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Desert Magazine Book Shop

ker. Second edition of this w e l l - i l l u s t r a t e d and Stanley Gardner. As fascinating as one of his
documented book is enlarged considerably. Tops Perry Mason mysteries, the author takes you
among guidebooks, it is equally recommended nto Arizona s Superstition Mountains looking
for research material in an area that was crossed for the Lost Dutchman mine and into the Trigo
by A n z a , Kit Carson, the Mormon Battalion, Mountains in search of Nummel's lost bonanza.
49ers, Railroad Survey parties, Pegteg Smith, the Hardcover, color photos. $ 7 . 5 0 .
Jackass M a i l , Butterfield Stage, and today's
adventurous tourists. 139 pages, cardboard DESERT GARDENING by the editors of Sunset
cover, $ 3 . 5 0 . Books. Written exclusively for desert gardeners,
this book is climate zoned w i t h maps pinpoint-
THE M A N WHO WALKED THROUGH TIME by ing five diverse desert zones. Calendar pre-
Colin Fletcher. An odyssey of a man w h o lived sents plans for care of plantings throughout
simply and in solitude fcr t w o months as he the year. Illustrated, 8 x 1 1 heavy paperback,
hiked t h r o u g h the Grand Canyon. Combining $1 .95.
his physical prowess w i t h Thoreau-like observa-
tions, the author has written a book of great EXPLORING DEATH VALLEY COLORFUL DESERT WILDFLOWERS by Grace and
magnitude. Hardcover, illustrated, 239 pages, Onas Ward. Segregated into categories of red,
$6.95. blue, w h i t e and y e l l o w for easier identification,
there are 190 four-color photos of flowers found
A comprehensive guide to the wonders in the Mojave, Colorado and Western Arizona
of Death Valley National Monument with deserts, a l l of which also have common and
Boynton. Popular little boo< for beginners. High-
complete details as to where to go by scientific names plus descriptions. Heavy, slick
ly recommended. Paper. $ 1 . 0 0 .
car, 4-wheel-drive and on foot. Intro- paperback. $ 4 . 5 0 .
ductory chapters summarize the Valley's
history, geology, animals, plants and
weather. Directory section tells where to
find lodging, meals, gas stations, camp-
grounds and driving techniques. Paper-
back, slick paper, photos and maps, 88


Richard M. Pearl. A paperback edition of his
best-selling hardcover book which has been out
of print for a year. From agate to zircon, the
book tells where gems, minerals, crystals and
ores can be f o u n d , how they are identified, col-
lected, cut and displayed. Paperback, click MINES OF DEATH VALLEY
paper, 64 color photographs, 320 pages, $ 2 . 9 5 .
1 0 0 0 MILLION YEARS ON THE COLORADO PLA- An authority of Death Valley, Burr Bel-
Founder and publisher of Desert M a g a -
TEAU by Al Look. For 4 0 years the author has den tells the story of fabulous mining
zine for 23 years, Randall Henderson is
hiked over and explored the Colorado Plateau. booms, of men who braved hot wastes to
one of the first good writers to reveal the
Citing the area as a typical example of the find gold and silver bonanzas from 1 8 4 9
beauty of the mysterious desert areas.
earth's overall evolution, he gives a vivid ac- to World War II. Accounts of the famous
His experiences, combined with his torn-
count of the geology, paleontology, archeology Lost Gunsight and Lost Breyfogle mines
-nents on the desert of yesterday and
and uranium discoveries starting back 1000 and an explanation of the Lost Mormon
today, make this book a MUST for those
million years. Written for the l a y m a n , the non- Diggings are based on factual research.
who want to understand the southwest.
fiction account reads like a journey through
Hardcover, illustrated, 3 7 5 pages. time. Hardcover, illustrated, 3 0 0 page:., $ 3 . 7 5 . Paperback, illustrated, 72 pages.

$5.00 $1.95
Smith. Informal, but informative w i t h colored
d r a w i n g s and lively text. $ 2 . 9 5 .

his search for archeological finds for more than piled by Dale Hileman. Maps showing gem
30 years, the author was exposed to the rumors and mineral collecting areas, roads for passen-
and legends of lost gold and treasures. After ger cars and 4 W D roads only. M a p No. 1 is on
his retirement as curator of the Arizona State PLEASE Last Chance Canyon, Mesquite Canyon and
Museum, he classified and delved into these Iron Canyon in Kern County. M a p No. 2 covers
still unsolved mysteries. An interesting and in-
Add 50 cents PER ORDER the Opal M o u n t a i n and Black Canyon areas in
formative book on lost bonanzas and legends, (Not Each Book) San Bernardino County. Both are black and
many of which have never been published. red colors on 1 6x1 7-inch parchment paper.
Hardcover, w e l l illustrated, 135 pages, $ 6 . 5 0 .
for handling and mailing $1 .00 per m a p .
California residents a d d 5 percent SOUTHWEST INDIAN COUNTRY by the Editors
MAMMALS OF DEEP CANYON by R. Mark Ryan. sales t a x , regardless of whether you of Sunset Books. A concise a n d comprehensive
A study of the habits of more than 4 0 animals are a Republican or Democrat. guide covering the 4 8 reservations and Pueblo
living in the Deep Canyon Research Area in the Send check or money order to Desert M a g a - villages in Arizona, Utah, N e w Mexico and
Colorado Desert. The site was selected because zine Book Shop, Palm Desert, California Colorado. Includes w h a t to see, how to buy,
its ecology is typical of deserts throughout the 9 2 2 6 0 . Sorry, but we cannot accept charges conduct, history, and ceremonials. Large format,
w o r l d . Paperback, illustrated, 137 pages, $ 2 . 9 5 . or C.O.D. orders. colored illustrations, heavy paperback, 80
pages, $ 1 . 9 5 .
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HE MONTHS HAVE slipped rapidly
P.D.Q.I A Peek by and it is time again when that
famous part of California known as
Death Valley plays an integral part of
in the this issue timed to correspond with
the annual Death Valley '49ers En-
campment, which this year is being

Publisher's held from November 12 through the

I 5th. The directors expect a huge turn-
out for this, their 22nd celebration,
which originated back in 1949. One of
the feature attractions will be the plac-
ing of a memorial plaque commemora-
ting the Eichbaum Toll Road. A complete rundown of the Encampment schedule
appears on page 25. With the increasing adventure-minded citizens and the ever-
shrivelling wilderness and recreation areas. Death Valley has been setting attendance-
A Complete Miniature Lapidary Shop, the
most versatile unit on tne market today. For
records never thought possible in years past. In talking to Ranger headquarters in
$42.50 you get the basic unit. Death Valley National Monument I was informed that during the month of July
By adding the items y o j need, for the work
you intend to do; you can drill, saw, grind 21,233 visitors were recorded in the Monument and August produced almost the
and polish. Cut all types of cabochons, both identical number (21,168) of hardy souls who braved the super-hot area enveloping
carved and plain. Working star rubies and
sapphires is a natural with this machine. Do the lowest point in the United States. For the first time accommodations at Stove Pipe-
various types of carving in gem stone, wood Wells Village anil Furnace Creek Ranch were operated on a year-round basis. The
or glass. You can etch or inlay glass, stone,
wood or metal. Do faceting or make buttons. rangers also assured me that all roads were in excellent condition anil the Wildrose
The bead and marble attachment will soon Canyon road and the highway in from Beatty, Nevada had been repaved. Please
be available. There are buffing attachments
for the gold or silversm th. The splitting and remember that Death Valley is a National Monument and cill vehicles are required
wafer ing saw is the answer to the opal to remain on the established roads at all times. Hope you can make it to the En-
cutter's dream.
The P.D.Q. Gem Drill is ideal for the person campment and look forward to meeting many of our DESERT Magazine family.
with limited space in the home, camper or
trailer. There is a battery inverter available
that enables you to take your P.D.Q. family In these times much publicity is heaped upon the seamy and unsavory types
with you on vacation. The P.D.Q. Lapidary
equipment is compact, sturdy and inexpen-
that gather in groups and communes and create the illusion that the whole country
sive. A booklet of instructions and a guaran- has turned into long-haired bands ol nomads going nowhere. This could not be farther
tee card comes with each machine.
from the truth as these young people represent only a small portion of the L5-25
AT WAMPUMl WIGWAM age group. The fact is that the majority of the young people do not create headlines
by being upright citizens studying tor their future ami respecting the law. It is one
of these majority youths that 1 would
like to touch briefly on. Here in our v
backyard m the C.oachella Valley one
ot our subscribers, Charles Barros and
his family including his 13-year-old
Indian Jewelry is an item of beauty today son, Carl Alexander, have developed a
and a priceless treasure of tomorrow. It is keen interest in the desert. After
getting more scarce and higher priced as each
year goes by and as elder silversmiths pass heavy spring winds had shifted the
to the "Great Beyond. ' Wampum Wigwam sands of the valley this young man )
offers you authentic Indian-made items from
the reservations and trading posts of our spent his time searching for, and find-
Southwest. May we send you a selection of
Indian jewelry? This enables you to see the
ing potsherds, arrowpoints ami beads. .,
merchandise before you buy it. Pay for the The accompanying photo represents
items you keep and return the rest. Prices
range from $2.00 tie tacks and up, depend- the finer specimens that were collected
ing on amount of silver and turquoise in the in a space of three months. They will be on display in our office until February when
item. State what items you would like to see—
giving ring sizes or other information. Feel they will be shown at the Riverside County Fair and Date Festival in [ndio. This
free to ask for a selection. We will do our enterprising young fellow with the help of his brother, Mark, 14, have a rather
best to help you.
admirable way of passing time. They gather stout limbs that are straight and sturdy.
SHIPLEY'S These sticks are peeled and polished into excellent hiking staffs and anyone who
MINERAL. HOUSE has had occasion to do any amount of cross country walking knows how useful a
On Hwy. 160 in southwest Colorado, 18 miles good walking stick can be. The boys have very kindly allowed us to merchandise
east of Durango or i y 2 miles west of Bayfield. their handiwork in our gift shop. With boys like this on the way to manhood, 1 can't
Mailing Address:
SHIPLEY'S MINERAL HOUSE, Gem Village, help but feel that all is not lost. Don't you agree?
Bayfield D, Colorado 81122
Phone: 303-884-2632

WALTER ARENDALE, Advertising. Manager


JACK DELANEY, Staff Writer


JOLEEN ROBISON. Woman's Viewpoint Editor

GLENN VARGAS, Lapidary Editor

Volume 33, Number 11 NOVEMBER, 1970

K. L. BOYNTON, Naturalist

GOLD OF MONTE CRISTO by John W. Robinson
GOLD AT THE SUMMIT by Mary Frances Strong
Sun-dried mud cakes in the GHOSTS OF GLEESON by Arnold Tilden
Death Valley sand dunes
appear as a pattern of foot-
prints. Photo is by David TRAIL TO MAZOURKA by Betty Tucker
Muench of Santa Barbara.


BOOK REVIEWS by Jack Pepper

RAMBLING O N ROCKS by Glenn and Martha Vargas

WOMAN'S VIEWPOINT by Joleen A. Robison

LETTERS Reader's Comments


DESERT LIFE by Hans Baerwald

ELTA SH1VELY, Executive Secretar MARVEL BARRETT. Circulation Manager

EDITORIAL, CIRCULATION AND ADVERTISING OFFICES: 7 4-109 Larrea St., Palm Desert, California 92260. Telephone Area Code
714 346-8144. Listed in Standard Rate and Data. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States, Canada and Mexico; 1 year, $5.00; 2 years,
$9.50; 3 years $13.00. Other foreign subscribers add SI.00 U.S. currency for each year. See Subscription Order Form in this issue. Allow
fi\e weeks for change of address and send both new and old with zip codes. DESERT Magazine is published monthly. Second
class postage paid at Palm Desert, California and at additional mailing offices under Act of March 3, 1879. Contents copyrighted 1970
by DESERT Magazine and permission to reproduce any or all contents must be secured in writing. Unsolicited manuscripts and photo-
graphs WILL N O T BE RETURNED unless accompanied by a self-addressed and stamped envelope.
by John W. Robinson

N OTHING WILL draw men into the

mountains faster and in greater
numbers than the age-old cry "Thar's
Today the traveler crossing the Angeles
Forest Highway between La Canada and
Palmdale passes the Monte Cristo Ranger
Legend says this was actually the fabled
Lost Padres Mine of Mission San Fernan-
gold in them thar hills!" Station on County Road N3 and, two do, dating back to the 1790s. Mission
A gentle mountain stream, a tree-shad- miles beyond, the Monte Cristo Public records reveal that gold was taken from
ed hillside, a flower-bedecked draw can Campground. If you visit the latter, paus- "La Canada del Molino," which can be
almost overnight be turned into a scene ing to rest alongside trickling Mill Creek translated as Mill Creek. However, schol-
of frenzied human activity - - digging, under a green canopy of oak and alder, ars have never been able to nail down the
drilling, blasting, hosing if hydraulic you will see a locked gate at the north whereabouts of the Lost Padres and some
works are involved — and in the process end of the campground. Vehicles are not doubt that such a mine existed.
Nature's handiwork is literally obliterated. allowed beyond this gate, but it is an easy
The bandit Tiburcio Vasquez and his
Then, just as suddenly, the frantic rush hike up the dirt road which meanders
gang of horsethieves supposedly recovered
is over and the miners drift away, leaving some two miles up narrow Monte Cristo
gold ore from the vicinity of the Monte
denuded hillsides, crumbling shafts, scat- Creek. At its end, well up on the brushy
Cristo in the 1870s. According to moun-
tered implements, and tales of bygone ex- slopes of Roundtop Mountain, are the
tain historian Will Thrall, the bandido's
citement. Far more often than not, the faded remnants of the old Monte Cristo
arrastra (a primitive device used by Mexi-
boom turns out to be a bust, and all the - its tunnels and shafts caved in, its can miners for milling gold ore) was dis-
expanded energy, all the money poured machinery rusted and strewn about, its covered nearby in 1916.
into the venture, goes for naught. The buildings long since torn down. Few-
It was during the Big Tujunga gold
life of a gold prospector was invariably a visiting the ruins today would imagine
rush of the late '80s that the Monte
tale of false hopes and broken dreams, a this quiet spot was once the scene of
Cristo we know today started operations.
pattern of expectancy followed by excite- frenzied activity. It lies forlorn and for-
But just who located the gold-bearing
ment and then disappointment—repeated gotten, an eroded monument to man's
veins and began mining them is a mystery.
over and over again. century-old quest for mineral wealth in
One story says that Mexican miners first
the San Gabriels.
Along these familiar lines went the worked the Monte Cristo, carrying the ore
saga of the old Monte Cristo Gold Mine, But the Monte Cristo has a story to tell. they recovered down to a crusher driven
located on sun-bleached chaparral slopes No other mining venture in the Southern by a large water wheel. Another version
above Mill Creek in the San Gabriel California mountains was more involved is that the mine was first worked by
Mountains in Los Angeles County. in legend, drama, controversy or broken Indians.
contemporary accounts, under very mys- "pay streaks" were hit, only to fizzle out
terious circumstances. just as they appeared to spell "bonanza."
After several lean years of mining, Carlisle, hard-pressed to make ends meet,
during which Fuller operated a pack was obliged to suspend operations for
train on the side to make ends meet, the several years at a time. During the mid-
old prospector finally departed for parts '30s, he leased the east and west veins
unknown. to different outside operators, the first
and only time the Monte Cristo was not
Around 1915 the claim was taken over
worked as a single unit. From 1935 to
by one Fred W. Carlisle, who remained
1942 the mine was worked only inter-
in control of the Monte Cristo until his
mittently, and in the latter year it ceased
death in 1946. Before taking over the
operations for good. The final curtain
On the left: Monte Cristo he had been assayer in the
rang down on more than a half century
The Monte Randsburg Mining District.
of excitement and broken dreams—the
Cristo stamp Under Carlisle, the Monte Cristo mine that never quite lived up to ex-
mill, about 1915. reached its zenith of activity—during the pectations.
Photo from years 1923 to 1928. Gold-bearing ore
Will Thrall was recovered from two groups of quartz Today, anyone can stroll the easy two
collection, veins about a thousand feet apart. To tap miles up the lonely road to the old
Huntington the veins, six tunnels were bored, two of Monte Cristo and visit the crumbled
Library. Below: them reaching back 425 feet into the tunnels and shafts, the broken stamp
the stamp mill mountain. New machinery was laboriously mill, the scattered debris. All is silent,
as it appears hauled in, including a Blake Crusher and save for the mountain breeze that rustles
today from a portable compressor. According to the the trees and the occasional howl of the
approximately California State Mining Bureau, a total coyote. For those with vivid imagina-
the same spot. yield of 570,000 was recovered from the tions, it is possible to stand among the re-
A fading legacy Monte Cristo in the peak year of 1927. mains and picture oneself a part of yes-
to man's quest After that, the Monte Cristo reverted teryear's pageant, when grizzled pros-
for wealth in the to its familiar pattern of promise follow- pectors dug vainly for Nature's hidden
San Gabriels. ed by frustration. Several promising treasures. •

1893 the property passed into

the hands of a Colonel Baker. A company
was organized and some $85,000 spent in
building a rough wagon road from Acton
up Aliso Canyon, over Mill Creek Sum-
mit, and down to the Monte Cristo. Heavy
mining machinery was transported in and
assembled, and buildings were erected.
But the enterprise proved a disappoint-
ment; very little of the initial expenditure-
was recovered, and the mine was again
Throughout the next 50 years of the
Monte Cristo's life as an operating gold
mine, two colorful—and controversial—
prospectors held the controlling reins.
The first of these, arriving sometime
around 1895, was Captain Elbridge Ful-
ler. "Ed" Fuller, with a succession of
changing partners, ruled the Monte Cristo
for some 20 years. These were two dec-
ades of stormy personal controversy and
marginal mining success. It seems that
Fuller allegedly could never get along
with his partners, and one by one they
either sold out, were driven away, or met
with foul play. One unfortunate partner,
Hutchinson by name, was found dead
"with his head blown off," according to
today there might be camels throughout

COLD.' the Southwest—and not just in zoos.

