Doe v. Christie

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The Honorable Freda L. Wolfson, U.S.D.J.

JOHN DOE, et al., Civil Action No. 13-6629

Plaintiffs, :

Governor of New Jersey, :

Defendant. :

_______________________________________ :


Counsel for Plaintiffs Counsel for Proposed Intervenor

Demetrios K. Stratis, Esq. Andrew Bayer, Esq.
Law Office of Demetrios K. Stratis, LLC Gluck Walrath, LLP
10-04 River Road 428 Riverview Plaza
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 Trenton, NJ 08611

Counsel for Defendant

Susan Marie Scott, Esq.
Eric S. Pasternack, Esq.
Robert T. Lougy, Esq.
Office of the NJ Attorney General
R.J. Hughes Justice Complex
PO Box 112
Trenton, NJ 08625
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Plaintiffs John Doe, a minor child by and through his parents Jack
and Jane Doe, as well as Jack and Jane Doe, individually (collectively,
Plaintiffs), filed this lawsuit against Defendant New Jersey Governor
Christopher J. Christie (Defendant or Governor Christie), challenging
the constitutionality of Assembly Bill Number A3371 (A3371) (codified at
N.J.S.A. 45:1-54, -55),
which prohibits New Jersey state licensed
practitioners, who provide professional counseling services, from treating
minors using methods of Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE),
more commonly known as gay conversion therapy. Plaintiff John Doe
seeks to engage in SOCE, and his parents Jack and Jane Doe wish the same
for him, but Plaintiffs are precluded from obtaining SOCE in New Jersey
under the prohibition set forth in A3371, and thus they have filed the instant
action seeking a declaration that the statute is unconstitutional, and
enjoining the operation thereof. Plaintiffs core challenge to A3371 focuses
on whether, by prohibiting the practice of SOCE, New Jersey has
impermissibly infringed upon Plaintiffs First Amendment rightsi.e.,
freedom of speech and religious expressionas well as Plaintiffs Jack and
Jane Does constitutional right to care for their child and direct his
upbringing. In line with this Courts previous decision in a similar lawsuit,
brought by therapists challenging the constitutionality of A3371, see King v.
At the time Plaintiffs brought this suit, Assembly Bill A3371 had not
been codified as a statute, and thus, the parties refer in their papers to the
now-codified statute as A3371. In this Opinion, the Court will
interchangeably use A3371 or N.J.S.A. 45:1-54. -55.


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Christie, 981 F. Supp. 2d 296 (D.N.J. 2013), as well as the law applicable to
Plaintiffs specific claims, I conclude that A3371 passes constitutional
muster. Accordingly, Defendants moti0n to dismiss is GRANTED in its
entirety; and Plaintiffs motion for preliminary injunction is DENIED.
Additionally, Garden State Equality (Garden State) has filed a motion to
intervene under F.R.C.P. 24(b), which is GRANTED.
On August 19, 2013, Governor Christie signed into law A3371,
prohibiting New Jersey state-licensed practitioners, who provide
professional counseling services, from treating minors using methods of
SOCE, i.e., gay conversion therapy; A3371 became effective on the same
date. Following the signing of A3371 into law by Defendant, a lawsuit
challenging the constitutionality of the statute was filed in this Court by
Tara King Ed.D. and Ronald Newman, Ph.D., who are licensed therapists,
as well as the National Association for Research and Therapy of
Homosexuality (NARTH) and the American Association of Christian
Counselors (AACC) (hereinafter referred to collectively as the therapist-
plaintiffs). On November 8, 2013, this Court rendered a decision
upholding the constitutionality of A3371 as to the therapist-plaintiffs, and
accordingly, denied their preliminary injunction. See King v. Christie, 981
F. Supp. 2d 296. However, before that decision had been issued, Plaintiffs
filed their own Complaint, raising similar challenges to A3371 but from the
standpoint of potential recipients, rather than providers, of SOCE, and
seeking to enjoin the operation of the statute. Nevertheless, despite the

