AGA Islamic Org V Lilburn 12 09

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Case 1:09-cv-03549-TWT Document 1 Filed 12/17/2009 Page 1 of 28

,occ ~


Plaintiff, )


Municipal Corporation of the State )
of Georgia ; the CITY COUNCIL of )
Mayor of the City of Lilburn ; and )
DUNN, JOHNNY CRIST, individually )
in their Official Capacities as )
Members of the CITY COUNCIL )
Defendants . )



COMES NOW Plaintiff A .G .A . Islamic Organization, Inc .

("A .G .A ." ) d/b/a Dar-e Abbas Shia Islamic Center ("Dar-e Abbas")

and, by and through its counsel of record, files this Appeal and

Verified Complaint for Declaratory Judgment and Petition for

Injunction and Mandamus against Defendants, City of Lilburn,

Georgia ; the City Council of the City of Lilburn ; Diana Preston,

Mayor of the City of Lilburn ; and Eddie Price, Scott Batterton,

Tim Dunn and Johnny Crist, individually in their official

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capacities as members of the City Council (collectively

"Defendants") as follows :


1 .

This Appeal and Verified Complaint for Declaratory Judgment

and Petition for Injunction and Mandamus is brought pursuant to

the First, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of

the United States, the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized

Persons Act, 42 U .S .C . 2000cc ; ("RLUIPA") ; 42 U .S .C . §§ 1983 and

1988 ; 28 U .S .C . § 2201 and 2202, the Constitution of the State of

Georgia, Article I, section I, paras . 1-4 Article III, section I,

para . 1; and O .C .G .A . H 9-4-1 (declaratory judgment) and 9-6-20

(mandamus) arising from Defendants' denial of Plaintiff's

application for rezoning from the C-1 and R-100 to the RA-200

zoning classification and a Special Use Permit ("SUP") for the

purpose of establishing apace of worship and related cemetery

in Lilburn, Georgia .


2 .

This Court has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to 42

U .S .C . 2000cc, 28 U .S .C . §§ 1331 and 1343 and principles of

pendant jurisdiction under 28 U .S .C . § 1367 . Venue is proper in

this Court under 28 U .S .C . § 1391 because the proposed site is

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located within this District, all Defendants are residents of

this District, and the acts described herein occurred within this

District .

3 .

Plaintiff's claims for declaratory and injunctive relief are

authorized by 28 U .S .C . §§ 2201 and 2202, by Rules 57 and 65 of

the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and by the general, legal

and equitable powers of this Court . Plaintiff's claim for

damages is made pursuant to 42 U .S .C . § 1983, 42 U .S .C . § 2000cc,

and other applicable law .


4 .

Plaintiff A .G .A . is a non-profit corporation organized and

existing under the laws of the state of Georgia, with its

princ i pal place of business located at the Dar - e Abbas Islamic

Center in Lilburn, Georgia .

5 .

Defendant City of Lilburn, Georgia (the "City") is a

municipal corporation of the State of Georgia, and is subject to

the jurisdiction and venue of this Court .

6 .

Defendant City Council of the City of Lilburn, Georgia (the

"Lilburn City Council") is the governing body of the City of

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Lilburn, Georgia and is subject to the jurisdiction and venue of

this Court .

7 .

Defendant Diana Preston is the Mayor of the City of Lilburn,

Georgia and is subject to the jurisdiction and venue of this

Court .

8 .

Defendants Eddie Price, Scott Batterton, Tim Dunn and Johnny

Crisp, are members of the Lilburn City Council, and are subject

to the jurisdiction and venue of this Court .


9 .

This is an appeal of the Lilburn City Council's November 18,

2009 denial of a rezoning and special use permit ("SUP") request

by Plaintiff for a mosque worship center, gymnasium and related

cemetery on 7 .9 acres of real property located at 5064 and 5074

Lawrenceville Highway and 238, 288 and 405 Hood Road, in Land Lot

147 of the 6th District of Gwinnett County, Georgia (the "New

Mosque Property") .

10 .

Plaintiff A .G .A . is the owner of record of approximately 1 .3

acres of real property located at 5064 Lawrenceville Highway, in

Land Lot 147 of the 6th District of Gwinnett County, Georgia at

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which the Dar-e Abbas congregation currently worships . ("Current

Mosque Property") .

11 .

The Current Mosque Property is zoned to the C-1

(Neighborhood Business) zoning district under the Lilburn Zoning

Ordinance .

12 .

The Lilburn Zoning Ordinance allows "churches, temples and

synagogues" as permitted uses in the C-1 zoning district, but

only if those uses are located on a site no less than five (5)

acres ("Five Acre Restriction") .

