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Technology Integration Organizational Chart

Board of Trustees


Director of Technology

Principal Technology Instructional


Associate Principal Campus Technology


Roles and Responsibilities
Board of Trustees
 Develops the District’s goals and policies

 In conjunction with the Board of Trustees, the Superintendent provides the District’s vision for technology

Director of Technology
 Implements and oversees the budget for Technology
 Lead the team that develops the District’s Long Range Plan for Technology
 Ensure that the Long Range Plan for Technology is progressively implemented

 Ensure that teachers are integrating Technology into their curriculum
 Set expectations for Technology use in instruction, integration of Technology into the curriculum
 Include Technology goals in the Campus Improvement Plan

Technology Instructional Coordinator

 Ensure that the high school technology applications courses are being taught
 Ensure that the K-8 technology applications TEKS are being integrated into the core curriculum
 Plan and provide technology professional development to campus technology facilitators and classroom teachers
 Lead campus technology facilitators as they assist teachers in integrating technology into their curriculum

Associate Principal
 Ensure that teachers are integrating technology into their curriculum
 Set expectations for technology use in instruction
 Set expectations for integration of technology into the curriculum

Campus Technology Facilitator

 Provide ongoing professional development for classroom teachers
 Assist teachers in planning lessons that teach the technology applications TEKS
 Assist teachers in using technology in instruction

 Participate in ongoing technology professional development to improve technology skills
 Plan lessons that include technology application TEKS
 Implement technology in instruction
 Implement technology into the curriculum
Role of Principal
As the instructional leader of the campus, the principal will provide the following to ensure that technology is used in order
to enhance the educational program:

 Seek funding for technology needs

 Provide ongoing professional development for teachers
 Model the appropriate use of technology
 Evaluate the application of technology for TEKS
 Evaluate the integration of technology for instruction

The principal should also guide the site based decision making team in including technology teaching and learning goals in
the campus improvement.

The principal should also ensure that teachers are modeling the use of technology and integrating technology into their
teaching. Domain II: Learner Centered Instruction of the Professional Development appraisal System (PDAS) includes a
technology component. Principals should encourage their teachers to use technology to engage today’s 21st century
learners and monitor this during classroom walk-throughs and teacher evaluations.

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