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Biett Smiley will challenge Pioviuence to become the safest city of its size in Ameiica.
Accoiuing to the latest FBI 0nifoim Ciime Repoits, Pioviuence is now only the 18S
city among all 0.S. cities with a population of 1uu,uuu oi moie.

It's time to stanu up anu say enough is enough. We've uone the best we can with too few
iesouices foi too long, anu Biett iecognizes that in oiuei to ieally make a uiffeience, we
neeu to push ouiselves fuithei anu bettei suppoit those fighting to biing an enu to violence
on oui stieets. By making Pioviuence safei, we can attiact new businesses anu jobs,
enhance oui neighboihoous, cieate a vibiant uowntown anu impiove oui schools.

The iueas that follow aie Biett Smiley's bluepiint foi making Pioviuence the safest city of
its size in Ameiica. As Nayoi of Pioviuence, Biett will woik to:

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The only way we can make Pioviuence the safest city of its size in Ameiica is by ielentlessly
puisuing smaitei, stiongei policing. As Nayoi, Biett will put moie cops on the stieet, ie-
ueuicate the Pioviuence Police Bepaitment's effoits to implement community-oiienteu
pioblem solving policing, anu ciack uown haiu on iepeat violent offenueis.

*633=2< E;70 ';K4 ;2 3G0 "37003

0ne of Biett's fiist steps as Nayoi of Pioviuence will be to put moie cops on the stieets.
Cuiiently, the Pioviuence Police Bepaitment is unueistaffeu, with 76 fewei officeis than it
hau just five yeais ago. Accoiuing to the most iecent FBI 0nifoim Ciime Repoit uata,
Biett Smiley, !"#$%& ()&* +,"-
Boston has one police officei foi eveiy 296 iesiuents, Baitfoiu has one cop foi eveiy 262
iesiuents, but Pioviuence has one police officei foi eveiy 416 iesiuents. The people of
Pioviuence ueseive bettei. As Nayoi, Biett will ensuie that the Pioviuence Police
Bepaitment has the funuing it neeus to be fully staffeu anu fully iesponsive to the public
safety neeus of the city. In auuition, Biett will woik with the Pioviuence Police Bepaitment
to finu ways to use civilian employees anu technology to hanule moie ioutine ueskwoik so
that moie unifoimeu officeis can patiol oui stieets anu take ciiminals off of them.

"3702<3G02=2< ';8862=35 *;1=>=2<

In auuition to putting moie police officeis on oui stieets, Biett will ensuie that the
Pioviuence Police Bepaitment puts all of its iesouices to woik to tiuly implement
community policing. Community policing has been uefineu as an oiganizational stiategy
that suppoits the use of paitneiships anu pioblem-solving techniques to pioactively
auuiess conuitions that give iise to ciime, uisoiuei, anu feai of ciime. The Smiley
Auministiation will stiengthen community policing in Pioviuence by pushing the police
uepaitment to woik with community gioups such as the Institute foi the Stuuy anu
Piactice of Nonviolence, Pioject Night vision, Family Seivice of Rhoue Islanu anu faith-
baseu oiganizations, as well as to listen closely to the conceins of citizens, businesses, anu
community oiganizeis in oiuei to ieuuce ciime anu uisoiuei.

Biett will also challenge the Pioviuence Police Bepaitment to moie fully embiace
community policing by selecting anu empoweiing uistiict lieutenants who will uevelop
paitneiships that aie specifically suiteu to auuiess the neeus anu conceins of each of
Pioviuence's nine police uistiicts. Biett will encouiage the police uepaitment to host
uistiict-wiue public safety summits - oppoitunities foi iesiuents, business owneis anu
community oiganizations to uiscuss policing anu safety issues foi theii uistiict as well as to
meet the police officeis anu supeivisois who woik in theii uistiict. These uistiict public
safety summits woulu leau to Nayoi Smiley convening an annual citywiue public safety
summit to uiscuss the most piessing safety conceins anu set goals to auuiess them.

