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AUG 23

Assemble 1pm
Chambers St, Edinburgh
ltwitter @UAFScot
On Saturday 23 August the racists and
Nazis of the Scottish Defence League (SDL)
plan to protest in the centre of Edinburgh
during the Festival.
Edinburgh is a multicultural city and
the Festival is an international cultural
celebration. The people of Edinburgh
welcome citizens from around the world.
Tourists want to soak up the city and
Festival, and not be confronted by racists.
The SDL claim not to be extremist but
just last month two of their members were
jailed for provocatively attacking Edinburgh
Central Mosque with bacon.
At their demo in Edinburgh last year, the
SDL held placards of the Swastika emblem
of the openly racist and Nazi Greek party,
Golden Dawn (see picture).
The SDL have dedicated their hateful
existence to attacking Asian people and
Muslims. Islamophobia (bigotry against
Muslims) is as unacceptable as any other
form of racism. Its aim is to divide us by
making scapegoats of one community, just
as the Nazis did with the Jews in the 1930s.
Today they threaten Muslims. Tomorrow
it could be Jewish people, Hindus, Sikhs,
black people, lesbians and gay men,
travellers or East Europeans.
The threat posed by racist and Nazi
parties can be seen by their rise across
Europe: the Front National in France, Jobbik
in Hungary, Golden Dawn in Greece etc.
Join the anti-racist protest on Saturday
23 August with people from all faith groups,
community and trade union activists, and all
decent people. We cannot allow racists and
Nazis to beneft from the economic crisis, or
to use racism to build support in Edinburgh.
As the Spanish anti-fascists said in the
1930s: No Pasaran! They Shall Not Pass!
Please join our counter-protest and
spread the word. Assemble Chambers
Street, Edinburgh, Saturday August 23.
Time of march to be confrmed.
Details of the protest may change. Please
keep in touch via the following:
Edinburgh Against the Racist SDL
SDL members in Edinburgh with their
swastika-type placards in support of Golden
Dawn, an openly Nazi party in Greece
Multicultural festival
Multicultural city

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