ProductSpec 02 2008

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Product Specification

ICB Universe Data Services


Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) Universe

Table of Contents
Local Offices 2
Local FTSE Offices 2
Local Dow Jones Indexes Offices 2

Product Specification 3-5

ICB Database Service Options 3
File Names ICB Database Universe Files 3
File Names ICB Daily Changes Files 3
Service Timing 3
File Content 4
Notes to ICB Universe Data Service 4
ICB Change Codes 5
File Example Database Universe 5
File Example Daily Changes 5

Appendices 6-12
ICB System 6-8
Country Coverage & ISO Codes 8
ICB Exchange Codes 9-12
Market Codes 12

Product Specification Revision History 12

2 Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) Universe

Zurich London
Dow Jones Indexes /STOXX Limited FTSE International
Selnaustrasse 30 10 Upper Bank St., 12th Fl.
CH-8021 Zurich Canary Wharf
Switzerland London E14 5PN
Tel: +41 58 854 5400 United Kingdom
Tel: +44 20 7866 1810


Princeton New York
Dow Jones Indexes FTSE Americas
P.O. Box 300 1330 Avenue of the Americas,
Princeton, New Jersey 08543 10th Floor
USA New York, NY 10019
Tel: +1 609 520 7172 USA
Tel: +1 212 641 6172


Hong Kong Hong Kong
Dow Jones Indexes /STOXX Limited FTSE
Suite 2404, 24th Floor 59th Fl., The Center
Central Plaza 99 Queen’s Road
Wanchai, Hong Kong Central, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2831 2580 Tel: +852 2230 5800

Tel: +1 609 520 7172 UK Tel: +44 (0) 20 7866 1810
Email: Email:
US Tel: +1 212 641 6124

Release 3.0 • January 2008

3 Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) Universe

ICB Universe Database Service Options
• Full Universe Service
• Regional Universe Services: Europe/MEA; Asia Pacific; Americas; US

The above service options are available on a weekly refresh basis. Daily changes are also
available as an additional service.

File Names ICB Universe Files

File Names File Extensions
ICB Universe - Full Universe ifddmm.txt
ICB Universe - Europe/MEA ieddmm.txt
ICB Universe - Asia Pacific ipddmm.txt
ICB Universe - Americas iaddmm.txt
ICB Universe - US iuddmm.txt

File Names ICB Daily Changes Files

File Names File Extensions
ICB Universe - Full Universe Daily Changes xfddmm.txt
ICB Universe - Europe/MEA Daily Changes xeddmm.txt
ICB Universe - Asia Pacific Daily Changes xpddmm.txt
ICB Universe - Americas Daily Changes xaddmm.txt
ICB Universe - US Daily Changes xuddmm.txt

Service Timing
• Weekly Universe product files are produced on the last business day of the week
and are available by 10:00 pm EST (US Eastern Standard Time). These files
contain the market closing information for the effective date of the file.

• Daily Changes product files are produced at the end of each business day and are
available by 10:00pm EST. These files contain the market closing information
for the effective date of the file.

Release 3.0 • January 2008

4 Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) Universe

File Content
ICB Services file format
ICB Universe Database is a pipe (|) delimited text file. Each product file is the same in
structure but the last column will only be populated in the daily changes product, as
described in the service options above and listed in the file format layout below.
Reference codes applicable for data within the field name columns are in the appendices
of this document.

