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Discussion Questions: Luke 9:37-45

For the message, I Believe! Help My Unbelief given by Pastor John Ferguson
at New City Church of Calgary on June 22, 2014

These discussion questions are designed to help you reflect upon and apply the message from the Scriptures.
You can use these by yourself for reflection, or with your family or small group for discussion.


Reflect on the opening quote, Reality is a nice place to visit, but you wouldnt want to live there. What does
that pithy statement communicate? Do you find yourself resonating with it?

Read Luke 9:37-45. Read also Marks longer account in Mark 9:14-29.


1. As Jesus comes down the mountain with Peter, James, & John, they find the other disciples of Jesus
arguing with the scribes / teachers of the law. What prompted this argument?

2. Place yourself in the sandals of the boys father. Describe your emotional state. How do you see that
reflected in his words (cf. Mark 9:22b).

3. What do you think Jesus response to the man was calculated to do?

4. When the man cries out, I believe; help my unbelief! what was he saying (restate it in your own words).

Do you find this to be encouraging? If so, how so? If not, why not?

5. One of the points Pastor John made is that Jesus does not require perfect faith, but the presence of true
faith. What is meant by that? To flesh it out, think about some common misunderstandings.

faith must always be strong
faith never doubts or has questions
faith is believing what you know aint so.

6. Pastor John said that biblical faith simply means to trust. How does the notion of trust help flesh out the
biblical concept of faith?

7. In the midst of the celebration, Jesus turns to his disciples and wants this reality to sink into their heads:
The Son of Man is about to be delivered into the hands of men.

Why do you think Jesus chose this moment of celebration at the boys healing to try to grab his disciples
attention with this? What does it teach you about the primary mission of Jesus?

8. How is the boys healing a picture of the coming healing of creation? How is this a snapshot of the future?


What is the one thing you want to take away from this study to remember or to make a change in your
life? How does this text help you understand your need for Jesus? How does this text challenge you to
follow him?

Renewing your mind:

Mark 9:23, And Jesus said to him, If you can ! All things are possible for one who believes.

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