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Don't throw your rotaaway."


riiddle-of-the-Road Manual for
American Voters
This word to all when Iam dead :
Be sureyou1re right;
go ahead."
Davy Crockett.
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When Istand in the United States Treasury Istand on
Englishsoil."Nathaniel P. Banks.
the pernicious financial legislation of the United
States was not due merely to ignorance, but was the result
of a most damnable conspiracy, aided by venality and corrup
tion, is proven by the documents which follow. The reader is
asked to read them carefully. Trace the winding trail of the
serpent and behold its glitteringgolden head.
First comes the famous Hazzardcircular. This was issued
by an agent of the London capitalists to New York capitalists
in1862. Itwas first given to the general public on Sept.} 18,
1886, by the Council Grove (Kas.) Guard, beingreprinted from
a copy taken from the letter files of the First National Bank
of Council Grove:
The HazzardCircular.
Slavery is likely to be abolished by the war power, and
slavery destroyed. This Iand my European friends
are infavor of,for slavery is but the owning of labor and oar-
ries with it the care of the laborer, while the European plan,
led on by England, is capital control of labor by controlling
Thegreat debt that capitalists will see to itis made
out of the war must be used as a measure to control the vol
umeof money; to accomplish this the bonds must be usedas a
banking basis. Weare now waiting to get theSecretary of the
Treasury to make thisrecommendationtoCongress. It will not
do to allow the "greenback," as it is called, to circulate as
money any lengthof time, for we cannot control them, but we
can control the bonds, and through them the bank issue.
Chas. Hazzard.
Hazzard was Here.
County of Posey,
James G. Nisbett, beingduly sworn deposes and says: I
amseventy-three years of age and live inPosey County, Indi
ana, where Ihave residedfor sixty-five years. In1861 Iand
Sheridan Anderson, who is now dead, of the same county, en
listedinthe service of the UnitedStates Army, Sixtieth Regi-
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214 The Documentary Evidence.
ment and Company Cof the IndianaInfantry. In July, 1862,
our command
joined theforces of General Dumont at Lebanon,
Ky. About the twenty-fifth of the same month Mr. Anderson
andmyself were detailed as guards and placed on police duty
on MainStreet. Inpassing near the General'sheadquarters we
were hailedandordered to "shadow" a party of three persons-
one woman andtwo men-who were then passingon theopposite
side of the street, find out their business and report. We
learned that one man and the woman were Kentuckians and
the other man was an Englishman. We had considerable con
versation with the Englishman who gave his name as Chas.
Hazzard. He said he had recently come from Englandto con
fer with the business men of this countryina financial scheme.
We toldhimthat he was lucky instriking a very large body of
very busy men,andasrepresentativesof headquarterswedesired
tangible information of his business that we might report it to
the authorities. Inresponse to this he took one of a small
package of envelopes and gave it to Mr. Anderson, saying its
contentswould explain the business and allay any suspicions
that might have arisen regarding him. This occurred in the
post-office, and we then reported the matter to General Du
mont at headquarters, giving himthe circular inthe presence
oc several officers who happened to be present at the time. An
exact copy of that document was kept by us, and the following
is a correct readingof the same.
[Here follows the circular printed above.]
James G. Nisbett.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of May,
1894. John B. Smith,
(Seal) Notary Public.
Bribing the Law-Makers.
The following shows how the crime of 1873 was paid for
by Britishgold:
Countyof Arapahoe. )
Frederick A. Luckenbach, being first sworn, on oath de
poses and says: "Iam sixty-two years of age. Iwas born in
Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Iremoved to the city of Phila
delphia intheyear of 1846, and continued to reside there until
1866, when Iremoved to the city of NewYork. In Philadel
phiaIwas inthe furniture business. InNew York Ibranched
intomachinery and inventions, and am the patentee of Luck-
enbach's pneumaticpulverizer, which machines are now inuse
inthe eastern part of the United States and Europe.
now reside inDenver, having removed from New York two
Digitized by
The Documentary Evidence. 215
years ago. Iam well known inNew York. Ihave been a mem
ber of the Produce Exchange and am well acquainted with
many members of that body. Iam well known by Mr.Erastus
Wiman. Inthe year of 1865 Ivisited London, England, for
of placing there Pennsylvania oil properties in
which Iwas interested. Itook with me lettersof introduction
to many gentlemen inLondon, among them one to Mr. Ernest
Seyd, from Robert M. Foust, ex-Treasurer of Philadelphia. I
became well acquainted with Mr. Seyd and also with his
brother, RichardSeyd, who, Iunderstand, is yet living. Ivis
itedLondon thereafter every year, and at each visit renewed
my acquaintance with Mr. Seyd and upon each occasion be
came his guest one or more times, joining his family at dinner
or other meals. InFebruary, 1874, while on one of these visits
and while his guest at dinner, I, among other things, alluded
to rumors afloat of Parliamentary corruption andexpressed as
tonishment that such corruption should exist. Inreply tothis,
he told me he couldrelatefactsabout corruption of the Ameri
canCongress that would place it far ahead of the EnglishPar
liament in that line.
So far the conversation was at the dinner table between
us. Hisbrother Richard andothers were there also, but this
was table talk betweenMr. Ernest Seyd andmyself. After the
dinner had ended he invitedme to another room, where he re
sumed the conversation about legislative corruption. He
said: "If you will pledge me your honor as a gentleman notto
divulge what Iam about to toll youwhile Ilive,Iwill convince
you that what Isaid about the American Congress is true." I
gave him my promise, and be then continued: "Iwent to
America in the winter of 1872-3, authorized to secure, if Icould,
the passage of a bill demonetizing silver. It was to the inter
ests of those whom Irepresentthe Governors of the Bank of