(8K7;L=2< &0>G2;1;<5 92@ '7=80 C939 #29154=4

The Pioviuence Police Bepaitment must use ieal-time technology anu uata analysis to
puisue smaitei policing. The Bepaitment is no longei using the effective Piovstat system
baseu on New Yoik City's successful Compstat piogiam, anu has not ieplaceu this system
with an effective alteinative. Pioviuence has the technological capacity to ieceive ciime
tips fiom the public in ieal time thiough smait phone apps anu to cieate uetaileu ciime anu
complaint mapping. That ieal-time uata, howevei, has to be useu hanu-in-hanu with
appiopiiate tactics anu stiategies uesigneu to ieuuce ciime anu uisoiuei. Foi example, a
small hanuful of peisistent iepeat offenueis commit a majoiity of violent anu piopeity
ciimes, anu the Pioviuence Police Bepaitment ought to know exactly who they aie anu
uevelop plans to take them uown, one by one. Similaily, small geogiaphic aieas, oi "hot
spots," may piouuce a majoiity of calls foi police seivices. The Pioviuence Police
Biett Smiley, !"#$%& ()&* +,"-
Bepaitment ought to know those aieas intimately anu be floouing them with attention anu
iesouices. Nany uomestic abuseis have extensive ciiminal histoiies - not only of uomestic
violence, but also an aiiay of othei violent anu anti-social behavioi. The Pioviuence Police
Bepaitment ought to know exactly who these offenueis aie anu use eveiy possible ciiminal
justice levei available to ensuie that they aie not in a position to haim anyone again. Anu a
small peicentage of ciime victims suffei a uispiopoitionate numbei of iepeateu
victimizations, in pait because some of these victims aie themselves associateu with
ciiminals oi ciiminal enteipiises. Naking the Police Bepaitment moie tech-savvy anu moie
engageu in stiategic uata analysis in this mannei will help ieuuce ciime anu uisoiuei as
has occuiieu in cities like Boston, New Yoik anu Los Angeles.

#<<7044=L015 &9F=2< M624 ;AA 3G0 "37003

The gieatest asset Pioviuence has in taking guns off the stieet is the Pioviuence Police
Bepaitment. Thiough uay-to-uay police woik, seaiching known offenueis to enfoice gun
possession laws, anu weapon stings, the PPB uoes yeoman's woik in taking uangeious
weapons off the stieets. Biett will stiengthen theii effoits by ensuiing that the PPB is fully
staffeu anu funueu anu encouiage gun contiol paitneiships with feueial, state, anu local
law enfoicement agencies. Fuithei, the Pioviuence Police Bepaitment will let offenueis,
piobationeis, paiolees, anu gang membeis know that gun possession laws will be enfoiceu
aggiessively anu with ceitainty. We will use eveiy ciiminal justice tool anu leveiage eveiy
paitneiship possible to impose maximum penalties against ciiminals who use guns to
commit ciimes.

Anothei way Biett Smiley will woik to take guns out of the hanus of ciiminals will be to
puisue a statewiue gun tax on all guns puichaseu in Rhoue Islanu. Biett will piopose a
supplemental 1u peicent sales tax on the appioximately 2u,uuu gun puichases in Rhoue
Islanu each yeai anu on ammunition puichases. Puichases foi law enfoicement puiposes
will be exempteu fiom this tax. The appioximately $2 million annually in ievenue that
these taxes iaise will suppoit community anti-violence effoits anu initiatives to take guns
out of the hanus of ciiminals.

Finally, Biett Smiley will woik with his fellow mayois to aggiessively push at the state level
foi othei common sense gun contiol measuies.

'79>F=2< C;N2 ;2 M92< B=;102>0

Pioviuence has a seiious gang pioblem that is uiiving much of the violent ciime in the city.
uang-ielateu violence, uiug tiafficking anu uisoiuei will not be toleiateu in Pioviuence. As
Nayoi, Biett Smiley will woik with the Pioviuence Police Bepaitment, feueial anu state
law enfoicement agencies, feueial anu state piosecutois anu community oiganizeis to
iuentify anu wain gang leaueis anu gang membeis that violent ciime anu uiug tiafficking
will be piosecuteu swiftly anu with ceitainty. But Biett also will uevelop netwoiks of social
seivices anu community suppoits to luie juveniles away fiom gang activity. This appioach
Biett Smiley, !"#$%& ()&* +,"-
was useu in the Boston uun Pioject to substantially ieuuce gun-ielateu violence uuiing the
miu-199u's, anu it has been applieu successfully in othei cities aiounu the countiy since
then, incluuing Lowell, NA, Chicago, IL, Cincinnati, 0B, Inuianapolis, IN, Stockton, CA, anu
Los Angeles, CA. These appioaches woulu leveiage a iecent $1Su,uuu Safe Neighboihoous
giant that Pioviuence ieceiveu to ieuuce gang anu gun violence.

