Power Control Algorithm

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Power Control Algorithm
1 Descrition....................................................................................................................... 4!1
" Forw#r$ Lin% Power Control........................................................................................... 4!"
2.1 Radio Configuration 1(RC1)...................................................................................... 4-2
2.2 Radio Configuration 2(RC2)...................................................................................... 4-5
2.3 Radio Configuration 3(RC3)...................................................................................... 4-9
& Re'erse Lin% Power Control......................................................................................... 4!1(
3.1 Open Loop Power Control....................................................................................... 4-17
3.2 Cloed Loop Power Control.................................................................................... 4-19
3.3 Outer Loop Power Control...................................................................................... 4-2!
"a#le 4.1 Re$ere Lin% Power Control &et Point Con$erion "a#le....................................4-22
"a#le 4.2 'alue of (1 and (2 depending on &C) "arget *+R...........................................4-25
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"a#le of Content P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !!
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This #ge intention#ll+ le*t ,l#n%
Power Control -lgorit7(
1 Descrition
Power control is to adjust the output power that can satisfy the reception of a called
party and thus maximize the system capacity in the circumstances of dynamically
changing channels, velocities of mobile stations, and call status. If an area where the
mobile station is moving with path loss, background noise, or severe fading, its base
station should assign more power to traffic channels. Perfect power control is
impossible, however, because it cannot but have some errors due to the unbalance
between the forward and reverse links, incorrect estimation of the status of channels,
or delay of power control.
In case of reverse output power from the mobile station average power received from
all of mobile stations in a cell should be adjusted to keep the same level in order to
reduce interference but maintain relatively good sound quality against system
overload, jamming, and slowfast fading and improve average capacity. !lso, the
forward power output from a base station should be sent to reduce any interference
signal but secure good sound quality in mobile stations.
If the forward and reverse channels maintain close interrelation, open loop alone can
control the changing channels without close power control that has fast control in
great activity areas. In other words, only open looped power control is needed. If they
maintain loose interrelation, both slow open and fast close looped power controls are
"he power control is classified into a forward control and reverse control, which are
, &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd. Page 4-1
C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7( P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !!
further classified into open loop, closed loop, and outer loop power controls.
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P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !! C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7(
" Forw#r$ Lin% Power Control
"he purpose of the forward link power control is to secure and maintain
communication quality for every channel even when a mobile station is affected by
multi path fading or it is located in a boundary area of cells where noise and
interference are more likely to be generated, and to reduce any interference from
neighboring cells.
It is the control for power output from a base station to each traffic channel. If a
mobile station is in the good propagation and less interference, it is thought to require
low power output from its base station# if not, high power output. "he forward link
power control is a mechanism to make signals received from a base station that
satisfies certain $%&.
'ithout the power control, a base station located in the boundary area of its mobile
station would receive a very low power output from it and thus show a low setup
ratio. %ven though the set up is successfully, its sound quality will be very poor due
to interference of neighboring base stations. 'ith the power control, a mobile station
measures $%& of a received forward link in a regular unit and reports it to its base
station. !nd the base station compares the reported $%& value with its threshold and
increases or decreases a forward link gain to adjust power assigned to a traffic
channel and power output. (o, it can accommodate more subscribers with
maintaining a minimum ratio of signal to noise.
$or the forward power control &)* +,- .ocoder &ate/ uses P0&0 +Power
0easurement &eport 0essage/, &)1 +*2- .ocoder &ate/ %I3 +%rasure Indicator
3it/, and &)2 different power controls for each $P)40ode.
".1 R#$io Con*ig-r#tion 1.RC1/
"he forward power control begins with reporting of the status of forward
communication channels via P0&0 +Power 0easurement &eport 0essage/ by
mobile station to its base station. 0( reports regularly or with thresholds. &elated
parameters are sent as a system parameter message via a paging channel.
, &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd. Page 4-3
C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7( P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !!
&elated parameters in the system parameter message are as follows5
pwr4rep4thresh 6 erasures in pwr4rep4frames 7x8 +9: frames/, enabled,
pwr4period4enable *, and
pwr4rep4delay 9 +17 frames/
&egular report +P'&4P%&I;<4%=!3>% ? */
"he mobile station reports regularly irrespective of the total number of bad
frames arrived. "he regular report is made when the total number of received
frames +";"4 $&!0%/ is same as that of P'&4&%P4$&!0%( +total number
of frames used to estimate frame errors/.
+=/ ? 1@
A9 and the status of the forward communication channel
is reported using P0&0 to the base station every +=/A17msec. $or example,
when P'&4&%P4$&!0% ?8, it is reported using P0&0 in the frame of
1@+81/A9 ? 9: every 9: frame A 17ms.
"hreshold report +P'&4"B&%(B4%=!3>% ? */
'hen the number of 3!<4$&!0%( is same as that of P'&4&%P4"B&%(B
+threshold of a bad frame whose P0&0 is sent by the mobile station/, it is the
threshold report using P0&0 with which power control is started.
$rames received within a specified time +P'&4&%P4<%>!C A 6 frame/ after
P0&0 is sent to the base station and are not counted in estimating the frame
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P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !! C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7(
Power control parameters
Para(eter 5e2ription 5efault
*PC8.O5+ .ode in w7i27 power 2ontrol i e9e2uted.
OL58*PC8+0-:L+ ; 1 and 0+<8*PC8+0-:L+;2. 4t
i deter(ined a22ording to t7e ter(inal 27ip $erion.
&"+P8"4L8*-&" 0u(#er of down #efore wit27ing to *at 5own !
