January APECA Newsletter 2014

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In October I left for Peru
to work with APECA on
the Amazon River. Nadya
Aries traveled with me to
join the field team and do
some filming of APECA
programs and projects.

Cheryl and Jim Bruckner
of Ventura Church of the
Foothills, UCC, arrived
within a week of my arrival. During the week they
were working with us,
we initiated a community
reforestation project that
will be managed by a
schools parent
teachers association. We
are using this specific
project as a model to
encourage the incorpora-
tion of schools into our
conservation projects. Cheryl wanted to help with the
video content development while becoming acquainted
with APECA in the field where she is looking for a
way to use her teaching skills in future APECA pro-
jects with her church.

Jim was very busy helping Pablo with some mainte-
nance chores that included bat elimination and fram-
ing of screening mesh, recently delivered to El Fundo
for testing in the Malaria isolation units.

When I returned in December, a little confused and
disoriented by weather changes, (110 degrees to 48 in
Canoga Park), language (Spanish to English), time
change of 3 hours and hustle bustle of the USA, I took
some time to review the status of APECA.

In January, news of our new partnership with Global
Ministries of the UCC and DOC will be published.

The children in the classroom visited by Cheryl and
Jim will benefit from increased educational opportuni-
ties. Professionals, volunteers and students will find
opportunities to join efforts of People to People, Wider
church Ministries, to participate in the variety of APE-
CA programs in Peru. By helping each other as part-
ners we are strengthening the reach of viable sustaina-
ble human relations impacting education and conserva-

Gina Low
From left Cheryl Brucknew,
Pablo Guerra, Nahdezda Aries,
and Jim Bruckner
Jim Bruckner is busy with
Cheryl and Jim Bruckner introducing the refor-
estation project to the community

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