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change in parties, Plaintiffs in this case are represented by the same counsel
as are the therapist-plaintiffs in the King v. Christie case.
After the Court issued its decision in King, and during the course of
the parties briefing in the present matter, the Court inquired of Plaintiffs
how they wished to proceed with their litigation, given the substantial
overlap between King and the instant matter, including whether Plaintiffs
wanted to supply additional argument addressing King. Declining to
directly challenge the reasoning of my previous decision, Plaintiffs indicated
they would rely on their initial briefing and substantially the same law and
arguments raised in King, but as applied instead to individuals like
Plaintiffsi.e., minor individuals and their parents who seek out SOCE, but
are precluded from obtaining it in New Jersey by virtue of A3371. In light
of the posture of the instant matter, and Plaintiffs decision to rely on similar
arguments and reasoning as the therapist-plaintiffs in King, in this Opinion
I recite only those facts and law directly applicable to Plaintiffs claims;
further background on the issues of SOCE underlying the enactment of
A3371, as well as the challenge to the California statute upon which A3371
is modeled, can be found in King.
Assembly Bill A3371 precludes persons licensed to practice in certain
counseling professions from engaging in the practice of seeking to change
a [minors] sexual orientation. 2(b). The statute has two sections;
Section 1 provides legislative findings and declarations, while Section 2
defines SOCE and establishes the scope of the legislative prohibition on
such conduct. Simply put, A3371 prohibits licensed professionals in New

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Jersey from engaging in SOCE, deeming it of questionable benefit, and even
potentially harmful, to minors.
In King, by opinion dated November 8, 2014, I determined that
A3371 (i) does not violate the therapist-plaintiffs First Amendment right to
free speech because the statute regulates conduct, not speech, and does not
have an incidental effect on speech, (ii) is rationally related to the states
interest in protecting minors from professional counselling deemed
harmful, (iii) is neither unconstitutionally overbroad nor vague, and (iv)
does not violate the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. I further
rejected the therapist-plaintiffs attempt to assert a claim on behalf of minor
children who desired to engage in SOCE, finding that the therapist-plaintiffs
lacked third-party standing to bring such a claim. Finally, I addressed a
motion to intervene under F.R.C.P. 24(b) by Garden Stateself-described
as the largest civil rights organization in the State of New Jersey and a
leading advocate for New Jerseys lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
residents. Garden State Interve. Br., 1. Rejecting the therapist-plaintiffs
arguments I determined that Garden State did not require Article III
standing to permissively intervene in the case, and, after finding that the
requirements of Rule 24(b) were satisfied, granted Garden State leave to
intervene. See generally King v. Christie, 918 F. Supp 2d. 296.
A week before I rendered my decision in King, Plaintiffs here filed
their Complaint and motion for a preliminary injunction. Plaintiffs did not
indicate that their case was related to the King case, and so their Complaint
was initially assigned to another district judge. On November 4, 2013,

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Plaintiffs Complaint was transferred to me, and on November 14, 2013, I
held a telephonic conference call with the parties, the primary purpose of
which was to determine how Plaintiffs wished to proceed with their
Complaint in light of my decision in King.
At that time, Plaintiffs indicated
they would continue to rely on the briefing submitted with their preliminary
injunction motion, and counsel for Defendant indicated that she would be
filing a combined opposition to Plaintiffs motion and a cross-motion to
dismiss under Rule 12(b)(6), to which Plaintiffs filed a reply. Garden State
also filed a motion to dismiss under Rule 12(b)(6), raising arguments
substantially identical to those of Defendant.
On March 28, 2014, following the completion of briefing, the Court
issued a Letter Order, staying the matter and administratively terminating
the parties motions due to a pending petition for certiorari before the
United States Supreme Court from the Ninth Circuits decision in Pickup v.
Brown, 740 F.3d 1208, 1235 (9th Cir. 2014) cert. denied, 13-1281, 2014 WL
1669209 (U.S. June 30, 2014) and cert. denied, 13-949, 2014 WL 514711
(U.S. June 30, 2014). In the Letter Order, I explained that because of the
identity of the issues between Pickup and the instant matterincluding
both (i) my reliance on Pickup as persuasive authority supporting my
decision in King and (ii) the fact that Pickup addressed the same claims
related to parental rights that Plaintiffs here assertthe posture of the
Pickup case made it prudent, and in the interest of judicial economy, to stay
As noted, counsel for all parties are the same in both King and the
instant matter.

