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Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid- Past and Present (a research work)

In this document we will discuss the following topics in detail,

• Zaid Hamid’s connection with yusuf kazzab? ( who claimed to be 2nd

return of Muhammad SAW ( naooz Billah)

• Evidences of their relation ( original pages of some documents, news

reports and books published in 1997-1998 and 2000 (before zaid
hamid’s appearance as a ‘scholar and defense analyst’)

• Reality of The audio tape of yusuf kazzab in which zaid hamid also
can be listened. ( recorded on 28 feb 1997)

• What does Aalmi Majlis-e-Tahafuz-e-Khtam-e-Nabuwat say about

Zaid Hamid?

• Remarks of The Senior Advocate ( Muhammad Ismaeel Quraishi )

who followed the case against yusuf kazzab in Supreme Court.

• Interesting remarks of Molana Muhammad Ismail Shuja abadi who

was accuser in yusuf kazzab case as representative of majlis.

• Remarks of yusuf kazzab’s ex-followers about zaid hamid.

• What does Zaid Hamid say on these allegations? Whether his

clarification is enough? His original reply( in written and video form)
is given here and don’t forget to read a detailed but shocking
analyses of his clarification.
• His TV programs are self sponsored? To find the answer an
interesting comparison is given here between his Shows and other
Popular talk shows
• Zaid Hamid, Musharraf and Lal Masjid Operation

• A little about Zaid Hamid’s ‘Khilafat & shariya revival’

• Something about Ghazwa-e-Hind. What did Yusuf Kazzab say about


• A recent Article of Zaid Hamid’s friend of university days Dr.

Mohsin Ansari medical officer in America claiming zaid Hamid’s early
mental disorder.
• About Zaid Hamid’s discovered ‘Wali’ naimatullah Shah who
(according to zaid hamid) predicted so many exact future incident
including zaid hamid’s ‘mission and personality’ almost 900 years
• A comparison of Zaid Hamid’s and yusuf kazzab’s interestingly same
way to attract the people especially youth.

• Why is Zaid Hamid’s so ‘aggressive & crazy’ supporter of PakArmy?

Zaid Zaman Hamid: - Past and Present

Please read patiently while you have sufficient time to understand

Our young generation is in fever of magical voice of a person Zaid Zaman Hamid
who is pretending himself a big patriot and getting the trust of Pakistani youth
Syed zaid zaman is accused that he was a big follower and the first Khalifa of a
man Yousaf Ali ( yusuf kazzab) who claimed as a second return of our prophet
Muhammad SAW ( naooz billah ) in 1990’s in Pakistan. Yousuf kazzab got
hundreds of people following him because of impressive speech and his
so-called ‘spiritual powers’. After a massive protest by every sector of society
yusuf kazzab was arrested and after a trial of more than 2 years it was proved in
court that he claimed not only as a prophet but also as second return of
Muhammad SAW naoozbillah.
According to reports of those days ( in 1997) published in different national daily
and weekly newspapers, yusuf kazzab deputed zaid zaman hamid as his 1st
Khalifa before his arrest and Zaid Zaman Hamid was following his case in court
(Evidences are attached, read patiently please)
Audio tapes, news reports, eye witnesses, personal diary and letters of Kazzab
confirmed the allegations on Kazzab and he was sentenced to death by high court
but during his appeal in Supreme court he was killed in jail by other prisoner.
Ziad Zaman’s letter to the editor of Daily DAWN was published on 13 august 2000
and in which he said the court’s decision as “murder of justice”.
Zaid Hamid disappeared soon after kazzab was killed and he appeared after 9-10
years in 2007-08 on TV as zaid Hamid (his father was a retired Army col. Zaman
Hamid. His full name is Syed zaid zaman, (hamid is his father’s 2nd name).
All the news reports of kazzab were later compiled as a book " Fitna Yusuf
kazzab" which was published in 1997 ( 12 years ago and Zaid hamid was not
famous at that time) and his name is mentioned in this book more then 20 times
with yusuf kazzab. Below actual pages of this book are provided which clearly
mention zaid zaman hamid’s relation with yusuf kazzab.
Note:- Arshad Qurashi, the Auther of the book “Fitna yusuf Kazzab” has dead in 2003( May
Allah bless him Jannah). His brother Ansar Iqbal is owner of Muaarif Publishers Lahore and he
confirmed that this book was published in 1997 by his brother. Phone number of Muaarif
Publisher is 042-7214662

Why his past is necessary to discuss and disclose?

