. Otto lectured on "Life per dozen pairs.
sored the San Bernardino County Mineral History of the Rarer Elements," and traced TIE CHAINS: For 12X16MM Stone $6.00 doz.
exhibit at the National Orange show held the disintegration and deposition of rocks. JUMP RINGS: From 90c to $1.25 per gross.
March 21 at San Bernardino. Eddie Reden- Miss Selma Jenner and Miss Gertrude Han- Ask for Price List No. 2 tor
bach was in charge of arrangements and non exhibited separate displays of minerals, Additional Information
display. geodes and fossils from their own private O. R. JUNKINS & SON
• • • collections. Box 1295 Newport, Oregon
New officers were elected at the San Ja- • • •
ginto-Hemet Rockhounds' April meeting as Junior Rockhounds of Prescott, Arizona,
follows: U. G. Tallent, president; Sally accompanied by ten adults, enjoyed a field
Ramsey, vice president; Ethel Harwell, secre- trip to Hell's Canyon March 26. The group uorescent
tary-treasurer — re-elected; T. V. Harwell, returned with specimens of agate, opal and
field trip chairman; V. F. Clark and Edna fossils. new beauty in collections
Nichols, directors; L. F. Harvey, representa- • • • with MINERALIGHT
tive to Federation. An installation pot-luck Donations at the March meeting of the
dinner was augmented with colored slides of El Paso Rockhounds made possible the pur-
field trips of the past year. chase of a mimeograph machine for the
• • • Society's monthly publication "The Voice."
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. McShan, Needles, Another event of the evening was Mrs.
California, are moving their gem shop from Miller's account of a treasure hunt in the
the west city limits to a new building erected Soledad canyon. April field trip was to the
on Highway 66. Texas Fluor Spar mines and another trek
• • • was scheduled—to Boyd ranch east of Mc-
Make field trips profitable — find
Accepting the invitation of Ernest R. Nary, Texas, to look for Indian pictographs, new deposits in the field — see
Dickie, general manager of Bagdad Copper pottery shards and fossils. added beauty in your mineral col-
corporation, Yavapai Gem and Mineral so- lection under Ultra Violet light . . .
these are a few of the uses of
ciety members trekked to Bagdad for their MINERALIGHT. Write for Bulle-
April outing. GEIGER COUNTERS ! ! tin No. D-200 — See your Minera-
• • • light dealer.
April meeting program of the Long Beach Ultra-sensitive Model DG-2, detects all
Mineralogical society was a projection of radioactive minerals. Meter, Phones, Count
agate slides prepared by Wm. Pitts of the Indicator. Sensational Low Cost. Guaran- PRODUCTS, Inc.
Golden Gate museum. A March field trip teed. Write:
to Cady mountains yielded calcite crystals, THE DETECTRON COMPANY S205 Santa Monica Blrt.. los »nwlts 27. Cilil
and another outing was planned for April Dept.D. 5637 Cahuenga. N. Hollywood. Cal.
30—location undecided. A May field trip in
search of fire opal in the Lead Pipe springs
area was scheduled, and June was left open
for the Sacramento convention. Plans were
made for regular meeting exhibits by mem-
bers. ?fene /lie 76e $6{U
• • •
Raymond M. Addison, recognized nation-
tyouvc Seen &Jk*t? 'Ponf
ally and internationally as a cameo carver,
lectured on "Cameo Carving, and Jewelry
Making" at the March meeting of the Sacra-
mento Mineral society. March activities in-
cluded a field trip to Grizzly Peak, Berkeley
hills, for blue agate nodules; and a visit to
the University of California mineral collec-
tion in Bacon Hall, as the guests of Dr.
n Petrified Wood, Moss Agate, Chrysocolla
Turquoise, Jade and Jasper Jewelry

Bracelets, Rings, Necklaces, Earrings

and Brooches
Adolph Pabst, associate professor of miner- SPECIALLY SELECTED STONES WITH
Write for Folder With Prices
Rock Cutting - Rings Mounted to Order
Stones Ground and Polished 26 lergens Arcade LONG BEACH 2. CALIF.
