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Wisdom Publications

forthcoming titles
Winter/Spring 2010
Trade Catalog
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Winter 2010 Titles ........................................................1

Spring 2010 Titles...........................................................9
Backlist Bestsellers ......................................................17
Information for the Trade and Media ......................18
Academic Examination and Desk Copies ..............19
Tibetan Art Calendar..................................................21
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Winter 2010 Titles

T he role of nuns in the Buddhist com-

munity is more prominent than ever
and now is the time to bring to
fruition the Buddha’s vision of total equality
and full ordination for men and women
alike.This brilliant collection of resounding
voices represents the movement to reinstate
full ordination of women in all Buddhist tra-
ditions—amid great controversy.
Covering the breadth of Buddhist tradi-
tions, Dignity and Discipline is a seminal volume
that conveys the history and the vision for
the future of the role of women as ambassa-
dors and curators of the ordained Buddhist

352 pages | 978-086171-588-6 | $18.95

December 2009

Thea Mohr is author and direc-

tor of numerous documentaries dealing
with religious subjects, primarily Buddhism.
Since 1994 she has been a lecturer for religious
studies at Goethe University in Frankfurt.

Bhikshuni Jampa Tsedroen (Carola Roloff ) is an ordained

Tibetan Buddhist nun and a lecturer and research fellow at Hamburg
University specializing in nuns’ ordination and women in Buddhism.

Winter 2010 Titles

ometimes history is cruel: A civilization

S starts to fall apart and a stable social

order starts to unravel; upheaval and
uncertainty abound.Tyrants ride high, old
notions of justice vanish, and people may feel
they have nowhere to turn for relief. In some
ways, this is our world, now.
But now is not the first time such chal-
lenges have been met and faced boldly. Indeed,
this is what happened to the Chinese world in
the thirteenth century when the Mongol con-
querors mangled China and left the Chinese
social order in tatters.
This book, from one of the pioneering and
preeminent translators of Zen for the West,
presents a selection of Zen lessons from four 240 pages | 978-086171-592-3 | $16.95
teachers in four successive generations whose January 2010

public lives spanned the turbulent period in

Chinese history from the last generation of the Song dynasty (overthrown by the Mon-
gols in 1279) to the first generation of the Ming dynasty (which drove out the Mongols,
and proclaimed its own reign in 1368). These four Zen masters were all eminent public
teachers, and their teaching words reflect the state of the art of Zen teaching in their time.
And they are, even now, all vividly relevant.

J.C. Cleary holds a Ph.D. in East Asian Languages and

Civilizations from Harvard University. He is the trans-
lator, along with his brother Thomas Cleary, of The Blue
Cliff Record as well numerous other translations of texts
from Zen’s Chinese history. He lives outside Boston.

Winter 2010 Titles

A timely and universally important book from the bestselling and

world-renowned authors of How to Be Happy and How to Meditate.

he inevitability of sickness, old age,
and death is a subject that makes a
lot of people uneasy. And yet, as
Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Kathleen McDon-
ald tell us in this powerful and moving little
book, our anxiety around these things can be a
“wholesome fear”—a fear that can have a pos-
itive quality that ultimately enriches and nour-
ishes our lives. It does this by leaving us no
choice but to face difficult truths and live more
authentically because of them. Truly, we can
use our anxiety around all aspects of imper-
manence and death as a spur to really live
what’s most important; we can transform anx-
ious energy into high-octane fuel to help us
take up the practices right now that will lead
to peace, compassion, and joy. Doing so will
168 pages | 978-086171-630-2 | $14.95
help us to live well and, when the time comes
as it inevitably will, to die well too. It’s never January 2010
too early to start making this most important
of efforts—and, fortunately, it is never too late.

A profoundly practical book, Wholesome Fear also includes instruction

in beginning meditation and ten powerful guided meditations that have
the power to transform your fear—and your life.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche is the spiritual director of the Foun-

dation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT),
a worldwide network of Buddhist centers, monasteries, and affil-
iated projects, including Wisdom Publications. His books
include How to Be Happy, Transforming Problems into Happiness, and
Ultimate Healing. He lives in Aptos, California.

