Serving California's Press Release On Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, 6-17-14

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Los Angeles, CA (!une 17, 2014) - !lll 1ahmooressl Lraveled Lo Mexlco lasL week where she meL wlLh lawyers,
pollLlclans, and mosL lmporLanLly, her son, Andrew 1ahmooressl. She conLlnues her Llreless efforLs Lo bulld
lnLernaLlonal awareness for u.S. Marlne Corps SergeanL Andrew 1ahmooressl's legal pllghL. Pe has been held
lmprlsoned ln Mexlco aL Ll Pongo lederal rlson slnce Aprll 1, 2014 for unlnLenLlonally crosslng Lhe Mexlcan
border wlLh hls uS legally purchased flrearms. Mrs. 1ahmooressl was accompanled ln Mexlco by hlllp 8. uunn,
resldenL of Servlng Callfornla, a non-proflL organlzaLlon LhaL exlsLs Lo come alongslde and supporL, resource, and
champlon boLh veLerans and prlsoner causes.

1he purpose of Lhe vlslL Lo Mexlco was Lo secure compeLenL and capable defense counsel for Andrew, Lo meeL
wlLh uS SLaLe ueparLmenL offlclals aL Lhe ConsulaLe Ceneral's offlce ln 1l[uana and a vlslLaLlon wlLh Andrew aL Ll
Pongo prlson. WlLh 30-years experlence as a crlmlnal defense aLLorney, Mr. uunn was able Lo asslsL Mrs.
1ahmooressl ln selecLlng lernando 8enlLez as Andrew's new aLLorney. 8enlLez ls from Lhe 1l[uana-based Law llrm
of Culllermo 8ulz and Pernandez.

Mrs. 1ahmooressl's parLnershlp wlLh Servlng Callfornla began ln laLe May when she recelved a phone call from
Chad 8oblchaux, Lhe organlzaLlon's ulrecLor of veLerans Affalrs for Servlng Callfornla, and Lhe resldenL and
lounder of Lhe MlghLy Caks Warrlor loundaLlon. Chad orlglnally learned of Andrew's slLuaLlon when he was
conLacLed by 1exas SLaLe 8epresenLaLlve SLeve 1oLh who urged Chad Lo geL lnvolved. Mr. 1oLh was very famlllar
wlLh Chad's commlLmenL Lo reLurnlng servlce members aL Servlng Callfornla & MlghLy Caks, where Chad
spearheads programs for acLlve duLy and veLeran mlllLary and famlly sLruggllng wlLh 1Su and relnLegraLlon lssues.
AfLer a few days efforL Chad evenLually obLalned conLacL lnformaLlon Lo reach ouL and offer asslsLance Lo Mrs.

!lll shared wlLh Chad LhaL aL Lhls polnL she was recelvlng numerous calls from Lhe medla, buL had yeL Lo recelve one
call from a governmenL or prlvaLe enLlLy Lo offer asslsLance. !lll shared LhaL Andrew had been sufferlng wlLh 1Su
and re-lnLegraLlng lnLo socleLy slnce he flrsL reLurned home from AfghanlsLan. She descrlbed her son's slLuaLlon
lncarceraLed ln Mexlco and LhaL he felL forgoLLen and abandoned, and was very depressed and hopeless. 1hrough
!lll, Chad had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo speak dlrecLly Lo Andrew as a fellow Marlne and on behalf of a broLherhood of
Marlnes Lo share a message LhaL he was noL alone. Slnce SgL. 1ahmooressl and Chad share a bond as Marlnes and
a sLrong falLh as ChrlsLlans lL made lL very easy Lo encourage hlm Lo LrusL ln hls lalLh and lean on Cod, and Chad
assured hlm LhaL he would flghL Lo see hlm home as qulckly as posslble. As Lhe call ended Chad felL relleved LhaL
hope was shared, and when SgL. 1ahmooressl wenL Lo bed aL nlghL he would know he was noL alone ln Lhls flghL.

LaLer LhaL same day, Chad was able Lo conLacL Mrs. Sarah alln on a separaLe Loplc, however shared hls exclLemenL
for Lhe progress. Mrs. alln asked Lo call !lll Lo encourage her, mom Lo mom. and dld so.
Andrew ls recelvlng addlLlonal encouragemenL and help Lhrough local supporLers from rlson lellowshlp and 8a[a
ChrlsLlan MlnlsLrles helplng assure hls personal safeLy and praylng wlLh hlm on Lhelr dally vlslLs. Servlng Callfornla
has an ongolng parLnershlp wlLh rlson lellowshlp for prlson mlnlsLry ln Callfornla, and Mr. uunn ls on Lhe 8oard of
ulrecLors of 8a[a ChrlsLlan MlnlsLrles, whlch has bullL over 2,000 homes ln 8a[a for famllles wlLhouL houslng, ln
addlLlon Lo Lhelr prlson and evangellcal mlnlsLry.

WlLh a new and compeLenL aLLorney ln place and a legal agenda underway, Lhere ls flnal a shlfL and reallsLlc goal Lo
see Andrew on hls way home. Andrew and hls moLher !lll are noL only looklng Lo geL hlm home, buL afLerwards
havlng hlm ln a MlghLy Caks program Lo flnally geL home, noL [usL from Mexlco, buL from AfghanlsLan, and puL hls
posL combaL sLruggles flnally ln Lhe pasL and sLep lnLo a fuLure of hope and heallng.

Mrs. !lll 1ahmooressl has deslgnaLed Servlng Callfornla for press and legal affalrs regardlng her son. lor all press
lnqulrles, please conLacL kelra Lowery aL kelra[ Servlng Callfornla ls a falLh-based, 301(c)(3)
organlzaLlon, commlLLed Lo asslsLlng veLerans, vlcLlms of crlme, lncarceraLed lnmaLes, and Lhelr famllles and
communlLles. Servlng Callfornla helps Lo provlde Lhem wlLh Lhe resources and offer Lhem hope and help Lo
Lranscend Lhelr slLuaLlons.

lor more lnformaLlon, vlslL:

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