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cdma2000 BSS S/W

PART 2. CDMA Radio
Training Manual
12. 2000.
CHAPTER 1. CDMA Radio Network Design
CHAPTER 2. Link Budget/Coverage Ana!sis
CHAPTER ". Ca#a$it! Ana!sis
CHAPTER %. Power Contro Agorit&'
CHAPTER (. Hando) Agorit&'
CHAPTER *. PN +)set Panning , -re.uen$!
CHAPTER /. A$$ess , Paging , Registration
2000. 4.
This manual contains the information, which is proprietary to SAMSUNG Electronics Co.Ltd. and
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or duplicated for any commercial purposes or disclosed to third parties in any form without the
prior written consent of SAMSUNG Electronics Co.Ltd.
SAMSUNG, are re!istered trademar" of SAMSUNG.
#roduct names mentioned in this document may e trademar"s and$or re!istered trademar"s of
their respecti%e companies.
&hile reasonale efforts ha%e een made to assure the accuracy of this document, SAMSUNG assumes no liaility
resultin! from any omissions in this document, or from misuse of the information otained here. nor shall SAMSUNG e
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SAMSUNG reser%es the ri!ht to chan!e information contained in this manual for the system impro%ement,
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)or further information on the updated manual, contact *ocument Center at the address elow .
A!!rss " 4#$%0&0 D'cumn( Cn(r P's( )'* $2+ 20(, -l. SAMS./G Pla0a )l!g. 2#$ S',1un%!'ng )un!ang%
2u+ Sungnam%si+ K1ung2i%!'+ K'ra
P,'n " 32%0$1%445%4134
+r contact Customer Care Group at the address elow if you ha%e any 'uestions or concerns re!ardin! the operation of
your e'uipment.
A!!rss " 4#$%0&0 Cus('mr Car Cn(r P's( )'* $2+ 20(, -l. SAMS./G Pla0a )l!g. 2#$ S',1un%!'ng
)un!ang%2u+ Sungnam%si+ K1ung2i%!'+ K'ra
P,'n " 32%0$1%445%4&&1
62000 SAMS./G Elc(r'nics C'.+ 7(!. All rig,(s rsr8!
CDMA Ra!i' /(9'r2 Dsign
1 O8r8i9........................................................................................................................... 1%1
-.- #urpose..................................................................................................................... -.-
-./ Scope........................................................................................................................ -.-
-.0 *ocument +r!ani(ation............................................................................................ -.-
2 Ou(lin ': /(9'r2 Dsign Pr'c!ur........................................................................... 1%2
/.- *esi!n #ropa!ation Sta!e........................................................................................ -./
/./ 1nitial Networ" *esi!n Sta!e..................................................................................... -./
/.0 *etail Networ" *esi!n Sta!e.................................................................................... -./
/.2 &or" flow................................................................................................................. -.0
$ D(ail! Ra!i' /(9'r2 Dsign Pr'c!ur...................................................................1%4
0.- *esi!n 3e'uirement Analysis 4 Strate!y Estalishment..........................................-.2
0./ *esi!n Criteria 3e%iew.............................................................................................. -.5
0.0 3) En%ironment Analysis.......................................................................................... -.6
0.2 #ropa!ation Model *ecision................................................................................... -.-7
0.5 Ser%ice Area Sur%ey 4 Morpholo!y *etermination..................................................-.--
0.6 System Capacity..................................................................................................... -.-0
0.8 1nitial Networ" *imensionin!................................................................................... -./7
0.9 Candidate Site Location *etermination...................................................................-./0
0.: #re.Simulation........................................................................................................ -./2
0.-7 1nitial *esi!n 3e%iew............................................................................................... -./5
0.-- ;TS installation site determination <search rin!=.....................................................-./5
0.-/ Site >ualification 3e%iew........................................................................................ -./8
0.-0 Site acceptance...................................................................................................... -.0-
0.-2 Candidate ;TS re%iew <another candidate analysis=..............................................-.0-
0.-5 Additional 3) en%ironment re%iew <3) en%ironment chec"=...................................-.0-
0.-6 Additional 3) en%ironment analysis <Additional 3) en%ironment analysis=.............-.0/
0.-8 Simulation............................................................................................................... -.00
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e 1
Tale of Contents #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
0.-9 )inal *esi!n 3e%iew............................................................................................... -.00
0.-: Networ" 3e.*esi!n Chec"...................................................................................... -.00
0./7 Networ"!n................................................................................................... -.02
0./- Site 3eplacement.................................................................................................... -.02
0.// )inal Networ" *imensionin!................................................................................... -.05
0./0 3esult 3eport.......................................................................................................... -.05
)i!ure -.- 3adio networ" desi!n wor" flow........................................................................... -.0
)i!ure -./ #ath loss 4 distance from ;S propa!ation !raph.................................................-.:
Tale -.- Considerations for desi!n re'uirement analysis and strate!y estalishment.....-.2
Tale -./ ;asic data for radio networ" desi!n...................................................................-.5
Tale -.0 Considerations for radio networ" desi!n criteria re%iew.....................................-.5
Tale -.2 Considerations for 3) en%ironment analysis......................................................-.6
Tale -.5 Considerations for 3) en%ironment analysis e'uipment....................................-.8
Tale -.6 Considerations for 3) En%ironment Test............................................................-.8
Tale -.8 3) en%ironment test procedure..........................................................................-.9
Tale -.9 3) en%ironment test result................................................................................. -.:
Tale -.: Characteristics of typical propa!ation model....................................................-.-7
Tale -.-7 #ropa!ation model analysis procedure..............................................................-.--
Tale -.-- Morpholo!y classification standard....................................................................-.-/
Tale -.-/ pac"et data throu!hput accordin! to data power portion...................................-.-8
Tale -.-0 Ma@imum offered traffic per sector in mi@ed traffic.............................................-.-9
Tale -.-2 Ser%ice co%era!e and area forecast process.....................................................-.-:
Tale -.-5 Calculation considerations for the numer of ;TSs...........................................-./7
Tale -.-6 Considerations in ;TS allocation.......................................................................-./0
Tale -.-8 *etailed procedure for the ;TS allocation.........................................................-./2
Tale -.-9 *etailed procedure of pre.simulation.................................................................-./2
Tale -.-: Search rin! ;TS data sheet............................................................................... -./6
Tale -./7 ;TS asic information items.............................................................................. -./8
Tale -./- ;TS type............................................................................................................ -./8
Tale -.// Co.location ;TS chec"list.................................................................................. -./9
#a!e 11 ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Manual Title $ E* 77 Tale of Contents
Tale -./0 Greenfield ;TS chec"list.................................................................................... -./:
Tale -./2 3ooftop ;TS chec"list........................................................................................ -.07
Tale -./5 Considerations durin! additional 3) en%ironment re%iew..................................-.0/
Tale -./6 Considerations when!nin!.....................................................................-.02