"i(e ta%en for digital gain down in low down (ode
(unit= (e2)
"i(e ta%en for digital gain down in fat down (ode
(/nit= (e2)
'alue for digital gain down in low down (ode 1
'alue for digital gain down in fat down (ode 1
4nitial $alue in null traffi2 ?!
.a9i(u( $alue in digital gain ?!
.ini(u( $alue in digital gain 43
*+R t7re7old deter(ining to in2reae digital gain (u27
or lig7tlA
:418/P85+L"- 'alue ued to in2reae digital gain (u27 1!
'alue ued to in2reae digital gain lig7tlA 5
'alue ued to 2o(penate traffi2 27annel digital gain
w7en ending a ignal traffi2 fra(e
'alue of power 2ontrol u#-27annel digital gain w7en
t7ere i 1 a2ti$e 2ell
'alue of power 2ontrol u#-27annel digital gain w7en
t7ere are 2 a2ti$e 2ell
'alue of power 2ontrol u#-27annel digital gain w7en
t7ere are 3 a2ti$e 2ell
*LOOR8"<O8 0- >>
, &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd. Page 4-5
C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7( P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !!
0- 71
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P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !! C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7(
"." R#$io Con*ig-r#tion ".RC"/
"he *2- system is configured that the status of its forward link may be reported for
each frame by adding a *Dbit %I3 +%rasure Indicator 3it/ in front of a reverse traffic
channel. In other words, the %I3 is set to E*F when the frame status of forward link is
poor, while E7F when good. (uch a power control enables a faster tracking of
changing channels than P0&0 algorithm of <)(.
Power control parameters
Para(eter 5e2ription 5efault
&"+P8"4L85O<0 <aiting ti(e #efore de2reaing digital gain.
4f a 2urrent digital gain i (ore t7an a $alue in
&low8down8le$el3 t7e gain i de2reaed #A down8 delta
e$erA ti(e of tep8til8downC if a(e a or le t7an a
$alue in &low8 down8le$el3 it de2reaed #A down8 delta
e$erA ti(e of tep8til8downD2.
5O<085+L"- 'alue for digital gain down in fat down (ode 1
4nitial $alue in null traffi2 >!
.a9i(u( $alue of digital gain 9!
.ini(u( $alue of digital gain 4!
:418/P85+L"- 'alue ued to in2reae digital gain (u27 5
'alue ued to in2reae digital gain lig7tlA 2
'alue ued to 2o(penate traffi2 27annel digital gain
w7en ending a ignal traffi2 fra(e
'alue of power 2ontrol u#-27annel digital gain w7en
t7ere i 1 a2ti$e 2ell
'alue of power 2ontrol u#-27annel digital gain w7en
t7ere are 2 a2ti$e 2ell
'alue of power 2ontrol u#-27annel digital gain w7en
t7ere are 3 a2ti$e 2ell
, &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd. Page 4-7
C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7( P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !!
"he figure below shows the successively incoming normal frames +%rasure bit ?
G7G/ get down up to ")4Hain +67/ +for first *1 frames, %rasure bit ? G*G/. If the
digital gain of current traffic channel is more than the value in slow4down4level,
it would be decreased by <own4<elta after a frame in steps4til4down +now :7
frames/# if less, it would be decreased by <own4<elta after a frame in
step4til4downA1 +now :7A1?*17 frames/.
%xample of $P)
$P) receives from 0( successive *1Dframe marked with %rasureD3I"?G*G
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P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !! C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7(
'hen %I3 ?* is reported successively, gain is increased by 3ig4Ip4<elta +9/
for the first arrived %I3# when %I3?* is reported, it is increased by
(mall4Ip4<elta +1/, 2 (mall4Ip4<eltas, and then 3ig4Ip4<elta +9/.
$P) receives a frame marked with 2 successive %I3 ?*Js and then a frame
marked with %I3?7 from 0(
- 3 u22ei$e +4:;1E are reported3
it i gained #A :ig8up(5)F&(all8up(2)F&(all8up(2)
;G "C-1ain ; 9.
, &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd. Page 4-9
+4:;! i reported.
- power i a#o$e t7e $alue in low8down8le$el3 it
7ould #e de2reaed #A 5own85elta (1) for
tep8til8down (>! fra(e).
C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7( P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !!
)ollected <ata (ample
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P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !! C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7(
new_gain, or
pcsc_gain voice, message or message + voice
*/new4gain 5 tc4gain +;"! contains a voice/
new4sig4gain 5 'hen ;"! is sent message or message plus voice, "(3 assigns a
value of +current tc4gain/ A +signal4delta4gain/:6 to new4sig4gain and sends it
down to )%. 3ecause signal4delta4gain ?K:, if the number of messages is
K::6?*.9 times +current value in tc4gain/, the value in tc4gain shall be
1/ pcsc4gain
"his parameter is used as a gain to the power control bit punctured to ;"!. =ow
pcsc4delta4gain *, 1, or 2 of $P) parameter is used according to the number of
added cells until now. In other words, "(3 defines to field values that may be
adjusted according to the number of added cells and send it to )%.
;ne cell is added5 tc4gain A pcsc4delta4gain *+?:6/ :6 ? pcsc4gain
"wo cells are added5 tc4gain A pcsc4delta4gain 1+?K:/ :6 ? pcsc4gain
"hree cells are added5 tc4gain A pcsc4delta4gain 2+?**1/ :6 ? pcsc4gain
, &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd. Page 4-11
C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7( P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !!
".& R#$io Con*ig-r#tion &.RC&/
".&.1 FPC01o$e
"he 2H forward link power control performs according to $P)40;<%.
