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Access & Paging & Registration Analysis
1 Paging Analysis............................................................................................................... 7-1
1.1 Quick Paging Channel.............................................................................................. 7-1
1.2 Paging Procedure..................................................................................................... 7-4
1.3 Paging Channel Message......................................................................................... 7-4
Access Analysis............................................................................................................... 7-!
2.1 Access Procedure of Access Channel......................................................................7-5
2.2 Enhanced Access Channel..................................................................................... 7-12
2.3 Probe rans!ission es"......................................................................................... 7-1#
2.4 PACA $Priori"% Access Channel Assign!en"&..........................................................7-22
2.5 Access 'and-off...................................................................................................... 7-2(
" Registration Analysis.................................................................................................... 7-"
3.1 )egis"ra"ion............................................................................................................. 7-32
3.2 Po*er-+, )egis"ra"ion............................................................................................ 7-32
3.3 Po*er--o*n )egis"ra"ion....................................................................................... 7-32
3.4 i!er-.ased )egis"ra"ion....................................................................................... 7-32
3.5 -is"ance-.ased )egis"ra"ion................................................................................... 7-32
3.( /one-.ased )egis"ra"ion........................................................................................ 7-33
3.7 Para!e"er-Change )egis"ra"ion............................................................................. 7-33
3.# 0rdered )egis"ra"ion............................................................................................... 7-33
3.1 2!,lici" )egis"ra"ion................................................................................................. 7-33
3.13 raffic Channel )egis"ra"ion.................................................................................... 7-33
3.11 +ser /one )egis"ra"ion........................................................................................... 7-33
3.12 Change of 4oca"ion )egis"ra"ion )ela"ed Para!e"ers............................................7-34
3.13 4oca"ion )egis"ra"ion 05erload............................................................................... 7-35
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 2
able of Con"en"s PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
<igure 7.1 Quick Paging Channel Configura"ion..................................................................7-2
<igure 7.2 Quick Paging Channel i!e 4ine........................................................................7-2
<igure 7.3 Quick Paging Channel -e"ec"ion......................................................................... 7-3
<igure 7.4 7cenario "o )ecei5e 1 Quick Paging 2ndica"or....................................................7-3
<igure 7.5 Access Channel Modula"ion Procedure...............................................................7-5
<igure 7.( Access Channel )e=ues" and )es,onse A""e!,"s 1..........................................7-7
<igure 7.7 Access Channel )e=ues" and )es,onse A""e!," 2............................................7-#
<igure 7.# Access Channel 7"ruc"ure.................................................................................7-11
<igure 7.1 Access <ra!e 7"ruc"ure.................................................................................... 7-11
<igure 7.13 Enhanced Access Channel Probe 7"ruc"ure....................................................7-13
<igure 7.11 Enhanced Access Channel <ra!e 7"ruc"ure....................................................7-14
<igure 7.12 Prea!ble for "he Enhanced Access Channel...................................................7-14
<igure 7.13 Access Channel 7lo"........................................................................................ 7-11
<igure 7.14 > Po*er rans!ission fro! Mobile 7"a"ion....................................................7-21
<igure 7.15 PACA Call Processing...................................................................................... 7-25
<igure 7.1( Access 'and-off 0ccurrence Poin"s.................................................................7-27
<igure 7.17 4oca"ion )egis"ra"ion 05erload........................................................................7-3(
able 7.1 Access Para!e"er Messages...............................................................................7-1
able 7.2 Access Channel Messages................................................................................. 7-13
able 7.3 Enhanced Access Para!e"er Messages............................................................7-15
able 7.4 PACA !essage for!a"........................................................................................ 7-22
able 7.5 PACA Message Pur,ose..................................................................................... 7-23
able 7.( PACA Cancel Messages..................................................................................... 7-23
able 7.7 Access ';0 0ccurrence Poin"s and 7"a"e of er!inal........................................7-27
able 7.# E>"ended 7%s"e! Para!e"ers Message.............................................................7-21
able 7.1 E>"ended Channel Assign!en" Message...........................................................7-33
able 7.13 /one?"i!er 5alues............................................................................................. 7-34
able 7.11 Para!e"ers $@angna! 2&................................................................................... 7-35
able 7.12 05erload ,er loca"ion regis"ra"ion......................................................................7-3(
Page 22 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
1 Paging Analysis
A terminal defines its circumstances by its synchronization of time with BS after
reading a Synch CH from a pilot CH with which it was synchronized and overhead
messages of a paging Channel in the non-slotted mode. Then it turns to a slotted
mode where it reads only messages received to slots allocated and defined by BS.
The slotted mode a special mode in a paging Channel is used for a message of a
specified mobile station to be sent via a specified slot in a pre-specified time. The
specified slot is not for an individual but a group. So every terminal in the group
reads information in the slot to e!ecute any command in it sent to it" if it is
discovered not to be sent to it it returns to the sleep mode.
A mobile station can specify slots for BS according to a registration procedure. Slot is
specified every # to $#% seconds. A mobile station in the slotted mode can reduce
electric power by turning power off during the time when a slot is not specified. The
station may receive only some of slots with a command of a paging Channel slot. BS
sends a signal for a paging Channel that a mobile station can receive it in the idle
state and the station can send up to seven paging Channels per traffic Channel. The
velocities of a paging Channel are #&'' &%'' and ()''*bps. ()''*bps enables
about $%' calls per second.
1.1 &'ic( Paging C)annel
According to +S#''' a group in a slot of a paging CH is divided into several sub-
groups and a ,uic* -aging CH is defined to inform each sub-group if it has to read
the slot or not. So a terminal can ma!imize its waiting time by minimizing its wor* to
decode unnecessary slot information. .ach BS /sector0 can use up to 1 ,uic* -aging
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-1
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
Channels to which &%
and $$#
2alsh Codes are allocated. These Channels are
sent in length of %' ms #' ms before paging slots including # page indicator bits.
Page 7-2 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
Fig're 7.1 &'ic( Paging C)annel Con*ig'ration
Fig're 7. &'ic( Paging C)annel Ti+e Line
,uic* -aging CHs are configured as shown in 3igure 4.$. A ,uic* -aging CH begins
to be sent $'' ms before a specified slot starting line in the -aging CH. ,uic* -aging
uses 5n65ff 7eying at the speed of ()'' or &%'' indicators6sec and each sub-group
in a terminal is allocated # indicators. The one is located in either the $
or #
and the other is in either the 1
or &
frame" if the former is in the$
/or #
0 frame
the latter should be in the 1
/or &
0 frame.

A 8uic* paging Channel has #-bit and &-bit configuration change indicators at the
ends of both frame and half frame and #-bit and &-bit reserved broadcast indicator
9ust in front of the configuration change indicators for the transmission of &%'' and
()'' bps respectively.