Tale -./8 &ireless networ" desi!n document preparation procedure...............................-.06
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e 111
C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n
1 O8r8i9
1.1 Pur;'s
The document describes the network design procedure for cdma 2000 system,
especially a radio network design procedure.
1.2 Sc';
The network design procedure described in the document is applied basically to the
radio network design. Unless there are specific criteria, the procedure described in the
document is basically applied and the detailed procedure may be omitted or added
according to the situation. The document describes the network design procedure for
voice services provided to subscribers, and one for the high data services will be
added in the future.
1.$ D'cumn( Organi0a(i'n
The document describes in details considerations, design method and design
procedure required for design of the network that meets the service target area
characteristics and service conditions and provides the best quality services to the
service area. For efficient network design, the document presents the methods to
design networks that can provide costeffective and bestquality services in various
service areas.
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -.-
CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
2 Ou(lin ': /(9'r2 Dsign Pr'c!ur
2.1 Dsign Pr';aga(i'n S(ag
!" #esign $equirement %nalysis & #esign 'trategy (stablishment
2" #esign )riteria $eview
*#esign $equirement %nalysis & #esign 'trategy (stablishment"
2.2 Ini(ial /(9'r2 Dsign S(ag
!" 'urvey
2" )overage and )apacity %nalysis
+" ,nitial -etwork #imensioning
." )andidate 'ite /ocation #etermination
0" 1re'imulation
2.$ D(ail /(9'r2 Dsign S(ag
!" 'earch $ing
2" 'ite %cquisition
+" %dditional $F (nvironment %nalysis
." 'imulation
#a!e -./ ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
#A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77 CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n
2.4 <'r2 :l'9
-igur 1.1 Ra!i' n(9'r2 !sign 9'r2 :l'9
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -.0
*esi!n 3e'uirement Analysis 4
Strate!y Estalishment
*esi!n Criteria 3e%iew
Ser%ice Area Sur%ey 4
Morpholo!y *etermination
Co%era!e Analysis 4
Capacity Analysis
1nitial Networ" *imensionin!
Candidate Site Location
1nitial *esi!n
Site >ualification 3e%iew
Search 3in!
Site Acceptance
Another Candidate analysis
3) En%ironment
Additional 3) En%ironment
)inal *esi!n
3esult 3eport
)inal Networ" *imensionin!
3) En%ironment Analysis
#ropa!ation Model *ecision
3e.*esi!n Chec"
Networ" 3e.*esi!n
CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
$ D(ail! Ra!i' /(9'r2 Dsign Pr'c!ur
$.1 Dsign R=uirmn( Anal1sis > S(ra(g1 Es(a?lis,mn(
$.1.1 D:ini(i'n
,n the design requirement analysis & strategy establishment stage, review the design
requirements for design target area and establish the design strategy. That is, analy2e
the network performance criteria and requirements for network design, and establish
the design strategy. ,n addition, the basic data for design should be collected. 'ince
the design criteria is finali2ed based on the analysis and the established strategy,
make considerate reviews on the data in order to prevent any modification in the
$.1.2 C'nsi!ra(i'ns
Ta?l 1.1 C'nsi!ra(i'ns :'r !sign r=uirmn( anal1sis an! s(ra(g1 s(a?lis,mn(
1tem *escription
*esi!n area *esi!n tar!et area definition and area classification
Estimated suscriers Estimated suscriers y year$area
)re'uency A%ailale fre'uency area and the numer of )As
Co%era!e criteria Co%era!e proaility
G+S ;loc"in! proaility and )E3
Ser%ice criteria Cocoder rate, %oice$data ser%ice ratio, handoff ratio, location
ser%ice accuracy, data ser%ice type classification <circuit
data$pac"et data=
Traffic Erlan! per suscrier, ;ACA, a%era!e call holdin! time,
distriution y area
*ata traffic
3e%iew the traffic parameter %alue of pac"et call ser%ice <&&&,
)T#, e.mail=.
3e%iew the traffic parameter %alue of circuit call ser%ice <)AD
#a!e -.2 ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
#A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77 CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n
$.1.$ )asic !a(a :'r !sign
Ta?l 1.2 )asic !a(a :'r ra!i' n(9'r2 !sign
1tem *escription
Map As for the area re'uirin! the detailed desi!n, a detailed map of
57777,- or /5777,- is need. )or the o%erall outline, the map of
57777,- is re'uired.
#opulation density 3atio etween drift population and resident population y area, and
population density y area
Economy inde@ Annual a%era!e income of each area
+ther networ"
confi!uration status
;TS location of other networ" currently operatin!, and traffic
distriution of other networ"
$.2 Dsign Cri(ria R8i9
$.2.1 D:ini(i'n
,n the design criteria review stage, review whether the network performance
parameters and design criteria can be implemented or not. ,n addition, review if the
design criteria determined based on the 3+.! #esign $equirement %nalysis &
'trategy (stablishment4 is feasible.
$.2.2 C'nsi!ra(i'ns
Ta?l 1.$ C'nsi!ra(i'ns :'r ra!i' n(9'r2 !sign cri(ria r8i9
1tem *escription
G+S 3e%iew if the criteria such as call drop rate, call success rate, %oice
'uality, )E3, and handoff success rate can e implemented.
Aandoff proaility Cerify whether the ratio is ased on channels or on the area, and
re%iew if there is no prolem for optimi(ation.
Co%era!e criteria 3e%iew if the co%era!e criteria can e satisfied.
Capacity criteria 3e%iew if the capacity criteria can e satisfied.
)re'uency 3e%iew the transmit$recei%e fre'uency and the numer of )As.
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -.5
CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
$.$ R- En8ir'nmn( Anal1sis
$.$.1 D:ini(i'n
,n the $F environment analysis stage, analy2e and classify the geographical features
of the service area, height of the building, and density that affect $F environment,
and divide the actual service area into each morphology. The $F characteristics
analy2ed in the stage are used to characteri2e the propagation model that can be
applied to radio network design.
$.$.2 C'nsi!ra(i'ns
!" )onsiderations for selection of path and location
! )lassify service areas according to $F characteristics, and select the location
which best indicates the $F characteristics of the service area.
2 'elect a test path where the $F characteristics can be analy2ed, with a closed
loop around the transmitter.
Ta?l 1.4 C'nsi!ra(i'ns :'r R- n8ir'nmn( anal1sis
Considerations in selectin! a path and a site
Ser%ice area information *escrie local information and address information
;uildin!Es hei!ht -. F /7 )l, /. F-5G/7 )l, 0. -7G-5 )l, 2. 5G-7 )l, 5. H 5 )l.
;uildin! material -. Concrete, /. Steel, 0. Glass, 2. +thers
;uildin! density *escrie the uildin! density of the ser%ice area in
#opularity density *escrie information on moile population and fi@ed
Commercial inde@ -. Shoppin! re!ion, /. ;usiness re!ion, 0. Aousin! re!ion
;ends on !round *escrie the ends and peculiarity of the !round
Topolo!ical peculiarity *escrie surroundin! en%ironment in detail
#ropa!ation characteristics -. *ense uran, /. Uran, 0. Suuran, 2. 3ural
*etailed map Chec" if detailed road map is pro%ided
Traffic on the street *escrie maIor and !eneral streets in the ser%ice area
separately on the map
2" )onsiderations for $F environment analysis equipment
#a!e -.6 ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
#A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77 CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n
! 5hen analy2ing the $F environment, verify the equipment defect, the current measuring
techniques, check list and result collection methods by conducting the test in the same
manner as the conditions described above, and review potential problems in advance. ,n
addition, check customs clearance when entering or leaving a country with the equipment.
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -.8
CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
Ta?l 1.& C'nsi!ra(i'ns :'r R- n8ir'nmn( anal1sis =ui;mn(
Test item #urpose
Altimeter Guarantee the reliaility of AGL and AMSL
measurement data.
*ual channel sounder caliration Guarantee the reliaility of dual channel sounder
measurement data.
Secure ma@imum J57 d;m G minimum J-77 d;m of
measurement data.
Secure data con%ersion functionality.
)eeder line loss 4 antenna CS&3 Measure the return loss to ensure e@act transmit
#re.test Confi!ure the e'uipment in the same way as the test
Chec" the e'uipment finally.
Confirm customs clearance for the
test e'uipment
Confirm the procedures for entry$departure in$from
the country
+" $F environment test procedure
Ta?l 1.# C'nsi!ra(i'ns :'r R- En8ir'nmn( Ts(
Considerations in test procedures
Chec" occupied fre'uency -. Transmission fre'uency a%ailale
/. 3eception fre'uency a%ailale
Chec" if the re'uired e'uipment is
Chec" the a%ailaility of au@iliary e'uipment for the
transmitter$recei%er <transmitter power, and others=
Chec" test site a%ailaility Chec" if it is possile to operate the transmitter$recei%er at
the test site.
#a!e -.9 ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