When ever zaid hamid is asked for his contacts with kazzab he always saying it a ‘
Zionist’s and kuffar’s blame game to stop his ‘mission’. In this research his actual
reply and a detailed analysis of his reply is also included. If he were to say that in
the past he was following yousuf kazzab and now he got Tauba from Allah and
again became a Muslim then there was no need to criticize him on his past. But he
refuses his relation with kazzab and all allegations and can not present any single
evidences against all these solid evidences which are now part of the history and
can not be ignored.
(Those who think that zaid hamid has ‘cleared’ his position on this issue
many times and he has ‘nothing to do with yusuf kazzab’ ..…they
please must read till the end)
If he cannot clear his position, It means he is still following kazzab and his belief is
suspected and he has some suspected goals behind getting the trust of Pakistani
nation by exploiting their love to the country and islam. He is “cashing” the hate of
the nation toward Israel and India by using his strong speaking power and now he
is forwarding towards next step to continue a movement like “Wake Up Lahore”.
type slogans and program. He had also started his programs and lectures in
colleges and universities of different cities. If a person having a sound and clear
background were to start such thing then it was necessary to help him for every
Pakistani, but if such person whose past is dangerous he can inject poison in the
youth coating it as sugar any time.

Why News Papers reported him as an active follower of yousuf Kazzab in

Here are some parts of news reports of 1996-97 printed in many national news
papers like khabrain, jang, takbeer etc which mention the role of Zaid Hamid as an
active follower of yousuf kazzab during the protest and trial against him. All these
news reports and columns were compiled later in a book named “Fitna yusuf
kazzab”. How Zaid Hamid can reject these evidences and can claim that this is
propaganda of CIA while these reports are published before his appearance as
“patriot” and “Islamic scholar”?
Complete book “ Fitna Yusuf Kazab “ is available on these links.
1- Yousaf kazzab deputed zaid zaman as his 1st khalifa in the
presence of 100 “SAHABA”-.Book “ Fitna yousaf kazzab” page no 313, 427 and
404 “ reported by daily khabrain 8 nov 1997

It is notable that zaid hamid was working as manager in a security company

Brink’s, After this he established his own security company Brasstacks and then
converted it into a so-called think tank.

The Audio Tape

The audio tape of this meeting ( this tape was used as an evidence against
Kazzab in court and it was scientifically proved by specialists that the voices in the
tape are real )is also available on this link,
Zaid Hamid also delivered a speech in this audio. They claim that voice is different
from Zaid hamid but these are reasons of a slighter change in voice.
1- This was recorded 12 year ago and in this long period voice of every person
gets a slighter change.
2- We have listened zaid hamid every time in an emotional and aggressive
style but in video he is speaking in a slow tone to praise yusuf kazab.
3- If this tape is made “now” to involve him then why this audio tape and its
containing words were published in newspapers in 1997?( below is given
that report of newspaper ( book’s page no 94-95) which contains 100%
same words of this audio tape.
4- Keep in mind that this audio was presented in court against kazzab if it was
fake then why it was needed to “involve” zaid hamid 12 years ago?
If you are his regular listener you can recognize his voice and style even after
12 years.
2- Zaid zaman was also part of a plan to escape yousaf kazzab from the
jail to any other country as zaid zaman was 1- expert commando
and 2- fought in afghan war. ( these two qualities of zaid zaman reported
12 years before clearly mention that this person was our ‘hero’ zaid zaman hamid)
Book “ Fitna yousaf kazzab page no 51 “reported by weekly Takbeer 11-17 nov 1997
And page 306 reported by Daily Khaibrain 15 may 1997

You may be confused that mobile number of yusuf kazzab’s wife given in above page is
a Telenor number of 0342 code but telenor started it services in Pakistan in 2005 so
how is it possible that a phone of 0342 code was working in 1997? Actually in 1997,
PAKTEL had its code for Islamabad 0351 and for Lahore 0342 (they assigned these
codes on PTCL city codes of Islamabad 051 and for Lahore 042 adding digit 3 with
them. So kazzab’s wife was using a Paktel number with Paktel Lahore code of 0342.
The above two reports are from two different Pakistani news papers Weekly
TAKBEER and Daily Khabrain reported in may, 1997.This is very clear that the 1st
khalifa of kazzab named zaid zaman was a commando and he was also well
known because of his Afghan Jihad participation. And we clearly know that Zaid
Hamid have these qualities as he proudly accepts that he fought Afghan jihad.
How Zaid Hamid can reject and say this is a blame game to destroy his “mission”?

3:- Yousaf kazzab introduced zaid zaman as his SAHABI.

Book “ Fitna yousaf kazzab page no 77 “ reported in Special report in Sunday Magazine by
daily khabrain 15 jun 1997
4- Zaid zaman also contacted some consulates of foreign countries to
seek help for kazzab.Book “ Fitna yousaf kazzab page no 306 “daily khabrain 15 May
1997 ( Page 306 is available above) and page no 302 daily khabrain 6 may 1997.