:eading indicators of a ,uic* -aging CH allocated to it a terminal determines if it
has to read its slots in a -aging CH as shown in 3igure 4.#.
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-3
# reserved broadcast
# Configuration
change indicator
-aging indicator -aging indicator
# reserved broadcast
# Configuration
change indicator
()bps -aging indicator -aging indicator
# reserved broadcast
# reserved broadcast
# Configuration
change indicator
# Configuration
change indicator
Quick Puging CH
u g iven slot in the Puging CH
1 2 S 4
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
Fig're 7." &'ic( Paging C)annel ,etection
A terminal reads its slots only when both indicators are $ as shown in 3igure 4.1.
Fig're 7.- Scenario to Recei.e 1 &'ic( Paging #n/icator
The following is a scenario where the terminal reads a ,uic* -aging CH;
Page 7-4 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
Indicutoi 1
Indicutoi 2
Puging CH
0 0 1
Quick Puging
TCXO et t ective
EF Activ e
t oi But t ei
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
$ TC<5 of terminal should be on during the operation of a ,uic* -aging Slot.
/Some margin should be allowed to secure a stable TC<5 action.0
# -ut on the receiving power of terminal to read indicators in the ,uic* -aging slot
that are sent to it.
1 :ead its indicators in the ,uic* -aging slot /which is planned to be bout #=)
chips including indicators0.
& -ut off the receiving power of terminal and activate the searcher and
demodulator to observe indicators off-line.
1. Paging Proce/'re
A base station starts to call a mobile station with a general page message. +n
other words a mobile station is observing a ,uic* -aging Channel and
recognizes its search by a base.
+f searched by a ,uic* -aging Channel it turns to the -aging Channel.
+f not searched by a ,uic* -aging Channel it turns to the sleep mode waiting for
the ne!t ,uic* -aging Channel.
A base station in -aging Channel sends down Channel fre8uency and 2alsh
code number to a mobile station through a Channel Assignment message and the
mobile station starts to Access via a communication Channel.
1." Paging C)annel 0essage
1.".1 0essage ty1e
5verhead message -aging message 5rder message and Channel Assignment
1.". +essages
System parameter messages ; -aging Channel configuration registration
parameters and parameters to capture pilot signals.
Access parameter message ; +nformation on Access Channel and configuration
of control parameters. Control parameters are fed bac* to the mobile station to
control its transmission velocity and to secure a stable Access Channel.
>eighbor list message ; +nformation on neighboring base stations to or from
which hand-off ta*es place.
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-5
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
Channel list message ; +nformation on C?@A fre8uency allocation including
paging Channels with which a mobile station can get a paging Channel easily.
1."." Paging +essage
A paging message has more than one mobile calling Channel. 2hen receiving a call
from a mobile station the base station generates a calling signal. +n general the
calling signal is sent from several other base stations. A command is a wide scope of
messages used to control special mobile stations from authentication of their
registration and termination of their transmission power.
Page 7-( 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
Access Analysis
An Access Channel is used to start communication with a base station from a mobile
station or to respond to a paging Channel message which is identified with its
relatively long code. 3or C?@A#''' an enhanced Access Channel is added. $< may
use either an Access Channel or enhanced Access Channel of +S-(=A but 1< uses an
enhanced Access Channel only.
.1 Access Proce/'re o* Access C)annel
.1.1 Access C)annel 0o/'lation Proce/'re
A mobile station sends messages according to a random Access procedure in the
Access Channel. Such a random Access ma*es a base station to receive right data. So
the Access data are divided into preamble data and capsule data for it to receive right
data. And a mobile station sends signals in modulator symbol ' among )&-ary
5rthogonal @odulators for base station to get preamble data coming through an
Access Channel. Then the base station detects preamble data and decodes capsule
data by sending it to a Aiterbi decoder every #' msec. As decoded signals come
together to form a complete message the message is formatted to be sent to a high
layer processor.
Fig're 7.! Access C)annel 0o/'lation Proce/'re
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-7
Add 8 bi t
Encoder Tr ai l
Convol ut i onal
Encodi ng
r = 1/3, K=9
Repeat i t i on
l oc!
" nt er l eavi ng
#$ % ar y
&r t 'ogonal
(odul at or
)ong code
*ener at or
+ uadrature
(odulation ) ong code
-. C 'ip
4.8Ksps ( 307.2Kcps)
4.4Kbps 4.8Kbps 14.4Kbps 28.8Kbps
Acce,, 12
34 bit
Access Channel
+nformation Bit
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
.1. Access Atte+1t
An access attempt is a cycle from sending a message to confirming its reception.
.ach sending is an access probe to which a mobile station sends the same message.
An access probe consists of access preamble and access Channel message capsule.
To an access Channel are sent two types of messages" response message and re8uest
message. +f a forward common control Channel or a broadcast control Channel is
used for a forward lin* the mobile station ma*es an access attempt using an
enhanced access Channel.
.1." Res1onse +essage
+t is a response message to a message from a base station li*e a -aging :esponse
.1.- Re2'est +essage
+t is a message generating from mobile station li*e 5rigination and :egistration.
-atterns and parameters of these messages are shown in the following figures;
Page 7-# 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
Fig're 7.3 Access C)annel Re2'est an/ Res1onse Atte+1ts 1
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-1

)7 )7
)7 )7
P- P- P-
Access Probe
7e=uence 1 7e= 2 7e= 3
7e= MAB?)7P?7EQ
$15 Ma>&
Access Probe
7e=uence 1 7e= 2 7e= 3
7e= MAB?)EQ?7EQ
$15 Ma>&
7%s"e! i!e
Access Probe
$1( Ma>&
A A A A A ) ) )
Probe 4
Probe 3
Probe 2
Probe 1

C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
Fig're 7.7 Access C)annel Re2'est an/ Res1onse Atte+1t
Table below describes each parameter shown in the figures above which are
randomly calculated and are hashed.
