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Love is that first feeling you

feel before all the bad stuff

gets in the way.

When someone loves you, the way
they say your name is different.
You know that your name is safe in
their mouth.

Love is when you go
out to eat and give
somebody most of
your French fries
without making
them give you any
of theirs.

Love is when
someone hurts
you, and you get so
mad but you dont
yell at them
because you know
it would hurt
their feelings.

Love is what
makes you smile
when youre tired.

Love is when
your puppy is
so glad to see
you even
though you
left him alone
all day.

Love is taking
action to reach out
and help others.

When you have love in
your heart, you can see
beauty in everything.

Love makes even the most dreary
days scintillate with beauty.

Photo credits:

Page 1 Wikimedia Commons
Page 3 Wikimedia Commons
Page 4 Steve Beger via Flickr
page 7
Page 8 Arwen Abendstern via Flickr
Page 10 Brittany Miller Martin via Flickr
Page 11 Microsoft Clipart

All other photos in public domain. Text
Aurora Productions. Used with permission.
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