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Some Engineering Properties of Different Feed Pellets

A.H. Bahnasawy
and Mostafa, H. M
Associate. Prof., Agricultural Engineering Department, Faculty of Agric. , Benha University, Egypt
E-mail address bahnasawyadelhotmail.!om
!ecturer, Agricultural Engineering Department, Faculty of Agric., Benha University, Egypt
E-mail address harby.mostafafagr.b".ed".eg
Due to lac" of information a#out the physical and mechanical properties of feed pellets
$hich are very important to understand the #ehavior of the product during the processing
operations such as transporting, pac"aging and storage processes and also, it is necessary in
processing operations. %he main o#&ective of this $or" $as to study the physical and
mechanical properties to form an important data#ase for four of the most popular feed pellets
in Egypt. %hese properties include linear dimensions, mean diameter, surface area, volume,
mass, density, static friction coefficient, repose angle and crushing load.
%he engineering parameters results sho$ed that the length and mean diameters $ere in
the range of '.('-).** and '.*'-+.)* cm for all pellet si,es $ith -. of +)-// and )-/ 0. Feed
pellet types in all si,es $ere cylindrical in shape. %he surface areas ranged from '.12-++.3(
and the feed pellet mass ranged from '.'4-/.'+ g depending on the feed pellet si,e. %he
volume ranged from '.'2-).32 cm
$ith -. of ++-/+0, the #ul" density ranged from '.2*-
'.4* g5cm
$ith -. of )/-/20 and real density ranged from +.')-+.+( g5cm
$ith -. of 3-
+*0 for all feeds. %he repose angle ranged from )(.24-/1.4
. %he coefficient of static friction
6-.7.F8 ranged from '.*1-'.1' for all si,es and surfaces. %he highest -.7.F $as offered #y
concrete surface follo$ed #y the ply$ood and the galvani,ed steel surfaces. -rushing load
increased $ith the pellet si,e ranged from 3'.4* to *(*.+/ and from )3.( to /*1./( 9 in
vertical and hori,ontal position, respectively, depending on the feed pellet si,e.
Keywords: Feed pellets; Physical; Mechanical; Properties; Repose angle; Crushing load;
Friction coefficient.
%he physical and mechanical properties of feed pellets are not the first thought in the
mind of dairy producers, cattlemen, or feed professionals as they plan feed rations. :t does
ho$ever have an impact in the decisions that need to #e made $hen planning and designing
the on farm feed storage. %he discussion of some physical and mechanical properties of feed
pellets should help the farmer or feed professional recogni,e the important considerations
such as volume of storage re;uired and handling options and transporting that need to #e
addressed in planning for storage 6<ammel, +33+8.
Different processes occurring during harvest and manufacturing of a product $ill
impact the properties of the end product or #y-product used as animal feed. Feed pelleting
consists of a series of unit operations, including grinding, mi=ing, conditioning $ith moisture,
addition of heat of #oth thermal and mechanical origin, e=pander treatment, pelleting and
su#se;uent cooling of the product 6%homas et al., +3348. %echnical pellet ;uality is controlled
#y the operations at the feed mill, #ut also #y the ra$ material ;uality and addition of #inders
6Aarseth and Prestlo""en, )''/> %homas et al., +3338.
7tudies regarding the physical characteristics of the feed pellets involved in sea$ater
6Findlay ? @atling, +33*> -hen et al., +333a8 and fresh$ater 6El#eri,on and <elly, +3318
fish farming sand systems have #een previously pu#lished #ut there is a complete lac" of
information regarding the characteristics of the feed employed in the rearing of
Aediterranean species.
Bptimi,ation of feed processing re;uires methods to measure the mechanical
properties and the technical ;uality of the feed. %he Colmen dura#ility test and the <ahl
hardness test are fre;uently used for this purpose 6Payne et al., +33*> %homas and van der
Poel, +3328. <no$ledge of technical pellet ;uality is also important relative to transportation
and handling of the product. :t is "no$n that pellets can #e damaged during transportation
6Fasina and 7o"hansan&, +3328, #ut it is desira#le that the product retains its structure during
handling and conveying, until eaten #y the animal 6Behn"e, +3328.
Due to the lac" of information a#out the physical and mechanical properties of feed
pellets $hich are very important to understand the #ehavior of the product during processing,
transporting, pac"aging and storage processes operations, the main o#&ective of this $or" $as
to study the physical and mechanical properties to form an important data#ase for four of the
most popular feed pellets in Egypt 6large animal, ra##it, poultry gro$ing and finishing feed
pellets8. %hese properties include linear dimensions, mean diameter, surface area, volume,
mass, #ul" and real density, static friction coefficient, repose angle, and crushing load.