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Plaintiffs matter pending a decision by the Supreme Court on the Pickup
certiorari petition. See Dkt. No. 26 (Letter Order), 2-3. Last month, the
Supreme Court denied the Pickup petition, leaving the Ninth Circuits
decision intact. Accordingly, given that Pickup remains good law, and that
the Third Circuit has yet to issue any decision on the appeal from my
opinion in King, I find it appropriate to lift the stay of the instant matter
and reinstate Plaintiffs motion for a preliminary injunction, Defendants
cross-motion to dismiss under Rule 12(b)(6), and Garden States motion to
intervene and motion to dismiss.
I. Standard of ReviewMotion to Dismiss

In reviewing a motion to dismiss on the pleadings, the court
accept[s] all factual allegations as true, construe[s] the complaint in the
light most favorable to the plaintiff, and determine[s] whether, under any
reasonable reading of the complaint, the plaintiff may be entitled to relief.
Rather than conduct separate analyses for Plaintiffs motion for a
preliminary injunction, and Defendants cross-motion and Garden States
motion to dismiss under Rule 12(b)(6), I resolve Plaintiffs claims by
determining, under Rule 12(b)(6), if they state a claim upon which relief can
be granted. If Plaintiffs claims cannot survive Defendants or Garden
States motions to dismiss, Plaintiffs would necessarily be unable to make a
showing of likelihood of success on the merits in support of their
preliminary injunction. See Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp. v. Secy of
the U.S. Health and Serv., 724 F.3d 377, 382 (3d Cir. 2013) (setting forth
likelihood of success on merits a prerequisite for granting preliminary
injunction); see also NutraSweet Co. v. Vit-Mar Enters., Inc., 176 F.3d 151,
153 (3d Cir. 1999) (A plaintiffs failure to establish any element in its favor
renders a preliminary injunction inappropriate. (Emphasis added.)).
Additionally, because Garden States arguments essentially track
Defendants arguments, I refer simply to Defendants arguments in the
ensuing analysis.

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Phillips v. Cnty. of Allegheny, 515 F.3d 224, 233 (3d Cir.2008) (citation and
quotations omitted). As such, a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim
upon which relief can be granted does not attack the merits of the action but
merely tests the legal sufficiency of the complaint. Fowler v. UPMC
Shadyside, 578 F.3d 203, 210 (3d Cir.2009) (internal quotations omitted);
see also Fed. R. Civ. P. 8(a)(2) ([a] pleading that states a claim for relief . . .
must contain a short and plain statement of the claim showing the pleader
is entitled to relief). In other words, to survive a Fed R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6)
motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim, a complaint must contain
sufficient factual matter, accepted as true, to state a claim for relief that is
plausible on its face. Id. (quoting Twombly, 550 U.S. at 570).
However, the tenet that a court must accept as true all the
allegations contained in the complaint is inapplicable to legal conclusions.
Threadbare recitals of the elements of a cause of action, supported by mere
conclusory statements, do not suffice. Id. (citing Twombly, 550 U.S. at
555). Plaintiff must show that there is more than a sheer possibility that
the defendant has act unlawfully. Id. (citing Twombly, 550 U.S. at 556).
This plausibility determination is a context-specific task that requires the
reviewing court to draw on its judicial experience and common sense.
Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U.S. 662, 679 (2009). In other words, for the plaintiff
to prevail, the complaint must do more than allege the plaintiff's
entitlement to relief; it must show such an entitlement with its facts.
Fowler, 578 F.3d at 211 (citing Phillips, 515 F.3d at 23435).

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The Third Circuit cautioned, however, that Twombly and Iqbal do
not provide a panacea for defendants, rather, they merely require that
plaintiff raise a plausible claim for relief. Covington v. Intl Assn of
Approved Basketball Officials, 710 F.3d 114, 118 (3d Cir. 2013) (quoting
Iqbal, 556 U.S. at 679). Thus, factual allegations must be more than
speculative, but the pleading standard is not akin to a probability
requirement. Id. (quoting Iqbal, 556 U.S. at 678; Twombly, 550 U.S. at
II. Motion to Intervene by Garden State
As in King, Garden State has filed a motion to intervene that
Plaintiffs oppose. The only difference in this case between Garden States
motion and Plaintiffs opposition, as compared to King, is the change in
named plaintiffs. In King, Garden State sought to permissively intervene
under Fed. R. Civ. P. 24(b),
which the therapist-plaintiffs opposed on the
grounds that Garden State (i) lacked standing, and (ii) did not otherwise
satisfy the requirements of Rule 24(b). I rejected the therapist-plaintiffs
arguments, finding that Garden State did not require Article III standing
to permissively intervene under Rule 24(b), and further determining that
Permissive intervention under Rule 24 requires (1) the motion to be
timely; (2) an applicants claim or defense and the main action have a
question of law or fact in common; and (3) the intervention may not cause
undue delay or prejudice to the original parties rights. See Fed. R. Civ. P.
24(b); see also N.C.A.A. v. Governor of N.J., 520 F. Appx 61, 63 (3d Cir.
2013); Appleton v. Commr, 430 F. Appx 135, 137-38 (3d Cir. 2011). So long
as these threshold requirements are met, whether to allow a party to
permissively intervene is left to the sound discretion of the court. See
N.C.A.A., 520 F. Appx at 63.