*/ $P)40;<%?L777J
$P)40;<%?L777J corresponds to ,77Bz fast power control and the power of
()B is decided at the same rate according to the power of $<)B.
()B power ? $<)B power M Hain4;ffset
(o, when $<)B is changed by power control, ()B also is compensated as much
as ()B Hain ;ffset and changed accordingly. "he result of &$ power
measurement in relation with ()B offset in 3"( is as follows5
Pilot Portion ? 17N 5 Pilot )B <igital Hain ? *28, Paging )B <igital
Hain ? *22, (ync )B <igital Hain ? K8
0easured overhead )B output power ? 6.K'att +2:.Kd3m/
)"O 0ode
$<)B40in4&)24=on"< ? 28, $<)B40ax4&)24=on"< ? *28 ?P
$)B variable range ? 28 Q *28
&C) 1ain
&C) "otal
1ain .in.
&C) "otal
1ain .a9.
d:8'alue in (in
.ini(u( R*
Output (<)
R* Output (<)
72 1!9 153 -14.! !.51> !.>
?! 117 153 -12.! !.?1? !.9
9! 127 153 -9.5 1.454 1.>
1!! 137 153 -7.! 2.5?7 2.?
11! 147 153 -4.5 4.>!! 4.9
11> 153 153 -3.! >.497 >.>
()B digital gain parameters by ()B rate are set as follows5
"heoretical offset values by rate to $)B +actual values are thought to be higher
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P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !! C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7(
than the following ones/
*92.:kbps ? $)B Hain M *1d3
8:.,kbps ? $)B Hain M Kd3
2,.6kbps ? $)B Hain M :d3
*K.1kbps ? $)B Hain M 2d3
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C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7( P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !!
1/ $P)40;<%?L77*J
$)B power control and ()B power control are performed differently that
they use half of $)B power control speed ,77Bz equally5
$)B )ontrol (peed ? 677Bz
()B )ontrol (peed ? 677Bz
2/ $P)40;<%?L7*7J
$)B power control and ()B power control are performed differently that
they use half of $)B power control speed ,77Bz as follows5
$)B )ontrol (peed ? 177Bz
()B )ontrol (peed ? :77Bz
".&." RF Sche$-ler .SCH D#t# R#te Decision/
*/ Purpose of calculating ()B data rate in (cheduler
()B data rate is decided that maximum power assignable to ()B can be used in
a range in which no overload takes place.
It is assumed that $P)40;<% ? L77*J is used.
1/ Parameters needed in calculating ()B data rate in (cheduler
Individual data $<)B power sent from )%P by 1:7ms in unit +d3 index/ 5
<ata4$<)B4power417ms4d3 + , bits /
Individual ()B power sent from )%P by 1:7ms in unit +d3 index/ 5
()B4power417ms4d3 + , bits /
Power assignable to ()B sent by )IP by 17ms in unit +d3 index/ 5
()B4power4avail417ms4d3 + , bits /
;ffset d3 related with ()B rate, a P>< parameter +d3 index/ 5
f4sch4offset4data4rate, f4sch4offset4&)R, f4sch4offset4non&!(
2/ )alculating ()B data rate in (cheduler
Individual data $<)B power, offset by data rate and power assignable to ()B
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P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !! C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7(
are described in d34index. "he range of data rate is from *K.1kbps to *92.:kbps
in the basis of &)2.
$irst power values equal to K.:kbps ()B are obtained from both
data4$<)B4power417ms4d3 and ()B4power417ms4d3. "hen a higher value
between them is set to ()B4power4d34K4:.
"hen, ()B4power4d34K4: plus offset by data rate is compared with power
assignable to ()B in 17ms and checked if the former is higher than the latter in
order to obtain maximum assignable data rate.
$or an initial gain, a P>< value corresponding to assigned ()B data rate is sent.
<etailed algorithm is as follows5
()B4power4d34K4:4$<)B ? data4$<)B4power417ms4d3
M f4sch4offset4K:77 M f4sch4offset4non&!(#
()B4power4d34K4:4()B ? ()B4power417ms4d3 S f4sch4offset4&)2Tk#
()B4power4d34K4: ? max+ ()B4power4d34K4:4$<)B,
()B4data4rate ? 7#
for + i?*# iU?6# iMM / V
()B4power4d3 ? ()B4power4d34K4: M f4sch4offset4&)2Ti
M f4sch4offset4retransmission#
if + ()B4power4d3 ()B4power4avail417ms4d3 /
()B4data4rate ? K.: T pow+ 1, i /#
f4sch4offset4non&!( used in obtaining ()B4power4d34K4:4$<)B is applied
only when $<)B is reported to be handDoff. "his value is used to compensate a
gain that is given when $<)B is softsofter combing in a handDoff region.
()B4power417ms4d3 and k used in obtaining ()B4power4d34K4:4()B are
the values of power and data rate for ()B sent from a just previous scheduling
region. =amely, k is a ()B data rate assigned to a terminal in the second
previous scheduling section. ()B data rate determines this value as follows5
K.:kbps 5 7, *K.1kbps 5 *, 2,.6kbps 5 1, 8:.,kbps 5 2, *92.:kbps 5 6
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C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7( P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !!
'hen sending data4$<)B4power417ms4d3 to scheduler, )%P sends the latest
value received from 0<(P.
)%P obtains values of ()B4power417ms and ()B4power417ms4d3 using a
()B "x gain received from 0<(P every *.19ms.
'hen sending ()B4power417ms4d3 to scheduler, )%P sends the last value
except 7 in the region of 1:7ms. Index 7 is sent if no data in the region of 1:7ms
is sent.
