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#$ To Inteiesteu Paities
&'#!$ Lauien Passalacqua, Communications Biiectoi, Walsh foi Nontana
'"$ Fact Sheet iegaiuing Senatoi }ohn Walsh
()*"$ }uly 24, 2u14

Please finu the upuateu infoimation anu statement on Senatoi }ohn Walsh.

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Senatoi Walsh incluueu 96 citations foi a 14-page papei at the 0.S. Aimy Wai College in
Cailisle, Pennsylvania. Be acknowleuges the citations weie not all uone coiiectly, but that
it was an unintentional mistake.

}ohn Walsh has been evaluateu at eveiy stage of his militaiy caieei anu maue the uecision
when he enteieu the iace to ielease those evaluations so Nontanans coulu see foi
themselves exactly what kinu of soluiei he was. The iecoiu is available online 89:9.

The ieseaich papei was not a thesis, as iepoiteu by many oiganizations.

While commanuing the 1-16S
Infantiy Battalion in Iiaq in 2uu4 anu 2uuS, Walsh suiviveu
hunuieus of IEB explosions while in a Bumvee, he was taigeteu - by name - by Al Qaiua in
Iiaq, anu his unit enuuieu hunuieus of iocket attacks.

Senatoi Walsh tolu the !""#$%&'() +,("" on Weunesuay that he was uealing with the
consequences of the uifficult ciicumstances he faceu in Iiaq, but he uiu not suggest that
these ciicumstances weie an excuse foi incoiiect citations in a ieseaich papei.

It's telling that this stoiy emeiges as polls show this iace tightening - incluuing one
poll ieleaseu the uay this stoiy was publisheu that finus Senatoi Walsh uown by only 4
points. Foi months, Walsh's iecoiu has come unuei significant sciutiny while
Congiessman Baines' own caieei, incluuing a histoiy of opening factoiies in China as his
company laiu off Ameiican woikeis, continues to go without ieview.

This stoiy will not change Senatoi Walsh's commitment to his campaign, anu it uoes not
change his iesolve in uealing with the issues that mattei most to Nontanans: piotecting
Social Secuiity anu Neuicaie, uefenuing public lanus, piotecting access to women's
fieeuom of health caie, anu cieating jobs.

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"Nontanans aie piouu of Senatoi Walsh's SS-yeai caieei fighting foi Nontana anu seiving
in Iiaq. Be's a gieat soluiei, who leaineu wai stiategy on the battlefielu fiisthanu but he's
not a classioom acauemic - the Senate alieauy has plenty of those. Bespite an
unintentional mistake at the 0.S. Aimy Wai College, he is back woiking foi anu piotecting
Nontana anu seiving this nation, anu we look foiwaiu to shaiing the contiast to
Congiessman Steve Baines' iecoiu of piivatizing Neuicaie, selling off public lanus, anu
voting against veteians - while piotecting tax bieaks foi fellow millionaiies."

2)'*-)0 +)'""' *-!"0-4"

Becembei 2uu1: Piomoteu to Lieutenant Colonel
}uly 2uu4: Stationeu at Foit Bliss, TX foi Pie-ueployment tiaining
Novembei 2uu4: Beployeu to Iiaq
Novembei 2uuS: Retuineu fiom Iiaq
Nay 2uu6: Piomoteu to Colonel
}uly 2uu6: Began Wai College
Naich 2uu7: Completeu Wai College Reseaich Papei
}une 2uu7: Completeu Wai College

1-310-31*, #& ">)0/)*-#4,

)?@:A9A .:BCD9 ,E@: &B: F"GH9IEJBC@KKL !9:JEB:JBMN ,9:OJH95P In August 2uuS,
Walsh was awaiueu the Bionze Stai foi his seivice in Iiaq "foi exceptionally
meiitoiious seivice while seiving as the commanuei of the 1
Battalion, 16S

Infantiy Regiment. The awaiu noteu Walsh's "attention to uetail anu wai fighting
abilities" anu that he "successfully planneu anu executeu combat missions in the
highly uangeious poitions of the Sunni Tiiangle locateu in Westein aieas of the
Kiikuk, Iiaq piovince."|Bionze Stai Neual, 818uSj

2:@JN9A QB: 1JN 09@A9:N8JI JC -:@R5 In }une 2uuS, Biigauiei ueneial Alan C.
uayhait, Walsh's commanuing officei anu the Commanuei of the Nontana National
uuaiu, iecommenueu Walsh foi attenuance at a Senioi Seivice College noting,
"thiough LTC Walsh's leaueiship, the Battalion also succeeueu in the unique anu
challenging missions ielateu to iebuiluing local goveinments, infiastiuctuie, anu
the installation of uemociatic values into a society known only foi its uisiegaiu foi
human iights anu values. LTC Walsh uaily executes missions which have stiategic
impacts on the success of 0niteu States policy in Iiaq."|Recommenuation foi LTC
}ohn Walsh foi Senioi Seivice College, 61uuSj