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Garden State satisfied the requirements for permissive intervention.
Accordingly, I granted Garden States motion.
Here, Plaintiffs raise identical arguments that Garden State lacks
standing and fails to satisfy Rule 24(b). Again, other than the names of the
Plaintiffs and the precise nature of their constitutional claims, nothing else
has changed between King and this case. These two differences do not
affect my reasoning that Garden State (i) need not show Article III standing
to permissively intervene, and (ii) otherwise satisfies the requirements of
Rule 24(b). Indeed, I found in King that Garden State provide[s] a
helpful, alternative viewpoint from the vantage of some persons who have
undergone SOCE treatment or are potential patients of treatment that will
aid the court in resolving plaintiffs claims fully and fairly. King v.
Christie, 981 F. Supp. 2d at 310 (emphasis added; internal quotation marks
omitted). This viewpoint will be equally beneficial in the present matter,
in which Plaintiffs are a potential patient of SOCE and his parents. Thus,
for the same reasons as stated at length in King, and for the additional
reasons stated above, I find that Garden State satisfies the Rule 24(b)
factors in this case, and is thereby given leave to intervene.
III. First AmendmentFreedom of Speech
Plaintiffs first challenge the constitutionality of A3371 on the ground
that it violates their First Amendment right to free speech, specifically, the
fundamental right of Plaintiffs to receive information. Compl., 125.
Plaintiffs argue that the First Amendment protects the right to receive
information as a corollary of the right to speak and A3371 deprives

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Plaintiffs of this right during counseling sessions because it prohibits
licensed counselors from offering SOCE counseling to minors. Pl. Prelim.
Inj. Br., 3. On that basis, Plaintiffs contend that, as a regulation of Plaintiffs
first amendment right to receive information, A3371 cannot survive the
applicable standard of review, i.e., strict scrutiny. As before, Defendant
rejects Plaintiffs interpretation of A3371, and, in particular, that the statute
regulates, or implicates, speech in any form, let alone Plaintiffs right to
receive information. Rather, Defendant claims that the statute merely
restricts a licensed professional from engaging in practicing SOCE
counseling, and accordingly is a rational exercise of the states long-
recognized power to reasonably regulate the counseling professions. In that
connection, Defendant asserts that A3371 targets conduct only, not speech.
Accordingly, Defendant argues that the statute does not implicate any
fundamental constitutional right and withstands rational basis review.
In King, after reviewing the plain language of A3371 and relevant
case law, and noting that the therapist-plaintiffs failed to provide any
contrary law, I found that that A3371 does not directly regulate or target
speech on its face, and, further, that the mere fact that counseling may be
carried out through talk therapy does not alter my finding that A3371
regulates conduct and not speech. King v. Christie, 981 F. Supp. 2d at 314,
317; see also Planned Parenthood of Se. Pennsylvania v. Casey, 505 U.S.
833, 884 (1992) (All that is left of petitioners argument is an asserted First
Amendment right of a physician not to provide information about the risks
of abortion, and childbirth, in a manner mandated by the State. To be sure,

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the physicians First Amendment rights not to speak are implicated . . . but
only as part of the practice of medicine, subject to reasonable licensing and
regulation by the State . . . . We see no constitutional infirmity in the
requirement that the physician provide the information mandated by the
State here. (Citations omitted.)). As noted earlier, Plaintiffs have advanced
no new argument or law in support of their contention that A3371 regulates
speech that I did not already consider in King.