5- zaid zaman deputed his security company and guards to protect

Kazzab’s home and his wife during his court trial.
Book “ Fitna yousaf kazzab page no 314 “reported by dialy khabrain 23 may 1997.
(Page 314 is available above ) and Page number 76 below.

6- Molana Abdul Satar Niazi said in an interview to media that A young

man Zaid Zaman came to him to clear the position of Kazzab. Book “ Fitna
yousaf kazzab page no 390
7- Yousuf kazzab said Syed zain zaman is the first person who accepted
my prophet hood and became Sideeq. Book “ Fitna yousaf kazzab page no 95

8- Yousaf kazzab deputed zaid zaman as his representative for Pak army
( bcoz zaid hamid is son of Retired army col. Zaman Hamid ?) Book “ Fitna yousaf
kazzab page no 44 “reported by weekly Takbeer 30 march-05 April 1997.

His name as an active follower and 1st Khalifa of Kazab was also mentioned in
local and national media and khabrain, Ummat, nawa e waqt. weekly takbeer,
jassarat and other newspapers reported him, this is also mentioned in this book
with relative dates.
Zaid Zaman’s relation with kazzab is reported repeatedly in different reports of
newspapers in 1997-98. Here are some more pages
9- After yusuf kazab was sentenced to death by court, Court’s discussion

and case process was later published as a book named “Judgment of

Yusuf Kazzab Blasphemy Case” in Oct 2000. The foreward of this

document was written by that Lawyer who was hired to follow the case

against yusuf kazzab by Majlis-e-Tahafuz-e-Khatam-e-Nabuwat

(Muhammad Ismaeel Quraishi- Senior Advocate Supreme Court).

He clearly mentions Zaid Zaman Hamid as so-called sahabi of kazzab also

gives the reference of zaid’s article published in DAWN against the

decision. (In that article Zaid Zaman Hamid criticized the decision

as “murder of justice” ) Read that Paragraph below and this complete

foreward is available on this link

Note:-Urdu translation of this ‘forewords’ is available on “daily jassarat” on this link
10 - A columnist of daily Jassarrat Abu Saa’d met two active Ex-
followers of yousaf kazzab and they confirmed zaid hamid’s connection
with kazzab. Daily jassarat 24- 26 october 2008.

Now read this column here

This column is available here online

And also on this link

These are the questions raised to zaid hamid by different blogs and forums.

1- Why Pakistani media reported you as the biggest follower and his 1st Khalifa of
yousuf Ali during his trial in court?

2- Did Yousaf Ali proclaimed himself to be the "libas" of Prophet Mohammed

(PBUH) and called his followers, including yourself, "Sahabi-e-rasool?

3- Did Yousaf Ali appointed you as his Khalifa?

4- Did you not contacted politicians and Ulema to contest Yousaf Ali's sentence in
the court and didn't you fight his case in the court?

5- When did you turned back from the teachings of Yousaf Ali?

6- Do you testify that Yousaf Ali Kazzab was a Fasiq and the Lahore High Court
decision in his case was right?
7- There are very clear signs that Syed zaid zaman reported in these reports are
you, not any other zaid zaman as 1- commando 2- afghan jihad fighter 3- belongs
to Rawal pindi 4- manager of a security firm Brink’s.

Note:- All these reports mention his name as Syed Zaid zaman, but after
appearing on tv he introduced him as Zaid Hamid because his father’s name is
Zaman Hamid. Normally we use 1st name of father as our 2nd name, that’s why his
real name is Syed zaid zaman but on ‘second entry’ after disappearing he used
the second name of his father as Zaid Hamid. If you see his initial videos his name
is mentioned only as zaid hamid but after getting enough popularity he exposed
his real name as Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid.

Zaid Hamid’s written Reply on this matter.

Here is an actual written reply of Zaid Hamid sent to many blogs on this issue.
> From:
> To:
> Subject:
> Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2008 10:34:43 +0500

> you may send this to your friends:

