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The mission o CALM is !o s!"en#!hen $o%&$ &'!ho"i!ies &s !he o'n(&!ion o ee%!i)e* (emo%"&!i%
$o%&$ #o)e"nmen! in !he $i#h! o !he E'"o+e&n Ch&"!e" on Lo%&$ Se$-Go)e"nmen!
Fo$$o,in# & ,o"-sho+ o" mem.e"s o A(minis!"&!i)e Co'n%i$* !his S!"&!e#i% P$&n h&s .een
("&!e( !o #'i(e !he ,o"- o CALM in !he %omin# !h"ee /e&"s0 The Se%"e!&"i&! ,i$$ "e+o"!
+"o#"ess &#&ins! !he &#"ee( o.1e%!i)es on & "e#'$&" .&sis !o !he A(minis!"&!i)e Co'n%i$0
E)e"/ /e&"* !he Se%"e!&"i&! ,i$$ +"e+&"e &n &nn'&$ "e+o"! se!!in# o'! &%hie)emen!s &n( '!'"e
+$&ns o" (is%'ssion &! !he Gene"&$ Assem.$/0
This S!"&!e#i% P$&n is & +'.$i% (o%'men!0 I! ,i$$ .e 'se( &s & o'n(&!ion o" !he (i&$o# CALM
+"o+oses !o ini!i&!e ,i!h !he Go)e"nmen! &n( ,i!h n&!ion&$ &n( in!e"n&!ion&$ o"#&ni2&!ions0 I!
,i$$ &$so .e 'se( !o se%'"e in&n%i&$ s'++o"! o" +"o1e%!s &n( +"o#"&ms !h&! &"e i(en!iie( &s
+"io"i!ies o" $o%&$ #o)e"nmen! in Mo$(o)&0
The S!"&!e#i% P$&n is .'i$! &"o'n( i)e s!"&!e#i% o.1e%!i)es3
10 Re+"esen! !he in!e"es!s o &$$ $o%&$ &'!ho"i!ies !o !he Go)e"nmen! &n( o!he" s!&-eho$(e"s
&n( !o +"omo!e ee%!i)e (e%en!"&$i2&!ion
20 P"o)i(e se")i%es !o $o%&$ &'!ho"i!ies in !he $i#h!s o !hei" nee(s
30 Comm'ni%&!e ee%!i)e$/ ,i!h &$$ s!&-eho$(e"s* .o!h in!e"n&$$/ &n( e4!e"n&$$/
50 De)e$o+ &n ee%!i)e &n( in&n%i&$$/ s's!&in&.$e o"#&ni2&!ion
60 De)e$o+ & ne!,o"- o %oo+e"&!ion &mon# +&"!ne"s
For many years, it has not been possible to establish an LGA that represents the interests of all local authorities, that is
capable of crossing political boundaries and that has the capacity to support local authorities effectively. This has now
On 2 !arch 2"" a General Assembly for the establishment of the #ongress of Local Authorities from !oldova $#AL!%
too& place in #hisinau. The meeting was attended by about '"" mayors and representatives of local communities, leaders
of most regional and national associations of local public authorities and leaders of civil society and political parties. As an
outcome of the General Assembly, #AL! agreed and adopted a (tatute and elected the #ouncil of Administration, the
)resident, the *ice )residents and the +,ecutive -irector of #AL!.
#AL! is a non.political organi/ation and was registered as a non.commercial entity on the "