Para!e"ers -escri,"ion )ange +ni"
2P 2ni"ial 0,en
4oo, Po*er
2P E Mean 2n,u" Po*er C offse" ,o*er C 80M?PF)
C 282?PF)G 1(H 80M?PF)?EB
P- Persis"ence -ela% -ela% con"inues slo"-b%- slo" un"il ,ersis"ence "es"
$run e5er% slo"&
- slo"s
P2 Po*er 2ncre!en" P2 E PF)?7EP 3 - 7 -
)A Access Channel
)ando! be"*een 3 and ACC?C'A8 I
9enera"ed before each ,robe se=uence
3 - 31 Chi,
)8 P8 rando! -ela% 'ashed using E78 in 3 J 2
G1 3 - 511 7lo"s
)7 7e=uence .ackoff Dalues be"*een 3 and 1 C .@0<< 3 - 1( 7lo"s
) Probe .ackoff )ando! 5alues be"*een 3 and 1CP)0.E?.@0<< 3 - 1( 7lo"s
A Ack )es,onse #3 $ 2 C ACC?M0 & I i!e-ou" fro! end of slo" 1(3 - !s
Page 7-13 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
0ne Access Channel 7lo"
Access Channel Prea!ble
$Modula"ion 7%!bol 3&
Access Channel
Message Ca,sule
Access Channel <ra!e
$1J1( <ra!es&
$3J13 <ra!es&
$4J2( <ra!es&
Ac"ual Access Probe rans!ission
P8 )ando!iKa"ion -ela%
E )8 Chi,s
E )8 H 3.#13# us
Access Pro4e
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
i!eou" 13(3
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-11
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
.1.! Access Para+eter +essages
Ta4le 7.1 Access Para+eter 0essages
Para!e"ers -escri,"ion )ange
P240?P8 Pilo" P8 se=uence offse" inde> 1 bi"
ACC?M79?7EQ Access ,ara!e"ers !essage se=uence nu!ber ( bi"
80M?PF) 8o!inal "rans!i" ,o*er offse" 4 bi"
28?PF) 2ni"ial ,o*er offse" for access. 5 bi"
8+M?7EP 8u!ber of access ,robes 4 bi"
MAB?CAP?7/ Ma>i!u! Access Channel !essage ca,sule siKe 3 bi"
PAM?7/ Access Channel ,rea!ble leng"h 4 bi"
P)0.E?.@0<< Access Channel ,robe backoff range 4 bi"
.@0<< Access Channel ,robe se=uence backoff range 4 bi"
MAB?)EQ?7EQ Ma>i!u! nu!ber of access ,robe se=uences for an
Access Channel re=ues"
4 bi"
MAB?)7P?7EQ Ma>i!u! nu!ber of access ,robe se=uences for an
Access Channel res,onse
4 bi"
A+' Au"hen"ica"ion !ode 2 bi"
)A8- )ando! challenge 5alue 3 or 32 bi"
80M?PF)?EB E>"ended no!inal "rans!i" ,o*er 1 bi"
P727 EM9 28C4 E!ergenc% ,ersis"ence included indica"or 1 bi"
P727 EM9 Persis"ence 5alue for e!ergenc% call for access o5erload
classes 3 "hrough 1
3 or 3 bi"
.and Class 0ffse" Po*er
3 -73
1 -7(
Page 7-12 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
.1.3 Access C)annel +essages
Ta4le 7. Access C)annel 0essages
ME77A9E 8AME MEA8289 27-15A L-7-33# 27-15.
)egis"ra"ion of !obile s"a"ion O O O
0rder Message 0rder fro! !obile s"a"ion "o base
-a"a .urs" Message 7ending of "e>" da"a O O O
0rigina"ion Message 0rigina"ing of !obile s"a"ion O O O
Page )es,onse
Paging res,onse fro! !obile
Challenge )es,onse
)es,onse "o au"hen"ica"ion
challenge b% base s"a"ion
7"a"us )es,onse
)es,onse "o de!and of !obile
s"a"ion s"a"us
M72 Assign!en"
Co!,le"ion Message
M72 assign!en" is co!,le"ed. X O O
PACA Cancel
PACA is canceled. B B 0
E>"ended 7"a"us
)es,onse Message
Addi"ional res,onse "o de!and of
!obile s"a"ion s"a"us
B B 0
7"a"us )e=ues"
)e=ues" of !obile s"a"ion s"a"us B B 0
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-13
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
.1.7 Access C)annel Str'ct're
Fig're 7.5 Access C)annel Str'ct're
.1.5 Access Fra+e Str'ct're
Fig're 7.6 Access Fra+e Str'ct're
As shown in 3igure 4.( above an access Channel consists of %% information bits and
% tail bits.
Page 7-14 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.







&'()#*# !+,-./0,1
Acces s Chunnel
A cces s Chunnel
Acces s Chunnel
A cces s Chunnel
A cces s Chunnel
Access Chunnel
Fiume Pieumhle
A cces s Chunnel
Fiume Body
A cces s Chunnel
Fiume Body
Acces s Chunnel
Fiume B ody
Messuge Body
It should he within
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
. En)ance/ Access C)annel
..1 O'tline an/ Str'ct're o* C)annel
+t is a channel used in +S#'''. 1B-$< can use either an access channel or an
enhanced access channel but 1B-1< uses this channel only instead of the access
channel. +ts functions are same as the access channel which can be used in three
modes such as basic access power controlled access and reservation access.
-ower controlled access mode and reservation access mode are activated with the
same enhanced access channel but basic access mode with a stand-alone channel that
uses a random-access protocol and identifies subscribers with a long code mas*.
Sending timing with an enhanced access channel is based on >C$.#=ms.
Basic Access @ode
-robe Structure ; .nhanced Access Channel -reamble D .nhanced Access Channel
Po7er Controlle/ Access 0o/e
-robe Structure ;
.nhanced Access Channel -reamble D .nhanced Access Channel Header D
.nhanced Access Channel ?ata
Reser.ation Access 0o/e
-robe Structure ; .nhanced Access Channel -reamble D .nhanced Access Channel
This mode can be used only when a reverse common control channel is activated
together. +n this case data are sent to the reverse common control channel.
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-15
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
.. En)ance/ Access C)annel Pro4e
Fig're 7.18 En)ance/ Access C)annel Pro4e Str'ct're
En)ance/ Access Pro4e
+t is a sending unit when a mobile station accesses a base station consisting of
enhanced access channel preamble enhanced access header and enhanced access
En)ance/ Access C)annel Prea+4le
+t is a null-data sent from a mobile station to access a base station and set channels.
En)ance/ Access Hea/er
+t is a frame sending access origination information.
3rame duration ; =ms length.
En)ance/ Access ,ata
+t is a data sending in basic access mode or power controlled access mode or via
reverse common control channel in reservation access mode.
3rame duration ; = $' or #'ms length.