If ()B is not sent to a terminal in the previous scheduling region, or in the
second previous scheduling region, the value of ()B4power4d34K4:4()B is
set to 7.
f4sch4offset4retransmission is calculated by )%P and sent to scheduler.
f4sch4offset4retransmission will be calculated with a different expression
depending on ()B target $%&s.
'hen a "arget $%& is 9N, the expression is as follows5
(tatic float f4sch4offset4retransmission ? 7#
for every 1:7ms
f4sch4offset4retransmission M ?
floorV X + ! x m* 3 x m1 / x offset4step Y m* W#
if + f4sch4offset4retransmission P f4sch4offset4retrans4max /
f4sch4offset4retransmission ? f4sch4offset4retrans4max#
else if + f4sch4offset4retransmission U 7 /
f4sch4offset4retransmission ? 7#
! 5 number of retransmission &>P packets transmitted during scheduling
3 5 number of new &>P packets transmitted during scheduling interval
m* ? *K + depending on a target $%&/
m1 ? * +depending on a target $%&/
offset4step ? 1 + ? 7.9 d3, 7.19 d3 unit index /
f4sch4offset4retrans4max ? *: + ? 6 d3, 7.19 d3 unit index /
offset4step and f4sch4offset4retrans4max values may be P><s and be hard
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P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !! C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7(
.alues of m* and m1 depending on "arget $%&s are shown in "able *.
6/ Init and precision of each parameter
f4sch4offset4K:77 is expressed in 7.19db index between S*7d3 and 27d3. $or
example, S*7d3 is an index 7, SK.89d3 index *, 7d3 index 67, Z, and 27d3
index *17. $or 7d3 should be 7 in an actual calculation, a given value in P><
minus 67 is used for the purpose.
f4sch4offset4&)2 is expressed in 7.19db index between 7d3 and 67d3.
+ d34index ? d34value 7.19 /
f4sch4offset4non&!( is expressed in 7.19db index between 7d3 and *7d3.
+ d34index ? d34value 7.19 /
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C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7( P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !!
".&.& Leg Selection
*/ Purpose of leg selection in !0)
!s ()B does not support soft handDoff,the 3"( in $<)B handDoff region should
be selected through which ()B is sent. "he selection has to be informed to the
selected 3"( that it is reflected in its scheduling.
1/ Parameters needed for leg selection in !0)
Power assignable to ()B sent from )%P every 17ms +d3 index/ 5
()B4power4avail417ms4d3 + , bits /
Pilot strength delivered to !)) DP !0) + : bits /
"he timer value for leg change, a P>< parameter5
%&4B;4"imer or "4B;4"imer
2/ >eg selection in !0)
>eg selection is made only for legs satisfying both the following conditions5
0obile acquisition, and
&everse $%& statistics in every second is same as or less than 97N
"he leg is selected for new4leg, which has the highest &ate4indicator value
among ones, satisfying both conditions above, when their values in
pilot4strength4d3 and their powers assignable to ()B are added.
If new4leg is same as old4leg, new4leg is decided as selected4leg.
If new4leg is different from old4leg, however, timer is activated. If a leg is
selected as old4leg before the timer ceases to act, timer should be reset.
If a leg is not selected as old4leg before the timer ceases to act, the latest
selected new4leg is decided as selected4leg.
&ate4indicator in leg selection algorithm is calculated as follows5
for + each leg in !ctive (et satisfying two conditions /
new4leg ? argmax
+ &ate4indicator+leg/ /#
6/ Init and precision of each parameter
pilot4strength4d3 is given in :Dbit precision after calculated with the expression
of ( )
or c
I E pilot *7 log *7 1 in a terminal. Its result has a 7.9db unit. In
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P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !! C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7(
an actual expression S1 is multiplied because it is to change a value below 7 to
that above 7.
()B4power4avail417ms4d3 is a relative d3 value assuming that the total
power is 7d3. It is given power in chip unit and is expressed in 7.19db index
between S6*d3 and 7d3. + d34index ? + d34value M 6* / T 6 M * /
%&4B;4"imer and "4B;4"imer are given in :Dbit precision and their values
are "3<s.
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C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7( P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !!
".&.4 O'erhe#$ Ch#nnel #n$ PLD P#r#meter
Pilotsyncpaging channel gains and &)*&)1 traffic channel gains have relative d3
values in relation with total power. In P>< an index corresponding to d3 value is
used. !ssuming that pilot power of 1H system is *9N of total power, values used for
present 1H system and new values in d3 index are as follows5
PL5 para(eter Preent 21
PL5 $alue "raffi2 +264or (d:)
P4LO"81-40 1!? 132 -?.25
&B0C81-40 34 92 -1?.25
P-140181-40 95 12? -9.25
*5C)8404"81-408RC16RC2 >! 111 -13.5
*5C)8.4081-408RC16RC2 4! 97 -17
*5C)8.-@81-408RC16RC2 9! 12> -9.75
!ssuming that pilot power of 1H system is 17N of total power, values used for
present 1H system and new values in d3 index are as follows5
PL5 para(eter Preent 21
PL5 $alue "raffi2 +264or (d:)
P4LO"81-40 1!? 137 -7
&B0C81-40 34 97 -17
P-140181-40 95 133 -?
*5C)8404"81-408RC16RC2 >! 11> -12.25
*5C)8.4081-408RC16RC2 4! 131 -15.75
*5C)8.-@81-408RC16RC2 9! 1!2 -?.5
PL5 para(eter PL5 $alue 5e2ription
*PC8*5C)8*+R 2 1H *+R
*PC8&+"P"8")R+&) ? 1d: (in !.125d:)
:&8P<R8C0"L8&"+P 2 !.5d: (in !.25d:)
Page 4-2! , &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd.