Furthermore, I concluded in King that A3371 does not implicate
speech, but rather governs conduct. King, 981 F. Supp. 2d at 317. Under
the reasoning set forth in King, A3371 regulates mental health treatment
albeit in the form for talk therapynot any particular speech of counselors
or therapists involving certain views. This distinction is significant because,
as I have delineated in King, states are permitted to regulate medical and
mental health treatment providers under a reasonable licensing scheme.
Because I found that SOCE is a form of mental health counseling, i.e.,
conduct not speech, Plaintiffs cannot assert that prohibiting counselors to
Instead, Plaintiffs merely ask this Court to revisit its previous
positions on A3371. Pl. Prelim. Inj. Reply Br., 2. Plaintiffs do not provide
any new or additional argument that would support this Court revisiting its
previous interpretation A3371, or point to any mistake or fact that this Court
overlooked in King. Cf. L. Civ. R. 7.1(i) (governing reconsiderations of
previous decisions); Lazaridis v. Wehmer, 591 F.3d 666, 669 (3d Cir. 2010)
(explaining that reconsideration is only appropriate upon either (1) an
intervening change in controlling law; (2) the availability of new evidence;
or (3) the need to correct [a] clear error of law or prevent manifest
injustice). Indeed, when this Court inquired of Plaintiffs counsel whether
they wished to submit supplemental briefing on the impact of my decision
in King, counsel declined, effectively conceding that I had considered all the
law applicable to analyzing the constitutionality of A3371. Accordingly, I
reject Plaintiffs request to alter or amend my previous decision on A3371.

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engage in SOCE implicates Plaintiffs right to receive information from

It is clear, both from Plaintiffs argument and the relevant law, that
Plaintiffs right to receive information is a corollary to Plaintiffs right to free
speech. See Pl. Prelim. Inj. Br., 3; see also Bd. of Educ., Island Trees Union
Free Sch. Dist. No. 26 v. Pico, 457 U.S. 853, 867 (1982) ([T]he right to
receive ideas follows ineluctably from the senders First Amendment right
to send them . . . .). Thus, Plaintiffs right to receive information claim is
premised on free speech principles. But, Plaintiffs conflate information
regarding SOCE with SOCE practices engaged in by therapists; the latter is
considered conduct, reasonably and legitimately prohibited by A3371, the
former is not. Indeed, it is clear from my analysis in King that A3371 does
not prevent the dissemination of information regarding SOCEit only
Indeed, I reasoned that the therapist-plaintiffs could not cloak
themselves with the First Amendment in order to fend off reasonable
regulation by the state of the mental health treatment they provide.
Accepting the therapist-plaintiffs argument that New Jersey could not
prohibit SOCE because it is carried out through talk-therapywhich the
therapist-plaintiffs contended is a form a speechwould effectively
immunize therapists or counselors from any regulation of their profession
by the state. Thus, I rejected the therapist-plaintiffs position, finding that
such a result runs counter to the long recognized authority of the states to
legitimately regulate the medical professions. King v. Christie, 918 F. Supp.
2d at 319 (collecting cases); see also Wollschlaeger v. Governor of Florida,
Civ No. 12-14009, __ F.3d __, __, 2014 WL 3695296, at *19 n. 17 (11th Cir.
2014) (recognizing that a state mayjust as it routinely does in state court
malpractice and tort actionsimpose discipline on a physician for activities
that the state deems bad medicine even when those activities involve the
physician speaking, and that when a state does so the First Amendment
generally does not provide the physician with a shield).

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prevents counselors from engaging in SOCE under the auspices of mental
health treatment:
Nothing in the plain language of A3371 prevents licensed
professionals from voicing their opinions on the
appropriateness or efficacy of SOCE, either in public or
private settings. Indeed, A3371 does not prevent a licensed
professional from, for example, lecturing about SOCE at a
conference or providing literature to a client on SOCE; the
statute only prohibits a licensed professional from engaging
in counseling for the purpose of actually practicing SOCE.

King v. Christie, 981 F. Supp. 2d at 314. The corollary to this finding is that
an individual seeking information regarding SOCE, such as Plaintiff John
Doe, is not prevented from receiving literature on SOCE, or attending
lectures on SOCE.
In sum, A3371 does not implicate Plaintiffs free speech rights
because the statute (i) does not regulate speech, directly or indirectly, but
rather only regulates a mental health procedure performed by licensed
counselors or therapists, and (ii) does not prevent the receipt of information
regarding SOCE outside the counseling or therapy setting. Accordingly,
Plaintiffs claim that the statute violates their right to receive information is
without merit.
Further in line with this determination, I discern no basis on which
to disturb my previous conclusion that A3371 is subject to rational basis
review. King v. Christie, 981 F. Supp. 2d at 326. Indeed, much of Plaintiffs
argument in that regard focuses on the reasonableness of the legislatures
findings supporting A3371 as failing to bear out the conclusion that SOCE
is harmful to minors. As to that contention, I found in King that rationale