#A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77 CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n
$.$.$ R- n8ir'nmn( (s( ;r'c!ur
Ta?l 1.4 R- n8ir'nmn( (s( ;r'c!ur
Step #rocedure *etailed #rocedure
- Test site selection Cisit the area selected in the map re%iew prior to the 3)
en%ironment test, and choose the most proper area <0G2
area, chec" if the uildin!s are occupied= and !et a
permission to use the uildin!.
/ Test e'uipment
<transmittin! side=
1nstall the transmitter and fi@ the antenna. At this time,
chec" the altitude of the transmittin! antenna, and record it.
0 )re'uency %erification Chec" the fre'uency 'uality throu!h the spectrum sur%ey,
and %erify if it is acceptale.
2 Test e'uipment
<3ecei%in! side=
1nstall the recei%er in the %ehicle, and chec" if it is operatin!
properly a!ain. <3e.chec" items, transmittin! cale loss,
and transmittin! antenna !ain, recei%in! cale loss and
recei%in! antenna !ain, transmitter power, recei%er
sensiti%ity, analysis e'uipment retest, and measured data
storin! e'uipment=
5 Test path re%iew *etermine test path considerin! the %olume of traffic,
uildin! distriution, and !round space distriution. 3ecord
any peculiarity on the map.
6 3) en%ironment
3ecord the %ehicleEs %elocity, and if any prolem occurs,
record its location and the e%ent.
8 3) en%ironment
measurement Storin!
Cerify if the measured data are accumulated properly, and
store them into the noteoo" #C.
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -.:
CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
$.$.4 R- n8ir'nmn( anal1sis
Ta?l 1.3 R- n8ir'nmn( (s( rsul(
3) en%ironment analysis procedure
- Analysis e'uipment
Select the e'uipment that can analy(e 3) en%ironment
effecti%ely, considerin! cell cad, and other pro!rams <Matla
/ Analysis data
#rocess measured data in order to analy(e 3) en%ironment
usin! selected analysis e'uipment.
0 1nput parameter
1nput asic %alues necessary to analy(e 3) en%ironment
<Transmission E3#, transmittin! antenna !ain, transmittin!
cale loss, recei%in! antenna !ain, recei%in! cale loss=
2 3) en%ironment
analysis result
Calculate path loss e@ponent, standard de%iation, and ta"in!
the a%era!e of the path loss per distance, display it in !raph.
-igur 1.2 Pa(, l'ss > !is(anc :r'm )S ;r';aga(i'n gra;,
#a!e -.-7 ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
#A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77 CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n
$.4 Pr';aga(i'n M'!l Dcisi'n
$.4.1 D:ini(i'n
#ecide the optimum propagation model based on the graph derived from $F
environment analysis and apply it for the effective coverage analysis and the initial
simulation analysis.
$.4.2 C,arac(ris(ics ': (1;ical m'!l
#ecide the optimum propagation model based on the graph derived from $F
environment analysis and apply it for the effective coverage analysis and the initial
simulation analysis.
Ta?l 1.5 C,arac(ris(ics ': (1;ical ;r';aga(i'n m'!l
Model )re'uency <MA(= Morpholo!y *istance
977 -977 /077 *ense uran su rural
AATA K K - G/7
Modified AATA - G-77
Cost /0-.AATA K K - G/7
Cost /0-.&1 K K K 7.7/G5
1rahim 4 #arsons K K K K 7 G-7
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -.--
CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
$.4.$ Pr';aga(i'n m'!l anal1sis an! !cisi'n
)urrently 6%T% model, modified 6%T% model, )ost 2+! 6%T% model, )ost 2+!
5, model and ,brahim & 1arsons model are widely used. )haracteristics of each
model are as follows.
Ta?l 1.10 Pr';aga(i'n m'!l anal1sis ;r'c!ur
#ropa!ation model analysis
*etails of propa!ation model analysis procedure
#ropa!ation model selection Compare the characteristics of !raph created in 3)
en%ironment, and of the propa!ation model and select the
propa!ation model that est represents the characteristics
of the ser%ice area.
#arameter %alue deri%ation Calculate the parameter %alue that est indicates the
propa!ation characteristics of the ser%ice area.
#ropa!ation model
Use the ao%e propa!ation model as a standard durin! the
lin" ud!et tale and the simulation analysis.
The lin" ud!et tale is used to analy(e the ser%ice
co%era!e of one ;TS. 1n the simulation analysis, %arious
plots that %erify the ser%ice 'uality are deri%ed.
$.& Sr8ic Ara Sur81 > M'r;,'l'g1 D(rmina(i'n
$.&.1 D:ini(i'n
,n the service area survey & morphology determination stage, classify the service
areas into each morphology, and analy2e the special local environment to be reflected
in the design through map study and site survey.
$.&.2 C'nsi!ra(i'ns
7asically, a map and local information should be used to classify the morphology
properly for the service area. Two kinds of maps are required, one for grasping the
area easily as a whole, another for the detailed analysis. ,nformation acquired from
the site survey is also necessary.
#a!e -.-/ ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
#A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77 CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n
$.&.$ D(ail! ;r'c!ur
!" 8ap 'tudy
! )onsidering the density of the buildings and population density indicated on the map,
decide the primary morphology.
2 #owntown areas of the ma9or city are mostly classified into dense urban and urban, and
detailed classification is made based on the site survey
2" 'ite survey
The main purpose of the site survey is to collect information concerning the local
characteristics and $F environment. 8orphology is decided by site survey. 8ake
an investigation for the local characteristics that should be considered at the time
of design *8a9or governmental building:s location, touring spots, district of large
drift population". % morphology classification standard is as follows.
Ta?l 1.11 M'r;,'l'g1 classi:ica(i'n s(an!ar!
Morpholo!y Aei!ht of uildin! A%era!e inter%al
etween uildin!s
and street width
*ense Uran ;uildin!s of
-7) or hi!her
1nter%al H /7 m,
Two way 2 lanes
Lar!e ;usiness area and
downtown area
Uran ;uildin!s of
5 G -7)
1nter%al H 07 m,
Two way / lanes
Upper middle 1ndustry comple@
and commercial area
Suuran ;uildin!s with
lower than 5)
1nter%al H 27 m ,
Two way - lane
Lower middle 3esidential area
3ural ;uildin!s with
lower than 0)
1nter%al H -77m Small 3esidential area
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -.-0
CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
$.# S1s(m Ca;aci(1
% radio system capacity for +;!< system based on T,%=(,%=,'2000 networks is
presented. ,nherent to the planning methodology is a comprehensive performance
characteri2ation of both the forward and reverse links over a wide array of channel
conditions. The (b=-o performance and (rlang capacity of both links over a wide
variety of channel and handoff conditions was performed using detailed link level
simulations in )#; *)#8% #evelopment ;roup".
Third ;eneration *+;" wireless systems based on )#8% 2000 provides all types of
services, not only voice service but also data services. That is, an integrated wireless
network supports different services such as voice, data, facsimile, and video. %s the
largest data service provider is the ,nternet, access to the ,nternet is the dominant one
of data services. ;enerally, capacity evaluation is difficult since data traffic has a
large dynamic range in transmission rates, statistical characteristics and quality
requirements. 555 service such as the ,nternet usually carries an asymmetric
traffic on the forward and reverse links. 5hen mobile users are browsing 5eb pages,
the traffic load on the forward link is much higher than that on the reverse link. For
this reason, forward link capacity is paramount and becomes the focus sub9ect of this
The ne>t charter 3)apacity & Traffic %nalysis4 summari2es the )#; evolution study
report, which deals with (rlang capacity of only voice service. %nd 'ection presents
system capacity of packet data service. 'ection addresses the ?o' of each service
type in a mi>ed traffic. Finally, system capability of mi>ed traffic is presented in
$.#.1 Pac2( Da(a Sr8ic
,n mi>ed services, the same frequency band is shared by all services voice, circuit
data and packet data. Thus, the available base station transmitted power e>cluding
overhead channel power from the ma>imum transmit power is shared by different
services. Furthermore, traffic channel is shared. ,n )#8%2000 +;!< system,
)ommon packet data channels called supplement channel *')6" as stated in the
following 'ection are used as the traffic channel for packetbased service in the view
of air interface. The packet transmissions are time multiple>ed and transmitted at the
#a!e -.-2 ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
#A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77 CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n
full power available to the access point with data rates and slot lengths that vary
according to the user channel conditions. 'uppose that we can separate users into -
classes according to their '-$ levels, and corresponding instantaneous rate levels
supportable within cell. Thus, user class n can receive slots at rate $
bits=sec, where
n @ !,2, A , -, and suppose the relative frequency of user packets of class n is 1
. 1