Col. No. Field Name Data Description Data Example Max Width
1 UNIQUE IDENTIFIER A unique internal identifier for each security 01914 10
2 ISIN CODE ISIN Identification Code provided on a best US0019575051 12
Company/Security Codes

endeavours basis
3 SEDOL SEDOL code 2064888 7
4 CUSIP CUSIP code for North American companies 001957505 9
5 LOCAL MARKET CODE Local Market code of security as traded on T 22
local exchange
6 SECURITY NAME Name of security AT&T Corp. 150
7 COMPANY CODE A unique Company code to identify each 00000 10
individual company, not individual securities,
therefore code may be duplicated
8 COUNTRY CODE ISO country code identifies the country where US 2
Regional Codes

the security primarily trades

9 DOMICILE CODE ISO country code identifies the country in which US 2
the security is registered as a company
10 MIC CODE ISO Exchange MIC Code where the company XNYS 15
has a primary listing
11 ICB INDUSTRY CODE ICB “Industry” identifier code 6000 4
ICB Related Codes

12 ICB SUPERSECTOR CODE ICB “Supersector” identifier code 6500 4

13 ICB SECTOR CODE ICB “Sector” identifier code 6530 4
14 ICB SUBSECTOR CODE ICB “Subsector” identifier code 6535 4
15 ICB CHANGE CODE Change code(s) is shown for each item that has II;NC 255
changed and is separated by a semi colon.
This field is not in the database product
Notes: Identifiers and codes are provided on a best endeavors basis.

Notes to ICB Universe Data Service

1. The ICB Universe Data Service provides four levels of industry classification for each
company contained within the product. The product covers all universe securities classified
by Dow Jones and FTSE. This includes all index components along with the broader uni-
verse coverage and are monitored by both companies on a continuous basis.

2. Data items such as Exchange Codes, Company Name and Country Codes may not
correspond to other Dow Jones Indexes or FTSE products but can be identified by
common security identification codes such as SEDOL’s, CUSIP’s and ISIN’s.

Release 3.0 • January 2008

5 Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) Universe

3. The ICB Universe Changes Service provides daily notification of classification

changes and related peripheral data items to the ICB Universe Data Service.

4. The data within the Daily Change file represents new/changed values, where applicable.

5. The Daily Change file product displays a two digit code which relates to the following
change descriptors:

ICB Change Codes

Change Code FTSE Change Code Description
CA Company Addition
CD Company Deletion
II ISIN Code Change
LC Local Market Code Change
NC Name Change
CC Country Code Change
DC Domicile Code Change
EC MIC Exchange Code Change
SS Subsector Change

File Example: ICB Database Universe US - iuddmm.txt

17/12/2004 © 2004 Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) All Rights Reserved
ICB Universe - US

Unique Identifier|ISIN Code|SEDOL|CUSIP|Local Market Code|Security

Name|Company Code|Country Code|Domicile Code|MIC Code|ICB Industry
Code|ICB Supersector Code|ICB Sector Code|ICB Subsector Code


Release 3.0 • January 2008

6 Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) Universe

File Example: ICB Daily Changes US - xuddmm.txt

15/12/2004 (C) 2004 Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) All Rights Reserved
ICB Universe - US Daily Changes

Unique Identifier|ISIN Code|SEDOL|CUSIP|Local Market Code|Security Name|

Company Code|Country Code|Domicile Code|MIC Code|ICB Industry Code|ICB
Supersector Code|ICB Sector Code|ICB Subsector Code|ICB Change Code


Release 3.0 • January 2008

7 Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) Universe

ICB System


0001 OIL & GAS 0500 Oil & Gas 0530 Oil & Gas Producers 0533 Exploration & Production
0537 Integrated Oil & Gas
0570 Oil Equipment & Services 0573 Oil Equipment & Services
0577 Pipelines
0580 Alternative Energy 0583 Renewable Energy Equipment
0587 Alternative Fuels
1000 BASIC MATERIALS 1300 Chemicals 1350 Chemicals 1353 Commodity Chemicals
1357 Specialty Chemicals
1700 Basic Resources 1730 Forestry & Paper 1733 Forestry
1737 Paper
1750 Industrial Metals & Mining 1753 Aluminum
1755 Nonferrous Metals
1757 Iron & Steel
1770 Mining 1771 Coal
1773 Diamonds & Gemstones
1775 General Mining
1777 Gold Mining
1779 Platinum & Precious Metals
2000 INDUSTRIALS 2300 Construction & 2350 Construction & Materials 2353 Building Materials & Fixtures
Materials 2357 Heavy Construction
2700 Industrial Goods 2710 Aerospace & Defense 2713 Aerospace
& Services 2717 Defense
2720 General Industrials 2723 Containers & Packaging
2727 Diversified Industrials
2730 Electronic & Electrical 2733 Electrical Components & Equipment
Equipment 2737 Electronic Equipment
2750 Industrial Engineering 2753 Commercial Vehicles & Trucks
2757 Industrial Machinery
2770 Industrial Transportation 2771 Delivery Services
2773 Marine Transportation
2775 Railroads
2777 Transportation Services
2779 Trucking
2790 Support Services 2791 Business Support Services
2793 Business Training &
Employment Agencies