> My Dear Kamran,

> aa. This is Zaid Hamid here. lets get to the brasstacks !!
> We need to fear Allah and lets not make mockery of deen and Sharia. > Sharia, Sunnat and Deen
demands that I must wait until some critical > sharia conditions are met. Burdon of proof is on accusers
NOT on me.
> They have accused me of gravest of sins, called me a Kafir and Murtid, follower of false prophets,
running cults, doing khiyanat in wealth of orphans and widows, working for secret services against the
State, and sponsoring my own program on News1 through secret funding of dubious agencies. Also,
being a fraud by pretending to be a doctor or Professor !
> I will respond to each one of them but Before any of the allegation is responded, Sharia demands that
it MUST be established:> That: a.. Who are the accusers ? Names, full details. Let us all see their
> faces and backgrounds. Let them take responsibility for their actions. b.. What is their credibility. ? Are
they Fasiqs, qualified to be > witnesses according to Sharia. ?
> c.. What is the evidence provided ? Does the evidence on all allegations
> qualify sharia and Islamic requirements or is it just Bohtan?
> d.. What punishment would be awarded to those who falsely accuse
> Muslims for Kufr and Khiyanat in baseless Bohtan. > e.. Who would be the judge to decide on
evidence produced. ? > This MUST be established. These are serious Sharia requirements and
> CANNOT be avoided nor decided on e-mailing matches. If none of the above has been established,
why and what do you want me to respond ??
> These are only evil whispers of satanic shadows on the wall ???
> Do we know the accusers or are they still shadows ???? -- Who are
> they and what are their credentials ?? Have you met any of the
> accusers or know them ?? Have they asked me and seeked clarification before making their Bohtan ??
> Are they willing to come and confront me face to face with proof on
> all bohtans ??? What they are doing, is it according to sunnah and Shariat ??
> There are four names we see: None of them know me despite their claims. a.. Abid Ullah Jan -- He has
never met me in life. b.. Tahir (reporter) He too has never met me in life. c.. N. Shahrukh, (who does not
expose his name or address) whom I sure I have never met in life or at least never in last 17 years since
I left Karachi. d.. Faiyyaz Alam, whom I am also sure have never met in life or at least never in the last
17 years. How on earth can they claim to know me ????? What evidence they have provided? What
they present as evidence is only fabricated allegation of Kufr and Khiyanat not proof !!! Each and
> every allegation must be backed by proof. Quran, Sunnat, Sharia, law
> and truth demands it. They respond allegation with more allegation
> which even you seem to believe.
> Lastly, it should be decided what should be the punishment of the above four accusers if they fail to
provide the Sharia complient proof for all their allegations ??? All allegations !!!
> You ask them to conply on all five conditions and I shall respond on each one, else Allah deen and
sharia reject them as bohtan, nonsence and lies.
> my dear brother, It would have been dignified and honorable if you had asked them for proof and
checked their credentials before making global broadcasts and doubting my Imaan and love for Rasul
Allah (saw). Calling a Muslim as Kafir is greatest of sins. Be very very careful here. Don't spread rumors.
> It would have been even more dignified if you had come to me and asked for clarification first rather
than making global broadcast of rumors creating doubts in the hearts and minds of innocent people.
May Allah forgive you and forgive us all. Read what Allah has to say in the attached file. There is great
wisdom and khair in it. > Alhamdolillah, all my life has been spent keeping my self under tests
> and trials of fire, sword and blood for the sake of this deen and in
> love of Rasul Allah. My prayers, sacrifices, my life and death remains
> for Allah and His Prophet (saw). My izzat, life, parents, property,
> family and even good deeds are sacrificed on Rasul Allah. I am not mad
> to follow false prophets after Sayyadna Rasul Allah (saw).
> Those with noor can see the rehma, baraka and khair from Allah and
> love of Rasul Allah in the life and mission of this humble faqeer.
> Hasbu nallah Naimul Wakeel, Naimul Maula wa naimun Naseer.
> Curse of Allah, angels and momineen be on those liars who claim to be
> "prophets" after Sayyadna Khatim un Nabiyyeen Muhemmed Rasul Allah (saw).
> Also cursed and Rajeem are those who follow such liar "prophets" and
> also cursed are those who accuse innocent Muslims of following such
> false prophets. There will be no prophet after our beloved Sayyadna,
> Maulana, Muhemmed Rasul Allah, Rehmat ul lil Aalimeen (saw). May Allah
> keep us in His serene and blessed noor and Rehma in dunya and Akhira.
> May Allah be my witness in both the worlds and forgive our errors,
> mistakes and sins and have mercy on Ummat e Sayyadna Rasul Allah
> (saw). Indeed Allah is the best of Protector and most merciful on His slaves.
> We will inshallah, will not be distracted and continue our mission of
> protecting Pakistan against all threats, internal and external.
> Wassalam and duago

> Zaid Hamid

Almost same message is sent to every person who seeks reply from zaid hamid
via internet.
Apparently these words are convincing and satisfying for the reader but if we
analyze these words keeping in mind the claims of yusuf kazzab you will be
shocked. We need to check the yusuf kazzab’s claims before commenting on this

Yusuf kazzab’s claims are necessary to understand this reply of zaid hamid.