Page 7-1( 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
Fig're 7.11 En)ance/ Access C)annel Fra+e Str'ct're
> E .ACHF-:.A@BG.F>H@F3:AC
- E /.ACHF-:.A@BG.F3:ACF?H:AT+5>
D$0 $.#=ms
B E .ACHF-:.A@BG.F533F?H:AT+5>
A E .ACHF-:.A@BG.FA??F?H:AT+5>
T E >C/- DB0 DA
Fig're 7.1 Prea+4le *or t)e En)ance/ Access C)annel
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-17
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
.." En)ance/ Access Para+eter +essages
Ta4le 7." En)ance/ Access Para+eter 0essages
Para!e"ers -escri,"ion )ange
P240?P8 Pilo" P8 se=uence offse" inde> 1 bi"
ACC?M79?7EQ Enhanced Access ,ara!e"ers !essage se=uence
( bi"
P727 PA)M7 28C4 Persis"ence ,ara!e"ers included indica"or 1
P727 PA)M7 4E8 4eng"h of ,ersis"ence ,ara!e"ers record 3 or 5
P727$3-1& EAC' Persis"ence 5alue for access o5erload classes 3
"hrough 1
3 or (
P727$13& EAC' Persis"ence 5alue for access o5erload class 13 3 or 3
P727$11& EAC' Persis"ence 5alue for access o5erload class 11 3 or 3
P727$12&? EAC' Persis"ence 5alue for access o5erload class 12 3 or 3
P727$13&? EAC' Persis"ence 5alue for access o5erload class 13 3 or 3
P727$14&? EAC' Persis"ence 5alue for access o5erload class 14 3 or 3
P727$15&?EAC' Persis"ence 5alue for access o5erload class 15 3 or 3
P727 EM9 Persis"ence 5alue for e!ergenc% call for access
o5erload classes 3 "hrough 1
3 or 3
M79 P727 EAC' Persis"ence !odifier for Enhanced Access Channel
a""e!,"s for !essage "rans!issions
3 or 3
)E9 P727 EAC' Persis"ence !odifier for Enhanced Access Channel
a""e!,"s for regis"ra"ions
3 or 3
)E7E)DE- )eser5ed bi"s 3 G 7
$as needed&
4AC PA)M7 4E8 4eng"h of 4ink Access Con"rol ,ara!e"er fields 4
ACC M0 Ackno*ledg!en" "i!eou" (
P)0.E P8 )A8 i!e rando!iKa"ion for Enhanced Access Channel
MAB )EQ 7EQ Ma> nu!ber of access ,robe se=uences for
MAB )7P 7EQ Ma> nu!ber of access ,robe se=uences for
)E7E)DE- )eser5ed bi"s 3 G 7
Page 7-1# 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
Para!e"ers -escri,"ion )ange
$as needed&
8+M M0-E
8u!ber of en"ries of "he Mode 7elec"ion able 3
8+M M0-E 7E4EC208 E8)2E7 C 1 occurrences of "he follo*ing record
ACCE77 M0-E Access Mode used for "he Enhanced Access
ACCE77 M0-E M28
he !in !essage dura"ion for "he corres,onding
Access !ode
MAB -+)A208
he !a> !essage dura"ion for "he corres,onding
Access !ode
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-11
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
Para!e"ers -escri,"ion )ange
8+M M0-E PA)M
he nu!ber of !ode Gs,ecific ,ara!e"er records 3
8+M M0-E PA)M )EC C 1 occurrences of "he follo*ing record
4eng"h of "he !ode-s,ecific ,ara!e"ers record 4
Access !odes "o *hich "he access ,ara!e"ers #
EAC' 80M PF) 8o!inal "rans!i" ,o*er offse" 4
EAC' 282 PF) 2ni"ial ,o*er offse" 5
EAC' PF) 7EP Po*er incre!en" 3
EAC' 8+M 7EP 8u!ber of access ,robes 4
Prea!ble enabled indica"or 1
8+M <)AC
he nu!ber of frac"ional ,rea!bles 3 or 4
<)AC -+)A208
<rac"ional ,rea!ble dura"ion 3 or 4
0<< -+)A208
<rac"ional ,rea!ble ga"ed-off dura"ion 3 or 4
A-- -+)A208
Addi"ional ,rea!ble dura"ion 3 or 4
Pilo" Ec;2o "hreshold for "rans!ission (
EAC' P)0.E
Enhanced Access Channel ,robe backoff range 4
EAC' .@0<< Enhanced Access Channel ,robe se=uence backoff
EAC' 740 7lo" dura"ion (
EAC' 740
<irs" slo" offse" (
EAC' 740
)ela"i5e slo" offse" (
)E7E)DE- )eser5ed bi"s 3 G 7
Page 7-23 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
Para!e"ers -escri,"ion )ange
$as needed&
.A PA)M7 4E8 4eng"h of .asic Access Mode ,ara!e"er record 2
8+M EAC' .A 8u!ber of Enhanced Access Channels used for "he
.asic Access Mode
EAC' .A )AE7
7u,,or"ed ra"e *ords for "he .asic Access !ode #
)E7E)DE- )eser5ed bi"s 3 G 7
$as needed&
)A PA)M7 4E8 4eng"h of )eser5a"ion Access Mode ,ara!e"ers
8+M EAC' )A 8u!ber of Enhanced Access Channels used for "he
)eser5a"ion Access Mode
EAC' )A )AE7
7u,,or"ed ra"e *ords for "he )eser5a"ion Access
8+M CAC' 8u!ber of Co!!on Assign!en" Channels 3
CAC' C0-E )AE Code ra"e for "he Co!!on Assign!en" Channels 1
8+M CAC' occurrences of "he follo*ing one field record
CAC' C0-E C'A8 Code Channel inde> for "he Co!!on Assign!en"
8+M )CCC' 8u!ber of )e5erse Co!!on Con"rol Channels
used for "he )eser5a"ion Mode
)CCC' )AE7
7u,,or"ed ra"e *ords on "he )e5erse Co!!on
Con"rol Channels
Prea!ble enabled indica"or for "he )e5erse
Co!!on Con"rol Channel
8+M <)AC
8u!ber of frac"ional ,rea!bles on "he )e5erse
Co!!on Con"rol Channels
3 or 4
<rac"ional ,rea!ble dura"ion for "he )e5erse
Co!!on Con"rol Channels
3 or 4
0<< -+)A208
<rac"ional ,rea!ble ga"ed-off dura"ion on )e5erse
Co!!on Con"rol Channels
3 or 4
A-- -+)A208
Addi"ional ,rea!ble dura"ion on "he )e5erse
Co!!on Con"rol Channels
3 or 4
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-21
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
Para!e"ers -escri,"ion )ange
)CCC' 740 7lo" in"er5al for "he )e5erse Co!!on Con"rol
)CCC' 740
<irs" slo" offse" for "he )e5erse Co!!on Con"rol
)CCC' 740
7econd slo" offse" for "he )e5erse Co!!on Con"rol
)A PC -E4AM Po*er con"rol dela% for "he )e5erse Co!!on
Con"rol Channels
Ma> "i!e af"er an Enhanced Access Channel
header "rans!ission for recei5ing a res,onse on "he
Co!!on Assign!en" Channel *hen )e5erse
Co!!on Con"rol Channel sof" 'and-off has no"
been re=ues"ed
)CCC' '0
)e5erse Co!!on Con"rol Channel 'and-off
su,,or"ed indica"or
)CCC' '0
)e5erse Co!!on Con"rol Channel sof" 'and-off
3 or 4
Ma> "i!e af"er an Enhanced Access Channel
header "rans!ission for recei5ing a res,onse on "he
Co!!on Assign!en" Channel *hen )e5erse
Co!!on Con"rol Channel sof" 'and-off has been
3 or 5
8+M CPCC' 8u!ber of Co!!on Po*er Con"rol Channels 2
CPCC' )AE Po*er con"rol ra"e for "he Co!!on Po*er Con"rol
8+M CPCC' occurrences of "he follo*ing one field record
Code Channel inde> for "he Co!!on Po*er
Con"rol Channel
)A -)0P ')E7' Pilo" "hreshold "o sense "he access ,rocess dro,ou"
condi"ion in )eser5a"ion Access Mode
)A -)0P ')E7'
i!er 5alue for "he !obile s"a"ion "o abor" ,o*er
con"rolled "rans!issions if ,ilo" Ec;2o re!ains belo*
)a d
)A CPCC' 7EP Co!!on Po*er Con"rol Channel s"e, siKe used for 2
Page 7-22 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
Para!e"ers -escri,"ion )ange
+P "he ,o*er u, co!!and
Co!!on Po*er Con"rol Channel s"e, siKe used for
"he ,o*er do*n co!!and
8+M PC7C' )A 8u!ber of Po*er Con"rol 7ubChannels used for
"he )eser5a"ion Access Mode
)E7E)DE- )eser5ed bi"s 3 G 7
$as needed&
." Pro4e Trans+ission Test
+f access fails after sending the first access probe a response to Ac* is delayed until
sending the second access probe by setting the time of TA and :T.