Release 3.0 • January 2008

8 Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) Universe


2795 Financial Administration
2797 Industrial Suppliers
2799 Waste & Disposal Services
3000 CONSUMER GOODS 3300 Automobiles & Parts 3350 Automobiles & Parts 3353 Automobiles
3355 Auto Parts
3357 Tires
3500 Food & Beverage 3530 Beverages 3533 Brewers
3535 Distillers & Vintners
3537 Soft Drinks
3570 Food Producers 3573 Farming & Fishing
3577 Food Products
3700 Personal & Household 3720 Household Goods & 3722 Durable Household Products
Goods Home Construction 3724 Nondurable Household Products
3726 Furnishings
3728 Home Construction
3740 Leisure Goods 3743 Consumer Electronics
3745 Recreational Products
3747 Toys
3760 Personal Goods 3763 Clothing & Accessories
3765 Footwear
3767 Personal Products
3780 Tobacco 3785 Tobacco
4000 HEALTHCARE 4500 Healthcare 4530 Health Care Equipment 4533 Health Care Providers
& Services 4535 Medical Equipment
4537 Medical Supplies
4570 Pharmaceuticals & 4573 Biotechnology
Biotechnology 4577 Pharmaceuticals
5000 CONSUMER SERVICES 5300 Retail 5330 Food & Drug Retailers 5333 Drug Retailers
5337 Food Retailers & Wholesalers
5370 General Retailers 5371 Apparel Retailers
5373 Broadline Retailers
5375 Home Improvement Retailers
5377 Specialized Consumer Services
5379 Specialty Retailers
5500 Media 5550 Media 5553 Broadcasting & Entertainment
5555 Media Agencies
5557 Publishing
5700 Travel & Leisure 5750 Travel & Leisure 5751 Airlines
5752 Gambling
5753 Hotels
5755 Recreational Services
5757 Restaurants & Bars
5759 Travel & Tourism
6000 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 6500 Telecommunications 6530 Fixed Line Telecommunications 6535 Fixed Line Telecommunications
6570 Mobile Telecommunications 6575 Mobile Telecommunications
7000 UTILITIES 7500 Utilities 7530 Electricity 7535 Conventional Electricity
7537 Alternative Electricity

Release 3.0 • January 2008

9 Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) Universe


7570 Gas, Water & Multiutilities 7573 Gas Distribution
7575 Multiutilities
7577 Water
8000 FINANCIALS 8300 Banks 8350 Banks 8355 Banks
8500 Insurance 8530 Nonlife Insurance 8532 Full Line Insurance
8534 Insurance Brokers
8536 Property & Casualty Insurance
8538 Reinsurance
8570 Life Insurance 8575 Life Insurance
8600 Insurance 8630 Real Estate Investment & Services 8633 Real Estate Holding & Development
8637 Real Estate Services
8670 Real Estate Investment Trusts 8671 Industrial & Office REITs
8672 Retail REITs
8673 Residential REITs
8674 Diversified REITs
8675 Specialty REITs
8676 Mortgage REITs
8677 Hotel & Lodging REITs
8700 Financial Services 8770 Financial Services 8771 Asset Managers
8773 Consumer Finance
8775 Specialty Finance
8777 Investment Services
8779 Mortgage Finance
8980 Equity Investment Instruments 8985 Equity Investment Instruments
8990 Nonequity Investment Instruments 8995 Nonequity Investment Instruments
9000 TECHNOLOGY 9500 Technology 9530 Software & Computer Services 9533 Computer Services
9535 Internet
9537 Software
9570 Technology Hardware 9572 Computer Hardware
& Equipment 9574 Electronic Office Equipment
9576 Semiconductors
9578 Telecommunications Equipment