/0@6>=2< C;8043=> B=;102>0

Bomestic violence, which uispiopoitionately impacts women anu chiluien, involves moie
than just ciime between two people, anu the police alone cannot simply be left to solve it.
Bomestic violence iequiies a compiehensive iesponse - one that eliminates baiiieis that
pievent victims fiom seeking help, police fiom piotecting enuangeieu women anu chiluien,
anu women fiom leaving violent paitneis. To ieuuce uomestic violence, Biett Smiley will
uiiect the Pioviuence's public safety, neighboihoou seivices, woikfoice tiaining, health,
anu social seivice agencies to woik togethei to auuiess uomestic violence.

As Nayoi, Biett Smiley will focus consiueiable police iesouices to ueal with uomestic
violence. In paiticulai, Biett will encouiage the PPB Special victims 0nit to iuentify seiial
batteieis - offenueis who iepeateuly commit acts of uomestic violence anu yet somehow
escape long-teim punishment. The Pioviuence Police Bepaitment will woik with feueial,
state, anu local piosecutois to use eveiy tool at theii uisposal, incluuing feueial violence
Against Women penalties anu feueial gun chaiges, to put these uangeious men away.

In auuition, Biett will iequiie all ielevant city agencies to woik togethei to link uomestic
violence victims with state anu city victim seivice agencies anu othei suppoits that can
help victims to iegain contiol of theii lives. Suivivois of uomestic violence woiiy
constantly about financial issues like non-enfoicement of chilu suppoit, housing anu
chilucaie costs, anu the challenge of obtaining affoiuable legal seivices. These haiuships
often pievent women fiom leaving abusive ielationships. Biett Smiley will iequiie city
agencies to collaboiate on stiategies to inciease the financial inuepenuence of uomestic
violence suivivois.

*7;30>3=2< 'G=1@702

In oiuei to bieak the cycle of family violence, we must inteivene as eaily as possible in the
lives of chiluien anu teens that aie exposeu to violence. As Nayoi, Biett Smiley will
encouiage Pioviuence Public Schools to uevelop tiaining to help auministiatois, teacheis,
anu staff iuentify at-iisk chiluien anu to teach stuuents how to iecognize anu iepoit family
violence. In auuition, Biett's auministiation will woik with victim seivice agencies anu
othei chilu auvocates to ensuie that chiluien living in violent settings get access to
counseling seivices anu othei suppoit.

In auuition, unuei Nayoi Smiley, Pioviuence Public Schools will continue to puisue
funuing, peisonnel, anu eveiy technology available to ensuie that oui schools aie safe
Biett Smiley, !"#$%& ()&* +,"-
havens foi leaining anu giowth. Pioviuence Public Schools will auopt zeio toleiance
policies iegaiuing online oi physical bullying anu continue to woik with stuuent
oiganizations to stiess smaitei, safei online behavioi.

Finally, Biett will seek out ways to seive the neeus of Pioviuence's abuseu anu neglecteu
chiluien. Foi example, the Couit Appointeu Special Auvocate (CASA) piogiam biings
togethei tiaineu volunteei auvocates to woik with Rhoue Islanu Family Couit attoineys
anu social woikeis to iepiesent the best inteiests of neglecteu anu abuseu chiluien who
aie unuei the juiisuiction of the Family Couit. Accoiuing to CASA of Rhoue Islanu, an
estimateu 1Su CASA volunteeis visit abuseu anu neglecteu chiluien, leain about theii
unique situations, anu piesent the Family Couit with a chilu-centeieu peispective about
the neeus of each chilu. But S,uuu oi moie chiluien statewiue coulu use the seivices of
CASA volunteeis, incluuing hunuieus of chiluien fiom Pioviuence. As Nayoi, Biett will
highlight this effoit to inteivene in the cycle of abuse anu ieciuit anu tiain Pioviuence
ietiiees, paients, college stuuents, anu iesiuents to make a uiffeience in the lives of these
chiluien in neeu.