to have it done. Itook with me 100,000

with in
structions, if that was not sufficient to accomplish the object,
to draw for another 100,000 or as much more as was neces
sary." He told me German bankers were also interestedin
having it accomplished. Hesaid he was the financial adviser
of the bank. He said: "I saw the committees of the House
and Senate aud paid the money and staid inAmerica until I
knew the measure was safe."
Iasked if he would give the names of the members to
whomhe paidthe money, but this he declined to do. Hesaid:
"Your people will not now comprehend the far-reaching extent
of that measure, but they will in after years. Whatever you
may think of corruption in the English
Parliament, Iassure
you Iwould not have dared to make such an attempt hereasI
didin your country."
Iexpressed my shame to him for my countrymen inour
216 The Documentary Evidence. I
legislative bodies. The conversation drifted intoother sub-
jects, and after that, though Imet himmany times, thematter
was never again referred to.
Frederick Lcckenbaoh.
Subscribed and sworn to before me at Denver, Colo., this
6th day of May, A. D. 1892.
(Signed) James A. Miller,
Clerk Supreme Court, State of Colorado.
Bribing the Press.
The following is taken from the Chicago Inter Ocean of
October 29, 1877,and reproduced exactly as found inthe bound
flies of that newspaper:
The Inter Ocean acknowledges the receipt of the following
singular document, which came to this office from New York.
Saturday morning:
"American Bankers' Association, 1
247 Broadway, Room4,
New York, Oct. 9, 1877. )
"Strictly Private.
Dear Sir: Please insert the enclosed printed slip as
leaded matter on the editorial page of your first issue imme
diately following the receipt of this, and send marked copy
with the bill to Yours truly, Jas. Buel, Sec'y.
"Comments on the slip, not to exceed half a column, will
be paidfor if billed at the same time.J. B."
The following is the document, which we are asked to in
sert as leaded matter on the editorial page, inother words, as
a statement made by the Inter Ocean:
"The Greenback party has offeredthrough its managersto
sell out to the Democrats andhereafter to work inDemocratic
harness if a few of their leaders can be provided for. This
shows how much dependence there is to be placed on the
leadersof thelunaticswho clamor for money basedonnothing."
We insert this, but we shall send no bill for it. We shall
send no bill because,
inthe first place, we do not follow direc
tions about leadingit;secondly, we can't believe a wordof the
statement to be true. We do not knowwho is managing the i
affairs of the American Bankers' Association, but, whoever he
is, we advise that body to get ridof himwithout delay. The
attempt to thus maliciously destroy theGreenback partywith- I
submitting a word of proof is a piece of affrontery which 1
ought to be beneath any body of commercial gentlemen, and !
especially the American Bankers' Association. We refuse to
believe that such an extraordinary document was authorized
by that body.
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The Documentary Evidence. 217
Since the above was put in type we have received a copy
of the New York Sun containing the above circular, which it
appears was sent that paper also. The Sun publishes the
document with editorial comment, fromwhichwe quote as fol

This, we say, is an extraordinary circular, with an extra
ordinary slip. Itwill be seen that the slip isor assumes to be,
an itemof news. Itisan itemthat none of the ubiquitous re
porters of the Sun had been able to get holdof. If any one of
them had brought it to us properly authenticated by docu
mentary or other evidence, we would not have asked him to
pay us for printingit, but,onthe contrary, we wouldhavepaid
himwell for procuringit. It will be observed, however, that
the scandalous item which we are asked in the name of the
American Bankers' Association to publish, has two peculiar
First,no proof of itsaccuracy is furnished; and secondly,
we ar9offered money for its publication as leaded matter on
the editorial page of this day's Sun. This is remarkable busi
ness to be performed inthe name of the American Bankers'