Kathleen McDonald was ordained as a Tibetan Buddhist

nun in 1974. She is a respected and inspiring teacher in the
Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition.
She is the author of Wisdom’s bestselling How to Meditate.

Winter 2010 Titles


lmost every Buddhist practitioner or

A dabbler into Zen has been intrigued, at

one time or another, by this famous line
from the Heart Sutra. This powerful and pro-
found ancient scripture, of crucial importance
to all of Mahayana Buddhism, offers us insight
into the nature of ultimate reality perceived
through intuitive wisdom. The spaciousness of
this approach allows the heart to beat in its nat-
uralness, beyond disputations and ideological
arguments—and in this important offering
from Mu Soeng, we can start to see how intel-
lect and intuition can begin to meet.
In offering a thorough exploration of this
important piece of the world’s great religious
literature, The Heart of the Universe establishes a
broad context to encounter the Heart Sutra on
many levels—historical, spiritual, linguistic, and
empirical—each serving to interdependently
152 pages | 978-086171-574-9 | $15.95
illuminate the other.
February 2010
Mu Soeng’s previous two books have been
much-praised explorations of two other sem-
inal Buddhist texts: The Diamond Sutra, and the third Zen Ancestor’s famously inspiring
poem, Trust in Mind.

Mu Soeng, a former Zen monk and teacher, is the

co-director of the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies.
He lives in Barre, Massachusetts.

Praise for previous works from Mu Soeng.

“Fresh and inspiring.”—Inquiring Mind

“A pleasure to read! Providing a full historical and cultural context

for this great teaching inspires an understanding of its contemporary
relevance, while the clarity of Mu Soeng’s prose makes sophisticated
Buddhist scholarship available to all interested readers.”
—Sylvia Boorstein

Winter 2010 Titles

I n this lovely, meditative exploration of

ikebana—the Japanese art of flower
arranging—Joan Stamm shows us
how her twin paths of Buddhist practice and
artistic endeavor converge and indeed
become thoroughly intertwined.
Joan’s lush, elegant voice weaves childhood
memories of her mother’s joy at a just-
bloomed morning glory with meditations on
the symbolic importance of bamboo, of pine,
of the lily. She takes us with her on her trav-
els to Japan as she learns the essential princi-
ples of ikebana, and lets us join her as she
teaches flower arranging to women in a nurs-
ing home who, though they won’t recall
tomorrow the rules of arrangement or even
the flowers’ names, nonetheless partake in
200 pages | 978-086171-577-0 | $16.95
the joy and love that celebrates all living
things, however briefly they endure. 8 page color photo insert
And, when Joan shows us the natural sym- March 2010
metry of a blossom, we find that we too have
regained our balance.

Joan D. Stamm received Shihan, or authorization to teach, from

the Saga School of Ikebana headquartered in Kyoto, Japan. The
essay that was the first seed of this book appeared in Chrysalis Reader
and Tricycle: The Buddhist Review; it was subsequently picked up by
Utne Reader and chosen for Best Spiritual Writing 2001.

Winter 2010 Titles

irst Invite
Love In is a
beautiful col-
lection of exercises
inspired by the ancient
meditative arts of Tibetan Buddhism. Tana
Pesso and the late Penor Rinpoche worked
together to create this universal handbook,
free of jargon or religious language, offering
a gently guided course for anyone who
wants live more compas-
sionately, wisely, and
with a more open
and loving heart.

200 pages | 6.5 X 7.5

978-086171-285-4 | $15.95
March 2010
“If we all spend a few minutes every day
trying to develop a positive compassionate
mind, as explained here, eventually
compassion will truly become
part of our lives.”
—from the foreword by the Dalai Lama

“An especially important guide at a time when so many

lack confidence about how to go beyond fear and uncertainty.”
—Sharon Salzberg, author of Faith and Lovingkindness

“The short exercises presented here

will benefit anyone who practices them.”
—Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, author of Turning the Mind into an Ally

About the Authors

Tana Pesso holds an undergraduate degree from Harvard College and a master’s degree in
public policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. She has worked extensively as
a personal coach and an executive consultant. She lives in Rockport, MA. She has spent the
last decade as student of many prominent Buddhist teachers, including Penor Rinpoche.