"3702<3G02=2< B=>3=8 "07L=>04

0ne impoitant way in which the Pioviuence Police Bepaitment can bettei assist all ciime
victims anu secuie theii coopeiation in ciiminal justice pioceeuings is by hiiing auuitional
ciime victim auvocates. Cuiiently, the Special victims 0nit has only two auvocates who
must suppoit victims of neaily 1,2uu violent ciimes anu neaily 7,8uu piopeity ciimes a
yeai. Biinging on auuitional auvocates as well as ueveloping paitneiships with batteieu
women's shelteis, iape ciisis centeis, suivivois of homiciue suppoit gioups, Notheis
Against Biunk Biiving, anu othei victim assistance piogiams will help ciime victims heal
anu encouiage theii assistance in appiehenuing anu successfully piosecuting theii

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Nany ciime pioblems enuuie because unueilying ioot causes aie not auuiesseu anu
solveu. As a mayoi who will get things uone, Biett Smiley will biing the powei anu
iesouices of City Ball to beai on peisistent public safety issues.

$=<G3=2< +=L9H=1=35 '7=804

To impiove commeice anu safety in all of oui neighboihoous, it is essential that Pioviuence
take steps to stop giaffiti anu othei livability ciimes. Small signs of uisoiuei - giaffiti, littei
anu tiash that is not pickeu up, bioken stieet lights, abanuoneu cais oi builuings, loiteiing
anu the like - can signal that paits of oui neighboihoous aie not being monitoieu anu aie
open foi ciiminal activity. They can iaise incieaseu feais among iesiuents that the aiea is
Biett Smiley, !"#$%& ()&* +,"-
spiialing out of contiol. As Nayoi, Biett Smiley will push city agencies - incluuing the
Police Bepaitment, Public Woiks, Inspections anu Stanuaius, anu Neighboihoou Seivices -
to woik togethei to solve small neighboihoou pioblems befoie they become laigei public
safety pioblems.

'198K=2< C;N2 ;2 (7704K;24=H10 '16H ON2074 92@ +92@1;7@4

As Nayoi, Biett Smiley will foice city uepaitments to collaboiate on stiategies to eliminate
pioblem piopeities wheievei they aiise thioughout the city. 0sing all civil anu ciiminal
iemeuies at oui uisposal, incluuing nuisance abatement oiueis anu manuatoiy evictions of
uiug uealeis, city agencies will woik with community oiganizations anu the Pioviuence
Police Bepaitment to stamp out ciime anu uisoiuei wheievei it attempts to take holu anu
uisiupt oui neighboihoous.

While a vibiant bai anu club scene is impoitant to oui economic health, it must be balanceu
with the neeus of the neighboihoous at laige. Nost of oui nightlife is a gieat auuition to
Pioviuence anu its economy, but theie aie a few exceptions. Foi example, some
iiiesponsible club owneis have cieateu a blight in Pioviuence's iapiuly giowing jeweliy
uistiict aiea. As Biown 0niveisity anu }ohnson & Wales invest moie iesouices in this aiea,
the City of Pioviuence must meet them halfway by piomoting iesponsible club anu bai
owneiship. As Nayoi, Biett will auu moie licensing officeis to the Pioviuence Police
Bepaitment, pioviue the Solicitoi's 0ffice with the neeueu iesouices to biing moie cases
befoie the Boaiu of Licenses, anu woik with the Bepaitment of Business Regulation to
enable the Boaiu of Licenses to levy $1u,uuu to $Su,uuu fines foi egiegious public safety
violations. Biett also will woik with Pioviuence Police Bistiict 0ne officeis to ensuie
uowntown paiking lots aie secuie anu well lit.

%PK92@=2< #1>;G;1 Q C76< &70938023 "07L=>04

We cannot jail oui way out of the alcohol anu uiug pioblems facing oui city. The
Pioviuence Police Bepaitment will uo eveiything in its powei to ioot out uiug tiafficking
within the city. But we know that ieuucing the supply of illicit uiugs is only one pait of the
solution. We must auuiess uemanu as well. Biett Smiley will take meaningful steps to
inciease local uiug tieatment options foi those auuicteu to alcohol anu othei uiugs anu
auuiess gaps in funuing anu seivices. Cities like New Yoik anu Philauelphia have founu that
when they uevelopeu bettei uiug tieatment options foi people with alcohol anu uiug
pioblems, theii jail populations uecieaseu anu ciime iates fell ovei time. Reseaich also
suggests that states with the highest uiug tieatment aumission iates have lowei than
aveiage incaiceiation iates. We must seek out ways to uisiupt the cycle of auuiction anu
offei a full continuum caie that incluues tieatment anu iecoveiy suppoit seivices to help
people fight theii auuiction foi the long teim. Biett will woik to establish a Recoveiy
Community Centei in Pioviuence to assist in the cooiuination of this woik.