A combination of politics, bad timing,
Ain't Necessarily hostility from Indians and whites, and in-
Yellow Podner! ability to handle the "denizens of the des-
ert" caused the final defeat of one of the

Reviews most interesting experiments in the win-

ning of the West. When requesting an
original outlay of $30,000 from Congress
for his project, Secretary Davis said:
"For military purposes, for expresses,
and for reconnaissances, it is believed the
dromedary would supply a want now
seriously felt in our service; and for trans-
UNCLE SAM'S CAMELS portation with troops rapidly moving
Edited by Lewis Burl Lesley across the country, the camel, it is believ-
ed, would remove an obstacle which now
First published in 1929, this is a fas-
serves greatly to diminish the value and
cinating account of attempts by the
efficiency of our troops on the western
RELIC AND PRICE GUIDE United States Government to import
PUBLICATIONS— camels from Asia to provide transporta-
Wholesale and Retail tion across the deserts of the Southwest. Congress finally appropriated the mon-
Write for free book brochure ey for the project. This book is the actual
Under the personal direction of Jeffer-
journal of May Humphreys Stacey, a
OLD TIME BOTTLE son Davis—who started his campaign for
young man who was part of the "camel
PUBLISHING COMPANY camels as a United States senator from
corps" under the leadership of Lt. Ed-
Missouri and brought it to reality when
ward Beale. The detailed accounts of the
he became Secretary of War in 1853 un-
hardships, frustrations and—what today
der President Franklin Pierce—the ill-
appears comedy - - encountered by the
fated project might have succeeded and
group of dedicated men and their strange
animals makes fascinating reading and is

Mother Lode Books A GOOD BOOK FOR THE an insight into a little-known part of our
Western history.
LAPIDARY HOBBYIST The diary of Stacey—who later became
a colonel in the United States Army—is
Little-known talcs
and anecdotes about
Tl -.Nil r.i.
"TUMBLING augmented by a description of how the
TKIHNMH ts camels were purchased in Asia and Beale's
the lives and some-
times violent
TECHNIQUES later report to the Secretary of War. Long
deaths of the people out-of-print, the book has just been re-
of Coloma, where AND published by the Rio Grande Press. Hard-
California's ailllK.IBIH.hi! I
Gold Rush started. cover, 298 pages, $8.00.
2nd Edition
This complete illustrated book takes a
step-by-step approach to the techniques NOTICE all the books re-
Calif, residents add 5% sales tax
of tumbling gemstones and assembling viewed in DESERT Maga-
jewelry. Very clear, very well organized.
* Tumbler Types • Speeds • Prepara- zine are available through
CALIFORNIA'S tion of Material * Charging * Grits, the Desert Magazine Book
MOTHER LODE coarse, fine * Polishing * Cementing
Shop. Please add 50 cents
Contains an L85 1 * Epoxy Setting + Wiring • Layout
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Order direct or
people taken at the
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California residents must
also add 5 percent sales
Calif, residents
in its full glory. add 13c sales tax Shop.
tax for the total amount of
$1.00 GORDON'S books.
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Merry Christmas...Goodfriends,etc.-CM.Russell mas and Happiness in the New Year Steffen Christmas and Happy New Year-Swanson the Peace and Joy of Christmas, etc. - EchoHawk

Bright colorful scenes fold to make a rich card 5 x 7. We can print your
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return address on the deluxe white envelopes-extras included. You
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ORDER DIRECT FROM THIS AD OR Yucca Candles-May the Peace and Happin
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A Memory of Christmas May you have a Merry 1 "Whisper of a Pine Tree, etc."-Peace and Caroling Neighbors — Thoughts of treasured "Thou f i l l ' s t the solitude."-Peace and Good
Christmas in the old fashioned way, etc. Stahley 1 Good Will at Christmas, e t c . - L a u friends make Christmas...etc.-FitzSimmons Will at Christmas, etc. -Barks

.- •
"In the heart of the wilderness" May the Joy 1 Hello there, folks, e t c . - M e r r y Christmas and "Within an old log church, etc." — May you "Christmas S p i r i t " - M a y you and yours this
of Christmas be with you. etc. - Swanson Happy flew Year - Marks have the Spirit of Christmas, etc.-Gomez Christmas Day and every day, etc. — Lowdermilk

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Order all of one kind or as many of each as desired. Canada residents please remit in U.S.

L J dollar values. Colorado residents add 3% sales tax. California residents add 5%. No C.O.D.
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Red Ribbon Rnadrunners - Merry Christmas and 1 Surprise on the Trail-Merry Christmas and a QUANTITY
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1 A Good Day for Visiting May the Spirit ol 1 Christmas Eve on the Desert-May you have
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Giant Wagons
Richard A. Bloomquist

William Belknap photo

T HI; ROAD rolls over the flatlands of

Death Valley, labors up Windy
Gap's grade, and descends Tomesha's
Works. With the closure of Daunet's en-
terprise in 1884, Coleman became Death
Valley's lone producer of borax. But he
sight; Greenland (now Furnace Creek)
Ranch lay ahead, and a short distance be-
yond stood the warehouses and great
western wall. It winds on to Lone Wil- needed a new road to the rail line at Mo- tanks of the Harmony Works.
low and Blackwater, then down to Mo- jave. 16s) miles distant, capable of trans- Over this road the behemoths lumber-
jave past Castle Butte. This is the twenty- porting more borax more cheaply than ed. John R. Spears has left us an account
mule road, conveyor of Death Valley was possible under existing conditions. of the big wagons' origin, their gargan-
borax. Coleman's road, built under the dir- tuan measurements, and their faultless
Between 1883 and '88 it rumbled be- ection of J. W. S. Perry, climbed the performance in his Illustrated Sketches
neath the ponderous, earth-grinding bulk immense bajada northeast of Mojave, of Death Valley (1892). He relates how
of some of the mightiest wagons ever reaching water at Blackwater Well. Next Perry, working under Coleman, "ob-
built with hind wheels seven feet in di- water was at" Granite Spring (Granite tained, by inspection or correspondence,
ameter—wagons weighing four tons and Wells on modern maps). Then on to the dimensions of all varieties of great
hauling ten. Their load was borax, dis- Lone Willow Spring, up Windy Gap, wagons used by Pacific Coast freighters.
covered in the United States in I 8^6 and and down Long Valley. (Windy Gap is With these and the load carried by each
found in Death Valley in 1873. now known as Wingate Pass; Long Val- wagon spread out before him, he pro-
Isadore Daunet, in the early '80s, pro- ley has become Wingate Wash.) ceeded to design the wagons. The task
duced the Valley's first borax at his Eagle Now within the confines of Death he had set for himself was the building
Works near Bad water. Soon afterward, Valley, the borax road bore north to Mes- of ten wagons so large that any of them
William T, Coleman's Greenland Salt quite Wells, Bennett's Well, and the would carry at least ten tons . . . a train of
and Borax Company was in production jagged salt beds, through which Chinese two wagons was to carry a load for a
north of Furnace Creek at a refinery laborers, wielding sledge hammers, had . . . well-built freight car, and carry the
later known as the Harmony Borax beaten a passage. Trail's end was in load not over a smooth iron tramway,
but up and down the rocky defiles and swamper. The driver guided the team and Smith bought the Coleman holdings, but
canyons of the Panamint Range. wagons, the swamper did most of the the Harmony Works remained closed.
"Because they were probably the largest rest. Smith concentrated his energies on the
wagons ever used, and because they were more easily exploited borax riches of the
"On the down grade, he climbs to a
and still are so completely successful, Calico Mountains, a short haul from the
perch on the rear wagon and puts on the
space may be given to their dimensions Sante Fe main line at Daggett. He used
brake; on the upgrade he reasons with
in detail. The hind wheel was seven feet two of the great wagons and their teams
and throws rocks at the indolent and ob-
in diameter, its tire eight inches wide in the Calicos until 1898; the others
streperous mules. As mealtime approach-
and an inch thick. The forward wheel were scattered throughout the deserts of
es, he kicks dead branches from a grease-
was five feet in diameter, the tire like that bush along the route and pulls up sage- California and Nevada.
on the rear. The hubs were 18 inches in brush roots tor fuel. When the outfit Strangely enough, the popular image
diameter, 22 inches long. Wagon beds stops, he cooks the food while the driver which links twenty-mule team borax
were 16 feet long, four feet wide, six feeds the animals, and when the meal is with Death Valley was not born until
deep. The tread- the width of the wheels over, washes the dishes which, with the ihe Death Valley-Mojave run lived only
-—was six feet. Each wagon weighed food, are carried in a convenient box in in memory and the big teams had yielded
7800 pounds. The lot cost about $9000, the wagon . . . " (Spears, Illustrated to the iron horse as transporter of borax.
or $900 each. Two of these Death Valley Sketches nf Death Valley.) The Pacific Coast Borax Company sal-
wagons often carried 45,000 pounds and
Perry set up stations along the borax vaged the twenty-mule from oblivion by
sometimes 46,000 pounds of cargo, ex-
road with spring or hauled water ami making it the symbol of its product and
clusive of water and feed for men and
feed for the mules, and for nine months by fixing this symbol in the public mind
team. All ten were in constant use for
out of twelve from mid-September to through vigorous and imaginative ad-
five years without a single breakdown."
mid-June big teams toiled with spec- vertising. In 1904 the company polished
Hauling t h e s e magnificent d e s e r t tacular success. up one of its old desert freighters, send-
freighters was the twenty-mule team,
But prosperity was short-lived. William ing it East with twenty mules. Subsequent
winning fame as never before along
T. Coleman's business empire collapsed years saw more trips by more big wagons
Death Valley's borax trail. In charge of
in 1888, and the last twenty-mule team and their teams. Borax, Twenty-mule
the colorful hook-up of cumbrous wagons
pulled out of De.ith Valley over the Mo- Team Borax, Borax from Death Valley—
and tenacious mules were the driver and
jave Trail. Francis Marion "Borax" all had become as one. •

A twenty-mule team carrying borax out of Death Valley,

E VER BEEN to Dirty Sock? If not, there
is a possibility you have missed a
number of other interesting spots around
Owens Lake in Southern California's Inyo
Fall, winter and spring are the ideal
times for exploring the Owens Lake re-
gion. Starting at the southern end of the
lake a hard surface road toward Death
Valley leaves U.S. 395 at Olancha. This
route skirts the wind-swept Olancha sand
dunes where numerous desert movies have
In Keeler the last
been made. At 4.9 miles, where the power
of the old railroad
lines crosses, a left turn on a dirt road
cars that ran
for .3 of a mile ends at a spa, known
on the Carson
through the years as Dirty Sock. On some
Colorado, rest
maps it is designated as Artesian Pool.
in total abandon-
Like most mineral water locations there ment a short
is a slight odor of chemicals which may distance from
be the reason for the name. Old-timers the depot that
are divided on the spring's name. Some still carries
claim it used to smell like old socks the name but
while others believe it got its name from no longer serves
prospectors and weary travelers soaking a train. K
their tired feet and washing out their
socks. From past descriptions it appears
the odor rising from the water is now
far less offensive and the temperature of
the water has changed from hot to warm.
Whatever Dirty Sock was, today it is
a pleasant spa with a swimming pool,
shaded picnic tables and scenery varying
from the snow-tipped, rugged Sierras of
southern Inyo County to the great white
expanse of the nearly dry Owens Lake.
Man-made facilities add comforts and a
by Roberta M. Starry
windbreak hut the desert still edges in
and leaves no doubt that 100 years ago regard tor the Indians' hunting area or
the old pool, reflecting the peaks of the living pattern, trouble started. Battles
Sierras, was a welcome sight to any raged in the Dirty Sock area when the
traveler. white man attempted to interfere in the
Indian's ritual of eliminating ineffectual
This spa, open to the public, not only
medicine men.
commands a colorful view but overlooks
and is part of an exciting historical era. No battles disrupt the peace around
Geologists find evidence that 4000 years Dirty Sock today. Prospectors on foot
ago the shoreline of a huge lake was and burro have been replaced by men in
200 feet above the present valley floor. four-wheel-drive vehicles using metal de-
The mountains towered far higher and tectors in their prospecting for gold and
have worn down by slow moving ice and treasure.
water headed for lower levels. At one Few settlers remain in the valley since
time the lake overflowed into Death Val- the water is drained off for use in Los
ley. Later, evaporation left the present Angeles and the Indians come to Dirty
saline deposits on the valley floor and Sock as any other tourist to enjoy the
along the foothills of the Sierras. warm mineral water, the view or to pic-
The early explorers found friendly In- nic in the sunshine.
dians around the lake and Dirty Sock Ten miles to the east the main road
was the scene of squaws doing their early joins State 190; turning to the left, the
morning wash. But when settlers moved route continues between the ancient shore-
in, taking the land the}' wanted without line and the present dry base of Owens
Here is an interesting back country trip over good gravel
roads easily traversed by passenger car. There are un-
crowded camping areas, including the Inyo County site
which even has a swimming pool—and it's all free!

Lake. Five miles from the junction with At the other end of town, along Ma-
State 190 is Keeler, once a busy part of lone Street, a modern swimming pool
the 1870's silver boom and a soda opera- and bath house give little hint of the
tion in the 1880s. Today it has relics of early occupants of that location. In the
that exciting period and less romantic old days the area had been a thriving
but active talc mill. The streets lack the Chinatown with the usual gambling and
rumble of ore and freight wagons but opium dens, secret tunnels and hovels.
the false front buildings, the large old Opposite the entrance to Keeler is a
bell at the firehouse, the ornate school- dirt road climbing to a trail that leads to
house and empty railroad depot are stand- the rock ruins of the Darwin Oxide
ing reminders of life 100 years ago. The works. The road goes on up into the sil-
large old Carson and Colorado Railroad ver country but a good turn-around can
depot dominates the town and a few be made at a block house just above the
•:«* * blocks north, along a now trackless rail oxide company sign. The view is spectacu-
line, stand a few of the freight and pas- lar. Below lies a nearly buried cemetery, a
senger cars. trench to prevent a flash flood from bury-
ing the town of Keeler, the remains of a
soda plant and evaporative t e d s out into
the great expanse of the dry lake.
Continuing north on 190, three miles
from Keeler is a historical marker. Near

here the town of Swansea once stood.
Buried by debris from a cloud-burst in
1874, there are only a couple of rock-
walled cabins and part of the Owens
Lake Silver-Lead Furnace to indicate
where tons of silver ore were worked into
bars weighing 83 pounds each at the rate
of 1 50 bars every 24 hours.
Near here the steamship Bessie Brady
was launched in June of 1872. From a
300-foot wharf she picked up bullion
and steamed across the lake to deposit the
load at Cartago, cutting days off the time
taken by freight wagon to circle the lake
with a load of silver. She carried 700 bul-
lion bars at a time in a three-hour cross-
ing that stockpiled the silver like cord
wood, too fast for freight wagons to
haul it out to Los Angeles.
Approximately two miles north of the
furnace ruins are the remains of a num-
ber of wooden buildings scattered over
a wide area on the right side of the
Dirty Sock, road. Here was the terminal of the Sal-
once a spa for ine Valley electric tramway. The opera-
Indians and weary tion, from 1913-1930, transported salt
prospectors now out of Saline Valley in buckets over a
has modem 14-mile route over the mountain to the
facilities and
site along State 190.
swimming pool. Continued
Remains of Owens Lake Silver Lead
Keeler Chevron furnace is a few steps off the highway
just north of Keeler. Built in 1869 it
Service closed down in 1874.
A A few of the tram towers can be seen
high on the mountain side indicating the
Complete Tourist Information route traveled. Though the salt on the
of the area floor of Saline Valley was considered
purer than any other known source the
operation was too costly to continue.
From this point the road passes through
Keeler, California a dolomite mining area evidenced by the
dark, gaping mine holes above snow
white dumps. Shortly after crossing the
now dry Owens River the road joins U.S.
J 395 two miles south of Lone Pine.
To continue the trip around Owens
Lake turn south on 395 and follow the
route covered by Captain Joe Walker,
first known white man to travel the val-
ley. He passed this way in 1834, when
Owens Lake was a great body of water;
wild game was plentiful and Indians
freely moved to the warm valley in win-
ter and up into the cool Sierras for patterns, but sealing the fate of the his-
rummer. toric structures.
In approximately ten miles a road The highway passes Bartlett near
sign indicates the route to the Cotton- where the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Com-
wood charcoal kilns. During the silver pany, until recent months, was actively
mining days the mountain slopes to the refining chemicals from the brine of
west were stripped of pinon pine to fur- Owens Lake. The plant is closed, and
F/SHiNG, H/KING, B/& TQ££S, nish fuel for steam engines, heat for liv- discarded tanks, floats and other lake
\#£Sr#OOAl5, P/P£D WATER ing quarters and provide charcoal for the equipment clutter the shoreline adding
smelters. Years of sun and wind have to the sad story of the decline of activity
9.5 M l .
carved the kiln walls leaving interesting on and around the lake.