Uranium Ore Tested - Western Jewelry Entrance Subway at Ocean and Pine
Highway 60, Box. 54 Ph. Moreno 338 Open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Daily

JUNE, 1949 43
GEM VILLAGE ROCK SHOW Over 1400 persons attended the Monterey
Moj&ae Sbed&d Qe*n SCHEDULED FOR JULY Bay Mineral society show held in February.
The Gem Village Rock Club, Bayfield, Special jade, emphasis was placed on Monterey
and Mineral Slt&p. . . . Colorado, has announced that the Gem county rhodonite and fossils. Other
Village Rock show will be held July 4—one exhibits of mineral specimens including
On Highway 91, 11 Miles East of Barstow day packed with everything interesting for fluorescents attracted wide attention. "Thun-
One Mile West of Yermo, California the hobbiest. Display space will be free for der", the sculpture of Wyoming jade by
E. W. Shaw, P. O. Box 363, Yermo, Calif. either exhibiting or selling. After the show Donal Hord of San Diego, was on display.
an auction will be held and refreshments • • •
served. The tenth anniversary of the Mineralogi-
• • • cal Society of Utah was celebrated with a
dinner and program April 1. Old time square
Fourth annual banquet and election of dancing rounded out the evening's enter-
RX-47 officers of the Minnesota Mineral club was tainment.
held at the Curtis hotel March 12. Color • • •
A Complete films of the Grand Teton national park and Mineral transparencies, as illustrated by
Lapidary Shop Jackson Hole country with comments by Harry Hazlitt at the March meeting of the
in One Dr. Clayton G. Rudd were highlights of the
Compact evening's entertainment. Elected as club offi- Mineralogical Society of Arizona, proved
Machine cers were: Arthur Anderson, president; Mrs. to be something more than a new experience
Wm. Cooper, vice president; Mrs. Lydia in color on a screen or a new slant to the
The most practical
ever devised for Heumann, secretary; Percy A. Brown, treas- lapidary art. The study of minerals and
gem cutting and urer; Wm. Bingham, program director; Mil- rocks in thin sections under the microscope
has been practiced for years. The use of
polishing. ton Fehling, tour director; Paul Sandell, thicker
Send for Circular A publicity director. slices for direct projection is more
recent, and indicates possibilities for the
• • • study of intricate structures especially in the
Price. Less Motor and Saw Blade Judge Blanchard, president; Mable microcrystalline varieties of the quartz fam-
$157.50 F.O.B. O'Neill, vice president; Mrs. F. Purdy, secre- ily minerals. Pinacle Peak rose quartz local-
tary-treasurer; and Harold Godby, field ity was the objective of the April field trip.
RX LABORATORY scout, are the new officers of the Kern • • •
1355 S. Chico Street EL MONTE. CALIF. County Mineral society. Election was held Members of the Yakima Rock and Min-
at a pot-luck supper in March. The society's eral club were entertained by Mrs. Claire
March field trip was to Boron where speci- Hillyer at the March meeting. Mrs. Hillyer
mens of palm fiber were found. presented a travelog in color. Proposal of
• • • bi-monthly field trips was voted on, and a
The Tucson Gem and Mineral society is three day trek into south central Oregon
now affiliated with the Arizona State mu- scheduled for July 4.
seum in Tucson. • • •
"Strike It Rich I!" • • • The South Bay Lapidary society, serving
you'll exclaim In a parcel of 100 zircons imported from the communities of Manhattan Beach, Her-
Australia by Geo. W. Chambers, Encinitas, mosa Beach, Redondo Beach, El Segundo,
When you join the . . . California, came an enormous crystal be- Hawthorne, Torrance, and Lomita, Califor-
lieved to be the largest and most perfect nia, has started its second year. Newly elect-
zircon crystal known. The crystal weighs ed officers are: Gary Britt, president; Mrs.