An access probe sending period is set according to parameters of -A@FSI and
@A<FCA-FSI. +n other words a slot of access channel is set according to
parameters of -A@FSI and @A<FCA-FSI. 2hen values set by parameters
-A@FSI and @A<F CA-FSI are 1 and $ respectively the access probe /slot0
period is & D -A@FSI D @A<FCA-FSI E % frames % frames C #'msec E $)'msec.
And a response time until the second probe is sent is set by accFtmo a parameter in
access parameters msg. /set value E #0 and probeFb*off /set value E '0;
TA D :T E %'C/# D accFtmo0msec D J ' K $DprobeFb*offL slot
E 1#'msec D /' or $0 slot
E 1#'msec D /' or $)'0msec
E 1#'msec or &%'msec
So the first access probe $ D TA D :T E $)'msec D 1#' or &%'msec E &%' or )&'msec
T! power transmission of terminal during the response time /TAD:T0 between probe
$ and probe # is chec*ed by setting the following test circumstances;
Test tools ; C?@A mobile station test set -CS interface and spectrum analyzer
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-23
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
@ethod ; The continuous access process of terminal is chec*ed with a C?@A mobile
station test set.
Access related parameter setting using a C?@A mobile station test set
Changeable parameters ; >5@F-2: >5@F-2:F.<T+>+TF-2: -2:FST.-
>H@FST.- -A@FSI @a!F:e8FSe8 and @a!F:spFSe8
3i!ed parameters; ACCFT@5 /=0 @A<FCA-FSI /40 -:5B.FB7533/'0 and
Test Res'lt
-arameter setting ; >5@F-2: /'0 >5@F-2:F.<T /'0 +>+TF-2: /'0 -2:F
ST.- /$0 >H@FST.-/=0 -A@FSI /$'0 @a!Fre8Fse8 /$0 and @a!FrspFse8 /$0
Fig're 7.1" Access C)annel Slot
Page 7-24 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.

56708 TA9 RT :-R&E 1 ; -R&E0 <=> ACK ?@ABC
1. 2.7 sec

PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
Access C)annel slot
As shown in 3igure above using a spectrum analyzer the probe sending period is
5ne Access Channel Slot E /$D-A@FSI0 D /1D@A<FCA-FSI0
E /$D$'0 D /1D40 E #$ frames
E #$ frames C #'msec
E &#'msec
So a value of access channel slot resulted using specified parameters and a real value
measured in S6A differ each other by #' msec because the sweep time of S6A is given
ten seconds.
TA D :T /Ac* response time between probe $ and probe#0
As shown in 3igure below using a spectrum analyzer the Ac* response time between
probe $ and probe # is $.#)4 sec. The following are the comparison between a real
Ac* response time measured in S6A and a value calculated using parameters;
A real value measured in S6A ; $.#)4 sec
Aalue calculated using parameters;
TA D :T E %'C/# D accFtmo0msec D J ' K $DprobeFb*offL slot
E %'C/# D =0msec D J ' K $D'L slot
E =)'msec D /' or $0 slot
E =)'msec D /' or &#'0msec
E =)'msec or (%'msec
A terminal transmits t! power during the access process as follows; +t determines a
slot with two parameters of -A@FSI and @A<FCA-FSI received via access
parameter msg. and sends t! power in every slot cycle. 3igure $& below is a case
when a cycle of terminal is set to be =)'msec or (%'msec as ta*en above;
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-25
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
Fig're 7.1- T9 Po7er Trans+ission *ro+ 0o4ile Station
>amely probe is not sent at the time calculated with given parameters but at slots
determined by -A@FSI and @A<FCA-FSI among access parameters. 3or
e!ample when :TE' probe had to be sent TA /=)' msec0 later but terminal sends it
after it gets the ne!t slot since it sends probe by slot when accessing. Gi*ewise when
:TE$ probe is not sent after TA D :T /$ slot0 but after it gets the ne!t slot sending t!
Page 7-2( 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
One Access ch. sl ot
21 t i ume
420 msec
Pi ohe 1
$A / 0.0 msec
1$ / 021 s3 4'
/ 0 4r
420 msec
Pi ohe 2 Pi ohe 2
ET 0 sl ot }
7 ^' pi ohe 2
/ 3 sl ot
^' pi ohe 2
420ms ec 420ms ec 420ms ec 420ms ec 420ms ec
ET 1 sl ot }
7 ^' pi ohe 2
/ 3 sl ot
_^' pi ohe 2
Fhen )E3 slo": "er!inal
does no" send ,robe 2 in 1
bu" ,robe 2 in 2.
Fhen )E1 slo": "er!inal
does no" send ,robe 2 in 3
bu" ,robe 2 in 4.