( o D D FO


i.iiui.n m Death Valley"
Offices in Department of Water and Power Bldg

Box 552, Lone Pine, California 93545

Cooled by Refrigeration - TV - Elec, Heat - Heated Pool

Trails Motel
Hunting and Fishing Information
Phone (714) 876-5670
Dale and Hazel Quast, Owner-Managers

Rustic Motel
Complete Tourist Information
Mr. and Mrs. Kramer, Mgrs. Approved Major Credit Cards Accepted

More interesting than the sight of the
chemical plant's discards is the small GAME
town of Cartago. Like many one-time
busy communities along the valley route,
Cartago's population and income depend-
ed on the mines. When the Cerro Gordo
mines shut down in 1879 the entire area
was affected. Once the unloading port for
the steamship Bessie Brady and later the
Molly Stevens, Cartago today shows no
signs that silver bars were once stacked
Little remains to tell of the silver, the
miners or the steamships and the little
settlement of about 50 persons can easily
be missed by the speeding traveler. Out HYDRAULIC CONTROL •
of sight of the highway, toward the IT RAISES-IT LOWERS
lake's edge, is the barracks, a part-brick FOR TRAVEL SAFETY. Wind resistance is reduced with Alaskan's low profile in highway
building containing a vault and piles of travel. Gas mileage is increased and crosswind cut down. With lowered top, passengers ride in
white material, all dating back to World luxurious comfort.

War I when a chemical company mined A UP FOR LIVING COMFORT. Alaskan camper top, operated by patented hydraulic system, is raised
in seconds. (Let a child do it, and see how easy it is.) Safety lock prevents accidental lowering.
the lake for soda derivatives.
Weather-tight, walk-in quarters completely furnished. Three-burner stove, stainless steel sink,
Two miles south is Olancha, the start- cabinets, icebox, beds, plus many other luxury features.

point for the trip around Owens Lake. 8 ft. and 10 ft. models. Sold and installed only at Alaskan Camper factories at factory prices.
Olancha was an early-day mill site and a Also available at authorized factory outlets.
Write today to the factory nearest you for free folder describing the most advanced camper on the road.
rest station for valley travelers, the freight
R. D. HALL MFG., INC., 9847 Glenoaks Blvd., G. R. GRUBBS MFG., INC.,
drivers and their long teams. When the Sun Valley, (San Fernando Valley) d/b/a Alaskan Camper Sales, 9042 Long-
California 91352, Dept. D2 point Rd., Houston, Texas 77055, Dept. D 2
mining era passed the community became Factory Outlet: ALASKAN CAMPER SALES, INC., FORT LUPTON CAMPERS, 1100 Denver Ave.
a popular place for outfitting pack trains Interstate 80 (half way between Fort Lupton, Colorado 80621, Dept. D2
S.F.-Sacramento), Route 1,
before going into the High Sierras. Once Box 332, Suisun City, Calif. 94585, Dept. D 2 EINARS CAMPER MFG. CO.,
ALASKAN CAMPERS NORTHWEST, INC., d/b/a Alaskan Campers North Central,
the gateway to the silver country, Olan- 6410 South 143rd Street, (Tukwila) Seattle, 3726 North 9th Avenue, Sioux Falls,
Washington 98168, Dept. D 2 South Dakota 57104, Dept. D2
cha today is the gateway to exploring the PENNACAMP, INC., 401 West End Avenue, Manheim, Penn. 17545, Dept. D2
past and present of Owens Lake country.
JTTU; Uma, the fringed-toed lizard, from being forced into the lizard's California, where strong northwesterly
L dwells in a world of blowing and
swirling sands so grim even the hardiest
mouth. Large scales, properly placed,
serve as flaps closing down and protecting
winds pick up sand from Whitewater
Wash to the north and deposit it further
of desert shrubs are poor and stunted. his ears. There are shut-off valves in his south and east. Involving both field and
A desolate homeland, changing and shift- nostrils which can be closed entirely or laboratory work, the study throws a lot
ing with every whim of the wind, it is a just enough to keep the particular size- of new light on Lima's desert survival
harsh land with little to offer to sustain sand particles from getting up them. techniques.
life. Yet, so thoroughly at home is this Fringes of scales on both eyelids protect He found that these lizards must con-
little lizard in the windblown sands of his eyes. Any sand that does get in is stantly make adjustments in time spent
the great southwest deserts, he is never pushed out the inner corner by a mem- above surface, and time buried under the
found elsewhere. brane that slides across the eyeball. sand in order to cope with the blasting
What to him that the loose sand shifts Interestingly enough, the lizard holds heat of their surroundings. What makes
and slides underfoot? The fringe of scales its front legs close to its body when dig- it very hard is that there aren't holes
on his hind toes widen their supporting ging itself in with alternate kicks of the around deep enough for them to use to
surfaces, and carry him skimming lightly hind legs. This stunt, it took Herpetolo- escape the sun's heat. In much of Uma's
over the top. Running at full speed, fore gist Pough to show anatomically, provides range ground squirrels, kangaroo rats
limbs off the ground, tail held high, he a sand-free pocket of air under each arm and the like who normally provide fine
can make up to 25 mph. ; leaving only and forward under the chest for the lizard underground retreats for free-loading
puffs of dust in his wake. to breathe while down below. lizards, are not there because the sand is
Pough's latest study of the little fringe- so loose they can't keep their burrows
What to him if there are no rodent
toes just reported in scientific literature from collapsing. Further, the lizards
burrows handy to duck into when pur-
was done in an area east of Palm Springs, themselves are small and subject to
sued? Any old spot is okay for the quick
disappearance act of a sand digger such
as he: a quick dive-in, some expert kicks
with his hind feet, a final tail wiggle,
and he's hidden.
Scientists have long been interested in
this little guy who lives with ease in such
a tough environment, and who is so hard
to catch since he practically always sees
or hears enemies coming in plenty of
time to dash over a dune edge or, with

what looks like a mighty impudent wave
of the tail, disappear into the sand before
their very eyes. And they know all this
cannot be without some extra good body
equipment, and a long-time know how.
Indeed this is so, for Uma belongs to
an ancient tribe of sand lizards whose
members lived in beds of intermittent
streams about 10 million years ago, Dune
Lima's particular kind gradually becoming
highly specialized for life on loose sands.
Number one requirement for such ex-
istence is quick digging skill. Zoologist
Stebbins found that not only does this
lizard have a shovel-shaped snout for
the opening spade work, but its especially by K. L Boynton
streamlined body is covered with small 1970
granular scales which make it smooth
and resistance free. The hind toe scales
that serve as shoes on the surface sand
now can be raised to provide greater push
area for that kick driving him forward
in burying himself.
Other below surface problems arc-
solved by further neat arrangements: a
countersunk jaw, for instance, keeps sand
heavy pressure from the sand if they zontally through the sand trying to find worst of the night's cold, while the roots
bury too deeply, and so normally go cooler spots, but do not dig deeper. At and branches and leaves, half covered
down only some 1.2s) to L.5 inches. last when the hot sand about them raises with blow sand, provide lots of air
Uma's day begins shortly before or their temperature dangerously near the pockets. There is also greater safety
just after sunrise, with a warmup, each 113 degree mark, they must come out from predators, too, it being hard, for
lizard orienting himself towards the onto the surface. Tail held high, they instance, for a coyote to locate a lizard
rising sun and soaking up the early rush over the sand to the shade of a tucked under the sand in all that tangle.
warmth. When his body temperature small dune or stunted creosote or Dalea Is there a fine brotherly sharing of
has come up to his activity level, for- shrub. choice Dalea shrub night spots ? Nope.
aging begins, the lizard running for- As the day ends, they must bury them- {'via, it seems, is highly adverse to
ward two or three inches and digging selves to survive the night chill. Fussy crowding, and since nearly all the liz-
for insects or picking them off low vege- about their selection of night retreats, ards bury for the night in a twenty min-
tation. Even youngsters of the same- they seemingly are influenced by the ute interval some half hour before sun-
species, not quick enough to dodge their size of the sand grains, avoiding both set, there is considerable scurrying
elders, go down the hatch. the coarse spots and those with the very around to get located before the other
As the morning wears on, there is a finest sand. Most lizards prefer depths fellow. Any attempt of a late-to-bedder
decline in activity until by ten o'clock from three-cjuarters to one and a half to muscle in is repelled with vigor.
not a lizard is in sight. At this time inches down under Dalea shrubs, in- Herpetologist Carpenter, long inter-
their body temperature has reached an vestigation of which showed that they ested in lizard behavior, collected a
uncomfortable 100 and they have buried know what they are about for there the batch of fringe-toes and installed them
themselves, thereby gaining temporary temperature is comfortable, the parts of in an enclosure where he could watch
relief. They may even move along hori- the shrub above ground fending off the what went on. The lizards promptly
made themselves at home, putting in a
normal day, which, when they were
above ground, consisted of four major
occupations: feeding, sitting in the sun
or shade, annoying each other, and in the
case of the males, chasing the girls.

In addition to head-nodding custom-

ary when greeting a lady, gentlemen
IJma also wave their front legs, and feet
as they advance: first one leg and foot
and then the other at the rate of some
ten times a second. This cheery greeting,
synchronized with head-nodding, tips
the lizard from side to side as he moves
forward in a kind of dancing approach—
a spectacle of considerable fascination to
the lady apparently.
The normal clutch size is only three-
eggs, which shows that under usual cir-
cumstances a good percentage of individ-
uals must make it to adulthood to keep
the species going. It is also good proof
that Uma and his kind have indeed re-
fined the old basic adaptations of the an-
cient sand lizards to the point where they
can successfully exploit exceedingly barren
areas. Not the least of their valuable ad-
justments to their sandy life is their back-
ground-matching ability, for crouched
motionless on the sand they are almost
impossible to see. Loss by predation is
thus cut to a minimum and what with a
little bit of luck in good winter rainfall,
these fleet-footed, independent little liz-
ards are bound to be around and flourish-
ing for many and many a day. •

nee T HE LURE of gold has challenged man
since he raised up on his haunches
o and began to use his brain for thinking

nnnmnmnil by Mary Frances Strong

and scheming. As civilization progressed,
gold became the most coveted of all pos-
sessions. It was the incentive for the great
voyages across the unknown seas. The
subsequent discoveries of new continents
led to the development of vast frontiers
as the result of the search for the golden
Gold fever is latent in the hearts of
As announced last month, Mary men today, but the news of a new gold
Frances Strong, well - known strike will start their pulses racing. Gold
is symbolic of the wealth and power most
back country travel explorer
men desire.
and author of Desert Gem Trails
In recent years, a new breed of gold
has joined the staff of Desert
seekers has evolved — the weekend or
Magazine as Field Trip Editor. hobby prospector. Tied to his work-day
This is the first of her articles world in the teeming ant hills of metro-
which will appear every month. politan areas, he heads for the mountains
or desert on weekends in search of fresh ' - :• .

air, quiet solace and the possibility of

finding gold. The fever is still there
though the hardships are gone.
J Z.
Left: Water from this old well at
Goler teas piped six miles in an
attempt to net-wash the gravel. The
project jailed. Right: Although not
exactly a modern apartment, this
type of living quarters did have the
advantage of being warm in winter
and cool in summer—and it was
rent-free. Below. A tin shack marks
the location of one of the largest
placer claims in the Summit. This
area is honey-combed with adits in
the gravel.

Photos by Jerry Strong

The weekend prospector loads his mod-

ern covered wagon with grub; stows
aboard metal detector, dry-washer, shov-
els, pick and a vial to hold his colors.
His family climbs aboard and they are off
to one of the old diggings where miners
once "struck it rich." If he is lucky, and
often he is, he will bring home a few
fines and occasionally a small nugget to
show for his weekend adventure. This is
enough to feed the fever. Plans for the
next trip are usually made as he heads
toward home.
California's Great Mojave Desert has
many placer grounds where the hobbyist
may try his luck. One of these is the Sum-
mit Dry Diggings, six miles northeast of
Randsburg. The old placers are not ex-
ceptionally rich but a weekend of dry-
washing should produce some results.
There is still a number of private claims
in the area--generally posted—but there-
is also plenty of open ground to work.
The diggings are located on the south-

ern edges of the Summit Range. This is are available from several sources. Some
a low series of east-west trending hills small, very good dry-washers are also on
whose highest peaks rise only 700 to the market.
1000 feet above the valley floor. The
Early day, portable dry-washers were a
range is dissected by several large, can-
simple, rather primitive, home-made ma-
yon-like dry gulches and a myriad of
chine which substituted air for water in
small ones. The drainage channels of the
the recovery of gold. The size varied but
region appear to have changed very little
they all consisted of hopper, riffle box
since Tertiary Time with the gold being
and bellows.
found in the widespread Quaternary
"When my HUMP goes d r y . . . I'm gravels. The hopper or feed box, at the head
glad I have my OASIS Canteen!" Tremendous beds of gravel have been of the riffle box usually had a heavy
redistributed and average two to eighteen screen or pierced metal bottom. The bot-
feet in thickness. They contain assorted tom of the riffle box was generally made
material with many large boulders and from heavy muslin which allowed the
show bedding and cross-bedding. The air from the bellows to penetrate easily
gravels are compact though very lightly and keep the gravels agitated. The bel-
RANCHER cemented. The gold will be found most lows were made from heavy canvas and
LOGGER abundant at or near the base of the activated by means of a belt-driven crank-
CAMELS gravels, fairly close to bedrock. When shaft powered by a hand-operated wheel
Oasis Canteens come in 5 sizes, 3 styles I looking for a likely spot to dry-wash, on the side of the dry-washer.
and in 2 materials . . . 12 models from | keep in mind the best concentrations will Mining methods have remained the
which to choose . . . a canteen to suit , occur where there has been the greatest same, though dry-washers have been so-
every need. Priced as low as $2.59. i
If not available at your local Sporting erosion. phisticated and are usually driven by a
Goods, Hardware or Department Stores
write for FREE Catalog I A portable dry-washer will be needed small gasoline engine. Gravel is first
and Mail Order Information. I and a man handy with tools can easily shoveled through a heavy screen to elim-
build his own at moderate cost. Plans inate the larger pebbles or rocks. The
P.O. BOX 3 1 4 2 8 . LOS ANGELES. CALIF. 90031


Use it as a Table! Flip over to double
Record Space! VJ the price of 1-Way Units!

What a terrific space-saving idea! Only 18

in diameter, this revolving record table holds
up to 96 LP s! Trays revolve and all albums
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tion. Flip the top over and you have a
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Calif, residents add 5% sales tax
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MARLOWE KING CO. Avocado Green,
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City .State
D-3 Near the center of the Summit Diggins, this old fireplace is all that remains.
screened material is then allowed to lay
out in the sun for at least a day. Even SUMMIT DRY DIGGINGS
freshly dug desert gravels will always
contain slight amounts of moisture which Mileage Points
Placer Ground
will interfere with proper dry-washing.
The gravel must be thoroughly dry!
The Summit Diggings is an interesting
desert locale to visit. They lie in an ex-
tremely arid region which can be blister-
ing hot in summer; while, in the mid-
winter months, icy winds may roar across
the land with gale-like force.
In rare years, when several winter and
spring storms manage to drop adequate
moisture—there will be gardens of wild
flowers in bloom. The main flora is a
sparse covering of creosote bushes which
are small and stunted from lack of ade-
quate moisture.
Dozens of prospect holes dot the
slopes and a few head frames gallantly
rise skyward, having withstood time and
the elements. A number of old dugouts
remain in good condition—a fine testi-
monial to the aridity of the region.
The Summit Placer Diggings were dis-
covered in the winter of 1892-93 when
hundreds of prospectors from the north-


Our New Hunter won more contests than all other brands combined.
1st Place, Men's Division, World Championship Meet, Holdenviile
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Our congratulations go to Doyle Williams, Rt. 1, Box 67, Okemah, Okla., who was last year's champion at the Prospectors Club Meet. This
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Our congratulations also go to Sam Boyce of Holdenviile. Sam earned
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Truly, our NEW BREED is now the Professionals Choice. Write for our
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W e invite you t o come see us a t our Dallas location: 11231 A l v i n St. Phone (214) 328-5313
ern gold fields of California and Nevada
FOR ONLY$5.95 POSTPAID began moving south to search the desert
YOU GET: area east of the Tehachapi Mountains.
'HEAVY DUTY During the '60s, placer gold had been
•ILLUSTRATED IN- found at Red Rock Canyon in the El
'QUARTER-POUND Paso Mountains. Surely, the prospectors
reasoned, there was more gold in "them
OVER SO PIECES thar hills"—and there was!

EDUCATIONAL. Coarse Gold Gulch in Goler Canyon

was the first strike followed by others in
SEND TO: "GOLD' BOX 5595D Bonanza and Last Chance Gulches. The
RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92507 placers were rich with many fine nug-
gets being found. Hopes for these new
camps were high. However, once again

METAL LOCATORS it was the old story—the diggings didn't
hold up and the camps were crowded
with prospectors unable to locate claims.
Many of them left the camps and fanned
out over the eastern hills in search of
new deposits. The next camp to take
8 Modcli (complete)
shape was the Summit Diggings.

The Summit differed from its sister

TO "SCUBA LOOP" camps of Goler, Bonanza and Last Chance
SEE YOUR DEALER in that its placers were only moderately
rich. It was a "poor man's camp" where stake and move on to the next strike. It
a fellow down on his luck could eke out was never a large camp with the popula-
Worldway Box 90993 bacon and beans; or, with back-breaking tion less than one hundred at any one
Los Angeles, Calif 90009
labor obtain enough gold to get a grub time.
Conditions were hard at the Summit.