13 .

The Dar-e Abbas congregation has worshipped on the Current

Mosque Property for eleven (11) years .

14 .

The Five Acre Restriction for religious institutions in the

Lilburn Zoning Ordinance was not in effect when the Dar-e Abbas

congregation began worshipping on the Current Mosque Property

eleven (11) years ago .

15 .

Like churches and other religious institutions throughout

the City, Dar-e Abbas provides a place of worship for its

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members, religious counseling, religious education and

fellowship .

16 .

Over the last few years, membership in the Dar-e Abbas

congregation has continued to grow to approximately 250 members,

requiring Plaintiff to expand its worship facilities in order to

meet the needs of its growing congregation .

17 .

The existing buildings on the Current Mosque Property do not

provide adequate areas for assembly and worship for Plaintiff's

members .

18 .

Integral to the religious exercise of Plaintiff's Shia Islam

faith is the ability to bury the deceased so that they are near

their places of worship and are facing northeast, which requires

burial plots that are oriented from northwest to southeast .

19 .

The Dar-e Abbas congregation has no room on the Current

Mosque Property to bury deceased members of its congregation .

20 .

Because many existing cemeteries do not have this necessary

configuration, members of Plaintiff's congregation must buy large

tracts of existing cemeteries, to reorient the burial plots in

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accordance with the practice of their faith, which imposes a

considerable burden on the families of the deceased .

21 .

The inability of the congregation to bury their deceased

family members at the site of their place of worship constitutes

a substantial burden on the exercise of their religion .

22 .

To meet the needs of its growing congregation, Plaintiff

seeks to expand the Current Mosque Property to encompass a total

of 7 .9 acres comprising the New Mosque Property and a cemetery

site .

23 .

The New Mosque Property consists of five (5) parcels on 7 .9

acres in the City of Lilburn, Georgia : the Current Mosque

Property (approximately 1 .3 acres located at 5064 and 5074

Lawrenceville Highway and zoned to the C-1 zoning

classification) ; approximately four (4) acres located at 288 Hood

Road and zoned to the R-100 zoning classification ; and

approximately 2 .6 acres located at 238 and 405 Hood Road and

zoned t o the C-1 and R - 1 0 0 zoning classificat i ons .

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24 .

Plaintiff owns the properties at 5064 and 507 Lawrenceville

Highway and has a contract to purchase the properties at 238, 288

and 405 Hood Road_

25 .

Plaintiff's representatives first approached the City of

Lilburn about expanding the Dar-e Abbas congregation during the

fall of 2008 .

26 .

On November 1 0, 2008, the Lilburn City Council amended the

Lilburn Zoning Ordinance to provide the Five Acre Restriction for

religious institutions (churches, temples, and synagogues),

located as a principal use in the C-1 (Neighborhood Business

District), C-2 (General Business District), and C-3 (Highway

Business District) zoning districts .

27 .

The Lilburn Zoning Ordinance does not require a similar

acreage restriction for other institutional uses or places of

assembly located in the C-1, C-2 or C-3 zoning districts,

including community centers, playgrounds, parks, clubs, lodges,

fraternal institutions and meeting halls .

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28 .

The Lilburn City Council's November 10, 2008 text amendment

imposing the Five Acre Restriction on religious institutions

located in the C-1 zoning classification changed the zoning on

the Current Mosque Property from a legal use to a legal

nonconforming use .

29 .

On or about September 15, 2009, Plaintiff submitted a

rezoning application to the City of Lilburn to change the zoning

classifications on the New Mosque Property from C-1 and R-100 to

RA-200 and an application for a Special Use Permit (collectively

the "Applications") to construct a new place of worship with a

cemetery and a gymnasium .

30 .

The proposed new mosque would consist of rooms normally

associated with a place of worship : a main hall for worship,

classrooms, small offices and a social hail with a kitchen for

meals associated with religious ceremonies and services .

31 .

Plaintiff also requested that a cemetery and gym be

constructed behind the mosque to serve the needs of its members .

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32 .

The RA-200 zoning district is the only classification in the

City that would permit a new cemetery associated with a place of

worship .

33 .

The New Mosque Property is designated as Commercial Retail,

Office/Professional, and Low Density Residential in the City's

2030 Comprehensive Plan and is zoned to the C-1 and R-100

classifications respectively .

34 .

The mosque and cemetery proposed by Plaintiff is similar to

cemeteries at other places of worship that are zoned to a

residential classification and are located within both commercial

and residential areas of the City, some of which also have

cemeteries .

35 .