Country Coverage & ISO Codes (Country & Domicile) Note: Countries may be added with advanced notice
Argentina AR Egypt EG Jordan JO Oman OM Sweden SE
Australia AU Estonia EE Korea, Republic of KR Pakistan PK Switzerland CH
Austria AT Finland FI Kuwait KW Peru PE Taiwan TW
Bahrain BH France FR Latvia LV Philippines PH Thailand TH
Belgium BE Germany DE Lebanon LB Poland PL The Netherlands NL
Brazil BR Greece GR Lithuania LT Portugal PT Tunisia TN
Canada CA Hong Kong HK Luxembourg LU Qatar QA Turkey TR
Chile CL Hungary HU Malaysia MY Russia RU United Arab Emirates AE
China CN India IN Malta MT Saudi Arabia SA United Kingdom GB
Columbia CO Indonesia ID Mexico MX Singapore SG USA US
Croatia HR Ireland IE Morocco MA Slovakia SK Venezuela VE
Cyprus CY Israel IL Namibia NA Slovenia SI Vietnam VN
Czech Republic CZ Italy IT New Zealand NZ South Africa ZA
Denmark DK Japan JP Norway NO Spain ES

Release 3.0 • January 2008

10 Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) Universe

ICB Exchange Codes


Argentina XBUE Buenos Aires Stock Exchange Buenos Aires
Argentina XMTB Mercado A Termino De Buenos Aires S.A. Buenos Aires
Argentina XMAB Mercado Abierto Electronico S.A. Buenos Aires
Argentina XMEV Mercado De Valores De Buenos Aires S.A. Buenos Aires
Argentina XBCM Bolsa De Commercio De Mendoza S.A. Mendoza
Argentina XROS Bolsa De Comercio Rosario Rosario
Australia XNEC Stock Exchange Of Newcastle Ltd Newcastle
Australia XASX Asx Operations Pty Limited Sydney
Australia XYIE Yieldbroker Pty Ltd Sydney
Austria XNEW Newex Vienna
Austria XOTB Oesterreichische Termin- Und Optionenboerse, Clearing Bank Ag Vienna
Austria XWBO Wiener Boerse Ag Vienna
Bahrain XBAH Bahrain Stock Exchange Manama
Belgium XBRU Euronext Brussels Brussels
Belgium XEAS Nasdaq Europe Brussels
Brazil XBVP Bolsa De Valores Do Parana Curitiba
Brazil XBBF Bolsa Brasiliera De Futuros Rio De Janeiro
Brazil XRIO Bolsa De Valores Do Rio De Janeiro Rio De Janeiro
Brazil XSOM Sociedade Operadora Do Mercado De Ativos S.A. Rio De Janeiro
Brazil XBMF Bolsa De Mercadorias E Futuros Sao Paulo
Brazil XBSP Bolsa De Valores De Sao Paulo Sao Paulo
Canada XMOO Montreal Exchange The / Bourse De Montreal Montreal
Canada CANX Cannex Financial Exchange Lts. Toronto
Canada XTSE Toronto Stock Exchange Toronto
Canada XTSX TSX Venture Exchange Toronto
Canada XTNX TSX Venture Exchange - Nex Vancouver
Chile XBCL La Bolsa Electronica De Chile Santiago
Chile XSGO Santiago Stock Exchange Santiago
China XCFE China Foreign Exchange Trade System Shanghai
China XSHG Shanghai Stock Exchange Shanghai
China XSHE Shenzhen Stock Exchange Shenzhen
Colombia XBOG Bolsa De Valores De Colombia Bogota
Croatia XZAG Zagreb Stock Exchange, The Zagreb
Cyprus XCYS Cyprus Stock Exchange Nicosia (Lefkosia)
Czech Republic XPRA Stock Exchange Prague Co. Ltd, The Prague
Denmark XCSE Copenhagen Stock Exchange Copenhagen
Egypt XCAI Cairo And Alexandria Stock Exchange Cairo
Estonia XTAL Tallinn Stock Exchange Tallinn
Finland XHEL Helsinki Stock Exchange, The Helsinki
France XMAT Euronext Paris - Matif Paris
France XMON Euronext Paris - Monep Paris
France XPAR Euronext Paris S.A. Paris