WATEKHOLEnr WATERLOO It was a haphazard camp of tents and

primitive dugouts. The enterprising shop-
keepers of the time didn't feel it was
a KING WINCH can make the difference!
When the water's up . . . or when your vehicle
even worthy of one store. Supplies had to
be hauled in on wagons from the other
is down in the mud or snow . . . a King Winch camps resulting in sky-high prices on all
can pull you through. Go to most remote off-road
areas, knowing you have 8,000 lbs. of full-time
pulling power to get over obstacles, through They were a disgruntled and unhappy
marshy areas, up steepest grades . . . and home
again. King Winches, famous for nearly 40 years, lot of prospectors. After long days of
depend on power take-off, not battery power. hard work there wasn't even that essen-
The only power take-off driven winch approved by
Ford Motor Co. for Bronco. Also specific models are tial - - a saloon - - where a man could
made for Jeep, Scout, tand-Rover and other 4 WD drown his troubles and be consoled by a
vehicles and trucks. Add confidence to your trips King Winch for Bronco and other
by adding a King Winch. For facts, write Koenig 4 WD vehicles have 8,000 lbs. "gay lady." Understandably, they moved
today. Specify vehicle make and model. pulling power.
out at the first opportunity.
The reports on the values in the Sum-
mit gravels vary considerably—from 35c
to 35 dollars per cubic yard. A conserva-
tive average would be between $1.20 and
SI.40 per cubic yard.
Probably the richest placer claim was
the Oro Fino, which was worked inter-
mittently for 30 years. Reportedly, this
deposit yielded an average value in excess
of $2.00 per cubic yard. In addition, the
gravel contained a small amount of flake
platinum and silver (cerargyrite) amount-
ing to 6()ii per cubic yard. The gold was
chiefly coarse, with individual pieces hav-
ing a value of y^if. up.
Along the Summit Road two miles east area. W e made base camp at the foot of
of U.S. 395 is a large deposit of gravel. a huge deposit of gravel. There had been
Although considerable dry-washing has considerable mining here, but still tons of
been done, there is still ground to work. material remained untouched. After park-
Respect private claims. ing the trailer, we fired up our trail bikes,
loaded cameras aboard, then covered a
the high cost of obtaining the water. In good many miles on the network of roads
spite of all the many sophisticated plans throughout the Summit Range. There was
to exploit the placers, the most gold was considerable evidence of the early day
recovered by a small dry-washer. prospectors - primitive dugouts where
Summit Diggings are a made-to-order men had lived with the barest of essen-
locale for the weekend prospector. There tials, as well as some which were quite
are numerous gravels to work and plenty elaborate with metal doors, screens, cup-
of open desert for camping. Better bring boards and stoves. A few shacks remain,
along wood if you enjoy an evening but they appear to be of a later vintage.
campfire. Wood is as scarce as water. Near our camp was a fine stone fireplace
The diggings are divided into two sec-
all that remains of what was possibly
tions by the Kern-San Bernardino County
a proper house.
line and the Mojave-Lone Pine Branch of
the Southern Pacific Railroad. There ap- There were pieces of old glass—many
pears to be only one road crossing the of them a deep purple—along with the
tracks. It is shown on the accompanying necks of blob-top whiskeys and beers.
map. Good dirt roads lead into the area. Evidently it wasn't a dry camp! Old pots
They are okay for all cars, campers and and pans, dishes and other miscellaneous
vacation-size trailers. The best time of the items from an era of long ago were scat-
year to visit this region of the Great Mo- tered about near the dugouts.
In the fall of 1923, the Oro Fino Min- jave Desert is from late September to We crossed the railroad and explored
ing Company installed a Stebbens Dry May. the many prospects and old dumps—the
Concentrator. The gravel was mined by a Our most enjoyable trip was in April latter in hope of finding an old bottle
tractor, sub-soiler and scraper, then dump- when we spent several days exploring the
ed on a grizzly. The undersize was broken
and passed through a trommel. The un-
dersized from this, after having the dust
removed in an airblast, was passed over
shaking tables. Tailings were placed to AND
one side by a stacker. The entire plant was Finding Buried Treasure Is No ON TREASURE
portable, being mounted on rails, weighed Longer a Dream . . . It's a HUNTING.
II tons and had a capacity of 150 yards SCIENTIFIC FACT with a
of gravel per shift. This plant operated
during the fall of 1923 and approximate-
Now find buried gold, silver, out-of-circula-
ly 800 cubic yards of material were treat- tion coins with a modern Relco detector.
ed. It is stated that recovery was from Used by successful treasure hunters and
94% to 96°/c based on fire assays. Much coin collectors everywhere.
of the gold was coarse with nuggets up • Sensitive enough to detect even a single
coin. More penetrating power than ever
to S4.25 in value being obtained. Opera-
tions had ceased by January 1924 and no
• Works through earth, vegetation, wood,
record of the total values uncovered is rock, water, etc.
available. • Excellent for beach combing, searching
ghost towns, old battle sites, abandoned
Other mining companies also had plans
buildings, caves.
to use large machines at the Summit Dig-
•*• Fully transistorized, weighs only 3
gings. However, there seems to have been pounds, 2 year guarantee.
a failure in the air separation process • Powerful speaker signals when*
when applied to anything larger than object is detected.
handscale. The large machines couldn't only
properly process the general run of des-
Send for free catalog and
ert material.
treasure hunting tips. to $129.50
An attempt was made to wet wash the
gravels by pumping water over a six-mile
DEPT.D-230 BOX 10839
route from a well at Goler. This, too,
failed. N o doubt, due in great part, to
HE MAIN roads and campgrounds of
T Death Valley were filled with sun
seekers and desert lovers, so we decided
to take to the higher roads for a bit of
solitude and a chance to listen to the
Two miles south of Daylight Pass on
the California-Nevada border we turned
on a well maintained gravel road. It
rolled across the desert in a series of dips
and dives, all the while climbing upward
into the Funeral Mountains. The air was
clean and warm. Little brown shouldered
lizards would zip across the road and
pause, showing the reddish underside of
their looks as they looked to see who the
by Betty J. Tucker intruders were. We saw Nevada red-
winged blackbirds and several finches

: . - •

and sparrows flitting about the sage-

We turned a fairly sharp curve and
down in a small valley we saw the re-
mains of Chloride City. It had boomed
twice. First from 1878 to 1883 and once
during Rhyolite's heyday from 1905 to
1910. This was an active place but the
cost of pumping water up 3500 feet from
the Keane Spring was prohibitive and
>-:*:--£ they finally had to give it up as a lost
This little town is a great place to visit.
The personality *»f the long-gone miners
still lingers. There are three fairly large
ramshackle buildings still showing signs
of their ways of life. One building has
reached the stage of almost total collapse.
V *& -
The end wall has fallen out and the side
wall gave way without the support. How-
ever, one of its rooms and what appears
to have been a summer kitchen or pantry,
still stands.
I crawled through the downed timbers
and found a white enameled, long legged
"Perfection No. 2" kerosene stove on its
side. The walls still remaining had been
insulated with cardboard cartons that had
once contained Bordens milk and Wilsons
Valley 'T--"*
Condensed Vegetable Soup. The
old buildings, in fairly good shape and
'49ers *•»• - - * • » : 2 S : * . • ' • — ' . ' ' ' .•,•• - "
- "- ''" '*" .•*"" ' •»

obviously recently inhabited by a desert m,- • s

wanderer, had a stove made out of an old
Desolation Canyon in Death Valley, the scene of
rusty oil can. The lower front was cut out
as a door and a chimney had been inserted
at the top. Behind this building was the
Encampment the first Annual '49er Encampment back in 1949-

worn out old body of a car. Program SATURDAY, NOVEMBER II

FAST. Stove Pipe Wells Village.
Up the hill a short way there is a one- Ralph Welles, Ranger-Naturalist in
I! RSDAY. N O V E M B E R \1 Death Valley for I i years will be fea-
room house dug out of the side of the
tured speaker. Price, $1.75.
hill. From the outside only the wooden 7:30 p . m . — C A M P F I R E , Stove Pipe W e l l s
Village. Community singing and talks 8:00 a.m.—AUTHORS' BREAKFAST,
door and the stovepipe sticking above about old-timers, followed by dancing. Furnace Creek Golf Course. Present
ground announce the presence of a home. will be outstanding writers of the
8:30 p . m . — N A T U R A L I S T T A L K , Mu-
West. Featured speaker is desert writer.
The entry way is about two and a hall seum and Visitors' Center, Furnace
E. I. Edwards. Price. $ 1 . 7 5 .
Creek Ranch.
feet wide and covered with dirt and rock.
10:00 a.m.—CONDUCTED TOUR start-
The ceiling has been braced securely ing at Visitors' Center through center
FRIDAY. NOVEMBER I i of Valley and ending at Stove Pipe
with timbers and the entire back wall is Wells in time for chuck wagon.
of quartz. There are a couple more houses 6:00 a.m. • SAND DUNES PHOTO 12:00 Noon—CHUCK WAGON LUNCH,
SHOOT. Sand Dunes Campground. Stove Pipe Wells Village, Western
made this way. They were called "Cousin Photography with props and models. style chuck wagon chow. Price, $1.75.
Jacks," after the Welsh miners who Bring camera and plenty of film.
brought this method of house building STAKES, Stove Pipe Wells Village. A
8:00 a.m.—HISTORICAL BREAKFAST. hilarious race of old prospectors and
from the old country. They most certainly
Stove Pipe Wells Vill age. Horace M. their burrows who must walk around
had many advantages. They would be Albright is principal speaker Pri the arena, cook a flapjack and then
$1.75. feed it to the burro. Action is right
much cooler during the hot summer
in front of spectators.
months and warmer in the winter as the 8:00 a.m.—HOOTENANNY B R E A K -
FAST, Furnace Creek Golf Course. 7:30 p.m.—EVENING ASSEMBLY, Fur-
driving wind couldn't penetrate the dirt nace Creek Ranch. Color slide show
Hootenany Hoc-down. Price, SI.7V
and rock walls. by Ralph Welles.
The ground around Chloride City is 8:45 p.m.—OLD - FASHIONED FID-
MENT DEDICATION, Highway 190 DLERS' CONTEST, same location as
covered with pieces of mica which glitter Iust west of Stovepipe Wells Village. above. Best fiddlers in the West com-
The old Eichbaum Toll Road to be pete.
like ice in the sun. Looking out through dedicated with an appropriate monu-
the divide we had a spectacular view of ment. Mrs Willard Lewis, principal 8:30 p.m.—NATURALIST TALK, Visi-
speaker. tors' Center, Furnace Creek Ranch.
the desert far below. The plants were all
of yellow, grey and bronze hues. The sky 10:30 a.m.—CONDUCTED TOUR, start- ONE, Stove Pipe Wells Village ami
was a sharp crystal blue. The wind blew ing at Visitors' Center, to Ubehebe Furnace Creek Ranch.
Crater, Scotty's Castle and North End
ever so gently and the birds flew past, points. Use your vehicle. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 15
their wings making soft fluttering sounds. 1:30 p.m.—DEATH VALLEY T R A I L 7:00 a.m.—PROTESTANT S U N R I S E
W e sat quietly, trying not to breathe so RIDERS arrive at Furnace Creek Ranch SERVICE, Desolation Canyon.
after 125-mile horseback ride.
we could hear the silence. 7:30 a.m.—CATHOLIC MASS, Visitors1
7:30 p.m.—CAMPFIRE, Texas Springs. Center, Furnace Creek Ranch.
Before leaving we drove on another Community Sing led by Dick Hilleary. 8:30 a.m.—ARTISTS' BREAKFAST, Fur-
mile and hiked up the steep thousand feet Historical talks. nace Creek Golf Course. Top-flight
Western artists work on a new wes-
to Chloride Cliff. This overlooks the tern scene plus display of their works.
8:30 p.m.—NATURALIST TALK, Mu-
Keane Wonder Mine and gives a pano- seum and Visitors' Center, Furnace Sale of paintings. Price, $1.75.
ramic view of Death Valley. Maybe Chlor- Creek Ranch. 10:30 a.m.—CONDUCTED TOUR, start-
ing at Visitors' Center and going to
ide City will boom again. I hope not as 9:00 p.m.—DANCING F O R EVERY-
south section of the Valley.
ONE, western and modern, Stove Pipe

its ghosts are still making themselves felt Wells Village. Also dancing at Fur- 7:30 p.m.—NATURALIST TALK, Visi-
and it would be a shame to push them nace Creek Ranch. tors' Center Furnace Creek Ranch
out. •
Sunrise, Golden Canyon from Zabriskte Point,

aVlcf 1V(yjen.c\
During the past two years many of the covers of
Desert Magazine have been photographs by David
Muench of Santa Barbara, California. His dynamic
photos have also appeared in national magazines
and books about the West. David is not only an
expert technician but has the rare ability to capture
the moods of the area he is covering—such as this
trilogy on Death Valley.

©f <Deqt\ Valle/
Vlcf 1V(aenc\

Amargosa River at dawn from Dante's View.

Designs in sand, Mesquite Flat dunes

by Helen Walker

D EATH VALLEY is two-faced and de-

ceptive. At first glance you see the
soft hues of her blue and purple moun-
tains. Blends of burnt oranges and yel-
lows compounded with the gray of the
extruding fans dissolve into the gentle-
floor of the valley.
A closer inspection reveals a sharp con-
trast in her character. Bare mountains,
wrinkled from abrasion and exposure,
are bent from cataclysmic upheavals.
Crevices are filled with deposits from an-
cient seas—the scars of time are clearly
visible. White man's story was written
in this backstage setting a mere 120 years
After the trials of the ill-fated emi-
grant wagon trains, only the foolhardy
would risk entry into the desolate sink.
They trudged along beside their burros,
twisting through the prickly brush, stum-
bling over rock, as they wandered the
dry sandy washes. Their eyes sought the
slightest sign of tell-tale color—gold and
silver. A few of the more fortunate
hit pay dirt—they returned with wagons
laden with tools for mining and ma-
John Walker photo
Joseph Muench photo

terials for shelters. Trails widened into Panamint Range in 1873 was the begin- at the greenish-blue veins of copper-sil-
rutted tracks. Merchants followed the ning of the mining era. Coined from a ver ore. Smoke belched from the tall
miners. Cities flourished overnight. Then, phrase, "Pan a mint of it," Panamint City brick chimney as the thump of the stamp
when color ran out, efforts crumbled to became the first of the boom towns. Its mill beat a rhythm into the echoing hills.
dust and splinters in the hot, dry sun. reputation for hell-raising and lawless- The solitary approach to Panamint
Today, ghostly memories linked together ness was never equaled. It lured more City was up a narrow rock-carved road
by hand-me-down tales, keep the '49ers than a thousand fortune seekers, who through Surprise Canyon. Each bend of
spirit alive. raised a town of wood, stone and brick the road was a potential ambush point
A silver strike on the west side of the structures. Assays were high as men dug for outlaws who infiltrated the area.
John Walker photo
Above: Charcoal kilns
in Wildrose Canyon.
Used in 1870s, they
still stand. Opposite
page: Panamint City—
the stamp mill
chimney and a few
old foundations
are all that remain.
Right: Tie Canyon.
showing ties
purchased by Death
Valley Scotty to heat
his castle. Enough
for many
cold winters!
Wells Fargo refused to carry the ore—

THE the risk was too great. Mine owners

solved the problem by melting the ore
and casting it into balls weighing 500

HIGH pounds or more. With the balls loaded

in the open wagons, they shipped the

COUNTHY ore out in broad daylight.

Panamint City did not last long.
Miners were reluctant to face the truth,
Southern but the limestone encasing the ore was
more than time and cost could afford.
California's Silence descended upon the city as its
citizens departed, carrying only what
Own they could handle in one wagon. A sud-
den flash flood washed through the nar-
Historical row canyon, leaving only scattered rock
and timber.
Quarterly Ballarat, providing supplies and diver-
sion to dusty-throated miners, opened its
P.O. Box 178 doors to welcome the new townspeople.
Temecula, California 92390 Many stayed and built homes. They put
in their time chipping away at the rock
A delightful digest of
in Happy and Pleasant Canyons. Their
the earthy actions of take kept them in beans and bacon, but
with a flame. "She burns green," he
frontier people who no major strike resulted.
shouted, "Rosie, we're rich."
settled and developed The discovery of borax brought more Mining was not the problem with
prospectors to the valley in 1880. Aaron borax. Production of crystals was a rela-
Winter, and his wife, Rosie, are credited tively simple operation. Wooly materials
with the find. While listening to a trav- containing the borates were mixed to-
$2.75 per year
eler tell of the material, Rosie remember- gether with water and carbonate of soda,
Back issues available ed the sticky substance that got on their then heated in huge vats. During the
belongings. She led Aaron to the marsh cooling process, the crystals formed.
near Furnace Creek where they collected However, transportation to the railroad at
ZIP CODE YOUR MAIL some of the cotton balls for a test. Aaron
FOR FASTER SERVICE used alcohol and acid, then touched it

In the heart of

Centrally located as a base from which to visit Death Valley's numerous

points of interest. Stay with us and enjoy comfort and friendly service
as you tour the area. Home of the famous Burro-Flapjack races.