3 lbs. 8% ozs. Three of its faces measure Jane Hagar, vice president; Mrs. Alice Be-
UNITED PROSPECTORS 2Vi inches while another is 3V4 inches. The mis, secretary; Bob Fredericks, treasurer.
crystal is not of gem quality. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each
An organization to further the cause of • • • month at Clark Stadium, Hermosa Beach.
the beginner as well as the experienced Utah is considering the possible formation A cordial invitation to attend is extended to
prospector. of all the mineral societies in the state into anyone interested in lapidary work.
a federation such as exists in other states. • • •
Join the 20th Century '49ers and actually • • • Santa Monica Gemological society elect-
pan gold to your heart's content on the Newly elected officers of the Pomona ed the following officers at the April meet-
newly acquired 1400 acre camping and Valley Mineral club at the April meeting ing: C. E. Hamilton, president; Vern Ca-
placer grounds in the mother lode country. are: F. H. Smith, president; Pauline Saylor, dieux, first vice president; Prof. W. R. B.
vice president; Alice Cohoon, secretary; Osterholt, second vice president; Edward L.
A few Charter memberships are still W. B. Cohoon, treasurer; J. A. Kryder, di- Oatman, treasurer; Mrs. Doris Baur, cor-
open at $5.00. The regular membership is rector. The evening's entertainment was fur- responding secretary; Mrs. Estelle Tesh,
$1.00. "Panning Gold" booklets at 25c per nished by Nancy Taylor, who showed col- recording secretary. Annual dinner and in-
copy can be had by addressing Head- ored slides of western national parks, and stallation of officers was scheduled for May
quarters. Mrs. Emma Kryder, who related a field trip at the Santa Monica Windemere hotel.
to Topaz mountain. Mrs. Kryder brought • • •
JOIN TODAY topaz specimens. At the April meeting of the Mineralogical
UNITED PROSPECTORS • • • Society of Southern California Charles L.
J. D. Churchill brought a small laboratory Heald showed a series of kodachrome slides
Box 13 with him to the April meeting of the Texas of national parks and monuments of the
DUTCH FLAT, CALIFORNIA Mineral society, and demonstrated the test- Southwest. While a traveling photographer
ing of minerals. Tests were run on cinnabar, for the United Geophysical company, Heald
iron, manganese, calcite, copper. Blow-pipe acquired the knack of glamorizing natural
and test-tube experiments were made. subjects. He has established a business of
supplying slides of geological subjects to
schools, museums and other educational in-

HILLQUIST"^ LAPIDARY ARBOI L stitutions. A field trip to Lead Pipe springs

area to collect geodes and fire opal was
planned for May.
USES GRINDING WHEELS UP TO 2"xl2" __ Silversmith - Stones Cut and Polished
YOU could grind up the Rock of Gibraltar on THIS lapidary Custom Made Mountings
arbor. IT'S BIG . . . IT'S QUIET AND SMOOTH with large
rubber mounted silent sealed ball bearings. IT'S RUGGED
with heavy cast iron base. There's plenty of room for hands POP MENARD'S HOBBY SHOP
and splash pan. Aluminum guards adjust as wheels wear Hobby Supplies - Scale Models
down. Deflectors vaporize water spray. Cast aluminum belt
guard. 6" 4-step pulley. No other lapidary arbor can compare with it! Moss Agate and Opal Collection on Display
Write for FREE Catalog
For Repairs Phone 6423
PI545 WEST 49«i ST.| 378 S. Indian Ave. Palm Springs. Calif.
SEATTLE 7, V/ASHJ Visitors Welcome
' /VATWHS lARCESr M£MVfACrt/flE/lS Of f/NF G£M-Cl/rmC F</WPM£Nr


COUNTER DEMONSTRATED . . . SAN FERNANDO GEM CLUB Come and see us in our new location.
Fred Burr demonstrated the operation of San Fernando Valley Mineral & Gem Fine Mineral Specimens •—• Fine Cutting
the Geiger counter at the April meeting of society members are busy making final plans Material. Chuck and Vi at Chuck Gordon's
the Mineralogical Society of Arizona. Field for their 6th annual show, to be held June Town and Country Market.
trip of the month was to Pinacle ' peak 11—from 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. and June 12—
where rose quartz was collected. A joint 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., at North Hollywood Re- 350 So. Fairfax Ave. Los Angeles 36. Calii.
field trip with the Tucson Gem and Mineral creation center, corner Tujunga Ave. and REMEMBER! We Guarantee Satisfaction.