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basis is a low standard, and that the evidence upon which a legislature relies
in enacting laws subject to review under that standard need not be shown
to a mathematical certaintythe law is clear that a state need not provide
any justification or rationale for its legislative decision. Id. at 325-26. Thus,
in light of my finding that A3371 targets only licensed professionals who
engage in professional counseling of minors, and restricts them from
performing the specific type of conductSOCE counselingthat the
legislature deemed harmful, I concluded that this nexus is more than
adequate to satisfy rational basis review. Furthermore, even accepting
Plaintiffs argument that, at most, the evidence relied on by the legislature
in enacting A3371 demonstrates that SOCE is inefficaciousbut not
harmfulI would still reach the same conclusion that A3371 withstands
rational basis review. Surely it is undisputed that a state has the power to
regulate not only medical and mental health treatments deemed harmful,
but also those that are ineffective or that are based not on medical or
scientific principles but, instead, on pseudo-science. See, e.g., Washington
v. Glucksberg, 521 U.S. 702, 731 (1997) (The State also has an interest in
protecting the integrity and ethics of the medical profession.);
Wollschlaeger v. Governor of Florida, Civ. No. 12-14009, __ F.3d __, __,
2014 WL 3695296, at *17 (11th Cir. 2014) ([A] states legitimate concern
for maintaining high standards of professional conduct extends beyond
initial licensing. (Quoting Barsky v. Bd. of Regents, 347 U.S. 442, 451
(1954).))). Thus, regardless of whether the legislatures findings show that
SOCE is harmful or merely ineffective, I find that the enactment of A3371

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prohibiting SOCE on minors is a rational and legitimate exercise of New
Jerseys power to reasonably regulate licensed medical and mental health
professionals. See King, 981 F. Supp. 2d at 319.
For these reasons, Plaintiffs cannot state a claim for violation of their
First Amendment right to receive information. Accordingly, Count I of the
Complaint is dismissed.
IV. First AmendmentFree Exercise of Religion
Plaintiffs maintain that in addition to their speech being unlawfully
constrained, A3371 infringes on their First Amendment right to exercise
their sincerely held religious beliefs that changing same-sex attraction or
behavior is possible. Therefore, Plaintiffs reason, A3371 imposes a
substantial burden on those religious beliefs because it prohibits Plaintiff
John Doe from obtaining spiritual advice
and assistance on the subject
matter of same-sex attractions. Plaintiffs argument is unavailing.
In King, the therapist-plaintiffs raised an identical argument except
from the perspective that A3371 imposed a substantial burden on their own
religious beliefs because it prohibited them from providing SOCE. In that
regard, I determined that A3371 did not violate the Free Exercise Clause
because the statute (i) is facially neutral with respect to religion, and (ii) is
As I stated in King, nothing in A3371 prohibits religious figures from
providing spiritual guidance on the issue of sexual orientation, and,
therefore, does not prevent Plaintiffs from obtaining that guidance; the
statute only prohibits the use of SOCE practices by those individuals who
are state-licensed therapists and counselors. King v. Christie, 981 F. Supp.
2d at 328 (Nothing in A3371 prevents . . . SOCE treatment by another
unlicensed person such as a religious figure . . . .).

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one of generally applicability, and therefore, only subject to a rational basis
test, which, as already noted, it readily passes. Specifically, I found that
[b]ecause of the statutes neutrality, even if A3371 disproportionately
affects those motivated by religious belief, this fact does not raise any Free
Exercise concerns. King v. Christie, 981 F. Supp. 2d at 332 (citing Church
of the Lukumi Babalu Aye, Inc. v. City of Hialeah, 508 U.S. 520, 581
(1993)). Similarly, I determined that the statute is also generally applicable
because A3371 does not suppress, target, or single out the practice of any
religion because of religious conduct. Id.
Plaintiffs in this case raise virtually identical arguments, and rely on
the same case law and reasoning in support thereof.
Indeed, the only
difference is that in this case, Plaintiffs contend their Free Exercise right is
violated because they cannot receive SOCE, whereas in King the therapist-
plaintiffs based their alleged Free Exercise right violation on the prohibition
of providing SOCE. This distinction does not alter the Free Exercise
analysis; it is of no moment that Plaintiffs are objecting to the prohibition
of receiving SOCE because the focus of my analysis is on whether A3371s
overall prohibition of SOCEfrom either the therapists or patients
perspectiveis facially neutral and generally applicable. I conclude that it
is for the same reasons as set forth in King. Thus, Plaintiffs cannot state a
claim for violation of the Free Exercise Clause.
Again, as with Plaintiffs freedom of speech arguments, Plaintiffs do
not set forth any basis for this Court to revisit its previous decision in King
regarding A3371s constitutionality under the Free Exercise clause. See
supra, Footnote 5.