What did actually yusuf kazzab claim?

Kazab claimed that he is not a new prophet but he is second return and “libas” of
Muhammad SAW ( Naoozbillah ). He said Muhammad SAW came in this world
physically or spiritually in every era and in this time he came as
Muhammad.( naoozbillah)
He claimed that if some one wants to see Muhammad SAW he should see me as I
am Muhammad SAW ( Naoozbillah ). if some one believes in Kazaab then it
means he believes in Muhammad SAW as Kazzab is second return of Muhammad
( naoozbillah ).

Some more pages from the same book.

Now we analyze Zaid Hamid’s reply below and please read it
carefully (especially for blind followers)
Analyses of Zaid Hamid’s Clarification

More than 50 % (1st Half) of his above reply is completely irrelevant from the topic
and he is asking a lot of questions instead of giving answers of above mentioned

Zaid Hamid did not reply that why Pakistani media was reporting his name
repeatedly as biggest follower of kazzab in 1996-97? Were Pakistani News
papers following any CIA propaganda against a “ future scholar “? Keep in mind
that at time zaid zaman hamid was not famous as today, so why new papers were
“harming his image”? and if we assume that audio tape was made as a scientific
trick then why high court Lahore accepted it as an evidence in the trial and what
about continuous reports against him in news papers of that time?

The only notable part of his reply is (Curse of Allah, angels and momineen be on those
liars who claim to be "prophets" after Sayyadna Khatim un Nabiyyeen Muhemmed Rasul Allah
(saw).Also cursed and Rajeem are those who follow such liar "prophets")

The most Important point (recall kazzab’s claims in your mind

again and read)
If a believer of kazzab says that he believes in Khatam e Nabuwat, he is right in
his belief because according to them Yaousaf kazzab is not a new prophet but he
is 2nd return of Muhammad SAW ( naooz Billah). Keep in mind that kazzab is not a
‘new prophet’ for them but kazzab is same as Muhammad SAW ( naoozbillah)
Due to yusuf kazzab, khatam-e-nabuwat is not disturbed. It means that believer of
yusuf kazzab (as 2nd return of Muhammad SAW) can claim that he still believes in

Same in this sense, Zaid Hamid says that “curse on the false prophets” then he is
not cursing on the kazzab as Kazzab is not a false prophet according to his belief.
He is cursing on “false prophets” not the “true prophet” like kazzab( as kazzab is
true prophet to him) Naoozbillah. When he says that Muhammad SAW is the last
prophet then still he is not denying his belief as Kazzab is not a new prophet but
he is Muhammad SAW( naoozbillah)

If some body blames you that you believe in Kazzab as prophet then what will be
your rational reaction? You will immediately reply that “Curse of Allah on the yusuf
kazzab and his followers”. Zaid Hamid never never said that curse of Allah on
“yousaf kazzab” and his followers. Why? If he were to curse on yusuf kazzab
directly then it was more convincing and after this all allegations on him become
ineffective but he never said “curse on yusuf Kazzab”.

Another fact that will prove our claim that

in any of his videos while replying on allegations he never said the word “ yousaf
kazzab”….why?? Did any body heard the word “yousaf kazzab” from his mouth?
Even he never said his name “yousuf” during the explanation because he knows
that if he says “yousuf “ then it will be necessary to say “kazzab” ( which means
the biggest liar ) with his name as all Muslims say with the name of every false
Is this not shocking?
Because he does not want not to take the name of yusuf kazzab in insulting
manners???. Try to search on youtube but you cannot find a single video in which
he saying yusuf kazzab’s name)
Here is an example and see how zaid hamid by passes the original question put
by a student in his recent program in Superior University Lahore at 5 jan 2010.
Ziad Hamid is demanding repeatedly sharia proof for the allegations on him but
when did he provide any sharia proof when he blamed Senior Journalist Hamid
Mir as CIA Agent in a live TV show? Ziad Hamid is blaming so many politicians in
his almost every show (we know they are not innocent ) but sharia proof is still
needed before allegations as Zaid Hamid needs in his own case. But he could not
present even a single paper as a proof in his any program.

Zaid Hamid’s TV shows are sponsored?

There is another allegation on him that his tv shows are sponsored by some
hidden resources and he pays tv channels to get his shows on air. It means that
his shows are just like paid documentaries.

1- Zaid hamid started his TV shows on TV1 channel with the name of his company
brasstracks which is a security services provider company owned by him in islam
abad. Did you ever have seen any tv show whose name is based on a company
name? How TV channels allowed him to advertise his own company name as the
name of program in a show which is “not sponsored”?