society was arranged for May 1, area to be Chandler Blvd., North Hollywood, Califor-
visited—Mineral hill in Pinal county. An- nia. Displays will consist of minerals, gems,
nual Jamboree was scheduled for May 29 jewelry, fossils, fluorescents, and demon-
at South Mt. Park, and will be the final stration of lapidary art. Admission free. CHOICE CABOCHON MATERIAL
meeting for this season. • • •
• • • April 1 meeting of the Mineralogical So- Fine crystalled minerals.
ciety of Arizona was Junior night. Maryana Mineralight and fluorescent minerals.
The Yachats Gem and Mineral club of Weber discussed "My Minerals" and ex- MINERALS UNLIMITED
Oregon planned to display several cases of plained her own system of cataloging ma-
beach material at the Newport Crab festival terial, 1724 University Ave.. Berkeley 3. Calii.
and Carrie McLeod
May 6-7-8. A March field trip yielded sev- talk on metal magnesium. Bill McLeod followed with a "Selections personal as your own"
eral black agates and blue cloud agates. spoke on copper.
• • • • • •
"History of San Francisco's water supply"
was the subject of Dr. Green's talk at the metGem Collectors club, Seattle, Washington,
at the home of Mrs. Alice Reed April ROCK COLLECTORS — ATTENTION !
April meeting of Northern California Min- 12. Magazine articles on handicraft in cop- I am covering California, Oregon and
eral society. A trip to San Jose local mineral per and aluminum were discussed. "History Washington this summer with the finest
exhibit replaced the monthly field trip. variety of rock and mineral specimens in the
of Filigree Jewelry" was outlined by Mrs. West, for sale, in the Trailer Rock Store. Send
• • • Roberson who displayed a filigree bracelet. your address—I Will notify when in your dis-
trict. The national convention at Sacramento
Regular meeting of the Junior Rock- A hot platter plaque made of petrified wood will be a success because I will be there.
hounds of Prescott was held April 1. Johnny trimmed with copper, and two miniature THE ROCKOLOGIST (Chuckawalla Slim)
Yount was winner of the pebble puppies prospector's picks, one of jade, and one of 1152 So. Second Avenue, Arcadia, California
quiz. Committees were appointed to select agate were among other articles exhibited.
club pins and a club emblem. • • •
• • • Dr. Edward Henderson of the National DIAMOND BLADES
Vic Gunderson of the Los Angeles Lapi- museum,
teorites at
gave an illustrated lecture on me-
the April meeting of the Minera-
dary society explained the art of faceting at
the March meeting of the Hollywood Lapi- logical Society of the District of Columbia. Heavy-Duty Super- Standard
dary society. A faceting demonstration was Tony Rapp and Major Taylor were sched- Super-Chgd. Charge Charged
performed by Dick Mitchell. Plans were uled to entertain the society at the May
6" $ 8.70 $ 7.70 $ 6.75
8" 12.75 9.90 8.95
made for a Dutch auction to be held in meeting with their observations of Japan 10" 15.75 12.95 11.95
April. Two-day field trip to the Ludlow area and Mexico. 12" 21.80 18.95 15.75
March 26-7 was enhanced by perfect 14" 32.30 24.95 21.85
16" 36.40 27.85 24.75
weather, nice specimens plume agate ob- 20" 66.30 44.20 33.95
tained. 24" 79.30 55.90 43.75
127.25 106.95 Arbor
192.20 159.95 Size?
William Turnbull of Chicago Natural MORE FLASH THAN DIAMOND F.O.B. Redlands, Tax in Calif.