Release 3.0 • January 2008

11 Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) Universe


France XMLI Euronext Paris S.A. - Marche Libre Paris
France XFMN Societe Du Nouveau Marche Paris
Germany XBER Berliner Wertpapierboerse Berlin
Germany ZOBX Zobex Berlin
Germany XBRE Bremer Wertpapierboerse Bremen
Germany XDUS Rheinische-Westfaelische Boerse Zu Düsseldorf Düsseldorf
Germany XFRA Deutsche Boerse Ag Frankfurt
Germany XETR Deutscher Kassenverein Ag Gruppe Deutsche Boerse Frankfurt
Germany XEUB Eurex Bonds Frankfurt
Germany XEUR Eurex Deutschland Frankfurt
Germany XRTR Rtr (Reuters-Realtime-Daten) Frankfurt
Germany XHAM Hanseatische Wertpapierboerse Hamburg Hamburg
Germany XHAN Niedersaechsische Boerse Zu Hannover Hannover
Germany XHCE Warenterminboerse Hannover Hannover
Germany XMUN Bayerische Boerse Munich
Germany XSTU Baden-Wuerttembergische Wertpapierboerse Zu Stuttgart Stuttgart
Germany EUWX Euwax Stuttgart
Greece XATH Athens Stock Exchange Athens
Hong Kong XHKG Stock Exchange Of Hong Kong Ltd, The Hong Kong
Hungary XBUD Budapest Stock Exchange Budapest
India XBAN Bangalore Stock Exchange Ltd Bangalore
India XCAL Calcutta Stock Exchange Calcutta
India XDES Delhi Stock Exchange Delhi
India XMDS Madras Stock Exchange Madras
India XBOM Mumbai Stock Exchange Mumbai
India XNSE National Stock Exchange Of India Mumbai
Indonesia XJNB Jakarta Negotiated Board Jakarta
Indonesia XJKT Jakarta Stock Exchange Jakarta
Indonesia XSUR Surabaya Stock Exchange Surabaya
Ireland XFNX Finex (New York And Dublin) Dublin
Ireland XDUB Irish Stock Exchange Dublin
Israel XTAE Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Tel Aviv
Italy TLAB Tradinglab Tlx Milano
Japan XFKA Fukuoka Stock Exchange Fukuoka
Japan XNGO Nagoya Stock Exchange Nagoya
Japan XHER Nippon New Market - Hercules Osaka
Japan XOSE Osaka Securities Exchange Osaka
Japan XSAP Sapporo Stock Exchange Sapporo
Japan JASR Japan Cross (Pts) Tokyo
Japan XJAS Jasdaq Securities Exchange Tokyo
Japan XTKS Tokyo Stock Exchange Tokyo
Jordan XAMM Amman Stock Exchange Amman
Korea, Republic Of KOCN Korea Ecn Securities Co. Ltd (Ats) Seoul
Korea, Republic Of XKOR Korea Stock Exchange Seoul
Korea, Republic Of XKOS Kosdaq Seoul