Luxurious new units Beautiful new dining room, cocktail lounge

Gift Shop Heated Pool General Store Service Station
Landing Strip Campground

Death Valley, California 92328 Area Code 714 Stove Pipe Wells # 1 Toll Station 3*

Puffy white clouds add emphasis to the REE-CATALOG
barren ess of Death Valley with its heat-
scorched volcanic soil in foreground.
idea was conceived ahead of its time, and GOLDAK, WHITE'S, DETECTRON, RAYSCOPE
there was not sufficient knowledge avail- Prospecting and Hiking Equipment
Books — Topo Maps
able to perfect it. Unfortunately it had to FREE—Indexes for Topo Maps, stock Western
be aborted, before it could be given a states, each state has index.
fair chance to operate. JACOBSEN SUPPLIERS
Gold had its heyday near the turn of 9322 California Ave., South Gate, Calif.
Phone 569-8041 90280
the century. It was gold that originally
brought the emigrants stumbling into the
desolate sink, impatient to find a short-
Ranch - Grown
cut to the gold fields in Northern Califor-
nia. A shroud of mystery blanketed the
valley in the wake of the '49ers, and the CUT
Indians had the area to themselves for
the next two decades. Now and then an
inquisitive prospector wandered in and HOLLY
a few returned with ore-bearing samples.
Unique long - last-
Their stories nourished tales of nug-
ing festive foliage
gets the size of a fist, and giant ledges
for a true desert Christmas
of ore-bearing rock. But none seemed able
to do more than produce the samples— . . . GIFT BOX 1 8 x 6 x 4 "
Mojave was a real problem. Wagons of $3.50
the sites were seldom found.
rugged construction and large hauling tax, postage included
capacity were needed. J. S. Perry, of Mo- Gunsight was the first of the famous
jave, designed and built 10 such wagons lost gold mines. It was told that one of
at a cost of $900 each. (See other article- the emigrants passing through the valley
in this issue.) in 1849 pocketed a hunk of ore. He took
the ore to a gunsmith in hopes of having
Engines such as Old Dinah, now in
it melted down for a new sight on his
front of the Furnace Creek Ranch, were
gun. The gunsmith declared the ore to be
an experiment to find a cheaper and more
the purest silver he had ever worked. The
efficient means of hauling. However, the
prospector returned to stake a claim to the
mine, and appropriately planned to call it
"Gunsight." Years of wandering never
located the site.

Another long sought-after lost mine

was the Breyfogle. Jacob Breyfogle's
horses ran off while on a prospecting trip Feed tame Fallow Deer (Native of the Medi-
in 1864. In his search for the animals, he terranean area), and Llamas at SHERWOOD
left markers to assure his not getting lost. FOREST—the home of Storyland; Tiny Mon-
keys; 'Mouflon' Mountain Sheep (native of
In placing one marker, he discovered a
Corsica and Sardinia) Fallow Deer; Llamas
rich vein. Before he could return, his sup- and other foreign and domestic animals.
plies had run out and he became ill. His The children love it. The beautiful OAK
life was saved by Indians who carried CREEK flows throughout the Park.

him back to their village. He later at-

tempted to retrace his path, but wind and
weather had destroyed his markers. SHERWOOD
In spite of the adverse conditions, ore
was eventually discovered at numerous
locations. Settlements sprang up close to
The Devil's Corn Field stretches for CALIFORNIA
trackless miles, in the background can
be seen the sand dunes near ON U. S. 395
Stovepipe Wells.
the working mines, tent cities flourished. son. Construction on the castle began in
TURN THOSE Harrisburg, in the
Aguereberry Point
Panamint range near
was such a place.
1924 in the face of tremendous odds.
Scotty said he kept three crews, one com-
DESERT Pete Aguereberry
found ore there.
and Shorty Harris ing in, one working, and the other leav-
ing. No cost was spared in the building
ROCKS INTO Harrisburg was soon joined by the new
town of Skidoo. Skidoo's population grew
or furnishings, which are influenced by
Spanish, Italian and Mexican-American.
BEAUTIFUL to nearly 1000. Water was a problem,
and it became almost as precious as ore.
The water syscem was developed at the
spring in Grapevine Canyon. It included
GEMS A pipe line was laid which connected
Skidoo with a spring on Telescope Peak,
a hydroelectric plant that supplied the
castle, as well as the 185-foot swimming
23 miles away. Did the expression pool.
"Twenty Three Skidoo" come from the To heat the castle, Scotty bought all of
facts of the town and the pipe line or the old ties from the Tonopah & Tide-
was Skidoo named after the expression, water Railroad for $1500. However, to
and the pipe line just incidental? get them delivered and stacked in the can-
Death Valley Scotty, whose real name yon near the castle, he paid another
was Walter Scott, is almost as famous as $25,000.
Death Valley itself. It is difficult to separ- The carving over the door read "Death
ate the fact from the fiction in stories Valley Ranch." But to both Scotty and
woven around him. At the north end of Johnson, it was always "Scotty's Castle."
the valley stands the castle built by Scotty Death separated the two just six years
COMES COMPLETE WITH 6 " DIAMOND BLADE, and his millionaire partner, Albert John- apart.

JUST $4950
PLUS POSTAGE (Wt. 11 lbs.)






8o WITH ANY $7.50 ORDER.


P.O. BOX 4073D This area of crusted alkali is apty named the Devil's Golf Course.
Metalert turns an
ordinary weekend into
i COUNTRY- a family aduenture.
*\ Tuck' Mtn

Going to the beach? Or hunting, fishing
or camping? You can add extra fun to
The castle has been a favorite spot Today, there are highways into Death your next family outing by taking along
a Fisher "Metalert" Treasure Detector.
for visitors in the Valley. The National Valley from four directions. There are Who knows, you might bring home a
Park Service this summer bought the accommodations, services and informa- valuable lost relic;even silver and gold!
castle at an estimated cost of $850,000 tion centers to make your visit a memor- • Unsurpassed power and sensitivity
and will maintain raid service the his- with solid state circuits.
able one. Most of the points of interest
1 Fasy to use; adjusts and operates
torical old ranch. The tours through the are located a short drive off the main with one hand! Superb physical bal-
castle are still being offered as in the past. road, each marked with plaques, briefing ance; arm support.
Automobiles brought the first tourists you on the historical and geological facts. D Waterproof sensing head completely
Some of the points of interest lie in the submersible. Telescoping shaft for
to Death Valley. In spite of the roads compact storage and transportation.
being no more than rutted wagon trails, back country and are reached on side trips
• Replaceable transistor battery avail-
lack of fuel and water, tires that split marked, Jeep Roads. They are less travel- able everywhere; built in tester.
and buried their burden, the motorist ed, therefore it is advisable for only the Built to the same exacting standards as
more experienced travelers, and those Fisher precision instruments for indus-
continued to come. One of the first try and science. Send for complete free
hotels in the area was opened by Bob with sturdy vehicles to attempt these trips. literature. Also, collectors' edition
Eichbaum, at Stovepipe Wells. Eichbaum It is also suggested you check at head- guidebook "Discoveries From the Past"
quarters on the current road conditions, sent if you include 50c postage.
was also the instigator of the first im-
as sudden floods often change the paths "Metalert" . . . the Finest You Can BUY
proved road into the valley. It followed
the route that the emigrants took on their of streams and close entire areas.
way out—over Towne Pass, down to The fear and mystery that once cloaked
Darwin Wash, and finally on into Lone Death Valley are vanishing. Her scars
Pine. It was dedicated as "Eichbaums you will see, her past you will under- FISHER TREASURE DETECTORS
Tollroad." The toll was $2.00 per car, stand, as you search for answers to this Department DM Palo Alto, Calif. 94303
plus 50 cents per person. era of our California heritage. •
of by Arnold Tilden

' • < > &

I -. >.;• <

•MM m

0. t

Gleeson today.

A gbost gas station.

s YOU top the crest of the winding While some stones mark the graves of Gleeson might actually have been one
A gravel road that has been follow-
ing the hogbacks all the way from Tomb-
persons born as early as 1848 and buried
in 192 4, one very new stone is the rest-
of the oldest mining centers in Arizona.
Just when mining was first begun in the
stone, Arizona, a desolate cemetery on ing place of Yee Wee, birth date un- area no one will ever know, but certainly
the left is the first indication of one of known, who was buried on February 20, by early Spanish times, and perhaps
the many former mining towns which 196S. much earlier, since Indians were mining
pockmark the deserts and hills of the Who were these people and where blue gemstones which played, and still
southwest. The cemetery appears to be did they live? What did they do and play, such an important part in the jew-
the last resting place of the inhabitants why were they buried in a little, almost elry and personal adornments of the
of a long-dead mining period. deserted, rural cemetery, just two years Indians of the Southwest.
However, stones indicating burial as ago? A return to the car and a coast to Richard van Valkenburgh, writing al-
late as I 968 and others in good condition the bottom of the hill brings some in- most 25 years ago, tells of his investiga-
are definite proof the living are still formation. There a sign reveals you are tion of the turquoise deposits and pre-
much interested in memories of the past. in the center of Gleeson, Arizona. historic Indian sites in this area {Desert,
safe *

Vmivr M

Scene of the last

mining activity.

February, 1947). The evidence which he work the area without interference. There- and a post office was established in
found indicates both Hohokam and Mo- is even the supposition that the moun- October, 1890, but within three years
gollon utilization of the area on a large tains might have contained the famed and eleven months activities ceased; the
scale as early as the 13th Century. He also "lost mines" of the Zuni reported by post office was closed, and the town re-
found indisputable evidence of continued the early Spanish chroniclers. Although turned to the deep sleep for which it is
use by the Apaches of the immediate early Indian utilization of the mines may again noted.
mining area as well as larger sites in the still be shrouded in mystery or uncer-
The sleep on this occasion was not
nearby Dragoon Mountains. There is no tainty, their exploitation by the white
for long, for the town awakened six
doubt the Chiricahuas under Cochise man is a matter of record.
years later (October, 1900), and began
used the area until his death in 1872, By 1890 "Turquoise Mountain" was an active mining career, lasting until the
and that the tribe continued to control sufficiently enchanting to lure Tiffany copper boom of the World War I era
the area until its final surrender in 1886. and Company, of New York City, to
collapsed. Its real claim to fame began
Three hundred miles to the north, purchase the available claims in the in 1909 when copper was found in
Navajo tales, handed down from the area and to engage in the first commer- quantity. Two railroads were built into
period of the 1880s, indicate the cial exploitation of the old Indian gem the town to compete in transporting the
Apaches permitted selected Navajos to fields. The town of Turquoise was born
ore 35 miles to the smelter in Douglas
Make Your and a local newspaper, The Arizonian,
bragged that "more ore has been mined
Outings at Gleeson, to the amount of develop-
ment in the mines, than in any camp in
More Fun the world."
Unfortunately for Gleeson and its
<utd 'P kindred towns throughout the West, ore
has the unfortunate habit of exhausting
itself, becoming less and less plentiful
• Detectron
until the cost of operation exceeds the
• Excelsior Find income. So it was with Gleeson and its
Get the Best . . . f
Top Guarantee . . . f neighboring camps. Gleeson continued
Easy to Operate / . , .
A n
to eke out a meager existence as a near-
From i Old Coins
$ 1 1 9 . 9 5 to _ by supply point for the local cattle
$16500 ^ H ^ f t Treasures ranches in the area and periodically
would experience a boom when a movie
Stop By And See Our . . .
company would select it as a location.
Western Artifacts, I n d i a n Collection, Jewelry Gradually returning to the soil, Gleeson
Display, Lapidary Equipment, Tumblers, Gold
still retained the loyalty of a few of its
Pans, Dry 'Washers, Books on Treasures a n d
older and more beloved citizens, none To TOMBSTONE S HWY. 80
Lost Mines . a n d other items of f u n tor (FROM GLEESON, (6 MILES)
the entire f a m i l y . Fnr i n f o r m a t i o n just wrte perhaps more loyal than Yee Wee.
to or call:
No one knows where or when Yee
Wee was born nor when he arrived in
COMPTON the United States. Sometime before the
ROCK SHOP end of the 19th Century he came to San
1405 South Long Beach Blvd.
Francisco and from there to Tombstone.
Ph. 632-9096 Compton, Calif. 90221 There he worked for a relative, Quong
Kee, who operated the famous Can-Can the occasional traveler, the prospector
restaurant. About 1900 he came to Glee- and the nearby cattlemen.
son where he opened a restaurant that During the depression he found it
No Care Required became famous throughout the territory more profitable to close his business and

GLASS for the excellence of the food and the

reasonableness of the price. It is said
accept a position as cook at a nearby (XX.
camp. His deserted restaurant, in what

GARDEN that fifty cents was the cost of a Sunday

dinner consisting of several courses end-
was now an almost deserted town, was
broken into by vandals who deliberately
6 Plants in 1 $ 2 - 0 0 ing with homemade ice cream or a de- or accidentally set it on fire when they
Even people who don't have 2 f O r $3.75 licious lemon pie. left. Yee did not rebuild, but he con-
"luck" with most house plants 3 f o r $ 50 0
will succeed with this packet
tinued to stay in the little shack behind
Yee Wee was liked and admired by-
of six woodland plants (Red Partridge Berries, his ruined restaurant, living on his sav-
White Flowering Rattlesnake Plantain, Tree-like all. Although he seemingly never made
Ground Pine, Fern-like Club Moss, Palm tree-
ings. He remained in Gleeson for an
any great amount of money, his business
like Pipsissewa, Carpet-like Sheet Moss) that additional 35 years, supported by the
will fill any gallon-size container with a minia was an outstanding success until the
ture garden in 2-3 weeks. No care needed.
affection of his few remaining friends.
mines closed in the early 'twenties. Loyal
Easy instructions included. Full satisfaction One morning in February, 1968, Dan-
guaranteed or return shipping label for refund. to his community, Yee Wee continued
Send $2.00 for 1, $3.75 for 2, or $5.00 for 3 to operate his restaurant, now catering to ny Christianson, neighbor and friend,
Glass Garden packets. We pay the postage. dropped in for a visit to find the old
C a l i f , r e s i d e n t s a d d 5 n/., s a l e s t a x
Please Print Plainly —- man lying on the floor unable to rise.
MARLOWE KING CO. Rushed to a hospital in Douglas, he
2800 No. Holliston Avc ,
Altadena, California 91001 KOVACS CUSTOM MADE died on the following morning. His re-
Please send Glass Garden Packets. I en- METAL DETECTORS maining friends, within a radius of 50
close $ HIKER 1 IT. All Transistor $185.00 miles, arranged for his burial in the
Q Pleas* send free catalog. Detect Placer Gold, Lode Veins, Coins town he loved so much.
Interchangeable waterproof Loops
As the pioneers vacate the crumbling
remnants of the once famous mining
Now available undirwottr Metal Detector
town, the modern "wanderers of the
MIKEKOVACS wastelands" take their place. -Attracted
Zip_ 10123 Stonehurst Ave. Ph. (213) 768-0114 by the brisk, clear air in which there is
Sun Valley, Calif. 91352
no hint of smog and by the wide open

vnuGEsnE ApACHE } W M



Station in '<yZ//l\^ 'HARMON RANCH
•' the '80s) JZ?41i r -

spaces without the clatter and racket of

the city, the "prospector" in search of
peace and quiet can again experience the Free Chuck Wagon
joy of living.

Here, in the valley at the southwestern

corner of "Turquoise Mountain," you ON THEIR FIRST NIGHT'S
will receive a warm ant] friendly wel- STAY AT

Western Trails
come from Willard and Shirley Mayfield
whose mineral and historical museum Western Trails
represents the result of more than 30
Quest Ranch
years ol collecting. Modern prospectors
can not only feast their eyes on the truly
beautiful products of nature but can also
During October, November
and December
Guest Ranch
receive information and encouragement
which might help them in their own Enjoy something new and different in the pure clean Desert, where the
search for turquoise. beautiful snow-capped, 11,000-foot San Gorgonio and San Jacinto
mountains tower above you as you relax, swim, Bar-B-Q, hike or explore
The Mayfields ask but two things. on horseback the exciting open Desert.
For your own sake be careful! The hills Swim or relax in the sun or shade around the LARGE MINERAL POOL
are full of abandoned mine shafts and and cabana. Play shuffleboard, horseshoes, games and cards, or watch
volcanic caves. And second, don't be a T.V. in the Pool Cabana Recreation area.
vandal. Leave Gleeson as you found it— Enjoy your own private Bar-B-Q with Bar-B-Q supplies available at the
a peaceful and slumbering town which Ranch
may someday once again reawaken. •
Location of Ranch: 10 mil tes
north of Palm Springs on Indian
NOTE PflPER Avenue to Pierson Avenue. Four
on Pierson Avenue.
by NORTON BLLEN 6 3 9 0 0 PIERSON AVENUE From Los Angeles: Take the North
DESERT HOT SPINGS, CALIFORNIA 9 2 2 4 0 Palm Springs turnoff from Route
10 and go north to Pierson Ave-
8 Sheets S. Envelopes Postpaid B— OR PHONE (714) 3 2 9 - 6 0 2 6
nue, turn left 300 yards.
_ P.O. BOX 1444 •• EL CA JON, CA. - 92020 _
_ Ca/if. ^esidenfs Add 5% Tax _
OLLING OVER in the sleeping bag I canyon full of history. Just south of In-
R looked up and saw Mt. Whitney
holding her blue-grey craggy peaks out to
dependence on U.S. 395, we turned onto
Mazourka Canyon Road and faced the
warm in the rays of California's morning Inyo Mountains. Inyo is an Indian name
sun. A small lonesome cloud drifted meaning "dwelling place of a great
around and then finally hid itself from spirit." In April, I860, the New World
view in the portals. Mining and Exploration Company led
Close by, Lone Pine Creek rushed past, by Colonel H. P. Russ came over the
the water leaping and laughing as it Walker Pass from San Francisco and lo-
bounced off boulders and ran helter-skel- cated near the Owens River just south of
ter over branches of overhanging trees, Independence. Like the Paiutes, they, too,
creating riffles in a miniature white water had their eyes directed toward the "great
run, and then resting in a deep quiet pool. spirit" in the mountains but they saw the
The smell of bacon and eggs frying "dwelling place" full of gold.
lifted me out of my reverie and my sleep- Finding such a gifted mountain enticed
ing bag. It was going to be a big day and the company to move closer to its treas-
when you regress from 1970 to 1862 you ures and they organzied the Russ District.
had better get an early start. They staked out several mines, the most
Within an hour Harry, our dog, Bran- productive being the Eclipse, Ida and the
dy, and I were exiting through the Ala- Union. Then a prospecting soldier from
bama Hills and headed toward a whole Camp Independence found gold on a

spur of the Inyos and the San Carlos

Mining and Exploration Company was
born. Shortly thereafter a rich vein of
galena was found. The combination of
this energetic mining and the need for
housing created new towns.
At first the Paiutes were friendly but
as the miners were followed by stock-
men and ranchers they began defending
their territory where they had been the
landlords from the dawn of tribal exist-
ence. Bloody battles interrupted but did,
not halt the settlers.
In October, 1863, Bend City was built
just three miles down river. As if it
wasn't enough that they had to contend
with the Indians, the two towns went
into competition. San Carlos donated a
free ferry across the Owens River to her
Not wanting to be outdone, Bend City
much of a part of the scene as a pick and By December 17, 1863 Bend City had
shovel. 30 adobe houses and planned a grand
The Delta newspaper of July 2, 1863 ball for Christmas Eve. A little over a
reported the delegates were instructed to month later, January 28, 1864, they
"vote for no man who drank whiskey or boasted, "We now have five mercantile
played cards." Considering the potency houses, two eating houses, two black-
of the patent medicines it was no big smith shops, shoe shop, saddle and har-
thing, unless you happened to be a sal- ness maker, tailor shop and a laundry
oon keeper. Life was not easy on the conducted by Chung Ah Ting and lady.
by Betty J . Tucker local pub owner. He even found himself There is an abundance of everything to
responsible for any trial expenses of any eat and wear. Boiled shirts and blacked
patron committing a crime while under boots have become common."
the influence of liquor. Most keepers of
Farming in Owens Valley was success-
the cork moved on to damper pastures.
ful and supplied the miners and town
Before long San Carlos had two stores, folk with plenty of corn, potatoes, sweet
two butcher shops, two assay offices, an potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes and melons.
express office, one saloon and hoped This, along with the meat derived from
Wells Fargo would honor them with an bear, deer, antelope, sagehen, grouse,
office. Continued

Opposite page: Remnants and relics of a long-gone resident of Bend City.