History museum described the work of the Send 3c stamp for
paleontologist at the April meeting of Chi- Round Brilliant Cut Gems Lapidary Catalogue.
cago Rocks and Mineral society. His dis-
cussion included prospecting for fossils,
their removal and ultimate use in the mu-
Under 1 carat
One to 3 carat
$12.50 per stone
12.50 per carat COVItfGTON LAPIDARY ENG.,
seum. Another feature of .the evening was Over 3 carats 10.00 per carat
two exhibits—a cabochon display by G. C. Rough Material
Anderson, and S. Norvell's display of iron 3 to 15 carats $1.25 per carat
• • •
15 to 30 carats
Full Boules
1.00 per carat
75 per carat
'Pine Opal - THexcc*
"Fossils", topic of the March meeting of J. C. FILER & S O N 10 small pieces—average W-W $1.00
the Georgia Mineral society by A. C. Mun- LOMA LINDA. CALIFORNIA — Hwy. 99 5 larger—average V*"-l" 1.00
yan, was illustrated by projection slides and 6 still larger—1"-2" or over.... 2.00
specimens. Another attraction of the eve- 1 small vial clear iire opal ! 1.50
ning was F. E. Gleason's offer to check 50 rough mixed Mexican Opals, in-
specimens for radioactivity with his newly cluding honey, cherry, etc.. aver-
purchased Geiger-Mueller counter. The
society was recipient of a collection of
Detecting .Instruments, Guaranteed Geiger
age 1"
Maine minerals donated by students of the
geology department of the University of Counters, Mineralights, Mine Locators.
Although these are sold chiefly as cabinet
Maine, and a proposal was made by the specimens and have plenty of fire, many
council at the April meeting to establish a MINERAL PROSPECTING EQUIP. CO. of them will work up into new cabochons.
mineral museum displaying minerals from 2200 N. Reese Place, Burbank, Calii.
all sections of the country. CHarleston 8-4838 Money Cheerfully Refunded if Not
Entirely Satisfactory
• • • Please Send Latest Folder
At the March meeting of the East Bay Polished Mexican Opals and other gem
Mineral society, Dr. David Houston gave | Name stone cabochons on approval to responsible
members facts concerning coloring in min- I persons.
erals. Miss Joan Morris displayed a variety | Street I
of crystal specimens, minerals, petrified DR. RALPH E. MUELLER
wood and fossils. At the March 17 meeting I Town State 1 3701 Valentine Road Kansas City 2. Mo.
guest speaker Kenneth C. Peer spoke on
"Spectographic Analysis of Minerals," and
L. J. Hostetter exhibited jewelry, minerals,
mineral sets, polished slabs and equipment.
March 6 was the occasion of a field trip to ffr^r 7ZtlFDY / C / ' sayaMthe rock hounds
Coyote point in search of jasper, and an- *J*i9l fire tCG ' 9 • about the HILLQUIST
other trek was scheduled for April 10 to DRUM SANDER and POLISHER. Patented locking method cinches
Ano Nuevo island to look for fossils, beach abrasive cloth or polisher in a jiffy. Cast Aluminum. Cork cushion.
stones, banded flint and shells. This area is Perfectly balanced. Works right into those hard-to-finish corners.
an old Indian burial ground. It is also be- For arbor, drill press or lathe. 1/2", 5/8", or 3/4" arbor. Write
for FREE catalog. LAPIDARY EQUIPMENT CO., INC., 1545 W. 49th
lieved there is buried treasure in the sand Street, Seattle 7, Washington.

JUNE, 1949 45
%u5t fsetureen


THE DESERT I have never been able to tell the work as section hands. The other 5,000 were distributed
difference between flowers and weeds. The dictionary in a wide range of occupations—the beet fields, citrus
doesn't help. Webster defines a weed as any plant groves, army posts, grain fields, and as domestic workers.
that is "useless or troublesome." "The Navajo are careful conscientious workers," Miss
According to that definition, it would appear that most Bowler reports. "They are rather slow in occupations new
of the cacti species should be regarded as weeds. But no to them, and when they do piece work as in picking
person who has seen the beavertail cactus or the hedgehog oranges, their wages are not high, but they learn readily
in blossom would ever give it so ignoble a term as weed. and are especially eager to acquire mechanical skills."