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Accordingly, Count II of Plaintiffs Complaint is dismissed.
V. Fourteenth AmendmentParental Right To Direct The
Upbringing Of Children

Plaintiffs only claim that substantially differs from the type of claims
brought in King is their contention that A3371 violates Plaintiffs Jack and
Jane Does due process rights to care for the mental health of their child as
they see fit.
Specifically, Plaintiffs contend that parents are vested with the
care, custody, and control of their children, which decisions are guaranteed
through the Fourteenth Amendment. In that regard, Plaintiffs contend that
this right gives parents constitutionally-protected authority to select
medical procedures and otherwise decide what is best for their child,
without interference by the state or federal government. In response,
Defendant argues that, regardless of the scope of parental rights protected
In the Complaint under Count III, Plaintiffs heading refers to
Plaintiffs hybrid First and Fourteenth Amendment parental rights; in
Count IV, Plaintiffs heading refers to Plaintiffs Jack and Jane Does
fundamental parental rights. In King, I summarily rejected the therapist-
plaintiffs invitation to apply the hybrid rights doctrine, finding that the
Third Circuit has declined to apply this theory of constitutional claim. King
v. Christie, 981 F. Supp. 2d at 333 (citing Brown v. City of Pittsburgh, 586
F.3d 263, 284 n.24 (3d Cir. 2009)). Plaintiffs here have offered nothing
additional in support of such a claim.
Moreover, review of Plaintiffs legal argument as well as the specific
allegations of the Complaint reveal that in both Counts III and Count IV,
Plaintiffs are effectively asserting a Fourteenth Amendment parental rights
claim, and accordingly, I will analyze it as such. To the extent that Plaintiffs
are asserting in Count III of the Complaint a separate First Amendment free
speech and/or Free Exercise claim on behalf of Plaintiffs Jack and Jane Doe
in their capacity as parents of John Doe, that claim is duplicative of their
First Amendment claims asserted in Counts I and II, and will be dismissed
on that basis as well.

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by the Fourteenth Amendment, parents do not have a right to select a
medical treatment for their child that the state has deemed harmful.
It is well established that the Constitution protects parents decisions
regarding the care, custody, and control of their children; however, this
protection is not without qualification. Pickup v. Brown, 740 F.3d at 1235
(quoting Fields v. Palmdale Sch. Dist., 427 F.3d 1197, 1204 (9th Cir. 2005)
(noting that states may pass laws regarding compulsory school attendance,
mandatory school uniforms, and imposing curfew on minors only)); see
also Prince v. Massachusetts, 321 U.S. 158, 166 (1944) (holding that
compulsory vaccination of children is constitutionally permissible under
most circumstances). More particularly, a state is not without
constitutional control over parental discretion in dealing with children
when their physical or mental health is jeopardized. Parham v. J.R., 442
U.S. 584, 603 (1979). [N]either rights of religion nor rights of parenthood
are beyond limitation. Acting to guard the general interest in youths well
being, the state[s] . . . authority is not nullified merely because the parent
grounds his claim to control the childs course of conduct on religion or
conscience. Prince, 321 U.S. at 166; cf. Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205,
220 (1972)([A]ctivities of individuals, even when religiously based, are
often subject to regulation by the States in the exercise of their undoubted
power to promote the health, safety, and general welfare, or the Federal
Government in the exercise of its delegated powers.); Troxel v. Granville,
530 U.S. 57, 88 (2000) (Stevens, J., dissenting) (A parents rights with
respect to her child have thus never been regarded as absolute . . . [and] a