Release 3.0 • January 2008

12 Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) Universe


Kuwait XKUW Kuwait Stock Exchange Kuwait
Latvia XRIS Riga Stock Exchange,The Riga
Lebanon XBEY Bourse De Beyrouth Beyrouth
Lithuania XLIT National Stock Exchange Of Lithuania Vilnius
Luxembourg CCLX Centrale De Communications Luxembourg S.A. Luxembourg
Luxembourg XLUX Luxembourg Stock Exchange Luxembourg
Malaysia XKLS Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, The Kuala Lumpur
Malaysia XLFX Labuan International Financial Exchange Labuan
Malta XMAL Malta Stock Exchange Valletta
Mexico XMEX Bolsa Mexicana De Valores (Mexican Stock Exchange) Mexico
Mexico XEMD Mercado Mexicano De Derivados Mexico
Morocco XCAS Casablanca Stock Exchange Casablanca
Namibia XNAM Namibian Stock Exchange Windhoek
New Zealand XNZE New Zealand Stock Exchange Wellington
Norway XOSL Oslo Bors Oslo
Oman XMUS Muscat Securities Market Muscat
Pakistan XISL Islamabad Stock Exchange Islamabad
Pakistan XKAR Karachi Stock Exchange (Guarantee) Limited, The Karachi
Pakistan XLAH Lahore Stock Exchange Lahore
Peru XLIM Bolsa De Valores De Lima Lima
Philippines XPHS Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. Pasig City
Poland XWAR Warsaw Stock Exchange Warsaw
Portugal XLIS Euronext Lisboa Lisbon
Portugal MDIP Medip Lisbon
Portugal OPEX Pex-Private Exchange Lisbon
Qatar DSMD Doha Securities Market Doha
Russia XMOS Moscow Central Stock Exchange Moscow
Russia RTSX Rts Stock Exchange Moscow
Russia XRUS Russian Exchange, The Moscow
Russia NNCS Nizhny Novgorod Currency And Stock Exchange Close Joint Stock Company Nizhny Novgorod
Russia XSIB Siberian Stock Exchange Novosibirsk
Russia XROV Rostov Currency And Stock Exchange Rostov
Russia XPET St. Petersburg Stock Exchange St. Petersburg
Russia XVLA Vladivostok (Russia) Stock Exchange Vladivostok
Saudi Arabia XSAU Saudi Arabia Stock Exchange Rijad
Singapore XSES Singapore Exchange Singapore
Slovakia XBRA Bratislava Stock Exchange, The Bratislava
Slovakia XRMS Sk Rm-S (Slovak Stock Exchange) Bratislava
Slovenia XLJU Ljubljana Stock Exchange, Inc. Ljubljana
South Africa XJSE JSE Securities Exchange, The Johannesburg
Spain XBAR Barcelona Stock Exchange Barcelona
Spain XMEF Meff Renta Fija Barcelona
Spain XMRV Meff Renta Variable Barcelona
Spain XMCE Mercato Continuo Espanol Barcelona
Spain XBAV Merchbolsa Agencia De Valores, S.A. Barcelona