Left: All that remains of Bend City where it once thrived along the Owens
River. Now it has fallen and even the river has abandoned it.
Below: One of many metal chimneys that decorate the ground at Bend City.

decided to build a bridge. This started an

inner village squabble. The up-towners
wanted the bridge at the upper end of
town and the down-towners wanted it at
the lower end. They voted and the down-
towners won. Aggravated at this turn of
events, the up-towners decided to build
their own. This resulted in unknown per-
sons firing the dry river grass. After
eight horses were burned and had to be
shot, the whole town sobered up and
hired Thomas Passmore to construct a
$2000 bridge which was paid for mainly
by the up-towners.
I should have said settled down instead
of sobered up as these two towns would
have made Carry Nation proud. The
Union men held a meeting to vote for
delegates to a county convention in Vi-
salia resulting in interesting and unusual
action in a time when a bottle was as
Home of th fish and beef cattle gave them a good
Famous diet for as long as they could afford to
STICK" pay for it.
San Carlos never grew to the extent
that Bend City did but the towns people
had spirit. The San Carlos Company
hurried the completion of its mill in
time to blast its steam whistle on July
Of OHIO 4, 1864. It had five 730-pound stamps
2365 Tahquitz-McCallum Way and a separator. The buildings, con-
Palm Springs, California 92262 structed of stone set in lime mortar, were
New Owner-Manager, H. WALLY CANNON
the pride of San Carlos.
Bend City and San Carlos had all of
the ingredients needed to make promis-
ing cities. Mines popped up all over the
Wills—both placer and lode. The first
range of the Inyo foothills was a com-
Gigantic Gem Maker's plete network of leads to the richest of
minerals. There was the Blue Bell mine
From the manufacturer of the world's
at the head of Mazourka Canyon and
largest selection of gem making the famed Santa Rita mine located on one
equipment. Over 200 wanted items
you can purchase from your
favorite dealer. Write of the canyon offshoots.
Severe winters and hot summers liber-
ally peppered with numerous Indian raids
tried the miners' souls. They spent much earthquake of March 26, 1872 to really
of their time preparing for and combating flatten out the remains of these ambitious
the "hostiles." Although Camp Indepen- years. The main shock lasted three min-
dence was only a few miles away the utes. It was preceded by preliminary
LORENES "pesky savages" seemed to appear out of shakes as much as ten days in advance.
Two hundred tremors were recorded up
Gift & Rock Shop nowhere with their hit and run tactics.
to five o'clock the following afternoon.
MINERALS Before the year 1864 was over the set-
From All Parts of The World The sites of Bend City and San Carlos
tlers found themselves in even more dif-
INDIAN were left beside an empty ravine instead
ficulty. Inertia was setting in. Most of the
Hand Made Jewelry of a river bank as the mighty Owens
mines had not been handled properly,
BLACK HILLS River changed course and flowed near
there was not enough money backing
GOLD JEWELRY Independence. After this final disaster
them and the cost was prohibitive. They
MOCCASINS for the entire family they were allowed to sink back into the
were surrounded by a wealth of food and
Open 7 Days desert.
minerals but couldn't afford them.
235 So. Main, LONE PINE, California
By January 3, 1866 the people had We jostled along in our dune buggy,
moved "bag and burro" to the newly es- Brandy's ears standing out in the wind
tablished town of Independence and sol- like a doggy Dumbo as we searched the
diers were stationed in the abandoned desert for the remains. Sure enough, 4.3

AUKOKA towns to prevent the Indians from firing

the buildings. This wasn't enough pro-
miles from Independence, near a trans-
mission tower, we found Bend City.
PROSPECTOR SUPPLY tection, however, for on the night of You can tell about the former inhabit-
ants by the things they left behind. The
OFFERS THE FOLLOWING FAMOUS March 11 four houses in San Carlos were
burned. The Paiutes killed stock within area is covered with broken pottery —
DETECTORS thick cream and brown crocks, dainty blue
ALSO AVAILABLE one mile of Camp Independence. Seeing
WHITE'S and pink flowered china, heavy coffee
RAYSCOPE KEENE DREDGES the abandoned towns the Indians thought
SLUICE BOXES they had the white intruders on the run. mugs, ornate slop jars (thunder mugs),
METROTECH DRY WASHERS They met with Captain Noble at Camp enameled kettles, long-handled drinking
Independence and offered all the wealth cups, sheet metal chimneys and old shoes.
FISHER GOLD PANS The place should be a treasure hunters
AND OTHER of their nation — four ponies, eleven
DETECTRON paradise as it looked as if it hadn't been
RELATED EQUIP. buckskins, a rusty dinner bell, 25 dimes,
ten dollars gold—if the "banner of stars" dug over.
would leave the valley. The offer was San Carlos is just three miles north on
(714) 521-6321 a narrow dirt road. There is a small
The battles went on but it took the mountain on the right and San Carlos is
A victim of "potshots" this old veteran roads and trails still reaching up—search-
from Bend City jades into the past. ing. We joined the tide of campers, cars,
trucks and trailers speeding past Inde-
across Whiteside Tunnel. It was originally pendence toward padded campsites—little
dug out and salted with getting-rich- aware of the history surrounding them.
quick in mind. This tunnel is so securely Secure in having touched the fingertips
braced that it was declared safe enough of the past, we went back to our own
for a fallout shelter. special campsite at the edge of Sequoia
The sun was warming up the earth as National Park. Alone once again with
we climbed into the dune buggy and went only the bees droning and the creek pour-
back down to the valley floor. Across ing out its mirth, I looked up at Mt.
the valley and in the foothills of the Whitney and winked. I had shared a tiny
Sierras we could see the light brown bit of history with her. •



Tired of giving the same old gifts?

Why not create your own. You can
make all types of jewelry, tie-tacs, cuff
on the left just as you round the moun-
links, rings, pins, insiginias, in gold
tain. There isn't much to find here ex-
and silver at % retail cost.
cept signs of heavy reddish adobe for
their buildings. Everything To Make Your $ 1 1 Q . 0 0 WILK-CRAFT COMPANY
Further up in the canyon we came First Jewelry Casting H a PPI PPD.
7033 Canoga Ave., Canoga Park, Calif. 91303

The Valleys Largest and Most Complete

Recreational Facility
Triple R&L Ranch
Featuring championship, night-
lighted tennis courts, large pool,
complete riding stables equipped
for any and all riding activities.
The Park has a miniature golf
course, handball court, horseshoe
pits, shuffleboard and children's
200 camper spaces of the 45-acre
park have been constructed for
the pleasure of the Valley
visitors, featuring facilities for
i tenters, campers and trailers.
I Groups invited. Visitors may
enjoy viewing the surrounding
1 desert and mountains from the
Penthouse Cocktail Lounge.
5 minutes from downtown
Palm Springs.
This fine, modern recreational

PHONE (714) 329-7418
' 1b "ftE-HlGH DESERT
facility is a development of
A.B.C. r i g u r Co., San Francisco.

Write or phone for Reservations:

Box 348-D, North Palm Springs
(714) 329-7418

The history of this series of forests is tion of the final forest was probably the
very interesting. Near the southern end last gasp of Mt. Mazama. The forces of

Hamming of Yellowstone Park is the remains of

what was once a very large volcano, now
known as Mt. Mazama. If geologists
have made correct interpretations of all
erosion now began to tear away at the
volcano, and have reduced it to a feature
that only geologists can recognize as an
extinct volcano.

on the signs, somewhere back many thous-

ands of years ago, this volcano belched
forth in a huge eruption, and covered
thousands of square miles with volcanic
At the same time that erosion was re-
ducing the volcano, the same thing was
happening to the stack of forests. Today,
the most imporant remains of it is what

Hocks ash. The eruption was so violent, and over

such a long period of time, that complete
forests were completely buried, with most
of the trees left standing.
is known as Specimen Ridge. This ridge
lies in the extreme northern part of the
park, slightly westward of center. It ex-
tends south, south-easterly for about 20
miles. To look at a map of Yellowstone,
As is the usual behavior of volcanoes,
by Glenn and pick out Specimen Ridge, is enough
this one had its period of violence, and
to warm the heart of any rockhound. A
and Martha Vargas then settled down to what is known as a
number of creeks flow off the north-
quiescent period. This period of inactivity
easterly face, and they have such delight-
was long enough to allow the ash beds to
ful names as Amethyst Creek, Chalced-
Those of you that have been following become populated with living things and
ony Creek, Agate Creek, Jasper Creek,
the present series on petrified wood may another forest that resembled very closely
Opal Creek and others! We have visited
notice that the illustration with this col- the one that stood before the eruption. A
the ridge twice, and did not find any of
umn is out of place. Perhaps some of you mature forest containing large trees well
these minerals, except the agatized wood
have also noticed that illustrations of in excess of 100 years would require
discussed below. One of the early park
standing petrified tree stumps appeared some 300 to 500 years before the ash
rangers told us of finding a mineral
in two previous columns. The answer to beds would be able to produce it.
dealer who was collecting amethyst cry-
all this is that somewhere along the line
How much time elapsed after the for- stals from the ridge. The same amethysts
some of us goofed. We would like to
est became mature is not known, but are mentioned in some of the popular
blame it on something, like too much va-
finally Mt. Mazama again blew its top mineralogy books. The crystals were prob-
cation, but 'tis not so, we simply did not
and buried the second forest. ably the lining of hollow petrified logs.
give your editor complete enough in-
Again the volcano went into a quies- If amethyst is or was to be found there,
struction before we left for our vacation,
cent period, and a third forest grew on then it is reasonable to assume that the
ami he did his best to outguess us, but
the ashes burying the first forest. In order other creek names, as well as the ridge it-
fell short.
to shorten a very long story, we will sim- self, were based upon more than imagina-
The present accompanying illustration tion.
ply say that Mt. Mazama, and the follow-
should have appeared in the August issue,
ing forests, went through the same cycle To get onto Specimen Ridge is no easy
and those of the August and October
issues should be here. We must also con- for more than 20 times! The magnitude task, but for those who want the ex-
less that the illustration in the September of such a sequence of events is almost perience and thrill of climbing through
issue should have been in the September staggering to the imagination. The vol- geological history, it is well worth while.
column! cano had to go through at least 20 per- It is possible to drive an automobile very
iods of quiescence, each long enough to close to the ridge by going to the north-
allow a mature forest to appear. It is very west corner of the park and then turning
T HIS MONTH we are deviating from
our policy of discussing geologic
features of our deserts, and will describe
possible that some of the quiet periods
were short, and erased the beginnings of
east toward the town of Cody. There is a
ranger station east of the junction of the
a petrified forest in Wyoming. The term a new forest, but such an event left little west and north roads. Information can
or no record as far as trees were con- be obtained there as to how to make the
"petrified forest" is used very loosely,
cerned. trip. Also at the station, some of the petri-
and generally covers any area where petri-
fied wood is found plentifully. When one- As part of the story, the volcano itself, fied logs can be seen. At times, the rang-
hears the term petrified forest, the thing or perhaps others in the vicinity, as part ers take groups on trips over the north
that usually comes to mind is that the trees of their subterranean activities, sent up face and into the upper forests. We pre-
are standing. Very few areas contain trees large amounts of heat and attendant dis- fer the approach from the northwest as
that are actually standing in the same- solved minerals that seeped up into the it allows one to climb up through succes-
position as they were when alive. There buried forests and infiltered the trees. sive forests. We counted at least ten that
is, however, a wonderful example of a The process of infiltration and pertifac- we could be certain were separate forests.
standing fossil forest to be seen in Yel- tion was probably more or less simultan- Our approach, however, is the most diffi-
lowstone National Park. Perhaps we eous with the burying of the later forests, cult as it goes directly up the very steep
should state it differently, and say it is a but obviously had to continue past the face of the ridge through an elevation of
wonderful example of a series of forests. covering of the final forest. The infiltra- more than 2000 feet. Continued mi page 46
Staff photo A Valley of Sand Verbena near Palm Springs

'Desert "Bloom
year . .

Cjift Subscriptions!
Use enclosed postpaid envelope
used for cloth. Mix one package of dye black, clear white or pastels, spray paint-
with one quart of water. An empty milk ing is preferred.

Woman's carton makes an ideal disposable contain-

er. Hold the bottom of the stem and
plunge the head into the dye solution.
Spray paint that is safe for styrofoam
is the only type to use on dry plants.
Regular spray enamel is too thick and

Swish up and down until the dye seeps has a heavy look. Follow the directions
into every part. on the can for perfect results.
Shake off excess dye and hang plant Is there a corner in your house that
upside down to dry. Finding a spot where could use a splash of color? Imagine a
the concentrated dye can drip is a prob- massive bouquet of purple yarrows in
lem. Outdoors is probably the best area an old bross spittoon; or a few lemon
for this project. yellow teasel burrs in a black umbrella
Because the dye can only reach a few holder; or an arrangement of natural
inches below the flower head, also dip cattails and lime-colored sea oats in a
the bottom part of the stem in the dye. tall wood cube. Let your imagination
If this leaves an uncolored space in the run wild on this project.
center of the stem, paint some dye on it
with a water color brush.
The yarrow in my moonshine jug has CACTUS PEAR SALAD
been colored a deep red with dye. From 1 pint creamed cottage cheese
this bouquet I have noticed the sunlight 1 small can crushed pineapple
H AVE YOU seen the brightly colored
dry plants on the market this fall?
Furniture and import stores have tubs
rapidly fades the colors. 8 ripe cactus pears
l/2 cup salad dressing
of dry weeds and garden plants in vivid 1/2 cup pineapple juice
colors—the perfect accent for any decor. maraschino cherries
If you have a corner that needs a dash of lettuce
color, maybe you'll want a bouquet of Peel and rinse the pears. Remove
orange teasel burrs or kelly green mullein seeds from the halves of fruit. Soak
spears. the fruit in pineapple juice for 15 min-
By experimenting I found dry plants utes. Mix cottage cheese and well-
can be colored at home. Pick long- drained pineapple. Remove pear halves
stemmed weeds or cultivated flowers from juice and arrange petal fashion
with firmly attached heads. If the plant on lettuce leaf. Pile cheese mixture in
is still green hang it upside down in a center of fruit. Spoon salad dressing over
well-ventilated area until dry. If you de- cheese and top with a maraschino cherry.
sire the stems curved, prop the plant up- To pick the pears use a pair of kitchen
right in an empty vase, bend the stem, tongs with a sharp knife. Brush the
and tie until dry. Yarrow, sea oats, dock small thorns off with a pastry brush or
cattails, teasel, burdock, Pearly Everlast- Dry floiver arrangement a small bundle of twigs from a nearby
ing, rabbit brush, yucca and many culti- Many plants and colors look best with bush. Remaining thorns can be singed
vated plants can be used. spray paint rather than dye. Dry plants off at home. To peel the fruit, stick a
One method of coloring dry plants is that are naturally dark colored cannot be fork in the bud end and peel the skin
to dye them with the same powder dye covered with dye. And to obtain deep down towards the fork. Slice the fruit
off close to the fork.

Ann Lincoln, Santa Paula, Calif.