is determined through the simulation, which deal with '-$ distribution, F($ in
distance and throughput within cell area when data rate is fi>ed at a specific data
power. 1
is equivalent to the probability that any data user can be serviced at rate $

bits=sec. 5hen packet data users are assumed to be uniform in cell, 1
is the same to
the serviceable area occupancy ratio of cell area. Then, the throughput per sector,
which is defined as the number of information bits per second are successfully
transmitted in one sector, is
av n n

(quation !
is determined from the simulation, which is addressed in the following 'ections
T, Sc,m ': Pac2( Da(a Sr8ic
%ccording to cdma2000 8%) *8edium %ccess )ontrol" state transition, 1! mode
has %ctive state and #ormant state. %nd, 12 mode has %ctive state, )ontrol 6old
state and #ormant 'tate. 'uspended state is not considered for both 1! and 12.
,n 12 and 1!, after a packet transmission, #))6 *#edicated )ontrol )hannel" or
F)6*Fundamental )hannel" is maintained for some duration until a timer e>pires.
5hen the timer e>pires, 8%) entered into )ontrol 6old state or #ormant state. ,n
simulation, these values are varied to evaluate the performance according to different
timer e>piration threshold values.
$elevant timers for 12 state transition are
T_active B the timer from %ctive state to )ontrol 6old state. This represents the
ma>imum so9ourn time in %ctive 'tate after the completion of a packet transmission,
T_chs B the timer from )ontrol 6old state to #ormant state. This represents the
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -.-5
CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
ma>imum so9ourn time in )ontrol 6old state with #))6 after the transition to
)ontrol 6old state.
$elevant timer for 1! state transition is
T_active B the timer from %ctive state to #ormant state. This represents the
ma>imum so9ourn time in %ctive 'tate with F)6 after completion of a packet
%lso, if 8%) transits from #ormant state or )ontrol 6old state to %ctive state,
appropriate transition time is required for some procedures B dedicated signaling
channel allocation, dedicated traffic channel allocation, dedicated 8%) channel
allocation, call processing, and etc.
%s a dedicated signaling channel, 1! uses F)6, and 12 uses #))6. Transmission
rate of #))6 and F)6 is CD00 bps. 0ms and 20ms control frames are used for F)6
and #))6. %nd, 12 supports gating rate of !, !=2, !=., and !=E. %lso, 1! supports !=E
rate transmission. %dditionally, packet traffic could be simultaneously transmitted via
#))6 *or F)6" with ')6.
%s ')6, 20ms frame is used with !D bit )$) and E bit Tail. ')6 supports !0+.D,
FD.E, +E.., !C.2, and C.D kbps transmission rate based on air link condition. ,n
simulation, ')6 could use remained power after the allocation of #))6 and F)6.
Thus, if the number of user increase, available power for ')6 is decreased. %nd,
')6 is allocated by simple F,FG*First ,n First Gut" scheduler. ,f power is not
remaining for a 555 page transmission, then packets of a 555 page are buffered
in scheduler. %nd these packets are transmitted when power is available after some
time. %lso, we assumed that ')6 is immediately released after packet transmission.
T, Simula(i'n ': Pac2( Da(a Sr8ic
,t is presented by the ne>t charter 3)apacity & Traffic %nalysis4
Simula(i'n Da(a
,t is presented by the ne>t charter 3)apacity & Traffic %nalysis4
#a!e -.-6 ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
#A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77 CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n
$.#.2 @'S ': ac, sr8ic (1;
@OS :'r circui( s9i(c,! Erlang ) m'!l (ra::ic
The (rlang 7 formula should be used in the determination of the traffic load for the
services that require circuit switched traffic engineering having low delay. This
applies to the voice and the circuitswitched data. The (rlang 7 formula is well
established as the preferred model to be applied to traffic of this type. ;iven the
number of servers*the available traffic channel" and ;o'*;rade of 'ervice", typically
blocking probability, the offered traffic can be calculated using (rlang 7 formula.
;o' is specified to 2H in $F1 for )6T.
The number of available traffic channels is varied according to available transmitted
power for circuit switched traffic which depends on the using packet data traffic
power because voice users and data users can concurrently access to the base station
with the same frequency band.
@OS :'r ;ac2( s9i(c,! Erlang C m'!l (ra::ic

The (rlang ) formula should be used in the determination of the traffic load for the
packet data services that are bursty in nature and traffic can be delayed beyond
e>pected holding times when finding busy channel conditions
The session connection requests are modeled here as the calls arriving at the switch
with length which is equal to the call duration for the service. The user is considered
to get a satisfactory ?o' if the effective session throughput is at least equal to !00H
of the nominal bit rate. This is calculated over a period of length equal to the call
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -.-8
CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
?ueuing theory for an M=M=S== gives the following probability, P, that the waiting
time for an arriving call is larger than xB
P{W > x} = E
(S,A) exp [(S A) x]
(quation 2