"Our astonishment is increased by the postcript which ap
pears at the bottomof this circular. It informs us that com
ments upon the slip, not to exceed half a column, will be paid
for. This means, of course, that the editorial comments that
are to be paidfor must sustain the slip on the editorial page
that is to be paid for. . . . But is this attempt to bribe and
corrupt the press, by the direct offer of money for editorial
articles made under the authority of the American Bankers'
Association, the name of the secretary of which is signed to
the circular above printed? We call for information upon this
point, and shall wait for it. If authority has been given to
bribe the press, thenvery certainly attempts will be made to
bribe Congress and corrupt the sources of influence at Wash
ington inthe same interest. Itis a shameful
business, if there
be not some mistake about it. Let the truth be brought out.
Let a responsibility for this circular be fixed. If this circular
s a forgery we shall be glad to makeit known."
Followingis the printedslip offered for the Sun to print;
The prospect is that in six months there
will not be a
leader inall the land. Overtures have been made
by the leaders of the Greenbackmovement to President Hayes
to abandon
the greenback as a lost cause, provided he will
give good official positions toabout twenty of themost blatant
of those clamorous for money that is based on nothing."
218 The Documentary Evidence.
The Banks* Circular.
Thefollowing circular was sent out in1878 by the bankers
of New York to the national banks:
New Yokk, Oct. 9, 1878.
Sir: Itis advisable to do all inyour power to sus- i
tain such prominent daily and weekly newspapers, especially \
the agricultural and religious press, as will oppose the issuing
of greenback paper money, and that you also withhold patron-
age or favors from all applicants who are not willing to oppose
the government issue of money. Let the government issuethe
coin and the banks issue the paper money of the country, for
then we can better protect each other. To repeal the law
creating national bank notes, or to restore to circulation the
government issue of money, will be to provide the people with
money, and will therefore seriously affect your individual profit
as bankers and lenders. See your Congressman at once, and
engage himto support our interests that we may control legis
lation. James Burl,
Secretary, 247 Broadway.
The Extra Session Letter.
The following is reprinted from an original copy of the
letter inpossession of Mr. George C. Ward:
The American Bankers' Association.
No. 2 Wall St. and 90-94 Broadway, RoomNo. 44.

New York, August 19, 1893. )
To the Bankers of the UnitedStates.
Gentlemen: The extraordinary monetary crisis through
which the UnitedStates are passing, which involves the banks
of the
to an extent that compels their officers to re
constantly at the post of duty while the danger is immi
nent, has constrained the American Bankers' Association to
indefinitely postpone its annual convention called for the 6th
and7th prox., at Chicago. This will prevent such expression
upon the part of the association as the financial situation de
mands, whichotherwise would be made. It thus becomes the
duty of the officers of the Association to speak for it at thiB
and suggest what seems to them to be the proper action
for the bankers of the country to immediately take withaview
to obtaining speedy relief from the continued and disastrous
Itis manifest that the immediate cause of
stringency is the fear and appreciation of disaster engendered
inthe minds of the people by thecontinued purchases of
Digitized by
The Documentary Evidence. 219
by the government, and by the unceasing issues of itsobliga
tions therefor, redeemable ingold, whichfear andapprehension
canonly be removed and confidence restored by the removal of
the cause. Itis believed that the bankers of the country will
understandandrealizethistoasgreat, if not toagreater, extent
than any other class of citizens, and it therefore becomes the
duty of such of them as fully realize this to urge upon their
fellow-citizens and upon Congress the great necessity for the
immediate and unconditional repeal of the purchasing clause
of the Sherman silver act.
The repeal of this clause is demanded in the interest of
those favoring a gold standard, andof those favoring the use of
silver with gold, as the continued purchase of enormous quan
tities of silver with gold obligations can only result inthe final
inability of the government, to redeemsuchobligationsingold,
and inthe continued over-production and consequent further
depreciationof silver, thus rendering the prospect of any inter
national agreement for its more general use throughout the
world more hopeless than at present.
The President of the United States havingconvened Con
gress inextra session and recommended to it such repeal, the
power of public opinion should be brought to bear upon Con
gress, to induce favorable action thereon. This may best be
done by invoking the aid of the press, and by citizens writing
to their Senators andRepresentatives, andby sending to them
petitions urgingsuch repeal; allof which shouldbedonetothe
fullest extent possible, and without delay.
A blank form of petition is enclosed, to be circulated
amongmerchants, business men andothersfor their signatures,
to which
sheets may be appended. Act at once in
the matter and secure the intelligent co-operation of others,
providingthem with printedor typewritten copies of the peti
tion for the purpose. Respectfully,
WilliamH. Rhawn, President.
E. H. Pullen, Chairman Executive Council.
H. W. Ford, Secretary.
"Taxes ought, of course, to be paid; but there are many
ways of collecting taxes without robbingaman of hishome,
for a few dollars. The home should be sacred. Strictly it
should pay no taxes. It is the spot of land on which God
places a family. Itshould be walled inagainst the selfish
ness and cruelty of mankind; and the very lightnings of
heaven should play around it to defend it; even as the fiery
sword, turning every way, guarded the gateof
Ignatius Donnelly.
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