!ay 2"". 0ts aim is to
represent all local authorities. 1hile half the local authorities have become the founding members, #AL! invites all local
authorities to become members. This level of membership will provide both capacity and political strength2 this will enable
#AL! to become a ma3or player in the negotiations around decentrali/ation, in providing effective support to local
authorities and in participating fully in local government in +urope.
0t is important that #AL! spea&s with one voice. #AL! will therefore listen in particular to the views of local authorities
and reflect them in its policy positions and advocacy activities. 0t will ensure good communications, so that members are
aware of how #AL! supports them and of what #AL! achieves on their behalf.
1e believe that challenges that local authorities face are shared and that they can best be tac&led through a shared
approach where the public interest is paramount. #ooperation will come before conflict. 0n this respect, #AL! offers unity
in action to all local authorities and their associations, a uni4ue opportunity to protect their legitimate rights and interests,
and a source of support that is based on their needs and priorities.
#AL! has been established to reflect the commitment of all local authorities, to follow the spirit and principles of
association and good governance that are set out in the +uropean #harter of Local (elf.Government, and to demonstrate
that local democracy and a community of interests can be achieved by consensus on the basis of mutual respect.
#AL! aims to become a modern organi/ation capable of representing all local authorities of !oldova before the
Government, the public and other sta&eholders, protecting their interests, and strengthening their capacities. 0t will see& to
create efficient and effective local government as the essential foundation of democracy by advocating for an improved
legal, financial, and administrative environment, by providing high 4uality services for its members, and by acting as a
national platform for information and communications.
#AL! believes in wor&ing in partnership with central authorities based on mutual respect2 it will see& to build a platform of
dialogue and 3oint action aimed at furthering decentrali/ation in the public interest. 0t will see& partnership with civil society
and international organi/ations in a way that generates their support in meeting the challenges of building modern local
government. 0t will become the local government platform for information, communication, and co.ordination.
#AL! will hold dear the principles of solidarity between its members, participation in its wor& by its members, and
responsiveness to the needs of all its members. 0t will act as a national platform based on consensus, for all local
authorities regardless of political orientation.
#AL! will remain strong amid the pressures of change, providing a beacon for local authorities that guides them towards
achieving +uropean standards, however difficult the environment might be.
#AL! will see& to create within local government an attractive career for competent and motivated staff and a clear role
for elected representatives2 it will promote a wor&ing environment in which each of them can give of his and her best.
#AL! has a vision of local authorities wor&ing in the interests of their communities, coming together in mutual co.
operation where individual capacities are limited, providing 4uality services and promoting economic, social and
environmental development. 0t will promote the right of citi/ens to participate in local affairs. 0t will help municipalities ma&e
their communities ever more attractive places for people to live and wor&.
#AL! will ta&e its rightful place among +uropean local government associations and play a full role in partnership with
international sta&eholders.
#AL! as&s for the commitment of its members in this endeavour2 in return, it will be a strengthened organi/ation in the
interests of local government and stand tall in the eyes of the civil society of !oldova.
Assem.$/ +lect Administrative #ouncil2 receive and debate annual report2 ma&e recommendations
A(minis!"&!i)e Co'n%i$ Oversee the (ecretariat2 recruit +,ecutive -irector2 receive and debate reports from
(ecretariat2 issue directions and ma&e recommendations
E4e%'!i)e :'"e&' (upport the (ecretariat in its day to day wor&2 act as lin& between (ecretariat and A#2 ta&e
institutional responsibility for specific strategies and programs
Commi!!ees #ommission research and prepare policy recommendations for A#
Se%"e!&"i&! (upport the operation of the organi/ation2 ensure implementation of the strategic ob3ectives2
report to the A#
S!"&!e#i% O.1e%!i)e 1
Re+"esen! !he in!e"es!s o &$$ $o%&$ &'!ho"i!ies !o !he Go)e"nmen! &n( o!he" s!&-eho$(e"s &n( !o
+"omo!e ee%!i)e (e%en!"&$i2&!ion
No A%!i)i!ies O'!%omes Pe"o"m&n%e in(i%&!o"s

#arry out research, using

surveys, roundtables etc.
a% members7 needs2
b% policy issues
a% survey for member
views on &ey issues
a% 5o of elaborated surveys
b% survey results published in (eptember !onthly
-evelop and promote
policy positions on issues
affecting local
government, ta&ing
account of members7
a% consensus among local
authorities on specific
b% influence on
Government policy2
c% coalitions around
specific issues
a% 5o of proposals for amendment and completion of
legislation developed and approved
b% 5o of lobby groups of parliamentarians established
c% 5o of seminars on local finance, decentrali/ation,
+ducation #ode etc. among local authorities organi/ed
)articipate in official
groups and meetings in
support of
decentrali/ation and
other local government
a% Government awareness
of potential contribution of
b% input into Government
a% !emorandum of 9nderstanding $!O9% with the
Government signed2
b% membership of )arity #ommission agreed and
c% participation in )arliamentary #ommittee on
decentrali/ation agreed and approved2
d% participation within !inistry of Finance wor&ing
groups agreed and approved.
)repare proposals for
policies, amended
legislation and new
a% research commissioned
and proposals made by
relevant #AL!
b% local authorities
engaged in policy
a% draft legislation on local public finance developed
and approved2
b% draft legislation on public property developed and
c% draft legislation on the status of Local Government
officials developed and approved
S!"&!e#i% O.1e%!i)e 2
P"o)i(e se")i%es !o $o%&$ &'!ho"i!ies in !he $i#h!s o !hei" nee(s
No A%!i)i!ies O'!%omes Pe"o"m&n%e in(i%&!o"s