B waiting time

: number of channels

: traffic
() *S,A"

B probability that an arriving call is queued *(rlang ) function"

: average call duration.
To achieve the satisfied user criterion, it is necessary that the waiting time be below
00 H of the call duration *i.e. all the traffic can go through in at least 00 H of the
length of the session". This is equivalent to saying that x = 0.0.
6ere again, it is e>pected that end users will e>pect a wireless ?o' that is comparable
to that of the wireline network. Therefore, the probability that the user is unsatisfied
should be kept below ! H.
/OTE 1TU.3 M./7/0, LSpectrum re'uirement for 1MT./777M
$.#.$ Mi*! (ra::ic
'ystem capability represents the average traffic per sector = omni for system to
support in a loaded network during the busy hour. There are two classes of service,
packetbased services and circuitbased services in integrated network. Ioice and
circuitswitched data correspond to circuitbased service and packetswitched data is
applicable to packetbased service. Ioice and circuitswitched data service has the
equivalent traffic characteristics or ?o' requirements. To simplify the system
capability analysis, two service classes are dimensioned separately.
5e assume that the average data rate of data service users is 0! kbps.
Table !.!2 shows system throughput according to the power ratio against available
traffic channel power.
#a!e -.-9 ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
#A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77 CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n
Ta?l 1.12 ;ac2( !a(a (,r'ug,;u( acc'r!ing (' !a(a ;'9r ;'r(i'n
The traffic of packet data service can be calculated using (quation 2 The number of
channels, ' is determined as follows B
' @ rounddown J $
= r
(quation +
5here r
is average data rate per user. To be on the 3safe side4 the rounded down
value has to be used.
#ata traffic per subscriber in (rlang unit can be calculated using equation !!. % unit
of demand, measured in (rlangs was developed by %.L.(rlang. %n (rlang is defined
as the total usage during a time interval divided by that time interval. Following
(rlang:s model, traffic volume per subscriber that is offered to the network can be
e>pressed asB
#ata Traffic @ *76)% M Transmission time"=+D00
(quation .
,n mi>ed traffic, data user traffic per sector can be calculated using (quation .with
throughput of Table !.!2and ' of (quation +, and voice traffic can be calculated
using (rlang7 formula with given ;G' @ ! H and the number of traffic channels,
which can be obtained dividing available voice traffic power by (c=,or for voice.
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -.-:
data power portion
of traffic power
Data Throughput
1 228470
0.9 21813
0.8 20!83
0.7 19348!
0. 1783!
0.! 10481
0.4 138!94
0.3 11037
0.29 1070!1
0.28 10309
0.27 100041
0.2 9340
0.2! 92493
0.24 88488
0.23 84314
0.22 799!4
0.21 7!391
0.2 700!
CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
(c=,or is the ratio of the ma>imum traffic channel energy to total transmitted power
of target 7' and has N!F d7.
'uppose that the average 2EH of the transmitted traffic channel power is available for
packet data service, $
is !0+D0C bps from the simulation result. r
is given 0!
Lbps. Thus, ' @ 2. Then, we can calculate the offered traffic per sector, % @
0.2.(rlang for packetbased data service with assumed ;o' @! H.
Table !.!+ shows the ma>imum offered traffic per sector for each service category
according to power portion in mi>ed traffic and supported traffic proportion of each
Ta?l 1.1$ Ma*imum '::r! (ra::ic ;r sc('r in mi*! (ra::ic
#a!e -./7 ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
data power portion
of traffic power
" oic e
data #r$ang
1 0.0101 1.2!
0.9 0.4!! 1.2!
0.8 1.9088 1.2!
0.7 3.7824 0.8
0. !.87!2 0.8
0.! 8.1088 0.8
0.4 10.438 0.3
0.3 12.8384 0.24
0.29 12.8384 0.24
0.28 13.!12 0.24
0.27 13.!12 0.01
0.2 13.!12 0.01
0.2! 14.4704 0.01
0.24 14.4704 0.01
0.23 14.4704 0.01
0.22 1!.29 0.01
0.21 1!.29 0.01
0.2 1!.29 0.01
#A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77 CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n
$.#.4 Sr8ic c'8rag anal1sis
'ervice coverage analysis is achieved by means of link budget analysis. The
ma>imum allowable path loss is derived by this analysis, and 7T' service coverage
and area can be forecasted based on that loss.
cdma2000 system provides high speed data service basically. Therefore, by the
service characteristics, it has asymmetric characteristics that are caused when the
forward link is loaded higher than the reverse link. )onsequently, the forward link is
used to determine the service coverage. 8ore detail information is presented by the
ne>t charter 3/ink budget & )overage analysis4 'ervice coverage and coverage
Ta?l 1.14 Sr8ic c'8rag an! ara :'rcas( ;r'css
1tems *escription
Ser%ice co%era!e Ser%ice co%era!e is calculated ased on the Ma@imum Allowale
#ath Loss <MA#L= deri%ed y lin" ud!et analysis, and propa!ation
model decided in L #ropa!ation Model *ecisionM.
Ser%ice area Ser%ice area is decided !enerally under the assumption that cell has
he@a!onal structure. 1f a circular cell structure is assumed, handoff
o%erlap area should e ta"en into consideration.
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -./-
CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
$.4 Ini(ial /(9'r2 Dimnsi'ning
$.4.1 D:ini(i'n
,n the initial network dimensioning stage, calculate the number of 7T's, 7')s and
8')s required to meet service quality, coverage and capacity, along with the number
of channel cards, vocoders and (! links. %nd, grouping is also carried in this course,
with the required number of 7T's, 7')s and 8')s.
$.4.2 Calcula(i'n ': (, num?r ': r=uir! )TSs
!" )alculate the required number of 7T' necessary to provide good service quality.
2" )alculate the optimum number of the required 7T' in terms of the coverage and
the capacity. Gptimum number of the 7T's is calculated when the difference between the
number of 7T's calculated by coverage and the number of that calculated by the capacity is
small. Thus, calculate the number of the 7T's with some ad9ustment as follows.
! ,n case that the number of 7T's is limited due to the coverageB 'ince 7T' coverage can
be ad9usted according to loading, ad9ust the required number of 7T's, after the
determination of the proper value of loading.
2 ,n case that the number of the 7T's is limited due to the capacityB 7T':s capacity can be
ad9usted according to the number of the F%, therefore, determine the number of the F%
properly, and ad9ust the number of the 7T's required.
+ ,n calculation of the number of the 7T's, the economic effect and the effect that can
affect the adaptation to the system should be taken into consideration.
Ta?l 1.1& Calcula(i'n c'nsi!ra(i'ns :'r (, num?r ': )TSs
Calculation considerations for the numer of ;TSs
)A e@pansion
)A adaptation plan should e set up considerin! the capacity and the
price at the time when the capacity e@pansion is actually needed for
each area.
N 1t should e ta"en into due consideration when desi!n strate!y is ein!
Bearly networ"
Ser%ice co%era!e should e selected effecti%ely e%ery year.
N 1t should e ta"en into due consideration when desi!n strate!y is ein!
#a!e -.// ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
#A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77 CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n
$.4.$ Calcula(i'n ': (, r=uir! num?r ': c,annls
!" )alculate the required number of channel cards for the subscribers.
2" )alculate the required number of channel cards for each 7T'.
+" )alculate the number of channel cards based on the number of channels based on
consideration of the numbers of overhead channels, traffic channels, sectors, F%s to adapt,
for each 7T'. )urrently, up to 0. channels are accommodated in one channel card.
." #etermine the number of total channel cards required.
$.4.4 Calcula(i'n ': (, r=uir! num?r ': 8'c'!rs
!" )alculate the required number of vocoders for the subscribers.
2" )alculate the number of channels based on the total (rlang accommodated in
one 7'). %nd, determine the vocoders to accommodate these channels.
+" 'et up a proper blocking rate in order to ensure the minimum blocking.
." #etermine the number of total required vocoders
$.4.& Calcula(i'n ': (, r=uir! num?r ': )SCs an! )SC gr'u;ing
!" )alculate the number of 7')s required to configure a network, and determine
the number of 7T's managed by each 7').
2" )onsiderations of the number of 7')sB the number of vocoders, 7T's, (! links
and 76)%
+" $equired number of 7')s is calculated by the following formula.
TheOnumO7')B Final number of 7')s.

