GROUP 8 Mind Maps

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Type of Instrument: Student activity ( mind maps)

Definition of ind aps:
A mind map allows you to make connections between ideas or words. It can include words, images,
feelings and much more.
!earnin" O#$ectives :
i. Help you to link what you already know with what you are about to learn. (before T&L.
ii. Help you to making summaries and re!ision notes. (after T&L.
iii. Help you to clarify your ideas and identify any misconceptions you might ha!e. (after
i!. Let your teacher know what you already know or ha!e learnt. (after T&L.
%onstruct #ein" &ssessed :
"onstruct # $ %cientific skills and moral !alues.
Tit'e : (.) Understandin" Specific !atent *eat
&. 'ith your partner, brainstorm a list of all the words you know that are related to specific latent
(. )raw a mind map using all the words in your list. *ou can include additional words if new
ideas arise while you are linking and connecting words.
+. ,nce you ha!e finished your mind map, take time to consider the following -uestion$
. 'hich words do you feel really confident about/
. 'hich words do you feel less confident about/
(That is, which words do you feel you need more information about to understand the
concept well
0. "ompare your mind map with your group1s members, and then keep your reference as you
learn more about specific latent heat.
2. 3inish by listing all the -uestions that you would like to find answers for.
4. *ou are asked to finish the mind maps and hand in after school holidays. )ue date$ 5.&.(6&6.
& by C.Y. Lim
,-amp'e : Samp'e student mind map.
Teacher note: How to make a mind map.
1. Be creative! Use coo!r" symbos" shapes "ocations" #eein$s% anythin$ that heps yo! remember.
&. Think o# this as mappin$ what's in yo!r brain and deveop yo!r own persona stye o# mind map.
(. )ind maps can be made by $ro!ps o# peope contrib!tin$ ideas. This is when mind maps can become
reay wid and creative.
*. Compare yo!r mind map with another $ro!p" write down any simiarities and di##erences.
+. Yo! can aways add to yo!r mind map as yo!r ideas chan$e.
( by C.Y. Lim
Scorin" Sc.eme Ta#'e
Instrument$ %tudent Acti!ity
+ by C.Y. Lim
Performance Indcator !A"
In#est$at#e Scence Score
Interest and
Folio, scrap
report, student
activity, project
PP 1 Varieties, plenty and
relevant, like to ask
for extra information more
than the
scope taught in class.
PP 2 Neat and in proper order
PP 3 Alays illing to help.
Able to accept
others suggestions
PP 4 !o practice safety
measure and
cleanliness, carry out task
in the
allocated time.
Score 3
!o achieve all "Is
accurately and
completely ithout
Score 2
!o achieve at least # "Is
Score 1
Able to achieve at least $
"I correctly
Note: %tudent ho does
not gives any response
or unable to achieve any
"I ill be marked &'(.
%ystematic )xperimental
report, portfolio,
Folio, student
activity, project.
"ortfolio, student
activity, scrap
book, project.
em#ers of Group 8:
No. Name Remarks
-IA. .)I /00N
%!)"1)NI) -IN2 34I *IN
!I0N2 ')0N2 -IN2
Assistant 7L
Teacher note:
What is a Group Work?
Group work is working together to achieve a common goal. Group work gives you opportunity to
discuss and share your ideas, learn from others and, as a team, solve a problem or complete a
task. Every member of the group has a role and contributes to the success of the group.
Why work in groups?
A team working together can achieve more than the sum of its individuals. You can bounce ideas
off each other, clarify your understandings and gain self-confidence.
How do we work in groups?
Group work is about working effectively as a team. However, there are some things you should
watch out for, such as the following
One person taking over.
Leaving someone out
Giving too much work to one person.
Criticizing without offering your own suggestion.
Rues for successfu group work.
&. !ork as a team " for all to succeed each person needs to contribute.
(. #ake sure everyone gets to share theirs ideas. $f this is not happening, take turns.
+. %ivide the task into &bits' and give each person their own (bit) - and deadline.
0. Respect all ideas.
2. Every so often, evaluate how you are going. Help others if you finish *uickly.
0 by C.Y. Lim

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