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For the next 40 days, after His resurrection from the

dead, Jesus walked among His disciples, encouraging

their hearts and explaining details of their mission now
that He would be leaving them. And on the fortieth day,
just before returning to Heaven, He told the disciples to
return to Jerusalem, saying, Wait for the promise of
the Father, until you are strengthened with power
from on High! You will receive power after the Holy
Spirit comes upon you, and you will be My witnesses!

The Apostles returned to Jerusalem,
and with well over 120 other disciples,
stayed all together in an upper room
praying and waiting in obedience to
Jesus last command.
Ten days later an awesome
manifestation of Gods power occurred:
A sound like the rushing of a mighty
wind filled the whole house where they
were, and they saw the appearance of
many tongues of fire that rested upon
every one of them. And they all were
filled with the Holy Spirit!

There was a great religious festival going on in
the streets of Jerusalem at that time, and
visitors from many foreign nations had come
for the annual celebration. When the disciples
stepped into the streets, they all
supernaturally began to speak in the
languages of the multitudes visiting Jerusalem
that day, yet none of the disciples had ever
known before how to speak those languages!
The disciples boldly witnessed to all of the
crowds about the wonderful news of Gods
Love in Jesus. As a result, about 3,000 people
received salvation.

Not long
afterwards, Peter and
John went up together
to the temple. A man
who had been born
lame was being carried
to the temple door.
Each day he was placed
beside this door, known
as the Beautiful Gate.
He sat there and begged
from the people who
were going in.

The man saw Peter and John
entering the temple, and he asked
them for money. Peter said, I
dont have any money, but I will
give you what I do have. In the
name of Jesus Christ from
Nazareth, get up and start
walking. Peter then took him by
the right hand and helped him up.
At once the mans feet and
ankles became strong, and he
jumped up and started walking!


Because this beggar had sat
every day in front of the
temple, practically
everyone in the city knew
him and knew that he had
been lame from birth. After
this miracle, a huge crowd
gathered, and Peter
preached Jesus to them.
As a result, over 5,000
people became Christians
that day.


In the days that followed, Peter and John
faced a wave of persecution from the same
wicked religious leaders who had crucified
their Savior. But there was no fear, no
cowardice, no denial! Peter stood before their
councils testifying with such unflinching
courage and authority of the Spirit that the
Bible says, When they saw the boldness of
Peter and John and realized that they were
uneducated, ordinary men, they were
astonished and they took note that these men
had been with Jesus. (Acts 4:13)

You, too, can be filled with the Holy
Spirit of Godright now! You can
receive the Holy Spirit by praying this
simple prayer:

Dear Jesus, please fill me to
overflowing with Your Holy Spirit so that
I can love You more, follow You more
closely, and have greater power to tell
others about Your love and salvation.

Dramatization of this story based on Acts 1-4. Text courtesy of TFI and the Bible (CNVT version). Art TFI.

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