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
Thus when :TE' the time ta*en between the sending of probe $ and probe # is #
slot E &#' msec C # E %&' msec for probe is sent in actually" when :TE$ it is 1
slot E &#' msec C 1 E $#)' msec for probe is sent in _ actually. $.#)4 sec measured
in # in the figure above is e8uivalent to $#)' msec when :TE$ as described 9ust
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-27
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
.- PACA :Priority Access C)annel Assign+ent;
.-.1 F'nctions
Access channel assignment is to assign resources to calls that have no channels
available according to their priorities considering the priority of subscribersM class and
emergency of their calls that they can be accessed properly.
2hen a subscriber originates a call but he has no channels available he is granted a
priority right to access voice and communication channels and his call is caused to
stand-by until any channel becomes available. The subscriber is given a priority by
putting his originating signal in a stand-by 8ueue and allowing him the first available
channel on a 3+35 basis or by assigning one of priorities when he subscribes at the
beginning in which case his call is handled according to the grade of priorities.
A pace call is handled same as for ordinary calls when there are channels available
but it has a priority access channel assignment when there are no channels available.
.-. 0essage *or+at
PACA +essage
-ACA messages are sent via a paging channel to inform a subscriber of the start of
-ACA call service or when a position in a 8ueue is updated.
Ta4le 7.- PACA +essage *or+at
<ield 4eng"h $bi"&
M79?MPE #
AC@ 77EQ 3
M7C 7EQ 3
AC@ )EQ 1
DA42- MPE 1
A--) MPE 3
A--) 4E8 4
A--E)77 # H A--) 4E8
)E7E)DE- 7
P+)P07E 4
Q?P07 #
Page 7-2# 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
It indicutes u queue position ot PACA cull und cun he suved up to 2b6. BS ulwuys
set the queue position ot PACA cull whenevei its PUEPOSE tield is set to 0000
oi 0001. It its queue position is not known, this tield should he set to 00000000,
it it is uhove 2bb, 11111111.
Ta4le 7.! PACA 0essage P'r1ose
P+)P07E $binar%& Meaning
3333 )es,onse "o origina"ion Message
3331 2nfor!ing "he =ueue ,osi"ion of PACA call
3313 2ns"ruc"ing a "er!inal "he re-origina"ion of PACA call
3311 Canceling PACA call
+f -H:-5S. E ''$' when a -ACA service is enabled a terminal sends its base
station an origination message whose -ACAF:.5:+B field is set to $.
PACA cancel +essage
-ACA cancel messages are sent via an access channel and -ACA service cancelled
by a subscriber or a terminal is informed to its base station.
Ta4le 7.3 PACA Cancel 0essages
<ield 4eng"h $bi"s&
M79?MPE$N33313133N& #
AC@?7EQ 3
M79?7EQ 3
AC@?)EQ 1
DA42-?AC@ 1
M72-?MPE 3
M72-?4E8 4
M72- # M72-?4E8
A+'?M0-E 2
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-21
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
A+') 3 or 1#
)A8-C 3 or #
C0+8 3 or (
P240?7)E89' (
<2)7?27?AC2DE 1
Page 7-33 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
<ield 4eng"h $bi"s&
<2)7?27?8A 1
8+M?A--?P2407 3
8+M?A--?P2407 occurrences of "he follo*ing records
P240?P8?P'A7E 15
P240?7)E89' (
ACCE77?'0?E8 1
)E7E)DE- 3-7$as needed&
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-31
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
.-." PACA Call Processing
Fig're 7.1! PACA Call Processing
Page 7-32 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
@Sends Oiiginution Messuge
@Queue PACAcull
, Queue .
@ Idle
none slot mode !
puging chunnel "#$.
@Queueposition updute!
displuy $.
@Sends Oiiginution messugeuguin
@Usei PACAcull %&'
( )
Tiuttic chunnel setup$.
( *+ cull piocessing ,
-./ 01)
@Usei PACAuleit .
@Usei unsweis the cull
@Stop uleiting
@Sends Connect Oidei
@ Usei conveisution
@Tiuttic chunnel 2 34
piioiity cull 56 $.
@PACAMessuge 78 piioiity
cull Queue 9
Queue .
@:;. PACAMessuge 78
updute< Queue .
@MS # oiiginution (
PACAmessuge =.
@Tiuttic chunnel setup$.
@Chunnel Assignment messuge
(*+ cull piocessing ,
-./ 01)
@Aleit with intoimution messuge
=. (PACAuleit)
@ Diuls out PACAcull
@ Usei conveisution
OAccess ChannelO
OAccess ChannelO
PPaging ChannelP
PPaging ChannelP
PPaging ChannelP
PPaging ChannelP
M4b&3e S'a'&45 6ase S'a'&45
2f no "raffic channel is
a5ailable: i" is de"er!ined *i"h
a ,riori"% call.
7ends a PACA !essage "o
infor! "ha" a ,riori"% call is sa5ed
in a =ueue and i"s ,osi"ion in "he
7ends PACA !essages
regularl% "o infor! u,da"ed
=ueue ,osi"ion.
7ends a PACA !essage
re=ues"ing re-origina"ion of
7e"s u, "raffic channels.
7ends a channel assign!en"
$)efer "o descri,"ion for
ordinar% call ,rocessing.&
-ials Aler" *i"h infor!a"ion
7ends 0rigina"ion Message.
2nfor!s users "ha" i" is sa5ed
"o PAC- call in a =ueue
sho*ing i"s ,osi"ion in "he
er!inal ac"s in "he idle and
none slo" !odes obser5ing
,aging channels.
+,da"es and dis,la%s "he
=ueue ,osi"ion.
7ends 0rigina"ion !essage
2nfor!s users of on-going
PACA call se""ing u, "raffic
$)efer"o descri,"ion for
ordinar% call ,rocessing.&
7ends users a PACA aler".
+ser ans*ers "he call
7"o, aler"ing
7ends Connec" 0rder
+ser con5ersa"ion
-ials ou" PACA call
+ser con5ersa"ion
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
.! Access Han/-o**
.!.1 O'tline
2hen an idle mobile station moves along its boundaries with neighboring cells or
sectors and their pilots are stronger than its the mobile station performs an idle hand-
off. :egulations in +S-(=A however idle hand-off in the access state is not defined.
So regulations in +S-(=B specify a new access hand-off function to prevent any
increase of call setup failures due to the non-performance of idle hand-off in the
access state. Access hand-off can be classified into access entity hand-off access
probe hand-off and access hand-off according to the point of access.
.!. Pro4le+s in 1resent :#S-6!A; Access
2hen pilot strength of a neighboring base station in the idle state is more powerful
an idle hand-off ta*es place. :egulations in +S-(=A however do not allow idle hand-
off in the access state. 2hen a terminal ma*es an access attempt in a boundary area
its decreased pilot strength increases the possibility of access failure.