Biett Smiley, !"#$%& ()&* +,"-
C0L01;K=2< %AA0>3=L0 *7=4;2 /0R%2375 "07L=>04

At one point oi anothei, the vast majoiity of oui offenuei population will ietuin to
Pioviuence's neighboihoous once they aie ieleaseu fiom jail. As Nayoi, Biett Smiley will
puisue feueial, state, anu non-piofit funuing to suppoit compiehensive seivices that help
offenueis who have completeu theii sentences to establish lawful, piouuctive lives in oui
neighboihoous. Be will seek out stiongei paitneiships with state piobation anu paiole
agencies to ensuie piopei oveisight ovei offenueis who aie still unuei coiiectional
supeivision. Biett will also suppoit employment tiaining piogiams, mental health seivices,
auuiction iecoveiy seivices, counseling, anu othei neeueu suppoits to help offenueis who
ietuin to the community get back on theii feet.

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The iesiuents anu businesses of Pioviuence ueseive city agencies anu city employees who
will woik tiielessly on theii behalf. As a mayoi who gets things uone, Biett Smiley will
ensuie this by:

(8K7;L=2< '643;807 "07L=>0 92@ #>>044 3; (2A;7893=;2

Too often in Pioviuence, you neeu to "know a guy" to get things uone. 0nfoitunately this
mentality extenus to all uepaitments, incluuing the police uepaitment. As Nayoi, Biett will
ensuie theie is stiong management of the civilian staff so that the citizens of Pioviuence
aie not uiscouiageu fiom seeking help when they neeu it, paiticulaily at the cential station.

Policing woiks best when it is uone in conceit, not in conflict, with the community. In oiuei
to builu anu maintain tiust between iesiuents anu the police, Biett also will establish a
moie effective citizen complaint piocess. Biett believes that inuepenuent, civilian oveisight
is an impoitant piece of any public safety system, anu he will woik to stiengthen
mechanisms foi civilian input on law enfoicement.

"6KK;73=2< O67 *;1=>0 OAA=>074

We must nevei lose sight of the ieality that oui police officeis have challenging, stiessful,
anu uangeious jobs. The Smiley Auministiation will uo eveiything in its powei to suppoit
oui officeis by continuously suiveying officeis on issues of moiale anu woikplace conceins
anu ueveloping ways to impiove both. As Nayoi, Biett will ensuie that police salaiies anu
benefits iemain competitive with juiisuictions thioughout the iegion. Be also will seek to
cieate paitneiships to encouiage police officeis to own homes in Pioviuence. Biett also
will seek to establish an inuepenuent Pioviuence Police Founuation that can accept
chaiitable uonations anu suppoit officei initiatives, scholaiships, equipment puichases,
Biett Smiley, !"#$%& ()&* +,"-
anu othei officei neeus that cannot be funueu thiough the police uepaitment's annual
buuget. This will supplement the funuiaising effoits alieauy being uone thiough the F0P.

"3702<3G02=2< O67 /0193=;24G=K N=3G 3G0 $9=3G ';8862=35

In oiuei to fight ciime anu ensuie that oui citizens aie kept safe, Pioviuence neeus to ieach
all of its citizens. 0ne of the best ways to uo this is thiough the faith community. Biett will
ensuie that the PPB meet iegulaily with faith leaueis so that necessaiy public safety
messages aie ieaching all coineis of the city anu public safety leaueis aie listening anu
iesponuing to community conceins.


Biett Smiley unueistanus that effective public safety uemanus that public safety agencies
like the Police Bepaitment eain the tiust anu iespect of the people they seive. Buiing the
Smiley Auministiation, public safety agencies will listen closely to the conceins anu
complaints of the community anu woik in close paitneiship with iesiuents, businesses, anu
community oiganizations to uevelop stiategies that ieuuce ciime anu uisoiuei thioughout
Pioviuence. We also cannot foiget that one of the most impoitant ciime-fighting tools is a
stiong anu thiiving economy, anu Biett will woik to cieate jobs anu pioviue economic
oppoitunity that can be shaieu by eveiyone. Thiough the impoitant steps outlineu in this
plan, anu with the collaboiation of all paities involveu, Biett looks foiwaiu to leauing
effoits fiom City Ball to make Pioviuence the safest city of its size in Ameiica.

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