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Research Paper Grading Rubric
Students Nae! _______________________________________
Is the topic of the paper clearly and concisely introduced?
Does the introduction include a clear and concise statement?
Does the information forecast the remainder of the paper for the
#"d$ "% the Paper
Does the paper summarize the articles individually, one at a
time, or does it provide a thematic summary of the research
drawn upon?
Does the paper provide examples to help the reader understand
points made?
Does the paper synthesize the material reviewed into a few main
Is all information factually correct?
Does the paper provide excellent bac!round, context and idea
Does the paper include an excellent discussion of detail?
Is there a conclusion?
Does the paper provide a brief summary of what has been
Re%erences ' Citati"ns
Does the body of the paper cite sources as necessary and have a
minimum of $ sources?
Does the paper draw sources includin!% text boo, &ournal
articles, and other sources such as newspaper articles, ma!azine
articles and no more than ' websites(
(ua&it$ "% S"urces
)re the sources relatively recent?
Is there a variety of sources?
)riting St$&e
Is the paper well or!anized?
Is the paper free from !rammar + spellin! errors?
)re there smooth transitions between sections?
Does the paper follow the mar!in, font, and pa!e speci,cation
found in the paper !uidelines? -1#.1' pa!es, 1'.point font, 1/
mar!ins, double spacin!0
*"ta& P"ints! +++++,-..
///P&ease n"te i% $"u d" n"t ha0e an$ %"r "% a )"r1s Cited Page $"u
recei0e an aut"atic 2.3

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