Penor Rinpoche, one the most important teachers of his time, was the head of the Nying-
ma school of Tibetan Buddhism. Born in 1932 in Eastern Tibet, he was renowned by all as an
exemplary master of the Tibetan tradition. He tirelessly taught devoted students around the
world. He passed away in 2009.

Winter 2010 Titles

zogchen, or the “Great Perfec-

D tion,” is considered by many to be

the apex of Tibetan Buddhism,
and Longchen Rabjam, one of Tibet’s great-
est writers and sages, is the preeminent mas-
ter of Dzogchen. This book presents all the
radical precepts of Dzogchen, pointing the
way to absolute liberation from conceptual
fetters and pure, natural integration into the
nature of one’s true being. Transcending the
Tibetan context or even the confines of Bud-
dhist tradition, Longchen Rabjam delivers a
manual full of practical wisdom. Natural Per-
fection is a shining example of why people have
continued to turn to the traditions of Tibet
for spiritual and personal transformation and
realization. This transmission of timeless wis-
dom will take its place among the religious
classics of the world.

304 pages | 978-086171-640-1 | $17.95

March 2010

Longchen Rabjam (1308–69) is the most recognizable and revered master in the history
of the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism. Well known and regarded as the premiere
expositor of the methods, paths, and results of Dzogchen practice, Longchen Rabjam is a
peerless figure in the world of Dzogchen.

Keith Dowman is the author of several books on Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism, includ-
ing Flight of the Garuda and Sky Dancer. He lives in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Chögyal Namkhai Norbu is the founder of the Dzogchen Community, an interna-

tional network of Dharma centers, clinics, and the first Tibetan medical college to be estab-
lished in the West.

Winter 2010 Titles


“We owe a great debt to Taigen Dan Leighton and Shohaku Okumura
for this monumental translation. ”—Inquiring Mind

ihei Dogen, the thirteenth-century Zen

E master who founded the Japanese Soto

school of Zen, is renowned as one of the
world’s most remarkable religious thinkers. As
Shakespeare does with English, Dogen utterly
transforms the language of Zen, using it in novel
and extraordinarily beautiful ways to point to
everything important in the religious life.
He is known for two major works. The first
work, the massive Shobogenzo (“Treasury of
the True Dharma Eye”), represents his early
teachings and exists in myriad English transla-
tions; the second work, the Eihei Koroku, is a
collection of all his later teachings, including
short formal discourses to the monks training
at his temple, longer informal talks, and koans
with his commentaries, as well as short appreci-
atory verses on various topics. The Shobogenzo
has received enormous attention in Western
Zen and Western Zen literature, and with the
publication of this watershed volume, the Eihei 828 pages | 978-086171-670-8 | $26.95
Koroku is now rising to commensurate stature. March 2010
Dogen’s Extensive Record is the first-ever com-
plete translation of this monumental work
into English—a classic that belongs in the library of any student or scholar of Zen.
This edition also includes an extensive index and concordance of names.

Taigen Dan Leighton is a Soto Zen priest and Dharma heir in the lineage of
Shunryu Suzuki Roshi and the San Francisco Zen Center with Dharma transmission
from Reb Anderson Roshi. Leighton began formal Soto practice in 1975 at the New
York Zen Center with Kando Nakajima Roshi and graduated in East Asian Studies
from Columbia College. He is author of Faces of Compassion and Visions of Awakening
Space and Time, and is co-translator and editor of several Zen texts, including Cultivating
the Empty Field. He now leads the Ancient Dragon Zen Gate in Chicago.

Shohaku Okumura is a Soto Zen priest and Dharma successor of Kosho

Uchiyama Roshi (author of Opening the Hand of Thought). He is the former director
of the Soto Zen Buddhism International Center in San Francisco, and is the found-
ing teacher of the Sanshin Zen Community, based in Bloomington, Indiana, where
he lives with his family. He is also the author of Realizing Genjokoan: The Key to Dogen’s
Shobogenzo (Wisdom, Spring 2010).