Release 3.0 • January 2008

13 Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) Universe


Spain XBIL Bolsa De Valores De Bilbao Bilbao
Spain XSRM Mercado De Futuros De Aceite De Oliva, S.A. Jaen
Spain XDRF Aiaf - Mercado De Renta Fija Madrid
Spain XMAD Bolsa De Madrid Madrid
Spain XDPA Cade - Mercado De Deuda Publica Anotada Madrid
Spain XVAL Bolsa De Valencia Valencia
Sweden XNGM Nordic Growth Market Stockholm
Sweden XSTO OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm
Switzerland XBRN Berne Stock Exchange Berne
Switzerland XSWX Swiss Exchange Zurich
Taiwan ROCO Gretai Securities Market Taipei
Taiwan XTAD Taisdaq Taipei
Taiwan XTAI Taiwan Stock Exchange Taipei
Thailand XBKK Stock Exchange Of Thailand Bangkok
Thailand XBKF Stock Exchange Of Thailand - Foreign Board Bangkok
The Netherlands XAMS Euronext Amsterdam Amsterdam
The Netherlands XEUE Euronext Eqf, Equities And Indices Derivatives Amsterdam
Tunisia XTUN Bourse Des Valeurs Mobilieres Tunis
Turkey XIST Istanbul Stock Exchange Istanbul
United Arab Emirates XADS Abu Dhabi Securities Market Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates XDFM Dubai Financial Market Dubai
United Kingdom BTEE Brokertec Europe Ltd. London
United Kingdom XEDX Edx London Limited London
United Kingdom EMTS Euromts London
United Kingdom GEMX Gemma (Gilt Edged Market Makers' Association) London
United Kingdom IEPA Intercontinental Exchange Ltd. London
United Kingdom XCOR Isma Trading Service London
United Kingdom XJWY Jiway Exchange Ltd London
United Kingdom XLON London Stock Exchange, The London
United Kingdom OFEX Ofex London
United Kingdom XMLX Omlx, The London Securities And Derivatives Exchange Limited London
United Kingdom XTFN Tradepoint Financial Networks Plc London
United Kingdom TREU Tradeweb Europe Limited London
United Kingdom XVTX Virt-X London
USA XBOS Boston Stock Exchange Boston
USA XCBT Chicago Board Of Trade Chicago
USA XCHI Chicago Stock Exchange, Inc. Chicago
USA XCIS Cincinnati Stock Exchange Chicago
USA XEUS Eurex Us Chicago
USA XOCH Onechicago, Llc. Chicago
USA THRD The Third Market Corporation Chicago
USA BTEC Brokertec Usa, Llc Jersey City
USA TRWB Tradeweb Llc Jersey City
USA XKBT Kansas City Board Of Trade Kansas City
USA XASE American Stock Exchange New York

Release 3.0 • January 2008

14 Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) Universe


USA XISX International Securities Exchange, Llc. New York
USA XNAS Nasdaq New York
USA XNMS Nasdaq/Nms (National Market System) New York
USA XNYF New York Board Of Trade New York
USA XNYS New York Stock Exchange, Inc. New York
USA XNQL Nqlx (Nasdaq Liffe) New York
USA PINX Pink Sheets Llc (Nqb) New York
USA ICEL The Island Ecn Ltd. New York
USA XPBT Philadelphia Board Of Trade Philadelphia
USA XPHL Philadelphia Stock Exchange Philadelphia
USA XAZX Arizona Stock Exchange Phoenix
USA XPSE Pacific Stock Exchange Inc. San Francisco
USA XOTC Otc Bulletin Board Washington
USA XPOR Portal Washington
Venezuela XCAR Caracas Stock Exchange Caracas
Vietnam HSTC Hanoi Securities Trading Center Hanoi
Vietnam XSTC Vietnam Stock Exchange Ho Chi Minh City

Note: Not all of the above identifiers are currently covered in the product. New exchanges may be added with advanced notice.

Market Codes
Brazil Brazil Local Code
Canada Ticker
Chile Chile Local Code
China China Local Code
Japan Japan Local Code
Mexico Mexico Local Code
South Africa TIDM (EPIC)
Taiwan Taiwan Local Code
United States Ticker
United Kingdom TIDM (EPIC)
Venezuela Venezuela Local Code

Product Specification Document Revision History

Release 1.0, January 2005 - Initial Product Specification
Release 2.0, April 2007
Release 3.0, January 2008

Release 3.0 • January 2008

GP 20/08/04
The Industry Classification Benchmark (“ICB”) is jointly owned by Dow Jones & Company, Inc. and FTSE International Limited
(“FTSE”). “Dow Jones” and “DJ” are trademarks of Dow Jones & Company Inc. “FTSE™” is a trademark of London Stock
Exchange and The Financial Times and is used by FTSE under license. Dow Jones and FTSE do not accept liability to any
person for any loss or damage arising out of any error or omission in the ICB. All information as of Q1 2008
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
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