His TV shows are recorded in brasstracks offices and then they are on aired after
paying the on air time to the TV channels. TV channels are not showing their
secret agreements to the public and it is a little hard to prove it but if we just
analyze the situation we can reach to the story behind the scene.

An interesting comparison is given here between different popular

Pakistani talk shows( political, defense analyses and current issues
programs) and zaid hamid’s talk show
Watch the background and theme of all these shows( All above scenes are from
different channels and different popular shows i.g Mere Mutabiq, Kamran Khan
show, Capital Talk, Bolta Pakistan, Dunya Today, Lucman Show)
About these we know that they are 100% recorded (or even live aired) inside the
tv channel’s studios

Now watch scenes from different programs of zaid hamid here

These are scenes from different programs or episodes of zaid hamid’s famous
shows. Is this background and lighting plan ever seen in any talk show on any tv
channel (or just an effort to hide the interior of his office)?. Some body can accept
that these are studio recordings? And he claims TV channels are paying him
instead of getting some thing. (but not allowing him to use studios for recording??)

Zaid Hamid ( The hero of ‘revival of khilafat and sharia’ only changes the
fashionable girls and his suits in these programs) This issue will be discussed later
why zaid hamid and his team is using girls & boys close interaction to attract youth
while having a motto of revival of khilafat and sharia.

2- Why TV channels are not giving enough time to General (R) Hameed Gul and
Imran Khan who are speaking on national interest against India and USA from
more than ten years? Do they have speaking, convincing or analytical power and
knowledge less then Zaid Hamid? Even last year Hameed Gul was threaten by
Americans not to speak against Musharraf, Butto Murder and judges case. But he
was not given enough chance to speak like zaid hamid on TV channels. why? He
is not patriot or he has any blame in his career? Even Hameed Gul is more
prominent hero of afghan Jihad then Zaid Hamid.

3- Did u ever scene a TV show on any TV channel like Zaid Hamid’s shows in
which the hosts ( most of them are unknown and unskilled girls) are giving him just
topic and he is only speaking, speaking more and more? In every political or
current issue show host is also an anchor and discusses the matter with a strong
participation, take views of viewers by live calls, letters or emails etc. We know so
many famous political and defense analytical Tv shows Like Aaj Kamran Khan k
sath, Mere Mutabiq, Bolta Pakistan, capital talk etc but Zaid hamid’s program
seems as they want to give him more and more chance to speak without losing a
single minute.
4- Have our TV channels become suddenly so patriot that they are giving their
sale able time to a “ONE Man SHOW”.?

5- The host of zaid hamid’s show mostly saying him “Sir zaid hamid”. This is not
usual in any TV show. U can watch many recorded shows of different anchors on
youtube but you ll not get any host saying his scholar guest “ SIR” ??

After all above discussion, how can zaid hamid say that these programs are
recorded by TV channels and TV channels are paying him? If not them who is
sponsoring these long TV shows?

Zaid hamid’s Sharia and Khilafat

Zaid hamid claims to work for the revival of Sharia and Khilafat. But what type of
sharia he means from this? We will like to tell you that yousuf kazzab ordered his
followers to pray both ladies and gents together, so in his presence boys and girls
were used to pray in a same SUFF together. He was not arranging separate sitting
plan for ladies in his meetings and speeches. Girls and boys used to have a close
interaction between each other and he created too much attractive atmosphere for
the young people especially form elite class due to these reasons.
Let’s see whether Zaid Hamid and his fellows are not adopting this technique to
attract youth? If you watch the trailer of there mission “Wake Up Lahore “ u ll find
girls and boys holding the hands of each other and making slogans for Pakistan.
Mission and slogans are really impressive but a mission based on revival of sharia
and khilafat can be carried out on such non-sharia steps & bold pattern? Here that
question again rises why zaid hamid uses new fashionable girls having some bold
costumes as a hosts of his programs. Watch the video and then proceed.

This is not the same way to attract youth as kazzab used these techniques?

What does Majlis e Tahafuz e Khatam e NAbuwat say about Zaid Hamid?

The biggest evidence is What our Ulema say about him. Aalmi majlis tahafuz-e-
khatam-enabuwat is a forum consisting Ulema of every Islamic school of thought
who fight against false prophets and protect the cause of Khatam-e-nabuwat. This
was Majlis e khatam e nabuwat who filed the case against yusuf kazzab. They
published a book and they also informed that this zaid hamid is the same person
who was with yousuf kazzab as syed zaid zaman.
Here is the book written by Molana saeed Ahmad Jalal Puri and published by
Aalmi Majlis e Khatam e nabuwat in which zaid hamid’s past is discussed in detail.
In this book there is one paragraph which is very important to read. That
paragraph is from Molana Muhammad Ismail Shuja abadi who filed the case
against yusuf kazab in court as the representative of Majlis. His views about zaid
hamid are very interesting and important.