E*PE$&ME'#A+ P$(%ED)$ES
Four feed pellet recipes $ere produced at the feed processing unit, the Agricultural
Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Aoshtohor, Benha University. %he feed
processing unit includes milling unit, $eighing unit, mi=ing unit and pelleti,ing unit. %he
feed ingredients of these recipes are sho$n in ta#le 6+8 and Fig. 6+8. %hose categories $ere
used to measure the linear dimensions, mass, volume, #ul" density, angle of repose, static
friction and crushing load.
#able ,-./ Feed ingredients of fo"r feed pellet re!ipes.
animal feed
poultry feed
poultry feed
Fello$ corn 630 protein8, 0 *' +/ 2( 2(
7oy#ean meal 6**0 protein8, 0 +' )* )( +'
Cay 6+(0 protein8, 0 - )+ - -
@heat #ran 6++0 protein8, 0 *' +3 - +'
Barley 6+'0 protein8, 0 - )/ - -
-otton seed meal 6*+0 protein8, 0 +' - - -
-oncentrate, 0 - - +' +'
Meas"ring instr"ments and Pro!ed"re/
+inear Dimensions/
Pellets are considered cylindrical in the shape. %he t$o dimensions height 6h8 and
radius 6r8 of each +' feed pellets $ere measured $ith a caliper reading to '.'+ mm.
S"rfa!e Area
7urface area is defined as the total area over the outside of the pellet. %he surface
area is calculated #y measuring the height 6h8 and radius 6r8 of +' feed pellets for each
category and using the follo$ing relationships given #y Aohsenin 6+34'8, as follo$s

a. !arge animal feed #. Da##it feed

c. Poultry gro$er feed d. Poultry finisher feed
Fig. ,-./ Feed pellets
Moist"re %ontent/
%he moisture content of randomly selected feed pellets of each category $as
determined according to A7AE 7tandard 6+31*8. %hree samples of each feed pellets $ere
randomly selected and $eighed on an electronic #alance to a precision of '.'+g. Drying oven
6Fisher 7cientific :sotemp Bven- Aodel - 2((F -at. 9o. +/-)*(-2((, Fisher 7cientific,
%oronto, Bntario, -anada8 at +'(
- until a constant $eight $as used to measure the moisture
0ol"me and Density/
%he G#ul" densityG or Gapparent densityG is a measurement of a feedHs mass 6$eight8
per unit volume of space the feed occupies. %he #ul" density is measured #y $eighing a
specific volume of feed 6a one liter #uc"et filled $ith feed pellets and $eighed8 and
calculating the density 6Appel, +31(8. For each case, the determination $as replicated three
times and the mean $as considered. %he real volume of each category $as calculated as
, cm

Angle of repose/
%he angle of repose is the minimum angle at $hich any piled-up #ul"y or loose
material $ill stand $ithout falling do$nhill. Bne $ay to demonstrate this $ould #e to pour
feed pellets from a #ag to three different surfaces 6steel, $ood and concrete8. %here is a
minimum angle or ma=imum slope the pellets $ill maintain due to the forces of gravity and
the effect of friction #et$een the particles of pellets. %he angle is calculated #et$een the pea"
of the pile and the hori,ontal ground as sho$n in Fig 6)8 6Eha,avi et al., )''18.
Fig.6)8. Angle of repose
%oeffi!ient of Fri!tion
%he coefficient of friction #et$een feed and a $all is the ratio of the normal force to
the friction force along the $all surface. :t is dependent on the feed stored, and the type of
surface in contact $ith feed 6Appel, +31(, A7AE, +314 and B&e and Ug#or, +33+8.
-oefficients of friction $ere determined for feed pellets on three surfaces concrete,
galvani,ed steel and ply$ood and these $ere calculated as a tangent of the slope angle 6angle
of repose8.
%r"shing load/
-rushing implies the partial or complete destruction of pellet. Feed pellet $as sat
upon a flat plate until the cross-head of a handmade apparatus 6Fig. /8 $as #rought in contact
$ith the pellet and a compression force $as applied #y adding $eights or loads until
permanent 6destruction8 $as caused and then the loads $ere recorded 6Aostafa and
Bahnasa$y, )''38. %he test $as run in hori,ontal and vertical directions for each pellet type.
Fig. /. Candmade crushing load device.
$ES)+#S A'D D&S%)SS&('S
-. Physi!al Properties
-.- #he length, mean diameter and mass/
%a#le 6)8 sho$s the mean values, standard deviation 67D8 and coefficients of variation
6-.8 of the length, mean diameter and mass of the feed pellets. :t sho$s that the average of
length and diameter of the large animal feed pellets $ere ).** '.'3 and +.)* '.') cm
respectively, $hile they $ere +.( './* and '.* '.'+ cm for ra##it feed pellets. %he
coefficients of variation 6-.8 values of ra##it feed $ere higher than those of for large animal
feed pellets.