Two (2) churches, both of which have cemeteries, are less

than one mile away from the Property .

36 .

Plaintiff's Application met or exceeded all of the

requirements of the Lilburn zoning ordinance for rezoning and a

special use permit .

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37 .

Normally, the City's Planning and Economic Development

Department Staff reviews zoning and special use permit

applications and makes a recommendation to the City Council .

38 .

However, due to the controversial nature of the

Applications, the City contracted with an independent land use

consultant to review the zoning and special land use permit

application and issue a recommendation to the City Council .

39 .

The independent land use consultant recommended approval of

the Applications with certain conditions, all of which were

acceptable to Plaintiff .

40 .

Nevertheless, on November 18, 2009, Defendants voted to deny

the Applications without any attempt to accommodate Plaintiff's

request to use the New Mosque Property in the exercise of their

religion, and without any factual or legal basis .

41 .

Denial of the Applications forces Plaintiff to operate in

inadequate facilities and prohibits the internment of loved ones

near their place of worship, thereby impeding Plaintiff's

religious exercise .

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42 .

The Zoning Ordinance, as applied to Plaintiff, treats

religious organizations and institutions on less than equal terms

with non - religious assemblies and ins t itutions .

43 .

Defendants' conduct was prompted or substantially caused by

Plaintiff's religious exercise in attempting to establish a place

of worship on the New Mosque Property .

44 .

As a result of the denial of the Applications and the

existing zoning classifications on the New Mosque Property,

Plaintiff has suffered and will continue to suffer a significant

detriment .

45 .

In denying the Applications, Defendants made an

individualized land use assessment .

46 .

Defendants' denial of the Applications imposes a substantial

burden on Plaintiff's religious exercise, for which Defendants

have not demonstrated that imposition of the burden is in

furtherance of a compelling governmental interest and is the

least restrictive means of furthering that compelling

governmental interest .

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47 .
The denial of Plaintiff's Applications unreasonably limits

religious assemblies, institutions, or structures within the

jurisdiction .

48 .

The Five Acre Restriction on its face unreasonably limits

religious assemblies, institutions, or structures within a

jurisdiction .

49 .

The Five Acre Restriction on its face discriminates against

Plaintiff on the basis of religion .

50 .

Defendants had no constitutionally reasonable basis for

their refusal to approve the Applications .

51 .

Denial of the Applications constitutes an arbitrary and

capricious act with no rational basis therefor .

52 .

Plaintiff has exhausted any and all administrative remedies

available as a result of Defendants' denial of the Applications .

53 .

As a result of Defendants' actions, Plaintiff has been

damaged irreparably and does not have an adequate remedy at law .

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54 .

As a result of Defendants' actions, Plaintiff has been

forced to engage the services of the undersigned attorneys to

represent its interests herein .

55 .

Plaintiff has a clear legal right to approval of the

Applications . Defendants clearly abused their discretion in

denying the Applications .

56 .

This Complaint presents a case of actual controversy among

the parties, which is appropriate for resolution by declaratory

judgment, as provided in 28 U .S .C . § 2201, FED . R . CIV . P . 57 and

O .C .G .A . § 9-4-1 et seq .


57 .

Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by reference the

foregoing paragraphs of this Complaint as if fully set forth

herein .

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58 .

Plaintiff is entitled to a declaration that denial of the

Applications imposes a substantial burden on Plaintiff's

religious exercise for which Defendants have not demonstrated

that imposition of the burden is in furtherance of a compelling

governmental interest and is the least restrictive means of

furthering that compelling governmental interest .

59 .

Plaintiff is entitled to a declaration that the Lilburn

Zoning Ordinance, on its face and as applied to Plaintiff, treats

religious organizations and institutions on less than equal terms

with non-religious assemblies and institutions .

60 .

Plaintiff is entitled to a declaration that the Lilburn

Zoning Ordinance, on its face and as applied to Plaintiff,

discriminates against Plaintiff on the basis of religion or

religious denomination .

61 .

Plaintiff is entitled to a declaration that denial of the

Applications is a violation of RLUZPA, 42 U .S .C . 2000cc .

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62 .

Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by reference the

foregoing paragraphs of this Complaint as if fully set forth

herein .

63 .

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution

provides that

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment

of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ;
or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ; or
the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to
petition the Government for a redress of grievances .

U .S . CONST . amend . I .

64 .

Plaintiff is entitled to a declaration that denial of the

Applications is a violation of its First Amendment right to its

free exercise of religion .

65 .

Plaintiff is entitled to a declaration that the Five Acre

Requirements is a violation of its First Amendment right to its

free exercise of religion .

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66 .