P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !! C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7(
*/ $P)4$<)B4$%&
$<)B "arget $rame %rror &ate
*+R (#inarA) *ra(e +rror Rate
!!!!! !.2H
!!!!1 I 1!1!! !.5H I 1!H (in unit of !.5H)
1!1!1 I 11!!1 11H I 15H (in unit of 1.!H)
11!1! I 1111! 1?H I 3!H (in unit of 3.!H)
11111 Reer$ed
'hen a mobile measures a forward $%& and a $%& is discovered to be
generated, its setpoint should be increased by 7.9d3# when no $%& is
discovered, its setpoint decreased by 7.9KKd3.
If the value of $P)4$<)B4$%& is set to 9N, its setpoint is increased by 7.9d3
or decreased by +7.99/K9d3.
1/ $P)4(%"P"4"B&%(B
(etpoint reports threshold +7.*19d3unit/.
It decides when a mobile sends ;>&0 +;uter >oop &eport 0essage/. In
other words, a mobile sends ;>&0 when

, the difference between
+$)B initial setpoint S ()B initial setpoint/ and +)urrent $)B setpoint S
)urrent ()B setpoint/, is above $P)4(%"P"4"B&%(B.
It is set to maintain the power difference between $<)B and ()B within a
tolerable range.
2/ $orward link gain
Iniform gain values are used irrespective of $P)40;<%.
PL5 para(eter PL5 $alue "raffi2 +264or (d:)
*5C)8404"81-408RC38non"5 1!3 -15.5
*5C)8.4081-408RC38non"5 37 -32
*5C)8.-@81-408RC38non"5 137 -7
*5C)8404"81-408RC48non"5 111 -13.5
*5C)8.4081-408RC48non"5 37 -32
*5C)8.-@81-408RC48non"5 137 -7
, &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd. Page 4-21
C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7( P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !!
*5C)8404"81-408RC58non"5 111 -13.5
*5C)8.4081-408RC58non"5 37 -32
*5C)8.-@81-408RC58non"5 137 -7
Page 4-22 , &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd.
P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !! C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7(
6/ $orward link setpoint
%b=t setpoint is sent in 7.*19d3 index to terminals.
PL5 para(eter PL5 $alue +#60t etpoint (d:)
*PC8*5C)8404"8&+"P"8RC38non"5 5> 7
*PC8*5C)8.408&+"P"8RC38non"5 1> 2
*PC8*5C)8.-@8&+"P"8RC38non"5 9> 12
*PC8*5C)8404"8&+"P"8RC48non"5 >4 ?
*PC8*5C)8.408&+"P"8RC48non"5 24 3
*PC8*5C)8.-@8&+"P"8RC48non"5 1!4 13
*PC8*5C)8404"8&+"P"8RC58non"5 5> 7
*PC8*5C)8.408&+"P"8RC58non"5 1> 2
*PC8*5C)8.-@8&+"P"8RC58non"5 9> 12
, &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd. Page 4-23
C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7( P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !!
& Re'erse Lin% Power Control
"he purpose of the reverse link power control is to control power output of a mobile
station and resolve any near orfar errors occurred when mobile stations in a cell use
the same frequency at a time. (o, it can minimize interfering signals to maximize a
system capacity. ;ne mobile station near its base station receives stronger power than
another one far away from it, because the former suffers less path loss than the latter.
(o, if every mobile station used the equal power, a strong signal from the former
would interfere with a weak signal from the latter.
&.1 Oen Loo Power Control
It is the output power control by the mobile station irrelevant to its base station. "he
mobile station measures level of powers received from its base station +multi path
losses/ to estimate any external path loss, with which it may estimate its own power
output that it can adjust its power output.
(ince the mobile station has its own analog !H) circuits, it can control power
immediately. "he power control with the estimation of power output of the base
station by mobile station, however, does not allow a right power control. "he mobile
station estimates its received signal strength and decides its own power output using
the following expression5
!ccess Probing in !ccess )hannel
!verage power output +d3m/ ? - S !verage power input +d3m/
M Interference )orrection
M =;04P'&+d3/ M I=I"4P'&+d3/ S*:A=;04P'&4%O"
M P'&4>.> A P'&4("%Ps
'here Interference correction ? min+max+D8D%cIo,7/,8/ and %cIo is the %cIo+d3/ of
the !ctive set pilot, measured within the previous 977msec
P'&4>.> is a nonDnegative integer, which is the power level adjustment step
Page 4-24 , &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd.
P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !! C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7(
(ending of %nhanced !ccess Preamble in %nhanced !ccess )hannel
!verage power output +d3m/ ? - S !verage power input +d3m/
M Interference )orrection
M %!)B4=;04P'&s
M %!)B4I=I"4P'&s
M :
M P'&4>.> A P'&4("%P4%!)Bs
'here Interference correction ? min+max+D8D%cIo,7/,8/ and %cIo is the %cIo+d3/ of
the !ctive set pilot, measured within the previous 977msec
P'&4>.> is a nonDnegative integer, which is the power level adjustment step
Initial Power ;utput in &everse "raffic
5 !verage power output before receiving the first effective P)3 after sending
%nhanced !ccess )hannel preamble +d3m/ ? - S !verage power input +d3m/
M Interference correction
M %!)B4=;04P'&s
M %!)B4I=I"4P'&s
M P'&4>.>AP'&4("%P4%!)Bs
Power output after receiving the first power control bit
!verage power output +d3m/ ? - S !verage power input +d3m/
M Interference correction
M %!)B4=;04P'&s
M %!)B4I=I"4P'&s
M P'&4>.>AP'&4("%P4%!)Bs
M "he sum of all closed loop power control corrections +d3/
"he sum of all closed loop power control corrections+d3/
:and8Cla Offet Power(J)
! -73
1 -7>
=;04P'&,=;04P'&4%O",I=I"4P'&,P'&4("P is defined in an !ccess
, &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd. Page 4-25
C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7( P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !!