And if you will carry a pocket microscope as I did On the Navajo reservation there are approximately
on a recent trip through Joshua tree national monument, 11,000 men and 2,000 women available for seasonal or
you will be reluctant to call any of the desert plants weeds. permanent jobs in the Southwest. Many of them cannot
It really wasn't necessary to carry a microscope to find speak English, but when they are employed in groups
beauty in the Monument on this early May trip. The there generally is at least one among them who can serve
ground was carpeted so thickly with tiny mimulus and as interpreter.
gilia and eriophyllum it was almost impossible to walk The Indian Service works in cooperation with the state
without trampling them. And indigo bush and the golden employment agencies, and Miss Bowler's desk is in the
desert senna and scores of other more conspicuous shrubs California State Employment office in Los Angeles. When
were blazing with color. an order comes in for Indian workers they are recruited
But I carried the microscope because I have learned on the reservation by young Indians with school training.
that there is a great world of beauty on the desert never The progress being made by the employment division is
seen by the naked eye. There are numerous little plants heartening. Sending bundles to Indians is commendable
with blossoms so drab and inconspicuous they are never charity—but employers who will provide jobs for these
given a second glance. You and I normally would call workers from the reservation are making a much more
them "weeds" of the desert. important contribution to the problem of over-crowded
But one of those little pocket magnifying lenses such as Indian lands.
every prospector and rockhound carries in his kit, reveals Miss Bowler is going about her job with missionary
forms and colors of fantastic brilliance. It almost appears zeal—and it is a very important job.
as if Nature had tried to compensate in splendor what
these pigmy blossoms lack in size.
When you have the opportunity, just focus your lens I hope the water-witches will give me a little recess.
on the tiny blossom of the lowly burroweed, and you'll Since the subject was opened for discussion in the Letters
know what I mean. page three months ago I have read so many opinions
about this mysterious art of locating underground water
with a green forked stick I am in a daze.
Much has been written about the plight of the desert And the more I read the less I know about it.
Indians, especially the Navajo. But not all the news from I wish some of the scientific men, now that they have
the reservation is bad. I learned of a more cheerful aspect solved the problem of atomic power, would turn their
of the Indian problem recently in talking with Alida attention to the unsolved mysteries of the human body.
Bowler, Indian Service placement officer in California. As far as I am concerned, most of the so-called water
Miss Bowler represents a special division organized by dowsers are honest men, and when they tell me some
the Window Rock agency to find off-reservation jobs for unseen force nearly twists that green stick out of their
the Navajos and Hopis. She and her associates have gotten hands I believe them. But all this mail has convinced me
rather surprising results. Last year nearly 12,000 Indians of one thing—that those humans who are endowed with
were given off-reservation employment in the Southwestern whatever it takes to make the stick go through strange
states. About 7,000 of them were hired by the Santa Fe, gyrations do not know any more about the reasons than
Union Pacific and Denver & Rio Grande railroads for I do. To me it remains a complete mystery.
fight for growth and prosperity and the
struggle to find ways to use every drop of
available water permeates throughout.
Stanford University Press, Stanford, Cali-
fornia. 1948, 265 pps., photographs, index.


Probably there are more than 150,000
place names in California, not including
STORY OF NEW MEXICO TOLD RIVER WATER DIVERTED TO street names in the towns and cities. It
would require several volumes and a tre-
IN BLACK-ROBED JUSTICE EQUALIZE NATURE'S SUPPLY mendous work of research and compilation
Black-Robed Justice written by Professor California's water supply is limited. It is to assemble them all in book form.
Arie Poldervaart, now with the University a thirsty land! And because nature was Although Erwin G. Gudde's California
of New Mexico College of Law, fills a sig- more generous in some sections than in Place Names, recently published by the Uni-
nificant role in preserving the record of New others the Central Valley Project came into versity of California Press, lacks much of
Mexico territorial history. Author Polder- being. being the final and complete answer, it
vaart had the opportunity to make this study California is divided roughly into two represents the most exhaustive effort yet
while law librarian of the Supreme Court in parts. South of the Tehachapi range of made in that direction.