The number of 7')s determined by the number of vocoders
B The number of 7')s determined by the number of 7T's
B The number of 7')s determined by the number of (! links
B The number of 7')s determined by 7')%.
." )onsiderations in 7') grouping
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -./0
The num channel card roundup
traffic channel overhead channel number of tors
number of O O O
* O O " M O Osec
M O O =

The num BSC MAX N N N N
ocoder BTS ! B"CA
O O , , , =
The num vocoder # Bloc$in% rate !rlan% per BTS O O * O , O O " =

CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
! )onsider regional distribution
2 7T' distribution during F% e>pansion
+ )onsider 7T'7') link during 7') e>pansion
. 6=G traffic between 7')s
#a!e -./2 ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
#A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77 CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n
0" 7') grouping plan
! ,nstall the 7')s as many as the final number of 7')s in the beginning year. %nd add
the vocoders according to the traffic increase
2 #ivide the years of radio network design into several phases in consideration of traffic
increase variation, and increase the number of 7')s step by step
+ ,ncrease the number of 7')s gradually according to the traffic increase
*The number of vocoders can be reflected in the design equally with the 7') increase,
or vocoders as many as the amount of e>panded 7')s can be added to the design,
maintaining the number of previous number of vocoders in 7')."
$.4.# Calcula(i'n ': (, r=uir! num?r ': MSCs an! MSC gr'u;ing
!" The required number of 8')s to establish the radio network is calculated, then
the number of 7')s managed in each 8') is determined.
2" )onsiderations in determining the number of 8')sB Total subscriber number,
8') capacity *76)%, long distance call rate", (! link cost according to the distance
between 8') and 7T', remote 7') availability, convenience of maintenance, strategic
+" )onsiderations to take into when grouping 8')sB The number of 7')s,
capacity *76)%"
$.4.4 Calcula(i'n ': (, num?r ': E1 lin2s A)TS%)SCB
!" The number of (! links needed to transfer traffic between the 7T' and the 7')
is calculated in this process.
2" )onsiderations in calculating the required number of (! linksB The number of
traffic channels that one (! /ink can handle.
+" $equired number of (! /inks is calculated by the formula below.

The number of (! links required for each 7T'.
TotalOT)(O7T'B The number of traffic channels for each 7T'.
PB The number of traffic channels that one (! /ink can handle.
." #etermine total number of (! links.
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -./5
The num ! Roundup
Total TC! BTS


CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77

$.4.3 Calcula(i'n ': (, num?r ': E1 lin2s A)SC%MSCB
!" $equired number of (! links to transfer traffic between the 7') and the 8').
2" )onsiderations in calculating the number of (! linksB The number of vocoders
that one (! link can handle.
+" $equired number of (! /inks is determined by the formula below.
B The number of (! links for each 7').
TotalOIocoO7T'B The number of vocoders for each 7').
QB The number of vocoders that one (! /ink can handle.
." #etermine total number of (! links.
$.4.5 Ini(ial n(9'r2 !imnsi'ning rsul(
%rrange entire network resources for each area, per year *or for each phase" to be
viewed at a glance.
$.3 Can!i!a( Si( 7'ca(i'n D(rmina(i'n
$.3.1 D:ini(i'n
This means allocating the 7T's of which the number determined in the phase of
3,nitial -etwork #imensioning4 to the service area properly, to meet the required
quality of service and establishing the work environment.
$.3.2 C'nsi!ra(i'ns
Ta?l 1.1# C'nsi!ra(i'ns in )TS all'ca(i'n
Considerations in ;TS allocation
;TS co%era!e Allocate the ;TSs accordin! to the ;TS co%era!e defined for each
Aandoff ratio Allocate the ;TSs considerin! the handoff ratio of the ser%ice area.
Local characteristics Allocate the ;TSs considerin! maIor streets, commercial area, and tourin!
#a!e -./6 ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
The num ! Roundup
Total oco BTS


#A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77 CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n

3) en%ironment Allocate the ;TSs considerin! the en%ironment <la"es, sea, mountains, etc.=
that affects the 3) propa!ation.
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -./8
CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
$.3.$ D(ail! ;r'c!ur
Ta?l 1.14 D(ail! ;r'c!ur :'r (, )TS all'ca(i'n
*etailed procedure for ;TS allocation
Map scannin! #erforms scannin! a map of lar!e scale containin! the whole ser%ice
area, and a map showin! detailed information for each area, to otain
the map that can e used with the computer.
&or" en%ironment
Estalish a wor"space on the Mapinfo. That is, estalish a wor"
en%ironment on the scanned map with the minimum of three reference
;TS allocation Allocate the ;TSs properly on the Mapinfo referrin! to OconsiderationsE
descried pre%iously.
Local information
concernin! the
Arran!e the information on each ;TS systematically. <sector$omni,
morpholo!y, latitude$lon!itude, etc.=
$.5 Pr%Simula(i'n
$.5.1 D:ini(i'n
This is a process to verify if the 7T' allocation, determined in 3+.E )andidate 'ite
/ocation #etermination4, satisfies the design criteria.
$.5.2 D(ail! ;r'c!urs
Ta?l 1.13 D(ail! ;r'c!ur ': ;r%simula(i'n
#rocedures *escription
-. ;uildin! the *ataase )or terrain, o%erlays etc.
/. Ant. *ataase input Certical, hori(ontal !ain for each de!rees.
0. Mar"et #arameter
)re'uency reuse efficiency, %oice acti%ity factor, moile ant.
hei!ht, fre'uency, tar!et E$No, etc.
2. Site location selection 1nput the numer of the ;TSs calculated in L1nitial Networ"
*imensionin!M, accordin! to the cell radius determined in LLin"
;ud!et AnalysisM
5. Station #arameter Correction )actor, #ropa!ation model, ;ase Ant. hei!ht,
#a!e -./9 ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
#A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77 CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n
input Ant. type, )ade mar!in, total TD. #ower, etc.
6. #ropa!ation,
composite co%era!e
E@ecute a whole simulation applyin! the input data
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -./:
CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
#rocedures *escription
8. )eed ac" AdIust site location, numer <amount=, and %arious parameters
accordin! to the co%era!e.
9. )inal analysis Composite co%era!e, Ec$1o, handoff, re%erse path
Analy(e four 2 plots in total.
:. )inish #lot print
$.10 Ini(ial Dsign R8i9
$.10.1 D:ini(i'n
,nitial #esign $eview means a series of procedures to review whether the design
outcome satisfies the design criteria set in 3 -etwork #esign )riteria $eview4 stage.
$.10.2 C'nsi!ra(i'ns
!" )ompare and review design requirements.
2" )ompare and review design criteria data.
$.11 )TS ins(alla(i'n si( !(rmina(i'n Asarc, ringB
$.11.1 D:ini(i'n
$eview 3 ,nitial #esign $eview4 results and determine candidate sites within the area
where 7T' can be installed.
$.11.2 D(ail! ;r'c!ur
!" %fter reviewing the simulation results, select an area within a given radius
centered on the reference 7T' within the coverage as the area where the 7T' can be
2" $eferencing a detailed map, select an appropriate candidate site for 7T' in the
7T' installable area. )andidate site shall be decided on a site with an e>isting 7T', a site
with a good $F environment, or a site easy to rent.
+" )andidate site selection should not influence network coverage and candidate
sites in numbers . or 0 shall be adequate.
." Gnce the candidate sites are selected, priority shall be determined.
#a!e -.07 ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
#A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77 CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n
0" 1repare information on each candidate sites as follows.
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -.0-
CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
Ta?l 1.15 Sarc, ring )TS !a(a s,(
#a!e -.0/ ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.