Parameter 0essage. 'hen values of %xtended Bandoff <irection 0essage or
the Heneral Bandoff <irection 0essage =;04P'& and =;04P'&4%O" are
changed, a terminal uses changed values of =;04P'& and =;08P'&4%O".
Page 4-2> , &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd.
P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !! C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7(
&." Close$ Loo Power Control
It is a power control used by both the base station and mobile station because
different bands are used for sending and receiving +for full duplex/, or forward and
reverse fading are different each other.
"he demodulator of base station measures values of %b=o coming from each mobile
station. I(DK9![D("<D77, compares measured values with predefined ones +every
*.19ms/. If they are above their predefined ones, it sends a power control bit
instructing the mobile station to decrease power in *d3# if below predefined ones, to
increase. I(DK93 regulations are designed to allow multi step adjustment, which is a
power control mechanism supporting B(<.
In case of soft handDoff the mobile station receives power control bits from more than
two base stations. If all of bits are L7J, it increases its power output# if one of bits is
L*J, it decreases it. "hus, each base station transmits at a proper power output to
minimize any interference. Its brief procedures are as follows5 %stablishment of
standard %b=o DP 0easurement of received %b=o values DP )omparison them with
predefined values DP Power control command/
(ending power after receiving the first power control bit
!verage power output +d3m/ ? - S !verage power input +d3m/
M Interference correction
M %!)B4=;04P'&s
M %!)B4I=I"4P'&s
M P'&4>.>AP'&4("%P4%!)Bs
M "he sum of all closed loop power control corrections+d3/
P)0 +Power )ontrol 0essage/
It may be sent at any time, for example, from 0essage !lering state for $orward
"raffic )hannel to releasing of terminal.
*ield Lengt7 (#it)
.&18"BP+ ?
-CJ8&+K 3
.&18&+K 3
, &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd. Page 4-27
C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7( P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !!
-CJ8R+K 1
+0CRBP"4O0 2
P<R8C0"L8&"+P 3
R+&+R'+5 4
Page 4-2? , &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd.
P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !! C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7(
P<R8C0"L8&"+P (:inarA) Power Control &tep &iLe (d:)
!!! 1
!!1 !.5
!1! !.25
-ll ot7er P<R8C0"L8&"+P $alue are reer$ed
$low )hart
&.& O-ter Loo Power Control
It is important to keep $%& below *N to maintain good voice quality because voice
quality is depends on $%&, not decided by a signalDtoDnoise ratio. "o maintain a
standard $%& %b=o should be adjusted accordingly. "he outer loop power control is
to change the signal strength standard in the closed loop power control depending on
the quality of radio link.
, &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd. Page 4-29
)niti#li2e #r#meter
Set st#rting E,3No setoint
4et E,3No estim#te
*or # ower control gro-
E,3No estim#te
5 E,3No setoint
ower $own
comm#n$ to
erson#l st#tion
ower -
comm#n$ to
erson#l st#tion
"6ms *r#me
)niti#li2e #r#meter
+es no
)nner loo
.e'er+ 1."8ms/
O-ter loo
.e'er+ "6ms/
C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7( P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !!
In an excessive fading circumstance, %b=o with the same value may have a lower
$%&. It is the reason why a power control is required to compensate it. "his power
control is more aggressive than the closed loop power control in that it corrects any
error of frames received from a reverse link by adjusting a setpoint %b=o value
between min and max values depending on the rate of received frames.
It sets a standard %b=o setpoint value, and, when an error occurs in frames received
from each mobile station, adjusts the standard %b=o setpoint value with setup
parameters depending on the rate of received frames. "he closed loop power control
is performed after the comparison of the adjusted setpoint value with an %b=o value
measured in a base station.
.erification of increased or decreased %b=o setpoint value
'hen successive reverse $%&s occurs in full rate, the base station increases
an %b=o setpoint value by pwrctl4up4full +2817sp/ every 67 msec +now
pwrctl4up4full in a &P) algorithm is affected by pwrctl4full4wait +?*/ to
wait one time/.
!s shown in the increase of %b=o (etpoint value in the graph above, the
pwrctl4threshold value is increased from ,.*d3+162*1sp/ to ,.9d3 by
+1,1,,sp/ for 17 msec. (pecifically speaking, as ,.*d3+162*1sp/ becomes
Page 4-3! , &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd.
T ime = > 11: 3 4 : 6 .16 8 7 5
pwr ctl_threshold= 8 .1dB
T ime = > 11: 3 4 : 6 .18 8 7 5
pwr ctl_threshold= 8 .5dB
P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !! C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7(
1,721sp when 2817sp is added, ,.9d3 is displayed because 1,721 is nearer
to ,.9d3 +1,1,,sp/ than ,.6d3+18167sp/.
'hen successive full half frames arrive, the base station decreases or
increases %b=o setpoint value by pwrctl4down +16sp/. !s shown in the
graph below, the setpoint is decreased by 16 for 17 msec.
-nowingly, it is verified that the outer loop power control increases or
decreases %b=o setpoint values after the occurrence of &$%&s.