Assess members7 needs

and priorities for services
a% services based on
needs and priorities of
a% 5o. of surveys issued and results published in
!onthly 8ulletin in the autumn
b% 5o. of regular visits to local authorities by +,ecutive
-evelop a training
strategy to promote
effective training for
elected representatives
and officials
a% analysis of local
authority training needs2
b% a national training
system established2
c% modern training
pac&ages developed for
elected representatives
and officials, ta&ing
account of +uropean
a% 5o of training ); materials distributed and published
on the website
b% 5o. of training programs and materials designed and
c% training of trainers program completed2
d% 5o. of manuals for all local officials and
representatives prepared
e% high 4uality, necessary and efficient induction
training provided to all new local officials and newly
elected representatives2
-evelop a system for
local authorities to learn
from best practices
including in in such fields
as6 local economic
development, energy
efficiency, solid waste
management, water
suplay and canalisation,
a% local authorities raise
their standards of service
provision through ma&ing
use of best practice2
a% 5o. of periodic meetings of local authority officials in
specific functions2
b% annual best practice competition initiated
c% inventory of good practice published on website2
d% 5o. of internal study visits arranged
services providing etc. e% best practice open days organi/ed in recogni/ed
local authorities
)romote inter.municipal
co.operation and public.
private partnership
a% local authorities learn to
co.operate with each other
in delivering services,
promoting development
and sharing e,pertise2
a% 5o. of appropriate guides prepared and trainers
b% international sponsorship secured
c% 5o. of pilot pro3ects implemented and evaluated
d% co.operation arrangements with 5GO7s < businesses
#reate the institution of
local authorities7 attorney
within #AL!
a% local authorities feel
better protected 2
b% greater legal e,pertise in
local public administration
a% legal incubator for representation and assistance of
public administration established and implemented2
b% law on legal service for local public administration
elaborated, approved and promoted2
+stablish training and
consultancy services
a% local authority e,pertise
b% local authorities have
access to advice2
c% 4uality of local authority
decisions improved
a% training<program manager appointed2
b% networ& of e,perts established
c% 5o. of provided consultations
d% 5o. of beneficiaries of provided consultations
+stablish a #ommittee
for Training and
-evelopment to oversee
the Training (trategy and
Annual Operational )lan
a% institutional oversight of
training capacity building
function established
a% committee established with relevant terms of
S!"&!e#i% O.1e%!i)e 3
Comm'ni%&!e ee%!i)e$/ ,i!h &$$ s!&-eho$(e"s* .o!h in!e"n&$$/ &n( e4!e"n&$$/
No A%!i)i!ies O'!%omes Pe"o"m&n%e in(i%&!o"s

0ntroduce a systematic
approach to
communications with all
sta&eholders $eg. local
authorities, Government,
media, 5GO7s, donors
a% wide awareness of
#AL!2 sta&eholders better
b% greater potential for 3oint
wor&ing with sta&eholders
c% better response from
d% #AL! better informed of
sta&eholders7 perspectives
a% #ommunication (trategy approved by the
Administrative #ouncil and published by August 2""
b% spo&espersons appointed and trained
@eep local authorities
informed of events,
issues, plans etc.
a% support for #AL!
generated amongst local
authorities leading to closer
a% 8ulletin launched August 2""
b% wee&ly e.mail initiated !ay 2""
c% website and intranet operational by Auly 2""
d% regular media events
0mplement a ); program
to ma&e local authorities
and other sta&eholders
aware of #AL!
a% more local authorities
become members of #AL!
a% 5o. of seminars for groups of local authorities
b% 5o. of posters, leaflets designed and distributed
c% 5o. of visits to members by members of A#
0ntroduce a systematic
approach to assessing
citi/ens7 views on local
government issues
a% greater focus on citi/en.
oriented local government
a% model citi/en survey template developed and
b% annual citi/en survey by local authorities
c% Guide on communicating with citi/ens produced $eg.
focus groups, feedbac& from service users%
d% traning program on communicating with citi/ens
carried out
;elevant information is
made accessible to all
a% members are more
closely engaged in #AL!2
b% members recogni/e
value of #AL! information
a% best practices collected,
b% 4uic& response mechanism established2
c% @nowledge #enter within #AL! established
d% information materials for partners elaborated and
S!"&!e#i% O.1e%!i)e 5
De)e$o+ &n ee%!i)e &n( in&n%i&$$/ s's!&in&.$e o"#&ni2&!ion
No A%!i)i!ies O'!%omes Pe"o"m&n%e in(i%&!o"s