After a call is set up a terminal
Sends a pilot strength measurement message /-S@@0
Goo*s forward to an ac*nowledgement to -S@@ by its base station and
2aits for an e!tended hand-off direction message.
+t ta*es about one second to perform such procedures during which radio
circumstances for the terminal and its base station may be changed drastically. 2hen
the access state is switched to a conversation state a call drop possibility may
increase because it is e!ecuted with only one pilot in the active set being connected.
.!." Access Han/-o** Algorit)+
Three idle hand-offs in the system access state are defined as follows;
Access .ntry Hand-off ;
The receipt of a paging channel is changed between base stations when a
terminal is switched from the mobile station idle state to the system access state.
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-33
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
Access -robe Hand-off ;
The receipt of a paging channel is changed between base stations when a
terminal in the system access state is ma*ing an access attempt.
Page 7-34 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
Access Hand-off;
The receipt of a paging channel is changed between base stations when a
terminal is in the system access state after ma*ing an access attempt.
and 3igure show hand-off points and the state of terminal;
Ta4le 7.7 Access H=O Occ'rrence Points an/ State o* Ter+inal
';0 Access En"i"% ';0 Access Probe ';0 Access ';0
Mobile 7"a"e 2dle "o 7%s"e! Access 7%s"e! Access 7%s"e! Access
-ura"ion Period during *hich 2dle
s"a"e changed "o 7%s"e!
Access s"a"e
Period during *hich
access a""e!," is being
Af"er access a""e!,"
System Access State
Fig're 7.13 Access Han/-o** Occ'rrence Points
Access Entity Han/-o**
As no access message is sent when a terminal performs an access entry hand-off
the idle hand-off procedure as defined in +S-(=A should be complied.
+t is different from the idle hand-off in +S-(=A in that it is performed after a
terminal is page-matched buy before sending a page response message.
+f ACC.SSF.>T:NFH5 E $ of +?G.FHA>?-533F:.C corresponding to a
neighboring base station an access entry hand-off is allowed to the neighboring
base station.
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-35
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
The access entry hand-off should be performed before turning in the update
overhead information sub-sate of the system access state.
Page 7-3( 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
Access Pro4e Han/-o**
The access probe hand-off should be performed when a terminal is in the page
response sub-state or mobile station origination attempt sub-state.
To perform the access probe hand-off properly
$ A new pilot should be present in ACC.SSFH5FG+ST
1 A terminal is in the page response sub-state or mobile station origination attempt
sub-state and
& A terminal has made access attempts less than /@A<F>H@F-:5B.FH5sD$0
the access probe hand-offs.
An access probe hand-off can be performed when
$ A terminal announces the loss of paging channel of its base station
# TA /Ac* :esponse Timeout0 timer of a base station ceases to move or
1 A terminal announces insufficiency of paging channels.
2hen a terminal performs the access probe hand-off it can send access probes to a
base station listed in ACC.SSFH5FG+ST. The terminal must update and handle
properly parameters contained in system parameters messages access parameters
messages e!tended system parameters messages neighbor list messages e!tended
neighbor list messages and general neighbor list messages sending from paging
channels of new base stations before sending access messages to them.
Access Han/-o**
A terminal performs the access hand-off when it loo*s forward to a response from its
base station or before it sends its response to its base station.
5ne of important considerations for access hand-off is the receipt of CA@6.CA@.
CA@6.CA@ is broadcast to every paging channel in the AccessFH5FGist and
performs hand-off among base stations listed in the list at the same time.
+f @5BF-F:.A is same as or less than 1 the base station must employ a channel
assignment message to assign one Traffic w$Channel to a terminal" if more than 1 an
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-37
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
e!tended channel assignment message to assign more than one Traffic Channel.
Page 7-3# 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
.!.- Ne7 Fiel/s
Ne7 co++on *iel/s in all access c)annel +essages
The following fields are registered as common ones for access channel messages;
<ield 4eng"h $bi"s&
AC2DE?P240?7)E89' (
<2)7?27?AC2DE 1
<2)7?27?PA 1
8+M?A--?P2407 3
>H@FA??F-+G5TS is displayed in the following record;
P240?P8?P'A7E 15
P240?7)E89' (
ACCE77?'0?E8 1
Ne7 0essages
.!tended system parameters in paging channels
Ta4le 7.5 E9ten/e/ Syste+ Para+eters 0essage
<ield 4eng"h $bi"s&
M79?MPE $N33331131N& #
P240?P8 1
C08<29?M79?7EQ (
-E4EE?<0)?M72 1
+7E?M72 1
P)E<?M72-?MPE 2
MCC 13
2M72?11?12 7
M72?/08E?4E8 4
M72?/08E # B M72?/08E?4E8
.CA7?28-EB 3
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-31
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
<ield 4eng"h $bi"s&
2M72??7+PP0)E- 1
P?)ED #
M28?P?)ED #
70<?740PE (
A--?28E)CEP (
-)0P?28E)CEP (
PAC@E?/08E?2- #
P240?)EP0) 1
89'.)?7E?E8)M?28<0 1
M79?E8)M?'0 3 or 1
89'.)?7E?ACCE77?28<0 1
ACCE77?'0 3 or 1
ACCE77?'0?M79?)7P 3 or 1
ACCE77?P)0.E?'0 3 or 1
ACC?P)0.E?'0?0'E)?M79 3 or 1
MAB?8+M?P)0.E?'0 3 or 3
89'.)?7E?72/E 3 or 5
+f >BHB:FS.TF.>T:NF+>35 E $ the field below is given >BHB:FS.TFS+I."
if not blan*.
MAB?8+M?P)0.E?'0 3 or 3
+f >BHB:FS.TF.>T:NF+>35 E $ the field below is given >BHB:FS.TFS+I."
if not blan*.
ACCE77?'0?A440FE- 1
3or +S-(=B the following e!tended channel assignment message is sent additionally
in the paging channel.