Plaintiff is entitled to a declaration that the Denial of

the Applications is a violation of its First Amendment right to

its freedom of speech .

67 .

Plaintiff is entitled to a declaration that the Five Acre

Restriction is a violation of its First Amendment right to its

freedom of speech .

42 U .S .C . § 1983

68 .

Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by reference the

foregoing paragraphs of this Complaint as if fully set forth

herein .

69 .

All of the Acts of Defendants complained of in this

complaint were performed under color of state law .

70 .

Denial of the Applications is unconstitutional in that it

imposes a substantial burden on the religious exercise of the

Plaintiff, for which Defendants have not demonstrated that

imposition of that burden is in furtherance of a compelling

governmental interest and is the least restrictive means of

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furthering that compelling governmental interest . 42 U .S .C .

2000cc .

71 .

Defendants' conduct in denying the Applications is

unconstitutional in that Defendants have imposed a land use

regulation in a manner that treats a religious assembly or

institution on less than equal terms with a nonreligious assembly

or institution .

72 .

Defendants' conduct in denying the Applications is

unconstitutional in that Defendants have imposed a land use

regulation that discriminates against an assembly or institution

on the basis of religion or religious denomination .

73 .

Defendants' conduct in denying the Applications is

unconstitutional in that Defendants have imposed a land use

regulation that unreasonably limits religious assemblies,

institutions, or structures within a jurisdiction .

74 .

Defendants' conduct in denying the Applications is

unconstitutional in that it constitutes an excessive regulatory

taking of valuable private property rights belonging to

Plaintiff, without provision for prior payment of just and

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adequate compensation in violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth

amendments to the United States Constitution .

75 .

Defendants' conduct in denying the Applications is

unconstitutional in that Defendants have not articulated any

standards or criteria or any objective factual basis to support

the denial ; and, as such, Defendants have violated Plaintiff's

due process rights, which are protected by the Fifth and

Fourteenth amendments to the United States Constitution .

76 .

Defendants' conduct in denying the Applications is

unconstitutional in that Defendants' action is arbitrary,

capricious, and without any objective basis, and discriminates

between Plaintiff and other similarly situated individuals in

violation of Plaintiff's rights to equal protection under the

Fifth and Fourteenth amendments to the United States

Constitution .

77 .

Plaintiff has a right of action pursuant to 42 U .S .C . § 1983

for Declaratory Judgment for the redress of the denial of rights

protected by the due process and equal protection clauses of the

Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United

States, the free exercise clause of the First Amendment to the

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Constitution of the United States and the Religious Land Use and

Institutionalized Persons Act, 42 U .S .C . § 2000, et seq .

78 .

Plaintiff is entitled to recover reasonable attorneys fees,

expenses of litigation, and other costs incurred in an effort to

vindicate Plaintiff's constitutionally protected rights under the

First, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the

United States as authorized by 42 U .S .C . § 1988 .


79 .

Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by reference the

foregoing paragraphs of this Complaint as if fully set forth

herein .

80 .

Plaintiff is entitled to a declaration that the action taken

by Defendants, denying the Applications, is unreasonable and void

and bears no substantial relation to the public health, safety,

morality, or general welfare .

81 .

Plaintiff is entitled to a declaration that Defendants had

no objective factual basis to support the denial of the

Applications ; and, as such, Defendants have violated Plaintiff's

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due process rights, which are protected by the Georgia

Constitution Article I, § I, 1 and § III, 1 .

82 .

Plaintiff is entitled to a declaration that the denial of

the Applications discriminates between Plaintiff and other

similarly situated individuals and businesses in violation of

Plaintiff's right to equal protection under the Georgia

Constitution Article I, § I, II .

83 .

Plaintiff is entitled to a declaration that the denial of

the Applications interferes with Plaintiff's right to worship in

accordance with Plaintiff's freedom of conscience as secured by

Article I, § I, III of the Georgia Constitution .

84 .

Plaintiff is entitled to a declaration that the denial of

the Applications interferes with Plaintiff's right to freedom of

religion as secured by Article T, § Y, IV of the Georgia

Constitution .

85 .

Plaintiff is entitled to a declaration that the Five Acre

Restriction interferes with Plaintiff's right to worship in

accordance with Plaintiff's freedom of conscience as secured by

Article I, § I, III of the Georgia constitution .

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86 .

Plaintiff is entitled to a declaration that the Five Acre

Restriction interferes with Plaintiff's right to freedom of

religion as secured by Article I, § I, IV of the Georgia

Constitution .

87 .

Plaintiff is entitled to a declaration that the C-1 and

R-100 zoning classifications as applied to the New Mosque

Property is unconstitutional for the reasons stated herein .