&everse Power )ontrol Parameters
&everse link set point
"hough &)* and &)1 have the same %b=o their difference of %w=o is *.,d3
because they have different spreading factors +*7Alog*7+*6.6K.:/ ? *.,d3 /. !s
a setpoint used in modem is for %w=o and a value used in an outer loop power
control algorithm of a ")) or !0) block is for %b=t, the value of %b=o of
&)1 should be considered after its conversion into the value of &)* for )%P to
have only one conversion table irrespective of &).
T#,le 4.1 Re'erse Lin% Power Control Set Point Con'ersion T#,le
, &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd. Page 4-31
T ime = > 11: 3 5 : 8 .26 5 5 0 0
pwr ctl_threshold= 2 3 2 5 6 s p
T ime = > 11: 3 5 : 8 .28 5 5 0 0
pwr ctl_threshold= 2 3 2 3 2 s p
C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7( P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !!
PL5 para(eter +#60o for 21 (d:)3
Pilot &0R for 31 (d:)
PL5 $alue Pra2ti2al
*5C)8404"8&+"P"8RC1 ? 234!? 175
*5C)8.408&+"P"8RC1 7 1>1>? 144
*5C)8.-@8&+"P"8RC1 1!.5 >1144 293
*5C)8404"8&+"P"8RC2 ?.5 (>.7) 2?2?? 194
*5C)8.408&+"P"8RC2 >.5 (4.7) 1353> 131
*5C)8.-@8&+"P"8RC2 11 (9.2) 74192 32>
*5C)8404"8&+"P"8RC3 >.5 1353> 35!
*5C)8.408&+"P"8RC3 3 5!4? 142
*5C)8.-@8&+"P"8RC3 1! 5!3?4 7>?
*5C)8404"8&+"P"8RC4 >.5 1353> 35!
*5C)8.408&+"P"8RC4 3 5!4? 142
*5C)8.-@8&+"P"8RC4 1! 5!3?4 7>?
Page 4-32 , &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd.
P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !! C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7(
for 21
or total
for 31
per port
per port
21 et
31 et
for 21
or total
for 31
per port
per port
21 et
31 et
3.! !.! !.5 >31 72 142 9.1 >.1 >.> 445! 219 >4?
3.1 !.1 !.> >44 73 14? 9.2 >.2 >.7 4>25 224 >>!
3.2 !.2 !.7 >5? 74 154 9.3 >.3 >.? 4?!> 22? >7>
3.3 !.3 !.? >72 75 154 9.4 >.4 >.9 4995 233 >??
3.4 !.4 !.9 >?> 77 15? 9.5 >.5 7.! 5191 23? 7!!
3.5 !.5 1.! 7!! 7? 1>4 9.> >.> 7.1 539> 243 712
3.> !.> 1.1 717 79 1>? 9.7 >.7 7.2 5>!? 24? 72?
3.7 !.7 1.2 734 ?! 174 9.? >.? 7.3 5?29 253 74!
3.? !.? 1.3 751 ?2 174 9.9 >.9 7.4 >!59 259 75>
3.9 !.9 1.4 7>9 ?3 17? 1!.! 7.! 7.5 >29? 2>4 7>?
4.! 1.! 1.5 7?7 ?4 1?4 1!.1 7.1 7.> >547 27! 7?4
4.1 1.1 1.> ?!? ?> 1?? 1!.2 7.2 7.7 >?!5 275 ?!!
4.2 1.2 1.7 ?29 ?7 194 1!.3 7.3 7.? 7!74 2?1 ?1>
4.3 1.3 1.? ?51 ?9 2!! 1!.4 7.4 7.9 7353 2?7 ?32
4.4 1.4 1.9 ?74 9! 2!4 1!.5 7.5 ?.! 7>43 293 ?4?
4.5 1.5 2.! ?97 92 21! 1!.> 7.> ?.1 7944 3!! ?>4
4.> 1.> 2.1 923 93 214 1!.7 7.7 ?.2 ?25? 3!> ??!
4.7 1.7 2.2 95! 95 22! 1!.? 7.? ?.3 ?5?4 313 9!!
4.? 1.? 2.3 97? 9> 224 1!.9 7.9 ?.4 ?922 319 91>
4.9 1.9 2.4 1!!7 9? 23> 11.! ?.! ?.5 9274 32> 93>
5.! 2.! 2.5 1!3> 1!! 24! 11.1 ?.1 ?.> 9>39 333 95>
5.1 2.1 2.> 1!>? 1!2 24> 11.2 ?.2 ?.7 1!!1? 34! 972
5.2 2.2 2.7 11!2 1!3 25! 11.3 ?.3 ?.? 1!412 34? 992
5.3 2.3 2.? 113> 1!5 25> 11.4 ?.4 ?.9 1!?22 355 1!12
5.4 2.4 2.9 1171 1!7 2>> 11.5 ?.5 9.! 1124? 3>3 1!3>
5.5 2.5 3.! 12!? 1!9 272 11.> ?.> 9.1 11>?9 371 1!5>
5.> 2.> 3.1 124? 111 27> 11.7 ?.7 9.2 12147 379 1!7>
5.7 2.7 3.2 129! 113 2?> 11.? ?.? 9.3 12>23 3?7 11!!
5.? 2.? 3.3 1333 115 292 11.9 ?.9 9.4 13117 39> 112!
, &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd. Page 4-33
C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7( P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !!
for 21
or total
for 31
per port
per port
21 et
31 et
for 21
or total
for 31
per port
per port
21 et
31 et
5.9 2.9 3.4 137? 117 29? 12.! 9.! 9.5 13>31 4!4 1144
>.! 3.! 3.5 1424 12! 3!? 12.1 9.1 9.> 141>2 413 11>?