Ta4le 7.6 E9ten/e/ C)annel Assign+ent 0essage
<ield 4eng"h $bi"s&
Page 7-43 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
M79?MPE $N33313131N& #
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-41
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
The following fields are generated one or more than one in number;
AC@?7EQ 3
M79?7EQ 3
AC@?)EQ 1
DA42-?AC@ 1
A--)?MPE 3
A--)?4E8 4
A--)E77 # B A--)?4E8
)E7E)DE- (
A77298?M0-E 3
A--?)EC0)-?4E8 #
Addi"ional record fields # B A--?)EC0)-?4E8
<)EQ?28C4 1
-E<A+4?C08<29 3
)E7E)DE- 2
8+M?P2407 3
9)A8E-?M0-E 2
<)AME?0<<7E 4
E8C)MP?M0-E 2
.A8-?C4A77 3 or 5
C-MA?<)EQ 3 or 11
5ne of the records in the following fields are added to >H@F-G+5TS;
P240?P8 1
PF)?C0M.?28- 1
C0-E?C'A8 #
Page 7-42 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
" Registration Analysis
".1 Registration
:egistration is a process to ma*e a mobile station *nown its location with which a
basestation can discern more effectively the location of a calling base station. And the
mobile station registers and informs of the base station its identification number
/@+>0 paging CH slots and other characteristics. 3or the C?@A system you may
use eight *inds of registration as follows;
". Po7er-%1 Registration
A mobile station is registered when its power is turn on or it changes from other
system or analogue system to the C?@A system.
"." Po7er-,o7n Registration
A mobile station is registered when its power is turn off. -ower-down registration
may fail when the power of a mobile station is turn off outside the effective range of
the system. Though power-down registration is somewhat unstable it has a strong
point in that an e!change of the mobile station does not call a mobile station whose
power is off.
".- Ti+er-Base/ Registration
A mobile station is registered after a specified time elapsed. 2hen a system is
accessed successfully the base station and mobile station set the time of their timers.
+n general the e!piration time of the base station is a little longer than that of the
mobile station. +f the timer of the base station e!pires and the mobile station fails to
register itself the former assumes that either the latter cannot monitor the system any
longer or its power-down is not registered successfully.
".! ,istance-Base/ Registration
A mobile station is registered when it gets away from the last location it is registered.
The base station sends its latitude longitude and distance parameters through its
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-43
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
system parameter messages. The mobile station receives such information when
receiving a signal from a new base station with which it calculates its distance from
the base station. +f the resulting distance is out of the distance parameter registered at
its last base station it registers it again with a new one that would be the center of a
circle with several neighboring base stations. ?istance-based registration is made
whenever the mobile station is out of this circle.
Page 7-44 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
".3 >one-Base/ Registration
A mobile station is registered when it enters a new area. 3or zone-based registration a
cellular system is operated in terms of several area or location sections. The mobile
station and its e!change *eep the record of recently registered areas. 2hen the base
station enters an area that is not listed in the record it starts to register the area. 5n its
successful registration the mobile station and its e!change add the area in their
records and set another time of timer for all the other areas. As the set time e!pires
the mobile station and its e!change delete the area from their records. Since the
record has several areas the system can prevent the multiple registrations in a
boundary area between sections. And the setting of new time of timer for current
sections saves pains of the mobile station e!change to confirm them with calling
signals. Ione-based registration is very useful in defining boundaries between
sections or systems in the cellular system.
".7 Para+eter-C)ange Registration
A mobile station is registered when parameters /li*e @+> and SG5T-CNCG.-
+>?.<0 of a mobile station change.
".5 Or/ere/ Registration
A mobile station is registered when its base station as*s so.
".6 #+1licit Registration
A mobile station is registered whenever it sends an origination message or page
response message successfully. +ts base station can guess the location of the registered
mobile station.
".18 Tra**ic C)annel Registration
A base station can be aware of the location of a mobile station whenever it uses its
access channel.
".11 %ser >one Registration
A base station can be aware of the location of a mobile station when a mobile station
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-45
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
selects its active user zone.
Page 7-4( 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
".1 C)ange o* Location Registration Relate/ Para+eters :li(e total<
?ones an/ ?one<ti+er;
+n case of zone-based registration and when a mobile station enters a zone that is not
in its zone list it records its zone number /S+? >+? or :.BFI5>.0 in its zone list.
+f the number of lists in the zone list is more than a value set in totalFzones entries
are deleted from the oldest one in the list. The value is a positive number between '
and 4. Nou may disable zone-based registration if you select '.
Nou may get a fre8uent zone-base registration if you select 4.
Changing the current setting value from $ to # or 1 can reduce the fre8uency of zone-
base registration.
Hpon the e!piry of time set in zoneFtimer a mobile station deletes in zoneFlist pilots
whose timer are e!pired.
Ta4le 7.18 >one<ti+er .al'es
/one?"i!er i!er leng"h $!inu"es&
1 1
2 2
3 5
4 13
5 23
( 33
7 45
# (3
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-47
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
".1" Location Registration O.erloa/
-ower-up6down registration is not considered in obtaining a location registration
fre8uency because it is one of intrinsic features of subscribers and not li*ely to be
changed une!pectedly. +t is also assumed that the density of mobile stations is
distributed e8ually in a mobile service area and the fre8uency of getting-away
vehicles is applied an uniform traffic model.
Para+eters :@angna+ ;
Ta4le 7.11 Para+eters :@angna+ ;
Para!e"er 5alue
7%s"e! 1<A: 3sec"or
.7C ,er PCB 7
.7 ,er .7C 33
7eoul Area (35.75 k!
M7C Area 153.#( k!
.7C Area 4.1(@! > 4.(1@!
+sers ,er .7 733 users
.'CA 1.(
+ni" "raffic QQ"% 4#; k!
)a"e carr%ing !obiles in cars 23R
Calc'lation o* location registration o.erloa/
3re8uency of getting-away vehicles /Hla0 E Traffic ,Mty /A0 P Circumference of
location area /G06Q
/Traffic ,Mty E Aehicle density P Aehicle velocity0
Gocation registration fre8uency per subscriber /:sub0 E Hla P R6>umber of
subscribers in GA D -ower on6off
where Ris a rate carrying mobile phones in vehicles.
5verload per location registration E :sub P b
/the ma!imum tolerance of b overload per location registration is assumed to be ##%
Page 7-4# 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33 C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis
6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d. Page 7-41
C'APE) 7. Access A Paging A )egis"ra"ion Anal%sis PA) 2. C-MA )adio Engineering ; E- 33
Ta4le 7.1 O.erloa/ 1er location registration
4oca"ion area 1.7C 2.7C 3.7C 4.7C 5.7C (.7C 7.7C
4oca"ion regis"ra"ion
fre=uenc% ,er
2.73 2.34 1.#2 1.3( 1.3( 1.13 1.17
4oca"ion regis"ra"ion
o5erload ,er
(22 4(7 415 311 251 2(( 233
The density of mobile stations is distributed e8ually in a mobile service area and the
fre8uency of getting-away vehicles is applied a uniform traffic model .
Fig're 7.17 Location Registration O.erloa/
Page 7-53 6 7AM7+89 Elec"ronics Co.: 4"d.
3:+# 4:+# 5:+# 6:+# 7:+# 8:+# 9:+#



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