+stablish the head office

and necessary facilities
for the secretariat of
a% strengthening of
status of #AL! as
an associative
structure of LGA
a% discussions with #hisinau municipality and specific
donors successfuly concluded
b% new facilities rented<purchased and e4uipped
c% status and visibility of #AL! established
+,pand the membership
of #AL! and encourage
local authorities to pay
membership fees on time
a% benefits of #AL! reach
more local authorities2
b% #AL! becomes more
financially sustainable2
a% 5o. of municipal decisions on membership approved
b% membership promotion campaign carried out
between (eptember and 5ovember 2""
c% membership to :"" increased by Aune 2"
d% 5o. of ;egulations on the amount and payment of
membership fees agreed by A# by Auly 2""
e% fee income from members received by -ecember
+stablish new sources of
a% possibility of 0!# and
other program support from
GTB, 95-), (0-A, #o+,
*5G 0nternational e,plored
b% #AL! e,pands its
capacity to deliver
a% 5o of paid adverts inserted in !onthly 8ulletin
b% a collective procurement mechanism established2
c% an annual commercial FA0; managed
d% idea of municipal bonds and other credits e,amined
e% a fee structure for specific services introduced
c% new ideas introduced
through donor support
Organi/e information in a
systematic and
accessible way
a% #AL! seen as source of
relevant information by
members and
b% greater awareness of
local government
a% databases on6 $% municipal regulations, instruments
and budgets2 $2% programs and strategies elaborated
and established by -ecember 2""
b% database on 5GO7s, e,perts and other institutions
elaborated and established by -ecember 2""2
c% database on twinning opportunities elaborated and
implemented by -ec 2""
(trengthen the capacity
of the #AL! secretariat
a% capacity to develop and
oversee pro3ects and
provide training programs
b% continuing professional
development of #AL! staff
a% training<program manager$s% appointed
b% training program in pro3ect design held by Auly 2""
c% short C term secondment of member of staff to
d% consultation mechanisms established with bodies
representing trade unions, 5GO7s, businesses, rayons.
e% formal lin&s with other organi/ations established
#onsolidate the structure
of #AL!
a% more efficient and
effective organi/ation of
b% greater delegation within
#AL! structures2
c% better use of A#
d% easier access to
e,ternal e,pertise
e% greater institutional
oversight of #AL!
a% proportion of e,ternal e,perts and representatives on
committees established
b% committees on6
. local public finance
. municipal property
. education
. social protection and health, established
c% internal regulations for secretariat $eg. (taff
Dandboo&, 3ob descriptions%, A# and committees $eg.
8oo& of ;ules%, Assembly prepared and implemented
d% commission for international co.operation
established 2
0ntroduce a professional
approach to planning and
a% priorities and ob3ectives
of #AL! widely
understood among all
b% members and
sta&eholders more willing
to co.operate with #AL!2
c% potential members have
better idea of #AL!2
d% greater ability of #AL!
to attract e,ternal
a% first survey results of members7 needs available in
(eptember 2""
b% draft (trategic )lan prepared and discussed with A#
and with members in local seminars2
c% Financial (trategy and #ommunication (trategy
prepared by August 2""
d% Actions )lans for specific functions developed and
e% (trategic )lan agreed by A# by Auly 2""
f% Annual report prepared and debated in !ay 2"

S!"&!e#i% O.1e%!i)e 6
De)e$o+ & ne!,o"- o %o-o+e"&!ion &mon# +&"!ne"s
No A%!i)i!ies O'!%omes Pe"o"m&n%e in(i%&!o"s

+,plore partnership
arrangements with
relevant 5GO7s
a% e,pand #AL! capacity
to deliver services
a% '.= !O97s signed with specific 5GO7s by !ay 2"
)articipate in the 5ALA(
networ& and relevant
international bodies
a% wide awareness within
#AL! of local government
within the region2
b% #AL! plays a more
significant role in region
c% participation in the
delegation to the #ongress
of Local and ;egional
Authorities of the #o+2
d% participation in activities
of AL-A, 9#LG, #+!; etc
a% study of LGA organi/ation development among
5ALA( members2
b% best practice among 5ALA( members identified2
c% hosting of 5ALA( wor&shop on +nergy +fficiency in
(eptember 2""2
0nclude partners in
appropriate #AL!
technical commissions
a% ade4uate e,pertise ensured


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