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(aeijuoay TIVILE ME ASojood Su T, Re-issue ay JO M01 WELCOME TO THE INTERGALACTIC RE=ISSUE OF KAGENNA MAGAZINE, EARTHLINGS. EArtH-CUlTURE MEETS CYBER-CUITURE. YOUR CAN'T BE GREEN IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN PLANETARY ECOLOGY WHCH is ABOUT EELIEVING INTHE PLACE You Live WHICH IN OUR CASE HAPPENS TO BE A FERTILE PLANET CALLED EARTH Glad | got that off my chest So wna’s yew? weve «CHE To CONERNE ANNOINNG THOSE OF YOU WHO EACH FR YOU GUN MEN YOU HEARTHE WORD CTU, OR REARS AME VIED EXOUCH IN AOE, TSTE AND NCOMETO LAD ANTCRETO THE CONCIUSON THAT WE PUBS ACKOSS HE GAANY, WHICH WHAT WE INNO DOING. SO NN THIS OUR SEVENTH ISSURE, Mz, WE RUN WITH THE THEME OF INTERSTELLAR ECO-CONSCIOUSNESS. Frou THE eviiEaeteD 100K 1 SPACE Tava OX PAE 10 10 HEINEY TAYE FLUC DREAMING 0 VTL IEAUTY. WE ALSO TAR NEW LOOK AT ENRONENTAL {ARTHYOUNIS FROM THE ECC-THRHTOMAL AMBITIONS OF BOREGIONAISIS TO TH LOCAISED CaMPAGNND OF EARTFE ATCA. Ky ABO ROmTES WOUDRE (aVcrENTAUET 10 TIE A FRECHLOOK AT TREMSENES WS CUR “HOW GREEN ABE YOU GUMTEST, SO READ.ON you was PUNCHED OUT, riser ano osu i OUR FE TAE, AN OVERABUNDANCE OF NEW EDGE SLAVE LALOUE. OF COURSE, IF YOU IKE WHAT YOU SEE, THEN SEND US HE CASH UNDER YOUR MATTRESS. DONATIONS OF TIE MATEHIALS AND MONEY, GLADLY ACCEFTED, BUT AS ALWAYS NO GUABANTE HATE RIN FROMTHE EGE. Seu nrurence Davin Router Lewis 1993 derivation of the san cons man) The word ewe Dai Rape ews a trickster deity able w assume inn sass erable forms and governing the eee oer “Kagenna” for is porn symbolic content, its very esence eee srcepé of creative Slane Dvr rela deine, entribeters Peter beng 1 speling or pronunciation ee! 4 the Kagennna iaguine isa ro- oe geesive, non-profit publishing collective, We draw pees! Tel their work which we then publish, # Anyone may became part see this netwerk all that need is lve desire to ccammun ily Santi Steve Stine ‘he Ly Inet ms. cate, The content and success of Kagennais entirely dependent upon those people who vduateer their J work and free time Jc eves ne Kacooa RECON AN oe F | one vxions wena Ot on. sues 01993 Tis auctone 5 cormonte> Learning ‘ONY FSH MERIAL ASSO ON WT A SLA ROUSE “ offset hes when their sa hands weve acenpied 07” eeRnEN TA XSI ESAS ‘hen 10: Outer Space - the next invasion »; avcnai 12: Marketing the Environment - the great sustainable development rip-off 1.50 ies ti 14: African Eco-Guerriller ~ sw muri erur tnte 16: Unlocking our Nocturnal Emissions - the significance of dreaming 1 sie cou 22: Hacker Tech 101 - a short history of hacking in America 1 sx sts 26: Bioregional Gatherings - a new wave of eco-consciousness 1 1:0: 1: 30: Virtual Dimensions = se nin dm ston 32: The Ethics of Software Piracy 1 101i HOW TO PARTICIPATE. acco sn ew nner o cat w bits Green :, ‘CUIURAL AND KCOLOGICAL DEAS. IF YOU FEELTHE URGE To PARTCIPATE IN THS NEW EDGE EXPERIMENT me ‘OR WISH TO ENTER THE UNCERTAIN WORLD OF SCHIZOID PUALISHING THEN SEND US YOUR FANTINGS. : Weean' ct TWAT ANY OF YOUR WORK WL BE TURUSHED, BUT IF HS FRESH, ELEC AND Tristam & Them mi ; i Kultuur aiieatines "WCHL OUR FANCY THEN YOU'RE SURE TO SEE YOUR SCRIBBUNGS IN A FUTURE ISSUE. KAGENNA PU LUSHES UNUSUAL GRAPHICS, HITNG COM, INNOVATVE ESSAYS, UNORTHODOX ARTES, FRST-HAND ‘CUNTURAL REPORTS AND ANY PERSONAL AND LUCID COMMENT ON OUR LOCAL OR GLOBAL STUATION. 8: How green are you really? We so wacone mare wen ci omni oun save sore -sucnas macrent 18: Lucid Dreaming ~ mms Ace A MONON OUT MAGI, colooY AND FON. Te rouOWnE ts McH" #20: So what's happened to you USEUL, WE'VE GROWN FOND OF MEN AND HOHE YOU Wa 09. lately of great cosmic pe eg eee signer + GWEUs He IND OF ReCRAATON YOU WOMD UE TO Ge. THS OUD NGL WAT HE RTOR : KG oe rosea scommucdeacou 20 Ted mod goed book coved Yo At 10 noc AVON COMMENTS IKE =“THSI A 6000 GADGET, OME Siete ene ct wets ures jo sv emabonr terran rset so TWN MAT tWNTHESTING OF MPORTNT 10 YOU. 1 2 ewe 27: Ways to bioregion 35: Feedback 34: Subscriptior + Be SUCCINCT AND GEt TO THE POINT, OFTEN A FEW GOOD PAEAGRAPHS ARE ENOUGH. + 00% GoD QUOTES, DAGEAMS AND HLLSIRADONS WHICH CONTAIN THE ESSENCE OF THE:DEA, (Of TEM - Ts THAT PASS ON A WHOL USEABLE XA, formation (Our ADVICE INGENERAL 1 AUWAYS KEEP A COPY FOR YoursEU yy + Au stur stow e uote + We Wn Pain ALL ENGTHS~ FIOM A FEW PARAGRAPHS TO MANY PAGES, HUT WE RESERVE THE GH 10 Eon * Work Nor BELONGING To YOU SHOUD INGE IME OWNERS PERMISSION TO PRINT KAGENSA, POST OFFICE BOS 4388, «Be PATENT, WE HAVE LIMIED SCE. Ik YOU DON'T SHE YOUR WORK IN THE NEXT ISSUE, IS PROBA Cry TOWN SO {Ue THAT T WAL BE USED NTHE FOLLOWING ONE SOUTH Artic + EXJOY THE ENRICHING POWER OF CREATIVE PLODUCTION

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