If you feel difficulty to read this paragraph here then please download this
document in pdf format and read in adobe reader or read this document in full
screen mode.

Why was Zaid Hamid not caught by police with Yousuf Kazzab?

A question is usually asked by zaid hamid team that if all is true then why zaid
hamid was not caught by police with yusuf kazzab? According to Pakistan Penal
code only the person who claims for being prophet is arrested and put into trial not
the followers. As Qadiyanis are following a false prophet but they can not be
charged for their belief, that is why kazzab was arrested and zaid hamid was not.
Why is Zaid Hamid so crazy and aggressive to support Pak Army?
Zaid Hamid seems to be a big fan and supporter of Pak Army and he can not bear
a single word against Pak Army, Even when a famous senior journalist Hamid Mir
pointed out some mistakes of army in Waziristan operation in a live TV program
Zaid Hamid immediately blames him as a CIA and Jewish agent.( Zaid Hamid
demands Sharia proofs against him but did he presented any sharia proof while
blaming Hamid Mir as CIA & Jewish agent? Sharia proof is needed only when
Zahid Hamid is accused not for the others? Hamid Mir is one of the senior most
and trusted one anchors and Journalists of Pakistani media who is known
worldwide due to his work. Here is link to listen zaid hamid’s blame.
Why does he become so aggressive and crazy for PakArmy? Every Pakistani as a
patriot must love and respect his army but army is not above the criticism. We can
point out the mistakes of army and it is usual in every nation.
Zaid Hamid is actually trying to get PakArmy’s sympathies for his future goals
which are still hidden due to his suspected past. He wants to get a soft corner in
army as he knows army is very important and basic source of power in our
It is said that he is mouthpiece of ISI and ISPR but we don’t think that ISI and
ISPR can appoint such person whose past is so dangerous for Islam as their
Zaid Hamid’s false claims during Mumbai attacks
Zaid Hamid claimed giving reference of his so-called “military and police
intelligence resources in India” very soon after Mumbai attack that the person
caught during attack is an Indian national. Even he mentioned the name of that
guy as Amar Singh. But later on whole world came to know that he was Ajmal
Kassab and Pakistan also accepted his Pakistani Nationality and even Kassab’s
neighbors and villagers of Farid Kot also recognized him after Indian media shown
his face. Zaid’s baseless claim here

Zaid Hamid and Lal Masjid Operation

He also supported General Musharaf and he was supporting “Lal masjid

operation” on media which was opposed almost not only by every religious school
of thought but also by every sector of society. Even Choudhry brothers (Q league)
apologized from the nation for their support to “ lal-masjid Operation”

But our “Mujahid” and “Islamic scholar” Zaid Hamid’ clearly supported Lal-Masjid
operation in his writings and programs. Daily Jassarat’s columnist Dr. Fayyaz
Alam gives a comparison of two reports on Lal Masjid Operation, one was issued
by a group of MNAs, advocates and scholars of Jammat-e-Islami and other report
was issued by Brasstacks soon after the operation. Both reports are given below
and you can see that how zaid hamid was supporting Musharraf’s baseless claims
and reasons of this operation. ( Daily jassarat 24 oct 2008 )
Now read the report of Zaid Hamid on Lal Masjid Operation.. These are not same
words of Musharraf ? who was the worst dictator of our history and we are getting
the results of his policies now !!
Zaid Hamid supported the Musharaf’s views on killing of hundreds of Hafiz-e-
Quran girls and boys inside a masjid and burning them alive with phosphorus
Zaid Hamid is always talking against Ulema and says them “ feron” because these
were the ulema who fought against yusuf kazzab’s fitna and according to zaid
hamid’s article in DAWN 13 August 2000, they are responsible for the killing of an
“innocent” person yusuf kazzab…

Pakistan as “Madeena e saani”?

Zaid Hamid uses a term Madina-e-saani for Pakistan in many of his speeches,
and also see his Eid ul azha massage on his facebook official page on 29-11-2009

Did u ever heard this term "madina-e-saani" for Pakistan in Islamic history in any
book from any author of any Islamic school of thought? Did this not mean that
Rasool Ullah SAW came here in Pakistan (only by this Pakistan can be said
madina-e-sani). As we know this never happened then it is not an evidence of
ZH's belief that yousuf kazzab came in Pakistan as Muhammad SAW ( naooz
billah ) ?

