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Mission Driven Purpose (MDP)

This is the word for thank you in Twi, one of the prominent languages in
Ghana. This report is a gesture of Appreciation to all those who
supported Mission Driven Purpose (MDP) on its first international
mission with Christ. Read to see what God has done!
The Mission Dates and Locations
The trip started on Dec. 16, 2013 to Jan. 1, 2014. With a team of nine people, the evangelistic
efforts were held in three sites, Mampong Central, PSK, and New Daman, all located in the Ashanti
Region Capital, Kumasi .

The Mission Activity
Based on the pattern of Christ (Mt.4:23), the Mission Trip to Ghana work was constructed upon the
three values, which are Healing, Teaching and Preaching.

HEALING And He HealedIn The Area (Mt. 4:23)
The Healing Took Several Forms

We traveled with a couple of medical students who put their imprints on the crusade by doing medical/health
screening work for the locals there.

Stephen A. Yeboah is counseling a patient Ernst Nicanor is checking for Blood Pressure
Kennedy O. and Soraya P. checking for blood-sugar levels
Unfortunately, there was an issue
with severe high blood pressure in
those regions
One Missionary testified,
Its a miracle that many
are alive right now, they
should be dropping
Also, the medical team
provided free health lectures
to the people at each of the
designated crusade sites on
topics ranging from, healthy
foods, to diseases preventions
and etc.
Sandy Speaking Ernst demonstrating exercises

We received two critical donations that were of a huge blessing to the people in the areas we ministered. This
includes 5 barrels of clothing which were distributed to the laymen, the needy, and the newly baptized members.
The second donation that we received were 2,000 eye glasses which two eye doctors distributed to those with eye

Doctor Hands out glasses People are Eager The boxes before shipping

1. The Constructed well is
central to three villages

2. Most of the people in
that village have to
walk at least a mile to
obtain water which
comes from a very
small stream.

3. The water is used for all
their basic necessities

4. The construction aided
in bringing more souls
to Christ
TEACHING And He Taught The People (Mt. 4:23)
We led two simultaneous workshops during the ongoing of the crusade for laymen. The workshop was held in duration of two
weeks (3 hrs per day) in which the laymen were trained on personal spirituality, effective Christian witnessing, CPR, hydrotherapy
and other practical life skills.

PREACHING And He Preached the Good News

Steven Training on Bible Studies Laymen receiving the word
The Mission Trip to Ghana was
heralded by three major evangelistic
crusades done in the Ashanti capital
of Kumasi in the areas of PSK,
Kumasi & Mampong.
Theo Osei (top left) Evangelist @
New Damain
Michael Kankam (bottom left)
Evangelist @ PSK
Kojo Twumasi (right) Evangelist @
Mampong Central

Such as power outages, or competing distractions Our final Sabbath (Dec 28
) was marked by a huge baptism
that took place ending the crusade efforts with a total of 185 souls giving their lives to Christ.

185 People Baptized and Added to Christ
A Church that was dead has been revitalized with 70 new members
130 Laymen Trained to Continue Gods Work and be dedicated to Christ
54 Member evangelism team left to continue Gods Work
Over 500 people serviced for Blood Pressure, Glucose Levels, and Eye Efficacy
2000 Eye Glasses were distributed to residents and 6 Barrels of clothes were given
out to the residents
The initial Construction of a Water Well
Personal encouragement and revival to all the volunteers who won souls with Christ

The Jesus Team

1. Kofi Twumasi

2. Theo Osei

3. Soraya J. Pierre

4. Ernst Nicanor

5. Kojo Kankam

6. Kojo Twumasi

7. Kennedy Donkor

8. Stephen Yeboah

9. Sandy A. (left add

Special thanks to Sampson Twumasi (Board Advisor) and his wife Felicia Twumasi for the effort placed behind the
scenes to produce an efficient mission!

Though construction has started, the well is not yet completed that is why we are pleading to you out there if
you want to donate to ensure healthy quality water for these people you still have the blessed chance. ($2,000)

180 Bibles in native language ($2,000)

180 Hymn Books in native language($2,000)

*Consistent Prayers

MDP Exists to spread the gospel of
Christ through bible based methods (i.e.
healing, teaching, and preaching) in its
various forms. To contact us and stay
updated on our upcoming trips, look for
our FaceBook page and website,

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