>@KM9NW X78BN9Y 1BC9NEL )CA -CE9Z:JEL ):9 )[BO9 '9I:B@H85P In August 2uu6,
Col. Walsh's supeiiois noteu: "C0L Walsh is in the top 2% of eveiy Aimy 0fficei I
have seiveu with in Su yeais. Thioughout this iating peiiou his. outstanuing
peifoimance, anu consistent leaueiship by example gaineieu him national
iecognition as a piemiei militaiy leauei..Colonel Walsh is a consensus
builuei.. Be uefinitely mouels the Aimy values.honesty anu integiity aie above
iepioach." |0fficei Evaluation Repoit, 1114u8j

STT\ "O@KM@EJBC$ 7@KN8 F-N @ *@]9 +8@:Z9 09@A9:< #ME &:BCE !@]JCZ *8JCZN
1@II9C5P In }uly 2uu8, then-Col. Walsh's supeiiois wiote his officei evaluation:
"Colonel Walsh is a take chaige leauei - out fiont making things happen.Few uo it
bettei.ability to maishal iesouices, oichestiate multiple activities, nevei gives up
befoie finishing. Also, a consensus builuei.fosteieu tiustteamwoik with all
uiiectoiates - confionteu anu solveu tough peisonnel anu financial issues." |0fficei
Evaluation Repoit, 611u8 (coveiing S2uu6-1u9u7)j

STT^ "O@KM@EJBC$ 0*+ 7@KN8 F)K?@LN 0BB]JCZ #ME BQ E89 3BBA BQ E89 ,BKAJ9:5P
In an evaluation by his supeiiois in August 2uu6, then-LTC Walsh's supeiiois noteu:
"LTC Walsh is a supeib officei, anu by fai the stiongest LTC in the ianks. Bis
peifoimance of uuty has been nothing less than outstanuing in all aieas. LTC Walsh
possesses the ability to manage multiple top piioiities simultaneously. Be is soluiei
focuseu, always looking out of the goou of the soluiei, whethei the soluiei likes it oi
not." |0fficei Evaluation Repoit, 821u6j

#I9:@EJBCN ?@N (M9 EB 1JN ,MI9:[ 09@A9:N8JI5P In August 2uu8, Walsh's
supeiiois noteu "LTC Walsh is one of the stiongest Battalion commanueis in the
Biigaue. With ovei 1uuu soluieis in his task foice he was able to builu a cohesive
team the fastest while at post-mob. Bis success in team builuing was instiumental in
the Battalion being iecognizeu as one of the best units post-mob. Bis unit's
exemplaiy peifoimance of combat opeiations was uue to his supeib leaueiship anu
management skills.Be is a pioven leauei who leaus fiom the fiont, by motivating
soluieis, while ensuiing that they aie well caieu foi anu piotecteu." |0fficei
Evaluation Repoit, 8uSu8 (coveiing 622u4-621uS)j

;M@KJEJ9N5P In an evaluation by his supeiiois in }une 1998, then-Najoi Walsh's
supeiiois noteu that "NA} Walsh completeu all objectives in a highly piofessional
anu competent mannei uuiing this iating peiiou.Be continually uisplays
outstanuing leaueiship qualities." |0fficei Evaluation Repoit, 61898j

abbc "O@KM@EJBC$ 7@KN8 JN F4BE )Q:@JA EB !@]9 *BMZ8 (9HJNJBCN5P In an
evaluation by his supeiiois in August 199S, Walsh's supeiiois noteu that Walsh
"takes complete iesponsibility. Nevei quibbles," anu "says what he believes, not
afiaiu to make tough uecisions." |0fficei Evaluation Repoit, 72u9Sj

)7)'(, )4( ("+#')*-#4,$

Legion of Neiit Awaiu
Bionze Stai Neual
Combat Infantiy Bauge
Neiitoiious Seivice Neual with 2 Bionze 0ak Leaf Clusteis
Aimy: Commenuation Neual with 1 Bionze 0ak Leaf Clustei, Achievement Neual
with 2 Bionze 0ak Leaf Clusteis, uoou Conuuct Neual, Reseive Components
Achievement Neual with 1 Silvei 0ak Leaf Clustei anu 2 Bionze 0ak Leaf Clusteis
National Befense Seivice Neual with Bionze Seivice Stai
Iiaqi Campaign Neual with 1 Bionze Seivice Stai
ulobal Wai on Teiioiism Seivice Neual
Bumanitaiian Seivice Neual
Aimeu Foices Reseive Neual with Silvei Bouiglass anu N Bevice
NC0 Piofessional Bevelopment Ribbon with Aiabic numeial 2
Aimy Seivice Ribbon
0veiseas Seivice Ribbon
Aimy Reseive Components 0veiseas Tiaining Ribbon
Nontana National uuaiu: Bistinguisheu Seivice Neual, Campaign Ribbon with 4
Bionze Seivice Stais, Seivice Ribbon with 4 Bionze 0ak Leaf Clusteis

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