For poultry feeds, there is a #ig difference #et$een the average length for gro$er and
finisher feeds 6'.( and +./1 cm respectively8 #ut there are slightly small differences #et$een
the mean diameters 6'./3 and '.*' cm respectively8. Also the -. values $ere higher in
finisher feed than those of gro$er feed for #oth length and diameter.
#able 1/ #he length, diameters and mass for feeds.
!ength 6cm8 Diameter 6cm8 Aass 6g8
!arge animal feed
Aean ).** +.)* /.'+
7D '.)3 '.') './/
-. '.+) '.') '.++
Da##it feed
Aean +.( '.*' '.)'
7D './* '.'+ '.'(
-. '.)/ '.'/ '.)*
Poultry gro$er feed
Aean '.(' './3 '.'4
7D '.'2 '.'+ '.'+
-. '.+) '.') '.)+
Poultry finisher feed
Aean +./1 '.*' '.)'
7D '.*( '.'+ '.'(
-. '.// '.'/ '.)4
7D is the standard deviation, -. is the coefficient of variation, 0
#able 2/ #he 3ol"me, s"rfa!e area, b"l4 density and real density of feed
S"rfa!e area
B"l4 density
,4g5l .
$eal density
!arge animal feed
Aean ).32 ++.3( '.2* +.')
7D './* +.'1 '.'+4 '.'2
-. '.++ '.'3 '.')4 '.'2
Da##it feed
Aean '.)' ).)' '.22 +.+'
7D '.'* '.*+ '.') '.+'
-. '.)' '.+1 './' '.'3
Poultry gro$er feed
Aean '.'2 '.12 '.4* +.+*
7D '.'+ '.'1 '.'+4 '.+(
-. '.+/ '.'3 '.')/ '.+*
Poultry finisher feed
Aean '.+4 +.3( '.4/ +.+(
7D '.'( '.(/ '.')2 '.++
-. './+ '.)4 './2 '.'3
%he mean mass values of large animal feed ranged from ).21 to /./* g, $hile they
$ere from '.+( to '.)(g for ra##it and poultry finisher feeds and from '.'2 to '.'1 g for
poultry gro$er feeds. %he -. values $ere the lo$est 6'.++8 $hile they $ere the highest in
the case of poultry finisher feed 6'.)48.
-.1 0ol"me, s"rfa!e area, b"l4 and real density of the feed pellets
%a#le 6/8 sho$s the mean values, 7D, and -. of the volume, surface area, #ul" and
real density of the feed pellets. %he overall mean volumes $ere ).32 './*, '.)' '.'*, '.'2
'.'+ and '.+4 '.'( cm
for large animal, ra##its, poultry gro$er and finisher feed pellets,
respectively. %he average surface areas $ere ++.3( +.'1, ).) '.*+, '.12 '.'1 and +.3(
'.(/ cm
for the same pervious order. %he average of #ul" and real densities $ere lo$er than
the others #ecause of the high spacing value 6porosity8 results from the large volumes.
%he coefficients of variation 6-.8 values of the volume readings for poultry finisher
feed pellets 6'./+8 $ere higher than those of other feed pellets. %he same trend $as happened
$ith the surface area, #ul" and real density values.
1. Me!hani!al Properties
1.- $epose angle ,$A./
%a#le 6*8 sho$s the mean values of repose angle of four feed pellets on three surfaces
6galvani,ed steel ply$ood, and concrete8. %he results indicate that the repose angle increased
$ith increasing the feed pellets si,e at all surfaces under study. %he repose angle values
ranged from )(.24-/( degrees on the galvani,ed steel surface, $hereas, it ranged from )(.24-
/2.4 and )4-/1.4 degrees on the ply$ood and concrete surfaces, respectively. :t could #e
noticed that the values of repose angles recorded on the concrete surface $ere higher than
those o#tained on #oth galvani,ed and ply$ood surfaces for all feed pellets, $hich may#e
due to the roughness of the concrete surface $hich is higher than #oth galvani,ed and
ply$ood surfaces.
%he -. of the repose angle data recorded the highest value 6'.+8 on the galvani,ed
steel surface for ra##it feed, $hile the minimum value 6'8 $as recorded for the large animal
feed on the galvani,ed surface.
1.1 %oeffi!ient of Fri!tion/
%a#le 6(8 sho$s the mean values of coefficient of static friction for feed pellets on
three surfaces 6galvani,ed steel ply$ood, and concrete8. %he results indicate that the
coefficient of static friction increased $ith increasing the feed pellets si,e at all surfaces
under study. %he coefficient of static friction values ranged from '.*1 to '.4 on #oth of the
galvani,ed steel and the ply$ood surfaces, $hereas, it ranged from '.(+ to '.1' on concrete
:t could #e noticed that the values of coefficient of static friction recorded on the
concrete surface $ere higher than those o#tained on #oth galvani,ed and ply$ood surfaces
for all feed pellets, due to the roughness of the concrete surface $hich is higher than #oth
galvani,ed and ply$ood surfaces. %he -. of the coefficient of static friction $as highest
6+)08 on the galvani,ed steel surface for ra##it feed $hile, the minimum value 6'8 $as
recorded for the large animal feed pellets on the same surface.