Case 3:13-cv-06629-FLW-LHG Document 31 Filed 07/31/14 Page 19 of 23 PageID: 1085
parents interests in a child must be balanced against the State's long-
recognized interests as parens patriae.); Sweaney v. Ada Cnty., Idaho, 119
F.3d 1385, 1391 (9th Cir. 1997) (Parents have no more of an unlimited right
to inflict corporal punishment on their children under the Fourth and
Fourteenth Amendments than they do under the Free Exercise Clause.).
It is further without dispute that the state has a compelling interest
in protecting children, and has broad authority to do so. Croft v.
Westmoreland Co. Children and Youth Serv., 103 F.3d 1123, 1125 (3d Cir.
1997); see also Prince v. Massachusetts, 321 U.S. at 167 ([T]he state has a
wide range of power for limiting parental freedom and authority in things
affecting the childs welfare.); id. at 168 (The states authority over
childrens activities is broader than over like actions of adults.); cf.
Hodgson v. Minnesota, 497 U.S. 417, 471 (1990) ([W]here parental
involvement threatens to harm the child, the parents authority must
Here, Plaintiffs Jack and Jane Doe contend that their fundamental
right to care for their son, John Doe, is infringed by A3371 because it
prevents them from making decisions concerning their childs mental,
emotional, and physical health in the area of SOCE counseling. Put
differently, Plaintiffs argue that their rights as parents are being violated
because they are prohibited from obtaining a specific form of mental health
counseling for their child in the state of New Jerseynot because the State
is affirmatively imposing a type of care for John Doe.

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Plaintiffs provide no case law or other authority in support of the
proposition that Jack and Jane Does fundamental parental rights
encompass the right to choose for their son any medical treatment they
desire. The cases Plaintiffs cite all concern situations in which the state has
positively interjected itself into parental decision making or the family
structure; absent is any case in which a court has affirmatively found that
parents are constitutionally entitled to select a specific type of medical care
for their child that the state has reasonably deemed harmful or ineffective.
Indeed, to the contrary, the Ninth Circuitin one of the few decisions that
speaks directly to this issuehas concluded that the fundamental rights of
parents do not include the right to choose a specific type of provider for a
specific medical or mental health treatment that the state has reasonably
deemed harmful. Pickup v. Brown, 740 F.3d at 1236 (emphasis added).

And while the Third Circuit has not expressly ruled on the issue, numerous
other courts have reached the same conclusion. E.g., Natl Assn for
Advancement of Psychoanalysis v. California Bd. of Psychology, 228 F.3d
1043, 1050 (9th Cir. 2000) (holding that substantive due process rights do
not extend to the choice of type of treatment or of a particular health care
provider and that there is no fundamental right to choose a mental health
professional with specific training); Mitchell v. Clayton, 995 F.2d 772, 775
(7th Cir. 1993) ([A] patient does not have a constitutional right to obtain a
Given that (i) the original Pickup panel decision was affirmed en
banc by the Ninth Circuit, (ii) the Supreme Court denied the Pickup petition
for certiorari; and (iii) the lack of any authority in support of Plaintiffs
position, I find Pickup to be particularly persuasive on this issue.

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particular type of treatment or to obtain treatment from a particular
provider if the government has reasonably prohibited that type of treatment
or provider.); see also Carnohan v. United States, 616 F.2d 1120, 1122 (9th
Cir. 1980) (per curiam) (holding that there is no substantive due process
right to obtain drugs that the FDA has not approved); Rutherford v. United
States, 616 F.2d 455, 457 (10th Cir. 1980) ([T]he decision by the patient
whether to have a treatment or not is a protected right, but his selection of
a particular treatment, or at least a medication, is within the area of
governmental interest in protecting public health.).
Thus, I reject Plaintiffs argument that parents have an unqualified
right to select medical procedures, e.g., mental health treatment practices,
for their children. Surely, the fundamental rights of parents do not include
the right to choose a specific medical or mental health treatment that the
state has reasonably deemed harmful or ineffective. To find otherwise
would create unimaginable and unintentional consequences. For the
reasons stated above, as well as in King, I conclude that A3371 does not
infringe on any recognized parental right.
Accordingly, Counts III and IV of Plaintiffs Complaint are dismissed.
For the reasons set forth above, the Court dissolves the stay on this
matter and reinstates the parties motions, subject to the following rulings:
Garden States motion for permissive intervention is GRANTED;
Plaintiffs motion for a preliminary injunction is DENIED; and
Defendants cross-motion to dismiss and Garden States motion to dismiss

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are both GRANTED in their entireties. Accordingly, all of Plaintiffs claims
against Defendant are DISMISSED.

DATED: July 30, 2014 /s/ Freda L. Wolfson
Freda L. Wolfson
United States District Judge


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