>.1 3.1 3.> 1474 122 312 12.2 9.2 9.7 14714 422 1192
>.2 3.2 3.7 152> 124 324 12.3 9.3 9.? 152?? 432 121>
>.3 3.3 3.? 1579 12> 32? 12.4 9.4 9.9 15??2 441 1244
>.4 3.4 3.9 1>35 129 34! 12.5 9.5 1!.! 1>499 451 12>?
>.5 3.5 4.! 1>92 131 35! 12.> 9.> 1!.1 1714! 4>1 129>
>.> 3.> 4.1 1753 134 354 12.7 9.7 1!.2 17?!3 471 1324
>.7 3.7 4.2 1?17 13> 3>> 12.? 9.? 1!.3 1?492 4?1 1352
>.? 3.? 4.3 1??2 139 37> 12.9 9.9 1!.4 192!> 492 13?!
>.9 3.9 4.4 195! 142 3?> 13.! 1!.! 1!.5 1994> 5!3 14!?
7.! 4.! 4.5 2!21 144 392 13.1 1!.1 1!.> 2!713 514 143>
7.1 4.1 4.> 2!9> 147 4!2 13.2 1!.2 1!.7 215!9 525 14>?
7.2 4.2 4.7 2175 15! 412 13.3 1!.3 1!.? 22334 537 15!!
7.3 4.3 4.? 225> 153 422 13.4 1!.4 1!.9 231?? 549 1532
7.4 4.4 4.9 234! 15> 432 13.5 1!.5 11.! 24!73 5>1 15>4
7.5 4.5 5.! 2427 159 444 13.> 1!.> 11.1 24991 574 159>
7.> 4.> 5.1 2519 1>2 454 13.7 1!.7 11.2 25941 5?7 1>32
7.7 4.7 5.2 2>15 1>5 4>4 13.? 1!.? 11.3 2>92> >!! 1>>?
7.? 4.? 5.3 2715 1>9 4?! 13.9 1!.9 11.4 27945 >13 17!4
7.9 4.9 5.4 2?19 172 49! 14.! 11.! 11.5 29!!1 >27 174!
?.! 5.! 5.5 292> 175 5!! 14.1 -3.! 11.> 3!!94 >41 177>
?.1 5.1 5.> 3!39 179 51> 14.2 -3.! 11.7 3122> >55 1?1>
?.2 5.2 5.7 315> 1?3 52> 14.3 -3.! 11.? 32397 >7! 1?5>
?.3 5.3 5.? 327? 1?> 53? 14.4 -3.! 11.9 33>1! >?5 1?9>
?.4 5.4 5.9 34!5 19! 554 14.5 -3.! 12.! 34?>5 7!! 193>
?.5 5.5 >.! 353> 194 5>? 14.> -3.! 12.1 3>1>3 71> 19?!
?.> 5.> >.1 3>74 19? 5?! 14.7 -3.! 12.2 375!7 732 2!2!
?.7 5.7 >.2 3?17 2!2 594 14.? -3.! 12.3 3??9> 749 2!>4
?.? 5.? >.3 39>> 2!> >1! 14.9 -3.! 12.4 4!334 7>> 2112
Page 4-34 , &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd.
P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !! C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7(
for 21
or total
for 31
per port
per port
21 et
31 et
for 21
or total
for 31
per port
per port
21 et
31 et
?.9 5.9 >.4 4121 21! >2! 15.! -3.! 12.5 41?2! 7?3 215>
9.! >.! >.5 42?2 215 >3>
, &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd. Page 4-35
C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7( P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !!
;ther P>< Parameters
Para(eter 5e2ription 5efault
P<RC"L8/P8*/LL 4n2reaed re$ere t7re7old in full rate (ode 372!
P<RC"L8/P8+R-&/R+ .u27 in2reaed re$ere t7re7old in eraure
&lig7tlA in2reaed re$ere t7re7old in eraure
P<RC"L85O<0 5e2reaed re$ere t7re7old in full (ode 24
P<RC"L8'-R85O<0 5e2reaed re$ere t7re7old in $aria#le (ode 4
P<RC"L8*/LL8<-4" <aiting $alue up to in2reaed re$ere t7re7old
in eraure (ode
<aiting $alue up to de2reaed re$ere t7re7old
in full (ode
/p6little deter(ining $alue for in2reae of
re$ere t7re7old
T#,le 4." 9#l-e o* m1 #n$ m" $een$ing on SCH T#rget FER
"arget *+R (PL5) "arget *+R (H) (1 (2
! !.3 997 3
1 !.5 199 1
2 1 99 1
3 1.5 197 3
4 2 9? 2
5 2.5 195 5
> 3 97 3
7 3.5 193 7
? 4 9> 4
9 4.5 191 9
1! 5 95 5
11 5.5 1?9 11
12 > 94 >
13 >.5 1?7 13
14 7 93 7
Page 4-3> , &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd.
P-R" 2. C5.- Radio +ngineering 6 +5 !! C)-P"+R 4. Power Control -lgorit7(
"arget *+R (PL5) "arget *+R (H) (1 (2
15 7.5 1?5 15
1> ? 92 ?
17 ?.5 1?3 17
1? 9 91 9
19 9.5 1?1 19
2! 1! 9! 1!
21 11 ?9 11
22 12 ?? 12
23 13 ?7 13
24 14 ?> 14
25 15 ?5 15
2> 1? ?2 1?
27 21 79 21
2? 24 7> 24
29 27 73 27
3! 3! 7! 3!
31 reer$ed
, &-.&/01 +le2troni2 Co.3 Ltd. Page 4-37

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