#able 6/ #he repose angle of different types of feed on different s"rfa!es.
Ealvani,ed steel Ply$ood -oncrete
!arge animal feed
Aean /( /2.4 /1.4
7D ' ).13 /.)+
-. ' '.'1 '.'1
Da##it feed
Aean )1./ )(.4 )3
7D ).3' +.)' +.4
-. '.+' '.'* '.'2
Poultry gro$er feed
Aean )(.24 )(.24 )4.//
7D +.+( +.+( ).()
-. '.'* '.'* '.'3
Poultry finisher feed
Aean )2.// )2.// )4.'
7D +.+( +.+( ).''
-. '.'* '.'* '.'1
#able 7/ #he !oeffi!ient of stati! fri!tion of feed on different s"rfa!es.
Ealvani,ed steel Ply$ood -oncrete
!arge animal feed
Aean '.4 '.4 '.1
7D ' '.'1 '.'3
-. ' '.++ '.++
Da##it feed
Aean '.( '.( '.2
7D '.+' ' '
-. '.+) '.'( '.'4
Poultry gro$er feed
Aean '.*1 '.*1 '.()
7D '.') '.') '.'2
-. '.'( '.'( '.++
Poultry finisher feed
Aean '.(' '.(' '.(+
7D '.') '.') '.'(
-. '.'( '.'( '.+'
1.2. #he !r"shing load
%a#le 628 sho$s the mean values, 7D and -. of the crushing load of four feed pellets.
%he results sho$ that the crushing load increased $ith the increasing of feed si,e in #oth
vertical and hori,ontal position. %he average crushing load values $ere *(*.+/1+.+3,
+44.13+4.+), 3'.4*+1.)/ and 3+.33+*.*1 9 in vertical position for the large animal,
ra##it, poultry gro$er and finisher feed pellets, respectively. :n hori,ontal position, %he
average crushing load values $ere /*1./(3/.*3, /).)'3.11, )3.('(.'3 and /+.'1*.+/ 9
for the large animal, ra##it, poultry gro$er and finisher feed pellets, respectively. %he -. of
the crushing load data $as the highest 6/+08 in hori,ontal position, $hile it $as the lo$est
6+'08 in the vertical position for the ra##it feed. %he results indicate that the mean force
re;uired for crushing the large si,e 6large animal feed8 $as 2.4 times $hat the small si,e
6poultry gro$er feed8 had.
#able 8/ #he mean 3al"es, SD and %0 of the !r"shing for!e of feed.
Feed Position
%r"shing +oad ,'.
Mean SD %0
!arge animal
.ertical *(*.+/ 1+.+3 '.+1
Cori,ontal /*1./( 3/.*3 '.)4
Da##it feed
.ertical +44.13 +4.+) '.+'
Cori,ontal /).)' 3.11 './+
gro$er feed
.ertical 3'.4* +1.)/ '.)'
Cori,ontal )3.(' (.'3 '.+4
finisher feed
.ertical 3+.33 +*.*1 '.+2
Cori,ontal /+.'1 *.+/ '.+/
%he length and mean diameters $ere in the range of '.('-).** and '.*'-+.)* cm for
all pellet si,es $ith -. of +)-// and )-/ 0. Feed pellet types in all si,es $ere
cylindrical in shape.
%he surface areas ranged from '.12-++.3( cm
. Feed pellet mass ranged from '.'4-
/.'+ g depending on the feed pellet si,e.
%he volume ranged from '.'2-).32 cm
$ith -. of ++-/+0, the #ul" density ranged
from '.2*-'.4* g5cm
$ith -. of )/-/20 and real density ranged from +.')-+.+(
$ith -. of 3-+*0 for feeds.
%he repose angle ranged from )(.24-/1.4
%he coefficient of static friction 6-.7.F8 ranged from '.*1-'.1' for all si,es and
surfaces. %he highest -.7.F $as offered #y concrete surface follo$ed #y the ply$ood
and the galvani,ed steel surfaces.
-rushing load increased $ith the pellet si,e. :t ranged from 3'.4*-*(*.+/ and from
)3.(-/*1./( 9 in vertical and hori,ontal position, respectively, depending on the feed
pellet si,e.
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9:;<=>?@ ABCD@ EFGHI>? 9JKLMN?@ OPFI=?@ QGR
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