88 .

Plaintiff is entitled to a declaration that the Five Acre

Restriction is unconstitutional for the reasons stated herein .


89 .

Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by reference the

foregoing paragraphs of this Complaint as if fully set forth

herein .

90 .

The actions of Defendants constitute an inverse condemnation

of the Property for which compensation is required by law .

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91 .

Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by reference the

foregoing paragraphs of this Complaint as if fully set forth

herein .

92 .

Plaintiff has a clear legal right to use and develop the

Property as a place of worship with a cemetery as requested in

the Applications .

93 .

A defect of legal justice would ensue if mandamus is not

issued and Plaintiff has no other specific legal remedy .


94 .

Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by reference the

foregoing paragraphs of this Complaint as if fully set forth

herein .

95 .

Plaintiff is entitled to the issuance of a temporary

restraining order and interlocutory injunction restraining

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Defendants from prohibiting Plaintiff to use the Property as a

place of worship in the free exercise of its religion .

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays as follows :

(a) That this Court declare that the actions of Defendants

constitute a violation of the Free Exercise Clause of the First

Amendment to the United States Constitution and a violation of

the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, 42

U .S .C . 2000cc ;

(b) That this Court declare that the actions of Defendants

constitute a violation of Plaintiff's rights of due process

under the Fifth and Fourteenth amendments to the United States

Constitution and the Georgia Constitution Article I, § I, 1 and

§ III, 1 ;

(c) That this Court declare that the action taken by the

Defendants, denying the Applications, is unconstitutional,

arbitrary, capricious and unreasonable, illegal, null and void as

applied to the Property and results in a taking of the

Plaintiff's Property without just compensation in violation of

state and federal law ;

(d) That this Court declare that the existing Lilburn

Zoning Ordinance is unconstitutional, arbitrary, capricious and

unreasonable, illegal, null and void on its face and as applied

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to the Property, and results in a taking of the Plaintiff's

Property, without just compensation ;

(e) That this Court declare that the action taken by the

Defendants, denying the Application, is unconstitutional,

arbitrary, capricious and unreasonable as applied to the Property

and violates Plaintiff's rights to equal protection under the

law ;

(f ) That this Court declare that the action taken by the

Defendants, denying the Applications, is unreasonable, and bears

no rational relationship to the public health, safety, morals and

welfare ;

(g) That this Court declare the actions of Defendants to

have resulted in an inverse condemnation of Plaintiff's Property ;

(h) That this Court declare that Plaintiff has a clear

legal right to approval of the Applications ;

(i) That this Court annul and set aside the denial of the

Applications ;

(j) That a writ of mandamus issue ordering Defendants to

approve the Applications ;

(k ) That this Court award damages to Plaintiff in an amount

sufficient to compensate Plaintiff for the damages incurred as a

result of Defendants, actions in denying the Applications ;

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(1) That Plaintiff recover attorneys fees and expenses

incurred in this matter ; and

(m) That Plaintiff has any and all further and other relief

as this Court may deem just and proper under the circumstances

and evidence presented .

Respectfully submitted,


By :
G . Douglas Dillard
State Bar No . 221900
Andrea Cantrell Jones
State Bar No . 398440
Lauren M . Hansford
State Bar No . 497507

Attorneys for Plaintiff

3500 Lenox Road, N .E ., Suite 760
Atlanta, Georgia 30326
(404) 965-3680
(404 965-3670 (fax)
andrea@dandglaw .com e-mail

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Personally appeared before the undersigned notary public

duly authorized in the State of Georgia to administer oaths,

SHAJEE ALI SYED, after being duly sworn, deposes and states that

the facts contained in the attached APPEAL AND VERIFIED COMPLAINT


are true and correct .

This /6'~"Uday of December 2009 .


By :


Bef re Me This 16 '~' Day
of~e LL-le {,2Q09 .


Nota ly 16 ~1IA
APRIL 19,201 2
My CATs~,UB~`(F,~
. .y . s

I 5
IIif /1L111 S

140503_1 2 7
Case 1:09-cv-03549-TWT Document 1 Filed 12/17/2009 Page 28 of 28


I certify pursuant to L .R . 7 .1D that the above-titled

document complies with L .R . 5 .1B and was prepared using a 12

point Courier font .

Respectfully submitted,


By :
Andrea Cantrell J
State Bar No . 3981

Attorneys for Plaintiff

3500 Lenox Road, N .E ., Suite 760
Atlanta, Georgia 30326
(404) 965-3680
(404) 965-3670 (facsimile)

1405031 28

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