Spring 2010 Titles

he massive outpouring of consumer
products available to most people living
in the West today might alone lead one
to ask, “How much is enough?” But at the same
time, if we allow ourselves to see the social,
political, economic, and environmental conse-
quences of the system that produces such a
mass of “goods,” then the question is not sim-
ply a matter of one’s own personal choice, but
points to the profound importance of our day-
to-day decisions.
This collection brings together essays from
an international conference jointly sponsored
by Ryukoku University, Kyoto, and the Insti-
tute of Buddhist Studies at UC Berkeley. The
effects of our own decisions and actions on
the human environment are examined from
several different perspectives, all informed by
Buddhist thought. The contributors are all 240 pages | 978-086171-685-2 | $16.95
March 2010
simultaneously Buddhist scholars, practition-
ers, and activists—and this powerful collec-
tion demonstrates the integral unity of theory
and practice for Buddhism.

Richard K. Payne is dean and professor of

Japanese Buddhism and religion at the Institute
of Buddhist Studies, Berkeley, California. A
member of the doctoral faculty of the Graduate
Theological Union, he is also a collaborating
researcher with the Open Research Center for
Humanities, Science, and Religion, Ryukoku
University, Kyoto, Japan. He is also an ordained
Shingon priest and the editor of Tantric Buddhism
in East Asia.

Spring 2010 Titles

“Rafe Martin is an amazing storyteller.”

—Arthur A. Levine, editor and publisher of Harry Potter

Two-Color Interior!
his beautifully illustrated storybook for

T adults and young people alike inspires

us to ask, “Wouldn’t it be a better
world if we all had the courage to put the well-
being of others above ourselves?” This is the
story of The Banyan Deer.
This inspiring tale reminds us that no one
can be truly at peace unless we all have a
chance for peace, freedom, and happiness.
The Banyan Deer is a wonderful, heart-warming
gift for anyone who loves a great story.

48 pages | hardcover | 5.5 X 6.5

978-086171-625-8 | $15.00
April 2010

Rafe Martin is the recipient of the 2008

Empire State Award, three American Library
Association Notable Book Awards, four Par-
ent’s Choice Gold Awards, two Anne Izard Sto-
ryteller’s Choice Awards, an American Folklore
Society Aesop’s Accolade award, several Amer-
ican Bookseller “Pick of the Lists,” an IRA
Teacher’s Choice Award and many other
awards of distinction. His work has been cited in TIME Magazine,
Newsweek, U.S News and World Report, and USA TODAY. The Women’s
National Book Association has honored him with their Lucille Micheels Pannell award.

Richard Wehrman was born in St. Louis and attended the Washington University school
of fine arts. His award-winning paintings have been exhibited at the Saint Louis Art Museum,
the St. Louis Artists Guild, and Washington University. He was chosen as a Rochester Com-
municator of the Year for illustration and has received a gold medal from the
National Society of Illustrators. He serves on the board of directors of the Heart-
10 work Institute and lives in upstate New York.
Spring 2010 Titles

oth broad and deep, this eye-opening

B book is one of the best overviews avail-

able of the radical psychological teach-
ings that underlie the Buddhist approach to
living a life of freedom and peace.
Sophisticated without being daunting, bril-
liantly clear without becoming simplistic,
Andrew Olendzki’s writing is filled with rich
phrases, remarkable images, and the fruits of
decades of careful thought. Grounded in deep
scholarship, psychological sophistication, and
many years of teaching and personal practice,
this much-anticipated collection of essays will
appeal to anyone looking to gain a richer
understanding of Buddhism’s experiential
tools for exploring the inner world.

160 pages | 978-086171-620-3 | $15.95

April 2010

Andrew Olendzki, Ph.D., was trained in Buddhist Studies at

Lancaster University in England, as well as at Harvard and the
University of Sri Lanka. The former executive director of the
Insight Meditation Society, he is currently the executive director of
the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies in Barre, MA. He is editor
of the Insight Journal.