Santa Fe for ten years. mountains lies southern California which The author is quite frank: "This book is
This story of New Mexico judicial history has grave water problems. North of the not a gazetteer. It does not contain all the
centers around the lives and activities of Tehachapi lie the great interior valleys of names in the state, nor does it give the lati-
the 17 chief justices from the American the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. The tude and longitude, or the statistics of the
occupation in 1846 to Statehood in 1912 rivers meet in the Delta region near Stock- places . . . the most interesting and im-
when officers meting out sentence needed a ton and continue to the sea through the portant names have been selected for indi-
"rugged constitution, steady nerves and a Golden Gate. Simply stated, the Central vidual treatment, and most of the frequently
mind receptive to crude language and the Valley Project is a north-to-south water ex- recurring names have been treated in a sum-
rough customs of the frontier." Rough in change in these valleys. Water of the San mary way."
language, ready always with a rugged pair Joaquin is diverted to the dry acres of the Desert people who would learn more
of fists, the judges of the territorial supreme southern valley, and Sacramento river water about the naming of the local canyons and
courts, even when coming direct from the shifted to the central San Joaquin valley to mountains and waterholes in their immedi-
East, proved, in most cases, equal to the replace the water diverted south. ate areas, will be disappointed in this vol-
situation. The project is the product of many years ume. Nevertheless, the book contains 431
Thirty-five-year-old Judge Joab Houghton, of careful water planning and study, and as pages of accurate and informative data on
far as construction goes, is past the halfway the more important place names in a state
with no legal training and little experience, where the Indian, the Mexican and the gold-
clothed his sentences in vigorous western mark. It is a public project under Federal hunter all have had an important part in the
garb. He was the first territorial chief judge. construction. determination of geographical names.
As was the custom in those days, judges, in Robert De Roos tells the story in The The book was prepared by Professor
keeping with the tradition, imbibed heavily Thirsty Land. He diseusses the issues and Gudde with the aid of an advisory commit-
of the contents of the bottle. Upon hearing policies and problems. One of the major tee appointed by President Sproul of the
complaints on Judge Kirby Benedict's fre- issues concerns the question of state or fed- university. The University Press deserves
quent binges, Lincoln, then president of the eral control. credit for an exceptionally fine printing
United States, retorted: "He knows more achievement.
law drunk than all the others on the New The Thirsty Land is an enlightening ac-
Mexico fence when sober. I shall not disturb count of a subject of tremendous import- University of California Press, 1949, 431
him." ance. While attention is focused on the pps. Pronunciation guide. $10.00.
One of the most interesting and novel Central Valley Project and the valleys con- This book may be ordered from
cases which ever went through the courts of nected with it, an awareness of California's Desert Crafts Shop, Palm Desert, California
New Mexico during that period, is the well-
known controversy which arose between the
two Indian pueblos of Laguna and Acoma
over the ownership of an oil painting of
San Jose.
Many of the state's greatest legal contro-
versies are discussed in the light of social
and economic conditions of the time. En-
livened with anecdotes, the book is delight-
ful reading as well as authentic history.
University of New Mexico Press, Albu- By Stanley Vestm
querque, New Mexico. 1948. 222 pps., in-
dex, biblio.'$3.50.
Two significant western characters, both explorers, both individual-
ists, both greatly misrepresented in many written accounts of their lives
WESTERN WONDERLAND GUIDE and exploits, are made to live again in two books by STANLEY
FOR YEAR 'ROUND VACATIONS VESTAL, author, historian, biographer. Both these men made their
People who travel like to know where to mark on the Old West, contributed to its development. We recommend:
go; where to stay; where to play; where to
eat. And to those who plan a vacation trek
to the western wonderland—Doorway to
Good Living by James Lewis is a handy
JIM BRIDGER, Mountain Man
little book to have along.
Lewis has arranged the information in KIT CARSON
alphabetical order—by state, then by cities
and towns. The states include Arizona, Postpaid to You — "Jim Bridger" $3.50
California, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and
Washington. Information is necessarily brief. Postpaid to You — "Kit Carson" 2.50
But Doorway to Good Living presents in
picture and story as complete a coverage as (California Buyers Add 2 Vz Percent Sales Tax)
space will allow. Lewis based his selection
of dining and lodging establishments on
three factors—cleanliness, courtesy, cuisine. DESERT CRAFT SHOP Palm Desert, California
Lewis Publicity Service, Box 1060, Bev-
erly Hills, Calif. First printing 1946, copy-
right '47-'48. 334 pps. $2.00.

JUNE, 1949 47




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