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Welcome to

AS Me-djah
Class expectations
Attend all classes and be on time

Behave in a courteous and respectful
manner to students and staff

Classrooms are a learning

Deadlines must be met and the highest
standards for all work should be kept

Academic Performance:

In order to work effectively, you need to
own/borrow required text books.
You will be required to maintain an
organised folder for each subject.

Exploring the Media:
Text, Industry,
Edition Paperback
23 Sep 2010
by Barbara Connell
(ed.) (Author)
The expanded
second edition of
this popular A level
textbook, endorsed
by the WJEC exam
board, explores the
underpinning Media
Studies and aims to
develop students'
analytical, research
and production
WJEC AS Media Studies: Study and Revision Guide
Paperback 1 Apr 2012
by Christine Bell (Author)
AS Media Studies: The
Essential Introduction for
(Essentials) Paperback 17
Jun 2011
by Antony
Bateman (Author), Sarah Casey
Benyahia (Author),
& 2 more

I love handouts

Attendance and Punctuality
Attendance at lessons is compulsory. If
attendance is less than 90%, your entry in
exams may be withdrawn.
If you are absent, you should phone the
Attendance Co-ordinators before 10.00am. If no
one picks up the phone, LEAVE A MESSAGE. Be
sure to give your name, the time of the call and
the reason for your absence. Also leave a
contact phone number should the college need
to contact you.

Lateness to class in disruptive to lessons and
upsetting for staff and students who are on
time. Persistent lateness may compromise
your position on your course.

Failure to adhere to the Colleges
study, punctuality and attendance
requirements may result in:

Notification to parents.
Disciplinary action.
Withdrawal from the course.
Withdrawal of examination entry.

UMS the link between AS and
Classroom Behaviour
Hats may not be worn in the classrooms.
(Culturally acceptable head coverings
are permitted.)

No food or drink is permitted in
classrooms. This includes sweets and

Rooms should be left tidy with rubbish in
the bin and chairs in before leaving the

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