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TO: Interested Parties

FROM: Project New America

DATE: September 17, 2014

RE: New Colorado Statewide Poll Shows Hickenlooper up 7, Udall up 2.

Project New America is releasing the results of this large sample, high quality survey to give an accurate picture
of where Colorado voters stand today.

Andrew Myers is one of the most prominent pollsters in America who has spent years polling in Colorado.
Andrew knows Colorado, knows how to poll Colorado voters said Jill Hanauer, President of Project New
America. Some national polling outfits come into our state do a poll to get ink. We do polls to get it right and
win elections.

According to Myers, The changing demographics in Colorado require strict methodological samples of various
segments of the Colorado electorate to get a true sense of where voters stand. It is incredibly important to make
sure enough women and Hispanic voters are included to match the statewide demographics. Those two groups
are critical to decide who wins in Colorado.

Voters see both Senator Udall and Governor Hickenlooper in a favorable light, even after the millions of dollars
outside groups like the Koch brothers and RGA have spent. said Hanauer.

METHODOLOGY: These findings are based on a survey of 1,350 likely November 2014 general election
voters in Colorado. Calling took place from September 7 14, 2014, and interviews were conducted by
professional interviewers supervised by Myers Research | Strategic Services staff. 30 percent of
respondents were reached on wireless phones. The data were stratified to reflect the projected
geographical contribution to the total expected vote. The margin of error associated with these data at a
95 in 100 percent confidence level is +/- 2.7 percent. The margin of error for subgroups is greater and

Governor Hickenlooper Leads in Colorado
John HIckenlooper leads by seven points in
Colorado (51% to 4%). The gap in strong support is
similar (+7), with 49% firmly in the Governors camp
and 42% solidly behind Beauprez.

Importantly, in the Governors race, while
Hickenlooper holds a slight edge among self-
identified independents (47 percent for Hickenlooper
to 43 percent for Beauprez), Beauprez suffers from
double-digit defections among self-identified
Republicans (14 for Hickenlooper to 86 percent for
Beauprez). Hickenlooper has far fewer defections
among self-identified Democrats (he leads among
them 91 to 5 percent).

Notably, among the 94 percent of voters who can
identify John Hickenlooper, positive impressions of him remain slightly higher than negative impressions
with 44 percent expressing warm, favorable feelings and 39 percent expressing cool, unfavorable feelings.
In contrast, among the 79 percent of voters who can identify Bob Beauprez today negative impressions
outweigh positive ones by 4-points, with 34 percent expressing cool, negative feelings and 30 percent
expressing warm, positive feelings.

Governor Vote Colorado

Senator Udall Remains Ahead
In the contest for Senate, Udall leads Gardner by 2 points (48% to 46%), with only 3 percent undecided.
The gap in strong support is similar (+3), with 47% firmly behind Udall and 45% solidly behind Gardner.

Both hold their own among their respective partisan bases (Democrats for Udall 92 to 6 percent,
Republicans for Gardner 89 to 8 percent) while independents give Udall a slight 2-point edge, 46 to 44

It is clear that the highly negative nature of that race has damaged the personal standing of both candidates;
by a 6-point margin both candidates negative ratings outweigh their positive ratings: among the 93 percent
of voters who can identify Mark Udall, 37 percent express warm, positive feelings, while 43 percent express
cool, negative feelings; among the 82 percent who can identify Cory Gardner 33 percent express warm,
positive feelings while 39 percent express cool, negative feelings.

Project New America, formerly Project New West, is a private company that provides cutting edge tools to understand and
communicate with a rapidly changing America. PNA develops, conducts, aggregates, and disseminates research,
messaging and on-going strategic guidance with the nations leading progressive stakeholders. Based in Denver since
2007, Project New America has conducted over 40 statewide surveys in Colorado.

Demographic comparisons between this Myers Research poll, the CO voterfile and
other recent public surveys conducted in CO

Myers Research
Sept 7-14
The actual
voter file
Sept 10-15
Survey USA
Sept 8-10
Sample Size among Likely Voters 1,350 NA 1,211 664

Voters under age 50 40 50 42 44
Voters over age 50 58 49 55 55

White voters 77 84 80 78
Hispanic voters 13 10 8 14
Other 10 6 12 8

Women 53 52 50 48
Men 47 48 50 52

Self IDd Republican 32 NA 34 33
Self IDd independent 34 NA 33 33
Self IDd Democrat 32 NA 27 33

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