Add'!. styles i n c l u d e
birthday stone etc
many i ems. Fast Holi- CRAFTED IN GENUINE, GUARANTEED Place black, very ripe choke cherries
day, Sp ecial Day, Every
Day Sel ers. ROLLED GOLD WIRE! into preserving pan with enough cold
water to prevent burning. Stew slowly
• Pins, earrings, men's tie pins. Fast, easy moneymaker. You have to see actual product
until fruit is very soft. Strain through
to appreciate its exquisite beauty! Lifetime treasures. Wonderful flattering gift for
women, teenagers, little giris and little boys, too. Waitresses, beauty operators eager coarse muslin, squeezing well until only
customers. Buy on sight! Simply show and sell. We prepay postage. Send $1.50 for 1 the stalks, skins and stones remain. Add
name or send $2.25 for any 3 names (resellabe for $4.50). INCLUDES ALL SALES INFOR- 2 tablespoons vinegar and 2 tablespoons
MATION. Hurry! Gift giving time is right now.
honey. Mix to consistency of thick cream.
Pour into jars and seal. Give one tea-
F. "GOLDWIRE" ROBINSON Goldwire artists for 42 years spoonful for troublesome cough.
Margaret Hansen, Klamath Falls, Ore.
Dune Buggies . . .
My husband and 1 enjoy Desert Magazine
and keep several issues in our camper as a
Calendar of
guide to interesting places. We were in Palm
Desert last December and plan to retire at
Morongo Valley.
We also agree with your policies regarding
Western Events
This column is a public service
the proper use of the beautiful mountains and and there is no charge for listing
deserts. That is the reason for this letter. Are your event or meeting—so take
there any areas around Palm Desert where advantage of the space by send-
there are sand dunes on which we could drive
in your announcement. However,

a dune buggy?
we must receive the information
MRS. J. K. ASHCRAFT. at Icait two months prior to the
Wichita, Kansas. event. Be certain to furnish com-
Letters requesting answers must include Editor's Note: Dune buggies are allotted in plete details.
stomped ssli**Qadrvts0o envelope* /he wind dunes in Imperial County just off
Si.i/e Route 7S between Brawley and Glamis.
Look lor /he turnoff designated as the Hugh
SHOW. 2200 Santa Rosa Ave. So.. Santa
Osborn Park Lookout.
Mother Lode Book . . . Rosa. Calif. Sponsored by the California
Barbed Wire Association. Free admission.
Your September, 1970 issue presents a
Photo Credits . . . Buy, sell and trade.
strong Mother I.ocle orientation. I think I've
seen the trend developing in prior issues. Editor's Sou: hi two recent issue* credits \ur OCTOBER 2i & 25, SAN DIEGO COUNTY
Well and good. photographs were inadvertently missed. 'The ROCKHOUND GEMBOREE sponsored by
In the way of a guidebook, Sunset Book's photograph oj Tiburcio Vasquez In the article. the San Diego County Gem & Mineral So
Gold Rush Country is a fine document. How- Vasquez Rocks by Helen Walker in the Sep- defies, Scottish Rite Masonic Memorial Center.
ever, I'd like to mention another gem of a tember '70 issue teas through the courtesy of 1895 Camino Del Rio South. Write F. B.
handbook for Gold Rush buffs. It is George the California Stale Library. In the article. Twiss, 8591 Mellmanor Drive. La Mesa, Calif.
Koenig's pocket-size Ghosts oj the Gold Doing Nutting by Elizabeth Beebe in the Aug- 920 11.
Rush, published by I.a Siesta Press of Glen- ust "10 issue, the photographs were through
dale. California. the courtesy oj the Nevada Press. OCTOBER 2i & 2-.. ANTIQUE BOTTLE
Koenig reports first-hand what he saw and SHOW & SALE, Glendale Civic Auditorium,
how he got there. The book covers die entire ! 10 1 North Verdugo, Glendale. Calif. Spon-
Mother Lode area. Il will appeal lo those sored by the Los Angeles Historical Bottle
who are interested in trekking off of Highway Club. Admission so cenls. children under 12
i9 through little-known sites whose ruins free.
are gone, or will soon be gone.
The major points of interest are also well OCTOBER il \ NOVEMBER I, ['REE GEM
covered, and the little book is unique in its & MINERAL SHOW sponsored by the Monte-
thorough geographical coverage. The marvel bello Mineral ami Lapidary Society, Masonit
is that all the dozens of places—-don't look for Temple Bldg.. 6 i l o Lasi Olympic Blvd., East
them on a gas station map—are accessible with Los Angeles. Calif.

the family auto. Many of the roads are dirt, but

are fully passable. I've tested the book and it OCTOBER il-NOVEMBERl, ALL MINER-
works. AL SHOW sponsored by (he Mineralogical
Society oi Southern California, Pasadena City
DONALD F. MEADOWS, College. 1570 Colorado Blvd., Pasadena. Calif.
Yuba City, California, Apple Dolls . . . Mineral Dealers. Admission 50 cents.
Enjoy your fine magazine and the Woman's
Editor'J Note: My apologies to my friend, Viewpoint Page. I also like making apple dolls NOVEMBER 5-6, 1970 NORRA MEXICAN
George Koenig. Somehow in the rush of get- and thought I would send you an additional 1000 HNSENADA TO LA PAZ RACE. Write
ting 011/ the Gold Rush issue, Ghosts of the tip for their preservation. (Woman's View- NORRA, 161(1 Vic ton UK,I.. Suite 200, Glen-
Gold Rush wai not mentioned. Il is tin ex- point. August 70.) dale. Calif, 9 1201.
cellent book .md highly recommended. After peeling the apple, I insert a lead pen-
cil and let the head dry on this. After they are
formed, I make a mixture of Orris Root, Cin-
fwentynine Palms. Calif. Free parking and ad-
That's Progress . . . namon and Allspice and sprinkle inside of tin
mission to shows.
Relative to my article Mines oj Mineral apple in the pencil hole. This keeps the apple
K/ux in the August '70 issue, you may get a from getting bugs in it. 1 also use the head t NOVEMBER 25-30, ROCKHOUND ROUND-
letter to the editor and wonder what happened. set the apple on. as it can be turned in any UP sponsored by San Diego Councils, Gold
The photo I sent you showing the butcher direction. The pencil is just slipped down into
Rock Ranch. Ogilby Road off Route 8, I i
shop, the last of the early buildings, was taken the center of the body. The apples that have
miles west of Yuma. Camping, field trips,
in July, 1969. I returned to Mineral King this worked best for my dolls have been Golden
gold panning, swap table, auctions all free.
July and found the building is no longer there. Delicious. They have a larger head.
Write Box 2132, San Diego, Calif. 92112.
It apparently was removed to make room to I am enclosing a picture of four of m\
park more cars at the start of the trails to apple dolls. I think they are a lot of fun tc JANUARY is. INTERNATIONAL EXHI-
Timber Gap and Monarch Lakes. This is pro- make and just turn into a personality all of BITION OF NATURE PHO'FOGRAPHY.
gress ? their own; a good cure for boredom. Chicago. Illinois. Deadline January IS. For
MIKE ENGLE, MRS. MYRON J. PETERS, information on entries write Nature Camera
San Clemente, California. San Diego, California. Club. 107 Eugenie St., Chicago. III. 60614.
Petrified wood
slice on the left is
•just as it was taken
Fine quality sets carved in Mexico. Four color selection with
White . . . . Aztec Blue, Inca Black, Jade Green and Desert The slice on the
Rose. English, Aztec and Italian styles to accent your decor.
Matching colored onyx boards available. right was immersed
Onyx boards (13|/ 2 x 13V2) $15.95 ppd.
Onyx chess set with wood case ...
Onyx chess set with matching onyx board
17.95 ppd.
27.95 ppd.
in liquid bleach for
Sample onyx piece — send $1.00 (will be applied to cost of
either set) specify style and color.
a few days, and the
W. BUHLER — ART HUNTERS . . . Box 8522
^ Fountain Valley, Calif. 92708 ^j enclosed wood was
etched away
revealing the
wood pattern.
Authentic reproduction:
Wood with metal tire and
hub bands. Rustic brown
i oil stain finish. Indoor- RAMBLING ON ROCKS
outdoor use. Wheel diameter 36 inches. Continued from page 42
$ 3 9 . 9 5 Postpaid west of the Rockies
FREE Information
RELIC REPLICAS As one goes up the mountain, the first being nearly pure white. It would not
Dept. D, 5901 Williams Hwy. signs are small chips of white agatized lend itself to lapidary work, but the
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
wood that have been washed down to the grain pattern is very clean and well de-
flats. Next, small logs and limb sections fined. Many of the pieces look exactly
are to be seen. If the small creeks are in- like chips of wood, having split along
JEWELRY CRAFTS CATALOG vestigated, log sections up to three feet the weak zone of the still-enclosed wood.
in diameter can be found trapped. Finally To those who are used to the very high-

FREE! a standing tree can be seen; some arc- ly colored petrified wood from Arizona
nearly completely overgrown by living and other popular locations, the wood
trees. The usual standing petrified tree is from Specimen Ridge might be a dis-
Lapidary — rockhounding about two to three feet in diameter, and appointment. It is probably just as well,
— jewelry making . . . add up Co
GET a fascinating creative art! up to 20 feet tall. These trees were un- because collecting is not allowed. Also,
CRAFTS SEND FOR FREE CATALOG doubtedly much taller when living, but one needs to only look down the moun-
BIGGEST World's largest selection - -over 10.000 i
offered. ..imports from all parts of the world.| now the upper part is gone, part probably tain to the beautiful panorama below him;
broken off at the time of the eruption, the long arduous trip down is much easier
GRIEGER'S. INC. and part after being uncovered by erosion. without a load of stone. •
D«pl S3 -1633 E. Wolnmi —, Calif.
Those that will make the effort to reach
the extreme northern top of the ridge
will see the group of three trees illustrat-
EQUIPMENT' ed. The largest is more than five feet in
diameter, and probably was about 500
years of age at the time of burial.
The types of trees that grew here, at
least in the upper levels, evidently were
not greatly different from what might be
4 WHEB DRIVE ENTHUSIASTS • expected in the region today. It is very
difficult to completely identify a fossil
52 Pages of goodies • Priced Right! When most other desert lizards are
tree from its wood structure without lab-
ARMSTRONG seeking the cool confines of rocks and
NORSEMAN **" oratory equipment, but these are obvious-
bushes, the mighty iguana, whose sci-
4 Fly 10 1" W i * 29 6' OD ly the type that appeared late in the
2 Tirn & 9 " Wida Wrwili 198.95 entific name is Dipsosaurus dorsalis
earth's history. By looking at rock chips
(meaning dry-lizard with back crest)
569 1675
found in the area we were able to find
leaf prints that resembled sycamore or
can hot-foot around the desert and be
king of all he surveys. Naturalist-pho-
SOUTH GATE, CALIFORNIA 90280 maple. We also found what we were
tographer Hans Baerwald used his
quite certain were prints of pine needles.
35mm Exacta with 600mm lens to cap-
I.. The agatized wood is not colorful, ture this portrait of "the king."