Search Ring code : ____________________
Search Ring type : Capacity _____________
Coverage _____________
FA _____________
New Technology ______________
Design O!ective : ____________________________________________
Cell Con" ig#ration : O$ni% & Sector% ' Sector% Other
Total antenna co#nt : ( n#$er ) type*
+#ilding ,eight : ________________-
Topographical .ogition : ( /* ______0________1 ________2
( N* ______0________1 ________2
3isile Trans$ission ostr#ction :
North __________________________________________________
So#th __________________________________________________
/ast __________________________________________________
4est __________________________________________________
Co$$ent : _____________________________________________________
5 678 89: Site ;<= >?@AB
)ill out the form when you %isit the site
#A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77 CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n
$.12 Si( @uali:ica(i'n R8i9
$.12.1 D:ini(i'n
'elect an appropriate 7T' location and verify that there will be no network operation
problem in the future, and that there is no legal or financial problems in installing the
$.12.2 D(ail! ;r'c!ur
!" Ierify that there is no overall problem in selecting the 7T'. Fill in the following
information in detail.
/ocation information
Ta?l 1.20 )TS ?asic in:'rma(i'n i(ms
Site Name ;TS name durin! initial simulation
Site No. ;TS area numer selected durin! search rin!
Candidate No. Candidate ;TS numer in search rin!
*ate and time *ate and time of %isit
Site address Candidate ;TS address
2" #etermine which type the candidate 7T' belongs and prepare a checklist
7T' type *'ite identification & definition"
Ta?l 1.21 )TS (1;
Site type *efinition
Co.Location Utili(in! an estalished carrier structure, i.e. pole or uildin!. Utili(in!
an estalished carrier structure, i.e. pole or uildin!.
Co.Sitin! Sharin! a location not with another carrier, on a structure that is not
owned y that carrier infrastructure or structure.
Greenfield A field location not yet de%eloped with any carrier infrastructure or
3ooftop A or new site situated on the rooftop a uildin!.
+ther <specify= Any site not fallin! into the cate!ory ao%e or ein! a %ariance of the
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -.00
CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
ao%e, e!.
For checklist to select a 7T', legal matters, antenna installation conditions and
environmental standards shall not be treated individually as they are differentiated
according to countries. Gnly common portions shall be discussed.
#a!e -.02 ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
#A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77 CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n
)olocation checklist
Ta?l 1.22 C'%l'ca(i'n )TS c,c2lis(
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -.05
CB /D isting str#ct#re details: Concr ete $onopole E
Steel $onopole E
Steel lattice tower E
FB Str #ct#re age : __________
&B Str #ct#re height : __________
GB Str #ct#re desig n ty pe : _____________________________
HB Trans$ission : $icrowave radi#s _________ $ positioning( AIJ* _____________ $
$icrowave r adi#s _________ $ positioning( AIJ* _____________ $
'B Co$$ents : _______________________________________________________________
CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
;reenfield checklist
Ta?l 1.2$ Grn:il! )TS c,c2lis(
#a!e -.06 ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
CB Details o" power s#pply
K Distance " ro$ site to closest power pole : ___________$
K T elegraphLpower pole n#$er : ________________
K 4ill power s#pply e : Over head E
Mndergro#nd E
FB Details o" site conditions
K Fo#ndation : Nn rocO E
Nn good soil conditions E
Nn " lood prone or swa$py area E
&B Co$$ents : _________________________________________________
#A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77 CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n
Ta?l 1.24 R'':('; )TS c,c2lis(
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -.08
CB Ns this site a coK siteP ( Qes B No *
FB +#ilding details
K +#ilding height : _____________
K +#ilding age : ____________
&B Ns there an eD isting lighting protection sy ste$P
GB .ower s#pply details :
HB Other possile $oving ostr#ction :
'B Roo" top access( " or eR#ip$ent*
K 3ia goos or passenger li" t : ___________ Og
K +y stair s% or other : ___________________________________________________
K .ossile crane : _______________ ton
SB Roo" top constr#ction : __________________________________________________
TB Co$$ents : ______________________________________________________________
CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
$.1$ Si( acc;(anc
$.1$.1 D:ini(i'n
'elect the 7T' after reviewing materials obtained through visit to 7T' and detailed
$F environment analysis.
$.1$.2 D(ail! ;r'c!ur
!" $eview collected data.
2" #ivide acceptance reasons and re9ect reasons for the 7T'.
+" #ecide on the 7T' after reviewing the material prepared in clause 2".
$.14 Can!i!a( )TS r8i9 Aan'(,r can!i!a( anal1sisB
$.14.1 D:ini(i'n
5hen a 7T' is determined to be unacceptable, select another candidate 7T'.
$.14.2 D(ail! ;r'c!ur
!" 5hen a 7T' is 9udged to be unacceptable during the site acceptance procedure,
select another candidate 7T' from an e>isting search ring.
2" %pply the 7T' visit and $F environmental analysis performed in +.!!
identically to the selected candidate 7T'.
$.1& A!!i(i'nal R- n8ir'nmn( r8i9 AR- n8ir'nmn( c,c2B
$.1&.1 D:ini(i'n
Gnce the 7T' site is decided on, determine whether additional $F analysis is
required due to difference from already analy2ed $F characteristics.
$.1&.2 C'nsi!ra(i'ns
)ompare the already considered regional information to the one considered during
detailed regional analysis and review factors giving different influence on $F
characteristics, and take these into consideration in additional $F environment
#a!e -.09 ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
#A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77 CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n
Ta?l 1.2& C'nsi!ra(i'ns !uring a!!i(i'nal R- n8ir'nmn( r8i9
Considerations to additional 3) en%ironment re%iew
3) en%ironment
&hen it is different from the already defined 3) characteristics
3) en%ironment
&hen re!ional chan!es such as new uildin!s that were not indicated
on the map affect the 3) characteristics
1mportant area
durin! desi!n
&hen additional 3) en%ironment analysis is re'uired ecause of
consideration as important area durin! desi!n
$.1# A!!i(i'nal R- n8ir'nmn( anal1sis AA!!i(i'nal R- n8ir'nmn(
$.1#.1 D:ini(i'n
7ased on the analy2ed $F model, analy2e again the service radius of the new 7T'
and apply during simulation analysis.
$.1#.2 C'nsi!ra(i'ns
%ccurately analy2e the causes creating the differences in $F characteristics, and
ad9ust related $F model parameters. %n accurate understanding of $F model
parameters is required for this purpose.
$.1#.$ D(ail! ;r'c!ur