Spring 2010 Titles

imely and audacious, Buddha at the Apoca-

T lypse challenges us to look directly at the

devastating assumptions underlying the
very mechanisms of the modern world. We
believe with certainty in the inevitable forward
march of what we take to be progress, in the
natural rightness of humankind’s efforts to
subdue and control our environment, and
most pervasively, most dangerously, and most
subtly in the paradigm of the epic struggle of
righteousness against evil that requires utter
destruction—an apocalypse that will end time
itself—before all can once again be unchang-
ingly right with the world. And it’s increasingly
easy to find verification that the apocalypse is
fast approaching, and easier still to see how the
spirit of apocalypse is taking over great num-
bers of hearts and minds. The images of apoc-
alypse pervade our language, our politics, and
with the coming of 2012, vividly pervade even
260 Pages | 978-086171-582-4 | $16.95
our escapist entertainment.
May 2010
In Buddha at the Apocalypse, Kurt Spellmeyer
offers us an alternative view that comes like a
breath of cool fresh air in these burning
times. Drawing on the teaching and tradition of Buddhism and Zen, Spellmeyer shows
us an alternative—a healing, whole-making perspective and a clarion call to awaken from
the culture of destruction into a natural, sustainable, and sane peace.

Kurt Spellmeyer is an award-winning teacher and scholar in the English

department at Rutgers University in New Jersey and a Rinzai Zen Master. He is
the author of Arts of Living: Reinventing the Humanities for theTwenty-first Century and
several other books.

Robert Thurman currently teaches at Columbia and was chosen by TIME as one
of the twenty-five most influential people of 1997. He is the author of numerous

Spring 2010 Titles

or more than half a century, David
Seyfort Ruegg, an independent scho-
lar affiliated with the School of Ori-
ental and African Studies (SOAS) at the
University of London, has been publishing
precise, informed, and seminal works on the
history and philosophy of Indian and Tibetan
Buddhism. Central to this highly regarded
oeuvre have been his works on Madhyamaka
(Middle Way) philosophy, the core doctrine
of Mahayana Buddhism that has animated
thinkers for two millennia. Whether engag-
ing in focused philological analysis, translat-
ing texts, or weighing in on larger trends in
the field of Buddhist studies, Ruegg shows
here why other scholars so often turn to him
for insights and perspective.
Drawing on decades of exhaustive and
authoritative research and scholasticism, The
Philosophy of the Middle Way represents a lifetime
480 pages | 978-086171-590-9 | $39.95 of work and dedication to the study and pres-
May 2010 entation of Buddhist philosophy. This vol-
ume of the Studies in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism
series is a gift to all who are interested in
drawing on the wisdom of a masterful scholar
and a profound tradition of thought.

About the Studies in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism Series

This series provides a forum for publishing outstanding new contributions to
scholarship on Indian and Tibetan Buddhism and also to make accessible seminal
research not widely known outside a narrow specialist audience, including trans-
lations of appropriate monographs and collections of articles from other languages.
The series strives to shed light on the Indic Buddhist traditions by exposing them
to historical-critical inquiry, illuminating through contextualization and analysis
these traditions’ unique heritage and the significance of their contribution to the
world’s religious and philosophical achievements. We are pleased to make available
to scholars and the intellectually curious some of the best contemporary research
in the Indian and Tibetan traditions.

Spring 2010 Titles

From the author of the bestselling How to Meditate.

wakening the Kind Heart offers powerful

A and inviting techniques to touch the

kindness within, all in a way that will
allow you to practice them in your daily life.
The powerful teachings in this small book are
an open invitation to living and loving with a
genuinely awakened heart of kindness.

Praise for How to Meditate

“An excellent and engaging book for anyone

interested in learning how to meditate.”
—Thubten Chodron,
author of Open Heart, Clear Mind

“Whether you are a beginner or a

seasoned practitioner, this book has jewels
of wisdom and practical experience to
inspire you. Kathleen McDonald comes
168 pages | 978-086171-695-1 | $15.95 from a long and trustworthy lineage. In
June 2010
How to Meditate, she shares the best of
what she has received.”
—Richard Gere

Kathleen McDonald was ordained as

a Tibetan Buddhist nun in 1974. She is a
respected and inspiring teacher in the
Foundation for the Preservation of the
Mahayana Tradition, a worldwide organi-
zation of Buddhist teaching and meditation
centers. She is the author of the bestselling
How to Meditate and the coauthor, with Lama
Zopa Rinpoche, of Wholesome Fear.