Ghazwa-e-Hind, zaid hamid and yousaf kazzab

Ghazwa-e-Hind is not mentioned in all 6 books of hadith ( Sihah-e-Sittah, the most

authentic books of hadith) and it is also not mentioned in any Sahih, or Mutawattar
(Authentic and continuously stated ) hadith. A website is created to show its
importance and total 5 Hadiths are provided there for ghazwa-e-hind.

If you read the references of these hadiths,

1- No hadith of ghazwa e hind is taken from Sihah-e-Sittah ( 6 most authentic
books of Hadith). It means these Zaeef or Mozoo ( weak or untrusted )
hadiths had no enough importance that the compilers of 6 books rejected
them and had not taken these hadiths in their books. And even no page
number, chapter or addition of these books is provided here in this website.
2- Two of them are narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira RA directly but only found
in Masnad-e- Ahmad bin Humbal RA. Hazrat abu Huraira and Imam ahmad
bin humbal had a difference of more than 120 years in period. Who were the
Ravees in between them are not mentioned any where.
3- In hadith no.2 it is stated that the group who will fight ghazwa e hind and the
group helping Hazrat eesa AS are different. But in hadith no.3 &5 it is stated
that same group will fight Ghazwa-e-hind and help Hazrat eeasa AS.
Note -This is our own observation on hadiths and we are not insisting you to
accept it as we interpreted because it is a sensitive matter for us as Muslims so
if you are not agree with us on ghazwa e hind and these hadiths then please
leave this topic and focus on the core issue of zaid hamid and yusuf kazzab’s
relation described earlier. Even if we accept that these are authentic hadiths
then there is proof that people like yusuf kazzab had misused these hadiths to
attract the youth and in the same way zaid hamid is doing.

In Arabic the word ‘ghazwa’ has meaning of a ‘war’ but in Islamic history and
Seerat-e-Tyabba SAW it is used as ‘term’ for only that battle in which Our Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) was personally present, so how after him a war can be said
ghazwa? (It is notable that a battle which is fought on the order of Hazrat
Muhammad SAW but he was not present in that battle physically is called “
Jihadi Organizations of Indian occupied Kashmir always used this term to attract
youth and motivate them for Jihad against India and this is why these Hadiths of
ghazwa-e-hind got importance in Pakistan and some books and articles were
written on this topic.

But this term is also misused by some people like yusuf kazzab and zaid hamid.
Zaid Hamid is always attracting and motivating youth to prepare them for the
ghazwa-e-hind and inspires them by words “you are the chosen people who will
fight this ghazwa.”

Let’s see how yusuf kazzab used Ghazwa-e-Hind to attract youth and he used it
as a proof to show that he is Muhammad came to fight this ghazwa. Naoozbillah.
Here are some more pages from the book “ Fitna Yusuf Kazzab “
yusuf kazzab’s letter to his follower ( book’s page 97)

Zaid Hamid in the same way is attracting Pakistani youth and not only attracting
but also creating a ‘war hysteria’ by stating ghzwa-e-hind’ in his speeches and
some times it seems that he is near to announce the starting date of Ghazwa-e-

Many of his speeches on this topic are available on youtube and in all of his
speeches he never give the references ( book name, page no, hadith no ) to prove
his ideology on ghazwa-e-hind.
This is just to gather emotional young college and university students to get
popularity for the future hidden goals as yusuf kazzab used so-called ghazwa-e-
hind for this purpose.

Another Eye Witness

Zaid Hamid’s friend in University days Mohsin Ansari (currently Medical Director,
Clinical faculty, University of Maryland School of Medicine USA) wrote an article
on 2 Feb. 2010 and he claimed that Zaid Hamid was suffering from a mental
disorder called Bipolar with Manic Disorder in his university days in which the
patient considers himself “a redeemer, a savior and some one who possess
grandiose personality.”
Zaid zaman Hamid also attended Dr Ansari’s marriage 17 years ago with his those
friends who according to Dr. Ansari “were following a PEER named Muhammad
Yusuf Ali who claimed later as a prophet.”
Dr. Mohsin Ansari’s article is available on this link

Due to all these evidences and a clear relation of yusuf kazzab and zaid zaman
hamid we see it as a near future Fitna in Pakistan. Which will be dangerous not
only for Pakistan but also for Islam as well. And thousands of the young people
will lose their faith as in the case of Mirza qadiyani and yusuf kazzab.

Zaid Hamid has ‘discovered’ a “wali” who predicted about him and his movement
900 years ago.

To read all these “Historical Predictions” please click on following link and you will
surely come to know that how zaid hamid is adopting exactly same ways which
were adopted by every “Creator Of Fitna” before.

Allah save us from all type of Fitnas and Give us the true Muslim leadership
because the lack of leadership gives the chance some people to play with the
emotions of young Muslims,

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