,t is performed similarly to $F environment analysis and is analy2ed taking $F
environment peculiarity into consideration.
)ompare the e>isting $F environment to the additional analysis results, and apply the
changes when e>tracting $F model.
$.1#.4 A!!i(i'nal R- m'!l anal1sis rsul(
,t is applied in calculation of various values to e>tract the parameter values of the
additional $F model, reanaly2e the 7T' service radius and service quality analysis
during simulation analysis.
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -.0:
CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
$.14 Simula(i'n
$.14.1 D:ini(i'n
)heck if service coverage is satisfactory after 7T' selection is completed.
$.14.2 D(ail! ;r'c!ur
!" Gnce the 7T' is determined, check the location and 7T' information.
2" 'imulate in a manner similar to the initial simulation performed in clause +.C.
$.13 -inal Dsign R8i9
$.13.1 D:ini(i'n
This is a series of procedures to review whether the design outcome up to date
satisfies the design goals set in 3-etwork design standards review4 stage.
$.13.2 C'nsi!ra(i'ns
!" )ompare and review design requirements.
2" )ompare and review basic design materials.
$.15 /(9'r2 R%Dsign C,c2
$.15.1 D:ini(i'n
This is a series of procedures to review ways to meet the design goals when 3#esign
standards review4 results are not satisfactory.
$.15.2 M(,'!s
!" 5ireless network redesign method
2" 7T' replacement method
#a!e -.27 ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
#A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77 CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n
$.20 /(9'r2 r%!sign
$.20.1 D:ini(i'n
This is the process of devising a strategy and redesign method to meet the design
goals if the wireless network design up to date is not satisfactory.
$.20.2 S(ra(g1 !8is an! r%!sign m(,'!
There are two ma9or causes of nonsatisfaction of design goals. ,t can be the case
where the service region capacity is not met, or the service coverage is not met. ,n
case of not meeting service region capacity, a method Rturning omni 7T' into sector
7T': can be applied, and in case not meeting the service coverage, Rrepeater
installation: method can be considered. ,n case of not meeting the service region
capacity and coverage, R7T' addition: method can be applied, and an adequate
mi>ture of Rturning omni 7T' into sector 7T': and Rrepeater installation: method can
be applied to solve the problem. The following table shows these methods and their
Ta?l 1.2# C'nsi!ra(i'ns 9,n r%!signing
Strate!y de%ise and!n method
Capacity.wise Co%era!e.wise
;TS addition method + +
3epeater installation method D +
OTurnin! omni ;TS into sector ;TSE method + D
+ther methods #ico ;TS installation method, etc.
M $epeater is described in detail in anne>.
$.21 Si( R;lacmn(
$.21.1 D:ini(i'n
This is a series of procedures to change the 7T' site within the range satisfying the
design goals when the wireless network designed up to date does not satisfy the
design goals.
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -.2-
CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
$.21.2 D(ail! ;r'c!urs
!" Ierify the area determined to site replacement from network redesign check.
2" $eview related materials *search ring, site qualification review, site acceptance"
of the area and search for a replaceable candidate 7T'.
+" ,f a new candidate 7T' is found, perform 7T' visit and detailed $F
environment analysis performed in
$.22 -inal /(9'r2 Dimnsi'ning
$.22.1 D:ini(i'n
This is the process of new dimensioning including equipment added to meet the
design goal in case it cannot be met by the initial dimensioning. ,t consists of re
calculating the number of 7T', 7'), 8') and related channel card, vocoder and (!
links that are added, and appropriate regrouping according to requested number of
7T', 7') and 8').
$.22.2 D(ail! ;r'c!urs
)onsidering the materials satisfying the design goals, recalculate similarly to the
initial dimensioning calculation.
$.22.$ -inal n(9'r2 !imnsi'ning anal1sis rsul(
,t is a briefly summari2ed to globally see the new materials by region and by year *or
$.2$ Rsul( R;'r(
$.2$.1 D:ini(i'n
The design process, important points and result reports are systematically
summari2ed= arranged according to the wireless network design procedures devised
to meet the service quality requested by customers.
$.2$.2 C'nsi!ra(i'ns (' 9irlss n(9'r2 !'cumn( ;r;ara(i'n
Gnly the differences from wireless network of other area or points of the company
#a!e -.2/ ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
#A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77 CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n
are clearly emphasi2ed.
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. #a!e -.20
CAA#TE3 -. C*MA 3adio Networ" *esi!n #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
$.2$.$ <irlss n(9'r2 !'cumn( ;r;ara(i'n
Ta?l 1.24 <irlss n(9'r2 !sign !'cumn( ;r;ara(i'n ;r'c!ur
&ireless networ" document preparation procedure
&ireless networ"
desi!n o%er%iew
+%erall matters of ser%ice area and wireless networ" desi!n
direction are riefly descried.
&ireless networ"
desi!n oIecti%es
1mportant points in wireless networ" desi!n are arran!ed, and
wireless networ" desi!n standards and desi!n strate!y to satisfy
system ser%ice 'uality are de%ised.
Ser%ice area analysis Ser%ice area is analy(ed to determine the morpholo!y and
distin!uish the re!ion, and ;TS ser%ice area is calculated ased
on lin" ud!et analysis and propa!ation model analysis.
Ser%ice capacity
Ser%ice area is analy(ed to determine the morpholo!y and
distin!uish the re!ion. ;TS ser%ice capacity is calculated throu!h
capacity tale analysis.
&ireless networ"
The optimal numer of ;TS, ;SC and MSC ased on the ser%ice
area capacity and area are calculated, and related dimensionin!
is performed. An efficient !roupin! dependin! on the
correspondin! numer of re'uired ;TS, ;SC and MSC is
;TS location and
simulation plot
After the ;TS is installed in the ser%ice area, ;TS location
information and %arious simulation plots <Ec$1t, 3SS1, handoff
re!ion, most li"ely ser%er= showin! whether it is appropriate for the
wireless networ" desi!n standards are displayed.
#a!e -.22 ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
AGL Ao%e Ground Le%el
AMSL Ao%e Mean Sea Le%el
;ACA ;usy Aour Call Attempt
;SC ;TS Controller
;TS ;TS Transcei%er Susystem
C*MA Code *i%ision Multiple Access
E13# Effecti%e 1sotropic 3adiated #ower
)A )re'uency Assi!nment
)E3 )rame Error 3ate
G+S Grade of Ser%ice
AS*S Ai!h Speed *ata Ser%ice
? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Are%iations .-
Are%iations #A3T /. C*MA 3adio En!ineerin! $ E* 77
LCD Lea"y Coa@ial Cale
MSC Moile Switchin! Center
#ACA #riority Access Call Attempt
3SS1 3ecei%ed Si!nal Stren!th 1ndicator
SN3 <S$3= Si!nal to Noise 3atio
CS&3 Colta!e Standin! &a%e 3atio
Are%iations ./ ? SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.

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