Spring 2010 Titles

D ogen, the thir-

teenth-century Zen
master who founded the
Japanese Soto school of Zen, is
renowned as one the world’s most
remarkable religious geniuses. His works
are both richly poetic and deeply insightful and
philosophical, pointing to the endless depths
of Zen exploration. And almost precisely
because of these facts, Dogen is often difficult
for readers to understand and fully appreciate.
Realizing Genjokoan is a comprehensive intro-
duction to the teachings and approach of this
great thinker, taking us on a thorough guided
tour of the most important essay—Gen-
jokoan—in Dogen’s seminal work, the
Shobogenzo. Indeed, the Genjokoan is
240 pages | hardcover regarded as the pinnacle of Dogen’s writings,
978-086171-601-2 | $19.95 encompassing and encapsulating the essence
June 2010 of all the rest of his work.
Our tour guide for this journey is Shohaku
Okumura, a prominent teacher in his own
right, who has dedicated his life to translating
and teaching Dogen.
This volume also includes an introduction
to Dogen’s life from Hee-Jin Kim’s classic,
Eihei Dogen: Mystical Realist, with updated anno-
tations by Okumura.

About the Author

Shohaku Okumura is a Soto Zen priest and Dharma successor

of Kosho Uchiyama Roshi (author of Opening the Hand of Thought). He
is the former director of the Soto Zen Buddhism International Cen-
ter in San Francisco. He is the founding teacher of the Sanshin Zen
Community, based in Bloomington, Indiana, where he lives with his
family. He is also the co-translator of Dogen’s Extensive Record.

Spring 2010 Titles

n fresh and inviting language and
making frequent use of strikingly clear
diagrams and illustrations, Unlearning
the Basics challenges many of our common-
sense understandings about ourselves and the
world. The author lays out a new way of see-
ing that enables us to live more serenely, more
compassionately, and more free from the
slings and arrows of our busy lives.
Along the way, Rishi Sativihara looks at
love and grasping, at “the great unfixables,”
and at how vulnerability and pain feed the
“evolution of character”—all in the service of
helping us return to our true home and find
new ways to flourish.
Grounded in the Buddhist tradition yet
completely free from the formulas of tradi-
tional, tired presentations, Unlearning the Basics
has an informal, straightforward style that
will immediately captivate the reader.

140 pages | 978-086171-572-5 | $14.95

July 2010

Dr. Rishi Sativihari is a former Buddhist monk, trained and ordained in the Theravada
tradition of Sri Lanka. He has worked as a clinical psychologist for the University of Toronto
and currently he is involved in interfaith ministry with the United Church of Canada, His cur-
rent project is the design of a spiritual rehabilitation program for clergy suffering from

Mu Soeng is the co-director of the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies and the author of The
Diamond Sutra: Transforming the Way We Perceive the World, Trust in Mind, and The Heart of the Universe.

Backlist Bestsellers

The Middle Way

Faith Grounded in Reason
The Dalai Lama
200 pages, hardcover, 978-086171-552-7, $19.95

Saltwater Buddha
A Surfer’s Quest to Find Zen on the Sea
Jaimal Yogis
256 pages, 978-086171-535-0, $14.95

Mindfulness in Plain English

Bhante Henepola Gunaratana
224 pages, 978-086171-321-9, $14.95

How to Meditate
A Practical Guide
Kathleen McDonald
288 pages, 978-086171-341-7, $14.95

How to Be Happy
Lama Zopa Rinpoche
144 pages, 978-086171-196-3, $9.95

Hardcore Zen
Punk Rock, Monster Movies, & the Truth About Reality
Brad Warner
224 pages, 978-086171-380-6, $14.95

Money, Sex, War, Karma

Notes for a Buddhist Revolution
David R. Loy
176 pages, 978-086171-558-9, $15.95

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Tibetan Art Calendar 2010

Sacred Buddhist thangkas, the

beautiful masterpieces seen in Wisdom Pub-
lication’s Tibetan Art Calendar, are highly
sought-after and have become collector’s
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dom, if ever, available for public viewing.
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Available through select wholesalers.

from: Wisdom Publications
199 Elm Street
Somerville, MA 02144 USA

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