The Trading Post Classified Ads ^ Mail your copy and first-insertion remit-
tance to: Trading Post, Desert Magazine,
Palm Desert, California 92260. Classified
rates are 25c per word, $5 minimum
per insertion.
OUT-OF-PRINT books at lowest prices! You WHERE TO RETIRE or Vacation. Where costs are
name it—we find it! Western Americana, LOW! Norman Ford's 100,000 word book, GEMS & MINERALS
desert and Indian books a specialty. Send "Off-the-beaten-Path" covers hundreds of METALS & MINERALS BUYERS GUIDE: Who buys
us your wants. No obligation. International World Paradises. Only $2.50. W. C. Camp- what and where! $3.00. Comprehensive,
Bookfinders, Box 3003-D, Beverly Hills, Calif. bell, Dept. Dl , 632 Grove Street, N.E., Albu- Dept. D, Box 1043, Hanford, Calif. 93230,
"OLD MINES of Southern California" (1893], querque, N.M. 87108. USA.
96pp, $2.50. "Southern California Treasures," "DEAD MEN DO TelPl"ales" By Lake Erie Schae-
Rascoe,, 174pp, $4.00. "Old Mines-Ghost fer. Facts about Frank Fish's mysterious death, • INDIAN GOODS
Camps of California, E<man, (1899), 144pp, still unexplained. Sequel to "Buried Treasure
photos, $3.50. "Old Mines of California and & Lost Mines" the Treasure Hunters manual. FINE RESERVATION-MADE Navajo, Zuni, Hopi
Nevada," Raymond (1369], I34pp, $3.00. $3 postpaid. L. Erie Schaefer, 14728 Peyton jewelry. Old pawn and Kachina dolls. Navajo
Postpaid immediately. Frontier Book Head- Drive, Chino, Calif. 91710. rugs, Yei blankets, Chimayo blankets and
quarters, Fort Davis, Texas 79734. GOLD HOBBY—the book for prospectors,- plans vests, pottery. Kaibab moccasins. A collector's
for famous folding drywasher, test for un- paradise! Open daily 10 to 5:30, closed Mon-
seen gold, some desert dangers to be aware days. Buffalo Trading Post, Highway 18,
Towns, Old Trains, Prospecting, Mark Twain,
of. Hard back, $3.95 and 30c handling fee. P.O. Box 697, Apple Valley, Calif. 92307.
Yukon Poems, etc. Send stamp for illustrated
catalog, or $1.00 for sample illustrated book P. O. Box 4195, Torrance, Calif. 90510. AUTHENTIC INDIAN jewelry, Navajo rugs, Chi-
on the Wild West. Filter Press, Box 5D, Palmer mayo blankets, squaw boots. Collector's
FREE 128 page catalog on detectors, books and
Lake, Colorado 801 33. items. Closed Tuesdays. Pow-Wow Indian
maps. General Electronic Detection Co., 16238
Trading Post, 19967 Ventura Blvd., East
SOME NEED TANGIBLE reason to visit boonies. Lakewood Blvd., Bellflower, Calif. 90706.
Woodland Hills, Calif. Open Sundays.
Old bottle hobby furnishes profitable motive. GUIDE TO MEXICO'S gems and minerals: locali-
"Old Bottle Magazine provides necessary ties, mines, maps, directions, contacts. Eng-
knowledge. $5.00 delivers twelve invaluable lish-Spanish glossary, too. $2.00 postpaid.
issues. OBX, Box 243-D, Bend, Oregon Gemac, Mentone, Calif. 92359. CHRISTMAS JEWELRY SALE. Price lists a v a i l a b l e .
97701. DESERT MAGAZINES: 1937 Volume 1 through Free Christmas earrings w i t h each order of
1 $2 or more. Jean's J e w e l r y , Box 1 1 0 1 ,
"6vERLOOKED~~FORTUNES' in minerals and gem Volume 30. First four volumes bound. Ex-
stones; here are a few of the 300 or more cellent condition. Make offer. Paul Dunlap, Glendale, Arizona 8 5 3 0 1 .
you may be overlooking: uranium, vanadium, 1 162 Madison Avenue, Grand Rapids, Mich.
tin, tungsten, columbium, tantalum, nicke!, 49507. • MAKE JEWELRY
cobalt, gold, silver, platinum, iridium, beryl-
lium, emeralds, etc. Sone worth SI to $2 a "MAKE PROFESSIONAL JEWELRY" for Gifts, Fun
pound, others $25 to $200 per ounce; an • BUSINESS or Profit. Send 25c for instructive picture-
emerald the size of your thumb may be catalog of jewelry parts, semi-precious stones,
OPPORTUNITY! WRITING FILLERS. Tells how, rhinestones, beads, plus "How To" section.
worth $1000 or more; learn how to find, what to write. Includes Directory telling
identify and cash in on them. New simple Everything you need from start to finish.
where to sell your articles. Send $1.00. Sy Schweitzer & Co., Inc., P. O. Box 106,
system. Send for free copy "Overlooked For-
Dubois, 305 Swan Avenue, Houma, Louisi- Dept. D, Harrison, N.Y. 10528.
tunes in Minerals/' it may lead to knowledge
ana 70360.
which may make you rich! Duke's Research
Laboratory, Box 666-B, Truth or Consequences JADE EAR-RINGS! FREE pair. Assemble jewelry • MAPS
New Mexico 87901. at home. Everything furnished. Enjoyable IN-
COME. Jade World, 347 North Main, Ukiah, OVERVIEW OF MOJAVE Desert Map, new two
LOST DESERT GOLD, legendary and geological Calif. 95482. color, 22x35 inch map on topo base. Fea-
history of the southern California desert, with tures Ghost Towns, Mining Camps, Historic
photos and maps to pinpoint locations. $2.50 Trails and Routes, Abandoned Railroads, In-
postpaid. Gedco Publishing Co., Box 67, Bel I - • EQUIPMENT dian Sites, Geology and Special Back Country
flower, Calif. 90706. GOLD DRY Washer plans, portable hand opera- to Explore. Price: $3.00 folded, $3.25 rolled.
DESERT MAGAZINES: Vol. 1 to Vol. 30, No. 12. ted, recover gold from gold diggings, from Desert Enterprises, Box 286-D, Ontario, Calif.
Excellent condition. $200.00. Ray Schee, 1043 dry river beds, etc., by air principle. $2.00. 91764.
N. Laurel, Ontario, Calif. 91762. (714] 984- R. Bown, P.O. Box 7 9 1 , Arcadia, Calif. 91006 "THE ROAD MAP TO California Pioneer Towns,
6446. FOR SALE: Gula's gold dry washers. All one Ghost Towns, and Mining Camps '—over
unit, 52 lbs., with motor, $225.00. F.O.B. 400 places with index classifying and de-
"UPPER MOJAVE DESERT," first book to reveal
9884 Coalinga, Montclair, Calif. 91763. scribing town or site. Folded or rolled, $2.95.
route of extinct Tonopah-Tidewater Railroad,
Phone (714) 626-6948. "The Road Map to Lost Mines and Buried
original names of present towns and cities, Treasures of California"—127 locations with
the Borax story, biographies of pioneers. DRYWASHERS, GOLD* PANS, metal" detectors, text providing best available clues. Folded
Hardbound. Many priceless photos. Only books, custom Jeep seats, etc. Send for liter- only. $4.00. California residents add 5 %
$4.95 postpaid from author: Mary O'Conley, ature1. Hoffman's Desert Products, Box 402, sales tax. Both maps for $6.50. Varna En-
Baker, Calif. 92309. La Mirada, California, or see display at terprises, P. O. Box 2216, Dept. A, Van
13244 Whittier Blvd., Whittier, Calif. Nuys, Calif. 91404.
RIVER OF GOLD, the richect treasure of them
all. A new book "Treasure Travels" contains SECTIONIZED COUNTY maps — San Bernardino
all new photos, maps and other valuable GEMS $3; Riverside $ 1 ; Imperial, small $ 1 , large
information on California's most fabulous
SHAMROCK ROCK SHOP, 593 West La Cadena $2; San Diego $1.25; Inyo $2.50; Kern $1.25,
treasure. $3 postpaid. Gedco Publishing Co.,
Drive. Riverside, California 92501. Parallel other California counties $1.25 each. Nevada
Box 67, Bellflower, Calf. 90706.
to Riverside Freeway. Phone 686-3956. counties $1 each. Include 5 percent sales tax.
ANTIQUE BARBED WIRE Identification Hand- Come in and browse; jewelry mountings, Topographic maps of all mapped western
book; 200 wires illustrated, $1.00. My chains, supplies, minerals, slabs, rough ma- areas. Westwide Maps Co., 114 West Third
sketch list catalogue 25c. Wire Sales, Box terial, equipment, black lights, metal de- Street, Los Angeles 13, California.
6392-P, Bakersfield, Calif. 93306. tectors, maps, rock and bottle books.
GHOST TOWNS: Southern California and south-
"GEMS & MINERALS," the monthly guide to ROCKHOUND SPECIALS! 30 different beauti- east Nevada regions. Old T&T railroad map
gems, minerals, and rock hobby fun. $4.50 fully polished agates, etc., $3.00; 15 differ- of the early 1900s. $1.95 ppd. PhoCar, Box
year. Sample 25c. Gems & Minerals, Mentone ent named mineral stones, $2.00. Both 5743, Pasadena, Calif. 91107.
Calif. 92359. units, $4.50. Ernie Phillips, Box 131 Ban-
SURVIVAL BOOKS! Guerrilla Warfare, Wilder- ning, Calif. 92220. • MINING
ness Living, Medical, Guns, Self Defense, POCKET GOLD, $2. Placer gold, $2. Gold dust, ASSAYS. COMPLETE, accurate, guaranteed. High-
Nature. Books—Vital, Fascinating, Extraor- SI. Attractively displayed. Postpaid. Money- est quality spectrographic. Only $5.00 per
dinary; Catalog free. Adobe Hacienda, back guarantee. Lester Lea, Box 237D, Mt. sample. Reed Engineering, Box 121, Wright-
Route 3, Box 517A, Glendale, Arizona 85301. Shasta, California 96067. wood, California 92397.
ASSAYS: GOLD and silver, $3.00. Gold, silver, FIND BURIED TREASURE with revolutionary "BIT OF THE OLDE SOD" One Square Inch of
lead and copper—combined assay—$4.00. patented, analytical metal detector. Features Tipperary Downs, County of Tipperary, Re-
Spectograph, $5.00. Utah Assaying Co., Box push button and automatic tuning, negligible public of Ireland. The magic of the Emerald
Box 674, Grantsville, Utah 84029. ground pickup, greatest range. Free catalogue. Isle is recaptured in a 9 " x l 2 " 4-color docu-
Gardiner Electronics Co., Dept. 5 1 , 4729 N. ment conveying sentimental rights to an
7th Ave., Phoenix, Arizona 85013. ACTUAL SITE in County Tipperary, Ireland.
OLD COINS, STAMPS Hand inscribed with any name(s). Includes
FREE TREASURE GUIDE! Fact-filled collectors
RARE 1878 CC Dollar $5.00. P, O or S mint edition; send 50< for postage. Also request map and fascinating story of Tipperary
$3.00 each. Illustrated 65 page Catalogue free literature on ultrasensitive, professional Downs, and a cleverly worded Irish Blessing!
of coins, 50c. N. Shultz, Box 746, Salt Lake Fisher Detectors, Fisher Research, Dept. D - l l , Makes an enchanting and everlasting gift
City, Utah 84110. Palo Alto, California 94303. for friend or loved one. Suitable for framing.
Only $3.50 postpaid from Ember Enterprises,
POWERFUL METROTECH locators detect gold, sil-
10530 Encino Ave., Granada Hills, California.
• PHOTOS ver, coins, relics. Moneyback guarantee. Terms
California residents include sales tax.
free information. Underground Explorations,
SELL YOUR PHOTOS. Report tells h o w , w h e r e . "LUCK O' THE IRISH TO YE"
Dept. 3A, Box 793, Menlo Park, Calif. 94025.
Color slide markets. O n l y $ 1 . 0 0 . G o o d f e l l o w METAL DETECTORS: Detectron, Fisher, Goldak, GUMMED NAME AND address labels: 1000—
Sales, Dept. 6, 1 6 0 9 A v e n i d a Sirio, Tucson, Metrotech, Precision, Rayscope. Send for free $ 1 , 3000—$2.25. Two week delivery. C.
Arizona 8 5 7 1 0 . information. Aurora Prospector Supply, 6286 Friday, 4705 Adam Road, Santa Susana,
Beach Blvd., Buena Park, Calif. 90620. (714) Calif. 93063.
• REAL ESTATE 521-6321. SHOPPING BY MAIL is fun. Write for our free
GOLDAK Treasure Locators—Pleasure and profit catalog "Gifts for Gracious Giving." Ember
LANDI EASY TERMS less than bank rates. North-
in a hobby you'll enjoy. Find-coins, relics, Enterprises, 10530 Encino Ave., Granada
west Timbered Acreages as low as $950 total
gold, silver. Charge on Bankamericard. Gol- Hills, Calif. 91344.
price. 5-10-20-40 acres. For people who
dak, Dept. DM, 1101-A Airway, Glendale,
love the land—a tract of Recreation Land to MAGNETIC CHESS SET made of sturdy plastic is
California 91201.
have for your very own! In Northern Idaho, finely detailed with built-in magnets. The
Northeastern Washington and Western Mon- ROTH METAL LOCATORS—for pleasure and King is 1-5/8 inches high. Vinyl board and
tana. In the heart of lakes and big game treasure. Authorized Roth dealer. Free infor- cushioned cover folds to a compact 7 % by
country. All covered with growing timber. Ac- mation. Sonac Industries, Box DM-1202, Po- 3 3/j inches thick, with chessmen enclosed.
cess and Title insurance with each tract. This mona, Calif. 91766. Ideal for servicemen or for traveling. Only
is select land with natural beauty, recrea- FREE CATALOG EXANIMO—a name you can $4.95. Order today. Free gift catalog. Elm
tional and investment values. Plan for the trust. Detectors, prospecting, treasure-hunting Sales, Dept. D, 2605 W. Beech, Visalia, Calif.
future and retirement recreation. We have equipment, sporting goods. Exanimo, Sequndo 93277.
tracts of many types and sizes from which 2, Colorado 81070. FOUR "WILL" FORMS and Lawyer's 64-page
to choose, including beautiful Northwest GHOST TOWN EXPLORERS: Over 400 Mother booklet. Plus important "Guide to W i l l s " —
Waterfront property. Your inspection is we! Lode locations in "California Pioneer Towns," complete, $2.00. (Guaranteed.) National
corned. Write us for free list, maps and com- $2.50 postpaid. Goldbug, Box 588-D, Alamo, Forms, Box 48313-DS, Los Angeles, Calif.
plete information. Write to: Dept 3C, Re- Calif. 94507. 90048.
forestation, Inc., P. O. Box 106, Opportunity
FREE 128 page catalog on detectors, books and GOLD NUGGET REPLICAS! Ounce, $2.00! Astro-
Station, Spokane, Wash. 92214.
maps. General Electronic Detection Co., 16238 naut pen, nugget, $3.00! Five acres ($1500)
FIVE ACRES VIEW property overlooking Salton Lakewood Blvd., Bellfiower, Calif 90706. Christmas Valley, trade for camper van! Don
Sea. Fabulous recreation area, water on orop- WHITES GOLDMASTE? Metal-Mineral detectors. Bush, 639 Rosemont, Pasadena, Calif. 91103.
erty, electricity available, approximately '/? Sales and rentals. (Rental applies on pur-
mile from Sea above Highway 111. May be 1000 NAME AND address labels, $1.00. Printed
chase). Discount for cash. Bookman, 622
divided into 4 parcels. $2000.00 per acre. on quality gummed paper. Golden Merit
Orange, Redlands, California 92373. Phone
Low down. Write: Merl Kesel, 1906 C Ave- Sales, 1240 Hood, Dept. 101, Albany, Ore-
nue, National City, Calif. 92050. 793-6112, 10 a.m.—5 p.m. Closed Tuesdays.
gon 97321.
G O L D T S I L V E R , RELICS! Located with p ^ e T f u l
FOR SALE: New 2 bedroom and den cabin. Detectron Metal Detectors. Free information. MAKE WINE AT HOME! Quart jars only re-
Garage, patio, viewport, 2 V2 acres. FA.P., Terms. Detectron, Dept. D - l l , Box 243 San quirement. Fun holiday gifts. $1.00 plus ad.
P. O. Box 35, Pinon Hills, Calif. 92372. Gabriel, Calif. 91778. June, Box 324, Yucca Valley, Calif. 92284.
fornia. Eleven acres pines and oaks. Several
beautiful campsites. Two horizontal tunnels,
150 and 250 feet deep. Dig for gold while Clyde Forsythe's Famous . . .
you vacation. $5000. C. J. Wall, 4654 Avo

Hold Strike
cado Blvd., La Mesa, Calif. 92041. Statement of ownership, management and cir-
culation (Act of October 23, 1962 Section 4369,
Title 39, United States Code).
lot Salton Riviera, $3,995.99. Low down,
terms. Owner: V. L. Clithero, 6636 W. Ave., 1. Date of filing: September 15, 1970.
L-15, Apt. C, Lancaster, Calif. 93534. 2. Title of publication: DESERT Magazine
GOVERNMENT LANDS: Low as $1 acre. Millions
acres! For exclusive "Copyrighted Report'
plus "Land Opportunity Digest" listing lands
throughout U.S.; and valuable 17x22 Trea-
sure Map of U. S., send $1.00. Land Dis-
3. Frequency of issue: Monthly.
4. Location of known office of publication:
Palm Desert, Calif. 92260.
5. Location of the headquarters or general
business offices of the publishers: Palm Desert,
Four Mining Camp Scenes
posal, Box 9091-DE, Washington, D.C. 20003.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. California 92260.
6. Names and addresses of publisher and
GOVERNMENT LANDS . . . l o w a s $ 1 . 0 0 acre!
editor: Publisher: William Knyvett, 79-890 Horse All In 4-Color
Million acres! For exclusive "Government
shoe Rd., Indio, California 92201.
Land Buyer's Guide P'lus "Land Opportunity Each 1 4 " x l 7 " with white margins
Review" listing lands available throughout Editor: Jack Pepper, 73-170 Tumbleweed Lane,
U.S., send $1.00. Satisfaction guaranteed. Palm Desert, California 92260. on high quality paper suitable for
United Lands, 306-RK Carry Building, Wash- 7. Owners: Jack Pepper and William and
ington, D.C. 20005. Joyce Knyvett. framing.
GOVERNMENT PUBLIC LAND (400,000,000 8. Bondholders, mortgagers, security holders:
acres) in 25 states. Low as $1.00 acre. 1970 None. No lettering or folds.
report. Details $1.00. Land Information, 9. Re No. 8: None.

422DM Washington Building, Washington
10. Average over 12 month period of issues
D.C. 20005. Postage &
from November 1969 to October 1970: 46,296
copies printed; paid circulation: 22,000 news- Tax included
• TREASURE FINDERS stands, 23,500 mail subscriptions, 45,500 total
Send Check or Money Order ro
paid. 300 free distribution, 45,800 totni distri-
TREASURE-METAL and mineral locators. Free 24 bution, 496 office use, spoiled, etc. Desert Magazine Book Shop,
page booklet. GeoFinder Co., Box 37, Lake-
Palm Desert, Calif 92760
wood, Calif. 90714.



Finds Coins.. Jewelry...Gold...Silver...Copper

Complete with 5 transistors, general purpose
5" search head, separate thumbwheel tuner
and volume control, 2'A" internal speaker
16-30" telescoping rod, 9V battery, earphone
3" & 10" search heads also available. To Or-
der, send cash, check or MO, $3 deposit for
COD. In NJ add 5% State Tax. Put coupon
and return address in envelope. Mail to:
Treasure House DAOC Tennent.N.J.07763
• 3" Head for shallow coins 0-9" S 8.95
• 10" Head for deep chests 4-72" .... Si0.95
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• FREE $14.95 Value fitted Attache Case plus
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• FREE list of Maps, Books and Catalog
Old well is more recent addition to the Summit area, but it too, is abandoned.


Continued from page 23
8 Jumbo Prints (rectangular) $1.78 unbroken. No luck! A half-mile east of handout—which was forthcoming. Two
12 Jumbo Prints (square) ..$2.18 long, slim lizards with red spots elected to
our camp (across the railroad tracks) we
12 Jumbo Prints and
New Roll of Kodacolor except 126 $2.98 came upon a sizeable placer operation. A chase insects through our "open patio"
1 2 Jumbo Prints and portion of the sign on the old tin shack and a sizeable jackrabbit ambled up the
New Roll of Kodacolor "ilm, 126 $3.07
Kodacolor Neg reprints (square) ...$ .14
had been shot off so we can't be sure but wash to view the intruders.
All prices comparably low. feel it was probably the Summit Placer Just before dark, the most interesting
Price sheets and envelopes
and Gold Company Claim. It was evi- visitors arrived—two Burrowing Owls
No gimmicks dently relocated in 1967 but there was who swooped in over us several times,
No lies no equipment on the property. We met
47 years of continuous dropping lower with each pass. They
service guarantees your no one during our explorations nor did chattered one to the other as if to say
quality. we hear a train pass along the tracks. "Who are the new folks in town?"
P. O. Box 370, Yuma, Arizona 85364 or During the day, as we rode over the "Lobo," our 100-pound, Alaskan Male-
P. O. Box 2830, San Diego, Calif. 92112 area on trail bikes, it appeared to be such mute, eyed all the visitors calmly from
a desolate land. Though it was only April, his resting position near the trailer. How-
the temperature hovered at 94 degrees ever, the last low swoop of the owls
during midday. We couldn't even scare- seemed too great a trespass. H e raised
up a jackrabbit which really wasn't too upon his haunches and gave his mournful
Subscriptions as 0ifts surprising since vegetation seemed too wolf-howl—the owls departed pronto!
sparse to support any life. If your interest is gold, you will enjoy
After dinner the first evening, we were a visit to Summit Diggings. I can't prom-
enjoying the slight breezes of dusk when ise you will get rich or even find colors.
the earlier lonely land began to come I can, though, guarantee golden opportun-
alive. Several Gambel sparrows alighted ity for quiet relaxation and peaceful con-
on nearby bushes, probably hoping for a tentment in the desert solitude. •
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Fullerton, California R A F D R M I I I A Pfl 2 5 M m e r St.
Route 4, Box 188, Salem, Oregon 97302 /
H.A. t-UKMULA t U . Bakersf.eld, Ca 93305
Model 720 Metal Locator
Molded, rugged hi-impact plastic housed detection head and apparatus box.
High-quality miniature speaker with perforated protective cover radiates exclu-
sive "Tell-Tone" signal. Heavy duty plated metal swivel adjusts to all positions
thru 180 degrees. Coiled cable sealed inside telescoping handle; no exposed
wires. Extends from 25 to 38 inches for operators of all sizes. Slanted control
panel with easy-set, one knob adjustment control is readily accessible and
visible to operator in all positions. Wide range sensitive meter, easy to read,
works in conjunction with speaker or ear phones. Miniature headphone jack
automatically cuts out speaker when headphone is inserted. Internal circuits
fully transistorized. Concealed battery compartment houses standard 9-volt
long life battery. Polished cast aluminum housing makes unit comfortable to
handle over long periods of time . . . extremely rugged yet very light. Com-
pletely epoxy sealed to insure "All-Weather" operation. Weighs less than 4 lbs.
EFFECTIVE DEPTH RANGE (Under Normal Conditions) 3 " Bullet 7" Penny 8-12" Silver
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48" Metal Chest 6 0 " Large Metallic Object.


JJJ's Blue Book #17 is chock
full of everything you need for ,'
prospecting rockhounding, lapi-
dary or jewelry making. Thou-
sands of jewelry items for the
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OT t h e famOUS '720' Same Speaker f o r Model 8 2 0 . . , ,ifo. 2 4 7 - H . . . $ 1 ^ . 7 5
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Warranty MODEL 8 2 0 . . . . N O . 2 4 7 - 7 $ 94.50*
Goldak instruments are guaranteed to [§
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and all carry a two year warranty l o c a t o r , is c a p a b l e o f p i n p o i n t i n g l a r g e m e t a l
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Power' b a t t e r y checking system, depth indicator, rugged
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flashlight batteries, ready to operate. Rugged carrying
case available o$ optional accessory. NO. 247-10 $16.00*

Model 1 1 0 0 M e t a l Locator NO. 247-9 ...$175.00*

Priees subject te change without notice.
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Closed Saturday and Sunday

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There is a whole new world out there, once you leave the closer look at their product. The colorful world of exploration and
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